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Curcumin: The Superfood That Fights Inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2022 09:39 AM
What is inflammation and what causes it? Inflammation is a natural process that helps the body heal. It occurs when the immune system responds to an injury or infection. The symptoms of inflammation include redness, swelling, and pain. While inflammation is a necessary part of the healing process, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health problems. Chronic inflammation is often caused by lifestyle factors, such as smoking, obesity, and stress. dietary factors can also contribute to chronic inflammation, including a diet high in sugar. Sugar causes the body to release inflammatory chemicals that can damage tissues and lead to disease. Therefore, reducing sugar intake can help to reduce the risk of chronic inflammation. What are the symptoms of inflammation? Inflammation is a natural process in the body that helps to protect us from injury and illness. It occurs when the immune system detects harmful stimuli, such as pathogens or damaged tissue, and triggers a series of reactions which boost the production of white blood cells. However, if inflammation becomes excessive or chronic, it can cause a range of physical symptoms, including redness and swelling at the site of inflammation, increased pain sensitivity, headache, fatigue and fever. Other common symptoms include irritation in the eyes and mouth, digestive issues like diarrhea and nausea, rashes or skin lesions, changes in appetite and mood swings. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, it is important to take anti-inflammatory supplements to help control inflammation. One such supplement is curcumin. How can curcumin help to reduce inflammation in the body? Curcumin is a compound that can be found in turmeric, a bright yellow spice commonly used in cooking. This powerful phytochemical has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties, and can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body. One of the main ways that curcumin achieves this effect is by blocking an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase, or COX. This enzyme is responsible for producing pro-inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins that are often associated with pain and swelling. By preventing their production, curcumin can help to control acute and chronic inflammation in the body, thereby reducing the risk of conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. In addition to blocking COX activity, curcumin helps to reduce oxidative stress by inducing production of antioxidants like superoxide dismutase. Overall, these mechanisms make curcumin an excellent natural treatment for chronic inflammation and a host of related health problems. How to add curcumin to your diet? Adding curcumin to your diet is a great way to reap the many health benefits of this powerful natural compound. There are several different ways that you can incorporate more curcumin into your daily routine, from simply adding it to your favorite recipes to taking a supplement. For example, you can start off by incorporating turmeric into your cooking, as turmeric is one of the richest sources of curcumin in nature. Additionally, there are many curcumin supplements available on the market that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Ultimately, by making these simple changes in your diet, you can enjoy all the great benefits of curcumin for overall health and well-being. The benefits of taking curcumin regularly Curcumin is a compound found in the spice turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and it has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Recently, curcumin has begun to gain recognition in the Western world as well. A growing body of research suggests that curcumin may have a wide range of health benefits, including the ability to improve cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and even ward off cancer. Curcumin is generally well tolerated, but it can interact with certain medications. However, for many people, taking curcumin regularly can be a safe and effective way to improve overall health. To fight inflammation, reduce sugar consumption and take curcumin To help reduce inflammation in the body, it is important to reduce your sugar intake and take curcumin supplements. These steps are vital because chronic inflammation has been linked to a wide range of health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Additionally, sugar consumption can also worsen inflammation by triggering the release of inflammatory chemicals like cytokines and free radicals. One of the best ways to fight against inflammation is to take curcumin supplements on a regular basis. Curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent found in turmeric, a spice that is commonly used in Indian cooking. Research has shown that curcumin can be just as effective as anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), a potent inflammatory chemical released by cells. Furthermore, studies have also shown that taking curcumin regularly may benefit overall health and prevent certain age-related diseases like Alzheimer's. Overall, reducing your sugar intake and taking curcumin supplements are two effective ways to fight inflammation and improve overall health. By following these simple steps, you can help protect yourself from the many negative effects of chronic inflammation.
