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Energize Your Life!

Date: June 14, 2005 05:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Energize Your Life!

Energize Your Life!

by Laura Weiss Energy Times, December 1, 2003

If every fatigued day leaves you wondering where your energy went, you need a personal energy makeover.

"Energy, some special kind of energy, just leaks out and I am left lacking the confidence even to cross the street," Diane Arbus, the photographer, once complained. And while Ms. Arbus tried to overcome her energetic and spiritual ups and downs with her art, you can use lifestyle changes as well as self-expression to revive your vigor.

To Sleep, Perchance to Energize

When you're looking for a boost in personal energy, you've got to get enough sleep, insists Jacob Tietelbaum, MD, author of From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Avery). Dr. Teitelbaum emphasizes that unless you "give your body eight to nine hours of sleep per night," your personal energy will never be adequate.

Studies show that getting less than six hours sleep a night hurts your mental performance and Drains your energy (Sleep 3/15/03). As your sleep debt builds up, your energy drops down.

"[Our studies show] the importance of sleep as a necessity for health and well-being. Even relatively moderate sleep restriction, if it is sustained night after night, can seriously impair our neurobiological functioning," says Hans P.A. Van Dongen, PhD, Assistant Professor of Sleep and Chronobiology at Penn State.

A recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that Americans, on average, are getting less than seven hours of shuteye a night. That sleep deficit Drains energy.

Watered Down Energy

Added to that sleep requirement, Dr. Teitelbaum stressed in an interview with Energy Times, a lack of water can deplete your personal energy.

"The number one problem is often dehydration," he says. "Make sure you stay hydrated. Although I think it's a bad idea to [obsessively] count glasses of water, you should carry a bottle of water with you, check your lips and if they feel dry drink more water." Overall, your body is about 60% water and 70% of your muscles consist of water. If you let your water levels dip too low, your muscles suffer and your energy levels dip as well. Research shows that as your body dries out, your mental processes can slow down. And the hotter the temperature, the more fluid you may lose (AIHAJ 2002; 63(2):190-8).

B Vitamins for Energy

Also important for keeping your energy up "is getting enough of the B vitamins and magnesium." And even though Dr. Teitelbaum advocates the necessity of a well-rounded multiple vitamin and mineral supplement plus an adequate diet and amino acids to get all the nutrients you need, he recommends "taking a high-level B complex. The RDAs (the government's Recommended Daily Amounts) are inadequate."

In the body, B vitamins are used for the production of energy on a cellular level. For instance, vitamin B1 (thiamine) is crucial for burning carbohydrates effectively. And vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for the body's ability to properly use B1. At the same time, vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is required for proper nerve function. The need for B12 may necessitate a supplement: Up to 30% of everyone over the age of 50 may have trouble absorbing B12 from their food (Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci 1996; 33:247). Plus, since vegetables contain very little absorbable B12, vegetarians of all ages may also require B12 supplements.

Dr. Teitelbaum also believes that taking malic acid, a nutrient derived from apples, can help. Along with the B vitamins, malic acid is used by the body in the production of energy. When taken with magnesium, malic acid has been shown to ease the pain of fibromyalgia (J Rheum 1995; 22(5):953-7), a condition characterized by fatigue and lack of energy accompanied by painful muscles and joints.

Ginseng Boost

Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) represents a potential tool for controlling blood sugar and improving stamina.

According to Dr. Teitelbaum, "...Asian ginseng enhances energy, raises blood pressure and improves adrenal function...Asian ginseng has such a wide mix of health benefits that its name, Panax, comes from the Greek roots of pan (meaning 'all') and akos (meaning 'cure')-that is, 'cure all.'"

Research on people with diabetes shows that this herb may help control blood sugar levels. People who suffer what is called type 2 diabetes often eat small meals to keep their blood sugar from varying too much. (Rising and falling blood sugar can Drain you of energy as well as make diabetic problems worse.)

An investigation of how another form of ginseng, American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), affects blood sugar after eating found that it tempered changes by up to 20% (Arch of Internal Med 4/00). These scientists found that folks with diabetes did best when they took the herb within two hours of a meal.

Ready to re-energize? Time to stop skimping on sleep and rushing through inadequate meals. For all of us, slowing down and giving our bodies a chance to regenerate its zip can make the big energy difference.

Vitanet ®


Keeping Your Edge - The state of your outer body reflects the inner you.

Date: June 12, 2005 05:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Keeping Your Edge - The state of your outer body reflects the inner you.

Keeping Your Edge by Carl Lowe Energy Times, December 2, 2003

If you want to keep your mental edge, better keep your physical edge. As your body goes, so goes your brain: The state of your outer body reflects the inner you.

A flabby body leads to flabby thinking. Weight gain and toneless muscles on the outside are evidence of an out-of-tune brain and thinking processes as soft around the edges as your stomach. But staying in shape physically can boost your mental powers.

As you age, one of the biggest threats to keeping your thoughts sharp is Alzheimer's disease, a progressive brain deterioration (dementia) that destroys your memory and your ability to think.

Today, about 4.5 million Americans suffer Alzheimer's disease. Over a lifetime, the average cost per person suffering this disease adds up to a staggering $175,000. Consequently, according to the Alzheimer's Association (, this disease Drains approximately a billion dollars a year from the US economy.

Thanks to an aging population and the growing girth of Americans, the rate of Alzheimer's threatens to explode into an epidemic over the next two decades.

Experts now believe that if you are carrying around too much weight, those extra pounds puts you at a higher risk of losing your thinking abilities. And being seriously overweight greatly expands your chances of developing this debilitating type of dementia.

An 18-year study of about 400 people in Sweden, all aged 70 at the beginning of the research, concluded that your chances of suffering dementia significantly increases with every extra pound (Archives for Internal Medicine 7/03).

Cholesterol Conquers Minds

In addition to the extra risk to your thinking capacity from body fat, having high levels of cholesterol in your blood also threatens your brain's ability to reason. Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have found that:

* Excess amounts of cholesterol can lead to accumulation of APP, a protein found normally in moderate amounts in both the brain and the heart.

* Excess APP linked to cholesterol can, in turn, lead to the development of larger amounts of a substance called amyloid protein.

* Pieces of amyloid protein can form plaque on the brain, destroying cells and leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

"Past research has shown that high cholesterol levels appear to increase APP levels, which in turn leads to increased levels of beta amyloid protein and the risk of accumulation of amyloid beta peptide," says Vassilios Papadopoulos, PhD, professor of cell biology at Georgetown. "Our research showed that high cholesterol levels also increase the rate at which the amyloid beta peptides break off and form the tangles that kill brain cells." Added to that, the Georgetown scientists have demonstrated that high cholesterol seems to cause the body to boost its production of the protein, apolipoprotein E (APOE), a chemical that normally helps take cholesterol out of cells. But when APOE accumulates, this chemical leads to an excess of free cholesterol, which kills nerve cells.

"Our study adds to the growing body of evidence implicating high cholesterol as a significant risk factor in Alzheimer's disease, and breaks new ground in showing the damage caused by excessive levels of cholesterol," says Dr. Papadopoulos.

Since high blood pressure also increases your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (BMJ 6/14/01), devoting yourself to a heart-healthy lifestyle (eating plenty of fiber, cutting back on saturated fat in red meat and avoiding trans fats in cookies and cakes) can increase your chances of keeping your wits about you as you move through life.

Brain Food

As part of that heart-healthy lifestyle that keeps your brain functioning at top capacity, experts recommend regular helpings of omega-3 fatty acids, the type of fats found in fish, flax and hemp.

In research that focused on people between the ages of 65 to 94, researchers have found that eating seafood at least once a week drops your risk of Alzheimer's by about 60% compared with folks who forego fish (Archives of Neurology 7/03).

Along with fish, the scientists recommended munching more nuts, which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

In the report on the relationship between eating and Alzheimer's, Robert Friedland, MD, of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, noted: "A high antioxidant/low saturated fat diet pattern with a greater amount of fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables and less red meat and dairy products is likely to lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease, as that for heart disease and stroke."

Wake Up Your Brain

If your thinking has been fuzzy lately, take a nap.

Getting enough sleep right after you learn something new helps maintain your learning abilities, according to research at the University of Chicago. In a test of how sleep can help people remember words and language, these researchers taught students to recognize a unique vocabulary spoken by a machine. After the learning session, students were then tested on their new abilities.

The scientists found that students trained in the morning tested poorly when tested later the same evening. But when students were trained right before bedtime and then tested the next morning, their test scores soared (Nature 9/9/03).

"Sleep has at least two separate effects on learning," according to the researchers. "Sleep consolidates memories, protecting them against subsequent interference or decay. Sleep also appears to 'recover' or restore memories."

The concept of this research originated in observations of birds.

"We were surprised several years ago to discover that birds apparently 'dream of singing' and this might be important for song learning," says researcher Daniel Margoliash, professor of biology and anatomy at the University of Chicago.

While you may not dream of singing like a bird, you may dream of having a sharper intellect. Luckily, the tools for sharpening your mental powers are easy to find and put to good use: Methods for keeping your brain in shape are basically the same techniques effective for keeping your body and heart in shape.

Pleasant dreams!

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Energy Cycles - Stress and lack of energy don't just frazzle your nerves

Date: June 12, 2005 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Energy Cycles - Stress and lack of energy don't just frazzle your nerves

Energy Cycles by Sylvia Whitefeather Energy Times, August 2, 2003

Feeling stressed out and exhausted from an overburdened schedule? Regenerating your personal energy necessitates defusing stress. Stress and lack of energy don't just frazzle your nerves; they can leave you depressed, anxious and vulnerable to a long list of health problems.

According to J. Douglas Bremner, MD, a psychiatrist at Emory University, Atlanta, when your brain overcharges on prolonged stress, your body pays a heavy, tiring price.

"If stress has effects on the brain and neurological function, then stress has effects on all parts of the body, including the heart, blood vessels, immune system and digestive system," says Dr. Bremner, author of Does Stress Damage the Brain? (Norton). "The long list of damaging effects can include heart disease, memory impairment, depression and even increased susceptibility to stroke and cancer."

A Good Night's Sleep

Although getting a good night's sleep is a basic part of lowering stress and boosting energy, many of us seem to be tossing and turning through an epidemic of insomnia. The fact that so many people appear to suffer from disturbed and unsatisfying sleep may signal not only a personal energy lack, but also a deeper health crisis developing on the horizon. Lack of sleep, along with stress, not only contributes to those lackluster afternoons of the blahs, but it can also derail your basic body rhythms, weaken your immune system and make you age quicker.

Researchers at the University of Chicago report that lack of sleep may deplete your get-up-and-go by upsetting basic metabolic functions and interfering with hormones. Pretty serious stuff: When people in this experiment cut back their sleep time to about four hours each night, their bodies behaved as if they were twenty years older and they started showing signs of developing diabetes. These effects happened in only a week of missing sleep (The Lancet, October 23, 1999).

The drastically reduced sleep schedule slowed the thyroid gland, reducing the production and action of thyroid hormones. As a result, metabolism slowed and the non-sleepers developed that awful sluggish feeling too many of us know and hate.

Stress from lack of sleep also coaxed the adrenal glands into releasing extra amounts of cortisol, a stress hormone whose purpose is to force the body into providing short-lived energy boosts. But after a while the body flames out, its ability to cope with daily demands Drained even further.

"We found that the metabolic and endocrine changes resulting from a significant sleep debt mimic many of the hallmarks of aging," says Eve Van Couter, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of Chicago and director of the study. "We suspect that chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset but could also increase the severity of age-related ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss."

And when are you are constantly short-changed of sleep, it builds up an accumulative effect. Particularly susceptible are busy parents, shift workers, menopausal women and college students.

One way to take back your energy from this metabolic madness is to get twelve hours of sleep a night for a week. But aside from hitting the snooze button a few hundred times, a possible antidote to this cortisol nightmare may be vitamin C.

Fight and Flight

The human body, which evolved before the advent of split-level houses and SUVs, was built to survive life-threatening, physical danger. When it encounters modern-day stress, such as traffic jams and credit card bills, it releases extra cortisol, heightening the body's immediate ability to run or fight. As a result of cortisol release, senses go on high alert, heart rate speeds up, blood flow to muscles increases, and the immune system mobilizes to deal with what it thinks is an imminent crisis.

However, unlike physical danger that rapidly resolves (either you get away from what's trying to harm you or it does you in), today's stress drags on and on (at least till the next exit on the expressway), and the cortisol in the body continues to circulate.

The long-range result of persistent cortisol is a drop in energy, rampant fatigue and lowered immunity. You feel constantly tired and you get sick more often. You may also gain weight.

But researchers at the University of Alabama at Huntsville have found that large doses of vitamin C "reduce...the levels of stress hormones in the blood and also reduce...other typical indicators of physical and emotional stress, such as loss in body weight, enlargement of the adrenal glands, and reduction in the size of the thymus gland and the spleen," according to P. Samuel Campbell, PhD (American Chemical Society, 1999). Dr. Campbell believes that our prehistoric ancestors probably consumed large amounts of vitamin C in a tropical diet rich in fruits. "If so, the physiological constitution we have inherited may require doses far larger than the present RDA (the amount the government recommends) to keep us healthy under varying environmental conditions, including stress."

Iron Out the Fatigue

If you are a premenopausal woman, a lack of iron may also be Draining your body of energy. According to experts, as many as one of every five women who menstruate may suffer anemia caused by a lack of iron. This type of problem is also frequent in teenagers and during pregnancy. (But before you take iron supplements, talk to your health practitioner to make sure this is the source of your fatigue.)

"Women with heavy menstrual flow have the greatest risk (of anemia)," points out Susan Lark, MD, in Healing with Vitamins (Rodale). Dr. Lark recommends eating more iron-rich foods (like organic red meat) even if you are not anemic, since a mild iron deficiency can drag you down into the doldrums.

Vegetarians necessarily eat fewer iron-rich foods than do meat eaters. But if you take a vitamin C supplement when you consume such iron-rich vegetables as lima beans, pinto beans and spinach, your body can absorb more of the iron in these foods.

The Krebs Cycle: Keep the Wheel Turning

All of your cells make the energy that keeps you going. This process, a complicated chemical reaction called the Krebs cycle, transforms fatty acids and carbohydrates into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for cellular energy. Mitochondria, small structures in each cell, are the centers of this energy production.

Energy production requires oxygen. The more oxygen available to the cells, the more energy is produced. Deep breathing and moderate exercise are simple, quick ways to oxygenate the body and boost energy. That is why walking, jogging and other physical activity wakes up your brain and restores pep.

If you've been looking for ways to feel more energetic, take a deep breath and go for a long walk before you sit down to your rejuvenating lima beans and vitamin C. And another thing...take a pass on those late-night TV shows. Sleep is more important.

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Iron: The Body's LifeBlood

Date: June 10, 2005 10:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Iron: The Body's LifeBlood

Iron: The Body's LifeBlood by Carl Lowe Energy Times, October 16, 2004

Two billion people, including one in 10 American women, are lacking iron. Here's how veggies and other foods can supply you with enough of this vital mineral.

Back in the days of black and white television, a popular commercial cautioned viewers about the dangers of iron-poor blood. While those ads trumpeting the debilitating fatigue of iron deficiency have disappeared from our colorized video world, medical researchers now recognize that many of us, in fact, are hampered by an iron shortage. What those old ads missed: a lack of iron can slow you down mentally and physically even before it shows up in your blood.

A Woman's Dilemma: Hidden Deficiencies Experts estimate that one in 10 American women are low in iron but many haven't become so deficient that they are aware of their shortage. In other countries, up to eight in 10 women run short on iron. While researchers once believed that iron deficiency was only serious if it was drastic enough to cause anemia (what used to be called "tired blood"), studies now show that even mild deficiencies can compromise health.

Worldwide, public health experts believe that the lives of about 2 billion people are affected by iron deficiency. Most of these people are women, who lose blood on a monthly basis during their childbearing years. Men are generally not low in iron. Iron is necessary for the formation of red blood cells-particularly the creation of hemoglobin, the reddish pigment in these cells that enables them to deliver oxygen to muscles and other bodily tissues. If you are very low in iron, the resulting anemia leaves you feeling fatigued.

Your body stashes iron not only in your blood cells, but in your liver and other tissues as well. When you don't consume enough iron, first your liver stores decrease, then your tissue supplies disappear and, finally, your blood runs low and you develop anemia. Early on in the iron-depletion process, a low iron count won't make your daily activities more difficult. Cornell University researchers found, in experiments on women who were mildly depleted, that taking or not taking iron supplements had no effect on how these women felt while exercising.

" Supplementation makes no difference in exercise-training improvements in women with low iron storage who are not yet tissue-iron deficient or anemic," says Thomas Brownlie, one of the Cornell researchers.

Supplementing Your Supply

Even in the beginning stages of iron deficiency, however, experts still believe you should take supplements: an uncorrected iron shortage can mean serious problems lurk ahead (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 5/04). For that reason, the next time you visit your healthcare practitioner you should request a serum transferrin receptor concentration test, which can detect an early iron shortage. (Don't start taking iron supplements without consulting a knowledgeable medical professional.)

" It would be useful for women who test low for iron but who are not yet anemic to have this test," notes Cornell's Brownlie. "Women found to be tissue-iron deficient will find exercise exceedingly difficult without improving their iron status-which could be achieved by increasing consumption of iron-rich foods or iron supplementation."

Iron-Poor Blood

If you let your iron levels run down so low that it shows up as anemia, not only will you be tired but your thinking may be fogged as well. " Millions of women who are mildly iron deficient must work harder than necessary when exercising or working physically, and they can't reap the benefits of endurance training very easily," says Jere Haas, PhD, one of the researchers involved in these studies and a nutrition professor at Cornell. "As a result, exercise is more difficult so these women are more apt to lose their motivation to exercise."

Meanwhile, researchers at Wake Forest University in North Carolina report that, as you age, anemia can make you more vulnerable to disabilities while weakening your muscles and Draining your strength (Journal of the American Geriatric Society 5/04). That type of anemia may be linked to shortages of both iron and vitamin B12.

" Our results suggest that anemia is a risk factor for disability, poor physical function and low muscle strength-all which can threaten the independence of older adults," says Brenda Penninx, PhD, lead researcher. If you are a woman who exercises frequently, cuts calories to lose weight or eats a mostly vegetarian diet, watch out-you may be at high risk for iron depletion.

To steer clear of iron shortages, the Cornell researchers recommend eating lean red meat. If you are a vegetarian, taking vitamin C with meals improves your iron absorption from iron-rich foods like peanuts, whole wheat, brown rice and leafy green vegetables, as does using iron cookware.

Chelated Minerals

When it comes to absorbing supplemental minerals like iron, not all minerals may be created equal. In particular, minerals that are in chelated form are generally believed to be absorbed more efficiently in your digestive system. The word "chelate" comes from the Greek word for claw. Chelated minerals are chemically implanted into proteins known as peptides. This bound molecular structure mirrors the way minerals are contained in natural whole foods, which have been found to contain their own natural chelates.

Chelated minerals are more well-suited to your digestive tract. A key advantage of chelated formulations is their stability after you swallow them. Many other forms of supplemental minerals-which are often combined with inorganic salts or organic acids-may be broken down prematurely in the digestive tract, leading to poor absorption and a stomachache.

Chelates, however, maintain their structure sufficiently to reach the spot in the digestive tract where they are most efficiently taken into the bloodstream. Once there, the body's digestive enzymes dismember the proteins and convert the minerals into absorbable form.

Getting enough iron and other minerals is not that difficult a task-it's just one that is too often overlooked. But if you pride yourself on your iron will or iron constitution, or just seek to iron out a few of the kinks in your health, you may need to significantly pump up your iron.

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Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness.

Date: June 10, 2005 10:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness.

Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness. by Joanne Gallo Energy Times, December 6, 1999

Most folks wouldn't seek the distressing distinction of suffering chronic fatigue syndrome. Aside from a dizzying array of discomforts associated with the malady, the lack of a definitive cause, and few remedies offered by the medical establishment, scornful skeptics lob accusations of laziness or boredom or just plain moodiness. "Snap out of it!" they say, with little sympathy or understanding. "Just get moving!"

But if you're one of more than 3 million Americans affected by chronic fatigue, you know your problem is not all in your head. Your symptoms are real and they extend far beyond mere tiredness. In addition to a debilitating sense of fatigue that can make everyday existence feel like an overwhelming struggle, you may suffer from impaired concentration and memory, recurrent sore throats, nagging headaches, muscle and joint pain, swollen lymph nodes and fitful sleep. The persistence of any one of these effects alone could be debilitating, but the overall diminished capabilities of the chronic fatigue sufferer can become the most discouraging aspect of the disease.

But before you give up hope on kicking this energy-sucking ailment, look to natural ways to boost your immune system and regain your stamina for a more healthy and productive life. New research points to powerful, energy enhancing supplements which, combined with a nutritious diet and stress reducing techniques, can help you reclaim your body from a swamp of sluggishness.

Yuppie Flu?

Part of the public's misconceptions about chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may stem from vague definitions of exactly what it is and its causes.

In the '80s, CFS was often mentioned in the same breath as the Epstein-Barr virus, which garnered much notoriety as the "yuppie flu": a state of chronic exhaustion that often plagued young, overworked professionals, as the media trumpeted. CFS was initially thought to be the result of the Epstein-Barr virus, and the two were often considered to be the same thing. Since the Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis, the term "chronic mono" was also thrown around to refer to long-lasting states of fatigue.

Today, CFS is defined as a separate disorder from the Epstein-Barr syndrome. Researchers have found that CFS is not caused exclusively by the Epstein-Barr virus or any other single infectious disease agent. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, CFS may have multiple causes, in which viruses or other infectious agents might have a contributory role. Some of these additional possible culprits include herpes simplex viruses, candida albicans (yeast organisms), or parasites.

According to the CDC, a person can be definitively diagnosed with CFS when she or he experiences severe chronic fatigue for six months or longer that is not caused by other medical conditions, and must have four or more of the following problems recurrently for six consecutive months: tender lymph nodes, muscle pain, multi-joint pain without swelling or redness, substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration; sore throat, headaches, unrefreshing sleep and postexertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours.

Even if you are not diagnosed with CFS, you could still probably use some help in fending off fatigue. You may suffer from another poorly understood condition like fibromyalgia, which causes similar symptoms of exhaustion and pain with additional stomach discomfort. You may cope with another ailment like hypoglycemia or low thyroid function that zaps your energy. Or you could be like almost every stressed-out American adult trying to do it all at the expense of your well-being. Though researchers still search for a definitive cause for CFS, one thing is certain: Constant stress and poor nutritional habits weaken the immune system's ability to ward off a host of debilitating viruses and organisms. So before you run yourself down and succumb to a chronic condition, learn how you can build up your defenses now.

Nutrient News

Some of the most exciting new research in CFS treatments focuses on NADH or Coenzyme 1, an energy-enhancing nutritional supplement. This naturally-occurring substance is present in all living cells including food, although cooking destroys most of it. Coenzymes help enzymes convert food and water into energy and NADH helps provide cellular fuel for energy production. It also plays a key role in cell regulation and DNA repair, acts as a potent antioxidant, and can reportedly improve mental focus and concentration by stimulating cellular production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin.

A recent study conducted at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC, and reported in the February 1999 issue of The Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, showed that chronic fatigue sufferers improved their condition significantly by taking Enada, the stabilized, absorbable, oral form of NADH. The researchers found that 31% of those who took the supplement achieved significant improvement in relief of their symptoms, and a follow up study showed that 72% achieved positive results over a longer period of time.

Coenzyme-A and Coenzyme Q-10 (Co-Q10) are related coenzymes also necessary for energy production.

According to Erika Schwartz, M.D., and Carol Colman, authors of Natural Energy: From Tired to Terrific in 10 Days (G.P. Putnam's Sons) CoQ10 in combination with the nutrient carnitine enhances cellular energy production, thereby boosting energy levels. Coenzyme-A is required to initiate the chemical reactions that involve the utilization of CoQ10 and NADH for the production of energy at the cellular level.

Another important energy-enhancing nutrient is D-ribose, a simple sugar that is crucial to many processes in your body. D-ribose stimulates the body's production of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, an energy-rich chemical compound that provides the fuel for all body functions. D-ribose is essential to the manufacture of ATP and maintaining high levels of energy in the heart and skeletal muscles.

Vitamin Power

In addition to these new nutrients, a host of more familiar vitamins and minerals can help banish fatigue. According to Susan M. Lark, M.D., author of the Chronic Fatigue Self Help Book (Celestial Arts) nutritional supplements help stimulate your immune system, glands and digestive tract, promote proper circulation of blood and oxygen, and provide a calming effect. Some of Lark's recommended nutrients for building and regaining strength include:

Vitamin A: Helps protect the body against invasion by viruses that could trigger CFS, as well as bacteria, fungi and allergies. Supports the production and maintenance of healthy skin and mucous membranes, the body's first line of defense against invaders. Also supports the immune system by boosting T-cell activity and contributing to the health of the thymus, the immune-regulating gland.

