Search Term: " illegal "
Medical benefits of cannabis SUPPRESSED and banned throughout mostof the 20th century ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 23, 2019 10:59 AM
Cannabis sativa, otherwise known as marijuana, has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years, prior to the development of western civilization. However, with the introduction of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, governments deemed marijuana as evil and dangerous. By the 1930s, the U.S., England, and Canada all outlawed marijuana. However, over the last twenty years, there has been an overwhelming amount of cannabis research out of Spain, Israel, and Brazil, uncovering the human body’s endocannabinoid system and identifying marijuana as the new powerhouse drug of this century. Key Takeaways:
"By making cannabis “illegal,” governments of the West paved the way for Big Pharma to take over and declare its poisons as the only safe and effective medicine out there – “medicine” that, in some cases, was derived and synthesized from the very same cannabis plant that, under Schedule I designation, was deemed to have no legitimate medical use." Read more:
( Can CBD oil help with pain, and can raisins really help you sleep? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 09, 2019 09:44 AM
1.There is scientific support for the use of cannabis-based medicines to manage chronic pain. However, medicinal marijuana is not availabe in all states. Where it is not available, some are using CBD oil as an alternative. CBD is cannabidiol, a compound derived from cannabis. 2.Hot compresses are sometimes prescribed to treat a condition called blepharitis, which affects the eyelids. It can be difficult to keep a hot compress hot for more than a short time. Hand warmers and reheatable Dry Eye Relief Masks are a good alternative. 3.Eating a handful of raisins before bedtime can reduce the number of bathroom trips during the night. Key Takeaways:
"I live in an upscale retirement community, and a large number of people here are using marijuana oil to relieve pain without side effects." Read more:
( Congress Finally Frees Hemp From Jail: Big News For Farmers and CBDIndustry ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 06, 2019 04:20 PM
The Farm Act that was recently passed by Congress allows farmers across the nation to freely grow hemp as they please. Unfortunately, there are still restrictions set on the production of CBD products, which leaves a grey area in terms of what is acceptable and unacceptable. CBD oil is becoming more and more prevalent in treating psychological symptoms without the psychoactive effects that marijuana has. Industry leaders suspect that this bill passing is the first step in the CBD industry ultimately exploding. Key Takeaways:
"At any rate, the passing of the Farm Bill is sure to have implications on the growing CBD industry." Read more:
( The Cannabis Remedy: Simple Solution For Over 40 Million PeopleSuffering With Anxiety ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 24, 2018 11:13 AM
Anxiety is a very prevalent condition, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In fact the National Institutes of Health concur that as much as 33% of the world's population has suffered, or well suffer from some type of anxiety. Besides mentally specific symptoms, such as worry, fretting, inability to focus, nervousness and fearfulness, the condition can create physical symptoms as well, such as clenching, sweating, dizziness, accelerated breathing, pulse and raised blood pressure. At it's worst, anxiety can induce a full-blown panic attack, depersonalization and even a certainty that one is dying. Obviously anxiety is a potentially critical condition, with the ability to disrupt life, even in small ways. As it worsens, anxiety can make it difficult to impossible for sufferers to work or socialize effectively. Though triggers vary, most people are visited by anxiety due to one of three big concerns, namely fears that center around finances, safety, or health. One poll conducted by the American Psychiatric Association concluded that keeping the family safe and bill-paying were huge anxiety triggers that resonated with more than 60% of respondents. The positive news is that many people can experience mitigation, if not complete surcease of these symptoms by using cannabis, which is expected to keep growing as an industry. THC which is the psychoactive component in cannabis, that which makes it illegal if it gets past .3%, is minimal to almost nil in hemp, which is related to, but not the same as marijuana. The THC amount will vary in cannabis products. There is hemp oil, hemp seed oil and CBD oil, which is made from the entire plant, flowers and all, so it may have a bit more THC. Oil products can be taken topically, or sublingually, even smoked. By acting on receptors in the central nervous symptom, the constituents of the oil act to mitigate the symptoms of anxiety. Even beyond pain relief these products have been shown to have efficacy for symptoms of epilepsy, pain and impaired cognition. Key Takeaways:
"The good news is, there are ways to cope, even ways to alleviate anxiety and its symptoms using natural and drug-free solutions." Read more:
( CBD oil: the cannabis supplement taking the wellness world by storm ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 22, 2018 08:10 AM
Cannabis oil, despite having proven medicinal properties, is currently illegal in many parts of the world, because it also has high levels of an intoxicating substance. The same cannot be said for cannabidiol oil, which unlike cannabis, which comes from the marijuana plant, is a derived from hemp. Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil, affects neural receptors in a positive way, boosting brain chemicals, like serotonin, but without psychoactive elements. This makes the oil a boon for those suffering from various forms of anxiety, as well as PTSD and panic attacks. CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and it promotes REM sleep, which makes it invaluable for joint-pain relief and insomnia. CBD oil is generally sold as both a capsule and an oil-specific product. It's recommended that users start with small doses, building up slowly. 6.4 mgs 3x a day is a good amount to enhance overall health. However, to address specific concerns, up to three times that amount many be needed. Again, one should only take such a high dose after taking the time to build up to it in increments. Key Takeaways:
"Cannabidiol (CBD) oil (derived from the stems and leaves of hemp plants) is currently flying off shelves at the moment due to its wide range of purported health benefits that include better sleep and the relief of joint pain, stress and anxiety." Read more:
( What's Legal And Illegal About CBD Oil In Tennessee ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 17, 2018 10:15 AM
Several retail venues were recently closed for selling confections with an ingredient found in hemp. While hemp and marijuana both come from the cannabis plant, they are not the same. The hemp ingredient found in the confectionary product is not from an intoxicant plant, as it's lookalike, plant relative, marijuana, is known to be. Not is it illegal to sell, or buy items made with hemp in Tennessee. Some of the plant's ingredients are even getting a name as pain assuagers and sleep aids. Nonetheless, the plant's are similar loooking, easy to confuse, and still the source of legal snafus. Key Takeaways:
"Questions surrounding the closure of multiple Rutherford County businesses have continued; so NewsChannel 5 found out what is legal and illegal about CBD oil in Tennessee." Read more:
( The future of cannabis in the workplace ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 09, 2018 03:59 PM
Cannabis, though being legalized in many locales, still isn't quite legalized to be imbibed or smoked in the workplace. Unlike other prescription drugs, like say pain killers or antibiotics, you are not free to use these in the same way at the workplace as you would at home. Due to their schedule 1 designation by the DEA, they are still illegal and a company can be held liable if found with amounts in their confines. This may be changing over time, but for the time being, do not expect relaxed regulation at work for your legally prescribed drugs. Key Takeaways:
"Cannabis isn't a new substance, but now that it's allowed to be consumed, it's a different awareness." Read more:
( CBD Oil Is Basically A Superfood Now ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 22, 2018 03:59 PM
CBD oil is not your parents marijuana. Unlike the "weed" known to many of yesterday, the oil extracted does not have the euphoric "high" composition of its counterpart, THC, in fact in researching it has been found to assist with many medical problems such as: sleep disorders, inflammation, pain and anxiety. Many are adding this, now called "super food" to coffee, food, cocktails and smoothies in hopes to find ways of promoting better health. If not technically illegal, then wake up to some in your coffee and enjoy its effects, naturally. Key Takeaways:
"Unlike THC, CBD does not have a psychoactive effect (meaning it won't make you giggle uncontrollably and contemplate the unknown for two hours)." Read more:
( Year to Watch: Six Exciting Areas For Cannabis Industry Development in 2018 ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 04, 2018 03:59 PM
The cannabis industry has been booming since Colorados legalization and now with California's full legalization, it can get even larger. There are a few associated industries that will grow with it. The first is banking. Banking is key because currently, it is semi-illegal to have a bank account if you sell cannabis. It is still illegal and the government can seize your assets as well as freeze the bank's assets. Consumer goods will be another huge market, since they'll need to move into a new arena to make cannabis and cannabis products more mainstream. Key Takeaways:
"Whether it’s medical or adult use – one statistic I came across that’s very interesting is that by 2020, the cannabis industry will be at approximately $17 billion. To put that in perspective for packagers, the natural cheese market right now is at about $12 billion." Read more:
( Can your dog be arrested for using a cannabis extract? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 16, 2017 03:59 PM
Thomas McDermott, a Democrat and the Mayor of Hammond, Indiana, brought up the legality of using cannabidiol oil (CBD) for treating his Labrador retriever's arthritis at the BGD Legislative Conference in Indianapolis. At the conference was Republican Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill who last month stated that the use of CBD was illegal in most circumstances in his state after a bill passed to allow epilepsy patients to legally use the oil for seizures. McDermott questioned Hill using a story about his dog that suffered from arthritis, noting that his vet recommended using CBD oil to treat the pain. He mentioned that the oil allowed his dog to move around more easily, had more energy, and had improved appetite. McDermott thought aloud that Hill was "grandstanding" on CBD, but Hill simply stated he was following the law as it was written. When McDermott asked if his dog was breaking the law, Hill responded that the Mayor himself was breaking the law - not the dog. McDermott was upset afterwards that Hill accused him for being a criminal for treating his dog with CBD, and he has no plans to change the therapy for his dog. Key Takeaways:
"The question Thomas McDermott wanted answered Wednesday doesn’t get asked often during policy discussions in Indiana: Could his Labrador retriever be breaking the law by using a pain remedy extracted from cannabis?" Read more:
( Scientists call on feds to allow research on CBD for pets ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 10, 2017 03:59 PM
Veterinarians, researchers and pet owners are looking to loosen federal regulations on the use of marijuana products to help treat sick animals. Medical issues in dogs, such as epilepsy, arthritis, anxiety, loss of appetite and inflammation could potentially by helped by marijuana-based drugs and extracts. Some people are already using marijuana extracts on their animals, such as those containing CBD, which is an element of marijuana that is not psychoactive. However, such extracts continue to be listed as Schedule 1 drugs by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration, even when they contain little or no THC. THC is the active component in marijuana that causes intoxication. The Food and Drug Administration has warned that marijuana products for pets sold in animal hospitals or online pet stores are illegal, since such drugs are unapproved. The FDA has suggested it will pursue legal action against those in violation of the law. However, the policy-making body of the American Veterinary Medical Association, in conjunction with two group councils, is considering making a recommendation to the DEA for marijuana to be declassified as a Schedule 1 drug in order to enable research for both animal and human medical purposes. Declassification could also help prevent pet owners from accidentally overmedicating their animals in the absence of proper guidance from a medical professional. In September, Republican senator Orrin Hatch of Utah introduced a bill that would facilitate research on use of marijuana-based medications, concurring that the drug is over-regulated, although he continues to oppose recreational use of the drug,. Some veterinarians note that without sufficient evidence, it remains unsafe to use marijuana products on animals, with concerns about potential toxicity. Yet researchers are continuing to wait for clearance to proceed on various relevant studies, such as use of marijuana for dogs with osteoarthritis, pruritis and epilepsy. Some research on use of products with CBD has been stopped until federal approval is granted. Gaining approval has been difficult due to government requirements, which continue to be an obstacle to moving forward. Key Takeaways:
"The concern our membership has is worry about people extrapolating their own dosages, looking to medicate their pets outside the realm of the medical professional" Read more:
( Can you get high off hemp? We'll help clear the fog about marijuana's 'kissing cousin' ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 01, 2017 03:59 PM