( Turmeric Vs Curcumin? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 18, 2020 02:50 PM
Turmeric "Curcuma longa" is the plant that has been a part of Indian and Asian cuisine and medicine for thousands of years. Turmeric rhizomes like the root of the plant contain compounds called curcuminoids. This family of compounds is called (Curcumin), and has been shown to have powerful benefits for the brain, heart, cellular immune response, and healthy inflammation response in numerous clinical studies around the world.* So in a nutshell, Turmeric is the "whole Root" and Curcumin is a compound in the root that does all the heavy lifting to fight inflammation, improve immunity, benefits the heart and brain, ect. Look for a supplement that is standardized to the curcumin to ensure bang for the buck.
( Turmeric & Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 25, 2019 10:22 AM
Tumeric is a spice that is found in almost all Indian dishes. it gives a meal a nice spicy flavor. But, Turmeric, as well as its sister herb Curcumin, do more than flavor foods. Recent research proves that the health benefits of the herb can change life for the better. The herb can greatly reduce signs of depression, boost the skin health, fight off inflammation, and do so very much more for your good health! Key Takeaways:
"Currently, there are over 12,500 peer-reviewed articles published proving turmeric benefits, especially one of its renowned healing compounds, curcumin." Read more:
( Mushrooms and turmeric may help to ward off winter infections ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 15, 2018 10:22 AM
During the winter season, most people are more prone to getting sick. That is just how it works. It is cold and windy and during this time period, people are catching sicknesses more easily. This has been the way of the world for a long period of time. However, there is hope from doctors that natural methods can lower the chances of you getting an infection. Mushrooms are one method while turmeric is another one that can help avoid these things. Key Takeaways:
"Channeling this frustration, I dove into the realm of holistic health and learned about two of the most potently regarded immune-boosters — turmeric and mushrooms." Read more:
( Research indicates that turmeric may help mitigate the growth ofMRSA superbugs ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 06, 2018 03:51 PM
There are a lot of things that scientists are researching on a daily basis. Plenty of these scientists are in different fields and sectors over the things that they are researching. In this particular case, scientists were focusing on how to slow down the massive growth of these MRSA super bugs. Some people know what they are while other people have absolutely no idea. The truth of the matter is that they found that turmeric might be good to combat the growth of these things. Key Takeaways:
"Previous research shows that curcumin can have synergistic effects with certain antibiotics." Read more:
( Curcumin Targets Cancer Cells ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 29, 2018 01:51 PM
Curcumin is something that has received a lot of fan fare in recent months. While many people have never heard of it, there are scientists who have come out and said that it has some massive health benefits. Like many other compounds that are within foods, it is able to deliver things that some may not think is possible. It targets cancer cells and there are people who have reported that they think that it works for them. Key Takeaways:
"Recent studies highlight turmeric’s superiority by demonstrating its potential to target some of the deadliest forms of cancer while not harming any healthy cells, as published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences." Read more:
CBD cane reduce inflammation and assist in fighting things that go wrong with the body. CBD can reduce stress and anxiety.
