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Use warm water and turmeric to cleanse your body, support digestion ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2019 02:25 PM
It is estimated that a lot of Americans are affected by digestive problems. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) alone affects about 20 percent of Americans according to a 2010 estimate and that number should have increased by now. Pharmaceutical products being used to treat these symptoms can do more harm than good. Some of the drugs used for proton pump inhibitors of which 113 million are prescribed every year have been identified as the cause of bone fractures in older women and clostridium infections that result in diarrhea and life threatening conditions in older people. Some natural products though can do the work of cleansing your digestive system without the side effects and also help detox the body. One of them is turmeric. Just add some turmeric in warm water and one is ready to have these benefits. Warm water on its own is very important to the body but when mixed with turmeric it will help create bile that breaks down and absorbs fat in the body. Bile eliminates wastes in the body thereby detoxing your body the natural way. Key Takeaways:
"Turmeric mixed in a warm glass of water will not only help cleanse your body, but they will also lend support to your digestive system." Read more:
( How eating bitter herbs can fix digestive system problems ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 24, 2019 02:01 PM
Gastroesophagael reflux disease (GERD) is a common, vexing and potentially serious condition, but bitter herbs can sometimes help reduce its severity. The “bitters” used by herbalists usually include extracts from a variety of different plants. While plants produce bitter tastes to deter animals (including humans) from eating them, that bitterness can also indicate high concentrations of antioxidants and other compounds with valuable health benefits. Bitters can trigger the digestion-stimulating hormone called gastrin, as well as the release of bile and enzymes that break down protein. Key Takeaways:
"However, appropriate amounts of edible bitter greens, spices and herbs can provide important health benefits, and should be included in the diet." Read more:
( These natural fixes can prevent heartburn ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 08, 2019 08:23 AM
It’s estimated that 46% of people suffer regularly from heartburn. The good news is that heartburn can be treated through many natural remedies. One way to address heartburn is to improve digestion. The most basic way to do this is to chew your food properly. Quite simply, take smaller bites and chew for what seems like a long time. Also, avoid food triggers such as spicy foods, onions, mint, and carbonated drinks, all of which contribute to acid reflux. Finally, weight loss and decreasing your intake of alcohol and caffeine can also help to ease your heartburn woes. Key Takeaways:
"To reduce the need for over-the-counter medications, here are some tips on how to get rid of heartburn once and for all." Read more:
( Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2019 01:08 PM
Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits throughout the body. One such system in the body where it has been shown to be of great benefit is the Endocrine system, particularly for people with diabetes. Not only can it lower blood sugar levels, but can help a person lose weight. it also helps lower bad cholesterol level in the blood and can provide almost instant relief from acid reflux. Apple cider vinegar also has hundreds of uses around the home. Key Takeaways:
"Apple cider vinegar has grown in popularity in recent years, with many people praising the liquid for its several health benefits." Read more:
( Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2019 08:50 AM
We are always told about how important probiotics are for our gastrointestinal health, but what about prebiotics? Prebiotics are shown to improve digestion because they can naturally restore the presence of probiotics that fight off any harmful bacteria. Harmful gut bacteria can lead to issues such as bloating, gas, and acid reflux. It can also lead to issues such as brain fog and having poor levels of vitamins in your system that lead to related deficiencies. Key Takeaways:
"People also have to complement their diet with foods containing the lesser known prebiotics for probiotics to work their magic." Read more:
( Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 20, 2018 09:53 AM
Hydrochloric Acid is a key digestive juice which tends to decrease within your body as you get older, causing a variety of digestive and non-digestive issues. Less hydrochloric acid means a less acidic gut, which can result in higher incidence of heartburn, gas, acid reflux, bacterial or yeast infections and other conditions. While some decrease in hydrochloric acid is a common part of aging, eating too much processed food, not exercising and other lifestyle issues can exacerbate it. Key Takeaways:
"Additionally, not producing enough HCL can lead to many other problems, such as skin problems, including acne or rosacea, mineral deficiencies and autoimmune reactions." Read more:
( How safe are heartburn medications and who should use them? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 11, 2017 04:14 PM
Heartburn medications that are currently prescribed might not be the most effective in treating heartburn. Many people suffer from heartburn and many of those people are prescribed what is known as "protein pump inhibitors." These medications prevent stomach cells from producing stomach acid, which causes heartburn. However, these medications often need to be taken for long periods of time and may lead to early death. While studies show proton pump inhibitors are effective at reducing heartburn, one study found a small increased risk of early death for those taking these medications and other studies have linked negative side effects, like vitamin B12 deficiency, to proton pump inhibitors. Nevertheless, the benefits outweigh the risks. Yet, it seems as though too many proton pump inhibitors are being prescribed than are necessary. Therefore, only those suffering from extreme heartburn should be prescribed proton pump inhibitors, as they can be very beneficial to treating their condition. Key Takeaways:
"A study found these drugs were very effective for treating reflux disease, with eight weeks of therapy with standard (once daily) dosing healing acid damage in more than 80% of patients." Read more:
( Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2017 09:14 AM
Do you have acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn? Almost everyone does at some time or another. It's caused by the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus. The burning sensation you feel is from that stomach acid attacking the lining of your esophagus. The most common causes of acid reflux are eating too fast or too much in one sitting, a poor diet and chronic stress. If you're a heartburn sufferer, it's a good idea to work on these problems to eliminate the reflux. But in the meantime, if you want to knock out hearburn stat, here are some ideas: A teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sipped until the reflux goes away is a sure-fire cure. Baking soda is alkaline so it offsets the acid in your esophagus. Other remedies include drinking ginger tea and apple cider vinegar. Key Takeaways:
"In this post, I’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for acid reflux." Read more:
( Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2017 12:14 PM
What's the best natural ingredient to treat acid reflux, ulcers and stomach pain? The humble sweet potato. If you suffer stomach discomfort, you will want to treat the symptoms before you have permanent damage to your stomach lining. Following this simple recipe will keep your stomach healthy and reduce discomfort. The video will show you how to make a sweet potato concentrate that can be taken around mealtimes to get the results you are looking for. Takeaways:
"The cure for gastritis and other stomach ailments can be found in nature."
( Is Apple Juice Acidic or is it Good for Acid Reflux? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 06, 2017 09:14 AM
Some people might wonder if apple juice is acidic or if it is bad for acid reflux. Apple juice is very delicious and refreshing. It contains good amounts of vitamins and minerals. It is very rich in vitamin C and it provides 159% of the recommended intake. Most of the fruit juices that have an acidic quality have a low PH. For example, the PH of apple juice varies from 3.35 to 4, which is interesting. Key Takeaways:
"Is apple juice good for acid reflux? No, in fact consuming acidic juices like apple juice may worsen acid reflux." Read more:
( fight cancer with baking soda ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 16, 2017 04:44 AM
Baking soda can be used for cancer prevention. Baking soda has natural elements that allow the body to regulate pH levels. Regulating pH levels can help prevent the mutations that may cause cancer to form. Baking soda also has many other properties that can be relied on to detoxify the body. Detoxifying the body can also prevent a host of other ailments that are related to the occurrence of cancer. Few natural substances can be used to prevent cancer like baking soda. Takeaways:
"Many buffering systems equip the human body with the ability to optimize internal functions for as long a period as possible."
( When It’s More Than Just Heartburn ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 12, 2017 11:44 AM
Heartburn is very common, especially after consuming a greasy meal. However, sometimes heart burn can signal something else, specifically GERD or acid reflux. When stomach acid flows back into your esophagus, one experiences acid reflux. Furthermore, when these acid reflux symptoms become constant and common it turns into GERD. It is important to know the facts about both acid reflux and GERD and also very important to discuss any problems you experience with your physician. Key Takeaways:
"A good rule of thumb is to make an appointment when you experience frequent or severe heartburn that doesn’t go away with over-the-counter medication." Read more:
( Acid Reflux Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatments ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2017 03:44 PM
Acid reflux is a common condition that can cause a range of issues ranging from mild discomfort all the way up to causing cancer. The signs of acid reflux vary but are typically a discomfort burning feeling in the chest. Treatments can range from specialty diets to prescription drugs. Some foods to avoid are alcohol, fried foods and spicy foods. Foods high in healthy fats and enzymes tend to help reduce acid reflux. Probiotics and chamomile are two other natural options to help control reflux. Key Takeaways:
"Contrary to popular belief (and what many pharmaceutical companies say in advertisements), acid reflux symptoms are not caused by too much acid in the stomach." Read more:
( 6 digestive problems that can affect your weight ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 05, 2017 08:44 AM
Although most digestive problems cause weight loss, there are some conditions that cause weight gain. The pain from acid reflux and ulcers are relieved by eating more, medication can help soothe the stomach, acid causing medicines should be reduced. Constipation can cause a temporary, not actual weight gain from not voiding, high fiber foods and water can alleviate thus. Bad bacterial overgrowth in the gut can be caused by medicines and diet, slows down intestinal function retaining weight, probiotics help. IBS and more seriously, Crohn's disease can cause bloat, constipation and medical treatments like steroids, cause weight gain. It's important to be carefully monitored and treated by your doctor if you have these conditions. Key Takeaways:
"Gastrointestinal and digestive issues can definitely have a large effect on the way we eat and how our bodies absorb and digest foods, causing us to gain or lose weight, says Dr Kenneth Brown, a gastroenterologist." Read more:
( Chest pain? It might be one of these 7 things ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 03, 2017 12:59 PM
If you are having chest pains, then it might be one of seven things. Heartburn is one of these things. Muscle strain is another one. It is possible that a person might mistake a muscle strain for something far more serious, like a heart attack. Doctors do not expect any patients to tell the difference between the two. Key Takeaways:
"If you're having chest pain, and you're not 100% sure what's causing it, either call your doctor or call 911." Reference: //
( Obesity could triple your risk of stomach cancer later in life ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 02, 2017 10:59 AM
A new report looking at what causes stomach cancer found three new somewhat surprising links: alcohol, processed meat and obesity. All three are linked with several other cancers, including colon cancer and breast cancer, but this is the first time they've been associated with stomach cancer. The report also finds more typical causes: smoking, eating food preserved with salt, and infection with a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. Key Takeaways:
"Those who gained more than 45 pounds also faced twice the risk of developing esophageal cancer, compared to those who maintained a healthy weight." Reference:
( Is Pineapple Acidic and Can Pineapple Cause Acid Reflux? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 27, 2017 10:59 AM
If you suffer from acid reflux, you probably go out of your way to avoid overly acidic foods. However, there is much debate on where pineapple lands on the pH spectrum. Pineapple is indeed acidic, but it also contains bromelain, which has been known to fend off acid reflux. It may still cause acid reflux in those more sensitive to acids, but pineapple usually has an alkalizing effect on stomach acids. If you are willing to give it a try, pineapple has some great health benefits that include a low calorie count and moderate levels of essential vitamins and minerals. Key Takeaways:
"But for those unaffected by acid reflux, pineapple is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals to keep the body running smoothly." Reference:
( Reflux and ulcer medications linked to kidney stones and chronic kidney disease ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 04, 2016 07:59 AM
A University in Rome has found information that links medications taken for acid reflux and heartburn to a higher incidence of kidney stones. By reviewing patient files, they found that patients who took proton pump inhibitors were at a 12% higher risk of developing kidney stones throughout their lives, and those who took histamine receptor-2 were at a 13% higher risk. They have stated that more research needs to be done, but any link between the medicine and kidney stones is cause for alarm. Key Takeaways:
"Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine receptor-2 (H2) blockers are commonly used to reduce gastric acid production." Reference:
( The Ultimate Solution To Stomach Pains ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 21, 2016 02:47 PM
The Omega-7 fatty acids, also known as Palmitoleic acid, are unsaturated fatty acids found in sea Buckthorn berry oils. Though not popular among many people, Omega-7 fats are miraculously beneficial to your health, especially the stomach. Buckthorn plant and your health:
Health conditions related to the human digestive system
The human digestive system which lies in the center of the body spans over 100sq meters; right from the mouth to the anus. It’s specifically known for its vital role in the absorption of water, nutrients, and electrolytes necessary for maintaining life. Additionally, it’s crucial in barring pathogens, toxins, and allergens from harming the body. Recent studies have also shown that the gastrointestinal tract helps in immunity, cholesterol metabolism, detoxification, and emotional balance.