You can not get high of off hemp. Though many people are confused about the difference between hemp and marijuana in general. Hemp is actually really great as a super food. It has protein and Omega 3. It's great for the health of the body. And even though hemp is really healthy, its sister marijuana also has benefits. Even though scientists are just coming around to the medical benefits for people who smoked it illegally and thankfully legally today they have found that it helps with many ailments. Headache relief is one benefit. Key Takeaways:
"What hemp does offer is powerful cannabidiol oil, better known as CBD, extracted from the flower of the plant." Read more:
( Help, and hope: Could cannabis possibly help fight cancer? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 21, 2017 04:14 PM
Cancer is a deadly condition claiming the lives of far too many people. There are treatments for cancer, but currently there is no cure. But, scientists, researchers, and medical professionals are all looking at cannabis as a potential cure for cancer. Could the time for a cure for cancer be now, all with thanks to an herb that's been illegal for so long now? Find out all the details about the new cannabis research that suggest the cure may be near. Key Takeaways:
"The combination of both (CBD and THC) causes apoptosis; cannabis tends to go to cancer cells weakened due to chemotherapy and causes them to kill themselves," Read more:
( Forbidden medicine: Caught between a doctor's CBD advice and federal laws ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2017 12:14 PM
Nancy, a special needs individual suffering from seizures, is in a medical gridlock. Her doctor and family know that CBD oil would provide a lot of relief but it is not legal in her state. Her family, like many others, is caught in a conundrum of federal regulations verses medical advice. Despite legal counsel, the family can not convince the state of New York to allow her to receive this medication due the federal laws against cannabis use, even it's non psychogenic components. It is a challenge that many around the country have to deal with. Key Takeaways:
"At one point, roughly five years back, the dosages on her medications were ratcheted up too high, hurtling her into a life-threatening, prolonged seizure." Read more:
( War on Weed: Detroit shuts down 167 cannabis retailers, even though Michigan legalized medical marijuana ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 15, 2017 12:14 PM
About half of Detroit's citizens are registered for cannabis use ( nearly a quarter of a million). This warrants a large cannabis industry. Nonetheless, about 167 are going to close and only 5 are operating legally, due to changes in regulation as a consequence of interference by the state of Michigan. The changes include pot-free zones which are required for the establishment of cannabis and zoning permissions. This does not include the almost 300 dispensaries operating illegally. Key Takeaways:
""Though many medical marijuana businesses continue to operate at their own risk, officials are confident that they will have successful models to follow the day cannabis becomes legal in Michigan"" Read more:
( Learning the Health Benefits of Cannabis ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2017 04:14 PM
The cannabis debate continues to rage. Many feel it should be legalized because it can do a lot of good for the body. It is already being used medicinally in many areas. It's legal in some and illegal in others. This discusses some of the health benefits people are seeing when they use cannabis in its many forms. If you have never considered it you should check this out and you should also consider the different forms like oil, vapor and more. Key Takeaways:
"Most medical marijuana states stipulate the product has to be grown and produced and sold and consumed within that state." Read more:
( House passes cannabis decriminalisation ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 26, 2017 07:14 AM
Decriminalization is not quite the same as legalization but it means the police won't really bother with it. This talks about cannabis being decriminalized. This debate has raged for a long time. Many believe this plant has medical benefits. They say it can help with everything from anxiety to cancer. Others want cannabis to be illegal because it is bad for the lungs and alters mood. No one seems to agree on whether it helps or harms. Read more: House passes cannabis decriminalisation
( I Took CBD Oil For 30 Days Straight: Here's Why I Can't Stop Talking About ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 20, 2017 03:44 PM
This oil is made from marijuana. The argument about it is raging because many want it to remain illegal but it supposedly has good medical benefits. This gives info about a person who took this oil for a month. They tell their experience with it and what they liked. It gives a good perspective since it comes from someone's hands-on experience instead of just conjecture. Reading this might make you think differently about the medical marijuana issue. Key Takeaways:
"CBD, or cannabidiol, is available as a supplement and comes from the same cannabis plant as the stuff you would smoke, but contains only trace amounts (less than 0.3 percent) of THC—the chemical component that has psychoactive effects." Read more:
( The Benefits of CBD Oil as a Dietary Supplement ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 20, 2017 11:44 AM
An entertainment website has a feature on the good uses that Cannabidiol, or CBD, has. The feature states that CBD is legal although it is derived from cannabis. The writer alleges the federal government has not acknowledged CBD as a supplement for diet because of the association with an illegal substance The writer states that CBD is good as an aid for sleeping and digestion, can reduce anxiety, and is a pain reliever. The story concludes that this substance should receive FDA approval. Key Takeaways:
"Any type of cannabis is still illegal on a federal level and although CBD is not the psychoactive compound in the plant and is legal for sale, there is that tension that needs to be resolved prior to accepting the validity of CBD research." Read more:
( Cannabis could boost memory of older people ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 15, 2017 10:44 AM
The cannabis debate is still going strong even though benefits are discovered all the time. There are some who champion it while others feel it is unhealthy in any form and want it to remain illegal. This outlines one more possible benefit related to cannabis for the elderly. It can apparently help boost their memories. They often have issues remembering so this ciykd ve good for them. It's always important to weight benefits against negative outcomes, though. Read more: Cannabis could boost memory of older people
( Can hemp extract provide health benefits without getting you high? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 06, 2017 11:59 PM
Cannabidiol, or CBD is a substance found in marijuana mainly in hemp, that unlike THC does not get you high. It can treat pain and inflammation without the psychogenic effects but is regulated under the same laws as marijuana and s considered illegal to sell. There also needs to be more research done on the oil and it's overall benefits and effects especially since some studies suggest it can interfere with serotonin levels in your system. Read more: Can hemp extract provide health benefits without getting you high?
