
Search Term: " Curcumin- "

  Messages 1-29 from 29 matching the search criteria.
Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviatedepression Darrell Miller 5/15/19
Heart-healthy curcumin improves muscle function and increasesexercise capacity Darrell Miller 5/13/19
Curcumin performs BETTER than drugs and surgery at treating spinal cord injuries review? Darrell Miller 5/6/19
Study: Curcumin, a polyphenol in turmeric, can selectively targetcancer stem cells Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Curcumin stops cancer cell growth, NEW scientific discovery Darrell Miller 4/27/19
Happier and healthier: Curcumin-rich turmeric can help easedepression and anxiety, researchers find Darrell Miller 4/25/19
Researchers reveal how the common curry spice turmeric kills coloncancer cells Darrell Miller 4/19/19
Curcumin Possesses ability to repair brain damage caused bystrokes Darrell Miller 2/15/19
Accumulating evidence suggests curcumin and turmeric can treatpsychiatric disorders Darrell Miller 1/28/19
Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression Darrell Miller 1/25/19
Turmeric & Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease? Darrell Miller 1/25/19
A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking Darrell Miller 1/10/19
Curcumin may protect the brain after a traumatic brain injury Darrell Miller 1/8/19
Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine Darrell Miller 1/7/19
The science behind curcumin’s healing properties Darrell Miller 1/2/19
Curcumin Showing Promise In Alzheimer's Research Darrell Miller 12/4/18
Compelling study confirms the therapeutic effects of curcumin inremoving fluoride from our bodies Darrell Miller 12/3/18
Curcumin alleviates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis Darrell Miller 11/19/18
Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart Darrell Miller 11/19/18
Curcumin Targets Cancer Cells Darrell Miller 10/29/18
Improve memory and mood with curcumin: Study finds it boostscognitive function in those with mild, age-related memory loss VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/11/18
6 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/10/18
The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory Darrell Miller 7/1/18
The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules Darrell Miller 6/9/17
Curcumin Study Shows Improved Bone Density Darrell Miller 6/1/17
Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds Darrell Miller 5/10/17
Curcumin helps to effectively ease inflammatory bowel disease: China mouse study Darrell Miller 2/21/17
What Supplements Are Useful In Combating Blood Clots? Darrell Miller 10/4/11
Curcumin, Curcuminoids, and Curamin Darrell Miller 4/30/08

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Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviatedepression

Date: May 15, 2019 02:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviatedepression

Curcumin has been known to be a silver bullet. It can be used to cure a host of diseases and conditions including cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Now depression can be added to the list according to new research. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes that depression affects 16 million Americans every year. Although treatment for it is available, it usually comes with adverse effects. Therefore, there is compelling need for a safer means of treating people. Before this study, it has already been found from multiple studies that curcumin can have an effect on depressive conditions. It was reported to be well tolerated by patients with no adverse side effects. For their current study in Australia, the researchers looked at twenty years of data including current studies on curcumin. They then studied about 342 patients using curcumin and a placebo. From their results, there was a significant reduction in depression after treatment with curcumin compared with the placebo after six weeks of treatment. The researchers then concluded that compelling evidence exists for the use of curcumin in treatment of depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin is the main ingredient that is found in turmeric and it has been known to be a silver bullet that can be used to treat several conditions.
  • Along with curing a list of diseases which include diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer, curcumin can now be used to cure depression.
  • Depression affects millions of people in the United States every year but while treatment for the disease exists many people stop the treatments because of adverse effects.

"The study also found that curcumin exhibited significant anti-anxiety properties, based on data from 377 patients."

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Depression has been linked to inflammation, consider trying CBD to boost mood, reduce anxiety, and reduce inflammation.


Heart-healthy curcumin improves muscle function and increasesexercise capacity

Date: May 13, 2019 04:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Heart-healthy curcumin improves muscle function and increasesexercise capacity

There's a lot of buzz about curcumin these days and for good reason. A recent study published in The Journal of Applied Physiology suggests that it can help to improve athletic performance in heart failure patients. Other research has shown that it could reduce muscle loss in individuals with heart disease. Due to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects properties, it also can be a very effective post-workout supplement. In fact, researchers found that people that consumed one gram of curcumin twice daily had decreased muscle injuries and less pain in their lower legs.