Unfortunately over 65 million people around the world are suffering from digestive related illnesses like ulcers, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). All these diseases share a common feature; inflammation and damage of the mucous membranes.
If you are one such person, Omega-7 is your solution.
Omega-7 and the Gastrointestinal Tract
The Omega-7 fatty acids are well-known for their ability to nourish and lubricate the mucous membranes in the digestive tract. Omega-7 has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease intestinal aches and pains.
Besides treating digestive related conditions, Omega-7 has been found to help in;
Reference URLs
( Did you know there is a natural remedy to stop heartburn in its tracts? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2016 04:44 PM
Acid reflux plague's thousands of individuals each day in the U.S.A. Many of which take over the counter and prescription anti-acid drugs. Doing this is not without side effects, these drugs can cause all sorts of health issues even kidney failure. Fortunately, there is an alternative that can help. Acid reflux is a sign of an imbalance in the digestive tract. Put it simply, your body is not able to detect the acid that is setting in your stomach from the last time you ate something. If stomach acid is not released from the stomach after your food has been digested, you will experience heart burn. Doctors tell you that taking a drug to reduce stomach acid will solve your problem, but the opposite is actually the case. Since your body does not detect the acid present in your stomach, you need to add more acid. Anti-acids actually prolong and compound the issue with deadly side effects. Taking a simple inexpensive supplement called HCL with pepsin, one can successfully eliminate heart burn with zero side effects. If you suffer from heart burn, taking one or two pills of Hcl with each meal will solve your problem. Adding a probiotic and soluble fiber to your diet can help restore balance to your digestive tract and eventually eliminate any recurrences. Stop taking dangerous anti-acid drugs and start your self on the path to true healing with natural remedies such as Hcl with Pepsin.
( Can Peppermint Tea Sooth An Upset Stomach? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 03, 2015 08:02 PM
Almost everyone has experienced upset stomach at some point in life. There are various possible causes of upset stomach including food and drink, lifestyle factors, and medical issues.
Food and Drink Upset stomach often results from the food or drinks that we take. According to C. Health (2015), upset stomach might result from food poisoning. For example, food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause upset stomach or vomiting. Overeating and drinking can also lead to upset stomach. C. Health (2015) warns that if an individual drinks or eats too much, he/she can get upset stomach or indigestion. Similarly, some types of foods such as fatty, greasy, or spicy food, can cause upset stomach. Lifestyle Upset stomach can also result from a number of lifestyles including emotional stress, eating too fast, or smoking (C. Health, 2015). The other possible lifestyle causes of upset stomach include too much alcohol or caffeine. Medical Reasons There are various medical problems associated with upset stomach. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or intestinal infections (C. Health, 2015). The other possible medical causes of upset stomach include lactose intolerance or ulcers. There are various treatments for upset stomach. These include peppermint tea. Peppermint Tea Peppermint is a common flavoring for tea and toothpaste (UMMC, 2015). Peppermint tea helps to soothe upset stomach in various ways. Indigestion Peppermint tea calms stomach muscles and improves the flow of bile that helps in digestion of fats (UMMC, 2015). As such, food passes through the stomach more quickly. However, it is not advisable to use peppermint if the indigestion symptoms result from GERD. Bloating Peppermint tea relaxes stomach muscles thus allowing digestive gas to pass. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Peppermint tea treats irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) including, diarrhea, pain, bloating, and gas. UMMC (2015) found that patients who took peppermint flavored tea 3 to 4 times daily for one month rarely experienced upset stomach. Overall, peppermint kills some types of viruses, bacteria, and fungi implying that it has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. UMMC (2015) asserts that the main ingredients of peppermint include menthol and methyl salicylate which have calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, peppermint tea can soothe upset stomach. References C. Health. (2015). Digestive health. Retrieved from, // University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). (2015). Peppermint. Retrieved from, //
( D Limonene Solvent - What Is It and How Does It Work ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 11, 2014 10:01 AM
D Limonene is the essential part of oil concentrated from citrus skin. It has two essential utilization: as nourishment evaluation D Limonene to add citrus flavor to non-citrus sustenances, and as specialized evaluation D Limonene to include citrus fragrance or citrus cleaning force to a mixture of cleaners. The production of the recent happens when pressed skin is set in a steam extractor, which gathers the ensuing steam and makes an oil layer that buoys on water. As a consequence of the regular living development, D Limonene use in business items has expanded drastically, especially cleaning results, where it might be utilized as an unadulterated dissolvable or a concentrated dissolvable that could be weakened. D Limonene is important as a supplanting for customary solvents, a number of which transmit Hazardous Air Pollutants (Haps) or exhaust from Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs). Solvents that are regularly traded with D Limonene dissolvable incorporate methyl ethyl ketone, ch3)2co, toluene, glycol ethers, and various fluorinated and chlorinated solvents. In institutional settings, D Limonene dissolvable is commonly blended with a surfactant, preparing an answer holding 5-15 percent D Limonene. From provincial cleaners found at retail chains to modern cleaners that oblige unique requesting, there is no deficiency of results holding D Limonene. Anyhow in the event that you require a modern adaptation of the dissolvable, discovering one that offers the same or better cleaning power as its dangerous partners might be troublesome. One case of a D Limonene dissolvable that helps is VORTEX citrus cleaner and overwhelming obligation degreaser, a natural semi-fluid dissolvable that serves as a parts cleaner and general mechanical cleaner. With a 100 percent natural plan, VORTEX is biodegradable however holds the ability to uproot oil, tar, oil, black-top, and natural saps in one stage. VORTEX's extra profits incorporate no risky materials or recorded solvents, no hurtful exhaust, and no petroleum distillates.
( Can DGL Licorice Help Soothe The Stomach And Intestinal Tract? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 11, 2014 09:41 AM
Licorice root, commonly known as DGL is a characteristic herb that is utilized within numerous requisitions. It is otherwise called Yashti-Madhu, sweet root, Spanish licorice and Glycyrrhiza glabra. All structures are accessible generally on and logged off. Licorice root is a common supplement with expectorant properties. This can help with the arrival of harmed mucous covering brought on by GERD which is the reason licorice root and indigestion illness are in some cases specified together. With a few properties of cortisone and estrogen, it likewise helps the body bargain with anxiety. Benefits of licrorice Stress has not been demonstrated to really cause indigestion, however it does normally increase the manifestations to a degree. Then again, studies have indicated that unwinding or anxiety alleviating pills, vitamins or minerals can essentially diminish the force of the side effects. By methodology, since licorice root helps us manage stress, it has a tendency to keep the body in a more loose state. This reduces the impacts of GERD. Licorice root is synthetically known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL. The greater part of it is prepared in Greece, Turkey and Asia. It has been utilized for a long time as a society medication for some issue including indigestion ailment. Numerous clients say that it is charming to take as it has a commonly satisfying flavor. This makes DGL a most loved of numerous sufferes searching for alleviation from their manifestations. Licorice root as an indigestion sickness cure is not utilized as a cure, however as an agony reliever. General dosing of licorice is said to reduce the agony of GERD manifestations throughout flare ups. So as a matter of course, it is a preventive measure also. Patients who use licorice root report that typically once a day is sufficient, however twice day by day could be called for in extreme cases. Licorice root is not ordinarily utilized as a part of situations where there is now extreme harm to the throat lining. It is all more generally utilized within sufferers with mellow side effects like acid reflux and heartburn. The imperative thing to know here is that utilizing licorice root, with its regular properties, is a great approach to reduce the impacts of GERD before they happen. DGL appears to have some impact on gastric corrosive preparation too since it is generally utilized within the medication of a few sorts of stomach ulcers. In Japan, doctors have endorsed a man-made type of licorice to treat ulcer patients. While this medicine is not accessible in the USA, it has had some significant brings about Japan. Study on licorice A study was carried out on 100 patients that had not enhanced with ordinary medications. These patients were given the manufactured licorice for 6 weeks. Of these, 90 percent demonstrated a pointed change. In 22 cases, the ulcers vanished totally. So even as a society cure or in a manufactured structure, DGL or licorice root is demonstrated to be powerful as an agony reliever for GERD manifestations, as a compelling preventive treatment and as a corrosive preparation reducer. These are hints of something better over the horizon for the GERD sufferer. As dependably, you ought to counsel your doctor before beginning on a regimen of licorice establish in any structure. Some unfavorably susceptible responses have been accounted for. In this way, to be sheltered, converse with your specialist to see whether a licorice root - heartburn illness cure is ideal for you.