( Natural ways to whiten your teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 11, 2018 08:52 AM
If you are considering whitening your teeth, there are many natural ways you can accomplish this without resorting to chemically based products. Swishing around edible oil in your mouth 2 to 3 times a day can help. Baking soda is another trusted stain remover when combined with water and made into a paste.Rubbing tumeric on your gums and teeth can also provide good results. Finally, apple cider vinegar works well to topple plaque and to keep your teeth white. Key Takeaways:
"Fortunately, you don’t always have to visit a dentist or rely on chemicals to get pearly whites!" Read more:
( 4 herbs that can help you treat fever effectively ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 16, 2018 09:53 AM
Taking paracetamol tablets is the common response to trying to lower a person's high fever, but did you know that there are natural ways to also accomplish this? Even better, these methods do not come with pesky side effects. Tulsi leaves have many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. Turmeric contains curcumin which offers an antibacterial and anti-viral source. Garlic promotes sweating which allows you to flush toxins from your body. Finally, finger protects a body from bacterial and viral attacks. Key Takeaways:
"Paracetamol can treat fever effectively, but know every drug has its side-effects. Instead, try these herbs." Read more:
( Fermented turmeric prevents memory loss caused by oxidative stress and inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 16, 2018 09:54 AM
Even without Alzheimer's or dementia, the human brain is apt to experience memory loss over time. Neural cells can die, victims of disease, or inflammation. Simple oxidative stress can be at the bottom of significant loss of cognition. Study has shown that by boosting a key neurotransmitter, a significant amount of natural damage can be avoided. One specific ingredient with the potential to make this happen has been tested on rodents. Rodents were injected with an amnesia-creating medication. A percentage of them also received a dose of fermented turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory activity. The mice given the turmeric were proven to be protected against the affects of the amnesia-producing drug. Key Takeaways:
"Turmeric contains curcumunoids like curcumin, a well-known antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that shields neurons from damage." Read more:
( Best superfoods: Green tea is 'the best' superfood to detox ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 02, 2018 03:59 PM
Going into the New Year is a great time to make improvements to a healthy diet and one with many proven benefits is to start drinking green tea regularly. Green tea is chock full of antioxidants which will give a boost to overall health in more ways than one. Green tea has EGCG and other polyphenols that rev up metabolism, boost the immune system, fight cancer, increase alertness and help get rid of the visceral fat around the abdomen. To improve health in one simple step in the new year, give green tea a try, at pennies a cup it won't put a dent in the budget. Key Takeaways:
"A cup is easy to prepare, costs next to nothing and provides you with a whooping seven per cent active molecules [EGCG], the most of any other drink or food." Read more:
( I Drink This 5-Ingredient Coffee Recipe Every Day To Fight Inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 04, 2017 09:14 AM
A simple change to your morning coffee routine can have wide-ranging health benefits. Adding three simple ingredients- and switching out two others- will help combat inflammation, which has been linked to almost every major disease- from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes to Alzheimer's, depression, and even hair loss. A couple shakes of a mixture of turmeric, cinnamon, and just a little ground pepper (which helps your body to properly absorb the active ingredient in tumeric) is a great way to work anti-inflamatories into your daily routine, as well as add a nice flavor to your daily coffee. In addition, substituting sugar with raw honey and cream with coconut oil will add antioxidants, help you to absorb MORE antioxidants, and adds additional antifungal, antibiotic, and antibacterial properties (along with those contained in the spice mixture!) Evidence of anti-inflammatory (as well as other) benefits to these ingredients can be found in the journals "Cancer Prevention", "Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine" and "The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics," as well as from the Arthritis Foundation. Key Takeaways:
"Curcumin, the main compound found in turmeric, is widely known and accepted for its antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties." Read more:
( Move over turmeric, mushroom lattes are the new wellness order ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 13, 2017 04:14 PM
It is time for turmeric to move over and let mushroom lattes take their place as the new wellness order. Mushroom lattes are the new wellness beverage. Mushrooms have been on the healthy eating menu for many years and they have even been used in Eastern medicine. They pack an incredible health punch. The different types of mushrooms all have their own set of unique benefits. They are all chock full of vitamins. Some have been used int treating cancer. Key Takeaways:
"Mushroom lattes. That's right the humble 'shroom is the new wellness beverage add." Read more:
( 3 wonder ways to brighten your teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 12, 2017 09:14 AM