Key Takeaways:

  • To add to the growing research on curcumin, a new research has shown that taking curcumin can improve athletic performance in people having heart failure.
  • The study was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology and it showed that persons taking curcumin have enhanced muscle function and increased exercise capacity.
  • Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, has for a long time been used in Asian medicine to relieve symptoms of digestive problems and skin wounds.

"For the study, researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center looked at the effects of curcumin on a mouse model of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. The compound is known to promote activation of Nrf2 protein, which regulates the expression of antioxidant enzymes that prevent and repair damage from oxidative stress and boost exercise performance."

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Curcumin performs BETTER than drugs and surgery at treating spinal cord injuries review?

Date: May 06, 2019 03:32 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin performs BETTER than drugs and surgery at treating spinal cord injuries review?

Recent research published in Neurology Research International has yielded indications that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, may be even better than corticosteroids in treating spinal injuries. Curcumin can help fight both primary and secondary inflammation, and may have other benefits as well. For example, it appears to help stimulate stem cells and promote neural progenitor cell growth, both of which are crucial for healing. This is just the latest in a long line of research demonstrating the broad-spectrum health benefits of turmeric.

Key Takeaways:

  • Among the feats that curcumin is accredited with are reducing inflammation, fighting cancer, and preventing depression. Now, it can be used to treat spinal cord injuries.
  • This research is the first systematic data on how curcumin can have an impact in spinal cord injuries and relieve many persons of the pain of surgery.
  • When someone has a spinal cord injury the factors at play are inflammatory processes and this is where curcumin can work best.

"The researchers found that in all studies comparing the two, curcumin outperformed corticosteroids every time."

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Study: Curcumin, a polyphenol in turmeric, can selectively targetcancer stem cells

Date: May 02, 2019 11:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study: Curcumin, a polyphenol in turmeric, can selectively targetcancer stem cells

According to a study published in the journal Anticancer Research, curcumin can destroy stem cells that cause cancer. Turmeric is a plant that has been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat a variety of conditions. Curcumin, a polyphenol found in turmeric, is the source of turmeric's health benefits. Recent research suggests that curcumin can selectively target and destroy cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells, which are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation, and can actually be spread by surgery, are the most lethal type of cancer cell.

Key Takeaways:

  • In health foods, there are common health foods and superfoods that stand head and shoulders above the rest and could be labeled miracle foods.
  • Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and ayurvedic medicine due to the presence of curcuminoids in it that has power antioxidant properties.
  • Curcumin has several health benefits which include boosting brain power, lowering the risk of brain diseases, reducing the risk of heart disease, and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

"One of the most well-known of these amazing foods is curcumin, the polyphenol that gives turmeric its beautiful, bright yellow color."

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Curcumin stops cancer cell growth, NEW scientific discovery

Date: April 27, 2019 10:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin stops cancer cell growth, NEW scientific discovery

Turmeric is hailed for its properties in helping to regulate blood sugar, fighting inflammation and infection, and helping cancer patients. In helping cancer patients, turmeric is able to affect cancerous cells without harming the non-cancerous cells. DYRK2 is inhibited by the turmeric, keeping the cancer from growing. Carfilzomib used with turmeric helped with cancer cell death with minimal affect to the healthy cells. Turmeric also promotes angiogenesis, which stops the growth of new blood vessels which support the growth of tumors, and also doesn't allow development of adhesion which leads to metastasizing of cancers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric was first cultivated in the SouthEast Asia and India. It is a kitchen spice that is revered for its ability to fight inflammation and regulate blood sugar.
  • New research shows that turmeric has even more potential. Due to its active compound, curcumin, research has shown that it could be used to fight cancer.
  • A new study conducted by researchers in United States and China showed that turmeric can successfully be used to target several aggressive forms of cancer.

"The team used cutting-edge X-ray crystallography to obtain 3D images – in which curcumin could distinctly be seen binding to the enzyme at the atomic level."

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Happier and healthier: Curcumin-rich turmeric can help easedepression and anxiety, researchers find

Date: April 25, 2019 05:11 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Happier and healthier: Curcumin-rich turmeric can help easedepression and anxiety, researchers find

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can have benefits for mental health on top of its many benefits for cardiac and joint health and inflammation. Curcumin is believed to help reduce neuroinflammation — and the cytokines that help cause it — and moderate cortisol levels within the brain, while achieving more balanced levels of dopamine and serotonin. These actions may explain why a 2015 study indicates that turmeric supplementation can substantially improve the effectiveness of antidepressants in many people.