( Oxford University Launching World Class Cannabis Research Center ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 28, 2017 10:44 AM
Oxford University plans to open a world class cannabis research facility. This center would seek to research THC and CMD as potential therapies and treatments for a variety of illnesses. Despite the plant being illegal in the UK and in many other countries, Kingsley hopes to find ways to harness the healing properties of cannabis and put the UK on track as a leader in this rapidly growing field. The center also plans to host international conventions where researchers from across the globe can share their findings. Read more: Oxford University Launching World Class Cannabis Research Center
( CBD and MS: Can Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 26, 2017 03:59 PM
Although cannabis is still illegal on a federal level, more states have been passing laws to make this miracle plant available to those in medical need (and some even recreational). Cannabis has been shown to greatly help people who are suffering with MS by treating some of the symptoms (inflammation, pain, sleep deprivation, and even depression). It has also been noticed to have a preventive factor when it comes to protecting the eyesight of the patient. Key Takeaways:
"As the many benefits of marijuana continue to be discovered across the country, more and more states are deciding to legalize the plant for both recreational and medicinal use. One of the disorders that is considered treatable by medical marijuana is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)." Read more:
( Why marijuana became illegal ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 26, 2017 11:59 AM
Marijuana became illegal largely through the efforts of a businessman named William Randolph Hearst. Hearst operated in the paper industry and faced potential competition through the hemp industry. In order to stave off competition, he began campaigning to make marijuana illegal. His campaign involved lies and deceptions and played on primitive emotions such as racism and nationalism. The effort was extended by those in government and the medical industry. The experts who helped pass the anti-marijuana laws used similar tactics and had financial interests in the outcome of the legislation. Key Takeaways:
"For thousands of years, all good quality paints and varnishes were made from hempseed/linseed oil. After 1937, they were replaced with synthetic petrochemical oils made mainly by DuPont." Read more:
( Cannabidiol Oil Producers Praise New Marijuana Definition ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 24, 2017 03:44 PM
The State of Oklahoma has a new definition for marijuana and it now includes cannabidiol. The new classification made by the Governor is a move greatly supported by the medical companies producing cannabidiol or medical marijuana oil. One of the companies in Oklahoma City has been producing cannabidiol with no THC, the ingredient that leads to a high. Company official believe their product could become used nationwide. Lawmakers made the change in the classification after seeing the important medical benefits in a young patient. Key Takeaways:
"I think it puts Oklahoma on a map for a viable source for pharmaceutical-grade cannabis products" Read more:
( Lehigh Valley at center of new research into industrial hemp ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 23, 2017 11:44 AM
The hemp industry may be coming to Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. Ironically, Pennsylvania was a hub of hemp cultivation until it became illegal in the 1950s. Now hemp is returning with about half of 16 upcoming research projects exploring industrial hemp slated to take place in this region. These research projects include using hemp in bio-manufacturing, erosion control, and using hemp to absorb toxins in soil. With all this new interest in hemp cultivation, it has the potential to become a big industry in Pennsylvania. Key Takeaways:
"Lehigh will evaluate the use of hemp for erosion control and phytoremediation." Read more:
( DEA Reiterates: Hemp CBD is Illegal ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 19, 2017 03:44 PM
The DEA has reiterated that Hemp CBD is illegal. It does not matter what the sellers of CBD oil tell you, it is illegal. The DEA believes it is illegal in all fifty states. The authority that the DEA has over drugs comes from the Controlled Substances Act. This issue is important to many people. Key Takeaways:
"The term ”marihuana” means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L., whether growing or not." Reference:
( Cops block Kansas farmers' hemp bonanza ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 02:59 PM
Since other states are allowed to use hemp for farming, Kansas farmers feel they should be allowed to as well but that is not the case. Since hemp is closely related to marijuana, the police officers in Kansas feel that should be illegal as well. Plus, who is to say they are only going to use it for agricultural reasons. However, if it can be allowed in one state for farming it should be allowed in the others and should only have repercussions if it is abused. Key Takeaways:
"You could smoke a bale of industrial hemp and never want a single Dorito." Read more:
( Can CBD Help you Lose Weight? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 25, 2017 10:59 AM
CBD has been in the headlines and in the spotlight for those battling many different health ailments. Many supporters say that it works better at treating common and uncommon health problems that might affect you. Now, new research is available, suggesting that weight loss is another problem that CBD can help. Learn the facts here. Key Takeaways:
"Most of the four million medical marijuana patients in the U.S. get their license recommendations from a doctor they never see again." Reference: //
( Are the Unique Phytocannabinoids Found in Cannabis Actually Essential Nutrients? The Answer ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 22, 2017 07:59 AM
Cannabis oil is steeped in controversy. Some want it to be illegal and others swear by its powers to heal and help. There are many supposed benefits to it. This discusses nutrients it may contain. If you're a skeptic or even if you already like it you may be interested in this. Key Takeaways:
"The sooner that governments of the world recognize that cannabis prohibition is detrimental to the health of mankind, the sooner the world can start getting healthy." Reference:
( Hemp is a Wonder Plant ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 10, 2017 10:59 AM
Hemp is a really amazing plant. Energy drinks are a huge industry, but most of them are very unhealthy and even illegal to be sold to minors. The government of the United States has outlawed a crop that was cultivated for 10000 years. However, there has been an easing on the restrictions from both the state and federal levels recently. Key Takeaways:
"As cannabis continues to legalize, hemp is a wonder plant with never ever benefits, and it will continue to integrate in consumer products like RMHB." Reference:
( Is the Mediterranean diet good for kids, too? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 05, 2017 02:59 PM
Putting kids on a diet can be dangerous for them because kids have certain needs. They are still growing and need the proper fuel to do that. This talks about this and about the Mediterranean diet in particular. Before putting kids on any type of diet ask a doctor and do your own research so you don't hurt them. Key Takeaways:
"The easy-to-follow Mediterranean diet involves eating mostly vegetables, fruits, legumes, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish." Reference: //
( Did cannabis oil prove to be a miracle cure for this little boy with epilepsy? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 16, 2017 12:59 PM
Bruno Delgado of Florida is one case that shows the miracle medicinal cannabis can provide to patients who suffer from seizures. He went from suffering from 300 seizures to barely any. It makes his condition much more manageable. In order to get to the point they are at, his mother had to go over the recommended dose imposed by Florida law. However, she says it is much more preferable to his suffering. Many people are calling for marijuana to be legalized so research can progress. Right now, they are hindered by legal restrictions. Key Takeaways:
""Though cannabis use has now been legalised by above 50 American states, it is still considered illegal for any sort of usage and labelled as a narcotic drug by the federal government."" Reference:
( 5 Reasons the DEA's Marijuana Ruling Is Absurd and Indefensible ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 31, 2016 11:59 AM
On December 14, 2016, in the Federal Register, DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg made cannabis a Schedule I controlled substance by making it illegal to use. People suffering from medical issues often use cannabis (CBD) and CBD oil in their treatment. Opponents to the new classification argue that cannabis should not be included in Schedule 1 drugs. For starters, they say it’s not psychoactive, addictive, or dangerous. Also, the US government has conducted research on the drug and concluded that it has medical benefits. In addition, it has been helpful in treating other coditions, like seizures and schizophrenia. Key Takeaways:
"While it’s possible to abuse marijuana (along with anything else), dependence and addiction are rare." Reference:
( The Sky's Not Falling! Media Misreporting DEA on CBD “Illegality” ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 23, 2016 12:59 PM
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recently created a new code for tracking of cannabis extracts, independent of the code that tracks cannabis itself. This minor tweak to their paperwork unfortunately set off an internet scare, with multiple news sources stating that the new code effectively reversed cannabis and hemp legality when dealing with extracts rather than plants. That was not the case: the DEA has made clear that their coding system has no legal implications, and those statements have been confirmed by industry and legal experts. Key Takeaways:
"Later, in a follow-up phone interview Baer reiterated to The Cannabist that the move allows the DEA to more accurately track elements such as scientific and medical studies, as researchers use the codes to identify which substance they’re examining." Reference:
( Collusion: DEA bans plant medicines, then Big Pharma patents them for profits ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 17, 2016 02:59 PM
For all of our history we as a people have been using plant remedies and medicines for our greater good. Recently we've seen the sea step in and begin to ban a lot of what were for centuries considered the best natural medicines. Pharma then comes in and somehow gets a patent for them. Key Takeaways:
"Big Pharma companies mass-produce and sell synthetic THC formulations, such as Marinol" Reference:
( What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2014 02:40 AM
Cause of GMO
Negative effects of genetically modified products have been observed in 1996, this was due to the number of Americans expressing a number of illnesses after consuming foods that have been engineered for 9 years.
Allergies increased including digestive problems and autism, while other research has yet to support this claim, many non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace are already making campaigns against the production of GMO infused crops and meat.
What are the other negative impacts of GMO?
1. Cancer causing components - GMO according to the American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association, have stated that the growth hormone present from cow’s milk treated by hormone IGF-1 can lead to cancer.
2. Long term negative effects on the body - GMO components can contaminate forever, it can cross pollinate, and the seeds can travel. Once it infects a certain area, it can contaminate the entire gene pool. This means, that the health of future generations is already compromised and for this reason, the production has to be stopped right away before it infects more population.
3. Dangerous side effects - the mere process of creation of GMO's can produce toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional deficiencies.
The direct production and consumption is already endangering a number of species including bees.
Many governments continue to remain lax about the issue, GMOs are illegally being sold and created in many countries, and people need to learn as much as they can in order to learn how they can prevent GMO products from entering their market. Sources
( What Is Paraben and Why We Should Avoid It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 10, 2014 01:53 PM
What is paraben
Common types of paraben The most common type of Parabens are methyl, propyl and butylParaben. There are many harmful effects of Parabens, some of the most notorious side effects are; Disrupts Endocrine System When absorbed into the body system, Parabens disrupts endocrine system by increasing production of hormone notably estrogen and at times they may act as estrogen. The body is triggered to produce excessive estrogen which has variety of adverse effects. For example, increased production of estrogen can lead to ovarian cysts, unstable emotions and mood swing. The most notable effect of increased estrogen in the body resulting from use of Parabens is breast cancer. Research shows that Parabens accumulate in breast and are major contributors to breast cancer. Leads to sudden weight gain. Parabens are known to contribute to excessive weight, though actual gain depends on individual and the amount of Parabens in the body, they interfere with thyroid glands which leads to excessive weight gain since body cannot regulate the amount of Parabens in the body. Excessive weight may also be caused by high amount of estrogen produced. Negative Affects to Reproductive Health Parabens have negative effects to reproductive health, for instance, they leads to low level of testosterone. This leads to low libido in men and in worst case it may cause infertility. Premature aging. Although cosmetics aims at enhancing your beauty by making you look young, use of Parabens can actually hastens skin aging process. This alters your look and at times may completely change your skin complexion. It is clear that Parabens are very dangerous to the body, though Food and Drug Administration has no illegalized use of this product for preservation, there is clear reason why they should be avoided. Source
( How to manage high blood pressure with herbs and vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 20, 2012 06:42 AM
What is high blood pressure? High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a very common health condition whereby one's blood is pumped through the arteries at a higher than normal pressure. High blood pressure may lead to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke. The quantity of blood pumped by the heart and the level of resistance to the flow of blood in the arteries. The more one's heart pumps blood and the narrower their arteries, the higher will be their blood pressure. Many people have hypertension without even knowing it for years. This is because the condition does not usually show any symptoms. Having uncontrolled hypertension increases a person's risk of developing serious medical conditions, for example heart disease or stroke. Typically, high blood pressure develops over a long period of time, usually for years and can affect almost everybody eventually. Thankfully, the condition can easily be detected. And once somebody knows they have it, they can get medical advice on how to control it from a doctor. Causes of high blood pressure There are two well known types of hypertension-primary/essential high blood pressure and secondary hypertension. The first type of high blood pressure occurs in most adults and has no identifiable cause. It tends to develop slowly over a number of years. On the other hand, secondary hypertension is a condition that seems to appear suddenly and is usually caused by an underlying health condition. This type of blood pressure is higher in intensity compared to primary hypertension. Some medications and