Vitamin B Complex: Depression and fatigue can result from the body's depletion of B vitamins, which can occur from stress or drinking too many caffeinated beverages. Studies have provided preliminary evidence that CFS patients have reduced functional B vitamin status (J R Soc Med 92 [4], Apr. 1999: 183-5). The 11 factors of B complex are crucial to glucose metabolism, stabilization of brain chemistry and inactivation of estrogen, which regulate the body's levels of energy and vitality. n Vitamin C: Helps prevent fatigue linked to infections by stimulating the production of interferon, a chemical that can limit the spread of viruses. Helps fight bacterial and fungal infections by maintaining healthy antibody production and white blood cells. Also necessary for production of adrenal gland hormones which help prevent exhaustion in those under stress.

Bioflavonoids: Help guard against fatigue caused by allergic reactions; their anti-inflammatory properties prevent the production of histamine and leukotrienes that promote inflammation. Bioflavonoids like quercetin are powerfully antiviral.

Vitamin E: Has a significant immune stimulation effect and, at high levels, can enhance immune antibody response.

Zinc: Immune stimulant; improves muscle strength and endurance. Constituent of many enzymes involved in metabolism and digestion. n Magnesium and Malic Acid: Important for the production of ATP, the body's energy source. Magnesium is also important for women who may develop a deficiency from chronic yeast infections.

Potassium: Enhances energy and vitality; deficiency leads to fatigue and muscle weakness.

Calcium: Combats stress, nervous tension and anxiety.

Iodine: Necessary to prevent fatigue caused by low thyroid function, as it is crucial for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxin.

Herbal Helpers

In addition to nutrients to bolster your immunity, herbal remedies can also help suppress viral and candida infections. Garlic is a powerful, natural antibiotic, while echinacea and goldenseal have strong anti-infective abilities. Other botanicals help combat tiredness and depression: stimulating herbs such as ginger, ginkgo biloba, licorice root and Siberian ginseng can improve vitality and energy. For anxiety, moodiness and insomnia try passionflower or valerian root, which both have a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Eating For Energy

Supplements can only do their best if you eat a nutritious diet. Start by cutting out large quantities of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, red meat and fat.

But what are the best foods when trying to restore energy or recover from illness? "High nutrient content foods with a good balance of proteins and carbohydrates," answers Jennifer Brett, ND, interim clinic director and chair of botanical medicine at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine.

"You want foods with high nutritional value-that's where vegetables end up looking better than fruit."

Brett enthusiastically pushes that "universal food," as she calls it: chicken soup.

"In China," she says, laughing, "they do make chicken soup, and they do think of it as healing, because they add astragalus and shiitake mushrooms. Vegetable soups with chicken or fish have high nutritional value and are easy to digest."

The same principle applies to juices, Brett says. Juices are a good way to tastefully get more phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables into your diet. Toss in protein powder, and you can make a complete meal in your blender.

"You get more energy from juicing," she explains, "more accessible nutrients and carbohydrates that are not bound up in fiber." Brett's additional recommendation: oatmeal.

"It's got protein and carbohydrates combined with a lot of minerals, which you may not get from a sugary cereal," she says. "Sure, they spray some vitamins on them, but if you don't drink the milk in the bottom of the bowl, you'll miss out on them. You might as well take a multivitamin."

Fabulous Fiber

Look to fiber for superior energy enhancement. Natural Energy author Schwartz calls it downright "miraculous": "In terms of conserving precious energy, fiber-rich foods are your cells' best friends," she writes. "It takes smaller quantities of them to give you a full, satisfied feeling. They release all their benefits slowly, which allows the cells to extract nutrients with much less effort. Then these fiber-rich foods graciously leave the body with ease and efficiency." Among these "slow burn" foods that Schwartz says raise blood sugar slowly and steadily and maintain energy evenly:

Alfalfa sprouts-high in fiber and low in cholesterol.

Apples-one medium unpeeled provides 10% of the recommended daily fiber dose; unlike sweeter fruits, which are rich in healthful fiber, they help regulate blood sugar.

Broccoli-along with such greens as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard greens and broccoli rabe, it's packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals n Brown rice, wild rice, other whole grains-fiber treasure troves, including barley, quinoa, millet and buckwheat.

Corn-excellent fiber source.

Lentils and other legumes-high in fiber, delicious beans are rich in culinary possibilities.

Oat bran and wheat bran-mix into yogurt or add to cereal for the best available access to fiber.

Popcorn-an excellent snack.

Citrus for More Energy

If constant colds and infections are Draining your energy, healthy helpings of citrus fruit may be the pickup you need. According to Robert Heinerman, in Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices (Parker), citrus fruit have been used for more than a thousand years as natural remedies for a wide variety of ailments:

Kumquat juice is supposed to help clear up bronchitis. Lemon juice with a pinch of table salt eases a sore throat. Lime juice in warm water soothes aches and cramps from the flu. Tangerine juice can break up mucous congestion in the lungs. Along with citrus' vitamin C, these fruits also supply carotenoids, antioxidants that provide disease-preventing benefits. Citrus also often contain calcium, potassium, folate (a B vitamin that fights against heart disease), iron and fiber.

Fruits are loaded with phytochemicals, naturally occurring chemicals that give fruit their vibrant colors. Yellow, red and orange fruits are also high in flavonoids, like quercetin, a substance which fights cancer. Quercetin also aids in prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration, according to author Stephanie Beling, MD, in her book Power Foods (Harper Collins).

Even the US Department of Agriculture agrees on this flavonoid's benefits, noting in its phytochemical database that quercetin is an "antitumor promoter, antiasthmatic, anticarcinogenic, antiplaque, cancer-preventive, capillariprotective." (Quercetin is also available as a supplement.)

Don't Avoid Avocados

For a vitamin rich food, few items beat the avocado which holds vitamins E and C as well as some B vitamins (B6, niacin, riboflavin). A significant source of beta carotene, though not nearly as much as carrots or sweet potatoes, avocados also contain high amounts of the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc.

Just 15 grams of avocado delivers about 81 international units of vitamin A as beta carotene. Beta carotene, a carotenoid in fruits and vegetables, is converted to vitamin A in the body. This vitamin, aside from providing antioxidant protection from damaging free radicals, is necessary for good eyesight, healthy skin and healing.

In addition, the avocado, like all of these healthy foods, tastes great. Which means that you can pep up and not have to sacrifice taste for zest.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Remember that the path to wellness begins in your mind. Stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation and massage and aromatherapy can have a great rejuvenating effect on your body. If you can learn to handle stress effectively instead of letting it control you-and strengthen your system with the right nutrients and diet-you'll find that fatigue can be a sporadic visitor rather than a chronic companion.

Vitanet ®


Allergy & Sinus Season: Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Date: June 09, 2005 09:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Allergy & Sinus Season: Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Source Naturals' Allergy and Sinus Lifestyle Plan

Allergies are a growing health problem in the United States, according to a recent report issued by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (AAAI). Every year more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. They are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease and affect more than 20% of the population. Hay fever alone accounts for more than eight million doctor visits annually, at a cost of $3.4 billion!

Source Naturals, as part of its commitment to Strategies for Wellness offers you these healthy lifestyle tips for allergy and sinus support.

Allergy & Sinus Season: Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Allergies are adverse reactions of the immune system to normally harmless substances?allergens. Some common allergens are pollen, weeds, molds, dust mites, animal dander, and latex particles.

Allergens can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or injection (either intentionally as in the case of certain medications or through insect stings). Although there is a strong genetic component to allergies, there are also lifestyle factors we can control to prevent or minimize allergic reactions. Allergies are actually 'mistakes' or overreactions by the immune system. They are learned responses, which can be unlearned.

Allergy Proof Your Home

Cut down your exposure to dust mites and other indoor allergens by dust proofing your bedroom. Eliminate wall-to-wall carpets, down-filled blankets, feather pillows, and other dust catchers. Use window shades instead of venetian blinds, which can trap dust. Wash curtains and bedding regularly in hot water. Encase your mattress and pillows in airtight, dust-proof plastic covers. Dust and vacuum regularly.

If you have pets, especially cats, you should try to keep them out of your bedroom. Frequent brushing and bathing of pets can help get rid of excess hair.

Consider using a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter system if you have allergies to pollen, dust, or other particles -- or if you live with a smoker, or in a smoggy urban area. Dehumidifiers can help cut down on molds.

Avoid Outdoor Allergens

You may need to limit your time outdoors when pollen or mold spore counts are high. Walking through uncut fields or raking leaves can increase exposure to molds and fungi. Avoid tobacco smoke and polluted air. Keep windows and doors closed, and dry clothes in a vented dryer instead of outside.

Watch Your Diet

Sometimes 'avoidance therapy' to control allergies is impractical or undesirable. Diet is easier to work with and can have a significant influence on immune reactions. Excess or undigested dietary proteins may worsen an overresponsive immune system?cows' milk and wheat are frequent offenders. Cut down on protein, especially animal protein, avoid dairy products, and eat more fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. You should also avoid nutritionless foods such as simple sugars.

Maintain Healthy Mucous Membranes

The mucosal cells that line the nasal passages, throat and lungs are our first line of defense against airborne substances. One of the primary means of maintaining healthy mucous linings is to drink lots of pure water (6 to 8 glasses daily). This keeps mucus fluid thin and cleanses membranes. Nasal cleansing is helpful when sinuses are clogged. You can rinse the nasal passages with a warm solution consisting of a quarter-teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water, about the same sodium concentration found in your blood and tissue fluids. This practice washes away pollen grains and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Nasal cleansing can be done using a rubber suction bulb or a neti pot?a ceramic container used in Ayurveda that allows you to pour water directly into the nose. Inhaling steam with a little oil of eucalyptus in it may also ease clogged sinuses. Many people find acupuncture to be very effective for promoting sinus Drainage.


Nutrients and herbs offer you safe, natural alternatives for supporting seasonal health. The bioflavonoid quercetin has been found in human cell culture studies to inhibit the release of histamines from immune cells. Ginkgo has been found in human cell culture studies to inhibit platelet-activating factor, a substance that stimulates the release of histamines. (Research is needed to determine if these effects occur in humans.) Stinging nettle is another herb that has been used traditionally to support a healthy respiratory system and sinuses. Vitamin A enhances macrophage function, is specifically needed for a healthy lung lining, and is beneficial for increasing the health of tissue cell membranes.

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Positive Thought - Balance Emotions and Mood...

Date: June 04, 2005 01:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Positive Thought - Balance Emotions and Mood...

As modern life becomes increasingly stressful, people are seeking out natural products that promote calmness and relaxation. But unless your supplement addresses multiple body systems, a healthy positive outlook may be out of reach. POSITIVE THOUGHTS Bio-Aligned Formula supports the interrelated systems and functions involved with emotional balance: inhibitory, stimulating and balancing neurotransmitters, and energy metabolism. This comprehensive herbal-nutrient blend features St. John’s wort, which has been clinically shown to support a good mood.

A Bio-Aligned Formula™

POSITIVE THOUGHTS is designed to bring alignment to the multiple, interconnected systems that influence a positive mood. Here’s how:


Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that aid in the process of nerve cell communication. Inhibitory neurotransmitters, such as GABA, reduce brain stimulation, helping to support a sense of relaxation and calm. The nerve cell membrane- stabilizing properties of taurine also support relaxation, as do the included herbs. In addition to supplying GABA and taurine, POSITIVE THOUGHTS supports inhibitory neuro-modulation with kava, lemon balm, valerian, and vitamin B-6.


Stimulating neurotransmitters help promote drive, ambition, alert mental functioning, and memory. They support a positive mental outlook by providing a feeling of energy and vitality. POSITIVE THOUGHTS supports stimulating neuromodulation with DMAE, L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, and vitamins B-5 and B-6.


In our high-powered, stress-filled world, the balancing properties of St. John’s wort can help maintain a positive outlook and a sense of well-being. Studies have shown that St. John’s wort can help support a positive mood.

Acetylcholine Production

Acetylcholine is one of the most important neurotransmitters in the brain. It is vital for memory, cognitive function, focus, concentration, and muscle movement. POSITIVE THOUGHTS contains DMAE, vitamins B-1, B-5 and B-12, and pantothenic acid to support acetylcholine production.

Energy Metabolism

The brain’s energy supports the vast electric, chemical, and structural processes that are the basis of a positive outlook. The brain uses 60% of the glucose used by the body at rest. Nutrients help convert glucose to the energy that the brain requires. They are also a component of many coenzymes needed for the synthesis of key neurotransmitters. POSITIVE THOUGHTS addresses energy metabolism with these nutrients: magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamins B-1, B-2, B- 3, B-5, B-6, B-12 and C, biotin, and folic acid.

Strategies for WellnessSM: A Healthy Mood Plan

Lifestyle choices can help you maintain a positive attitude in response to the normal stresses of everyday life.

  • • Simplify Your Life: Is it important to have a luxury car or a large house? If so, you will have to work long hours and worry about making ends meet. How important are all the activities in your busy schedule? Choose one or two you truly enjoy and reevaluate your commitment to the others.
  • • Eat Well: Anxiety Drains your energy, so it is important to nourish your body in the face of stress. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and highprotein foods, and consider taking nutritional supplements. What you eat can influence your mood—keep track of which foods help or hinder you. Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol and sugar, which raises energy in the short term but leads to depleted energy over time.
  • • Get Active: Exercise improves blood flow to your brain, and helps release “feel good” chemicals called endorphins into your blood stream. Physical activity also takes your mind off your troubles and helps you focus on things outside yourself.
  • • Meditate: This effective relaxation method can divert your mind from problems, give you time to recuperate, and help with clear thinking, focus and concentration. It also slows your breathing, allowing your lungs to fill with fresh oxygen—your body’s fuel—and to release waste products.
  • • Express Yourself: Keeping a journal is a great way to think about what upsets you and how it can be changed. Artistic expression—drawing, painting, or sculpting—may help reconcile inner conflicts and foster self-awareness. Dance or movement therapy may be your preferred mode of expression, especially for gaining a sense of ease with your body. Or music may help you relax or feel upbeat.
  • • Share Your Feelings: Develop supportive relationships—just talking to friends or family, even without finding solutions, can help you feel better. And you may get insights that help you articulate what you are struggling with. Know when to seek professional help if problem become overwhelming.

    Neuro-Modulation—Inhibitory: GABA, Kava Kava, Lemon Balm, Taurine, Valerian, Vitamin B-6

    Neuro-Modulation—Stimulating: DMAE, L-Phenylalanine, LTyrosine, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Vitamins B-5 & B-6

    Neuro-Modulation—Balancing: St. John’s Wort

    Acetylcholine Production: DMAE, Vitamins B-1, B-5 & B-12, Pantothenic Acid

    Energy Metabolism: Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-12 & C, Biotin, Folic Acid

    Johnson, D. et al. (1994). J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol:7 (suppl 1), S44-S46. Johnson, D. et al. (1992). TW Neurologie Psychiatrie:6, 436-444. Leathwood, P.D. et al. (1982). Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior:17, 65-71. Sabelli, H.C. (1986). J Clin Psychiatry:47(2), 66-70. Schulz, H. & Jobert, M. (1994). J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol:7 (suppl 1), S39-S43. Wurtman, R.J. et al. (1974). Science:185, 183-184.

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    NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ...

    Date: June 04, 2005 10:25 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ...


    You may not have worried about the effects of aging when you were younger. But now, you are interested in staying fit. Maintaining your cardiovascular health – for women as well as men – may be one of your greatest concerns. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your blood vessels. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. Enzymes, which accelerate chemical reactions, can help with a lot more than just your digestion. Systemic enzymes are a special class of enzymes that work on every system in your body to support your overall health. Source Naturals has searched around the globe to bring you NATTOKINASE, a systemic enzyme from Japan that supports the fibrinolytic blood clearing system. Reach for NATTOKINASE to promote your cardiovascular health today.

    Supports Healthy Circulation

    Source Naturals introduces the science of NATTOKINASE, the natural way to support healthy circulation. A systemic enzyme derived from the fermented soy food natto, nattokinase supports your body’s mechanisms for clearing blood to maintain your cardiovascular health.

    Systemic Enzymes

    If you are a mature man or women, then maintaining cardiovascular health may be one of your greatest concerns about aging. Every tissue in your body relies on your heart to circulate six liters of blood through approximately 60,000 miles of your arteries, veins and capillaries. This complex network requires a holistic health approach. You might think that all enzymes are just for digestion. Actually, enzymes accelerate thousands of chemical reactions in your body. And systemic enzymes are a special enzyme class that work on every system in your body to support your complete, or systemic, health. Different systemic enzymes, such as papain, bromelain, pancreatin and nattokinase, each work in different ways. The results can include reducing cellular irritation, promoting clear blood flow and supporting balanced immune reactions for your shortterm comfort and long-term health.

    An Ancient Japanese Health Secret

    The legend about the discovery of natto begins thousands of years ago with Yoshiie Minamoto, a famous Japanese warrior, who was forced to pack hot cooked soybeans in straw for traveling. When the soybeans were later unpacked, the sticky mess was considered spoiled. But when the horses, notoriously picky eaters, preferred this soy food, then people began consuming natto and discovering its health benefits.

    How It Works

    Healthy circulation occurs when your blood flows smoothly. It takes complex cascades of events to maintain this cardiovascular balance. Source Naturals NATTOKINASE can help. NATTOKINASE doesn’t inhibit blood clot formation. Instead, it works to support healthy circulation in three ways. First, nattokinase assists the fibrinolytic blood clearing system by breaking down cross-linked fibrin protein deposits in the blood. Second, in preliminary studies, natto extracts promote clear blood flow by reducing Euglobulin Lysis Time (ELT). Third, nattokinase supports blood clearing by breaking down Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor–1 (PAI-1), an inhibitor of an enzyme that helps keep blood flowing. Lifestyle conditions such as high stress, high glucose levels and high amounts of adipose tissue are associated with increased PAI-1 levels. Healthy circulation can do wonders to support your total health. When your circulation isn’t balanced, then your tissues aren’t getting enough nutrients and your blood isn’t clearing enough wastes away, which can increase cellular irritation and decrease overall cell health. Alternately, systemic enzymes such as nattokinase support healthy circulation so your tissues can get optimal levels of nutrients delivered and wastes removed for your better health.

    Lifestyle Strategies for Maintaining Cardiovascular Health

    Eat a Healthy Diet: A diet low in cholesterol, saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, and high in complex carbohydrates and fiber is important for your cardiovascular health. Good choices include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean red meats, fish and poultry without skin (up to 6 oz per day), lowfat or fat-free dairy products, beans and peas, and healthy fats such as olive oil in limited amounts. Avoid sugar, which has been reported to increase risk factors linked to heart disease. Some healthy cooking tips include using a rack to Drain off fat when you broil, roast or bake; using wine, fruit juice or marinades to baste; broiling instead of pan-frying; using a vegetable oil spray to brown or sauté foods; and cooking with egg whites instead of yolks. Exercise Regularly: Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is important for supporting your cardiovascular system. Exercise may increase heart healthy HDL cholesterol and lower blood triglycerides (fats), partly because of the decrease in total body fat and increase in muscle mass that usually accompanies exercise. A recent study reported that dietary changes improve cholesterol levels only when an aerobic exercise program is also included. Regular aerobic exercises—brisk walking, jogging, swimming, biking, aerobic dance, and racquet sports—are the best forms of exercise for lowering LDL and raising HDL levels. Experts recommend that people aim for a routine of 30 minute brisk walks most days of the week; an excellent goal is 20 to 25 miles a week, but in terms of raising HDL levels, more is better. Resistance (weight) training offers a complementary benefit by reducing LDL levels. Quit Smoking: Cigarette smoking lowers HDL cholesterol levels and is directly responsible for approximately 20% of all deaths from heart disease. The toxic effects of cigarette smoke damage blood vessels in the heart and legs. In fact, smoking doubles an individual’s risk of heart attack with any level of blood cholesterol. The importance of breaking this habit cannot be emphasized enough. Drink Alcohol Only in Moderation: Many studies have reported that modest consumption of alcohol increases HDL levels and protects against heart disease and possibly stroke. However, since alcohol consumption can cause other health problems, you should consult your health care professional about alcohol use. It has been suggested that antioxidants in red wine such as flavonoids and polyphenols contribute to alcohol’s protective properties. Take the Right Supplements: Many supplements can help support your heart health. Folic acid, one of the B vitamins, supports arterial health by balancing homocysteine levels. Magnesium, potassium, and calcium all help to maintain heart muscle health. Antioxidants such as betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and those found in extracts of green tea support blood vessel integrity. And omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in flax seeds, cod liver oil, and other dietary supplements support healthy blood flow. Additionally, you can take LIFE FORCE, Source Naturals’ best selling multiple. Systemic enzymes such as nattokinase are a new class of natural compounds that can have a significant impact on your cardiovascular, joint and immune health. Source Naturals is pleased to partner with your local health food stores and participating health professionals – the only places where you can find these natural health advances – to bring you NATTOKINASE. Try this ancient Japanese secret to support your cardiovascular health today.

    Sumi, H. et al. (1990). Enhancement of the fibrinolytic activity in plasma by oral administration of nattokinase. Acta Haematologica. (84): 139-143. Fujita, M. et al. (1995). Transport of nattokinase across the rat intestinal tract. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 18(9): 1194-1196. Yamamoto, K. et al. (2002). Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 is a major stress-regulated gene: implications for stress-induced thrombosis in aged individuals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 99(2): 890-895.

    VitaNet ®
    VitaNet ® Staff


    Hangover Formula - Fight Hangovers with this formula...

    Date: June 02, 2005 11:37 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Hangover Formula - Fight Hangovers with this formula...

    Whether you plan to “tie one on” during a holiday, or just sip a little wine with dinner, you should be aware that you may experience a form of low-level toxicity. When you drink, your body converts alcohol into toxic by-products, especially one called acetaldehyde. These toxins cause free radical damage and other problems, and are to blame for the hangover experience. HANGOVER FORMULA from Source Naturals may help to prevent and relieve some of the causes of hangovers. Its potent combination of antioxidants and Western and Chinese herbs is designed to help neutralize the negative effects of alcohol and replenish the nutrients it destroys.

    Fight Free Radicals

    Acetaldehyde causes the creation of free radicals, which can disrupt cellular activities throughout your body. This causes damage that accumulates with continued use, and is particularly threatening in its effect on the liver. But research shows that Vitamins C and E, and the amino acid Cysteine, act as an antioxidant force to counter the acetaldehyde-produced free radicals, helping to protect against long-term damage. HANGOVER FORMULA provides substantial amounts of these nutrients, and includes Cysteine both in its free form and as the powerful N-Acetyl Cysteine.

    Help Counteract the Energy Drain

    Acetaldehyde also poisons the energy-generating processes in our cells, the Krebs and glycolytic cycles. It breaks down the protein fraction of enzymes needed to keep these energy generation cycles going. It also damages enzymes that help carry nutrients through the intestinal walls, and others used by the liver to activate vitamins so they can be used in the body. This destruction of critical enzyme systems causes the intense fatigue and the feeling of literally being poisoned that are associated with hangovers and with too much drink, too fast. HANGOVER FORMULA provides the vitamins and minerals necessary to replace the damaged enzymes and keep the Krebs and glycolytic energy cycles going. The result? You feel better — stronger and healthier — than you might otherwise.

    Guard Against Severe Depletion of Critical Vitamins and Minerals

    Alcohol impairs absorption of a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals by the intestines. Many of the vitamins at particular risk are BVitamins such as B1, or Thiamine. Alcohol also disrupts the kidneys’ ability to conserve the mineral Magnesium, which is then flushed out in the urine. To help reduce the risk of severe depletion, HANGOVER FORMULA provides two of the principal minerals related to nerve function — Calcium and Magnesium — plus substantial amounts of all the B-Vitamins, with an especially high level of Thiamine.

    The Acetylcholine Connection

    Another major effect of alcohol in the body is the destruction of acetylcholine, one of the body’s most important neurotransmitters. HANGOVER FORMULA includes Phosphatidyl Choline, Choline Bitartrate, and DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), which are precursors for acetylcholine. Alcohol also causes the brain’s sensitive cell membranes to get very “puffy” (or “fluidized” in scientific terms). This is followed by a rebound effect, and thecell membranes get too “thin,” which can result in a lack of coordination and focus. The acetylcholine precursors in HANGOVER FORMULA also help restore the normal levels of fluidity to these cell membranes, and assist in clearing and focusing the mind again.

    Herbal Approaches

    Naturopaths worldwide address hangovers with cleansing herbs that help the body regain its natural balance. HANGOVER FORMULA employs a sophisticated selection of these powerful herbs. Chinese Herbology contributes Pueraria Flowers (Ko Hua), specifically to cleanse; Magnolia Bark (Hou Pu), to relieve food stagnation; and Gastrodiae Root (Tien Ma), to relieve tension and excessive “liver yang.” Western Herbology provides Gravel Root, Slippery Elm, and Peach Leaves to restore fluid balance, plus Fennel Seeds, Cloves, and Mint to enhance assimilation. Other herbs of benefit include Germinated Rice, Crysanthemum Flowers, Marshmallow Root, and most importantly, Feverfew Leaf and Milk Thistle Seeds. Numerous studies in the scientific publication Lancet have demonstrated the amazing efficacy of the Feverfew Leaf. This traditional herbal remedy apparently helps to block the effects of hormone-like biochemicals called leukotrienes, which — when out of control — cause intense discomfort, until the body can once again get in balance. Three tablets of HANGOVER FORMULA provides 100 mg of a very potent Feverfew Extract. Silymarin, an extract of Milk Thistle Seeds, is the most popular herb in Germany for the liver. It helps keep this major cleansing organ in optimal working order by fighting free radicals and thus minimizing damage. In addition, Silymarin enhances the unique self-regenerative properties of the liver by helping accelerate repair when damage has been done.