Speaks upon the use of multiple whitening brands telling you to try using natural elements. Like Mixing strawberries, baking soda, and salt making a substance that's like paste which you apply about once or twice a week. Also, surprisingly charcoal is another method, using the dust to rub on your teeth causing the stains to go away. Be careful not to swallow the charcoals. Even the use of tumeric! Yes the cooking material, you can put a little on your teeth every other day literally provoking your teeth to be more white! Key Takeaways:
"Are you tired of trying the very many toothpastes in the market and still not getting the result? Go natural when it comes to tooth whitening with these all natural products which have natural ingredients." Read more:
( Prostate cancer breakthrough: Combination of three plant-based nutrients found to MELT AWAY prostate cancer cells ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 03, 2017 12:14 PM
A study by the University of Texas, Austin, has found that there is potential for treatment of prostate cancer using compounds found in common foods. ursolic acid, commonly found in apple peel, curcumin, found in the spice tumeric, and resveratrol, found in red grapes. These three compounds were tested together as a new combination approach to creating treatments. Working together, these compounds caused shrinkage of tumor cells and changed the way the cancerous cells metabolized nutrients that allow them to grow out of control. Key Takeaways:
"A fascinating new study published in Precision Oncology has found that a combination of three plant-based nutrients “melts away” prostate cancer cells." Read more:
( Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 11, 2017 07:14 AM
According to recent research conducted on nutrition at the University of Texas, various natural compounds may help prevent the development of prostate cancer. These compounds are plant-based chemicals commonly found in foods such as tumeric, apple peels, rosemary, tumeric, and certain berries. Certain combinations of these chemicals can block cancer cells from obtaining nutrients they require to survive. The study effectively slowed tumor growth in mice without detrimental health effects. This research is especially promising for those with an increased risk of cancer due to obesity or a chronic inflammation. Read more: Starving prostate cancer with what you eat: Apple peels, red grapes, turmeric
( Turmeric (Curcumin),The Healing Root. ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 06, 2017 12:14 PM
A staple of Ayruvedic medicine, practiced in India, besides being a flavoring agent and useful for coloring fabrics, Turmeric is a highly nourishing herb, specifically a rhizome, with antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties, to name a few. Hormonal imbalance, obesity and hypertension are a few other areas that can benefit from Turmeric use. Easy to incorporate into the diet, even small amounts are beneficial. A traditional golden milk, make with coconut milk, is tasty and provides many nutrients. Turmeric is an inexpensive way to boost your health every day and even makes a beautiful addition to the garden, should you decide to grow it. Key Takeaways:
"it has only been recently that people throughout the rest of world have discovered the many uses turmeric has for health and well being and as a tasty addition to culinary delights. This little root can help our bodies in miraculous ways and also healing our pets." Read more:
( End Discomfort & Pain from Gout Symptoms ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 25, 2017 09:14 AM
Not only is gout extremely painful, but many people don't realize that it affects all joints and not just those in the feet. Conventional treatment can be costly not only in a monetary fashion but also your time, but there's hope that a variety of natural treatments may provide a better alternative. For instance, cherries, celery seed, coffee, vitamin C and tumeric can help combat this painful condition. By considering these solutions and changes to your diet, there's hope yet of minimizing this for anyone afflicted by it. Key Takeaways:
"Researchers have found that two days of cherry intake can reduce recurrent gout attacks by 35 percent." Read more:
( Can turmeric really shrink tumours, reduce pain and kill bacteria? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 09, 2017 08:44 AM
According to Gunveen Kaur, the food turmeric is a miracle substance. This yellow-colored spice, widely used in India and South East Asia, supposedly contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-cancer properties. Additionally, this substance encourages the death of cells that are dangerous or no longer needed in the human body. According to Kaur, systemized studies have supported these assertions to certain extents. While these findings are quite promising, more work needs to be done to validate and study how much of an impact this miracle food has on the health of others. Key Takeaways:
"Although curcumin is showing some encouraging effects in reducing markers of inflammation in humans, the majority of the pharmacological effects of curcumin are in lab studies or animal experiments." Read more:
April 24, 2017 04:44 AM
Tumeric, is this spice in your cabinet? If so, use it as often as possible in as many of the foods you prepare as you can. But, do not be shy, and make sure that you're also enjoying this Tumeric water. Drinking this spicy water everyday can do incredible things to your body, and those benefits are things that you do not want to miss. Learn the benefits and start drinking Tumeric water without a moment's delay. Takeaways:
"Turmeric is one of the most popular spices added to South Asian dishes, and it becoming growingly popular all around the world, due to its multiple health-boosting properties."