( What Health Benefits Juniper Berry Oil Posses ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2014 03:18 PM
What is juniper berry
Organically talking, the juniper berry isn't a real tree grown foods yet the juniper's seed cone. It's viewed as a berry as a result of its scales. The juniper is an evergreen tree and there are obviously 6 types of this tree whose berries are palatable and utilized for a ton of useful purposes. Juniper berries oil are widely utilized within European cooking, particularly meat based arrangements as it gives one of a kind quality. Gin significant others likewise may be amazed to discover that juniper berries are the essential element in gin. However the juniper berry is eminent for its notoriety as a home grown answer for an unimaginably long rundown of conditions and afflictions. How it makes a difference The juniper is truth be told a helpful tree as a large portion of its parts are utilized for a medicinal readiness or the other. In this way, the berries, leaves, bark and even oil determined from the berries and wood are utilized within different ways. Benefits of juniper berry Basically a severe berry, the juniper berry holds various unpredictable oils or key oils, strand, vitamin C, flavoring and entire parcel of dynamic fixings that makes it the achievement healer that it is. Note that juniper berries might be taken as teas and the squashed berries could be connected on the skin also for an assortment of sicknesses. Here is a glance at a portion of the employments of the juniper berry and how it can help us lead healthier lives: Juniper is recognized to be a herb with the most astounding consequences for kidneys. It is additionally used to cure different urinary tract contaminations and it can uproot uric harsh corrosive from the figure. Juniper makes the kidneys work rapidly and the form transforms more pee, making it a great diuretic additionally. People confronting water maintenance issues can feel a great deal of alleviation with the juniper berry and its oil due to its diuretic lands. Oil from the juniper berry has a disinfectant impact and it comes as an extraordinary easing to individuals experiencing urethritis and cystitis. Suffering from digestive issues? The Berry may very well be your reply as it can help diminish tooting and colic and help processing. It additionally moves issues, for example, bloating, belching and acid reflux. As a digestive help, it is remarkable as it expands the longing, soothes gas and expansions the generation of gastric harsh corrosive. Juniper berry oil additionally has calming qualities and it is of superb assistance to those experiencing joint inflammation, gout and different conditions, for example, ailment. These joint related ailments happen due to the liquid maintenance around these joints and the juniper berry with its diuretic activity assuages this weight extensively. Skin afflictions, for example, dandruff, skin inflammation and contender's foot can additionally be treated with topical provision of the juniper berry. Juniper helps in invigorating the muscle tone and discernibly decreasing the impacts of ageing for generally individuals. Menstrual spasms are frequently a significant number of the most troublesome parts of a lady's life; however these can additionally be lessened fundamentally with the assistance of the juniper berry. Numerous cultivators even utilize the juniper to enhance the uterus tone and to help the individuals who have moderate or late beginning periods. Concentrated oils of the juniper are utilized topically for lung clogging and hack while it is additionally pivotal in helping those experiencing respiratory contaminations. The unpredictable oils help in clearing up bronchial entries and disposing of bodily fluid. It has a high convergence of insulin and aides in mending the pancreas. Essential oils extricated from juniper berries can help in soothing toothache and making gums stronger. It can additionally be utilized to oversee hair fall. Finally, the juniper berry is utilized by numerous to thin down and since it even scrubs the poisons from the form, it is an extraordinary general purifier also. Safety measures Juniper does have some noteworthy symptoms and its vital that you're attentive to them before you begin utilizing them as any type of medicine. Avoid the juniper berry oil in the event that you have extreme kidney issues as it can disturb the issue and cause further harm. If you utilize more than the endorsed sum, chances are that you could experience the ill effects of loose bowels, kidney torment, high circulatory strain, quick pulse and purplish pee. When taken inside, it can affect the assimilation of iron and different minerals. Open wounds are best not treated with juniper on the grounds that it can cause inconvenience and swelling. Juniper causes uterine fits and could prompt brought down ripeness, so ladies who are endeavoring to get pregnant must escape juniper. Pregnant ladies ought not to utilize juniper as it can cause uterine compressions and reason a premature birth. Diabetics must be cautious while utilizing juniper as it can raise the levels of glucose in the form. Juniper when taken in prudent sums and with individuals, who don't have the shown issues as said above, could be a blessing as it furnishes them with a considerable measure of help.
( Stomach acid problems, causes and solution ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 04, 2013 05:16 AM
Heart burn or is one of the most common health problems that create burning sensation in chest and pain may also start in chest area that can go up to neck, throat and jaw as well. This sensation may increase if patient bend over or lies down and this is very common after eating and this issue basically occur due to Stomach acid problems. How to Stop Heart Burn Because of Stomach acid problems this issue is commonly known as acidity as well and if this problem occurs due to change in lifestyle of affected person or some over eating then patient need not to worry about the same and they can try HCL with pepsin to get the instant relief from Stomach acid problems. However, if you get this issue frequently or on daily basis, then you need to take it seriously else it can lead you to serious health problems including stomach ulcer as well as internal scaring and bleeding and if you can do some changes in your diet you can easily control this problem in best possible manner. Foods and Drinks to Avoid Heart Burn If we talk about the cause of heart burn or Stomach acid problems, there are a number of foods or drinks that can increase the stomach acid and can cause Stomach acid problems. Some of these food and drinks include alcohol, caffeine, carbonate drinks, acidic juices and fruits, and a variety of anti inflammatory or analgesic medicines. Other than this smoking, pregnancy, obesity, and some other diseases can also cause the heart burn situation. How to Use HCL If we talk about the use of HCL in heart burn, HCL dilute the stomach acid and as a result of that you get quick relive from heart burn after taking HCL, that’s why all the expert and doctors suggest you to take the HCL to get relief from Stomach acid problems. References:
( The Role of Glycine in Collagen and Its Remarkable Health Benefits ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 17, 2013 08:41 AM
Collagen is basically made up of several amino acids and one of which is glycine. This particular amino acid accounts 1/3 of the entire composition of collagen. It can be found in the third position in the sequence of the amino acids. One of the fundamental roles of this amino acid is that it reduces the water solubility of collagen by a hundred folds. Contrary to the fact that it's considered as a non-essential amino acid, glycine has many health benefits aside from being a part of the collagen synthesis. The details below present some of the most essential information that you ought to know about this collagen component. Here they are: Glycine Synthesizes Normal DNA and RNA DNA and RNA are genetic materials necessary for the proper cellular formation and function. Glycine prevents the breakdown of the muscle tissues by increasing the body's creatine levels which is a compound that builds muscle mass. High concentration of this amino acid can also be found in the skin and connective tissues in the body and it keeps them flexible and firm. Without glycine, the body won't be able to repair damaged tissues. Glycine Keeps the Central Nervous System Healthy Studies had shown that this amino acid is an inhibitor of the neurotransmitters that can cause seizures, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. As a matter of fact, it can be converted into serine which is a neurotransmitter beneficial in the treatment of schizophrenia. Researchers found out that schizophrenic patients exhibited significant improvements after adding glycine with their anti-psychotic medication. It was also found out that it improves memory. Glycine Promotes Proper Function of the Digestive System This amino acid is known to induce bile acid production which is used to digest fats. It is also often included in most over-the-counter gastric antacid agents to prevent and treat acid reflux. Glycine Provides Glucose Specifically, this non-essential amino acid is also considered as glucogenic amino acid. That simply means that it provides glucose in the body. One of its benefits includes regulation of blood sugar levels, so it can be helpful in treating symptoms manifested by low energy and fatigue. Glycine May Help With Cancer Preliminary studies considered this amino acid as another breakthrough in cancer treatment. Results suggested that it can prevent the development of cancerous cells as it acts as an inhibitor of angiogenesis which is a process in which tumors, benign or malignant, develop their own blood supply. Sources of Glycine High-quality protein foods such as white meat from fish and chicken, beans, legumes, eggs and milk are known to be the main sources of this amino acid. Glycine supplements are also available in tablet or powder forms and can also be one of the components of many amino acid supplements. Except for some people complaining about having stomach upset and dizziness after taking glycine supplements, there are no other noted adversarial or severe side effects of glycine. If taken properly, such supplementation is extremely safe. Who Should Not Take Glycine? Those individuals suffering from kidney and liver diseases should never take glycine. Pregnant women should never take as well. People taking antispatic medication are not allowed also since there could be interference between the drugs and glycine. It's always best to consult a doctor first before taking such supplement. Those are all the most notable benefits of glycine. The point here is that it is not just a mere part of a collagen but it also has a number of health benefits.