    Complete Nutritional & Herbal Support

    To counter nutrient depletion and ease discomfort during hangover miseries, HANGOVER FORMULA is here to help.

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    Chem-Defense - Fight Chemical sensitivity ...

    Date: June 01, 2005 10:21 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Chem-Defense - Fight Chemical sensitivity ...

    Chem Defense


    COURTESY OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, OUR ENVIRONMENT HAS BECOME A STEW OF FOREIGN CHEMICALS. For some people suffering the malaise, lack of focus, and Drained feeling associated with chemical sensitivities, home is the only sanctuary from this onslaught. For others, not even home is safe. We at Source Naturals take this threat very seriously. That’s why we created CHEM-DEFENSE.

    Source Naturals’ CHEM-DEFENSE is a potent combination of Molybdenum, Glutathione, and Coenzymated B-2, nutrients which research has shown may help break down and dispel harmful chemicals from the body. And CHEM-DEFENSE is sublingual — it dissolves under the tongue so it goes directly into your bloodstream, where it can be delivered to your system, fast.

    major problem has hit America in the late 20th century that is more far reaching than most people are aware — chemical sensitivity. In fact, some studies indicate that 1 out of 3 Americans may be afflicted with chemical sensitivities. In the past century, modern organic chemistry has synthesized and released into the world an estimated 300,000 xenobiotic (foreign to our normal biology) chemicals. The food processing and food growing industries put an approximate 10,000 xenobiotic chemicals into our food supply alone. These chemicals can be found in common items such as cleaning fluids, drycleaning compounds, glues, cigarette smoke, perfume, building materials and processed foods. Chemical sensitivity is the result of impairment or inadequacy of the body’s natural detoxification systems, allowing excessive levels of harmful, xenobiotic chemicals to accumulate in the body, and the results are often devastating. In sensitive people, artificial chemicals can cause an incredible range of problems: “fogginess” and lack of focus, emotional distress, fatigue, and more. The parts of the body that are most affected can vary from person to person. Some of the worst offenders are the aldehydes. The most infamous of these is formaldehyde (found in such widely used items as permanent press clothing, particle board, paints and upholsteries). The other common culprit is acetaldehyde (produced by Candida overgrowth or from alcohol consumption).

    The Secret to CHEM-DEFENSE’S Power is Molybdenum

    Fortunately, nature has provided the body with a special aldehyde detoxification pathway: an enzyme called aldehyde oxidase (ADO). ADO is activated by one of the coenzyme forms of Vitamin B2, Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD), and the trace mineral Molybdenum. Unfortunately, this enzymatic pathway can become impaired due to overexposure to foreign chemicals. In addition, aging, nutritional deficiencies, genetics and general poor health can greatly diminish the body’s production of these enzymes, causing a toxic buildup of aldehydes, leaving many individuals vulnerable. Current nutritional research has revealed that supplementing the diet with Molybdenum and Coenzyme B-2, both found in CHEM-DEFENSE, can increase levels of the important enzyme ADO, helping to dispel toxins from the body. A study published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors confirms the benefits of a sublingually administered 300 mcg dose (100 mcg three times a day) of Molybdenum. It was found that on the average, about 50-65% of the various symptoms of chemical sensitivity — including fogginess and other discomforts — were alleviated at least to some degree. Molybdenum is also important for several other enzymes, including xanthine oxidase, and most importantly, sulfite oxidase. Sulfite oxidase is responsible for breaking down sulfites, chemicals widely used as preservatives in wines, salad bars, produce, and other foods. Sulfites are a common culprit in chemical sensitivity reactions. In fact, by the 1980’s, it was conservatively estimated that 5,000,000 (five million) Americans were sensitive to sulfites and experienced discomfort upon ingestion. Sulfite oxidase is also important in the sulfation of various compounds, especially in the brain. This is particularly important, as the brain is often dramatically affected during bouts of chemical sensitivity. According to the Nutrition Desk Reference, the amount of Molybdenum required daily for people is 100 mcg to 500 mcg. It also states that the amount of Molybdenum in food can vary tremendously, depending on crop soil levels. Low levels are not at all uncommon, and they are lessened even further by commercial farming practices that utilize synthetic fertilizers which do not put Molybdenum back into the soil. The result? The typical American diet does not provide adequate Molybdenum. The form of Molybdenum included in CHEM-DEFENSE is Molybdenum Aspartate-Citrate, Molybdenum bound to the cellular metabolites Aspartic Acid and Citric Acid. This has been shown to be the most bioactive form available by experts in mineral metabolism.

    Glutathione in its Most Bioavailable Form

    Ultimately, the one organ that must cope with and attempt to relieve the body of toxic chemicals is the liver, often referred to by nutritionists as “the body’s most overburdened organ.” To accomplish this, the liver must rely heavily on Glutathione, a tripeptide (three amino acids bound together). The Glutathione in CHEM-DEFENSE will help the liver to produce adequate levels of the important enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSHpx) and glutathione S-transferase (GSH-S), enzymes that are essential for breaking down and disposing of foreign chemicals in the body. Glutathione peroxidase (GSHpx) helps to break down hydrogen peroxide, a medium-level toxin which is found in many xenobiotic chemicals. GSHpx also prevents cell damage caused by fatty acid oxidation, which threatens the integrity of cell membranes. Glutathione is very fragile. In fact, when taken orally, it is often destroyed by protein-digesting enzymes in the stomach. As CHEM-DEFENSE is in sublingual form, it bypasses the digestive process and goes straight into the bloodstream, allowing for maximum activity.

    Coenzyme B2 — The “Recycling” Nutrient

    Once Glutathione is used in the body for its detoxification functions, it becomes oxidized Glutathione, meaning it has been “used up.” Fortunately, the human body can “recycle” oxidized Glutathione and return it to its beneficial reduced (active) state. This process is made possible by a coenzyme form of Vitamin B2 (FAD), which is present in CHEM-DEFENSE.

    Sublingual Delivery for Maximum Benefit

    Many nutrients, when taken orally, are never completely absorbed into the bloodstream, or not absorbed at all! Because this formula is in sublingual form, the nutrients in CHEM-DEFENSE are absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the blood vessels under the tongue and in the cheeks, assuring maximum bioavailability and benefit. In America today, as foreign chemicals continue to be released into the environment on an uncontrolled basis, people continue to experience chemical sensitivities for which there appears to be no solution. Now there is. Source Naturals CHEM-DEFENSE combines the most bioavailable forms of key antioxidant nutrients that are not only powerful in and of themselves, but work together synergistically to address the problems associated with chemical sensitivities. As with all of their other products, Source Naturals has taken special care to create a product that is all natural, hypo-allergenic, and sugarfree. CHEM-DEFENSE sublingual is available in two delicious flavors — natural peppermint, and for people on homeopathic regimens who prefer an alternative to peppermint, natural orange flavor. Let’s face it — life in the modern world is a battle for your health. Arm yourself with a powerful weapon: Source Naturals CHEM-DEFENSE.

    1. Arias, I.M. et al. The Liver — Biology and Pathobiology. ©1988 by Raven Press: New York, N.Y.
    2. Garrison, R.H. & Somer, E. The Nutrition Desk Reference © 1985 by Keats Publishing: New Canaan, C.T.
    3. Shils, Maurice E & Young, Vernon R. (1988). Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease © 1988 by Lea & Febiger: Philadelphia, PA.
    4. Cooter, Stephen, Ph.D. Molybdenum: Recycling Fatigue Into Energy. Townsend Letter for Doctors. (April, 1994): 332-36

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  • Search Term: " Drain "

      Messages 1-61 from 61 matching the search criteria.
    Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues Darrell Miller 6/6/24
    How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort Darrell Miller 10/11/22
    Can the Liver Be Repaired Once It Is Damaged? Darrell Miller 4/29/22
    The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health Darrell Miller 5/17/19
    Moms, add more leucine and omega-3s to your diet to boostantioxidant levels in your children's liver Darrell Miller 4/22/19
    Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express Darrell Miller 4/11/19
    8 Ways To Clean With Oregano Oil Darrell Miller 6/2/18
    6 Ways To Remove Earwax from home and naturally!! Darrell Miller 9/29/17
    The Best Home Remedy For Sinus Infection!! Darrell Miller 5/23/17
    One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It Darrell Miller 5/13/17
    These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time Darrell Miller 3/29/17
    How what you eat may affect mental health Darrell Miller 3/15/17
    10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat More of (and 3 to Avoid) Darrell Miller 1/5/17
    Dilute honey 'may fight urine infections' Darrell Miller 11/10/16
    Say Goodbye To Fatigue With These Powerful Vitamins And Minerals Infographic Darrell Miller 10/30/16
    Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body? Darrell Miller 3/19/14
    CLA in Weight Loss Darrell Miller 1/21/14
    What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits? Darrell Miller 1/9/13
    Apple Cider Vinegar Darrell Miller 11/20/12
    cooking Beet roots Darrell Miller 10/24/12
    Omega-3 Oil- Learn Why it is So Important for Your Health Darrell Miller 2/13/12
    Chaste Berry a Women Herb Darrell Miller 2/8/12
    Herbs And The Immune System Darrell Miller 7/30/10
    Herbs, Serrapeptase, and your Sinus Darrell Miller 2/18/10
    Periwinkle - Vinpocetine Darrell Miller 10/9/09
    Caraway Herb Darrell Miller 8/25/09
    Anise Herb Darrell Miller 8/20/09
    Sage Darrell Miller 7/29/09
    Holy Basil Darrell Miller 5/15/09
    Fight Infertility Darrell Miller 4/1/09
    Glaucoma (loose your eye sight) Darrell Miller 2/16/09
    Magnesium Darrell Miller 8/9/08
    Ashwagandha Darrell Miller 6/2/08
    The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium Darrell Miller 5/18/07
    Supplements for Sexual health! Darrell Miller 4/17/07
    NaturalCare Virus Induced Nasal Decongestant – Super Strength SinuFix Darrell Miller 10/6/06
    NaturalCare Nasal Decongestant - SinuFix Nasal Mist Darrell Miller 10/6/06
    Crucial bill S.3546 may soon land in the House of Representatives. Darrell Miller 9/19/06
    Liver Rejuvenator Darrell Miller 7/6/06
    New Natural Energy Drink - LifeBlast Extreme Energy Drink Darrell Miller 4/1/06
    Effer-C NUTRITION YOU CAN DRINK Darrell Miller 12/27/05
    Zinc, Vitamin C and Colds, length of Colds ... Darrell Miller 7/28/05
    Recipes - Sesame Spinach... Darrell Miller 7/7/05
    Recipes - Cranberry-Cherry Zinger Smoothie Darrell Miller 7/6/05
    Quercetin and Bromelain - for better health. Darrell Miller 7/4/05
    Hayfever & Allergies - Herbs To Help You Breathe Easier Darrell Miller 6/30/05
    Cultivation and Export Darrell Miller 6/25/05
    Circulatory System Enhancer Darrell Miller 6/25/05
    Function Darrell Miller 6/24/05
    History Darrell Miller 6/24/05
    Bromelain Sinus Ease - Nature's Life Darrell Miller 6/16/05
    Energize Your Life! Darrell Miller 6/14/05
    Keeping Your Edge - The state of your outer body reflects the inner you. Darrell Miller 6/12/05
    Energy Cycles - Stress and lack of energy don't just frazzle your nerves Darrell Miller 6/12/05
    Iron: The Body's LifeBlood Darrell Miller 6/10/05
    Battle Fatigue! Don't passively accept chronic exhaustion and weakness.</ Darrell Miller 6/10/05
    Allergy & Sinus Season: Healthy Lifestyle Tips Darrell Miller 6/9/05
    Positive Thought - Balance Emotions and Mood... Darrell Miller 6/4/05
    NATTOKINASE - A Systemic Enzyme for Healthy Circulation ... Darrell Miller 6/4/05
    Hangover Formula - Fight Hangovers with this formula... Darrell Miller 6/2/05
    Chem-Defense - Fight Chemical sensitivity ... Darrell Miller 6/1/05

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    Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

    Date: June 06, 2024 05:20 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

    Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

    Allergies and sinus issues can be a constant thorn in the side for many individuals. Everyday activities can feel like an uphill battle when you're plagued by congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes. But what if there was a natural remedy that could provide relief across multiple body systems? Introducing Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus, a Bio-Aligned Formula designed to tackle the root causes of your allergy symptoms.

    What Makes Allercetin™ Different?

    Allercetin™ is not your average allergy treatment. This innovative product leverages natural homeopathic remedies to address the complex web of systems involved in allergic reactions. Unlike many over-the-counter medications that offer temporary relief, Allercetin™ provides a comprehensive approach, targeting the respiratory system, sinuses, mucous membranes, and more.

    The Bio-Aligned Formula

    The key to Allercetin™'s effectiveness lies in its Bio-Aligned Formula. This advanced blend of natural ingredients is designed to support multiple body systems that are often affected by hay fever and other allergic conditions.

    Respiratory System

    Breathing becomes a chore when your respiratory system is compromised by allergens. Allercetin™ contains ingredients that help to open up the airways, making it easier to breathe. This can be particularly beneficial during high pollen seasons when respiratory issues are at their peak.


    Your sinuses play a crucial role in trapping allergens and preventing them from entering your respiratory system. However, when they become inflamed, they can cause severe discomfort. Allercetin™ supports the health of your sinuses, promoting natural Drainage and reducing inflammation.

    Mucous Membranes

    Mucous membranes are the body's first line of defense against airborne irritants. Allercetin™ helps to maintain the integrity of these membranes, ensuring they function optimally. This reduces the likelihood of allergens causing significant irritation and discomfort.

    Histamine Inhibition

    Histamines are chemicals in the body that play a central role in allergic reactions. When released in large amounts, they can cause symptoms like itching, swelling, and redness. Allercetin™ works to inhibit the release of histamines, thus reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

    Immune Desensitization

    A hyperactive immune system can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Allercetin™ includes ingredients that help to desensitize the immune system, making it less reactive to allergens. This not only alleviates current symptoms but can also reduce the likelihood of future allergic reactions.

    Cellular Energy

    When your body is fighting allergies, it can Drain your energy levels significantly. Allercetin™ supports cellular energy production, ensuring you have the stamina to go about your daily activities with ease.

    How to Use Allercetin™

    Using Allercetin™ is simple and convenient. Take the recommended dosage as indicated on the packaging, preferably at the onset of symptoms. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of this natural remedy.

    Why Choose Allercetin™?

    Multiple factors set Allercetin™ apart from other allergy treatments on the market. Here are some reasons why you should consider making it a staple in your wellness routine:

    • Natural Ingredients: Allercetin™ is made from homeopathic remedies. This means you can avoid the side effects commonly associated with synthetic drugs.
    • Comprehensive Support: While other treatments may target individual symptoms, Allercetin™ provides broad-spectrum support across multiple body systems.
    • Easy to Use: With straightforward instructions and a convenient dosage form, integrating Allercetin™ into your daily life is hassle-free.
    • Clinically-Backed: The ingredients in Allercetin™ have been selected based on their proven efficacy in managing allergy symptoms.

    Customer Testimonials

    Don't just take our word for it; listen to what our satisfied customers have to say:

    • Jane D. from Chicago shares, "Allercetin™ has been a game-changer for me. I used to dread springtime, but now I can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about my allergies acting up."
    • Tom P. from New York states, "I've tried numerous allergy medications over the years, but nothing compares to Allercetin™. It's truly the most effective solution I've found."

    Scientific Backing

    Rigorous scientific research guided the development of Allercetin™. We selected each ingredient based on its ability to alleviate symptoms and support overall well-being. This guarantees you receive a product supported by both traditional wisdom and modern science.

    Final Thoughts

    Living with allergies and sinus issues doesn't have to be an ordeal. With Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus, you can take a proactive approach to manage your symptoms naturally and effectively. Why settle for temporary relief when you can address the root causes of your discomfort?

    Experience the transformative power of Allercetin™ for yourself. Don't let allergies hold you back any longer. Visit our website today to purchase Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus and reclaim your life from the shackles of allergies. Take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable life—order now!


    How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort

    Date: October 11, 2022 03:29 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: How to Deal With Mild Ear Discomfort

    Do you ever have that feeling like there's something in your ear but you can't seem to get it out? Or maybe your ear feels itchy and uncomfortable but you're not quite sure why. If you're experience any mild discomfort or irritation of the tissues of the ear, don't worry—you're not alone. In fact, this is a pretty common problem. But what can you do about it?

    One option is to try using a natural blend of herbs like Now Foods soothing Ear Oil. This product is designed to cleanse and moisturize the delicate tissues of the ear canal, providing relief from itchiness and discomfort. Simply apply a few drops of the oil into your ear and massage gently for 30 seconds. Then, tilt your head to the side and let the oil Drain out. Repeat as necessary until you're feeling better.

    Another option is to make a simple home remedy using ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. First, mix together 1/4 teaspoon each of baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. Then, use a dropper to apply 3-4 drops of the mixture into your affected ear. Keep your head tilted for 5 minutes so that the mixture has a chance to work its magic, then rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

    If you're experiencing any mild discomfort or irritation in your ears, don't panic—there are a few things you can do to find relief. Try using an herbal oil like Now Foods soothing Ear Oil or mix up a simple home remedy using ingredients like baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide. Whichever method you choose, hopefully you'll be feeling better in no time!


    Can the Liver Be Repaired Once It Is Damaged?

    Date: April 29, 2022 11:33 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Can the Liver Be Repaired Once It Is Damaged? The liver is a vital organ in the body that performs many essential functions. It can be damaged by a variety of factors, including disease, alcohol abuse, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Once the liver is damaged, can it be repaired? In this article, we will explore the answer to that question. We will also discuss the various ways that the liver can be damaged and how those damages can be repaired.

    What is the liver and what does it do?

    The liver is a large, multi-functional organ that plays a vital role in the body. Its primary function is to filter the blood and remove toxins, but it also helps to regulate metabolism, store nutrients, and produce bile. The liver is divided into two main lobes, the right lobe and the left lobe. The right lobe is slightly larger than the left lobe and includes the quadrate lobe and caudate lobe. The left lobe contains the left lateral section and the medial section. The hepatic veins Drain blood from the liver and pass it through the inferior vena cava to be returned to the heart. The hepatic arteries supply oxygenated blood to the liver tissue, while the portal vein carries nutrient-rich blood from the digestive organs. The bile ducts transport bile produced by the liver cells to the gallbladder, where it is stored until needed for digestion.

    The liver is a hardworking organ that performs many crucial functions in the body. By keeping it healthy, we can help to ensure that our entire body remains healthy and functioning properly.

    What can damage the liver and how does that damage occur?

    The liver is a vital organ that performs many important functions, such as filtering toxins from the blood and producing bile to help digest fats. However, the liver can be damaged by a number of different agents, including viruses, alcohol, and certain medications. Viruses such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B can cause inflammation of the liver, which can lead to scarring and eventually to liver failure. Alcohol abuse is also a major cause of liver damage, as it can lead to fatty deposits, inflammation, and scarring. In addition, certain drugs (such as acetaminophen) can cause toxic damage to the liver cells. If the liver is not functioning properly, it can result in a build-up of toxins in the blood, which can lead to serious health problems.

    Can the liver be repaired once it is damaged, and if so, how is that done?

    The liver is a amazing organ. It is responsible for so many important functions in the body, from filtering toxins to producing bile to breaking down fats. When it is damaged, it can often repair itself. This is because the liver has a high regenerative capacity. hepatocytes, which are the main type of liver cell, can divide and grow back quickly when necessary. In fact, as long as about 25% of the liver remains healthy, it can regenerate itself completely over the course of a few weeks. There are a number of ways to damage the liver, such as through alcohol abuse or viral infections, but fortunately there are also ways to help it repair itself. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise, and avoiding toxins, take liver supporting supplements like milk thistle and NAC can all support liver health and regeneration.

    How can people prevent their livers from being damaged in the first place?

    The liver is a vital organ that plays an important role in metabolism. However, the liver can also be easily damaged by alcohol, drugs, prescriptions, and environmental toxins, which are in the foods we eat. To help prevent liver damage, it is important to avoid excess alcohol consumption or avoid it all together, take medication as directed and if you are on medications that cause liver damage to discuss alternatives that do not harm the liver, and eat a healthy diet along with taking liver supporting supplements. Additionally, it is important to get regular exercise, as this helps to keep the liver healthy and functioning properly. By taking these steps, people can help to prevent liver damage and keep their organs healthy.

    Are there any lifestyle changes or supplements that can help improve liver function even if it has been damaged already?

    Liver damage is a serious concern for many people, as it can lead to a number of health problems. While there is no guaranteed way to reverse liver damage, there are some lifestyle changes and supplements that may help improve liver function. One potential change is to limit alcohol consumption, as alcohol is known to be damaging to the liver, mixing alchol and drugs can enhance the progress of liver damage. Additionally, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help improve overall liver function. There are also a number of herbal supplements that are thought to be beneficial for the liver, such as milk thistle and dandelion root. However, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, as some may interact with other medications.

    What are the possible consequences of not repairing a damaged liver?

    Liver damage can have serious consequences if left untreated. Depending on the cause, there may be a variety of negative effects that result from an injured liver. For example, if the damage is due to excessive alcohol consumption, then scarring and inflammation of the liver tissue can interfere with its ability to filter toxins out of the blood. This can lead to a host of potentially dangerous health problems, including nausea, chronic fatigue, jaundice, and cirrhosis. You must address the cause before change for the good can happen. In addition, unresolved inflammation can increase one's risk of developing more serious conditions such as cancer or heart disease. To prevent these possible consequences, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible after suffering from liver damage. This will allow doctors to properly diagnose the issue and develop an appropriate treatment plan. Addressing the cause is always preferable over simply treating symptoms alone. Ultimately, taking action now can help you protect your health in the future.

    How can people find out if their livers need repair and where they should go for help if that is the case?

    When it comes to liver health, there are a number of ways to find out if your liver needs some repairs. One method is to get tested for elevated liver enzymes, which are indicative of problems with the organ. You can also watch out for certain symptoms, such as fatigue, bloating or skin discoloration. If you notice any of these markers, you may want to consult with your doctor or a specialist in liver disease, who can help determine the best course of action. Depending on the underlying cause of your liver problem, treatment options may include changes to your diet and exercise habits, medications or even surgery in extreme cases. Whatever route you choose, it is essential that you address any issues with your liver as soon as possible in order to protect your overall wellbeing.

    Generally, symptoms only show when liver function has dropped significantly.

    Liver damage can often go undetected until it has reached a advanced stage. This is because the liver has an incredible capacity for regeneration and can continue to function even when up to 75% of it has been damaged. As a result, symptoms of liver disease often only become apparent when the organ has been severely compromised. By that point, the damage may be irreversible and serious complications may have developed. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the early signs of liver damage so that treatment can be started as soon as possible. These include fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, and yellowing of the skin and eyes.

    Fortunately, Supplements like Milk thistle and NAC may help the body assist the liver in its repair.

    The liver is a hardworking organ that is constantly exposed to toxins. As a result, it is susceptible to damage. Fortunately, supplements like milk thistle and NAC may help the body assist the liver in its repair. Milk thistle contains silymarin, a compound that helps to protect the liver from damage. NAC is an amino acid that helps to remove toxins from the liver. NAC also helps to replenish glutathione, a substance that plays a key role in liver detoxification. Together, these supplements can help to keep the liver healthy and functioning properly.

    Whether you are looking for preventative measures to protect the liver or have an existing issue, it can never hurt to take either milk thistle, NAC, or both to support healthy liver function.


    The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

    Date: May 17, 2019 04:28 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

    One consequence of glaucoma is vision loss or blindness. It is estimated that leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli and other vegetables are full of minerals and vitamins that prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The question the author wants to answer is whether these leafy vegetables can help in preventing glaucoma. The conclusion of the author is that there is a link between leafy green vegetables and prevention of glaucoma. In fact, it can help prevent the disease. This conclusion was based on a recent study that was conducted by researchers at the Harvard Medical school. Glaucoma is a eye disease that can affect one’s vision leading to vision loss progressively. The common glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma. It leads to vision loss without any symptoms or sign. It is estimated that three million Americans are affected with glaucoma and 120,000 people will lose their sight due to having glaucoma. But why is glaucoma produced? This is due to an imbalance in the drainage of the aqueous humor. The researchers analyzed people’s diet and came to the conclusion that leafy green vegetables should be used as a treatment option.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Eating more green, leafy vegetables can assist in decreasing the risk of developing glaucoma.
    • A key to why these vegetables are effective is that they help with blood flow near the optic nerve.
    • These vegetables also help with lowering other diseases like those that affect the heart and diabetes.

    "The study was published in the Journal of American Medical Association Ophthalmology, and it was conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School."

    Read more:


    Moms, add more leucine and omega-3s to your diet to boostantioxidant levels in your children's liver

    Date: April 22, 2019 04:16 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Moms, add more leucine and omega-3s to your diet to boostantioxidant levels in your children's liver

    When you have an imbalance of antioxidants within your system, this often leads to oxidative stress. An increase in oxidative stress unfortunately leads to many forms of cancer. Research has emerged that showed leucine and omega-3's have the ability to fight off this oxidative stress by increasing the amount of antioxidants that are found in the liver. Both of these can be found in the form of a nutritional supplement at most mainstream health and wellness stores.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Every year more than 8 million people die of cancer, a disease that stems in part due to oxidative stress.
    • Nearly a quarter of those that succumb to cancer suffer from a wasting syndrome known as cachexia.
    • Cachexia sufferers endure draining weight loss, because the disease depletes carbohydrares, lipids and proteins in the body.