( 10 Ways Turmeric Might Be Superior To Modern Medicine ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 17, 2017 08:44 AM
Tumeric is a spice that is used in many cuisines, particularly Indian cooking. And while it has never been a secret that Tumeric has an array of benefits to your health, there is new evidence that suggest that it may be better than what we realized. Could Tumeric really be superior to what modern medicine has provided to us? These 10 ideas support the fact, and once you learn them, you may, too, believe in the powers of Tumeric considerably more. Key Takeaways:
"While there are some skeptics about its medicinal efficacy, there are thousands of peer-reviewed studies to date highlighting turmeric’s versatility in whole-body healing." Read more:
( TURMERIC WITH HONEY - The Strongest Natural Antibiotic! ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 06, 2017 05:15 AM
Its hard when your sick to fully get rid of whatever you have unless you take some medicine. Antibiotics are prescribed to help fight of a virus or infection in your body that most people think natural substances cannot fix. However, this video shows a natural ingredient that is proven to be the best antibiotic. Honey mixed with a few other ingredients like Tumeric juice can be the best antibiotic to fight of any colds. Takeaways:
"You surely have heard of or even tried the amazing health benefits of the turmeric golden milk."
( In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice. ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 23, 2017 02:44 PM
For those who pursue optimum health, Turmeric is a spice that should not be overlooked. Turmeric boasts a myriad of wonderful health benefits including it's anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Turmeric can be added to a great many meals and can also easily be added to smoothies if you want to find ways to incorporate it into your diet. Read on to find out more creative uses of turmeric, and how to make it more easily absorbed in the body. Key Takeaways:
"The magic is in the Curcumin which is the potent compound within turmeric." Read more:
( Study: Turmeric can Slash your Heart Attack Risk by 56% ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 16, 2017 02:44 PM
Tumeric is a colorful herb that is used in many dishes, particularly Asian foods. It adds awesome flavor to a dish, which hints at a kick of spice. What makes a dish better? New evidence suggests that consumption of tumeric has an array of health benefits for you to enjoy. One of the best is a reduction in your risk of heart attack. Studies show that you decrease heart attack risk considerably when you consume Tumeric. What are you waiting for? Key Takeaways:
"This incredible ability of curcumin has been particularly helpful for postmenopausal women who reach the age where heart problems can arise and become a health concern." Read more:
March 16, 2017 04:44 AM
Pretest any stain-removing agent. Even water may damage some surfaces, so always run a sample test on some inconspicuous spot. The seam allowance or under the hem of a garment, the part of the rug thats hidden under a table or chair, the part of the upholstery that faces the wall, to avoid costly mistakes.Handle stained items gently. Rubbing, folding, wringing, or squeezing can cause the stain to penetrate more deeply into the surface of the cloth and may damage delicate fibers. Takeaways:
"This simple remedy really works, and it is based on the ancient Indian science of healing"
( What Is Turmeric Good For? 10 Health Benefits of Turmeric | Turmeric Supplement Benefits ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 13, 2017 10:19 AM
It’s a quintessential spice in curry, a relative of ginger and one of the healthiest ways to add flavor and color to a home-cooked meal. Turmeric has been used to relieve everything from liver problems to depression to ringworm in folk medicine, but, like many alternative therapies, there’s not always much research to back up the ancient wisdom. Takeaways:
"Due to all these factors turmeric is often used to treat a wide variety of health problems."
