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Supplementing with omega-3 can improve sperm motility and qualityof seminal plasma ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 28, 2019 05:16 PM
Researchers located in Australia and Iran tested 143 men who were facing infertility in order to see if consumption of omega-3 fatty acids could improve their fertility rates. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that is naturally introduced to the body through omega-3 fatty acids was shown to significantly increase fertility levels in the men who engaged in routine consumption, and it also supplemented their levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is also directly related to adequate fertility rates. Key Takeaways:
"In conducting the review, they investigated three studies on the supplementation of DHA or EPA, either alone or in combination with other micronutrients, in a total of 147 infertile men. The studies also involved 143 infertile men who belonged to the control group or did not receive any omega-3 fatty acid supplement." Read more:
( Omega-3 fatty acids can treat male infertility ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 27, 2019 12:08 PM
Medical experts located in Iran and Australia have been studying the connection between the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and how it can impact male fertility. The study consisted of 143 men that had their semen tested in order to see if it had appropriate levels of DHA and EPA, which are two main components in active fertile responses in men. After consistently taking in omega-3 fatty acids, a recognizable increase in both DHA and EPA were shown. Key Takeaways:
"In conclusion, the findings of the systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that supplementing infertile men with omega-3 fatty acids may significantly improve sperm motility and seminal DHA concentration." Read more:
( There is a STRONG link between exposure to endocrine-disruptingchemicals and vitamin D deficiency ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 22, 2019 04:39 PM
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA are a group of over 80,000 manufactured chemicals that are present within the products that we use on a consistent basis. These chemicals can unfortunately lead to many health implications such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Studies have even shown that those who are exposed to higher levels of EDCs are more prone to developing Vitamin D deficiencies. All of these harmful health risks show just how dangerous these man-made chemicals can be to our bodies. Key Takeaways:
"But recent research has shown that the hazards of BPA and other endocrine disruptors can even cause vitamin D deficiency — which can cause a whole host of other health issues." Read more:
( Male infertility can be caused by a taurine deficiency ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2019 08:50 AM
Scientists recently conducted a study that showed their male mice who had low levels of cysteine dioxygenase were also facing signs of low fertility rates. Cysteine dioxygenase is commonly known as CDO, and some refer to it in the medical field as tourine. Due to the high levels of tourine showing to increase fertility levels in male mice and vice versa, researchers are now presuming that the same may be true for human males facing the same issues. Key Takeaways:
"The study suggested that a deficiency in taurine, a vital amino acid which is found abundantly in the male reproductive system, can deform sperm and may lead to male infertility." Read more:
( How medicinal mushrooms keep you strong even if you're constantlystressed ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 21, 2018 02:23 PM
Mushrooms have long been associated with alternative medicine. The Chinese led the way to mushroom use for treatment of infertility, cancer, and PTSD. Nowadays, people are also turning to mushrooms to help keep bodies healthy during stressful times. Medicinal mushrooms can also regulate cortisol levels. When people have difficulty falling asleep the reishi mushroom can help with that. Chaga can help reduce inflammation. The lion’s mane mushroom can help lift cognitive function during moments of stress. Key Takeaways:
"Something that all medicinal mushrooms have in common is that they possess adaptogenic properties, which primarily involves regulating cortisol levels." Read more:
( 5 Ginger Benefits for Men That You Should Know About ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 29, 2018 12:32 PM
Did you know that ginger is really beneficial for a man's health? The nutrients found in ginger helps combat erectile dysfunction and also infertility. The ginger extract helps ward off cancer cell's growth in the prostate. Ginger also contains properties that are used for treating colon cancer, a disease that affects more men than women. Ginger's nutrients also help to prevent heart disease. Finally, magnesium and manganese have been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is especially helpful for diabetics. Key Takeaways:
"These properties are useful in the treatment of colon cancer. In the light of these findings, scientists are working on making a drug that contains gingerol and helps serve as an anti-cancer drug." Read more:
( Regular consumption of nuts may improve male fertility ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 05, 2018 05:54 PM