( Supplements and natural herbs for stomach acid defense ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 06, 2012 12:24 PM
Everything works well when there is a balance. When we talk about human body, a slight change in the balances of the body fluids content can have drastic effects on the whole body. Stomach acid defense is a body mechanism, in which the stomach balances the required amount of acid inside the stomach. Sometimes due to many reasons this balance is difficult to maintain and the problem of acidity and acid reflux starts. However the treatment of this problem is very easy and you have a variety of options to treat your acidity. You can select the one option that suits you best. Supplements for stomach acid defense: The following are the popular supplements used for the stomach acid imbalance. GLA: The saliva in the mouth prevents the acidity from being worse. You can try taking GLA supplement for treating your problem. This supplement increases the fatty acid GLA and produces more saliva. Enzymes: Protease, amylase and lipase supplements are used for acidity in stomach. There are many quality enzymes supplements available in the market. Antacids: The antacids are popular for neutralizing the acid balance in the stomach. They are best treatment for acidity and heart burn. You can take a supplement rich in antacids for acidity. Natural herbal treatment for stomach acid defense: Nature has the healing power and it is best to use for any treatment. Following herbs are used widely for treating the acidity problem in the stomach: Chicory tea: People who have problem of acidity must take chicory tea as it is best for relieving the pain of the acidity. It relaxes the walls of the stomach and treats the indigestion issues. Lavender: Lavender is used in many recipes and herbal medicines. It is well known for its usage in prevention of excess stomach acid. People with acidity must take lavender through their diet or any other way in their daily routine. Fennel: Fennel is famous for treatment of gas, cramps and pain of the stomach. Fennel tea is popular for its miraculous effects on the digestion process of the body. You can treat the acidity of your stomach just by drinking a cup of fennel tea. Above treatments are well known for reducing the effects of acidity and indigestion in the body. They have effective ingredients and instant effects in maintaining the acid balance of the body.
( What Is The Difference Between DGL Licorice and Regular Licorice? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 13, 2012 07:35 AM
Manypeople these days have heard of the name “Licorice” because of the various chewy rope-like flavored confectionaries or candies that are widely available these days and taste amazingly sweet. However, most of these people have never paid attention to what these candies are made of. The fact is that these candies contain the extract from Licorice roots. The Licorice roots are yielded from the Licorice or the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant. The extract from these roots has been used from quite a long time, both as a food ingredient and as an herbal remedy. However, the Licorice root also has a derivative form known as deglycyrrhizinated or DGL Licorice. Both of these products offer numerous benefits and when taken under medical supervision they can effectively help in treating a variety of medical ailments. Licorice plants originate from the Middle East, where harvesters peel the root out of the plant, dry them, cut them and eventually the Licorice roots arrive in other countries. Glycyrrhetic acid, cumestan derivatives, hydroxycoumarins, isoflavonoids, triterpene saponins, etc. are some of the active constituents contained in regular Licorice roots. One problem with using Licorice roots was that it was generally recommended that people use the extract from the root only under medical supervision. This was mostly because of the Glycyrrhetic acid contained in the root. Thus, while DGL Licorice is indeed derived from Licorice root, however, glycyrrhetic acid is removed during the preparation of DGL. Therefore, this form of Licorice can be consumed much more safely without any worries. Furthermore, ulcers the esophagus, in the mouth and the stomach lining in the small intestine are more effectively treated with this derivative form of Licorice. DGL Licorice is presently widely available as chewable tablets, mouthwashes and even teas; therefore, people have a few choices as to how they want to take the derivative extract that comes from the root of the Licorice herb. DGL is actually an effective treatment for digestive problems like heartburn and GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcer, etc. What makes this derivative extract so beneficial is that the protective factors of the digestive system are accelerated and/or stimulated by its mechanism as a result of which the internal lining of the intestines in the stomach are protected against the formation of ulcer. Unlike typical antacids and anti-inflammatory drugs that basically neutralize or suppress gastric acid, the DGL extract functions quite differently. Apart from helping treat the mentioned digestive problems, even minor skin conditions such as carbuncles, eczema, minor cuts and wounds can also be effectively treated by applying ointments that contain DGL. Apart from being better than the regular extract obtained from the Licorice root, the DGL derivative is also far more effective anti-ulcer compound in comparison to the typical medications that are available these days. It is usually advised that DGL should be taken at least twenty minutes before meals. And usually 2 to 4, 400 mg tablets are the standard dose of DGL that can be taken for chronic cases of ulcer. Therefore, those who are considering using Licorice root extract should instead go for DGL Licorice.
( What Makes Vectomega The Better Fish Oil Choice? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 20, 2011 01:44 PM
Fish Oil Whats Best?The body requires various nutrients to be able to maintain health and prevent diseases. One of the most important nutrients that are essential to the body is the Omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3 fatty acids include Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These essential fatty acids (EFA) cannot be produced by the body but can be derived from fish oils. Fatty acids are important in the growth and development of the central nervous system. It is also useful in the prevention of certain cardiovascular diseases because of its cholesterol - lowering property. One of the most popular essential fatty acid supplements is the product called Vectomega. This supplement is a natural Omega-3 fatty acid complex which consists of DHA, EPA, essential phospholipids and amino acids.Vectomega is an excellent supplement for individuals who do not acquire Omega-3 fatty acids in their daily regular meals. Some of its advantages are: 1. ALL NATURAL. This fatty acid supplement is completely all – natural. In addition, clinical studies revealed that it has the most level of natural oils in the commercial world of essential fatty acid supplements. This product has undergone a process which is patented and is free of synthetic chemicals. The process only utilizes natural enzymes and cold water as solvent. 2. INCREASED ABSORPTION RATE. Chemically, Vectomega has been found to be 50 times more absorbable than any other essential fatty acid supplements. 3. NO FISHY TASTE AND SMELL. Another advantage of this supplement is that though it is extracted from fish oils, it has no fishy aftertaste and won’t give you a breath smelling like you have just eaten fish for meal. 4. NO reflux. Unlike the other kind of fatty acid supplements, it cannot produce a disturbing gastric reflux after taking. 5. MORE SOLUBLE AND BIOAVAILABLE. It is also more soluble and is considered to be the most bio-available among the other fish oil supplements. It has been graded high in terms of active bioavailability among Omega -3 fatty acids under phospholipid reaction. 6. MORE PRACTICAL. It is a practical choice. One renowned pharmaceutical association stated that 2 tablets of Vectomega are equivalent to 12 to 16 capsules of another fish oil supplement. 7. ANTIOXIDANT. Not to mention, it is effective not only as essential fatty acid supplement but also an anti – aging agent because of its potent antioxidant property. Vectomega have undergone many thorough clinical studies. It has been claimed to be safe and effective to supply the body with sufficient amount of essential fatty acids. However, health experts still suggest that it would be best and most safe to seek medical consultation first before starting supplementation. This would significantly prevent any untoward effects and abnormal interactions with other medications and supplements you are taking. The recommended dosage of this supplement is 2 tablets everyday for 30 days and then only one tablet daily for the next months and so on. However, if you wish, it is still safe to continue with 2 tablets per day for a more improved benefit.
( Can Aloe Vera Be Used For Intestinal Problems? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 12, 2011 03:42 PM
Stomach aches are commonly not known as something that will cause a great deal of problems. More often than not we just pass it off as something that will go away. And most of the time it does and most of the time it is indeed not serious but sometimes when little things happen all the time it could be considered as somewhat of a chronic illness and for us who may not be experiencing it, it would be hard to understand why someone would pay much attention to it. The thing we need to remember though is that simple stomach aches maybe a symptom of something greater and when that happens, it means it usually has something to do with a part of our digestive system or something close to it. One example would be intestinal problems. Intestinal Problem Problems with the intestines are almost the same as saying you have problems with the digestive system because the intestines are more than half of your digestive system. It has many manifestations and symptoms but usually the most common are cramping, gas, bloating, constipation and most especially diarrhea. I mean we could dismiss all the others I mentioned and not even consider it a problem but when diarrhea hits, it’s a different story. Now those are just symptoms. In terms of actual disease there is a wide variety of them and just to name a few, we have IBS or irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcers and acid reflux. These are not even the more serious conditions yet. So to make sure that we will not get to the more serious ones most people tend to find different ways and other alternatives aside from medicine to help them keep their intestines healthy or provide some relief when the problem is already there. One of the alternative treatments that have been visited by researchers is aloe vera. Aloe Vera This plant has long been known for its healing benefits and many in the health industry agree that the number of health benefits it can be responsible for is astonishing in some respects. It has a wide range of applications in the medical world but how will it be able to help with intestinal problems. First we need to know that aloe will not solve all our problems especially since the intestines are highly complex and is an organ with multiple uses. The key of how aloe could be important in intestinal health is with glutamine being available in aloe vera because the cells of the intestines is fast moving and the body needs hormones that will help with cell regeneration. Damaged intestines because of poor cell regeneration will cause various and serious problems. So that is what aloe will help us avoid. Another ingredient from aloe that can help is the long chain polysaccharides that will be able to repair holes in the intestines if it already exists. Another benefit that will ease any abdominal pain that might stem from any intestinal problem is the anti-inflammatory effect that aloe has.
( Digestive Enzymes, Acid Reflux, Cholesterol, Heartburn, IBS, Diabetes, And Blood Pressure ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2011 02:24 PM
Digestive Enzymes - Can Enzymes Help Me Feel Better?Irregular bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disease many people suffer from and basically causes your bowels to move irregularly leaving you bloated and in pain. This is mainly due to the average diet of today (too little fiber) but is also caused by genetic reasons and an unhealthy diet. A great way to treat this problem healthily is by taking digestive enzymes supplements. The first question we should probably ask is what are digestive enzymes? Shortly put – digestive enzymes are live proteins present in all living organisms. Digestive enzymes are secreted along your digestive track and it extracts nutrients from the food and your body passes the rest as waste. The reason why some foods are hard on your digestive system is because we eat most of our food cooked and this process of cooking kills all the live enzymes in the food, leaving it to your digestive system to digest the whole portion, whilst uncooked food breaks 40% – 60% down itself. Your body isn’t designed to digest mostly cooked food, and this causes almost every digestive problem you might have. A great way to get rid of this problem is drinking digestive enzymes supplements. Before your food moves from your stomach to the next process of digesting the extra digestive enzymes can help to completely digest all the food as so making it much easier on your body to break down.