conditions can lead to secondary hypertension and they include: Kidney disorders Congenital blood vessel defects Adrenal gland tumors Certain medications, for example cold remedies, birth control pills, decongestants, pain relief tablets bought over the counter as well as prescription medicines illegal drugs like amphetamines and cocaine What are the symptoms of high blood pressure? Most people who have hypertension do not have any signs or symptoms, no matter the seriousness of the condition. Even though a small fraction of people with early-stage hypertension may get dizzy spells, dull headaches, or even heavy nose bleeding from time to time, these signs as well as symptoms normally do not appear until the condition has reached a critical and even life-threatening stage. How high blood pressure can be controlled with vitamins and herbs Vitamins Certain vitamins are said to lower high blood pressure as well as support one's cardiovascular system. One of the vitamins that can help is vitamin C. it is an important vitamin that can help to manage hypertension as it is rich in antioxidants, which help in prevention of stroke and heart attack. Other vitamins that can help to prevent or control high blood pressure include vitamins A, E, D and B6. Whole grains, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, chicken, corn, salmon, just to mention a few, are good sources of essential vitamins that help in controlling hypertension. Herbs Herbs such as Hawthorn, Rauwolfia Serpentina/Indian snakeroot, and Ginkgo Biloba etc can also be used in lowering blood pressure. All these herbs can also strengthen your cardiovascular system to help in lowering the blood pressure and allow for better circulation. However, make sure you consult an experienced herbalist or healthcare specialist before you use any of the above herbs to control your hypertension.
( Butcher's Broom Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 02, 2008 11:04 AM
Butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is a member of the lily family, and looks a bit like a holly bush with barbed evergreen leaves and bright red berries in the fall. At one time they were collected, tied together and sold to butchers as brooms to sweep out their shops. The stiff leaves were particularly suitable for cleaning out offal and other waste products from butchered animals and also for scrubbing butcher’s blocks. It was also used as a deterrent to rodents with their eyes on the meat! Alternative names are sweet broom, kneeholy and Jew’s myrtle, so named because it was used during the Feast of the Tabernacles as one of the ‘four species’ used in the lulav. The herb was commonly used in Ancient Greece and Rome, the Greeks using it to reduce swellings of various kinds and the Romans using it to treat varicose veins. It has the same uses today, only the mechanisms are understood better. It has been used for centuries in the Mediterranean area for the treatment of inflammations and problems with the circulation, and the Romans used to mash up the leaves and berries to add to wine, and they also used the roots and rhizome as a medicine by soaking them in wine. Today, it is illegal to use holly as a decoration in Italy, so butcher’s broom is used instead. All parts of the plant are used, including the rhizome, and although it is used as a diuretic, and to control a loss of blood pressure experience by some people on standing up, it is its effect on blood vessels where its main medical benefits lie. Butcher’s Broom can strengthen certain portions of blood vessels, and change the flexibility properties of the cell walls. The result of this is that the vessels are tightened up, which helps to maintain the flow of blood throughout the body, but also renders the cell walls less likely to leak or crack under stress. The result is a reduction in blood leakage from stretched and weakened blood vessels such as those that result in hemorrhoids, and also of conditions caused by weakened valves in the veins such as varicose veins and spider veins. The blood pressure in the veins is very weak since they are so far away from the heart, the blood having passed through the arteries, through the capillaries and into the veins on its way back to the heart before being pumped to the lungs. When the valves become weakened, particularly in the large veins in the leg, there is little to prevent the blood from coming under the influence of gravity and pooling back down the vein, causing distention and occasional ruptures. A ruptured varicose vein can be very serious and cause significant blood loss. Weakened valves can also lead to the formation of blood clots, which is itself a very serious condition that eventually blocks the heart or causes a stroke. Not only can butcher’s broom strengthen the vein walls and prevent leakage, and also enable them to more easily resist the pressure that can cause them to rupture, but it can also be used to break down blood clots. In fact the herb is used in many European hospitals to prevent the formation of blood clots after surgery. The active ingredients in the rhizome are saponins that contain the aglycones ruscogenin and neuroscogenin and the associated spirostanol and furostanol glycosides. The receptors that cause vasocontraction are known as adrenoreceptors, these receptors can be selectively stimulated by butcher’s broom extract to tighten the veins and improve the return of blood. When introduced intravenously, butcher’s broom was noted to constrict venules (small veins that feed the main veins but not arterioles (the small arteries than feed the capillaries). Hence blood vessels can be selectively treated, and the effect on isolated blood vessels was enhanced by heating. Many supplements include calcium that helps to strengthen the blood vessel walls. It is possible, therefore, to target the blood vessels that require constrictive treatment in order that they are strong enough to return blood to the heart rather than leak or distend. However, that is not the only health benefit that butcher’s broom provides. It can also be used as a diuretic. It is not a strong diuretic, but is used to relief the swelling of bruises and PMS, the reason given being that since leakage from the blood vessels is lessened, then more fluid is available to pass through the kidneys. There might be other reasons. It is also use for the treatment of ortho static hypotension, the reduction in blood pressure that some people experience. It is believed that butcher’s broom can control this condition without increasing blood pressure, as most other remedies do, and which is almost as undesirable as the condition they are treating. There are few problems associated with the herb, although few studies have been carried out its use by pregnant women. Although the one test that was carried indicated no effect, it would be wise for pregnant or nursing women not to use it until further studies have been carried out. Due to its effect in tightening blood vessels, its use is not recommended by anybody suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension). Many hypertension treatments are designed to render the blood vessels more elastic rather than constrict them. In one very small study of pregnant women who used a topical cream containing butcher's broom, no side effects were seen for either the mother or the baby. However, very little information is available on how oral butcher's broom might affect a developing fetus, an infant, or a small child. Therefore, its use is not recommended during pregnancy, while breast-feeding, or during early childhood. Because it tightens blood vessels, butcher's broom may worsen high blood pressure or benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). Individuals with either of these conditions should not use any form of butcher's broom without first consulting a doctor. The known side effects have already been stated, and they are fairly mild, but few studies have been made on the herb other than in Europe, and the side effects have not been fully explored. It is unlikely; however, that there are any as yet unknown serious side effects since butcher’s broom has been used now for a long time, particularly in Europe.