( The Amazing Health Benefits of Curcumin ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 19, 2012 07:31 AM
Curcumin Have you heard of curcumin? Curcumin is a popular spice that originated in Eastern culture. This spice is popular because it offers a lot of health benefits to people. For those individuals who are interested to achieve optimal health and want to live a longer life, it would be best to ad curcumin in their daily diets. This spice can definitely affect the overall health of individuals. What is curcumin? Curcumin is not just an actual spice, but it is one of the ingredients of Tumeric, which is considered a famous Indian spice. Curcumin is commonly used in making curries with a strong taste that are being appreciated in the West. However, this ingredient is consumed by many people because of the health benefits it could bring. Curcumin is very in demand in India, Middle East and Asian countries because they use curcumin as a medicine. There are various health benefits of curcumin. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, it is important that you be aware of these health benefits: Benefits • Helps treat certain illnesses- According to research and studies, it has been shown that curcumin can effectively treat and prevent particular ailments such as brain problems and cancer. Individuals suffering from Alzheimer's disease can definitely overcome their condition with regular consumption of curcumin. • An effective body pain reliever- A lot of individuals, most especially the senior citizens are always experiencing body pains because of weak bones. According to a recent study, curcumin has been believed to relive pain and improve mobility for sufferers with osteoarthritis and other body pains. Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate body aches. • Positive effects on brain health- Another awesome benefit if curcumin is providing positive effects on brain health. According to reports, even just occasional ingestion of curcumin can improve brain power. It is necessary to have a healthy and powerful brain so that it is easier to think clearly all the time. It also effectively reduces the levels of toxic metals in the brain. • Helps avoid premature aging- Curcumin is packed with antioxidants, which are responsible in preventing the occurrence of premature aging. Premature aging is a very common condition, most especially to people with an unhealthy lifestyle. It would be best to stop all your filthy habits and add curcumin in your regular diet to achieve a healthy body and younger looking skin. These are some of the amazing health benefits of curcumin. If you want to achieve a healthy body and mind, this healthy supplement is the excellent supplement to utilize. There is no recommended dose for curcumin. Studies have utilized doses between 100 mg to 8000 mg without experiencing any over dosage side effects. In fact, individuals can consume up to 12,000 mg per day. Curamin can either be consumed as a supplement, or it can be added in certain food or meals. Basically, people in India would add this spice to their every dish so that they could attain superior health. You can also add curcumin when you are cooking, but if you have no time to cook, nutritional supplements can be the perfect alternative.
( Natural Remedies for Arthritis ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 08, 2012 08:15 AM
Arthritis is a kind inflammation on one or more joint. There are many kinds of arthritis. Each kind has different causes. Most common causes are injury, metabolism problem, immunity disorder, infections, hereditary factors, and much more. The symptoms are various too. But generally, it includes joint pain, swelling, redness, warmth, and stiffness. When the arthritis goes more serious, it could lead to fever, weight loss, and fatigue. There are many ways to cure arthritis. If the illness is quite serious, you need to go to a doctor. You can undergo a physical treatment. You can orthopedic bracing. Or, you could even need a joint replacement surgery. And if it is not so serious, you can just go to drug store to buy some analgesic, corticosteroid, acetaminophen or some anti-inflammatory medications. But, you need to remember that every drug has side effects. Analgesic could lead you to nausea and stomach upset. Corticosteroid can give make you bruise easily. It can also weaken your bones. The best recommendation to avoid side effects is to go naturally. Natural remedies have negligible side effects. Those have been used by our predecessors to cure many illnesses effectively. And for arthritis, there are also some ingredients that could be useful. Here are some examples: 1. Curcumin Curcumin is derived from the root of Tumeric plant. Tumeric is commonly used for Indian cooking and Chinese medication. Curcumin can be an effective anti-inflammatory. It can also cure stiffness and pain. For a better result, combine curcumin with bromelain. Curcumin might be not good for a pregnant woman to consume. 2. Boswellia Boswelia acid can also be an active anti-inflamatory. Commonly, it is used to cure several inflammatory problems such as asthma and some digestive ailments. Boswelia supplements sometimes are sold in capsule form. 3. Holy Basil Holy basil is also known as Tulsi in India. In Ayurveda, tulsi is very sacred herb. That is why it is called as Holy Basil. In India, many houses have it planted on their yard and often use it to cure headache, influenza, and some digestive disorders. Many researches have found that holy basil also contains high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. But it is not recommended for pregnant women. 4. Ginger Ginger has an active compound called gingerol. Gingerol is very effective to cure inflammatory. You can consume ginger in many ways. You can take it as a supplement. You can easily brew the ginger root at home and drink it when it is warm. You can also just eat it. But if you want to eat it, it would be better to eat it with other foods or you might get heartburn. 5. Glucosamine Glucosamine is the main element that forms cartilage and synovial fluids. It is formed by glycoaminoglycans and protein inside a human's body. Glucosamine sometimes are formed as glusosamine sulphate. It then is made as supplement and can be bought in a drug store. It is effective for many kinds of injuries and joint disorders. 6. Hyaluronic Acid Hyaluronic acid is a compound can be found in synovial fluids, along with glucosamine. It is very important to keep the volume of synovial fluids and frictionless movement. When a human's body lacked of hyaluronic acid, they will experience an inflammatory conditions such as stiffness, joint pain, and arthritis.