    "Expectant mothers need a wide range of nutrients for them and their child to stay healthy."

    Read more:


    Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

    Date: April 11, 2019 01:30 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

    A vitamin deficiency can truly make the difference between being healthy and feeling drained. In today’s article, the focus is centered on Vitamin B12. Bright pictures and videos fill the page alerting you to some of the signs and symptoms of being vitamin B12 deficient. This article also outlines seven healthy foods such as salmon, beef and eggs that can make the difference for your body’s overall levels. It also suggests possibly taking a supplement if you’re unable to eat the foods listed.

    Key Takeaways:

    • A Vitamin B12 deificiency can cause symptoms ranging from headaches and poor appetite to serious fatigue.
    • Good dietary sources of B12 include salmon, liver, fortified cereals, eggs and beef.
    • Vegetarians and vegans sometimes have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12 because many of the best sources are animal products.

    "VITAMIN B12 deficiency can develop if you’re not eating the right foods, and serious health problems can occur if the condition is left untreated."

    Read more:


    8 Ways To Clean With Oregano Oil

    Date: June 02, 2018 09:16 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 8 Ways To Clean With Oregano Oil

    8 Ways To Clean With Oregano Oil

    Do you know how many harmful chemicals are in items that we use on a daily basis? The shampoo you use to wash your hair, the detergent that washes your clothes, and the cleaner you use to scrub your counter all contain toxic ingredients. However, you can use other things in their place. Oregano oil can kill many bugs. You can use it to clean items, as hand sanitizer, and to freshen up your damp or smelly laundry.

    Key Takeaways:

    • You can create a multipurpose cleaner with oregano oil and clean your kitchen, bathroom, and trash cans with it.
    • An oregano oil multipurpose cleaner can clean out smelly drains and keep them free of mold.
    • Including a drop or two of oregano oil with a load of laundry can help your clothes smell fresh.

    "Today we know that the antibacterial and antifungal properties of oregano can be attributed to phenols in the natural oil of the plant, including thymol and carvacrol."

    Read more:


    6 Ways To Remove Earwax from home and naturally!!

    Date: September 29, 2017 12:14 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 6 Ways To Remove Earwax from home and naturally!!

    The generally accepted way to remove earwax, cotton swabs, actually is damaging to the ear canal. There are a myriad of healthy ways to remove earwax such as: a few drops of oxygenated water, a few drops of glycerin, a few drops of warmed coconut oil, a few drops of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of warmed almond oil, and a few drops of warmed olive oil. You should let each substance remain in your ear for a 2-3 minutes, then Drain it out.

    Key Takeaways:

    • When we want to remove the wax from our ears it is very common to use the swabs to do so
    • the problem is that the use of these can damage your ear if it is not executed correctly.
    • it seems to be difficult but it has to be done to get clean.

    "Glycerin: This is one of the most used recipes when cleaning the auditory canal."


    The Best Home Remedy For Sinus Infection!!

    Date: May 23, 2017 11:44 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: The Best Home Remedy For Sinus Infection!!

    Sinus infections are not pleasant and can be hard to deal with. You can feel pressure in your head. It can be painful. You can also experience Drainage. There are many over the counter meds for this but if you want to avoid the drugs you can try this home remedy. It is the best for such an infection. It will help you feel better faster in a safe way which wouldn't be hard for anyone to achieve.

    Key Takeaways:

    • sinus inflammation accompanied by wheezing and headaches are common in winter
    • one small cup of honey and lemon juice and some radishes and purple onions and six garlic cloves
    • blend and stir mixture and refridgerate. adults take 2 tbsp to treat sinus infections

    "The best thing about it is you do not need much time or money."


    One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It

    Date: May 13, 2017 11:44 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: One of the Best Brain Boosters, yet Hardly Anyone Does It

    Dave Asprey, founder of belives that he has devised a plan that can make the brain work faster and sharper in as little as two weeks. After working long hours in silicon valley, Dave realized he was gaining weight and experiencing brain fog. He believes he experienced mitochondrial dysfunction, mitochondria fuel the cell of your body so it was like having your batteries Drained. He relates you can recharge these batteries in several ways. You can use sunlight and infrared exposure, you also need quality proteins and fat to fuel your cells. There is also some biofeedback techniques that work as well. Doing all these things can get your mind and body back on track.

    [video mp4="//"]

    Key Takeaways:

    • When the mitochondria in your body are not functioning efficiently, neither will your body.
    • Toxic chemicals or mold can reduce the ability of mitochondria to function.
    • Infrared light produced by the sun can improve the function of mitochondria.

    "After going on a low-fat diet, he started experiencing severe brain fog — so much so, he feared losing his career."


    These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time

    Date: March 29, 2017 11:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time

    Raised bed gardening methods involves preparing crops in a variety of ways using elevated garden beds. Benefits of raised garden beds include better drainage as well as better retention of moist soil. This makes raised beds particularly effective in rainy environments. In addition to better drainage, raised beds also provide better aeration. Raised beds allow effective use of the loose soil such as air circulation and nitrogen being converted to useful minerals. Other benefits include better weed control, pest control, and improved mobility.

    Read more: These raised bed gardening tricks beat traditional gardening every time


    How what you eat may affect mental health

    Date: March 15, 2017 10:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: How what you eat may affect mental health

    You are what you eat, as the old saying has been told over and over again for centuries now. Now, new evidence suggests that the foods you consume also have an impact on your mental health. If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or that your mental health is otherwise draining, maybe it is time to revamp your menu and change the foods that you are putting on your plate. It could be the best thing that you do.

    Read more: How what you eat may affect mental health


    10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat More of (and 3 to Avoid)

    Date: January 05, 2017 07:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat More of (and 3 to Avoid)

    Working out causes inflammation. Part of the recovery process should include consuming anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding those that cause inflammation. Read this article if you would like to find out which foods to incorporate into your diet to help keep the inflammation in control. Do the right thing for your body to stay healthy after a strenuous workout.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Keeping inflammation at bay is vital to your post-workout recovery.
    • This is why it's a good idea to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your daily diet and avoid foods that increase inflammation.
    • Read on to learn about the ten foods that keep inflammation in check and the three foods to avoid.

    "Your body creates its own inflammation fighters when you exercise, but you can help it along with a healthy anti-inflammatory diet—because to train in pain sends exercise down the Drain."



    Dilute honey 'may fight urine infections'

    Date: November 10, 2016 12:54 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Dilute honey 'may fight urine infections'

    A recent study at the University of Southampton is proposing the use of honey to prevent microbiological biofilms from developing within catheters. Their research has shown promising results. They were able to use this natural substance to stop E. coli and Proteus mirabilis bacteria from clustering together as in normal catheters. While the research is far from human trials, this would be an alternative welcomed by those who prefer all natural substances. However, that doesn’t mean it will be as effective as current antimicrobials.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Patients often have a catheter fitted, either to Drain urine stuck in the bladder or to monitor urine output.
    • In theory, a honey solution might be useful for flushing urinary catheters to keep them clean while they remain in the bladder.
    • Honey has been used for centuries as a natural antiseptic. People have used it to treat burns and wounds and many companies now sell a range of "medical grade" honey products that comply with regulatory standards.

    "Honey has been used for centuries as a natural antiseptic. People have used it to treat burns and wounds and many companies now sell a range of "medical grade" honey products that comply with regulatory standards."




    Say Goodbye To Fatigue With These Powerful Vitamins And Minerals Infographic

    Date: October 30, 2016 02:04 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Say Goodbye To Fatigue With These Powerful Vitamins And Minerals Infographic

    There are vitamins and minerals that can boost your energy and fight against fatigue. If you are feeling tired all the time there are things you can do to help revive yourself again. Changing your diet and exercise is a good way to keep from being tired. And giving your body an adequate amount of sleep can help as well.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Do you know which vitamins and minerals have the potential to boost your energy and help you get rid of chronic tiredness?
    • If you find yourself in a situation in which this feeling is taking over and prevents you from normal functioning and engaging in the activities you used to like
    • Look at the infographic below to find out what vitamins and minerals can help you take your power back.

    "Are you looking for ways to banish the feeling of being Drained of energy, exhausted and lacking the strength to get yourself together and do what you need to?"


    Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body?

    Date: March 19, 2014 07:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Does Coral Calcium Alkalize The Body?

    What is coral calcium

    calciumCoral Calcium is a salt of calcium inferred from fossilized coral reefs. Coral Calcium is discovered commonly installed in the dirt in Japan. Coral calcium is made principally out of the shells and skeletons of reef-building coral and tiny ocean life, for example, star sand that occupy the zone.

    Benefits of coral calcium

    Calcium is a mineral we essentially need to have consistently, to keep our bones, teeth and nails solid, and avoid osteoporosis as we get more established. Notwithstanding upholding solid bones, calcium is fundamental in the sound working of the circulatory and sensory systems. Calcium is likewise crucial for fitting blood thickening. Calcium is 35% of our physique's mineral cosmetics and our first mineral. Incorporate these key minerals to your eating methodology today. What's more not at all like other calcium supplements, coral calcium does have exceptional properties that make it worth determinedly acknowledging as a supplement to your day by day diet.

    Calcium is a standout amongst the most critical components in the eating regimen in light of the fact that it is a structural segment of bones, teeth, and delicate tissues and is key in a number of the constitution's metabolic procedures. A dietary inadequacy in the end Drains bone stores, rendering the bones frail and inclined to crack. Thus, in the event that you need to get a considerable measure of calcium into your eating regimen, you can additionally devour expanding amounts of these green, verdant vegetables.

    The normal American eating regimen of meats, refined grains, and sodas (high in phosphorus) has been reported to help expanded bone loss in grown-ups. Ladies, especially more seasoned ones, necessity to supplement their eating regimens with calcium. Coral calcium is one of the most forcefully and pervasively advertised dietary supplement-son the business sector today.

    Don't be deluded by those that attempt to persuade you that Sango Coral Calcium is not advantageous to your health. Out of over 2,500 mixed bags of coral on the planet, just the Sango Coral holds a natural organization indistinguishable to the human skeleton, including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

    Coral calcium is discriminating to great health, its similar to water and air. Coral Calcium is known as a stunning regular component and is recommended by numerous specialists in numerous nations. Living coral reefs are jeopardized and can't be gathered without huge harm to the biological community, and due to this, coral calcium is collected by crushing over the ground limestone stores that were once some piece of a coral reef.


    CLA in Weight Loss

    Date: January 21, 2014 10:05 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: CLA in Weight Loss

    What is CLA

    claCLA, or conjugated linoleic harsh corrosive, has been the subject of an assortment of exploration in the previous numerous years. Over 200 studies have indicated that it may assume an exceptionally vital part in weight reduction, as well as in serving to battle disease, diabetes, and atherosclerosis (solidifying of the corridors). It is not made in the human figure, and is discovered commonly in meat and dairy fats, or as an over-the-counter supplement. Artificially, it is a marginally changed type of the fundamental greasy harsh corrosive, linoleic harsh corrosive, and an omega-6 fattening harsh corrosive. The CLA discovered regularly in the sustenance sources is most astounding in dairy cattle and bovines that expend an eating methodology rich in grasses, and the individuals who are nibbling in pastures; instead of the aforementioned bolstered monitored food, for example, grain, feed or silage. To quote Larry Satter, an Agricultural Research Dairy Scientist, "Pasture-nibbled cows had 500% more CLA in their milk than those nourished silage." Since the fat is the particular bearer of the CLA, the substance of the fat in the milk is extremely paramount. The higher the fat substance, the more stupendous the CLA sum is in the milk. This is as opposed to what is proposed when drinking milk. Skim or 1% is constantly proposed over the entire or 2%, to maintain a strategic distance from the overabundance calories and fat, since normally Drain was tanked for the calcium content (or the protein). This adds an entire new profit to Drain and dairy items, clearing a path for science to control the CLA substance of milkfat, and may open the entryway the CLA-improved sustenances.

    Study on CLA

    Scientists accept CLA helps square fat cells that are in the figure from topping off with fat by meddling with a fat-archiving compound regarded as lipoprotein lipase, and additionally, by expanding the affectability of units to the hormone insulin. Creature studies have likewise demonstrated an expansion in lean bulk and fat lessening, or fat blazing; furnishing positive progressions to form sythesis, a decline in general muscle to fat ratio ratios. It is known as a "fat eliminator" on the grounds that it revs up muscle metabolism, in this way, helping increment lean tissue, bringing about the figure to need more calories to capacity (since fat units smolder next to zero calories), accordingly accelerating the fat smoldering procedure to make vigor.

    Much stays to be looked into the underlying instruments by which CLA pushes its assorted physiological impacts. The profits are genuine, in spite of the fact that more research with people requirements to be carried out. You ought not feel that taking CLA alone would phenomenally make you shed pounds, in the event that you are not joining a brilliant, solid, overall adjusted eating methodology and activity program on top of it.


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    What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits?

    Date: January 09, 2013 12:15 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What Is The Liquid Liver Benefits?

    Enemia And Iron

    Anemia is a condition that many people suffer from. In some cases, the anemia may be treated easily, since the person can have a mild case. Providing the body with the extra iron can often help those that have been diagnosed with anemia to avoid some of the common problems that appear. Some of these problems may consist of headaches, low energy levels, problems with their nervous system and consuming a variety of different weird substances like dirt and chalk. 

    Low Iron

    In fact, there is a long list of issues and concerns associated with this condition, since low iron can affect people in many different ways. This is one of the main reasons why some health and medical professional recommend and advocate taking liquid liver on a daily basis. With liquid liver, each individual can benefit substantially when they take this supplement to support their body's needs and requirements. For instance, when the iron in their body is low, they may experience low levels of energy throughout their day. They may also become tired and weak in their body when they are trying to work or play.

    However, when they take liquid liver on a regular basis, they can benefit in many different ways. Energy Level Increases. When an individual takes this supplement, they can experience an increase in their energy. Which means, they can get more of their daily tasks done without becoming tired and Drained. No uncomfortable gas problems. Another benefit to taking liquid liver is avoiding the uncomfortable side effects that come from most non-home iron products.

    Easier on digestive system then iron

    This is because the liquid liver is easier on the person's digestive system. Lower cholesterol. One of the side effects of various iron supplements is elevated levels of cholesterol. However, when an individual takes liquid liver, they can easily benefit with lower cholesterol levels. Hence, the person can get the b12 and iron that their body's need without having to experience other unnecessary problems and conditions.


    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Date: November 20, 2012 12:49 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Apple Cider Vinegar

    Vinegar Benefits

    Apple Cinder Vinegar commonly known as ACV is one type of vinegar products that is made from quality apple fruit and cider products. But some may ask, how can I make it? Well, this can be done at home by anyone suppose they have the necessary knowledge.

    How is it Made?

    The preparation involves complete crushing of apples and extracting the liquid inside.Then, ferment the liquid by the addition of yeast and bacteria which stimulate the ideal alcoholic fermentation. This leads to the transition of sugars to alcohol and the final step involves fermenting the alcohol into vinegar by the help of acetic acid bacteria. Before delving into the benefits carried along the usage of acetic acid, it is equally important we know the chemical composition of the solution which is the main component of the product. Primarily, the active constituents components found in ACV are malic acid, pectin and acetic acid. However, acetic acid has proven to be a topic worth discussion.

    How Does Acetic Acid from Apple Cider Vinegar Help Improve Your Health?

    1. Pearl White Teeth

    The acetic acid, due to its acidic nature, is ideal when it comes to killing bacteria, removing stains, whitening and hence strengthening the teeth.However, so as to achieve this fulfilling yet equally rewarding merit, you have to gargle the apple cider vinegar every morning and brush the teeth thoroughly with a regular paste or alternatively, salt.Your teeth will ultimately be a specter to behold.

    2. Exhaustion Removal

    The build up of lactic acid in our bodies is due to the severe exercises and stress we go through. This causes fatigue making us feel frustratingly uncomfortable.However, if you apply apple cider vinegar; the case will never be the same again. This is because it contains amino acids that fight the fatigue as well as enzymes and potassium that relieve exhaustion.

    3. Prevent Indigestion Problems

    You can try the folk methodology of sipping a glass full of apple cider that is rich in acetic before consuming delicacies that will make you regret after a few hours. This can be done by mixing one tea spoonful of honey or sugar (to neutralize acidity) and another one of apple cider and pour in one glass of warm water. Take a few gallops after stirring and you're safe to dine.

    4. Troubles with Tummy

    Thanks to acetic acid's antibiotic properties as they can satisfyingly contain any problems associated with your tummy. Any bacterial infection in form of diarrhea will be squarely dealt with by only a few sips of vinegar water. This is because the presence of acetic acid in ACV helps sooth spasms entailed in the intestinal region.

    5. A Stuffy Nose and Occasional Hiccups

    A study carried out proved that the application of acetic acid could highly lead to reduction in the Drainage of sinus which is characterized by a stuffy nose. Additionally, it showed that the same treatment could be used for occasional hiccups only if a tea spoonful of it was used. Although a number of scientific facts are not supported by the theory, the primary compound of Apple Cider Vinegar which is acetic can be an expectorant in helping address the problem of phlegm and mucus. However, it is important to note that it will not prevent the root of sinus and phlegm build up. You can now enjoy all the health conveniences with exclusive ACV.


    cooking Beet roots

    Date: October 24, 2012 05:21 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: cooking Beet roots

    Beet Root

    It is a matter of personal taste when you actually harvest the beetroot. The smaller ones are sweeter but the older, larger ones still have plenty of flavor. First of all, remove the green tops and leaves from the roots making sure you leave a two inch stem, wash and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Leaving a short stem ensures that nutrition is not lost from the roots when they are boiled.

    Place the prepared beetroot in a large pan of boiling water. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes until the skins soften. While you're waiting for the beetroot to cook, thoroughly wash the bottles, lids and rings making sure you rinse them well. Next, add salt to each jar. You will need 1 teaspoon for a quart jar and half this for a pint jar.When the beets have cooked for 15 minutes, Drain the beetroot and peel the skins. They should come away easily but there are little reluctant.


    Omega-3 Oil- Learn Why it is So Important for Your Health

    Date: February 13, 2012 09:24 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Omega-3 Oil- Learn Why it is So Important for Your Health

    Omega-3 fatty acids are good polyunsaturated fats that are so essential for maintaining excellent health and for our well-being, but unfortunately 8 out of 10 people do not get enough!

    There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, and ALA. You can get ALA from walnuts and canola oil whereas other two are there in oily fish. Of these three, the best ones are only available from the oily fish. In case of ALA, you would need tons of it to get any desired benefits. Another thing to know about them is that they are essential fats that are not produced within the body, so they have to come from outside source.

    Lets have a close look at various health benefits of Omega-3 fish oil for you and your family:

    1. Cancer prevention-Many studies have revealed that adequate intake of Omega-3 can reduce instances of colon, testicular, ovarian and breast cancer.

    2. About thirty percent of brain is actually DHA fat, and when Omega-3 is consumed on regular basis, one can see amazing improvement in concentration and memory.

    3 Reverse Heart Disease-Omega-3 helps in reducing instances of plaque build up in arteries. People usually suffer strokes due to atherosclerosis (plaque build up), which get clogged over a period of time in the same way as Drains get clogged due to their regular usage.

    4. Boosts Immune System- The immune system of body is controlled by essential fatty acids in the regulatory system. Any shortage of Omega-3 fatty acids can lead to the breakdown of immune system. You can reduce various immune disorders by bringing about a balance in the intake of Omega-6 and Omega 3 fatty acids.

    5. Fights Various Degenerative Diseases-In degenerative diseases, the structure or function of affected tissues deteriorate over a period of time. You can reduce this process by increasing the consumption of Omega-3 fish oil supplements. They are very beneficial for older people.

    6. Increases Fertility-The main reason for infertility in females is the thickening of cervical mucus that impedes the movement of sperms. Aside from that, many vaginal secretions also act as spermicides. In both these cases, deficiency of fatty acids contributes to the problem.

    Even in males, healthy reproductive and sexual functioning of sex glands is possible only with good concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids in sex glands.

    7. Promotes Healthy Skin-Omega-3 fatty acids are important for your skin health. Each skin cell is wrapped up in membrane that consists of substances derived from Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids.

    Where to get omega-3

    You can get Omega-3 from fish oils. You will have to take at lest two servings of fatty fish for required quantities of Omega 3 fish oil. With issues such as toxin and mercury contamination in fish, Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are better alternatives.

    Why omega-3 fish oil supplements?

    The best Omega-3 fish oil pills contain purified and concentrated oil without any risk of toxin or mercury contamination.

    Many reputable manufacturers now provide fish oil capsules with high concentration of EPA and DHA fatty acids with low levels of mercury. You should definitely include Omega-3 fish oil caps in your daily diet to get all the health benefits that your body deserves.


    Chaste Berry a Women Herb

    Date: February 08, 2012 11:51 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Chaste Berry a Women Herb

    Other names of Chaste Berry- Monk's pepper, Chaste-tree Berry

    Chaste Berry is the fruit found on Chaste tree which is botanically known as Vitex. Chaste tree is a decidous tree that grows in a well-Drained, acidic soil in full sun. Vitus agnus castus or Chaste Berry is a native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia but now is grown throughout the world. The tree belongs to Verbanaceae family and can grow to a height of 22 feet. It was traditionally used by men in ancient Greece and Rome to reduce sexual desire, treat menstrual disorders and other hormonal problems and as an anti-microbial agent against infections. It is also known as 'Women's Herb' as it regulates hormonal imbalances and promotes women reproductive health. Aside from its medicinal use, it was used as a peppery condiment. Some of the constituents included in Chaste Berry fruit are flavonoids (casticin, orientin, isovitexin, kaemferol), glycosides (aucubin and agnuside) and essential oils (linalol, sabinene, pinene and limonene). These phytohormone compounds help in regulating the female hormones production and normalising testosterone and progesterone activity.

    Effects of Chaste Berry:

    ChasteBerry controls and regulates overall female reproductive system.

    1. It helps to manage Pre-Menstrual Syndrome: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is associated with several uncomfortable symptoms, ranging from mood swings to fatigue and hot flushes. Chaste Berry is known to be rich in progesterone that helps to ease out the disturbing symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.

    2. It helps to normalize menstrual irregulaties: Imbalance in prolactin levels in the body can lead to various complications in women such as amenorrhoea (absence of periods), breast tenderness and reduced milk production in lactating mothers. Chaste Berry balances natural production of prolactin hormone in the body and effectively treats menstrual irregularities and other symptoms such as tenderness of breast and reduced milk secretion.

    3. It treats menopausal discomforts: Some women experience dicomfort and other menopausal symptoms that affect their daily routine life. The hormone regulating properties of Chaste Berry help in easing menopausal symptoms such as mood swings and hot flushes and several other physical symptoms associated with hormone deficiency during menopause.

    4. It improves overall female reproductive health: Chasteberry has been found to be effective in treating fibroid cysts especially of smooth muscle. It also reduces heavy bleeding associated with perimenopause.

    5. It helps in treating Hormonal acne: Hormonal acne are due to imbalance in androgen hormone levels. Increased androgen levels in the body leads to excessive sebum production that causes acne. This wonder herb regulates the androgen levels in the body and thereby helps in treating moderate and light acne. Another way in which this herb prevents acne formation is its anti-bacterial property. The bioactive essential oils present in Chasteberry have anti-bacterial properties that prevent the survival of bacteria. Chaste Berry contains linoleic fatty acid which is responsible for regulating sebum production.

    Chaste berry modulates the hormone prolactin with the neurotransmitter dopamine. The active ingredients such as polyphenols in the herb indirectly affects hormones and neurotransmitters and regulate the hormones.

    Chaste berry herb is a safe and natural treatment for many women related problems.


    Herbs And The Immune System

    Date: July 30, 2010 10:07 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Herbs And The Immune System

    When looking for an herb to help with the immune system, look for herbs containing sulphur, which helps to dissolve acids in the system. Additionally, sulphur acts as an antiseptic and strengthens the tissues and the body. The following herbs range in amounts of sulphur, but are all good for helping to protect the immune system.

    Burdock root, one of the best blood purifiers, can reduce swelling and help to rid the body of calcification deposits. This is because it promotes kidneys function, helping to clear the blood of harmful acids. Burdock contains high amounts of vitamin C and iron. It also contains protein, carbohydrates, some vitamin A, P, and B-complex, vitamin E, PABA, and small amounts of sulphur, silicon, copper, iodine, and zinc.

    Capsicum, which is also called as cayenne, is known to be the best for warding off diseases and equalizing blood circulation. It has been called a supreme and harmless internal disinfectant. This herb is extremely important for quick action against flu and colds. Capsicum is high in vitamins A, C, iron, and calcium. Additionally, it contains vitamin G, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, B-complex, and potassium.

    Catnip helps in fatigue and improves circulation. It helps in aches and pain, upset stomach, and diarrhea that are associated with flu. Catnip is high in vitamins A, C, B-complex, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, and a small trace of sulphur.