Making sure your body has enough digestive enzymes is crucial – not only for your digestive health. If your body produces less digestive enzymes than it uses, it may cause damage to your pancreas because you’re overworking it. Remember that it is the pancreas that produces your body’s digestive enzymes. Eventually damage to your pancreas will also lower your immune system and also lower metabolic enzymes and having a constantly depleted level of digestive enzymes will eventually catch up with you. So get yourself some supplements – even if you are a vegetarian Yogi! Not having enough digestive enzymes, your body can be in deathly dangers. Some of the problems due to a lack of enzymes include acid reflux, high cholesterol, heartburn, IBS, diabetes, high blood pressure and circulatory problems. If you are prone to any of these problems you should consider talking to your doctor about taking some digestive enzymes, they are readily available, not too expensive and they may lengthen your life another decade or two. To avoid any of these health problems you should look after your body because, evidently, it will make you feel better for longer. Exercise regularly, eat as much raw food as possible, and try to drink digestive enzymes supplements when you eat cooked food and to visit your doctor for a check-up once a year. With the right balance, diet and digestive enzymes you can go a long way to assure yourself a long, healthy life.
( Probiotic, Health, and Capsules ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 04, 2009 02:16 PM
More than 50 million people have from slight to continuing digestive episodes. It has now become accepted and even proven helpful to talk about bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and other uncomfortable sensations. Digestive health is an everyday consideration, especially as we grow older. The good news is it’s a wellness issue in most cases. Over 400 distinct species of microorganisms inhabit the various regions of the human digestive tract, making up nearly four pounds of every individual’s total body weight. This vast population of microorganisms far exceeds the number of tissue cells that make up the human body. What is beginning to be understood is that the gut has the power to influence out health, well-being and resistance to disease far beyond our previous convictions. How do probiotics fit into the gut health picture? Many consumers are starting to understand that prevention is one of the keys. The wellness issue is an understanding that we may be bombarded with unwanted bacteria every hour of our day. These bacteria co-exist and in some cases balance each other in out vast internal ecosystem. It is with this balance that probiotics have protected your but for many years. By consuming probiotics on a daily basis, one can successfully reduce or prevent colon disease. Are you taking a good probiotic on a daily basis? Taking a daily probiotic capsule can help boost your health and help you liver longer and happier.
( Licorice Root ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 23, 2008 11:53 AM
Medical professionals, especially in Europe and Japan, have been using licorice more and more in medicine. The Chinese consider licorice to be a superior balancing and harmonizing agent, so it is added to many herbal formulas. It is reputed in many countries, including the United States, to be a treatment for stomach, intestinal and many other problems. What is it used for? Antioxidant Properties Licorice is being studied for its effects against oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which is a major component in atherosclerosis. Approximately 300 different phytonutrient compounds found in natural licorice are considered possible antioxidants. Anti-Viral Properties Licorice is being tested for its ability to help prevent certain viruses from replicating themselves in body cells. It appears to stimulate the immune system into producing interferon, which is known for its anti-viral effects. It is an effective aid in treating herpes and hepatitis. Promising results are also being reported in tests using licorice to combat SARS, influenza and HIV. Stomach and Intestinal Problems Licorice is a natural home remedy for heartburn, gastritis and acid reflux. It helps to promote new cell growth in the lining of the stomach. It also enhances the stomach's self-protecting abilities. Licorice has been used to treat peptic ulcers and aid in healing other types of ulcers. Throat and Respiratory Problems Licorice is widely known in the world of alternative medicine as an expectorant and cough suppressant. Colds and flu have been treated with licorice since the days of the Romans. Many over-the-counter cough medicines contain licorice extract because it soothes the mucous membranes. Other Medicinal Properties
Is Licorice Safe? Licorice is not recommended for use by people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hypertension or kidney disease. It is also not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Side Effects Licorice, although not thought to suppress the immune system like pharmaceutical cortisones, may cause similar side effects in high doses. Some of these include weight gain, fluid retention and high blood pressure. Description and Cultivation The licorice plant stands up to five feet tall. It has spikes of lilac-colored flowers that have bean-like pods containing three or four seeds apiece. The root, which is used most frequently, reaches underground about three feet and branches into networks of rhizomes. After three to five years, the roots and rhizomes are cleaned, pulped, boiled and then concentrated by evaporation. The root, if kept dry, will keep for an indefinite amount of time. If the licorice is powdered, it should be stored in an airtight container. Licorice has been used for centuries in conjunction with established medicine, as an alternative herbal medicine, and as an herbal confection in many parts of the world. It is noted for its medicinal value in treating stomach, intestinal and other ailments, including helping to stimulate the immune system. Studies are ongoing to discover more potential uses for this naturally sweet herb.
( Bromelain Enzymes ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 01, 2008 02:45 PM
Bromelain consists of two enzymes that digest proteins, otherwise known as proteases or proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes are obtained from different parts of the plant, one from the stem and the other from the fruit. It also includes protease inhibitors, acid phosphatase, peroxidase and calcium. First used as a supplement in 1959, bromelain is particularly popular in Germany, where a lot of the recent research has been carried out. Because the stem enzyme is in the greatest amount, eating pineapple will not give a great deal of bromelain, and you will have to take the supplement which is extracted from the stem in order to get the greatest benefits. Bromelain has several therapeutic effects on the body, and is a good aid to digestion. The enzyme can boost the digestive processes and so reduce the incidence of problems such as heartburn, acid reflux and any other condition caused by the incomplete digestion of foods. It does this by breaking down proteins so they are more easily digested. In fact its potency is sometimes measured in GDUs (Gelatin Digesting Units), gelatin being a common protein that is easily used for the measurement of bromelain activity. It is also measured in MCU (Milk Clotting Units), since bromelain can also be used to clot milk, and a standardized dose should contain 2 MCU per milligram. The dosage to use depends a great deal on the condition being treated, but a good general average for digestive problems is 500 mg three times daily. Bromelain works best at an optimum pH of 4.5 – 5.5 and can therefore help to balance the pH in its environment. It is extremely important to the immune system that the pH of the body is balanced and controlled to within certain limits, and bromelain can help to achieve that. In helping to reduce the excessive acidity caused by poor digestion, a balanced pH of the stomach is also maintained, helping to reduce the feeling of nausea, common with some digestive defects. The overall result of bromelain supplement is to help to maintain a better digestive system and ease the discomfort of many people for whom a meal is frequently not the pleasure it should be. Bromelain is also an anti-inflammatory, and used for temporary relief of the inflammation caused by surgical procedures, arthritis and various injuries and forms of disease It is commonly used for the treatment of sports injuries and also immediately after surgery to reduce the risk of inflammation. It appears to have an inhibiting effect of the production of pro-inflammatory metabolites in the body, although the mechanism by which it works is not yet fully understood. In fact many of the therapeutic benefits of bromelain have been show to be only partially due to its proteolytic activity, and it is now believed that there are also as yet unidentified non-protein factors present in bromelain that contribute to these forms of health benefit. The biochemistry of bromelain has yet to be fully characterized. Notwithstanding that, the substance has been recommended for the treatment of a wide range of connected conditions, such as gout, arthritis, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis, autoimmune disorders, hay fever and sinusitis. It is particularly useful where there is pain, where tissues have become swollen and when tissue repair is needed. It appears to inhibit pain-inducing prostaglandins and is also believed in some way to induce the biochemical production of other prostaglandins that have an anti-inflammatory effect. All of this knowledge has come as a result of studies carried out on the biochemical activity of bromelain, but have not yet been proved and is indicative of the lack of biochemical knowledge on this substance and the chemicals it contains. What have been demonstrated, however, are its effects on platelets and blood clots in arteries. It appears to do this by the inhibition of the formation of high levels of fibrinogen from which clots are made, and also inhibits the aggregation of blood platelets and their ability to stick to the endothelial cells of blood vessels, particularly the arteries. The fibrin that is produced from fibrinogen not only promotes blood clotting but is also associated wit the retention of fluid. It is a protein, and the proteolytic effect of bromelain also breaks this down. Bromelain therefore works in a number ways to reduce fluid retention, prevent blood clotting and inhibit the aggregation of blood platelets on artery walls. The measurable effect of this is the thinning of the blood that such activity promotes. It is logical that if fibrin contributes to the viscosity of blood, then its destruction will result in thinner blood, and hence lower blood pressure. It is also used in the treatment of burns, where it helps to remove the dead skin that can delay recovery after third degree burns. It also appears to promote the absorption of many antibiotics, which again helps in recovery. Bromelain is relatively safe to use with few side effects, although, curiously, among the side effects are some conditions it is also used to treat. Among these are nausea and allergic reactions, along with diarrhea and excessive menstrual flow. One of its successes has been in the control of menstrual pain. Bromelain has been proposed for cancer therapy, its potential use being recommended due to its effect of the adhesion of cells, its regulation of the immune function and its effect on the immunosuppressive cytokine TGF-beta that is involved in several types of cancer and their metastasis (spread to other parts of the body). However, a lot more work is needed on this for definite conclusions to be drawn. On a more practical note, the effect of bromelain on proteins is put to use as a steak tenderizer. If the product is sprinkled in powdered form onto meat, and then forked into the tissue, the enzymes will break down the protein of the meat and make it tender when cooked. However, don’t overdo it or you will end up eating a meaty mush more akin to a soft meatloaf than a good steak!
All in all, bromelain is a useful supplement for many medical conditions, and does to food in your stomach what it does to steak on the plate. It is generally used in supplement form because the active enzyme is not in a high enough concentration in the fruit itself, but in the stem from which it is extracted after the fruit has been harvested. It is also easier to standardize a supplement than a fruit.