( Turmeric and Alzheimer’s Disease ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2007 12:38 PM
Turmeric and Alzheimer’s Disease
Compare these findings to people over the age of 65 living in the
So what are people who are living in
Q. How can curry prevent these changes in the brain? Isn’t that a lot to expect from a spice?
A. Evidently, it’s not too much to expect from this spice. Curry comes from the turmeric plant – Curcuma longa is the plant’s official name. Curcumin, a plant compound in turmeric, is the source of curry’s instantly recognizable bright yellow pigment. When it comes to the scientific research of Curcuma longa, the terms curcumin and turmeric are both used. Both refer to the same thing- Tumeric extract.
There have been more than 1300 studies on Tumeric and its health benefits for humans. Research has shown Tumeric is able to help the body get rid of cancer-causing toxins. Turmeric also blocks estrogen receptors and enzymes that promote cancer. And it’s been found to stop the growth of new blood vessels in cancerous tumors – an important factor in keeping cancer from getting larger and spreading throughout the body.
But one of turmeric’s most exciting health benefits is its ability to reduce, prevent, and stop inflammation. While inflammation is a normal and needed response to injury or disease, chronic inflammation can cause damage to tissues. And researchers are now finding inflammation plays a huge role in Alzheimer’s disease.
Q. I’ve always heard that Alzheimer’s disease was caused by complex growths in the brain called plaques and tangles. How can simple inflammation cause such a devastating disease?
A. You are right. Plaques and tangles are indeed the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. But researchers looking at the brain damage caused by Alzheimer’s have always noted the presence of inflammation wherever plaques and tangles form. In the past, this inflammation was thought to be simply a consequence of Alzheimer’s disease. Now scientists believe the inflammation itself starts a chain reaction ultimately contributing to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
` When cells in the brain are disrupted by inflammation, amyloid, and a protein normally found in the brain, beings to act chaotically. This chaos results in the creation of beta-amyloid, protein that is toxic to cells in the brain. Sticky deposits of beta0amyloid build up and collect around the cells, making dense clumps or plaques. Because the brain can’t break the plaques down and get rid of them, they stay right where they are and slowly accumulate.
Tangles result when long protein fibers that act like scaffolding for brain cells begin to twist and tangle. The cell is damaged and eventually dies. But the tangled proteins remain in the brain even after the dead neuron has been cleared away. And inflammation might be the culprit causing the long protein fibers to start tangling.
The consequence of these abnormalities of protein in the brain is more than the cell death they cause. They also act as roadblocks interfering with electrochemical messengers being shot from cell to cell. Therefore, the remaining healthy cells’ activity is diminished as well.