Key Takeaways:

  • The main compound form in turmeric, curcumin, has been found to help in many types of ailments that range from diabetes, to cancer and inflammation.
  • Curcumin makes turmeric a superfood by adding aiding in mental health to the list of health benefits that it can be used to cure for.
  • Australian researchers have found that curcumin can help in curing depression and anxiety when they involved 123 participants in a curcumin treatment and a placebo.

"Curcumin regulates levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain, and it also decreases the markers of neuroinflammation, which is significant when you consider that inflammation contributes to mood disorders."

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Researchers reveal how the common curry spice turmeric kills coloncancer cells

Date: April 19, 2019 02:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Researchers reveal how the common curry spice turmeric kills coloncancer cells

Studies are now showing that turmeric, which is a common spice found in curry, can actually help kill off colon cancer cells to help the disease from progressing. They believe that these healing properties are due to the curcumin content that is found within the spice itself. If you're searching for ways to take in adequate amounts of turmeric, try consuming turmeric tea. For a more savory option, turmeric tastes fantastic when sprinkled on roasted produce.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric, a spice, is known for its use in making curry but also for its distinctive taste and use for various pharmacological purposes.
  • It has been confirmed that turmeric has a powerful compound, curcumin, that makes it have a powerful punch against cancer by inducing apoptosis and cell cycle arrest.
  • The third most common cause of deaths related to cancer is colon cancer. It is very difficult to diagnose because the symptoms only appear at the late stage.

"In this study, published in the journal Nutrition Research, the researchers hypothesized that curcumin-induced ROS works against colon cancer by promoting apoptosis and inhibiting the cell cycle. They tested this through in vitro experiments involving Smd4 and p53 mutated HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells."

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Curcumin Possesses ability to repair brain damage caused bystrokes

Date: February 15, 2019 05:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin Possesses ability to repair brain damage caused bystrokes

Turmeric, a common spice, contains an active ingredient called curcumin. Recent findings are showing curcumin as being beneficial to patients with heart failure. Curcumin is believed to increase skeletal muscle strength, as well as increasing endurance capabilities to allow more exercise. Similar to ginger, another spice also shown to be beneficial, turmeric contains a high amount of antioxidants. Unfortunately, while curcumin is beneficial to heart failure patients, it simply is not a viable option due to the large amount of curcumin necessary to prove beneficial. That being said, turmeric, ginger, and many other high antioxidant substances are beneficial to humans, especially those with heart failure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Heart failure is life altering, because by weakening the heart and affecting its oxygen pumping ability, patients no longer have the ability to participate in activities they once enjoyed.
  • Despite being chronic and incurable, heart failure patients can, by using a change in lifestyle, decrease feelings of fatigue and enhance their mood so as to resume their lives.
  • The study that showed that curcumin from turmeric can help people with heart failure was done using mice although hopefully it can be done on humans.

"For those who appreciate the unique spiciness of turmeric, it’s serendipitous to learn there are several layers of extraordinary health benefits included with the active ingredient known as curcumin."

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Accumulating evidence suggests curcumin and turmeric can treatpsychiatric disorders

Date: January 28, 2019 08:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Accumulating evidence suggests curcumin and turmeric can treatpsychiatric disorders

There are so many people out there that are suffering from mental disorders. There have always been these types of people and the treatment for them has remained largely the same. They go and they talk to people who try to help them deal with their inner demons. However, it is really tough. Now, there are studies that are showing that curcumin and turmeric can actually help treat these individuals who have these disorders. This would be massive for them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Plenty of people around the world are suffering from major mental health issues.
  • The amount of individuals out there that do not realize the good effects that something like curcumin can have is incredible.
  • The more research that scientists do indicate that these natural compounds actually have massive use cases.

"Thankfully, researchers have discovered that a compound in the popular Indian spice turmeric has the potential to effectively treat psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder and depression."

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Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression

Date: January 25, 2019 10:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Happy news: Curcumin outperforms prozac for reducing symptoms ofdepression

Despite the prevalence of depression, drug companies have still failed to come up with a way to address without side effects. The compound curcumin found in the turmeric spice has already been proven popular for it’s health effects but also holds promise in fighting depression. Phytotherapy Research found that it compared well next to Prozac when reducing depression symptoms. Importantly, taking curcumin does not produce the side effects that Prozac creates. To get more of this into your diet, you can purchase organic turmeric root and add to your meals. It is common to add to meats, cereal, granola, eggs, even coffee and tea. With 12.7% of Americans taking antidepressants, using this natural remedy may be a great option.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin is a natural compound found in turmeric spice and is known to be an antidepressant.
  • Curcumin is also known for fighting cancer, helping with memory loss, and even arthritis.
  • One can increase their turmeric intake by adding the ingredient to their meals.