( Fight Stress With Magnesium Supplements ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 17, 2008 04:16 PM
When stress hormones are released into the body due to a stressful situation, several things may happen. Your metabolic rate can increase, heart rate jumps, blood vessels contract and get tighter, the rate at which one breaths gets more frequent and shorter, muscles contract in response to stress among other things. At the cellular level a significant inflow of calcium decrease cellular magnesium to calcium ratios which stimulates cellular function such as secrete fluids, contract, go into active mode. The muscles prepare to contract this includes the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Nerves start to fire more frequent, the blood gets ready to clot, and secondary stress hormones are released. Normally when the stress crisis is over, magnesium moves back into the cells at the cellular level forcing calcium out relaxing the cells, this allows the body to slow down and relax, the nerves calm down and blood flow slows. Magnesium plays a vital role to relax the body, once the stressful situation is over. The demand for magnesium goes up with stress. If there are inadequate amounts of magnesium in the body, this magnesium deficiency can in itself sustain a stress response. A magnesium deficiency itself can initiate and maintain a stress response without a trigger to cause the stress in the first place. Low magnesium states can prevent the body from relaxing and cause muscle cramping. After a stressful situation, adequate magnesium is needed to help the body shift over to a relaxed state. Boarder-line magnesium individuals can have a mental, emotional, environmental or physical state of continuous stress where their bodies never come down out of the stress state. This can be detrimental to health and wellness. Drinking coffee, alcohol, and eating lots of sugary foods will cause the body to become depleted. Today’s diets high in over processed foods are lacking magnesium; one should supplement by either changing ones diet or adding magnesium to their diet in mineral supplement form. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include signs such as, muscle cramps or twitches, insomnia, irritability, sensitivity to loud noises, anxiety, nervousness, autism, ADHD, heart palpitations, angina, constipation, spasms in the muscles, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, asthma and kidney stones (typically caused by a calcium-magnesium imbalance), diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, irritable bladder, irritable bowel, acid reflux, and premenstrual syndrome, depression, low energy, weakness in the muscles, weakening bones (bone density loss), and calcification of organs. Women who consume high amounts of calcium can actually create a greater deficiency in magnesium leading to greater bone mineral density lost then if no calcium was consumed at all. Foods today that are being fortified with calcium are actually helping women loose more bone density because magnesium is not in the right proportions. To word off the negative effects of a prolonged or over-reaction to stress including a shortened lifespan, one needs to balance out their magnesium to calcium ratios by adding adequate amounts of both magnesium and calcium to their diet. Supplementing with 400 mgs to 800 mgs of elemental magnesium is critical for one looking to live a healthier longer life that is free from stress. Keywords: Magnesium Deficiency, Fight Stress, Magnesium, Calcium, Fight High Blood Pressure Description: Are you feeling tired, sick or maybe you feel like something is wrong but not quite sure what it is? Would you know if you had a magnesium deficiency? Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic functions in the body; learn how it can help you!
( Boost digestion with Bifidus Longum and Acidophilus Probiotics ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2008 12:19 PM
Prior to discussing how you can boost digestion with bifidus longum probiotics, let's first have a look at probiotics in general and why they are so beneficial to us. Probiotics are also known as microflora, and are beneficial organisms that live in your digestive tract. Not all microorganisms are bad news, and many are essential for good health. Included in these organisms are various types of bacteria and yeasts, each of which has a specific part to play in the proper functioning of your body. Because of this they are found in foods all over the world, including yoghurt and fermented vegetables such as German sauerkraut and Korean kimchi. Among their major benefits to health are that they help to support your immune system, they aid the digestion and absorption of food, they provide increased energy by improving the metabolic conversion of blood glucose to energy, and they can also help to delay aging. However, you should be aware that not all probiotics are the same, and when used properly some can have the same effect as antibiotics. They are used to cure many digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea, and can also help to relieve heartburn and acid reflux. In fact your lower intestine should contain a minimum of 85% friendly bacteria, and 15% at most of unfriendly bacteria that can cause disease if they over-colonize your colon. It might surprise you to learn that you have around twenty times more bacteria in your body than body cells. One of the best known of the probiotics are members of the lactobacillus family that are contained in yoghurt and curds and whey, so Little Miss Muffet had the right idea. However, you might not have the right idea in eating commercial yoghurt because, while raw yoghurt does contain these helpful bacteria, the type that you buy in pots in the supermarkets has likely been pasteurized - a process that kills off the bacteria. Unless the product has been seeded with live bacteria after pasteurization, then there will likely be none in your yoghurt! Make your own! So what are the probiotics that do you most good, and in what form should you consume them? The common friendly bacteria are the already mentioned lactobaccilus, and then lactococcus, streptococcus thermophilus, enterococcus, bifidobacterium and others. Bacteria are easily killed off by the acidic conditions in your stomach, and since they must be taken live they should be consumed in a form that can resist the stomach acid. There are many ways in which they benefit you, the main ones that are currently understood being: Lactic acid production: the presence of lactic acid in the gut prevents stops or slows the growth of harmful bacteria by increasing the acidity. Some probiotics, known as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can do this. Most bacteria do not like acidic conditions. Supporting the immune system: LAB bacteria have been shown to increase the production of cytokines that stimulate the activity of the macrophages that attack foreign viruses and pathogenic bacteria. The LAB also promotes the formation of NK-cells (natural killer cells) that destroy cells that have been infected by viruses. Adhesion site blockage: bacteria attach themselves to your intestinal walls at specific adhesion sites. Friendly bacteria can colonize these sites and so prevent the pathogens from adhering. Effect on the Intestinal wall: the intestinal wall has a natural mucous barrier that helps to prevent the passage of allergens and pathogens into the bloodstream through the intestine. Probiotics can strengthen this barrier, and also alter the nature of the mucous to render it less liable to penetration by these unwelcome visitors. So where does bifidobacteria come into this? There is a number of strains of this bacterium living in the human body, but Bifidus longum is the most common or most abundant of these. Although it is the most common bacterium found in commercially available probiotic products, high numbers have to be consumed for the proper health benefits. However, commercial yoghurts contain very little of this bacterium, or even none at all. This is largely due to the pasteurization previously discussed, that kills the bacteria at high temperatures. Unfortunately this process is not selective, and in ridding the products of bacteria that could make you seriously ill, the beneficial bacteria are also destroyed. This is a shame because Bifidus longum has been shown to inhibit E.Coli that can cause serious conditions of the digestive system. Among these are severe diarrhea and an inflammatory condition in the colon as the immune system tries to expel these nasty bacteria. This bacterium is particularly dangerous to the weak, such as the aged, children and people already weakened by illness. It also helps to counteract yeast and other vaginal infections and when taken with other probiotics is believed to help in colon cancer cases. Among its other benefits are its part in the biosynthesis of thiamine, riboflavin and other vitamin B forms in your intestine, and also the absorption and assimilation of these vitamins by your body. It is also believed that it might help to reduce the cholesterol level in your body through its uptake of bile salts from the colon. The major destructive elements of Bifidus longus are antibiotics of any kind, whether they be penicillin variants or tetracycline, and although the latter is used mainly for infections of the respiratory tract, it is ingested by the gut and effectively reduces the population of the bacteria that are needed for optimum health. That is one of the reasons why antibiotic use should be restricted to only what is necessary, and not use indiscriminately for all infections. Unless administered intravenously or site targeted, antibiotics kill off the good with the bad!
The other activities of Bifidus longus, such as removing the by-products of our metabolism that could be toxic if left to roam our bodies, render this bacterium as useful to your body as any vitamin or mineral supplement you could take. It is a supplement that many either overlook or are not even aware of, yet one that can make a significant difference, not only to your digestive and intestinal health, but also to you general overall wellbeing.
( Did You Know There Is One Mineral That Could Change Your Life Forever? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 05, 2008 04:05 PM
Did you know there is one mineral that could affect the way you feel and change the way you live life forever? Yes that’s correct – forever - magnesium is that mineral! More than 50% of all Americans consume less then the required amounts of magnesium to stay healthy. You might be wondering how you would know if you are deficient in magnesium and where you can get a test. Unfortunately it is not that simple. A magnesium test is available from your doctor, but when most people take this test, the results normally come back as normal, so we think everything is fine. This test only measures blood serum levels and not cellular magnesium. One needs to have their red blood cells tested to accurately measure the uptake of magnesium and at this time. This kind of testing needed is not readily available. You might ask, “how can I tell whether I have a deficiency or not?” It is simple, look at your medical history. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include signs such as, muscle cramps or twitches, insomnia, irritability, sensitivity to loud noises, anxiety, nervousness, autism, ADHD, heart palpitations, angina, constipation, spasms in the muscles, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, asthma and kidney stones (typically caused by a calcium-magnesium imbalance), diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, irritable bladder, irritable bowel, acid reflux, and premenstrual syndrome, depression, low energy, weakness in the muscles, weakening bones, and calcification of organs. If you did not notice, this is an extensive list of symptoms that may be attributed to a deficiency in magnesium. Magnesium is essential for cardiac function in stabilizing cardiac membranes preventing arrhythmias. This mineral helps the cardiovascular system relax aiding in the relief of angina symptoms. Millions of Americans are diagnosed with heart disease yearly, a magnesium deficiency may be the cause. The reason we are deficient in magnesium is mostly due to the fact that we eat refined, over-processed foods with white flour that have absolutely zero magnesium. The consumption of foods not rich in magnesium will rob our bodies of the little we still have in our bones and organs. Drinking coffee, alcohol, eating lots of sugary foods and stress will cause the body to become depleted. If you are experiencing one of the above mentioned symptoms and suspect you have a magnesium deficiency, changing they way you eat can help. Pick up a nutritional almanac and find foods high in magnesium like nuts, sea vegetables, dark leaf vegetables and beans to start. Also, kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, rye, tofu, soybeans, brown rice, figs, dates, avocados, parsley, barley, dandelion greens and garlic all contains high amounts of magnesium. Adding a magnesium supplement to your diet which provides 200 to 400 milligrams per day will help. One should limit the intake of coffee, alcohol, colas, salt, and sugar. Actually, many medications can deplete the body of magnesium such as water pills (diuretics) and antibiotics to name two. So now you know what to do, you might be thinking that a magnesium supplement would be the fastest way to boost magnesium in the body for the time being. What form of magnesium is best? The recommended form of magnesium is magnesium citrate, because of its digestibility and absorbability in the body. Avoid magnesium carbonate, sulfate, gluconate, and oxide if at all possible for these forms of magnesium are harder to digest and will result in smaller amounts being absorbed by the body. Now what are you waiting for, give magnesium a try and see how good you can feel from it!