    Chaparral, which has the ability to cleanse deep into the muscle and tissue walls, is a potent healer to the urethral tract and lymphatics. It tones up the system and rebuilds the tissues. One of the best herbal antibiotics, chaparral has been said to be able to rid the body of LSD residue. Chaparral is high in protein, potassium, and sodium, and contains silicon, tin, aluminum, sulphur, chlorine, and barium.

    Comfrey is one of the most valuable herbs known to botanic medicine, as it has beneficial effects on all parts of the body. It is one of the finest healers for the respiratory system, being able to be used both internally and externally for the healing of fractures, wounds, sores, and ulcers. Echinacea, which stimulates the immune response, increases the body’s ability to resist infections. It improves lymphatic filtration and Drainage and also helps to remove toxins from the blood. Fennel helps to stabilize the nervous system and moves waste material out of the body. This herb is known for improving digestion and possesses a diuretic effect.

    Garlic, nature’s antibiotic, has a rejuvenative effect on all body functions, building health and preventing diseases, as well as dissolving cholesterol in the bloodstream. Garlic stimulates the lymphatic system to throw off waste materials. It is full of antibiotics like substances that are effective against bacteria.

    Juniper berries are used in cases where uric acid is being retained in the system. It is an excellent disease preventative, being high in natural insulin. Juniper has the ability to restore the pancreas where there has been no permanent damage and is excellent for infections.

    Kelp, a good promoter of glandular health, has a beneficial effect on many disorders of the body. It is called a sustainer to the brain and nervous system, as it helps the brain to function normally. Kelp is essential during pregnancy.

    Along with the above herbs, other beneficial herbs for the immune system are lobelia, mullein, plantain, parsley, sarsaparilla, shepherd’s purse, stinging nettle, and watercress. Look to your local or internet health food store for quality herbs to help boost the immune system.


    Herbs, Serrapeptase, and your Sinus

    Date: February 18, 2010 04:26 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Herbs, Serrapeptase, and your Sinus

    sinus CavitiesSinusitis occurs when the nasal sinuses become inflamed. There are sinuses that are located above the eyes (frontal sinuses), inside the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), behind the bridge of the nose (sphenoid sinuses), and in the upper nose (ethmoid sinuses). Sinuses are air-filled pockets in the skull that are connected to the nose and throat by passages designed to Drain away mucous. The sinuses are the first line of defense to protect the lungs from infection. The majority of sinusitis cases affect the frontal and/or maxillary sinuses. However, any or all of the sinuses may be involved, with each individual tending to have problems with a particular set of sinuses. If the sinuses are too small or happen to be poorly position to handle the volume of mucous produced, they can become clogged. This causes pressure in the sinuses to increase, which causes pain. Those sinuses that are clogged for a long time are extremely prone to infection.

    Sinusitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections of the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract, like the common cold. Over 50 percent of all cases of sinusitis are caused by bacteria. Air travel can also lead to acute inflammation of the sinuses, due to the changes in air pressure. Chronic sinusitis problems, on the other hand, may be caused by small growths in the nose, injury of the nasal bones, air pollution, dental complications, emotional stress, smoking, and exposure to irritant fumes and smells. Allergic sinusitis may be the result of hay fever of food allergies, especially those allergies to milk and dairy products. People who have compromised immune systems are susceptible to fungal sinusitis, which is a potentially dangerous condition that requires aggressive treatment.

    Sinusitis is characterized by symptoms such as fever which is usually low-grade but can be higher in some cases, cough, headache, earache, toothache, facial pain, cranial pressure, difficulty breathing through the nose, loss of the sense of smell, and tenderness over the forehead and cheekbones. If pain results from tapping the forehead just over the eyes, the cheekbones, or the area around the bridge of the nose, the sinuses may be infected. Sinusitis occasionally produces facial swelling which can be followed by a stuffy nose and a thick discharge of mucous. Those who suffer from sinusitis can have other unpleasant symptoms as a result of previous symptoms. Postnasal drip can cause a sore throat, nausea, and bad breath, while difficulty breathing can cause snoring and loss of sleep.Serrapeptase from Solaray

    The following nutrients are considered to be helpful in dealing with and preventing sinusitis: acidophilus, bee pollen, flaxseed oil, a multivitamin and mineral complex, Quercetin, raw thymus glandular, vitamin A with mixed carotenoids, vitamin B complex, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, colloidal silver, DMSO, garlic, MSM, proteolytic enzymes, Pycnogenol, sea mussel, serrapeptase, and zinc lozenges.

    Additionally, the following herbs may be helpful in preventing and treating sinusitis: anise, fenugreek, marshmallow, red clover, bayberry, bitter orange oil, cat’s claw, ginger root, goldenseal, horehound, mullein, nettle, olive leaf extract, and rose hips. Serrapeptase is an enzyme that is able to help keep sinus fluid thin and flowing properly. Serrapeptase also possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce sinus inflammation which will ease pain and speed healing of the sinus cavity.


    Periwinkle - Vinpocetine

    Date: October 09, 2009 10:23 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Periwinkle - Vinpocetine

    periwinkle colorsPeriwinkle can be found natively growing in North America, Europe, China, and India. The plant is a semi woody evergreen perennial. It is known by three names: Vinca, Periwinkle, and Myrtle. Typically, the plant is grown as an annual. It has a woody stem that can be found near the base and grows two to three feet tall and spreads out just as wide. The plant has a long life span of approximately twenty years. It also has a moderate growth rate. The plant has dark green foliage and bright blue flowers. The leaves are retained from year to year and are about two to three inches in length. This plant is very easy to grow, requiring little or no attention. Typically, it does best in poor, well Drained soils. The flowers will suffer if the soils are too fertile. The periwinkle plant needs full sun or partial shade. It should be watered moderately during the growing season, but it is relatively drought resistant once it is established. The plant does not tolerate over watering. Fungus problems can occur in humid or wet weather.

    For centuries, periwinkle has been used in different areas of the world to treat a variety of conditions. This herb grows in temperate climates and is often grown as an ornamental plant. Periwinkle juice from the leaves of the plant is used in India and applied to bee stings and bug bites. The plant grows well in Hawaii. The extract has been applied to wounds to stop bleeding. This herb can be found growing in South America and has been used for a wide variety of medicinal purposes. Periwinkle was used by native healers in Madagascar for cancer. Vincristine sulfate and vinblastine sulfate, two anticancer drugs, were developed from the periwinkle plant after the herbal healers in Madagascar were studied.

    Periwinkle is considered to be a good binder. It can be chewed to stop bleeding in both the nose and mouth. It has been used historically for female complaints including excessive menstrual bleeding and uterine discharge. It also helps in aiding blood coagulation in wounds. This herb is effective in treating colitis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, nervous conditions, and diabetes.

    Studies have found that periwinkle possesses anticancer attributes. Anticancer agents in periwinkle have been used to treat Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia, and cancer of the lungs, liver, and kidneys, along with other types of cancer. periwinkle More Periwinkle can be found natively growing in North America, Europe, China, and India. The plant is a semi woody evergreen perennial. It is known by three names: Vinca, Periwinkle, and Myrtle. Typically, the plant is grown as an annual. It has a woody stem that can be found near the base and grows two to three feet tall and spreads out just as wide. The plant has a long life span of approximately twenty years. It also has a moderate growth rate. The plant has dark green foliage and bright blue flowers. The leaves are retained from year to year and are about two to three inches in length. This plant is very easy to grow, requiring little or no attention. Typically, it does best in poor, well-Drained soils. The flowers will suffer if the soils are too fertile. The periwinkle plant needs full sun or partial shade. It should be watered moderately during the growing season, but it is relatively drought r

    The entire periwinkle plant is used to provide antineoplastic, astringent, hemostatic, nervine, and sedative properties. Primarily, periwinkle is extremely beneficial in dealing with cancer, diabetes, hemorrhoids, nervousness, and ulcers. Vincamine is an alkaloid found in this plant has been studied and found to support cerebral blood flow, and oxygen and glucose utilization. It may also support cognitive function and enhance memory and concentration when taken regularly.

    Additionally, the herb is very helpful in treating bleeding, congestion, chronic constipation, cramps, dandruff, chronic diarrhea, internal hemorrhages, leukemia, menstrual bleeding, excessive mucus, nightmares, skin disorders, sores, and toothache. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by periwinkle, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


    Caraway Herb

    Date: August 25, 2009 12:12 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Caraway Herb

    The caraway plant, also known as Persian cumin, is a biennial plant that is found in the Apiaceae family. This plant is native to Europe and western Asia. The plant is very similar in appearance to a carrot plant, with finely divided, feathery leaves that have thread-like divisions that grow on twenty to thirty centimeter stems. The main flower stem is forty to sixty centimeters tall and has small white or pink flowers that are in the shape of umbels. The caraway fruits, which are erroneously called seeds, are crescent-shaped and about two millimeters in length and have five pale ridges. The caraway plant prefers warm, sunny locations and a well-Drained soil as well.

    The fruits of the caraway plant are usually used whole. They have a pungent, anise-like flavor and an aroma that is derived from the essential oils carvone and limonene. These oils are used as a spice in breads, especially rye bread, which is denser due to the yeast killing properties of the essential oil, limonene. Caraway is also used in liquors, casseroles, and other foods, especially in Central European and Northern European cuisine, like sauerkraut. This herb is also used to add flavor to cheeses. A substance made from the seeds is used as a remedy for colic, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, and to dispel worms.

    Caraway herbs have been used as a flavoring in foods such as rye bread for thousands of years. It has also been used medicinally by the Romans, Germans, and the English. Generally, it was used to treat flatulence and indigestion. It was also used to relieve colic in babies.

    Caraway is very similar to anise. Both of them are recommended for the same purposes. This herb is a powerful antiseptic. It is especially effective in relieving toothaches. When it is applied locally to the skin, it also acts as an anesthetic. This herb can be mixed with other herbs such as mandrake and culver’s root in order to help modify its purgative action. Caraway is also useful in treating stomach problems. Additionally, it helps prevent fermentation in the stomach. It can help to settle stomach after people have taken medication that causes nausea. Caraway also helps to relieve intestinal cramps and colic in babies.

    This herb is known to encourage menstruation and the flow of milk in nursing mothers. Caraway also helps to ease uterine cramps.

    The root and seed of the caraway plant are used to provide anesthetic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue, mild purgative, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, lead, magnesium, potassium, silicon, vitamin B-complex, and zinc. It is important to consult your local health care professional before taking this, or any supplement in order to obtain the best results. Priamrily, caraway is extremely beneficial in treating loss of appetite, colic, uterine and intestinal cramps, gastric disorders, indigestion, and spasms.

    Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with colds, absent lactation, absent menstruation, upset stomach, and toothaches. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by caraway, feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


    Anise Herb

    Date: August 20, 2009 05:32 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Anise Herb

    Anise is a flowering plant that is part of the Apiaxeae family. It is native to the eastern Mediteranean region and southwest Asia. It is known for its flavor, which resembles licorice, fennel, and tarragon. The anise plant is an herbaceous annual plant that grows to three feet tall. The leaves are at the base of the plant and are very simple. They are about two to five centimeters long and shallowly lobed. The leave higher on the stems are feathery pinnate and divided into numerous leaves. The flowers of the anise plant are white and about three millimeters in diameter. They are produced in dense umbels. The anise fruit is an oblong dry schizocarp that is about three to five millimeters in length. The seedpods are referred to as aniseed. Anise is usually used as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, such as butterflies and moths. Among these are the lime-speck pug and the wormwood pug.

    The best growth for the anise plant can be found in light, fertile, well Drained soil. The plants should be started from seeds as soon as the ground warms up in the spring. Because the anise plants have a taproot, they do not transplant well after they are established. For this reason, the plants should be started where they are to grow, or transplanted while the seedlings are still small.

    Anise is sweet and very aromatic. It can be distinguished by its licorice-like flavor. It is widely used in a variety of regional and ethnic confectioneries, including British Aniseed balls, Austrailain Humbugs, New Zealand Aniseed wheels, Italian pizzelle, German pfeffernusse and springerle, Netherland Muisjes, Norwegian knots, and Peruvian Picarones. Anise is a key ingredient in Mexican “atole de anis” which is similar to hot chocolate. It is taken as a digestive after meals in India.

    Anise was used in ancient Rome as flavoring. However, it contains nutrients like calcium and iron. This herb was added to foods to prevent indigestion when eating large quantities of food. Additionally, it was used to help with bad breath. Hippocrates recommended this herb to relieve both coughs and congestion.

    Anise is used to help remove excess mucus from the alimentary canal and the mucus that is associated with coughs. It is used to stimulate the appetite, relieve digestive problems, and treat colic pain. Some herbalists recommend that anise be used for stimulating the glands and vital organs. Among these organs are the heart, liver, lungs, and brain. Additionally, it helps to normalize estrogen levels.

    The oil and seeds of the anise plant are used to provide anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are B vitamins, calcium, choline, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Primarily, anise provides extraordinary benefits in treating colds, colic, coughs, gas, indigestion, absent lactation, excessive mucus, and pneumonia.

    Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with loss of appetite, breath odor, emphysema, epilepsy, nausea, and nervous disorders. It is important to speak with a health care professional before considering supplementing with any nutrient in order to obtain the best results while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by anise, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.



    Date: July 29, 2009 04:35 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Sage

    Salvia is the Latin name for sage, meaning healthy. The sage plant was highly revered for its healing benefits in the Mediterranean. It also originated in the Mediterranean. The plant is a perennial herbaceous shrub that can be found growing up to heights of fifty meters. It prefers dry chalky soils in sunny areas, but it will thrive in a rich soil with good Drainage. Although it can now be found growing in many areas throughout the world, it should not be confused with the brush sage that grows in the desert areas.

    Often, dried sage leaves are used as culinary spices. Sage is, and has been, a staple in many households. Traditionally, it is used to prolong life. It is also used in lotions to help heal sores and other sin ailments. Fresh sage leaves are chewed in order to remedy infections of the mouth and throat. Gargling with sage can also be an effective way to help treat a sore throat. Additionally, sage helps with excessive mucus discharge, nasal drip, sores, and excessive saliva secretions. The herb has antipyretic qualities that have been known to help with fevers, night sweats, and related problems.

    This herb is also beneficial for mental exhaustion and for increasing the ability to concentrate. Sage improves memory and has been used on some forms of mental illness. Also, it has been used to treat digestive disorders such as ulcers, nausea, and diarrhea. It is used topically as an antiseptic for sores, and sore gums. The herb is even used as a teeth cleaner or hair tonic.

    Sage has been found in clinical studies to contain antioxidant properties. It is thought that the labiatic acid found within is the active constituent. Evidence has shown that there is some antimicrobial activity in this herb as well. Recent research using laboratory animals has found antispasmodic activity in sage extracts. This activity may account for its use as a digestive aid. It should be noted that those people with seizure disorders should only use sage under the supervision of a health-care provider.

    The leaves of the sage plant are used to provide alterative, antigalactagogue, antihydrotic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, febrifuge, parasiticide, stimulant, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C. Primarily, sage is extremely beneficial in dealing with coughs, diabetes, fevers, gastic disorders, sore gums, indigestion, infection, absent lactation, memory impairments, mental illnesses, mouth sores, nausea, nervous conditions, night sweats, sores, sore throat, and worms.

    Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating snake bits, blood infections, colds, cystitis, diarrhea, dysentery, flu, hair loss, headaches, kidney stones, laryngitis, lung congestion, mucus discharge, nasal drip, palsy, parasites, phlegm, sinus congestion, skin disorders, tonsillitis, ulcers, and yeast infections. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by sage, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.


    Holy Basil

    Date: May 15, 2009 01:08 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Holy Basil

    Basil is a common seasoning that can be found in many kitchens all over the world. This herb is often used to make pesto and to flavor soups, stews, and other foods. Additionally, basil has been used for a long amount of time throughout the world for medicinal purposes. This herb is especially used in Asia and Africa, along with India, where it is thought to be a sacred herb. Basil has been used to treat exhaustion, as it works as a stimulant to promote energy. This herb has antibacterial properties and may help to draw out poisons from stings and bites.

    Basil is a low-growing herb that is prominently featured in Italian cuisine. This herb is also a huge part of Southeast Asian cuisines like those of Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. The plant has a similar taste to that of anise, but has a pungent and sweet smell. There are multiple varieties of basil, with the one most typically used in Italian food being sweet basil. Asia, on the other hand, uses Thai basil, lemon basil, and holy basil. Although most types of basil are considered to be annuals, some are perennial and grow in warm, tropical climates. These include the African Blue and Holy Thai basil. Originally native to Iran, India, and other tropical regions of Asia, basil has been cultivated for more than 5,000 years.

    The basil plant grows between 30-130 cm tall and has light green, silky leaves that are approximately 3-11 cm long and 1-6 cm broad. The flowers are very big and white in color. They arrange themselves along the plant in a spike shape. The basil plant is extremely sensitive to cold, as it grows best in hot, dry conditions. If there is any chance of frost, the plant will behave as an annual. This plant only grows well in Northern Europe, Canada, the northern states of the U.S., and the South Island of New Zealand if it is grown under glass in a pot, and planted outdoors in late spring or early summer, when there is little chance of a frost. The plant does its best in well-Drained sunny places.

    Basil is not only a flavoring, but a definite source of health benefits. One study done by the University of Baroda in India found basil to help to lower fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyercide levels significantly. Basil may also help non-insulin-dependent diabetics to control their diabetes. Additional research has found that basil can also be useful for killing intestinal parasites, treating acne, and stimulating the immune system.

    The leaves of basil are used to provide anthelmintic, antibacterial, antispasmodic, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, galactagogue, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in basil are calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, D, and B2. Primarily, basil is very beneficial in treating insect and snake bites, colds, headaches, indigestion, absence of lactation, and whooping cough. Additionally, basil can be extremely helpful in dealing with intestinal catarrh, constipation, stomach cramps, fevers, flu, kidney problems, nervous disorders, respiratory infections, rheumatism, urinary problems, vomiting, and worms. For more information on the many health benefits of basil, feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.

    Buy Basil at Vitanet ®, LLC


    Fight Infertility

    Date: April 01, 2009 05:35 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Fight Infertility

    Infertility is typically defined as a failure to conceive after a year or more of regular intimate activity during the time of ovulation. This term can also refer to the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. About 6.1 million American couples are impaired when it comes to their ability to have children, with 2.1 million of these couples being infertile. The exact cause of the problem can be extremely difficult to pinpoint, as ovulation, fertilization, and the passage to the fertilized ovum through the fallopian tube and to the uterus are extremely complex processes. In order for pregnancy to occur, many events must work together perfectly.

    In 40 percent of infertile couples, problems that affect the male partner are either partially or wholly the cause of infertility. Infertility in men is usually the result of a low sperm count or an anatomical abnormality. There are a variety of factors that can result in a low sperm count. Among these factors are alcohol consumption, endocrine disorders, exposure to toxins, radiation or excessive heat, recent acute illness or prolonged fever, testicular injury, and rarely, mumps-induced wasting of the testicles. An abnormal enlargement of veins that Drain the testicles, referred to as varicoceles, can cause infertility in men. This is because the veins of the testes are no longer able to moderate the temperature of the testicles correctly, which can negatively affect sperm.

    The most common causes of infertility in women include an ovulatory failure or defect, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Additionally, some women are able to develop antibodies to their partners’ sperm, which causes the woman to almost be allergic to them. Chlamydia, a transmitted disease which affects 4 million Americans each year, also causes many cases of infertility. There are also psychological issues, such as stress or fear of parenthood, which can also contribute to infertility.

    However, in most cases, stress is usually the result of infertility, not the cause of it. Sperm abnormalities account for about 41 percent of infertility cases. The following reasons are the most common to explain why couples cannot conceive: the woman has endometriosis; the man has abnormal sperm, a low sperm count, or erectile dysfunction; the woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked; ovulation takes place rarely or irregularly; the couple is unable to have complete intimate relations; the cervical mucous attacks and kills the sperm; the woman does not manufacture enough progesterone to carry a baby to term; the woman is over thirty-four; and/or one or both members of the couple eats a poor diet and experiences too much stress. The following nutrients are extremely beneficial in helping one or both partners deal with infertility: selenium, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, zinc, DMG, octacosanol, phosphatidyl choline, essential fatty acids, l-arginine, manganese, proteolytic enzymes, pycnogenol, raw orchic glandular, raw ovarian glandular, 7-keto DHEA, vitamin A, and vitamin B complex. Also, the following herbs have been shown to be beneficial in dealing with infertility: astragalus, damiana, ginseng, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, yohimbe, dong quai, false unicorn root, gotu kola, licorice root, wild yam root, green oat, and yin-yang-huo. It should also be noted that heavy use of Echinacea, ginkgo biloba, and St. John’s wort may cause infertility in men, and should be avoided.

    Infertility can be a complicated and mentally depressing due to lack of pregnancy by both men and women. Depression can lead to more stress and needs managed by a health care provider. Always consult your doctor when you think you are infertile. Natural vitamins like the ones listed above are available at your local or internet health food store. Look for name brands vitamins to ensure you receive quality supplements.

    *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.


    Glaucoma (loose your eye sight)

    Date: February 16, 2009 01:18 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Glaucoma (loose your eye sight)

    Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve and can lead to irreversible vision loss. It is usually associated with elevated fluid pressure within the eye. All forms of glaucoma can cause damage to the optic nerve and lead to vision loss, even blindness, if left untreated. About 2.2 million Americans have been diagnosed with glaucoma and as many as 2 million more could have it and not yet know. It is one of the lading causes of blindness and is expected to become more prevalent in years to come due to the growing population of older adults.

    Those people who are at greatest risk for developing glaucoma are people over the age of sixty, people of African ancestry, and people with diabetes, high blood pressure, severe myopia, or a family history of glaucoma. Smokers also have an elevated risk, as do those who have sustained eye injuries or who have used steroids for an extended period of time.

    About 3 percent of Americans are believed to have open-angle glaucoma, which is the most common form of this disease. Because this disorder causes no symptoms until it is quite advanced, only about half of those who have it are actually aware of it. In open-angle glaucoma, there is no physical blockage and the structure of the eye appear to be normal. However, the Drainage of fluid is inadequate to keep the intraocular pressure at a normal level.

    The most pronounced symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are the gradual loss or darkening of peripheral vision and a marked decrease in night vision or the ability of the eye to adjust to darkness. Other possible symptoms include chronic low-grade headaches, the need for frequent changes in eyeglass prescription, and/or seeing halos around electric lights.

    A far less common, yet more serious, form of glaucoma is closed-angle glaucoma. Closed-angle glaucoma is much more dangerous than open-angle forms because it almost never manifests any symptoms until very late in the condition. By that time, vision may be irreversibly damaged.

    Glaucoma probably has many causes, with many scientists believing it may be closely linked to stress and nutritional problems or disorders like diabetes and high blood pressure. Some think that excessive amounts of glutamic acid, which is a nonessential amino acid, may be involved. Glaucoma has also been linked to deficiency in nitric oxide, which is a molecule that is critical for healthy blood vessels. Problems with collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, have been linked to glaucoma as well. Collagen increases the strength and elasticity of tissues in the body, especially those of the eye. Collagen and tissue abnormalities at the back of the eye contribute to the clogging of the tissues through which the intraocular fluid normally Drains. This results in elevated inner eye pressure, leading to glaucoma and related vision loss.

    The following nutrients are considered to be very important when dealing with and preventing glaucoma: choline, essential fatty acids, glutathione, rutin, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium, a multivitamin and mineral complex, and zinc. Additionally, the following herbs are helpful: bilberry, chickweed, eyebright, coleus forskohli, fennel tea, chamomile, ginkgo biloba, zinc sulfate, jaborandi, and rose hips.

    To resolve issues with the eyes, one must change their diet, exercise, and take supplements and herbs like what are listed above. Medical doctors are at a loss as to how glaucoma happens but they can help stop the progression of this disease if detected early on. Always consult your doctor before adding vitamins and herbs to your diet, vitamins and herbs are available at your local or internet health food store.

    *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

    Vitanet ®, LLC



    Date: August 09, 2008 11:37 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Magnesium

    Recent studies have found the importance of magnesium as a nutrient and its impact on general and heart health. Nutritional magnesium is deeply involved in the production of energy, the uptake of oxygen, the function of the central nervous system, the balance of electrolytes, the metabolism of glucose, and the activity of muscles, including the heart. When magnesium’s importance in the heart muscle is closely examine, the microscope is necessary, as it gets right down to the cellular and molecular levels.

    Magnesium has an essential role in many of the functions of energy production and is an integral part of the energy and protein molecules, without which the heart would not have the proper energy to contract and relax. Magnesium is also essential in the construction of the cell membrane, as the heart is composed of cells and the magnesium plays a role in the strength of the heart muscle itself.

    When magnesium levels begin to get too low the body will try to adapt, but the basic functions of energy production and cell structure are affected. Without enough magnesium, the cell is unable to keep the proper number of high-energy molecules that is needed to function properly. It doesn’t just end there though, as just about everything starts to go once magnesium falls below a certain level, and then cellular damage can result. Sodium balance and electrolyte balance also start to change, while the cell is unable to have a fully integrated membrane system due to magnesium deficiency, calcium and sodium start to rush into abnormal areas for the muscle cells which can cause cellular damage.