"Lots of people think they either have to live with their negative feelings or accept the possibly deadly side effects that come with antidepressant use, but there are some natural remedies that can be surprisingly effective – and one of the best may prove to be curcumin."

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Turmeric & Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease?

Date: January 25, 2019 10:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Turmeric & Curcumin Benefits: Can This Herb Really Combat Disease?

Tumeric is a spice that is found in almost all Indian dishes. it gives a meal a nice spicy flavor. But, Turmeric, as well as its sister herb Curcumin, do more than flavor foods. Recent research proves that the health benefits of the herb can change life for the better. The herb can greatly reduce signs of depression, boost the skin health, fight off inflammation, and do so very much more for your good health!

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric is touted by many to be the most powerful herb on earth that can be used to fight and reverse disease.
  • The Curcuma longa plant is used to produce turmeric and it is grown in India and other SouthEast Asian countries.
  • Several compounds are found in turmeric which are known as curcuminoids and the most active of them all is curcumin.

"Currently, there are over 12,500 peer-reviewed articles published proving turmeric benefits, especially one of its renowned healing compounds, curcumin."

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A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Date: January 10, 2019 05:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A powerful antioxidant: Curcumin protects your heart from damagecaused by diabetes and smoking

Both diabetes and routine engagement in tobacco smoking can raise the risk of cardiovascular damage due to a rise in oxidative stress. While curcumin isn't proven to completely diminish the amount of oxidative stress that is caused as a result of diabetic and tobacco consumption symptoms, it does greatly decrease the amount of oxidative stress that is experienced by each individual which naturally results in the heart being less vulnerable. It is also known to specifically reduce the amount of hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been reported that taking curcumin supplements can protect a person from risk to cardiovascular diseases that is caused by diabetes and smoking.
  • This study was conducted at the Kind Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The researchers studied the oxidative stress caused by diabetes and smoking and curcumin’s effects on them.
  • The researchers found that administering nicotine to rats induced oxidative stress in the rats and also increased triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein.

"For the study, the researchers administered nicotine to diabetic rats to determine the effect of the combined oxidative stress of diabetes and nicotine."

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Curcumin may protect the brain after a traumatic brain injury

Date: January 08, 2019 08:13 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin may protect the brain after a traumatic brain injury

Oxidative neurodegeneration is a process in which oxidative stress results in degeneration of the brain, often related to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Studies are now showing that curcumin has protective abilities that can help decrease the brain's vulnerability to further injury as a result of oxidative stress. This could be due to several factors such as its anti-inflammatory properties, the way it increases antioxidants, and its natural healing properties that can aid in regeneration.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shockingly, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affects several people in America. It is reported that they are sustained by about 2.8 million Americans every year.
  • It has been calculated that traumatic brain injury, TBI, is a cause of all injury-related deaths in America by about 30 percent.
  • Treatment for TBI which can include anything sufficient strong to cause brain injury to the head can include pain relief for mild cases, and ensuring adequate brain oxygen.

"When choosing a curcumin supplement, it is important to source one that is non-GMO, non-irradiated and preferably contains piperine (BioPerine) which enhances curcumin absorption by as much as 2,000 percent"

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Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Date: January 07, 2019 03:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin protects cardiac tissue from combined oxidative stressinduced by diabetes and nicotine

Patients who are diabetic or engage in tobacco smoking can unfortunately face health concerns in regards to oxidative stress that impacts their cardiovascular function. A lot of this oxidative stress is referred to as hyperglycemia-induced, and it is shown to be less prevalent when curcumin is consumed. In one particular study, the administration of the curcumin actually prevented the oxidative stress due to diabetes and tobacco smoking altogether. This could show great promise for those struggling with insulin levels and tobacco addiction.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is well known that diabetes and smoking both cause oxidative stress, and that they are the main factors to consider when there are cardiovascular diseases.
  • To understand the effects of curcumin, researchers from the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia had to give nicotine to diabetic rats to study oxidative stress on them.
  • It was found that oxidative stress was increased in these rats due to the increased production of nitric oxide.

"Research has found that curcumin can protect cardiac tissues from the combined oxidative stress induced by diabetes and nicotine."