Research of identical twins has repeatedly shown that if one twin has Alzheimer’s disease, the other has a 60% chance of developing the disease, too. Scientists from the Karolinska Institute in
In fact, the inflammatory process might occur years before the onset of Alzheimer’s, and be the result of any number of infections people can contract. That’s why current research is searching for ways to protect brain cells from inflammation. And why some countries have low rates of Alzheimer’s disease, like
Q. Why curry? Couldn’t other lifestyle difference account for the low rates of Alzheimer’s disease in
A. That’s a good question. When researchers begin studying a disease, like Alzheimer’s, they look for trends to help them determine how and why the disease occurs. For example, we all now know the connection between cigarettes smoking and long cancer. But, it wasn’t until the 1930’s that doctors noticed the trend fro cigarette smokers to have more lung cancer than people who didn’t smoke.
So it has been with researchers studying Alzheimer’s disease. They know Alzheimer’s disease has an important connection to inflammation. They also know turmeric reduces inflammation. And when researchers noticed these trends – that people in India eat high amounts of curry from turmeric and have very little Alzheimer’s disease – they began to theorize that turmeric might be able to prevent or even treat the illness. And the research they designed around these trends has unequivocally found turmeric to be on common denominator.
Q. What have the turmeric studies shown so far?
A. Simply amazing findings are coming from curry research. Not only does turmeric slow down cancer growth, it’s also been found to correct the cystic fibrosis defect in mice, help prevent the onset of alcoholic liver disease, and may slow down other serious brain diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Researchers from the
And now the UCLA Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) is using turmeric in clinical trials and studying the effect of this powerful spice in patients diagnosed with this devastating disease. Clinical trials are the gold standard of medical research. But it’s rare in Alzheimer’s disease. And it’s even more rare when all-natural herbs and spices like turmeric are used in hopes the positive benefits will be discovered. The head of the UCLA’s research team was recently interviewed and stated that setting out to hopefully prove turmeric’s ability to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease was “tremendously exciting.”
Q. I recently read that one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) was found to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Is this true?
A. Scientists recently studied ibuprofen, one of the NSAIDs investigated for Alzheimer’s disease Prevention. Ibuprofen belongs to a family of drugs that includes naproxen, indomethacin, nabumetone, and several others. These drugs are used most often to get rid of headaches, mild arthritis, and other kinds of pain and inflammation.
In the studies, the average dose of ibuprofen was 800mg a day. Patients took the product for two years. While the results suggested that ibuprofen might reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, ibuprofen’s side effects are too harmful to be a valid lifelong prevent aid treatment. Ibuprofen, like other NSAIDs, can cause gastrointestinal bleeding when used at high dosages over a long period of time. Long term use of ibuprofen can also lead to analgesic nephropathy, a kind of kidney damage caused by NSAIDs.
As we discussed earlier, turmeric appears to block and break up brain plaques that cause the disease and helps reverse some of the damage already present. Ibuprofen does not provide any protection against free radical damage. No anti-inflammatory medicine can do this.
Q. If I eat curry will I be protected against Alzheimer’s disease? There aren’t many foods or recipes I make that require curry, do I need to eat it every day? And how much do I need?
A. If you enjoy Indian cuisine, by all means, enjoy these delicious foods. You’ll benefit your brain and your appetite. But you make a good point, American meals rarely contain curry. That’s why supplements that contain extracts are suddenly quite popular. In fact, there are numerous turmeric/curcumin supplements on the market today.
But like all nutritional supplements, some turmeric supplements are superior to others. You need to read their labels to make sure the turmeric extract you are buying will provide the protection you need. Look for high-potency turmeric extract from turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome. And make sure the extract is standardized to contain 90% curcuminoids, the active ingredient in turmeric responsible for the positive research findings.
Researchers once thought that preventing for Alzheimer’s disease would elude them for decades. In fact, several scientists privately speculated the disease might never be ameliorated. They thought the origin of the disease was too complex and the symptoms of the disease were too profound.
That’s why ongoing research on turmeric is so exciting. A safe, natural, and effective way to protect against Alzheimer’s disease almost seems too good to be true. But, the nation of
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