    If a person is not getting adequate magnesium, they may go into a marginal state, which can be taken to a depleted state with a certain trauma or excessive physical, emotional, or mental stress. This depleted state can manifest as hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and possibly even a heart attack. Magnesium requirements increase during times of stress which include exercise, mental and emotional issues, high noise, chemical toxins, and others. Requirements for magnesium also rise during healing from a bodily trauma such as an injury or operation. A low magnesium condition can be worsened by a high intake of calcium, as calcium can not be optimally utilized without the proper balance of magnesium, and a high calcium intake without magnesium will cause further Drainage of any magnesium reserves. Although calcium is necessary at the cellular level for muscles to contract, nerves to fire, and hormones to be produced and released, too much calcium and too little magnesium is a disaster. Another problem related to heart health is cholesterol, a fatty substance found in many areas of the body. Since cholesterol has gotten such a bad name, many people do not know that it is actually produced in all cells naturally and is important for proper bodily functions.

    Finally, one of the reactions that are involved in cholesterol production is called rate-limiting reaction, as it keeps control of the amount of cholesterol manufactured. The rate-limiting reaction requires magnesium, which can cause cholesterol to continue to be manufactured beyond the cells control if magnesium is unavailable, resulting in cholesterol buildup. As you can see, magnesium is vital to the body and if not obtained from your diet, should be supplemented through a vitamin supplement from a health food store. For more information on magnesium and its healthful effects on the body, feel free to contact your local health food store.

    Buy Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC



    Date: June 02, 2008 12:03 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Ashwagandha

    Stress is part of life and is as natural as breathing and blinking. Everyone experiences stress to some degree at different times in their lives; some more than others. Chronic stress, if left unchecked, can cause significant health problems.

    Causes of Stress

    Life changes are big stressors. Whether it's a new job, getting a divorce, having a baby or retiring, changes can cause stress. Stress becomes a factor in our health, especially as we grow older. The body doesn't function as well as it once did. Suddenly, you have trouble sleeping, your sex drive diminishes and aches and pains set it.

    Stress occurs in many forms. Stress on an emotional level is caused by personal problems, thoughts and relationships. Illness causes stress too. Working long hours or having a lot of demands placed on your time can leave you feeling Drained and sick. Hormones play a role in stress, as well. Whether you are experiencing temporary or life changes, it takes a toll on your body in the form of stress.

    Learn How to Fight Back Against Stress

    If stressful life changes get you down, fight back with ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is a tomato-like shrub grown in India. It is also referred to as the Indian ginseng and the winter cherry. The herbs from these trees have been used for 2,500 years as a natural medicine.

    Benefits of Using Ashwagandha Herbs

    Ashwagandha herbs not only help to reduce stress from your busy life, they also have a natural healing effect on the body. This flowering shrub is used as an herbal medicine to aid the body in many ways:

    * Boosts immunity
    * Revitalizes
    * Restores neurotransmitters
    * Improves memory
    * Enhances sex drive
    * Wards off infections
    * Reduces inflammation
    * Reduces anxiety
    * Corrects hormonal imbalances
    * Speeds recovery from illness
    * Suppresses pain
    * Diminishes feelings of numbness in hands and feet
    * Stops cellular degeneration caused by stress
    * Helps with respiratory problems
    * Slows aging
    * Contains powerful antioxidants

    The benefits that ashwagandha provides promote overall health and well-being. The herb helps to reduce stress on the body, both physically and mentally. Ashwagandha is especially helpful for people with insomnia, low libido, depression, arthritis and anxiety.

    The Sexual Healing Power of Ashwagandha

    The ashwagandha herb acts as an aphrodisiac. It works on low libido and can help men regain their stamina and confidence in the bedroom. Since it helps in so many other areas of your health, like reducing stress and anxiety, it gives men a newfound sense of sexuality.

    You also can consider ashwagandha as a natural Viagra. As with any prescription drug, Viagra has side effects that accompany its intended use. Vision problems, sneezing, flushing and headaches are fairly common for men who take Viagra to enhance their sex drive. Less common side effects include stroke, heart palpitations and heart attacks. You can receive the benefits of the little blue pill without the side effects by taking ashwagandha.

    Take Advantage of the Healing Power of Ashwagandha

    Tackle the stress of life changes by adding ashwagandha to your diet. Allow this natural herb to give you a sense of calm. Let it work on your nervous system to reduce the feelings of stress. Everyone feels stress at times, but the effects of stress can be better managed with ashwagandha.


    The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

    Date: May 18, 2007 01:06 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, D-Ribose, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium

    The Awesome Foursome: Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine,

    D-Ribose, Magnesium


    The “Awesome Foursome” of Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium helps our hearts metabolize energy more efficiently and protects them from the stress of cardiovascular disease. This powerful combination of nutrients goes directly to the basic biochemistry of cellular energy metabolism. Now let’s take a closer look at how Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose, and magnesium work in synergy to promote cardiovascular health.


    Coenzyme Q10:

    Energy Recycling through the Electron Transport Chain

    Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial DNA, and cell walls from free-radical attack. But its most important function in the body is its central role in energy metabolism.

    Most – about 90 percent – of the ATP used by cells is recycled as food (fuel) and oxidized in the mitochondria. Fatty acids, carbohydrates, and, occasionally, proteins are carried across the mitochondrial membrane and enter the Krebs’ cycle, moving from step to step and spinning off electrons. These electrons are then handed off to the electron transport chain, where, in the presence of oxygen, the energy from the electrons is captured as a phosphate group is added to ADP to form ATP. This recycling of ATP is called oxidative phosphorylation, and the by-products of these pathways are CO2 and water.

    In this fashion, Coenzyme Q10 acts as a gatekeeper of electrons, making sure they are carried to just the right place to pass on their life-giving energy.

    What is critical, however, is the simple fact that without Coenzyme Q10 the electron transport chain would totally break down. And since the electron transport chain is (by far!) the largest contributor to cellular energy turnover, its loss would be catastrophic. It is also important to know that there has to be an excess of Coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to be maximally effective. Having just enough isn’t sufficient to do the job properly, and having a deficiency seriously affects the mitochondria’s ability to supply the cell with energy.

    Cellular stress can cause Coenzyme Q10 deficiency, which places a severe strain on Coenzyme Q10 availability. People with heart disease, hypertension, gingival disease, Parkinson’s disease, and the other disorders we’ve discussed are known to be deficient in Coenzyme Q10. Whether these deficiencies are the cause or the effect of these varied medical problems, the end result is that they sap the life out of their mitochondria and reduce their energy supplies. You see, Coenzyme Q10 cannot function properly if electrons are not coming out of the Krebs’ cycle, and the Krebs’ cycle won’t work without the fuel that’s transported into the mitochondria by L-Carnitine.



    Transporting the Cellular Energy Fuel

    Fatty acids are the preferred energy fuel for hearts and most other cells in the body. L-Carnitine facilitates the beta oxidation of fatty acids as energy fuel. And since fatty acids are the preferred fuel for energy recycling in cells, this action is critical to cell and tissue function. Unfortunately, L-carnitine is deficient in people with heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, lipid metabolic disorders, mitochondrial disorders, and many other disease syndromes we reviewed earlier. This L-carnitine deficiency disrupts the normal metabolism of fatty acids, reducing available energy supplies and leading to the accumulation of toxic by-products of fatty acid metabolism. L-carnitine supplementation revives fatty acid metabolism and restore normal mitochondrial function. But even this powerful improvement in cellular energy metabolism cannot up for the energy Drain that comes from the loss of energy substrates caused by low oxygen delivery to the tissue. Only D-Ribose can do that.



    Rebuilding the Cellular Energy Pool

    As long as cells and tissues have plenty of oxygen, the pool of energy substrates in the cell remains high. And as long as there is enough L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 available, the process of energy utilization and supply can proceed unimpeded. However, the cellular supply of oxygen can be restricted by acute or chronic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, any number of skeletal – or neuromuscular diseases, or even high-intensity exercise.

    When cells are deprived of oxygen the mitochondrial energy turnover becomes inefficient. Remember, oxygen is required to let the oxidative pathway of energy recycling work properly. If the mitochondria are not able to recycle energy efficiently, cellular energy supply cannot keep pace with demand. But the cell has a continuing need for energy so it will use all its ATP stores and then break down the by-product, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), to pull the remaining energy out of this compound as well. What’s left is adenosine menophosphate (AMP). Since a growing concentration of AMP is incompatible with sustained cellular function it’s quickly broken apart and the by-products are washed out of the cell. The net result of this process is a depletion of the cellular pool of energy substrates. When the by-products of AMP catabolism are washed out of the cell, they are lost forever. It takes a long time to replace these lost energy substrates even if the cell is fully perfused with oxygen again.

    Ribose is the only compound used by the body to refill this energy pool.  Every cell in the body has the capacity to make ribose, but hearts, muscles, and most other tissues lack the metabolic machinery to make ribose quickly when the cells are stressed by oxygen depletion or metabolic insufficiency.  Ribose is made naturally in the cells from glucose.  In stressed cells, however, glucose is preferentially metabolized for the energy turnover and is not available for ribose synthesis.  So when energy pools are Drained from stressed cells, the cells must first wait for the slow process of ribose synthesis before they can begin to replace their lost energy stores.

        Acute ischemia, like that which takes place during a heart attack, heart surgery, or angioplasty, Drains the cell of energy.  Even when oxygenated blood flow returns, refilling the energy pool may take ten or more days.  But when oxygen deprivation is chronic, or when energy metabolism is disrupted by disease, there may be so much continual strain on the energy supply that the pool can ever refill without the assistance of supplemental ribose.  Conditions like ischemic heart disease or congestive heart failure fall into this category.  In these situations, supplementing the tissue with exogenous ribose is the only way the cell can keep up with the energy Drain.



    Switching on the Energy Enzymes

    Magnesium is an essential mineral that's critical for energy requiring processes, in protein synthesis, membrane integrity, nervous tissue conduction, neuromuscular excitation, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, maintenance of vascular tone, and in intermediary metabolism.  Deficiency may lead to changes in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, immune, and hormonal function; Impaired energy metabolism; and reduced capacity for physical work.  Magnesium deficiency is now considered to contribute to many diseases, and the role for magnesium as a therapeutic agent is expanding.

        Magnesium deficiency reduces the activity of important enzymes used in energy metabolism.  Unless we have adequate levels of magnesium in our cells, the cellular processes of energy metabolism cannot function.  Small changes in magnesium levels can have a substantial effect on heart and blood vessel function.  While magnesium is found in most foods - particularly vegetables - deficiencies are increasing.  Softened water and a trend toward lower vegetable consumption are the culprits contributing to these rising deficiencies.


    Supporting the Links in The Energy Cycle Chain – the Synergy

    Clearly, each membrane of the “Awesome Foursome” is fundamental to cellular energy metabolism in its own right. Each plays a unique and vital role in supplying the heart with the energy it needs to preserve its contractile force. Each is independently effective in helping hearts work through the stress of disease. And while each contributes immeasurable to the energy health of the cell, in combination they are unbeatable. Allow me to reiterate the step-by-step, complicated cellular processes involved to be sure that you really understand the rationale for using these nutrients.

    The cell needs a large, sustained, and healthy pool of energy to fuel all its metabolic functions. Contraction, relaxation, maintenance of cellular ion balance, and synthesis of macromolecules, like proteins, all require a high energy charge to carry their reactions to completion. The energy pool must be preserved, or these fundamental cellular functions will become inefficient or will cease to operate altogether. To keep the pool vibrant and healthy, the cell needs ribose. But even with supplemental ribose, the cell needs the efficient turnover of its energy stores to balance ongoing energy utilization with supply. That’s where CoQ10 and L-carnitine come into play.

    The converse is also true. Even if the cell is fully charged with energy, cellular energy supply will not keep pace with demand if the mitochondria are not functioning properly. CoQ10 and L-carnitine work to keep mitochondrial operations running at peak efficiency, and one side cannot work effectively without the other. Even though CoQ10 and L-carnitine can make the energy turnover mechanisms work more efficiently, they cannot increase the cell’s chemical driving force, and their action will be only partially effective. Ribose on the other hand, can keep the energy pool supplied with substrate, but the value of energy pool repletion cannot be fully realized if the substrate cannot be maximally utilized and recycled. Ribose fills the tank; CoQ10 an L-carnitine help the engine run properly.

    Magnesium is the glue that holds energy metabolism together. By turning on the enzymes that drive the metabolic reactions, magnesium allows it all to happen.

    These four nutrients must be utilized by cardiologists and other physicians as they treat patients day-to-day. On my own journey, using Coenzymes Q10 for two decades, L-carnitine for more than ten years, D-Ribose for two years, and magnesium equally as long, I’ve seen this “Awesome Foursome” reduce suffering and improve the quality of life for thousands of patients.

    The future of nutrition in conventional medicine is very bright, although the integration of nutritional supplements has been a slow and, at times, lonely process.

    L-carnitine and Coenzyme Q10 are finally gaining the recognition they deserve. D-Ribose is emerging as a new player in the complex understanding of metabolic cardiology, and doctors are beginning to discuss the important role of magnesium deficiency in heart patients. As a practicing cardiologist for over thirty years, I see metabolic cardiology as the future for the treatment of heart disease and other complex disease conditions, as well.

    Protect the Heart with D-Ribose, Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, and Magnesium at Vitanet ®, LLC


    Supplements for Sexual health!

    Date: April 17, 2007 02:35 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Supplements for Sexual health!

    Improving Sexual Performance Naturally

    Sex. It’s everywhere. It’s on TV (a lot!). It’s in the books we read and the movies we watch. Even the radio seems a veritable hot bed of sex. (what would hard rock, soft jazz, or Motown classics be without songs about sex?) Magazines are full of sex and it’s not just the “naughty” ones with glossy centerfolds. From Sports Illustrated to Good Housekeeping, sex makes for titillating headlines and cover stories. In fact, 21st Century America seems to be awash in sex, except where it counts – in the bedrooms and love lives of married Americans.

    No one really knows for sure how many of the 113 million married Americans are living as couples with DINS (dual income, no sex). Estimates range from 15 to 50 percent. Even couples who have sex fairly often feel like they’re not having enough sex or that it’s not as enjoyable as it was in the past, or both. And while women are stereotyped as the sex refusers and avoiders, surveys show that both women and men decline spousal advances fairly equally.

    What’s really interesting about this lack of sexual activity in America, is that the very same thing is happening to husbands and wives residing in Paris and London, as well as Lisbon and Madrid. Research has shown that married couples who reside within Western civilized countries are much more likely to have unhappy sex lives than their counterparts living elsewhere in the world. That’s because the married couples residing in the rainforests of Brazil, the streets of Beijing, and the mountains of Tibet have access to powerful plant medicines that keep their sexual relationships healthy and happy. In fact, in China and India alone, over one billion men and women routinely incorporate plant medicines for healthy and satisfying sex.

    As a medicine hunter, I have discovered effective plants and herbs al over the planet that really do improve orgasms in women and erections in men. Now it’s your turn. I’m going to teach you how to enhance your sexuality and introduce you to an entire arsenal of libido lifting plants to help make sex fun, vibrant, and satisfying for both you and your partner.


    Q. These plants sound too good to be true. Do they really work?

    A. Yes, they do. Part of their success is their ability to work with your body’s innate mechanisms for healthy sex. Good sex is much more than just stimulated body parts. But it’s a good place to start!

    A man needs an erect penis that remains firm past foreplay and on into intercourse. He also needs to sustain that erection and experience forceful and pleasurable ejaculation when he and his partner are both ready for his orgasm. A woman needs to feel desire and feel desired for her nipples to be aroused, her clitoris stimulated, and her vagina lubricated – the basics leading to her orgasm.

    Plants that enhance sex can help men and women obtain these bare necessities of sex. And unlike other supplements, you’ll know if the medicinal plant you’ve purchased is actually doing what it promised to do. You can’t really tell if the calcium supplement you take each day is making your bones stronger. But you will be able to tell pretty soon if Catuaba, for example, is increasing your sexual desire.

    Q. Night after night, my husband falls asleep on the sofa. And the honest to goodness truth is that I’m too tired for sex, too. I love my husband and once upon a time I loved sex. But my job, the kids, those never-ending errands, and trying to keep up with the laundry are too exhausting. Is there a plant that can rev us up?

    A. Many women are in the same sexless boat you’re sailing around in and they don’t like it any more than you do. In fact, women all over the world put their family’s needs before their own, leading to some very tired moms and wives.

    Life’s demands can also impair sexual performance in men. Work stressors, family demands, and home maintenance result in fatigue and lack of energy. Men find that they have no energy left to devote to to sex at the end of the day.

    But, over 80 percent of married couples in the world have at their disposal a health care system that integrates sex into their personal health and well being. For centuries, millennia actually, practitioners of traditional medicine have prescribed Maca and Rhodiola to reduce “sexual fatigue” in women and men who are just too tired to make love.


    Sex Enhancing Plants for Men and Women

    How They Work

    Maca (Lepidum meyenii)

    For the past several years in Peru, where the Maca plant grows, physicians have prescribed extracts from this plant to men with low libido and diminished erectile function, which excellent results. Recently researchers studying Maca have discovered two compounds they think are responsible for improved sexual stamina, namely the macamides and macaenes. It is these same compounds that help men and women obtain more frequent and more powerful orgasms.

    Rhodiola Rosea

    This hardy plant grows high in the mountains of Europe and Asia, enduring cold and snow and lack of sunlight for much of the year. Hoping to gain some of Rhodiola’s energy and stamina for themselves, early Siberians used extracts of the plants to boost strength and stamina. Not only did they have more energy, they discovered they had more sexual stamina, too.


    Rhodiola is an adaptogen, a plant that helps us adapt to changes in life and the stresses of everyday life. When we’re stressed, our bodies shift into high gear causing a cascade of hormones to prevent and reduce harm. In cases of trauma (like car accident or surgery (or simply nature at work (such as childbirth), these hormones are necessary. However, when we experience stress that’s caused by work (your boss), or family (your teen-aged children), or personal struggles (your weight), this hormonal cascade can do more harm than good –causing fatigue, added weight gain, poor metabolism, and impaired sexual function.


    Rhodiola helps make sure the hormonal cascade occurs when it’s needed, to protect our health, not harm it. The result is better energy, better vitality, and better sex!


    Q. Since I had a baby four months ago, I have no desire for sex. This is making my husband pretty frustrated and me too, actually. I’d love to want sex again.

    A. A married woman with a baby and a toddler or two can feel that her body isn’t really hers. So much for feeling sexy! While this fact can be a source of great pride and joy, it can also Drain desire.

    As women enter perimenopause – those years when they are still menstruating despite fluctuating estrogen levels – they often have no desire for sex. Since estrogen is the engine that drives women’s reproductive function, when it starts to go, sex goes too. Women who have reached menopause may find their minds wandering during sex. Pondering the car’s need for an oil change or if the milk in the refrigerator has reached its expiration date makes for pretty blah sex. It also makes it nearly impossible to achieve orgasm.

    Once more, traditional medicine has some answers:

    Sex Plants for Women

    How They Work

    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

    Just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, possessing powerful sex-enhancing powers. And just like Rhodiola, Ashwagandha has been helping women boost their desire for sex. Long considered India’s most potent sex-enhancing plant, the country’s women have used Ashwagandha for years to rev up their sex drives.

    Catuaba (Erythroxylum Catuaba)

    Catuaba is a tree that grows in the dense, lush Brazilian Amazon, the largest tropical rainforest on Earth. For hundreds and hundreds of years, tribal peoples have used Catuaba bark to stimulate sexual desire. According to folk legend, the Tupi Indians discovered Catuaba bark’s sex-enhancing effects and passed the knowledge on to other rainforest tribes. Today, Catuaba is used worldwide by women desiring passionate sex.

    Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) extract

    Sometimes called Siberian ginseng, Eleuthero is actually not a ginseng at all, only a distant cousin. This leafy shrub is native to Eastern Russia and the mountains of China and has been used by tribal peoples for over 2,000 years to eliminate sexual fatigue. Eleuthero is another adaptogen, invigorating sexual function and restoring balance to all body functions.

    Q. My husband has a desire for sex, but sometimes it’s not enough. Even if we’re both in the mood, he can’t maintain his erection very long. It’s very frustrating for us both.

    A. For men it’s often their equipment that lets them down. As men age, they find they can’t get an erection hard enough or keep an erection long enough to satisfy their partners and themselves.

    While women can fake an orgasm if they’re tired, men have to perform every single time they have sex. Luckily, Mother Nature can help:

    Sex Plants for Men

    How They Work

    Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium species)

    This aptly named sex plant has been in use for over two thousand years, restoring sexual fire, treating impotence, and increasing production of semen. The green leaves of Horny Goat Weed are filled with numerous natural compounds, responsible for these sexual effects. Research shows that horny goat weed has activities very similar to the androgens, sex hormones that stimulate desire in men.

    Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe)

    Yohimbe is nature’s Viagra – it helps men attain firm erections. Not surprisingly, Yohimbe has been used for a long time as a fold medicine aphrodisiac. The bark contains Yohimbine, a compound known to stimulate engorged vessels within the penis and nerves of the lower spine. It’s no wonder Yohimbe has the well-deserved reputation as a superior sexual stimulant.

    Panax ginseng

    One of the most highly regarded plants in traditional Chinese medicine, Ginseng stimulates the central nervous system, invigorates the brain, increases resistance to stress and fatigue, and sharpens the mind. Ginseng is also used by millions of men to enhance libido and sexual vitality. In an erectile dysfunction study, men who took Ginseng had a 42% improvement in erectile function compared to placebo. Researchers theorize that ginseng increases nitric oxide in the penis, dilating the vessels of the corpus cavernosum - the very same mechanism that makes Viagra work.

    Q. There are hundreds of supplements that claim to make men hard and women weak with desire. I’ve tried some of these, and they don’t do anything. When should I believe that the herbs and plan medicines you have discovered are nay better?

    A. There are a lot of “snake oil” companies out there pitching products that promise to improve our sex lives but do absolutely nothing. One reason for this glut of useless supplements is simple demand. Men and women trying to make their sex lives better, are willing to give most products the benefit of the doubt and buy one or two. Sex sells – and even products that are purchased one time only will make big profits.

    To get the most for your money, make sure the sexual supplement you are considering is from a well-respected manufacturer. Ask store staff, surf the Internet, and do some searching for the best nutraceutical companies. Make sure the herbs are standardized and that the extracts are concentrated fro optimal benefit.

    Q. Are these sex-enhancing plants safe?

    A. Despite years of use by practitioners of traditional medicine, significant adverse effects have not been reported for most sex-enhancing plants. However, men who have already been diagnosed with certain health conditions such as high blood pressure, thyroid disease, prostate problems, or other illnesses should use caution when selecting any health supplement. The same advice applies to women, especially women who are pregnant or nursing. And always remember to keep your doctor informed about the supplements you are using, especially if you are also taking prescription drugs. But the sex-enhancing plants have been traveling on planet Earth for a long, long time. And hopefully they’ll be here for lot longer, continuing to work effectively and go about their business of safely improving orgasms and erections and making sex great for men and women all over the world.

    Q. OK, exactly how did early native healers figure out which plants improve sex? Was it just simple trial and error?

    A. It does seem pretty remarkable that tribal peoples have discovered the right plants to treat diseases and improve health without modern day scientific advances.

    From my many years as a “medicine hunter” in rainforests and grasslands and marshes and mountains, I’ve learned that healing plants exist for virtually every health need. It’s up to the medicine man or women to put the plant into practice. These healers have been able to do this successfully for thousands of people, by intensively studying and working with the plants. By putting themselves into the plant’s world, becoming part of the world around them, native healers have intuitively discovered which plant helps which disease. It wasn’t mere luck that brought all those plants and all those healers together. It was the natural and spiritual connection existing between the two.

    Q. Are there other “natural” remedies we can use to improve our sex lives?

    A. The easiest way to naturally enhance your sex life is to practice, practice, practice! Because if you don’t use it, you might lose it. Studies have shown that couples in the Amazon rainforest as well as couples in the concrete jungle of New York City have better sex lives if thy make sex a priority. All the sex-enhancing plants in the world are useless if the men and women taking them don’t put them to the test.

    Men who smoke need to quit. Research has shown that cigarettes send men’s sex lives up in smoke. Men who smoke more than 20 cigarettes daily have a 60 percent higher risk of erectile dysfunction compared to men who never smoked. That’s because smoking decreases blood flow making it difficult for men to obtain an erection.

    And finally, since sex is a visual and tactile endeavor, there are quite natural and creative ways to give it a boost. Visually stimulating images can arouse even the tiredest of the tired. Premiere Magazine recently compiled a list of the most erotic movie sex scenes ever. You don’t have to feel embarrassed when renting these movies (as you might with pornography) at the video store and they are guaranteed to light up your life:

    1.      Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez making love in UNFAITHFUL (2002)

    2.      Hilary Swank pleasuring Chloe Sevigny in BOYS DON’T CRY (1999)

    3.      Brad Pitt and Claire Forlani making love in MEET JOE BLACK (1998)

    4.      Leonardo DiCaprio drawing Kate Winslet in the nude in TITANIC (1997)

    5.      Sharon Stone uncrossing her legs while she is being interrogated in a room full of en in BASIC INSTINCT (1992)

    6.      Patrick Swazye and Demi Moore in the pottery secene early on in GHOST (1990)

    7.      Michael Douglas and Glenn Close having sex in an elevator in FATAL A TTRACTION (1987)

    8.      Mickey Rourke caressing Kim Basinger’s body with an ice cube in 9 1.2 WEEKS (1986)

    9.      William Hurt and Kathleen Turner having sex in BODY HET (1981)

    10.  Julie Christine and Donald Sutherland making love in DON’T LOOK NOW (1973)

    11.  Rita Hayworth flipping back her hair and singing “Put The Blame on Mame” in FILDA (1946)

    One Important Last Point

    Sex always has consequences. And improving your sex life does not eliminate the requirement to practice it responsibly. Sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDS must be prevented, pregnancy must be considered and consent between partners must exist.