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The science behind curcumin’s healing properties

Date: January 02, 2019 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The science behind curcumin’s healing properties

Nature provides many healing aids, and this spice is among one of the more has been used for thousands of years to fight and relieve inflammation and has recently been proven effective in preventing oxidation in the circulatory system brought on by smoking and diabetes. It has also proven effective in the tumor reduction treatment in certain cancer lines, which reversing the effects of oxidative stress has shown remarkable progress in the treatment and prevention areas.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric's long history as a culinary spice predates the appearance of Christ by more than 2000 years.
  • Curcumin is the innate part of turmeric which gives the spice it's well-known yellow color.
  • Curcumin has renowned ability as an anti-inflammatory, besides aiding the human heart by keeping cholesterol levels lower.

"Now, two studies published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines have confirmed that curcumin also has potent antitumor abilities, in addition to protecting the heart against oxidative stress caused by diabetes and nicotine."

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Curcumin Showing Promise In Alzheimer's Research

Date: December 04, 2018 12:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin Showing Promise In Alzheimer's Research

Alzheimer's is a really terrible disease that has affected many people around the world. For anyone who has witnessed it in any type of capacity, they understand how devastating it can be. There have been a lot of studies done to try and find a cure for it but there has been no set cure found. It makes it difficult for families that are affected. Now, curcumin is getting attention as something that can help fight against the disease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin is a compound that has many different potential use cases for diseases.
  • For people who have suffered from Alzheimer's or have seen it at work, they know how hard it is to cope with it.
  • Doctors have never been able to find a true cure but recent studies are leaving them optimistic.

"The potential of turmeric to help combat this debilitating disease cannot be ignored by mainstream medicine any longer, effects of this and others like it must be investigated more thoroughly; and experts are describing the effects of turmeric on Alzheimer’s patients as being remarkable."

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Compelling study confirms the therapeutic effects of curcumin inremoving fluoride from our bodies

Date: December 03, 2018 02:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Compelling study confirms the therapeutic effects of curcumin inremoving fluoride from our bodies

According to statistics recently released by the CDC, 66.3% of U.S. citizens are being exposed to fluoride poisoning through the country's public water supplies. The good news is that a study in Pharmacognosy Magazine points to curcumin as a natural solution to this growing problem. According to this Indian study, curcumin can protect our brains from fluoride poisoning. If you cannot afford to install a whole-house water filter in your home, curcumin may be a safe and affordable option to protect your family from the dangerous neurological effects of fluoride.

Key Takeaways:

  • In our bodies, there are so many chemicals that have to work together at any given time.
  • The public water in the United States is causing a large number of people to have fluoride issues.
  • The bottom line is that fluoride chemicals should have no presence in the water that people drink.

"The researchers looked specifically at fluoride-induced toxicity on the mice’s brains, including the chemical’s impact on lipid peroxidation, or rancidity, in brain tissue. They also evaluated markers of malondialdehyde, or MDA, a well-known marker of oxidative stress and oxidative damage, in the brains of mice from each test group."

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Curcumin alleviates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Date: November 19, 2018 04:45 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin alleviates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Curcumin is something that has got a lot of fan fare in recent months. Scientists are doing a lot of different studies with it and the compound nature of it lead many to believe that it can be useful in the field of medicine. Rheumatoid arthritis is something that can be pretty nasty if it is not dealt with but these studies have shown that the natural remedies provided can be rather helpful when combating it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition, caused by an autoimmune dysfunction.
  • Unfortunately, many of the commonly prescribed drugs offered to alleviate the pain if rheumatoid arthritis are also the cause of an array of unwanted side effects.
  • Curcumin is a natural ingredient that treats the inflammation inherent in rheumatoid arthritis and has bern used for centuries in traditional Aryuvedic medicine.

"Researchers from India have found that curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, is a safe and effective natural treatment for rheumatoid arthritis."