( Apple Cider Vinegar to Fight Heart Burn ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 16, 2008 08:55 AM
Strange as it may seem, apple cider vinegar can be used to fight heart burn, even though that type of vinegar is composed of acetic acid the same as any other. It wouldn’t seem logical to use an acid to alleviate a condition caused by excess acidity in the stomach, but all will be clear shortly. First, let’s have a look at what cider apple vinegar is, and what health benefits it can impart to the body. There is more to the old maxim regarding an apple a day than most appreciate. Although an orange has more vitamin C, apples have a lot going for them. They not only contain the soluble dietary fiber and prebiotic pectin, that can help reduce blood cholesterol levels, but are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Many consider apple cider vinegar the form of the apple that provides its ultimate health benefits. Hippocrates himself has written of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and used it for the benefits to health that it imparted. That goes back almost 2400 years, to an age when the biochemistry of the body was unheard of and even the alchemists had yet to work their magic. There was no surprise then that an acid could be used to increase the alkalinity of the body since the terms had yet to be understood, let alone invented. The later applications of vinegar followed a path that would be expected of a substance recognized as a form of medicine, and it has been poured over wounds to sterilize them from early in history, and by people of the 14th and 17th centuries to protect themselves against the Black Death and the Great Plague respectively. It was believed by people in these times that the disease was transferred by breathing in the ‘ill vapors’ and that a vinegar-soaked cloth over the face would protect them. Many people, associate vinegar with ‘bad wine’ or solutions of acetic acid, generally 5%. But how is real cider apple vinegar produced? All vinegar has acetic acid as its key ingredient. The reason that it can be produced from wine is that acetic acid is produced naturally by the fermentation of ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, the main alcoholic product of the fermentation of sugars. If the fermentation of wine is allowed to continue after the sugar has been used up, then the yeast will act on the ethanol and convert it to acetic acid. In fact the word comes from the old French ‘vin aigre’ or ‘sour wine’, due to it resulting from the undesirable continuing fermentation of wine. The concentration varies according to the use it is put, though commercial pickling vinegars can be distilled to any required concentration of acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar is obtained by the over-fermentation of apple must usually used for cider, and can be obtained either the clear filtered form, or unfiltered with a hazy light brownish color. Although the manufactured distilled vinegars consist of acetic acid at various concentrations, natural vinegars contain by-products of the fermentation process such as citric and tartaric acids. However, none of this explains why apple cider vinegar should help to cure heartburn. The first thing you should keep in mind is that this type of vinegar has some nutritional value that will be explained later, but also that it is less bitter than many other types of vinegar and many enjoy drinking it with a small amount of honey as an energy pick-me-up and also to prevent various digestive problems that it appears to alleviate such as bloating and diarrhoea. The reason that many people experience heartburn is due to the body finding that that the acidity of the stomach is lower than it should be to digest a meal. There might be several reasons for the body believing this, such as drinking too much milk during the meal and thereby neutralizing some of the acid while also introducing more fat to be digested. The body reacts by injecting more acid into the stomach. Excessively spicy foods or alcohol can cause the same effect. Stomach acid is concentrated hydrochloric acid that is very corrosive and can even dissolve a nail. If your stomach is slightly full, the acid causes a slight, but not full, reflux and you get the burning sensation known as heartburn due to the corrosive effects of the very strong acid on the esophagus, which is not protected by the stomach lining that is designed to withstand it. Sometimes the excessive acid in your stomach will cause the bottom of the esophagus to open, allowing some of the stomach contents into the esophagus giving the horrible burning sensation. That sensation is acid corrosion of your body tissue, but it is rapidly repaired and does no lasting damage unless it is chronic when you have to see your doctor. Since heartburn is caused by excess acidity then, it will seem strange that you can use an acid to alleviate it. However, keep in mind that your heartburn is due to the body (brain) being convinced that there is insufficient acid in your stomach. If you introduce a weak acid, then you can convince your brain that the acid has been brought to a satisfactory level and so it will stop sending signals to the stomach lining cells that secrete the HCl. If you remember what I asked you to remember above, regarding the traditional uses of apple cider vinegar and how easy it is to drink, then that vinegar is the ideal acid to take. It floods the stomach with acetic acid and signals pass back and forth between the stomach wall to the brain and back again to the effect that the stomach has enough acid and so no more hydrochloric acid need be secreted. Had you treated it with milk or even an antacid, it would have worked initially, but eventually the signal would be initiated and the lining would secrete more HCl. With an antacid that can occur after the stomach contents have been passed on, but although it has had its effect, your food will have been poorly digested, and so the better remedy is likely not an alkaline antacid but a weak acid such as apple cider vinegar. That’s how it works, but what other benefits does it bring to you. For starters it is a good source of potassium which is essential to maintain a proper cardiac rhythm. Potassium can also help to maintain a good blood pressure, and it is necessary for healthy nails, hair and teeth, and also helps to repair damage to soft tissues and to allow cells to repair internal tissue loss. Potassium is an essential mineral, although there is normally sufficient in a healthy diet. However, if somebody is displaying the symptoms of potassium deficiency then this form of vinegar can help to resolve the problem. The elderly especially can benefit from a regular dose. Other than its antiseptic effect, the most common popular use of apple cider vinegar, however, is to fight heart burn and in that respect it is very effective, even if it seems a bit of a paradox.
( Digestive Enzymes To Improve Wellness For Kids ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 04, 2007 03:19 PM
It is very safe to say that most people experience some type of digestive difficulty, as digestive disturbances are very common, especially for those who do not practice healthy eating. The numerous advertisements for antacids and acid blockers clearly identify the degree of this problem. But, what about our children? It has been proven that kids are suffering from digestive problems more than ever before due to unhealthy eating habits and nutritionally deficient diets that are high in saturated fats and processed sugars and carbohydrates. The food that is served in school cafeterias often contains too much fried food and not enough fresh produce. Additionally, parents have to constantly fight a losing battle against advertisements for junk food. Many children follow in the footsteps of their parents, picking up the same bad eating habits, which frequently leads to poor digestion and health problems. Overeating, eating too fast, or not chewing food well hinders digestive capability leading to symptoms such as gas, heartburn, bloating, burping, bad breath, diarrhea, constipation, and general discomfort or fatigue after meals. Although these symptoms are common, they should not be considered normal as they are distress signals sent by our body telling us that the digestive process is not going smoothly and we are not receiving the full nutritional benefit of the food we eat. If digestion is not efficient or complete, inflammation may develop, which causes “leaky gut syndrome,” leading to various allergic reactions. The brain is especially susceptible to protein fragments, which come from the incomplete digestion of grain gluten and dairy casein. Researchers believe that these fragments, which are called exorphins, are the main factors in the cognitive symptoms and abnormal behaviors of those kids with ADHD and autism. A recent study on thirty-six autistic children found that a majority of these children had digestive disorders including esophageal reflux and inflammation, gastritis, duodenitis and low carbohydrate digestive enzyme levels. Some doctors believe that seventy-five percent of the children that they treat have major deficiencies of pancreatic enzymes. Enzymes are often called the spark of life or the missing link in nutrition because no plant or animal can exist without them. Digestive enzymes are protein catalysts which break down food so the body can absorb nutrients. Therefore, enzyme supplementation can be extremely helpful, especially when it is done in conjunction with dietary changes. And, yes, kids can take enzymes supplements, too. In children with digestive symptoms, enzyme supplements help to establish proper weight because better assimilation of nutrients helps growth and repair while still supporting a healthy metabolism. Digestive enzymes come in mild-potency enzyme formula which covers all of the food groups for children. Children should take a powder which is safest so there are no caps to swallow and chock on and powdered enzymes allow children to get their digestive enzymes through one scoop which can be added to your child’s favorite juice. Some formulas add potassium carbonate, this form of potassium adds a fun fizz to whatever beverage is used, but is not recommended in milk or water. Look for a powdered supplement that is sweetened with xylitol, a safe and natural sugar substitute which supports tooth and gum health. Since more children than ever suffer from the consequences of incomplete digestion, digestive enzymes are a safe and effective way to support digestion and assimilation of important nutrients into your child’s diet in an enjoyable way.
( Peppermint Oil for IBS ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 24, 2007 11:01 AM
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a painful and frequently frustrating disorder of the intestines that’s often difficult to treat. Fortunately, there are scientifically studied natural products that effectively reduce the distressing symptoms of IBS. Q. What is IBS? A. IBS causes crampy pain, gassiness, bloating, and alterations in bowel habits. IBS is termed a functional disorder, because when the colon is examined, there is no visible sign of disease. While IBS causes significant pain and distress, no actual damage is occurring in the intestines. There is a wide variability in IBS. Symptoms may be mild and fairly well tolerated. Or, the pain, discomfort, and bowel dysfunction may be disabling, limiting social interactions, employment, or travel.
While some individuals with IBS have diarrhea (frequent, loose stools with an urgent need to move the bowels), others have constipation (hard, infrequent stools that are difficult to pass). And, still others may experience both. Individuals with IBS also may have painful abdominal cramps and feel an urgent need to move the bowels, but are unable to do so. A. The small intestine receives digestive material from the stomach and delivers it to the large intestine (colon). About two quarts (2,000 ml) of digestive material enter the colon from the small intestine every day. The colon absorbs water and salts from the material, which is progressively moved through the colon. This progressive movement continues until most of the fluid and salts are absorbed into the body and stool is formed. The stool passes to the left side of the colon, where it is stored until a bowel movement occurs. Because researchers haven’t been able to find actual damage in the colon, it once was suggested that individuals with IBS have emotional problems or are overly susceptible to stress. While stress may cause symptoms of IBS to intensify, it doesn’t cause the condition. Recent study has determined the colon muscle of an individual with IBS spasms after only mild stimulation. It’s thought the symptoms of IBS are produced by hyperactivity of the intestines. In other words, the intestines of individuals with IBS are more reactive to stressors and diet than usual. Almost everyone has experienced abdominal queasiness in response to everyday stress or certain foods. This may result in a brief bout of diarrhea or an upset stomach. However, this response is exaggerated in individuals with IBS. Q. How prevalent is IBS?