    Sexual activity keeps us connected – both tangibly and spiritually to our heart’s desire. It helps us feel secure and well loved and adds to our self esteem. In other words, good sex is important to good life.

    But all of us need a little help now and then. Sex-enhancing plants that have been used for thousands of years by millions of people provide that help. You can have actual sexual healing with effective sexual supplements and maybe find out what you’ve been missing.

    After all, 80 percent of the world’s married couples can’t be wrong!

    Improve Sexual performance with supplements from Vitanet


    NaturalCare Virus Induced Nasal Decongestant – Super Strength SinuFix

    Date: October 06, 2006 02:34 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: NaturalCare Virus Induced Nasal Decongestant – Super Strength SinuFix

    Super strength SinuFix Nasal Decongestant Mist 90 percent of Germs, Viruses and Pollutants May enter your body through the nose! All of us breath in through our nose and are inundated daily with thousands of foreign micro particles. Super Strength SinuFix Mist is an innovative formula specifically designed to fight the virus induced nasal allergy/sinus/cold/flu-like symptoms that may result from exposure to germs and viruses in the air in any crowded, potentially germ-infested environment.

    • Works in seconds
    • Safe to use often as needed
    • Year-round relief
    • Non-prescription
    • No chemical dependency
    • No preservatives
    • No side-effects

    Germs in the Air Everywhere!

    • Effects of the sneeze! Averaging 90 MPH, a sneeze is a sudden, forceful, involuntary burst of air through the nose and mouth. Others may inhale the tiny sneeze droplets that may contain many viral and infectious bodies that drift in the air.
    • What do you inhale through your nose? Answer: Germs, viruses, fungi, pollen, dust, mold, yeast, pollution, rubber tire dust from the street, ect.
    • Crowded environments like offices, schools, theaters, restaurants, airplanes, ect. are spawning ground for germs that cause colds and sickness.
    • Re-circulated air! 72 percent of people on an airline flight caught a cold from one infected person, says a study from the Am. Cntr. For disease control and prevention.
    • Is there airborne risk? We all have to breath, so there is always a risk of contagious disease in the air from someone near you or in confined areas.

    Indications: For temporary, soothing relief of virus induced nasal and sinus congestion and pressure, dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with a cold and sinusitis, irritated/swollen sinus passages, hay fever, overuse of decongestant sprays or drops, or other upper respiratory allergies (Allergic rhinitis). Helps cleanse nasal passages and promotes nasal and sinus Drainage.

    Buy SinuFix at Vitanet


    NaturalCare Nasal Decongestant - SinuFix Nasal Mist

    Date: October 06, 2006 02:31 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: NaturalCare Nasal Decongestant - SinuFix Nasal Mist

    SinuFix Nasal Mist helps make nasal passages and sinuses feel clear and more comfortable so you can breathe and sleep better, fast! Therapy for sinus/allergy problems should help control symptoms and also help people feel and function better in their everyday lives.

    Antibiotics are widely used to treat sinusitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, the primary cause of sinusitis is fungi-molds and yeast which become airborne like pollen. Antibiotics, therefore, are not effective, in most cases, because they target bacteria.

    Synthetic over-the-counter decongestions may offer some relief of symptoms, but they have no effect on the inflammation. With prolonged use, common nasal decongestants typically become ineffective and can lead to dependency.

    SinuFix Nasal Decongestant Cleansing Mist

    • Breathe free, soothe nasal passages, and relieve sinus pressure
    • Works in seconds
    • Safe to use as often as needed
    • No Chemical dependency
    • No synthetic drugs
    • No artificial preservatives
    • For Adults and Children
    • Provides fine mist in precise dose spray
    • Year-round relief
    • Non-prescription
    • No side-effects

    Indications: for the temporary, soothing relief of nasal congestion, sinus congestion and pressure, and dry, irritated nasal membranes associated with sinusitis, irritated/swollen sinus passages, hay fever, a cold, overuse of decongestant sprays or drops, or other upper repertory allergies (allergic rhinitis). Helps clear nasal passages and promotes nasal and/or sinus Drainage.


    Crucial bill S.3546 may soon land in the House of Representatives.

    Date: September 19, 2006 11:24 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Crucial bill S.3546 may soon land in the House of Representatives.

    By the time you read this Washington Update, Senate Bill 3546 (S.3546), “The Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Act,” may have already passed the Senate. As S.3546 advances to the House for implementation, non-casual Adverse Event Reporting (AER) looms on the horizon. This bill will wrongfully associate safe and beneficial dietary supplements with millions of adverse events that supplements did not cause. As S.3546 targets supplements, it ignores foods that have been linked to millions of annual adverse events—calling into question whether this bill is truly designed to keep us safe. With our right to take vitamins hanging in the balance, we must take immediate action in the House to head off S.3546 as the pass.

    S.3546 offers no protection to American people. Instead, this bill appears to inexplicably punish supplement manufacturers and those who choose nutrition as a path to health and well-being. S.3546 attacks our fundamental freedom of choice through guilt by association and will destroy our core freedom to decide how and through which means we pursue health.

    Along the way to revoking our health freedom, S.3546 will impose unreasonable reporting requirements that will Drain supplement manufacturers’ resources and finances until they collapse. The non-causal AER that S.3546 proposes will unleash a wave of junk lawsuits that will deliver the fatal blow to the supplement industry—making trial lawyers rich while America’s health sinks in the murky waters of malnutrition and sickness.

    Association, Not Causation

    S.3546 proposed AER for supplements is based on association and not causation—a baldy misguided approach under which supplements will be reported for adverse events even if they did not cause, and had nothing to do with, those adverse events.

    Non-causal AER encourages the scourge of our society-junk lawsuit purveyors and ambulance-chasing trial lawyers-to continue exploiting out legal system for their own selfish gains. If S.3546 is implemented, this scourge will blame vitamins for everything from acne to obesity. Americans are already paying for the actions of junk lawsuit scammers, facing ever increasing insurance premiums. With S.3546, Americans will pay an even greater price for junk lawsuits-losing their freedom, their health and their very lives when health-enhancing nutrition is taken away.

    Why are safe, natural supplements being singled out, anyway? Dietary supplements rarely, if ever, cause any serious adverse events. The centers for disease control (CDC) estimate that foods cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. Despite these figures, no one in Washington is proposing AER for foods. That S.3546 does not include foods is incriminating; it suggests that public safety is not the bill’s ultimate goal. Our enemies in Congress are pushing S.3546, not to protect us, but to destroy supplements-because supplements keep us healthy and healthy people make no money for Big Pharma.

    Sending Faxes to the House

    After S.3546 is passed in the Senate, it will land in the House of Representatives’ Committee on Energy and Commerce. We must voice our AER opposition to Rep. Joe Barton, the chairman of this key committee, because he will hold the greatest leveraging power when non-causal AER is discussed in the House. Please fax and call Barton (emails and letters are ineffective) and urge him to abolish S.3546 in the name of health freedom.

    Please call and send faxes to Barton and other key AER players at the following numbers (fax numbers second): Barton at 202-255-2002, fax:202-225-3052, chairman of the judiciary committee F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. at 202-225-5101, fax: 202-225-3190; House Majority Leader John Boehner at 202-225-6205, fax: 202-225-5117; Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert at 202-225-2976, fax: 202-225-0697; and Congressman Nathan Deal, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, at 202-225-5211, Fax: 202-225-8282.

    Join the Nutritional Health Alliance (NHA). Visit and take advantage of online tools for easily sending faxes to Congress. Time is running out-please fax and call today and fax and call again tomorrow! With your help, we can preserve the American legacy of health freedom-and keep safe, beneficial nutritional supplements in our lives for generations to come.

    help support our cause here at Vitanet ®

    Dont let great Product lines like Solaray vitamins and Now Vitamins get pulled from the market, help save our right to choose natural vitamin supplements for better health!


    Liver Rejuvenator

    Date: July 06, 2006 02:18 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Liver Rejuvenator

    Restoring optimum liver function is one of the most important and vital actions people can take to improve their health. The liver is the largest organ in the body and carries a greater workload than all other organs. The liver works full time both converting the food that one eats into substances vital for life and neutralizing and destroying toxic matter.

    If your customers have tried many ways to improve their health and energy level and nothing has seemed to adequately help, it is very possible that an overworked liver underlies their difficulties.

    The natural course of life can cause the liver to get stressed, overworked and exhausted. Toxic chemicals, preservatives, poor diet, cigarettes, alcohol and prescription drugs all cause the liver to deteriorate, Drain its energy and make it hard or even impossible for it to perform its functions. This can create a “State of energy” within the body that debilitates and damages other organs, leading to numerous chronic conditions.


    As the detoxifying center of the body, the liver has a daily workload of neutralizing toxins such as pesticides, caffeine, alcohol, medications, chemicals, preservatives, auto exhaust and cigarettes. The liver helps remove these materials by breaking them down, enabling us to survive the enormous toxic challenges in today’s environment.

    Symptoms of a congested liver

    Ultimately, one’s health can only be as good as the health of his liver. A poorly functioning liver will affect all other organs. Weight gain and depression are two menifestations of a congested, overworked liver. Other common symptoms and conditions include being on edge (easily stressed), emotional roller coaster, elevated cholesterol, skin conditions, skin irritation, sleep difficulties, fat indigestion, kidney damage, heart damage, brain damage, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, poor memory, PMS, mental fog, blood sugar disorders, allergies and obesity.

    When the liver gets congested and toxic, it will remain that way and get worse until it is detoxified and rejuvenated.

    Breakthrough solution

    Liver Rejuvenator is a breakthrough product the most powerful liver formula available today. Made from a unique combination of the finest Chinese herbs and the best of Western herbs, Liver Rejuvenator detoxifies as well as rebuilds the liver.

    No other formula can renew liver health as effectively, rapidly and gently as Liver Rejuvenator. This product sets a new standard for efficiency and results. The liver has everything to do with a person’s energy level. If your customers want high energy, great stamina and overall good health, tell them to be sure to keep their liver in excellent shape. Not detoxifying the liver is like never changing the oil filter in one’s car!

    A healthy liver can mean much more energy, greater mental clarity, better mood, improved health, protection against countless ailments, and finding relief for conditions that may have been plaguing your customers for years.

    Astonishing benefits

    Here are just some of the benefits Liver Rejuvenator users report: reduced stress, higher energy, mood elevation, feeling calmer and more relaxed, reduced or no headaches, less muscle or joint pain, eye or vision improvement, relief from skin irritation, enhanced mental clarity, less congested (sinus and chest), improved overall health.


    New Natural Energy Drink - LifeBlast Extreme Energy Drink

    Date: April 01, 2006 12:20 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: New Natural Energy Drink - LifeBlast Extreme Energy Drink

    New Natural Energy Drink

    For most folks, the world seems to be spinning at a faster pace than ever before. Twelve-hour work days, family responsibilities, social commitments, volunteering, spiritual life—and don’t forget that hour at the gym!—all seem impossibly crammed into an all too short 24 hours forget about downtime.

    As life becomes more difficult and demanding with every passing day, many people are looking for products that can help them be more productive and keep up with the pressures of the modern world.

    A lot of those would-be movers and shakers are turning to energy drinks to give them that extra edge. These drinks make up a phenomenal market that scores huge numbers with patrons the world over.

    However, the energy drinks sold in convenience stores and supermarkets are anything but healthy. Filled with chemicals sweeteners, synthetic stimulants and artificial colors, mass market energy drinks will only Drain consumers of their vigor in the long run.

    Now, a better alternative, a natural product that provides all the benefits of these quick-jolt energy products with healthier ingredients: Nature’s Plus LifeBlast Extreme Energy.

    LifeBlast offers inner vitality with a potent profile of the most energizing vitamins and herbs. With each sip of luscious, succulent Berry Blast flavor and invigorating nutrition, this eight once drink takes energy to exhilarating new heights. Each serving delivers 1260mg of the most energizing nutrients energy formula available. The extreme energy blend delivers many essential energy nutrients; each serving provides 120% of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C, 80% of niacin, 110% of vitamin B-6, 110% of vitamin B-12 and 70% of pantothenic acid. In addition, LifeBlast consists of numerous energizing and rejuvenating vitamins and herbal cofactors that will deliver a burst of energy without the jitters, such as taurine, guarana, inositol, carnitine and ginseng.

    One of LifeBlast’s greatest features, though, is what it doesn’t have. There are no unnatural ingredients that you may find in other energy drinks. LifeBlast contains no aspartame, acesulfame K, glucuronolacone, synthetic caffeine or artificial flavors and colors.

    LifeBlast satisfies the demand for a delicious, enlivening and nutritious energy beverage. It also meets the requirements for a quality formulation with a clean nutrient profile. LifeBlast delivers amazing energy to its users and is only available in health food stores. Whether the customer is seeking sharper mental focus, peak performance or enhanced endurance, LifeBlast Extreme Energy delivers the pure, exhilarating energy that will propel customers to success.

    Its time to blast off with Natures Plus LifeBlast Extreme Energy!



    Date: December 27, 2005 09:49 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (


    • 1000 mg of Vitamin C Per Serving
    • Helps Restore Vital Electrolytes
    • Includes CoQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid
    • High in Energy-Producing B Vitamins
    • 4 Great Tasting Flavors

    Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is unquestionably one of life’s most important nutrients. Everyday we unknowing rely on it to help protect cells, produce energy, repair tissue and replenish lost electrolytes. Ironically, humans are just one of a handful of living creatures unable to produce our own supply of this vital nutrient. In fact, your dog can naturally manufacture upwards of ten times the amount of vitamin C that you might obtain in an entire day from food.

    To make matters worse, vitamin C can be a terribly stubborn nutrient. Not only are we incapable of producing it, but getting adequate amounts from the diet is a task all in itself. Today’s typical diet has become just that, typical. The convenience of fast food, sodium-rich snacks and over-processed heart bombs has reduced our once healthy society to a scrambling cluster of time-pressed professionals who’ve somehow forgotten what it’s like to actually prepare balanced, nutritious meals. This makes obtaining the nutrients we so desperately need, next to impossible.

    As if that wasn’t enough, vitamin C has a short halflife. Half lives measure the amount of time that it takes for one-half of a nutrient to be depleted from the bloodstream. In the case of vitamin C, it has a half life of just 30 minutes. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that your 7:00 AM breakfast includes an orange that contains a modest 70 mg of vitamin C. By 8:00, you’re left with only 35 mg. By 9:00, a mere 17 mg. And by the time lunch rolls around, you’ll be lucky to have any vitamin C in your system at all. This should be of great concern to anyone who doesn’t carry a bushel of oranges around at all times. Because aside from the fact that the body rapidly depletes its reserve of vitamin C, it also depends on what remains to carry out an long list of biological tasks. When it’s not there, everything suffers - energy, metabolism, immune response, cartilage integrity and so on.

    So how does one contend with this taxing concoction of unceasing stress, high-throttle lifestyle, endless toxins and pathetic dietary habits? It’s actually much simpler than you might imagine. Thanks to new technology in the nutritional sciences, getting the C you need no longer requires carrying around bottles of capsules or huge sacks of fruit. Effer-C™ from NOW® is an effervescent vitamin C unlike any other, and was designed to quickly replenish the vital electrolytes needed to keep you running strong. With a nutritional profile superior to other fizzy C drinks, a taste that won hands-down in blind tests and an exceptional grade of ascorbic acid, Effer-C™ is clearly the smart choice.

    Vitamin C

    Starting with a exceptional grade of Vitamin C was the first step in formulating this superior drink. Fueled by 1000 mg of highly absorbable, gentle vitamin C, you can be assured that you’re getting enough C to keep you tip-top for hours. By utilizing a buffered, non-acidic vitamin C, Effer-C™ offers fast assimilation to boost energy and restore vital electrolytes without causing gastric irritation.


    Busy lifestyles rob you of so much more than just time. Physical stress and mental anxiety can Drain even the healthiest individuals of energy producing, mood supporting B vitamins. As these reserves diminish, so does the ability to stay motivated, focused, patient, responsive and energetic. Effer-C™ is bursting with a full B profile that contains as much as two times the amount of certain B-vitamins found in other brands.


    Calcium and magnesium have become synonymous with strong, healthy bones. Aside from their structural supporting properties, these two minerals work synergistically to help support the body’s adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy reserves. Individually, magnesium is present in virtually every human biological process. Many of today’s most common elements (alcohol, fluoride, processed foods) can hinder your ability to retain optimal levels of this vital nutrient. Effer-C™ brings them right back!


    This essential trace mineral is a primary component in the synthesis of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Chromium also has a direct influence on the efficacy of our metabolism, in addition to how well we use glucose. Even a slight deficiency in chromium can result in fatigue, anxiety and glucose intolerance. Effer-C™ contains 20 mcg of chromium - more than even the most popular effervescent C supplement.


    Part of what makes Effer-C™ so effective is its unique antioxidant profile. By adding more alpha lipoic acid (ALA) than similar competing products, in addition to 5 mg of CoQ10 and zinc, Effer-C™ provides powerful protection against harmful, cell damaging free radicals. If you haven’t experienced the nutritional rush that Effer-C™ delivers, you don’t know what you’re missing. NOW makes it easier than ever to stay energized and fully replenished throughout the day, during workouts and even on the road. Available in four delicious flavors (orange, lemonlime, raspberry and cranberry Effer-C™ is a simple and effective way to maintain high levels of vitamin C and unlock the energy that’s just waiting within.


    Buy Effer-C at Vitanet ®


    Zinc, Vitamin C and Colds, length of Colds ...

    Date: July 28, 2005 01:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Zinc, Vitamin C and Colds, length of Colds ...

    Zinc, Vitamin C and Colds

    Research indicates definite benefits from taking vitamin C and zinc when trying to fight a cold. Studies do not suggest a lessening of the number of colds acquired for each individual. But results show a reduction in the severity and duration of the cold. Vitamin C and zinc both are known antioxidants helpful in boosting the immune system into action. A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, July 1996, found that zinc can help reduce the symptoms of a cold including coughs, headaches, hoarseness, muscle aches, nasal Drainage, nasal congestion, scratchy throats, sore throats, sneezing and fevers.(Herbs for Health, September/October 1997, 65)

    Vitanet ®


    Recipes - Sesame Spinach...

    Date: July 07, 2005 12:20 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Recipes - Sesame Spinach...

    "Oh, no, not spinach!" If that's the battle cry around your house, the sensational sesame-based recipe at right should get your gang to eat the good green stuff.

    Sesame Spinach

  • 3 pounds fresh spinach preferably baby spinach
  • 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced salt and black pepper, to taste
  • 1. Rinse spinach well and discard stems. Heat skillet and add spinach with water still clinging to leaves. Cover and cook over medium-high heat for 2 minutes. Uncover and cook 2 minutes untill wilted, stirring often. Drain in colander, squeezing out excess water.

    2. Place sesame seeds in small pan. Toast over medium heat for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly, untill seeds are lightly brown. Set aside.

    3. In skillet, heat sesame oil over medium heat. Add garlic and saute for 30 seconds. Add spinach, sesame seeds, and salt and pepper; cook 1 minute.

    Yield: 4. Analysis per serving: 102 calories, 2g fat (1g saturated), 12g carbohydrate, 10g protein, 3g dietary fiber, 269mg sodium.

    Vitanet ®


    Recipes - Cranberry-Cherry Zinger Smoothie

    Date: July 06, 2005 05:39 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Recipes - Cranberry-Cherry Zinger Smoothie

    Cranberry / Cherry Zinger Smoothie

    Like blueberries, Cranberries are in fashion with the health conscious. They also lend a refreshing, tart taste to this smart-looking smothie.

  • 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
  • 1/2 cup reduced-carbohydrate milk
  • 1/4 cup frozen cranberries
  • 1/4 cup canned sour cherries in water, Drained
  • 2 tablespoons sugar-free cherry syrup.

    analysis: 226 calories,4g fat, 19g protein, 14g carbohydrates (13 usable)

    : Energy times

    Vitanet ®

    Where to find Super CranActin on VitaNet?


    Quercetin and Bromelain - for better health.

    Date: July 04, 2005 10:28 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Quercetin and Bromelain - for better health.

  • Maintains Tissue Comfort by Regulating Enzymes*
  • Helps Maintain Normal Blood Viscosity*
  • Bromelain May Enhance Quercetin Absorption
  • Benefits

    Down-regulates the Body’s Response to Environmental Challenges Quercetin is a member of the flavonoid family, a diverse group of low molecular-weight compounds found throughout the plant kingdom. Flavonoids exhibit numerous biological activities, many of which are directly beneficial to human health. Quercetin, which belongs to the “flavonol” subgroup, is one of the most versatile and important flavonoids. Quercetin has a broad range of activity, much of which stems from its interaction with calmodulin, a calcium-regulatory protein.1 Calmodulin transports calcium ions across cellular membranes, initiating numerous cellular processes. Quercetin appears to act as a calmodulin antagonist.1 Through this mechanism, quercetin functions at the cell-membrane level with a membrane-stabilizing action.2 Quercetin inhibits calmodulin-dependent enzymes present at cell membranes such as ATPases and phospholipase, thereby influencing membrane permeability.3 Quercetin affects other calmodulin-dependent enzymes that control various cellular functions, including the secretion of histamine from mast cells.4 A number of investigations have corroborated quercetin’s ability to reduce histamine secretion from mast cells in various tissues, and also from basophils.5,6,7,8,9,10

    Quercetin modifies the body’s response to antigenic substances.* Suppression of histamine secretion from mast cells is one of quercetin’s most clinically important effects. Quercetin acts on ATPase at the membranes of histamine-containing granules in mast cells.3 Mast-cell degranulation and subsequent release of histamine into the bloodstream is an integral part of the body’s response to environmental challenges.

    Maintains Tissue Comfort by Regulating Enzymes*

    Quercetin’s enzyme-inhibiting action extends to enzymes such as phospholipase, which catalyzes the release of arachidonic acid from phospholipids stored in cell membranes.4,10 Arachidonic acid serves as the key substrate for substances such as thromboxanes, inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes. In addition, quercetin inhibits the enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, which catalyze the conversion of arachidonic acid into its metabolites.4,10,11,12 Reducing levels of these metabolites, as well as histamine levels, is beneficial in maintaining the normal comfort level of body tissues and structures.

    Quercetin has also been shown to limit the function of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells.13 Adhesion molecules are involved in physiologic processes that influence tissue comfort.13

    Bromelain is a complex substance derived from the pineapple stem largely composed of proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes. Bromelain acts by a variety of mechanisms to help maintain tissues in a normal state of comfort.14,15 Several investigators, including Taussig16 and Ako, et. al.,17 have presented evidence that bromelain is a fibrinolytic agent, i.e., it induces the breakdown of fibrin, a plasma protein that blocks tissue Drainage. The generally accepted mechanisms involve direct proteolysis of fibrin by bromelain and activation of plasmin, a serum protease.16 Plasmin acts on fibrinogen (the precursor to fibrin), forming peptides which stimulate PGE1, a prostaglandin that helps maintain tissue comfort.16

    Helps Maintain Health of Blood Vessels by Modifying Oxidation of LDL Cholesterol* — Quercetin’s Antioxidant Action Quercetin is a versatile and effective antioxidant that scavenges a variety of free-radicals such as hydroxyl and lipid peroxy radicals.18 Quercetin also chelates ions of transition metals such as iron, which can initiate formation of oxygen free radicals.18 LDL cholesterol is vulnerable to oxidation by lipid peroxides. Oxidized LDL is absorbed by macrophages and arterial endothelial cells, leading to the formation of “foam cells,” and eventually plaque deposits, in arterial walls. Quercetin has been shown to protect LDL from oxidation, both by lipid peroxides and transition metal ions.19

    Helps Maintain Normal Blood Viscosity*

    Quercetin inhibits blood platelet aggregation (clumping), by potentiating PGI2, an anti-aggregatory prostaglandin, and by raising platelet cyclic AMP levels.20 Human studies have revealed that bromelain also reduces platelet aggregation.21 These properties qualify both quercetin and bromelain as valuable dietary ingredients for maintaining cardiovascular health.*

    Bromelain May Enhance Quercetin Absorption

    In addition to the actions described above that support the effects of quercetin, bromelain may also assist the absorption of quercetin in the G.I. tract. (Quercetin is generally believed to be poorly absorbed, although a recent study by Hollman et. al.,22 which concluded that humans do in fact absorb appreciable amounts of quercetin, contradicts this assumption.) Studies have shown that bromelain enhances absorption of antibiotics, presumably by increasing permeability of the gut wall.23, 24 Given that quercetin is a low molecular-weight compound, it is plausible that simultaneously ingested bromelain likewise enhances quercetin absorption.