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Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart

Date: November 19, 2018 09:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart

Turmeric and its much-lauded, health-giving component, curcumin, have had a health buzz about them for a long time. The health benefits to those that use turmeric and consequently curcumin, have long been noted. But, though its benefits for a wide array of bodily systems, including the cardiovascular, are not disputed, it has heretofore not been understood if turmeric, or more specifically curcumin, does some of its wonders by lowering lipid levels. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University has now performed a meta-analysis of available data, surrounding turmeric and curcumin, as a means of filling the knowledge gap. The researchers began by filtering the data, searching for studies revolving around turmeric, cholesterol and triglycerides. To ensure the data was all the more compelling and germane, the researchers trimmed down the parameters even more, allowing for only those tests that involved subjects laboring under the effects of metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. In these cases possible negative effects to the heart would prove particularly relevant. The meta-analysis revealed that turmeric and curcumin had positive effects to impart on the levels of serum triglycerides apparent in its user-subjects. The two components also positively impacted the low-density lipo-protein cholesterol levels of the user-subjects. The researchers theorized that positive chemical activity was initiated by the components, thereby causing the beneficial aspects. Other cholesterol and lipid markers were not affected. In general, turmeric and curcumin have been shown to limit oxidative stress and inflammation as well as benefit the blood vessel lining, all of which can prevent a serious cardiac event.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of effective ways in which you can help lower your high cholesterol.
  • There are plenty of natural remedies out there that allow you to control your health.
  • These new substances are natural and have been proven to work on numerous different occasions.

"Turmeric and curcumin are two substances most known for their wide array of health benefits."

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Curcumin Targets Cancer Cells

Date: October 29, 2018 01:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin Targets Cancer Cells

Curcumin is something that has received a lot of fan fare in recent months. While many people have never heard of it, there are scientists who have come out and said that it has some massive health benefits. Like many other compounds that are within foods, it is able to deliver things that some may not think is possible. It targets cancer cells and there are people who have reported that they think that it works for them.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin is an antioxidant that has been shown to cut the growth rate in prostate, lung, and colon cancer.
  • Tumeric inhibits the DYRK2 enzymes, therefore interfering with the proteins that cause cancer cells to grow.
  • Researchers are working on developing a delivery system, as eating tumeric or taking supplements currently is not enough to treat someone with cancer.

"Recent studies highlight turmeric’s superiority by demonstrating its potential to target some of the deadliest forms of cancer while not harming any healthy cells, as published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."

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CBD cane reduce inflammation and assist in fighting things that go wrong with the body. CBD can reduce stress and anxiety.


Improve memory and mood with curcumin: Study finds it boostscognitive function in those with mild, age-related memory loss

Date: October 11, 2018 02:28 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Improve memory and mood with curcumin: Study finds it boostscognitive function in those with mild, age-related memory loss

Improve memory and mood with curcumin: Study finds it boosts cognitive function in those with mild, age-related memory loss

There are some people who are finding that retaining their memory gets harder and harder with age. Some people deal with it better than others but when this moment comes, it is a tough pill to swallow. Many people do not want to face reality as they struggle to comes to terms with the fact that they are getting older. However, it happens to everyone. Now you can improve your memory with curcumin and more things.

Key Takeaways:

  • Contrary to the belief of many, this particular substance can really help someone.
  • If someone is suffering from memory loss, that is such a sad ordeal that people do not realize.
  • You want to help these individuals in any way that you can as these issues are so sad.

"Results after the completion of the study indicated that participants who took curcumin had significantly improved their cognitive function than those who received the placebo – in particular, they had better recall, visual memory, and attention than the placebo group."

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6 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

Date: September 10, 2018 05:52 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: 6 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

6 Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

It is hard to imagine what the actual health benefits of things like turmeric and curcumin are. These are two substances that the average person has definitely not heard of. With that being said, many people would question if these things actually have the health benefits that are mentioned. However, it is proven that turmeric helps people maintain bodily composition and as a result, it helps fight illness. We all know the massive importance of that!

Key Takeaways:

  • Being able to get all the vitamins, or nutrients, you need is so important for anyone.
  • There are many health benefits of things that people do not realize have these benefits.
  • Being able to distinguish what is healthy and what is not is so important for everyone.

"One of the things that may make it medicinally beneficial is curcucim, a compound in turmeric. Curcumin is believed to be anti-inflammatory, has been used as a pain reliever, and is considered a very strong antioxidant."

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The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

Date: July 01, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

The component found in turmeric that gives the spice its brightly colored appearance is also directly responsible for helping enhance and preserve our neurological development. When given in doses of 90 mg each day, turmeric was shown to help improve memory in those who were suffering from some level of memory loss. The cognitive improvement is due to turmeric being high in curcumin, which makes it a natural aid in alleviating many cognitive deficiencies that happen due to age.

Key Takeaways:

  • Often overshadowed by it's anti-inflammatory characteristics, Turmeric is also a potent neuroprotector.
  • Research has shown that the main ingredient, curcumin, can improve memory.
  • A recent study found that participants given curcumin daily had a 30% improvement in their memory tests and PET scans showed improved signaling in the brain.