The term ‘ruscogenin’ is used for the collective mixture of active saponins in butcher’s broom, and many of the supplements are formulated to include from 5 to 15 mg of these. However, check the label, since standardization is not yet required in the USA, and in theory a preparation can include much more or much less ruscogenin. It is frequently supplied with other active ingredients, such as vitamin C or calcium, and perhaps even horse chestnut that affect blood vessels in a similar way. Always follow the instructions on the package, since these are designed for the specific strength of supplement you are using.
( CRN Steps Up Efforts Against Calif. High School Sports Supplement Bill ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 26, 2005 09:16 AM
Washington - The council for Responsible nutrition (CRN) has stepped up its efforts to amend Calif. S.B. 37, an oft-amended bill that originally sought to protect high school athletes from performance-enhancing substances, but has been recently changed to focus on two supplements—ephedra and DHEA—already illegal to California minors, As well as synephrine, which is on the U.S. Anti-doping Agency (USADA) watch list. In addition to its regular opposition efforts, including a position statement, CRN gave each legislator a poster, detailing concerns about the narrow focus on the bill and the possible motives behind the bill’s current focus on dietary supplements. “We are not opposed to preventing young athletes from abusing harmful products”, said Judy Blatman of CRN. “We are suggesting a simple amendment—change the words ‘dietary supplements’ to ‘performance enhancing substances.’ Broadening the language to include steroids, growth hormones and illegal drugs would encourage athletes to avoid use of harmful substances.” The bill, created by Jackie Speier (D-Hillsborough), was introduced last year but was vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for being to “broad, vague and unfocused,” according to Blatman. Schwarzenegger then drew fire for his connections to supplement marketers and several sports nutrition-based magazines.
( THE FDA AND STEVIA ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 12:45 PM
THE FDA AND STEVIA While stevia in no way qualifies as an “artificial sweetener,” it has been subject to rigorous inquiry and unprecedented restraints. In 1986, FDA officials began to investigate herb companies selling stevia and suddenly banned its sale, calling it “an unapproved food additive.” Then in 1991, the FDA unexpectedly announced that all importation of stevia leaves and products must cease, with the exception of certain liquid extracts which are designed for skin care only. They also issued formal warnings to companies and claimed that the herb was illegal. The FDA was unusually aggressive in its goal to eliminate stevia from American markets, utilizing search and seizure tactics, embargoes and import bans. Speculation as to why the FDA intervened in stevia commerce points to the politics of influential sugar marketers and the artificial-sweetener industry. During the same year, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) began their defense of the herb with the goal of convincing the FDA that stevia is completely safe. They gathered documented literature and research on both stevia and other non-caloric sweeteners. The overwhelming consensus was that stevia is indeed safe, and the AHPA petitioned the FDA to exempt stevia from food additive regulations. Food Additive vs. Dietary Supplement FDA regulations of stevia were based on its designation as a food additive. The claim was that scientific study on stevia as a food additive was inadequate. Ironically, extensive Japanese testing of stevia was disregarde—regardless of the fact that this body of documented evidence more than sufficiently supported its safe use. Many experts who have studied stevia and its FDA requirements have commented that the FDA wants far more proof that stevia is safe than they would demand from chemical additives like aspartame. Stevia advocates point out that stevia not a food additive, but rather, a food. Apparently, foods that have traditionally been consumed do not require laborious and expensive testing for safety under FDA regulations. The fact that so many toxicology studies have been conducted in Japan, coupled with the herb’s long history of safe consumption, makes a strong case for stevia being accepted by the FDA as a safe dietary substance. Still, it was denied the official GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status and designated a food additive by the FDA. The FDA Reverses Its Position As a result of the Health Freedom Act passed in September of 1995, stevia leaves, stevia extract, and stevioside can be imported to the United States. However, ingredient labels of products that contain stevia must qualify as dietary supplements. Stevia had been redesignated as a dietary supplement by the FDA and consequently can be legally sold in the United States solely as a supplement. Its addition to teas or other packaged foods is still banned. Moreover, stevia cannot, under any circumstances, be marketed as a sweetener or flavor enhancer. SUGAR, SUGAR EVERYWHERE Ralph Nader once said, “If God meant us to eat sugar, he wouldn’t have invented dentists.” The average American eats over 125 pounds of white sugar every year. It has been estimated that sugar makes up 25 percent of our daily caloric intake, with soda pop supplying the majority of our sugar ingestion. Desserts and sugar-laden snacks continually tempt us, resulting in an escalated taste for sweets. The amount of sugar we consume has a profound effect on both our physical and mental well-being. Sugar is a powerful substance which can have drug-like effects and is considered addictive by some nutritional experts. William Duffy, the author of Sugar Blues, states,“The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addition is largely one of degree.” In excess, sugar can be toxic. Sufficient amounts of B-vitamins are actually required to metabolize and detoxify sugar in our bodies. When the body experiences a sugar overload, the assimilation of nutrients from other foods can be inhibited. In other words, our bodies were not designed to