  • *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • Scientific References

    1. Nishino, H., et. al., “Quercetin interacts with calmodulin, a calcium regulatory protein.” Experientia 1984;40:184-5.
    2. Busse, W.W., Kopp, D.E., Middleton, E., “Flavonoid modulation of human neutrophil function.” J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1984;73:801-9.
    3. Havsteen, B,. “Flavonoids, a class of natural products of high pharmacological potency.” Biochemical Pharmacology 1983;32(7):1141-48.
    4. Middleton, E., “The Flavonoids.” Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1984;5:335-8.
    5. Otsuka, H. et. al., “Histochemical and functional characteristics of metachromatic cells in the nasal epithelium in allergic rhinitis: Studies of nasal scrapings and their dispersed cells.” J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.1995;96:528-36.
    6. Fox, C.C., et. al., “Comparison of human lung and intestinal mast cells.” J. Allergy and Clin. Immunol. 1988;81:89-94.
    7. Pearce, F.L., Befus, A.D., Bienenstock, J., “Mucosal mast cells III. Effect of quercetin and other flavonoids on antigen-induced histamine secretion from rat intestinal mast cells.” J. Allergy and Clin. Immunol. 1984;73:819-23.
    8. Middleton, E. Drzewiecki, G., Krishnarao, D., “Quercetin: an inhibitor of antigen-induced human basophil histamine release.” J. of Immunology 1981;127(2):546-50.
    9. Bennett, J.P., Gomperts, B.D., Wollenweber, E.,“ Inhibitory effects of natural flavonoids on secretion from mast cell and neutrophils.” Arzneim. Forsch/Drug Res. 1981;31(3):433-7.
    10. Middleton, E. Drzewiecki G., “Naturally occurring flavonoids and human basophil histamine release.” Int. Archs Allergy appl. Immun. 1985;77:155-7.
    11. Yoshimoto, T. et. al., “Flavonoids: potent inhibitors of arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1983;116(2):612-18.
    12. Della Loggia, R., et. al., “Anti-inflammatory activity of benzopyrones that are inhibitors of cyclo- and lipo-oxygenase.” Pharmacological Research Communications 1988; 20(Supp. V):91-94.
    13. Middleton, E., Suresh, A., “Quercetin inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of endothelial cell intracellular adhesion molecule-1.” Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 1995;107:435-6.
    14. Taussig, S.J., Batkin, S., “Bromelain, the enzyme complex of pineapple (Ananas comosus) and its clinical application.” An Update Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1988;22:191-203.
    15. Lotz-Winter, H., “On the pharmacology of bromelain: An update with special regard to animal studies on dose-dependent effects.” Planta Medica 1990;56:249-53.
    16. Taussig, S.J., “The mechanism of the physiological action of bromelain” Medical Hypothesis 1980;6:99-104.
    17. Ako, H. Cheung, A.H.S., Matsuura, P.K., “Isolation of a fibrinolysis activator from commercial bromelain.” Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 1981;284:157-67.
    18. Afanas’ev, I.B. et. al., “Chelating and free radical scavenging mechanisms of inhibitory action of rutin and quercetin in lipid peroxidation.” Biochemical Pharmacology 1989;38(11):1763-69.
    19. De Whalley, C.V., “Flavonoids inhibit the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins by macrophages.” Biochemical Pharmacology 39(11):1743-50.
    20. Beretz, A. Stierle, A., Anton, R. Cazenave, J., “Role of cyclic AMP in the inhibition of human platelet aggregation by quercetin, a flavonoid that potentiates the effect of prostacyclin.” Biochemical Pharmacology 1981;31(22):3597-600.
    21. Heinicke, R. van der Wal, L. Yokoyama, M., “Effect of bromelain (Ananase®) on human platelet aggregation. ”Experientia 1972;28(7):844.
    22. Hollma, P. et. al., “Absorption of dietary quercetin glycosides and quercetin in healthy ileostomy volunteers.” Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 1995;62:1276-82.
    23. Giller, F.B., “The effects of bromelain on levels of penicillin in the cerebrospinal fluid of rabbits.” A., J. Pharm. 1962;134:238-244.
    24. Bodi, T., “The effect of oral bromelain on tissue permeability to antibiotics and pain response to bradykinin; double-blind studies on human subjects.” Clin. Med. 1965;72:61-65

    Vitanet ®


    Hayfever & Allergies - Herbs To Help You Breathe Easier

    Date: June 30, 2005 09:36 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Hayfever & Allergies - Herbs To Help You Breathe Easier

    Hayfever & Allergies By Ellen J. Kamhi, Ph. D. with Dorie Greenblatt Runny nose, watery eyes, itchy skin...oh no, it's that time of year again! Are you one of the 30 million Americans who suffer from hayfever? If so, breath easier and let the herbal world replace your antihistamines and steroids with both preventative and therapeutic remedies.

    Allergies and hayfever are abnormal reactions to everyday substances such as pollen, dust, dander, etc. and involve many different organ systems of the body, primarily the respiratory, liver and adrenal glands. Using herbs to strengthen these systems will give your body a preventative edge over allergic reactions, and will further help decrease the severity of uncomfortable symptoms.

    Licorice is a wonderful ally to the adrenal glands and is probably the most widely studied adrenal herb. Licorice has anti-inflammatory actions similar to the glucocorticoids (which are produced by healthy adrenals) and are involved with resolving allergic reactions. It also preserves the effects of cortisol, and adrenal hormone involved in clearing allergies.

    A second well-known herb used to strengthen the adrenals is Ginseng. Often times, the onset of allergies can be attributed to stress. The adaptogenic properties of Ginseng allow the glands to balance stress and energy while creating an overall resistance to allergic reactions, colds, flus and infections.

    A strong liver is also vital to a healthy balanced body, acting as a protective factor against allergies. Dandelion is one of the most nutritive and strengthening herbs to the liver. It helps clear toxins and stimulates the energy of the liver to work towards the resolution of the allergic reaction. Milk Thistle acts as both a protector and regenerator of the liver. This herb helps repair damaged tissue and support the actions necessary for dealing with allergens and their accompanying symptoms.

    When confronted with the copious secretions commonly experienced by allergy sufferers, Nettles and Eyebright are two of the best herbs to choose to control the "drip". Both work well for short-term relief, but may be taken before the season begins as a means of prevention. For those people who become congested and need a remedy which allows them to breathe while Draining occurs, Ma Huang is a good choice. Due to its stimulating nature, use Ma Huang with caution if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. Additional herbs suitable for allergy relief include Red Clover, Elder Flower and Bayberry.

    For a potent synergistic formula, try Allertone. This outstanding product featrues a blend of the well-known Echinacea and Goldenseal, along with Red Clover, Bayberry and Mullein to combat both the discomfort of allergies as well as reduce excess mucous from the nasal and respiratory tract.

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Vitanet ®


    Cultivation and Export

    Date: June 25, 2005 01:01 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Cultivation and Export

    Cultivation and Export

    Ginseng is difficult to cultivate and requires a large capital investment. The plants need shade to thrive and are often grown among forest shade trees or under artificial shade. The Asian countries are not able to keep up with the demand for ginseng because of its popularity. The soil has been cultivated for so many years that some believe the nutrients have been depleted. This has increased the value of the American ginseng. The American variety is found growing wild in cool wooded areas with rich soil in the eastern United States.

    Ginseng is grown commercially in Wisconsin, Michigan and even as far south as northern Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Most of the commercial ginseng is grown in Marathon County, Wisconsin and cultivated under artificial shade. Marathon County seems like an ideal place for ginseng to grow as many serious athletes and marathon runners use ginseng to enhance their overall performance. In fact, many Olympic athletes take ginseng routinely. The soil in this area is wellDrained acidic soil beneficial for growing ginseng. It is grown using fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals to ensure adequate production and cultivation. Organically grown plants are available but may be hard to find. Wild ginseng grows in isolated patches in some areas of the country but most sources have been depleted. Some ginseng farmers in Wisconsin have been growing the plants for 90 years. Ninety-five percent of the American grown ginseng is sold to foreign markets, with most of it going to Hong Kong and then into China, Korea and Japan.

    About 45,000 kg. of the dried ginseng root and about the same amount of the wild root is exported annually.13 The American variety sells for about twice as much as the Asian variety because it is thought to be of a higher quality. The Americans import a large quantity of the Asian and Siberian ginseng, which seems ironic. Wild ginseng of any variety is not as common now, because it has been foraged in its wild state and huge quantities exported for large profits. A special license is now required to dig the wild roots.


    Circulatory System Enhancer

    Date: June 25, 2005 11:52 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Circulatory System Enhancer

    Circulatory System Enhancer

    An article by Frank Murray in the April 1989 issue of Better Nutrition says, “Dr. Huber and Kidd concur with other researchers that ginkgo biloba dilates the blood vessels, allowing greater blood flow to the tissues. It also provides better Drainage of waste products, especially through arteries that have been partially blocked because of atherosclerosis.”

    The article goes on to discuss the fact that ginkgo also inhibits the clumping of blood platelets, which can contribute to heart and artery problems. When circulating platelets stick together on worn are as found on the walls of aging vessels, clots and blockages can form. Anytime this happens, heart attack and stroke are possibilities. Ginkgolides are unique twenty-carbon terpenes which inhibit PA F (platelet activating factor), which controls the formation of clots. PAF also plays an important role in other disorders such as asthma, shock, anaphylaxis, renal disease, graft rejection, CNS disorders and a number of inflammatory conditions.

    A Natural Vasodilator

    Ginkgo affects the lining of the blood vessels and acts to dilate them through a chemical constituent which stimulates the release of a certain factor. Tests have shown that ginkgo extract promotes better venous tone, which helps to clear the blood of toxic metabolites that collect when blood flow is diminished.

    Apparently Oriental herbalists used the ginkgo leaf for arterial circulatory problems. Blood vessels can constrict in cases of diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, gangrene, angina, and intermittent claudication. Ginkgo can help to relieve leg cramping by facilitating better circulation to the limbs. In addition, it increases the circulation of blood to the retina and can help to prevent macular degeneration. Concerning heart function, some studies suggest that ginkgo can help normalize heartbeat. Research has shown that ginkolide contained in ginkgo can be as effective as some pharmaceutical drugs in treating severely irregular heartbeats.8

    Because ginkgo can effectively reduce blood cell clumping, it can help prevent some heart - related disorders such as congestive heart disease. Circulatory impairment is at “the heart” of cardiovascular disease and ginkgo specifically acts to enhance circulation. Se veral laboratory tests have found that ginkgo helps the heart contract more effectively after times of stress by reducing the formation of oxygen free radicals. This protective effect can help prevent damage to heart muscle which may become oxygen deprived.



    Date: June 24, 2005 01:19 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Function


    Echinacea increases the body’s ability to resist and fight infection, clears the blood of impurities and has been used for fevers, venereal diseases, hemorrhoids and as an aphrodisiac. Unquestionably, its most important function as a botanical is as an immune system booster and blood purifier. For this reason, it has recently been considered for AIDS therapy.

    Echinacea is one of the most useful herbs available to practitioners because it functions to simultaneously stimulate the immune system, while it expedites the removal of toxins from the body.

    Echinacea is recommended for common infections and can be tried in lieu of or in combination with conventional antibiotics.4 It is better to take the herb for two weeks at a time alternating with two weeks off to ensure its efficacy.

    It is an effective therapeutic agent for healing wounds, treating abscesses, carbuncles, eczema, burns, psoriasis, herpes, canker sores, typhoid fever, viral and bacterial infections and tumors.

    Blood Purifier

    Echinacea is considered one of the best blood purifiers found in nature. It has been scientifically researched for its chemical ability to neutralize harmful venom from poisonous snakes, scorpions, insects and other toxic substances. Laboratory tests have found that certain complex chemicals found in echinacea have the ability to rearrange and recognize enzyme patterns in the body.5 It also improve s lymphatic filtration and Drainage and assists in clearing the blood f rom damaging toxins. It has traditionally been referred to as the King of the Blood Purifiers. Any condition which is believed to be caused by an accumulation of toxins in the body can benefit from echinacea.

    Immune System Booster

    In 1885, Rudolf Weiss recorded, “It (Echinacea) has proved a useful drug in improving the body’s own resistance in infectious conditions of all kind.”6 Clearly, echinacea has potent immune system actions and impacts the thymus gland, the activation of Tcells, and the promotion of interf e ron production and secretion . Because of these attributes, it is an important herb in combating infections, especially viral ones like AIDS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    The major component of echinacea called inulin is responsible for activating pathways in the body, which help neutralize viruses and bacteria, and boost the migration of white blood cells to infection sites. The natural polysaccharides, fatty acids and glycosides in this botanical all strengthen and nourish the immune system. Echinacea is considered an immuno-tonic, which supplies the immune system with specific nutrients.

    Echinacea has the capability to stimulate the immune response which results in an increased ability to resist infections. It is the most widely used herb for the enhancement of the immune system and is valuable for treating virtually all infectious diseases. Studies have shown that echinacea has impressive immune system boosting properties, many of which are produced in the thymus gland.7 One way in which echinacea helps the body combat infection is by enhancing the immune function of white blood cells. In order for white blood cells to effectively fight bacterial or viral invasion, nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc are necessary.

    Adding echinacea potentiates any nutrient mix, which helps facilitate the production of white blood cells. White blood cells surround and destroy bacterial and viral invaders. Technically, they digest disease organisms; a process called phagocytosis. Echinacea makes phagocytosis more efficient. The white blood cells which participate in phagocytosis are called macrophages. In several laboratory studies, echinacea has repeatedly stimulated the bactericide activity of macrophages. In other words, it potentiates their ability to destroy invading organisms.



    Date: June 24, 2005 01:13 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: History


    Because 20th century medical practices have routinely over - prescribed antibiotics, the notion of a natural antibiotic with virtually no side-effects is intriguing to say the least. Echinacea is one of several herbs which possesses antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. In a time when new life-threatening microbes are evolving and pose the threat of modern-day plagues, herbs such as echinacea are particularly valuable. More and more health practitioners are focusing on fortifying the immune system to fight off potential infections rather than just treating infection after it has developed.

    Echinacea is enjoying a renaissance today. During the late 1980’s, echinacea re-emerged as a remarkable medicinal plant. In addition to its infection fighting properties, echinacea is known for its healing properties as well. As was the case with so many herbs, echinacea lost its prestige as a medicinal treatment with the advent of antibiotics. It has experienced a resurgence over the last two decades.

    Echinacea has several other much more romantic names including Purple Coneflower, Black Sampson and Red Sunflower. It has also become the common name for a number of echinacea species like E. angustifolia, E. purpurea, and E. pallida. The genus derives its name from the Greek word echinos which refers to sea urchin. This particular association evolved from the prickly spiny scales of the seed head section of the flower. Historically, echinacea has sometimes become confused with Parthenium integrifolium.

    The word echinacea is actually apart of the scientific latin term, echinacea angustifolia, which literally translated means a narrow - leafed sucker. The plant grows wild as a perennial exclusively in the midwestern plains states, but can be cultivated almost anywhere . Echinacea leaves are pale to dark green, coarse and pointy. Its florets are purple and its roots, black and long.

    Echinacea has a strong Native American link in the Central Plains. Native Americans are credited with discovering the usefulness of this botanical without knowing its specific chemical properties. It was routinely used by Na t i ve Americans to treat toothaches, snakebite, fevers and old stubborn wounds.

    Native Americans thought of echinacea as a versatile herb that not only helped to fight infection, but increased the appetite and s t rengthened the sexual organs as well. The juice of the plant was used to bathe burns and was sprinkled on hot coals during traditional “sweats” used for purification purposes. It is also believed that some Native Americans used echinacea juice to protect their hands, feet and mouths from the heat of hot coals and ceremonial fires.1 According to Melvin Gilmore, An American anthropologist who studied Native American medicine in the early part of this century, Echinacea was used as a remedy by Native Americans more than any other plant in the central plains area.

    In time, early white settlers learned of its healing powers and used the plant as a home remedy for colds, influenza, tumors, syphillis, hemorrhoids and wounds. Dr. John King, in his medical journal of 1887 mentioned that echinacea had value as a blood purifier and alterative. It was used in various blood tonics and gained the reputation of being good for almost every conceivable malady. It has been called the king of blood purifiers due to its ability to improve lymphatic filtration and Drainage. In time, echinacea became popular with 19th century Eclectics, who were followers of a botanic system founded by Dr. Wooster Beech in the 1830’s. They used it as an anesthetic, deodorant, and stimulant.

    By 1898, echinacea had become one of the top natural treatments in America. During these years, echinacea was used to treat fevers, malignant carbuncles, ulcerations, pyorrhea, snake bites and dermatitis. In the early twentieth century, echinacea had gained a formidable reputation for treating a long list of infectious disease ranging from the commonplace to the exotic. The Lloyd Brothers Pharmaceutical House developed more sophisticated versions of the herb in order to meet escalating demands for echinacea.

    Ironically, it was medical doctors who considered echinacea more valuable than eclectic practitioners. Several articles on echinacea appeared from time to time in various publications. Its attributes we re re v i ewed and, at times, its curative abilities ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous. In 1909, the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association decided against recognizing echinacea as an official drug, claiming that it lacked scientific credibility. It was added to the National Formulary of the United States despite this type of negative reaction and remained on this list until 1950.

    Over the past 50 years, echinacea has earned a formidable reputation achieving worldwide fame for its antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial actions. Consumer interest in echinacea has greatly increased, particularly in relation to its role in treating candida, chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS and malignancies. Practitioners of natural medicine in Eu rope and America have long valued its attributes. In recent, years, German research has confirmed its ability to augment the human immune system. Extensive research on echinacea has occurred over the last twenty years. Test results have s h own that the herb has an antibiotic, cortisone-like activity.

    Echinacea has the ability to boost cell membrane healing, protect collagen, and suppress tumor growth. Because of its immuno-enhancing activity, it has recently been used in AIDS therapy. Research has proven that echinacea may have p rofound value in stimulating immune function and may be particularly beneficial for colds and sore throats.3


    Bromelain Sinus Ease - Nature's Life

    Date: June 16, 2005 10:57 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Bromelain Sinus Ease - Nature's Life

    Bromelain Sinus Ease™


    Nature's Life Sinus Products:


    Sinus cavities are lined with delicate mucous membranes, which act as filters for your respiratory system. Normal sinuse tissues are pink and healthy. For many people, when their sinuses come in contact with allergens, pollutants or harmful micro-organisms, histamines are released as a protective measure by the immune system. Sinuses naturally respond by becoming irritated, red, and inflamed with these healing histamines. This process, called the natural inflammatory response, helps to neutralize and remove the irritants in sinuses cavities. Sometimes, however, the immune system continues to flood the sinuses even after the irritants are removed. Bromelain Sinus Ease™ contains three ingredients that have been shown to enhance the body’s ability to reduce this natural inflammatory response and help clear up sinuses.*


    Bromelain is a group of protein-digesting enzymes extracted from pineapples (Ananassa sativa). Bromelain breaks down fibrin—a key component of the body’s natural inflammatory response to allergens and other foreign stimuli.* Bromelain also appears to inhibit the natural formation of prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) that trigger the natural inflammatory response.*1  It makes mucus less thick,2  allowing the mucus to Drain more easily.*

    Human trials have shown that by breaking down and helping to remove fibrin, bromelain reduces the discomfort of irritated tissues.*3   Double-blinded trials in patients with irritated sinuses show that the natural inflammatory response is reduced more effectively by concentrated bromelain than by placebo.*4 ,5 ,6 ,7  In all cases, a majority of people responded well to bromelain supplements.*

    Bromelain has also helped reduce the dura­tion of the natural inflammatory response after nasal procedures by over 70% in a controlled trial.*8 

    The recommended daily amount of Nature’s Life Sinus Ease™  utilizes 1,200 mg a very high potency bromelain enzyme which has an activity of 2,880 GDU (Gelatin Digestive Units), or 4,320 MCU (Milk Clotting Units) per serving.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C also helps reduce histamine release.*9   Some studies have reported that vitamin C is useful in reducing the natural inflammatory response in nasal passages.*10, 11, 12   The effectiveness of vitamin C in reducing histamine release is still debated, however, because a controlled trial was unable to show consistent effects.*13  Doses up to 2 grams per day have been used by researchers. It may be diffi­cult to show these effects in research trials because vitamin C appears to help only some people without affecting others.*14  Studies, however, clearly show that vitamin C supplementation can lower elevated blood levels of histamines.*15, 16 Nature’s Life adds naturally-buffered vitamin C to Sinus Ease due to its safety, immune-supporting effects and potential effica­cy to reduce histamine release.*

    Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in many natural foods including citrus fruits, onions, apples, tea and lettuce. As with bromelain, quercetin helps reduce the natural inflammatory response by inhibiting the natural formation of the pro-inflammatory agents, prostaglandins and leukotrienes (white blood cells).*17,18  Quercetin also helps lessen the natural inflammatory response for children with sensitivities to inhalants.*19  Additionally, quercetin may help reduce the effects of harmful micro-organisms *20  Bioflavonoids at doses of 1,200 mg per day have reduced the natural inflammatory response in human studies in combination with 1,200 mg vitamin C,21 an outcome con­firmed in double-blinded research using 600 mg/day of bioflavonoids and 450 mg/day of vitamin C.*22

    Substances which inhibit the natural inflammatory response rarely target just one part of the body.* While quercetin has yet to be tested in reducing the natural inflammatory response in sinuses specifically, doctors of natural medicine frequently use it for that purpose because of its proven ability to lessen the natural inflammatory response elsewhere in the body.*

    Nature’s Life Sinus Ease™

    Nature’s Life has combined these powerful phytonutrients to make Sinus Ease™. High potency Bromelain, Quercetin and vitamin C work to inhibit the natural pro-inflammatory response and encourage adequate sinus Drainage.* No safety concerns have been identified with any of these ingredients.23, 24  It is recommended to take the three capsules per day between meals. Since bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme, if taken with a meal it will act on the protein in the food rather than the natural pro-inflammatory fibrin, so remember to take it between meals.*  Enjoy the winter season and find relief from allergens throughout the year!  Nature’s Life Sinus Ease™ can help.


    1.   Taussig SJ. The mechanism of the physiological action of bromelain. Med Hypoth 1980;6:99-104.

    2. Martin GJ. Bromelain pineapple proteases with anti-edema activity. Exper Med Surg 1962;20:228-48.

    3. Blonstein JL. Control of swelling in boxing injuries. Prac­titioner 1969;203:206.

    4. Seltzer AP. Adjunctive use of bromelains in sinusitis: a controlled study. EENT Monthly 1967;46:1281-8.

    5. Taub SJ. The use of Ananase in sinusitis—a study of 60 patients. EENT Monthly 1966;45:96-8.

    6. Ryan RE. A double-blind clinical evaluation of bromelains in the treatment of acute sinusitis. Headache 1967;7:13-7.

    7. Taub SJ. The use of bromelains in sinusitis: a double-blind clinical evaluation. EENT Monthly 1967;46:361-5.

    8. Seltzer AP. Minimizing post-operative edema and ecchymoses by the use of an oral enzyme preparation (bromelain). EENT Monthly 1962;41:813-7.

    9. Johnson CS, Martin LJ, Cai X. Antihistamine effect of sup­plemental ascorbic acid and neutrophil chemotaxis. J Am Coll Nutr 1992;11:172-6.

    10. Zuskin E, Lewis AJ, Bouhuys A. Inhibition of histamine-induced airways constriction by ascorbic acid. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1973;51:218.

    11. Ruskin SL. High dose vitamin C in allergy. Am J Dig Dis 1945;12:281.

    12. Holmes HN. Hay fever and vitamin C. Science 1942;96;497.

    13. Fortner BR, Danziger RE, Rabinowitz PS, Nelson HS. The effect of ascorbic acid on cutaneous and nasal response to histamine  and allergen. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1982;69:484-8.

    14. Bai TR, Martin JG. Effects of indomethacin and ascorbic acid on histamine induced bronchoconstriction in normal  subjects. NZ  Med J 1986;99:163 [abstr].

    15. Holmes H, Alexander W. Hay Fever and Vitamin C. Science 1942;96:497-99.

    16. Johnston CS, Martin LJ, Xi C. Antihistamine Effect of Supplemental Ascorbic Acid and Neutrophil Chemotaxis. J Am Coll Nutr 1992;11:172-6.

    17. Middleton E, Drzewieki G. Naturally occurring flavonoids and human basophil histamine release. Arch Allergy Applied Immunol 1985;77:155-7.

    18. Welton AF, Tobias LD, Fiedler-Nagy C, et al. Effect of flavonoids on arachidonic acid metabolism. Prog Clin BiolRes 1986;213:231-42

    19. Balabokin II, Gordeeva GF, Fuseva ED, et al. Use of vitamins in allergic illnesses in children. Vopr Med Khim (Russia) 1992;38:36-40.

    20. Ohnishi E, Bannai H. Quercetin potentiates TNF-induced antiviral activity. Antiviral Res 1993;22:327-31.

    21. Miller MJ. Injuries to athletes. Med Times 1960;88:313-6.

    22. Cragin RB. The use of bioflavonoids in the prevention and treatment of athletic injuries. Med Times 1962;529-32.

    23. Taussig SJ, Yokoyama MM, Chinen N, et al. Bromelain: A proteolytic enzyme and its clinical application. Hiroshima J Med Sci 1975;24:185-193.

    24. Hertog MGL, Feskens EJM, Holman PCH, et al. Dietary flavonoids and cancer risk in the Zutphen elderly study. Nutr Cancer 1994;22:175-84.


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