"The participants were randomly assigned to a placebo group or a control that took 90 milligrams a day of curcumin twice a day over the course of year and a half. Researchers measured everyone’s curcumin levels in their blood at the trial’s inception and conclusion."

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The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules

Date: June 09, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules

Most of us learned about photosynthesis in school or at least have heard of it. It talks about plants using carbon dioxide to make oxygen. It's not as simple as that, though. Plants do this but that's not all they do. They make other things out of the carbon dioxide as well which help the environment and which also serve other purposes. Plants are even more useful than we first thought. Some of the molecules they make are medicinal.

Read more: The REAL SCIENCE behind carbon dioxide: Plants use CO2 to create CBD, THC, curcumin and all medicinal molecules


Curcumin Study Shows Improved Bone Density

Date: June 01, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin Study Shows Improved Bone Density

A pilot study that took place in Milan, Italy has made some remarkable findings. In this study a group of individuals were split into groups. One had the additional supplement of Curcumin added to their daily regime. After a period of time they were tested and it was found that the group that consumed the Curcumin had increased bone density. The test sites were the jaw and fingers. This is great news for people who suffer with bone density issues and more studies are underway.

Read more: Curcumin Study Shows Improved Bone Density


Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds

Date: May 10, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds

There have been many studies on the effectiveness of essential oils since they're so popular now. People swear by them to help with all sorts of things. Turmeric is a popular one. It is sort of a go to oil. People say it helps with a whole list of things. One of these is apparently ulcertive colitis. There is a study supporting this. The Turmeric oil should be combined with curcumin for the best results.

Read more: Pairing curcumin with turmeric essential oils offers better protection from ulcerative colitis, study finds


Curcumin helps to effectively ease inflammatory bowel disease: China mouse study

Date: February 21, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin helps to effectively ease inflammatory bowel disease: China mouse study

Curcumin, a substance in turmeric, can halt progression of inflammatory bowel disease. Researchers in a leading Chinese university induced colitis in mice and treated them with the substance. Mice treated had a decrease in inflammatory cell infiltration into the colonic mucosa. It does this by suppressing dendritic cell activation which are responsible for creating bowel inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Curcumin can help suppress the activation of dendritic cells, which play a pivotal role in the progression of inflammatory bowel disease, research from China has discovered.
  • Experimental colitis was induced ... , After seven days treatment with curcumin, its therapeutic effect was verified by decreased colonic weight, histological scores and remitting pathological injury.
  • These results hinted that curcumin potentially prevent the chronicity of colitis. Certainly the results should be verified repeatedly and explored... .

"Curcumin can help suppress the activation of dendritic cells (DCs), which play a pivotal role in the progression of inflammatory bowel disease, research from China has discovered."



What Supplements Are Useful In Combating Blood Clots?

Date: October 04, 2011 03:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Supplements Are Useful In Combating Blood Clots?

Vitamins And Your Health

As we know for a fact, one of the properties of blood is its ability to coagulate in order to stop bleeding. This coagulated blood is commonly known as a clot. Blood clot is important to the body to prevent excessive bleeding and serves as a vital part in the process of inflammation and wound healing. However, if a clot occurs abnormally it can cause significant danger to the body. A blood clot can cause obstruction in the circulation and may result to life - threatening health conditions such as heart attacks, cerebrovascular accident or strokes and pulmonary embolism. It can also cause poor tissue oxygenation and perfusion which can damage the affected cells and might cause disability or inability to function of certain organs or body part.

There are many traditional modalities in preventing and treating abnormal blood clot formation. One of the most commonly used is the medication called Aspirin in low – dosage. This conventional drug is popularly prescribed by doctors to decrease the clotting property of the blood. However, in emergency cases, a surgical procedure may be deemed important to remove the blood clot which significantly interrupts proper blood circulation.

Aside from medications, there are many supplements that have the capacity to decrease the risk of abnormal blood clotting. These include supplements high in:

1. FISH OILS. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acid which has the capacity to thin the blood. Therefore, if the blood is not viscous, the pressure inside the blood vessel is lesser as well. A high blood pressure can cause damage to the walls of the blood vessels, thus activating blood clot formation. Also, a non – viscous blood can also better circulate into smaller blood vessels than that of a viscous blood, therefore, enhancing tissue oxygenation. Clinical studies also revealed that omega – 3 fatty acids can effectively decrease Thromboxane A which is one of the clotting factors found among platelets.