cope with the enormous quantity of sugar we routinely ingest. Eating too much sugar can generate a type of nutrient malnutrition, not to mention its contribution to obesity, diabetes, hyperactivity, and other disorders. Sugar can also predispose the body to yeast infections, aggravate some types of arthritis and asthma, cause tooth decay, and may even elevate our blood lipid levels. Eating excess sugar can also contribute to amino acid depletion, which has been linked with depression and other mood disorders. To make matters worse, eating too much sugar can actually compromise our immune systems by lowering white blood cells counts. This makes us more susceptible to colds and other infections. Sugar consumption has also been linked to PMS, osteoporosis and coronary heart disease. Why Do We Crave Sweets? Considering the sobering effects of a high sugar diet, why do we eat so much of it? One reason is that sugar gives us a quick infusion of energy. It can also help to raise the level of certain brain neurotransmitters which may temporarily elevate our mood. Sugar cravings stem from a complex mix of physiological and psychological components. Even the most brilliant scientists fail to totally comprehend this intriguing chemical dependence which, for the most part, hurts our overall health. What we do know is that when sugary foods are consumed, the pancreas must secrete insulin, a hormone which serves to bring blood glucose levels down. This allows sugar to enter our cells where it is either burned off or stored. The constant ups and downs of blood sugar levels can become exaggerated in some individuals and cause all kinds of health problems. Have you ever been around someone who is prone to sudden mood swings characterized by violent verbal attacks or irritability? This type of volatile behavior is typical of people who crave sugar, eat it and then experience sugar highs and lows. Erratic mood swings can be linked to dramatic drops in blood sugar levels. Hypoglycemia: Sign of Hard Times? It is rather disturbing to learn that statisticians estimate that almost 20 million Americans suffer from some type of faulty glucose tolerance. Hypoglycemia and diabetes are the two major forms of blood sugar disorders and can deservedly be called modern day plagues. Hypoglycemia is an actual disorder that can cause of number of seemingly unrelated symptoms. More and more studies are pointing to physiological as well as psychological disorders linked to disturbed glucose utilization in brain cells. One study, in particular, showed that depressed people have overall lower glucose metabolism (Slagle, 22). Hypoglycemia occurs when too much insulin is secreted in order to compensate for high blood sugar levels resulting from eating sugary or high carbohydrate foods. To deal with the excess insulin, glucagon, cortisol and adrenalin pour into the system to help raise the blood sugar back to acceptable levels. This can inadvertently result in the secretion of more insulin and the vicious cycle repeats itself. A hypoglycemic reaction can cause mood swings, fatigue, drowsiness, tremors, headaches, dizziness, panic attacks, indigestion, cold sweats, and fainting. When blood sugar drops too low, an overwhelming craving for carbohydrates results. To satisfy the craving and compensate for feelings of weakness and abnormal hunger, sugary foods are once again consumed in excess. Unfortunately, great numbers of people suffer from hypoglycemic symptoms. Ironically, a simple switch from a high sugar diet to one that emphasizes protein can help. In addition, because sugar cravings are so hard to control, a product like stevia can be of enormous value in preventing roller coaster blood sugar levels. One Colorado internist states: People who are chronically stressed and are on a roller coaster of blood sugar going up and down are especially prone to dips in energy at certain times of day. Their adrenals are not functioning optimally, and when they hit a real low point, they want sugar. It usually happens in mid-afternoon when the adrenal glands are at their lowest level of functioning. (Janiger, 71) Our craving for sweets in not intrinsically a bad thing; however, what we reach for to satisfy that craving can dramatically determine how we feel. Stevia can help to satisfy the urge to eat something sweet without changing blood sugar levels in a perfectly natural way and without any of the risks associated with other non-nutritive sweeteners. Diabetes: Pancreas Overload? Diabetes is a disease typical of western cultures and is evidence of the influence that diet has on the human body. Perhaps more than any other disease, diabetes shuts down the mechanisms which permit proper carbohydrate/sugar metabolism. When the pancreas no longer secretes adequate amounts of insulin to metabolize sugar, that sugar continues to circulate in the bloodstream causing all kinds of health problems. The type of diabetes that comes in later years is almost always related to obesity and involves the inability of sugar to enter cells, even when insulin is present. Diabetes can cause blindness, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, the loss of nerve function, recurring infections, and the inability to heal. Heredity plays a profound role in the incidence of diabetes, but a diet high in white sugar and empty carbohydrates unquestionably contributes to the onset of the disease. It is estimated that over five million Americans are currently undergoing medical treatment for diabetes and studies suggest that there are at least four million Americans with undetected forms of adult onset diabetes. Diabetes is the third cause of death in this country and reflects the devastating results of a diet low in fiber and high in simple carbohydrates. Most of us start our children on diets filled with candy, pop, chips, cookies, doughnuts, sugary juice, etc. Studies have found that diabetes is a disease which usually plagues societies that eat highly refined foods. Because we live in a culture that worships sweets, the availability of a safe sweetener like stevia, which does not cause stress on the pancreas is extremely valuable. If sugar consumption was cut in half by using stevia to
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