A. IBS is very common. In fact, it’s one of the most frequent problems seen by family physicians. It’s the most common disorder diagnosed by gastroenterologists (physicians specializing in the treatment of digestive disorders). The overall prevalence rates range from 10% to 20% of the general population in most industrialized countries. As a result, the pain and disabling symptoms associated with IBS result in significant socioeconomic costs, as wall as reduction in quality of life for many individuals. A. Normal bowel function varies from person to person. Some people move their bowels daily, while others may only have two to three stools a week. A normal bowel movement is soft, formed, and is easily passed without cramping or pain. IBS, however, causes abdominal cramps and pain, which are often severe and disabling. Bowel movements may be irregular and alternate between diarrhea and constipation. The diarrhea may be quite loose and watery. Mucous may be passed. There is often much straining, urgency, and feeling of incomplete evacuation (emptying). Abdominal bloating and passing of gas is common. Nausea, lack of appetite, heartburn, and belching may also be present. Sleep may be disrupted resulting in fatigue and lack of energy. Understandably, persons with IBS often feel anxious and depressed. Diagnosis of IBS is usually based on the continuous presence or recurrence of these symptoms for at least three months. Other intestinal conditions must be ruled out. These include Chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, inflammatory conditions of the stomach or pancreas, ulcers, infectious disease, or gastroesphageal reflux disease. Q. Are there clinically demonstrated natural alternatives to the over-the-counter drugs prescribed by my doctor? A. Yes, both enteric-coated peppermint oil and clown’s mustard (in combination with other herbs) have significant scientific research behind them. Both have been demonstrated to benefit individuals with IBS. Q. What is clown’s mustard and what does it do? A. The scientific name for clown’s mustard is Iberis amara. Other names for this herb are wild candytuft and bitter candytuft. Clown’s mustard is a white-flowering plant from Spain, where it grows in dry soil on hillsides and in cornfields. It is also grown in Britain, France, and the United States. Iberis amara is a member of the Brassicaceae family. Iberis refers to its place of origin, the Iberian Peninsula. Amara means bitter. The key components of clown’s mustard are glycosides and flavonoids that have specific actions on gastrointestinal tract tone. Q. Is there scientific evidence that clown’s mustard benefits people with IBS? A. There has been very impressive research on clown’s mustard (in combination with other herbs). And, it has been used with great success in Germany for many years to treat IBS and other gastrointestinal diseases. In a study of an herbal combination containing clown’s mustard, 20 patients were given the herbal combination for three to 32 days. They all had been diagnosed with chronic functional disorders for at least one to 20 years. The symptoms the patients experienced included pressure and pain in the abdomen, belching, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, fullness, lack of appetite, constipation, and diarrhea. The patients have been treated for their problems with a variety of antacids, anti-spasmodic agents, and motility-inducing substances. For the purposes of the study, the patients stopped taking these medications and received treatment only with the herbal combination. Abdominal pressure and pain in the abdomen was the most common of all the experienced symptoms, with 11 of the patients rating it as severe. After six days of treatment, only sic of the patients continued to rate their abdominal pain and pressure as severe. After two weeks, this symptom had completely resolved for 16 of the patients. Diarrhea had been rated as severe in five of the patients. By day 14, only one patient continued to have moderate diarrhea. Medications prescribed and taken for cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases often cause gastrointestinal problems. Because these conditions are chronic, these medications must be taken for a long time, often for life. With long-term use, these medications can cause erosion of the stomach lining and actual ulcers. Many of these medication-caused symptoms are similar to IBS symptoms: pressure and pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, abdominal fullness, and lack of appetite. Most, if not all, of the individuals who have gastrointestinal problems caused from medications experience two or more of these IBS symptoms. Forty patients who were taking medications for various types of cardiovascular disease and arthritis, and who are experiencing gastrointestinal problems related to their medications, were enrolled in a study. These symptoms included pressure and pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, abdominal fullness, and lack of appetite. Twenty patients received clown’s mustard combined with other herbs that support gastrointestinal motility. Three days after the trial started, a significant improvement of all s symptoms was noted in those taking this combination. By day 14, abdominal pressure and pain, nausea, and heartburn were completely eliminated in the herbal combination group. Several other clinical trials that were conducted in Germany report similar results. Q. How does this herb compare to prescription drugs? A. A study compared clown’s mustard (combined with other herbs) to Reglan (metoclopramide), which is frequently prescribed to reduce the symptoms of IBS. While metoclopramide is a very effective medication, it also has numerous side effects. Metoclopramide can cause fatigue, anxiety, agitation, jitteriness, insomnia, yellowing of the skin or eyes, changes in vision, hallucinations, and seizures. Because of these serious side effects, metoclopramide must not be taken longer than 12 weeks. In comparison study, 77 subjects were randomized to receive treatment of either clown’s mustard in a combination with other herbs, or metoclopramide. All subjects had pain and pressure in the abdomen, cramping, abdominal fullness, nausea, heartburn, and lack of appetite. The subjects took 20 drops of their assigned treatment after meals three times daily. The duration of treatment was one to two weeks. In both groups, a parallel improvement of all symptoms was observed. At no point in the study was a statistically significant difference in symptoms found. Both treatments significantly reduced pain and pressure in the abdomen, cramping, abdominal fullness, nausea, heartburn, and lack of appetite. In short, both metoclopramide and the clown’s mustard herbal combination worked well at reducing the symptoms of IBS.
However, side effects occurred more frequently and severely in the metoclopramide group. Given the lack of differences noted between the products at reducing symptoms of IBS, it would seem sensible to choose the treatment with the fewest reported side effects and no limits on duration of use. A. Peppermint oil has been shown to relax intestinal smooth muscle. In Great Britain, peppermint oil is currently being prescribed for IBS by physicians and it has been used as a digestive aid and to soothe upset stomachs for generations. Peppermint oil has also been studied for use in an important examination of the colon. A colonoscopy is a procedure of viewing the interior lining of the large intestine (colon) using a colonoscope, a slender, flexible, hollow, lighted tube about the thickness of a finger. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine supports the idea that even people who are not at risk for colon cancer should have this test. The American Cancer Society recommends that men and women at average risk of colon cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years, beginning at age 50. During a colonoscopy, individuals are sedated and almost no discomfort is experienced. The insertion of the colonoscope into the rectum and up through the colon causes some spasming. This is a natural and expected event and the physician performing the exam administers medications that effectively reduce the spasms. A recent study compared the use of peppermint oil and commonly used medications to reduce the colonic spasming in colonoscopy. The peppermint oil was introduced directly into the colon. Effective reduction of colon spasming was observed in 88% of the patients. In a critical review and meta-analysis of peppermint oil for irritable bowel syndrome published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, eight randomized controlled trials were identified. The studies collectively showed peppermint oil is superior to placebo in improvement of the symptoms of IBS. Because of the good results of these trials, the authors of the review urged additional study of peppermint oil in IBS. However, straight peppermint oil is rapidly absorbed into the blood stream from the stomach. In recent studies comparing enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules and non-enteric coated oil, both preparations provided effective symptom relief. However, the studies concluded the enteric-coated capsules delivered the benefit of the peppermint oil directly to the intestines. In the treatment of IBS, enteric-coated supplemental peppermint is most definitely preferred. In fact, an enteric-coated peppermint oil capsule containing rosemary and thyme is extremely effective in the treatment of IBS. All three of these oils are classified as volatile oils, derivatives found in plants that impart taste and aroma. The combination of peppermint, thyme, and rosemary oils in enteric-coated capsules provides significant relief in IBS-related pain. Q. Can clown’s mustard and other herbs be taken with enteric-coated peppermint oil? A. Yes, peppermint oil capsules and clown’s mustard can be used together. However, depending on the symptoms, individuals with IBS may want to start with one supplement and then add the other if needed. Q. How do consumers find these formulas? A. Fortunately, herbal combinations containing clown’s mustard and enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules are both available at health food stores, natural product supermarkets, pharmacies, and from health professionals. Most knowledgeable sales personnel and health professionals can direct consumers to the most effective products. Q. What should customers look for when purchasing peppermint oil? A. As mentioned before, enteric coating of the peppermint oil is extremely important. The coating prevents the oil from being absorbed in the stomach. The enteric coated-capsule moves through the stomach to the small intestine and eventually to the colon, where it is released for maximum benefit. Q. What is the dosage for peppermint oil? A. The German Commission E approved peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable colon. In enteric-coated form, the Commission E recommends 0.6 ml per day. Enteric-coated peppermint capsules are available. Q. Are there side effects or other contraindications? A. Sometimes, the enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules may cause a transient burning sensation in the rectum when moving bowls. Reducing the dose will correct this. Individuals who must refrain from alcohol should not take clown’s mustard in an herbal tincture, which may contain alcohol. Q. What else can IBS patients do to feel better? A. Food allergies or food intolerance may be associated with IBS. Dairy products and certain grains may trigger a painful episode of IBS. Determining those foods that initiate the problems and eliminating them from your diet can be very helpful. Many people report their symptoms occur after a meal. Hyperactivity of the intestine of IBS is the response. Often, the strength of this response after a meal is in direct relation to the number of calories and he amount of fat in the meal. Reducing saturated fat, limiting calories, and increasing fiber intake may be helpful. Stress also stimulates the intestinal hyperactivity. Relaxation training may reduce some IBS symptoms. Listening to therapeutic audiotapes, hypnosis, counseling, and biofeedback all have been shown to improve the healing response in persons with IBS. Conclusion IBS can be painful and frustrating, capable of causing much distress. While currently there is no cure for IBS, the symptoms can be managed. The pain, abdominal discomfort, and bowel problems of IBS all respond well to treatment with the use of key herbs, including clown’s mustard, and enteric-coated peppermint oil. These herbal combinations can be both effective and safe in treating IBS. Clown’s mustard and enteric-coated peppermint oil are both effective front-line natural alternatives for IBS treatment.
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