2. CHAMOMILE. This herb has an anti – platelet property. It has a mild to moderate effect in regulating clot formation.

3. GINGER. Ginger has many health benefits. One of its promising benefits is its mild anti – platelet property and its ability to dissolve fibrin. This herb is widely used as a supplement to enhance blood circulation all over the body.

4. CATECHIN AND QUERCETIN. These chemical compounds are classified as antioxidants. They can effectively reduce the adhesion property of platelets.

5. CURCUMIN. This chemical comes from the spice called turmeric. This is considered to be an anti – thrombotic, as well as a potent anti – inflammatory agent.

6. DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE (DHEA). This substance is primarily an anti – aging agent. However, studies reveal that it can significantly reduce the process of inflammation by preventing the substance that can generate inflammation within the veins, arteries and capillaries called Cytokines. With decreased production of cytokines, it will result to lesser coagulation and clumping of platelets and reduced movement of bad cholesterol or Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) into the walls of the blood vessels, thus decreasing the chance of clot formation and atherosclerosis.

7. VITAMINS C AND E. These vitamins are important for preventing abnormal collagen – induced platelet activation by inhibiting the production of hydrogen peroxide. Vitamins C and E are also important in many enzymatic actions that regulate blood cholesterol levels.


Curcumin, Curcuminoids, and Curamin

Date: April 30, 2008 10:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin, Curcuminoids, and Curamin

Curcumin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, possesses many potentially far-reaching health benefits. After many studies preformed on humans, animals, and in-vitro, it has been found that curcumin may be helpful in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and cancer. All of these previously listed diseases share an underlying inflammation, which can be diminished by curcumin.

If you have ever eaten curry or cooked with the spice turmeric, you’ve consumed curcumin. Curcumin, which consists of several curcuminoids, is the active constituent of turmeric, which is used in curry. Turmeric is biologically related to ginger. Curcumin works as an antioxidant by boosting levels of glutathione S-transferase, which is one of the body’s main antioxidants. It also blocks the formation of the prostaglandin E2, which is compound that promotes inflammation within the body. Curcumin also inhibits the activity of nuclear factor kappa beta, which is another substance that is involved in inflammation. Additionally, it reduces the activity of COX-2 and 5-LOX, which are two more inflammation-promoting enzymes. Lastly, curcumin prevents mutations that can result in DNA, which helps to maintain healthier, younger cells.

Curcumin taken as a supplement can help with any conditions and diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, liver and kidney protection, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory diseases. A study using a Curcumin-rich turmeric extract done at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, treated rheumatoid arthritis in laboratory animals. The results showed that this extract blocked joint inflammation as well as the breakdown of joint cartilage and bone by inhibiting the genes that are involved in inflammation. Curcumin also holds a great amount of promise in preventing cancer and also as an adjunct treatment.

Animal studies have shown that curcumin can protect against colon, intestinal, oral, and skin cancers as its benefits come from several mechanisms. First of all, it blocks the cell-growth cycle in cancer cells, which leads to cell destruction. Additionally, it reduces free radicals by its antioxidant properties, which can lead to cancer-causing cell mutations. Studies have also found that curcumin can protect the liver from a variety of toxic compounds. One recent study left researchers reporting that curcumin increased the clearance of creatinine and urea, which are signs of improved kidney function. It also reduced liver damage from toxic chemicals and excess iron.

Japanese doctors have recently used curcumin to treat patients with ulcerative colitis. A combination of curcumin and conventional medications has led to the best benefits over six months of treatment. Since inflammation is the root of all chronic degenerative diseases, curcumin is likely to be beneficial for many different conditions. So far, research has identified curcumin’s benefits for diabetic retinopathy, lung disorders, and skin problems including psoriasis.

Turmeric, which is the source of curcumin, has been used as a culinary spice for the past 2,000 years, was used by ancient Greeks, and is now a widely recommended Ayurvedic medicine. It is native to India and other regions of South Asia. By eating a lot of curry, which is rich in curcumin, you may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and help to maintain mental function. One study proved that people who often ate curry had half the risk of becoming mentally impaired. By eating curry on occasion, the risk of mental decline can be reduced by a little more than a third. Curcumin can be safely taken in amounts from 500 to 8,000 mg daily. Look for a standardized supplement containing at least 90 percent curcumin.


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