A new study has discovered that men that incorporate nuts into their diet can boost their male fertility. The study, which followed nearly 120 young men, found that those in the study group that regularly ate nuts that included walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts experienced enhanced mobility and vitality as well as higher sperm counts. At the same time, the nut consumers were found to have lower levels of sperm DNA fragmentation, which can lead to infertility. More studies will be needed to make a solid connection between nuts and male fertility. Key Takeaways:
"The study participants who consistently consumed nuts showed notable improvements in the vitality, mobility, morphology, and the number of their sperm – factors that are all associated with male fertility." Read more:
( Increasing Rates of Male Infertility + 5 Natural Remedies ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 02, 2017 01:14 PM
In the last 40 years sperm counts have dropped by 50 percent among men in North America, Australia, Europe and New Zealand. In North America male infertility is currently 4 to 6 percent, accounting for about one third of cases of couples failing to conceive. Successful treatment of male infertility depends on the root cause. However, there are certain lifestyle changes that can positively affect fertility. These include not smoking, reducing stress, and improving diet by avoiding such things as high-fat processed meats, refined sugars and grains, and caffeine and alcohol. Key Takeaways:
"While there are a number of male infertility causes, ranging from hormone imbalances and certain medications to infections and chromosome defects, we’re going to focus on environmental and lifestyle factors today." Read more:
( Offal: Are Organ Meats Healthy to Eat? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 17, 2017 12:14 PM
People might question whether or not organ meat is actually healthy to consume. It has been a largely controversial topic as of late. People wonder if it is part of a super food group, or something to be avoided like the plague. Offal is another term for organ meat. Most of American's diets are about eating the muscles of other animals. There are a lot of beliefs on the subject and it's hard to discern the truth in this area by relying on what people say. Key Takeaways:
"Liver is good for you, just like most organ meats for most people." Read more:
( top 5 vitamin d benefits for women ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 19, 2017 07:59 AM
Everyone needs vitamin D, but with this super vitamin often times women are missing out. There are great health benefits to women who take or eat enough vitamin D. Stronger bones and increased fertility are just a few of the benefits of women who choose to supplement with vitamin D every day. Key Takeaways:
"Vitamin D should be a staple supplement for everyone, especially women. If you want to get pregnant, it’s essential." Reference:
( Say NO to GMO in America ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 05, 2016 10:18 PM
Coming from over 50 countries, countless millions of people have expressed their disapproval over attempted corporate ownership of plant seeds through GMO (genetically modified organisms). Having said that, the corporations involved have assured the public that GMO is safe and want us to believe that it's more efficient at feeding the world by giving higher yields and have greater resistance to extreme weather conditions. Safety of GMOAccording to a growing number of scientists such as world leading expert Dr Don Huber GMO expert, professor of plant pathology at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, USA, there has been NO peer reviewed evidence to support the idea that GMO crops are safe. On the contrary, a vast catalogue of scientific evidence has built up over the years showing that GMO is unsafe.Public consumption of genetically modified crops have been accused of causing ill health in the form of allergies, cancer, birth defects and infertility. It also includes toxicity, reduced nutritional value, environmental damage and political unrest such as that with farmer's and consumer's disputes. The Revolving Door EffectApproval bodies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) decide whether or not a food or drug is fit to go out on the market for consumption. GMO is not safe. Nor has it shown to produce higher yield, greater nutritional value or resist drought conditions better than non-GMO according to many experts such as Professor John Fagan, award-winning Geneticist, Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA.Yes, of course we should say NO to GMO. It is spurred on by corporate greed and political self interest with more than its fair share of hidden ulterior motives. The technology is unimaginably potentially dangerous and could be perceived as one of the biggest threats to humanity if allowed to get out of control.
( FDA Steps Up Warnings for Testosterone ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2016 03:49 PM
Testosterone and other steroid drugs can cause heart attacks, personality changes and infertility. The FDA also warned that people abusing high doses of testosterone have reported withdrawal symptoms such as depression, irritability, decreased libido, insomnia and others. Testosterone is not approved for treating the effects of aging. Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of testosterone. These are prescribed to treat conditions such as delayed puberty and diseases that cause muscle loss like cancer or AIDS. Key Takeaways:
"They are legally prescribed to treat conditions such as delayed puberty and diseases that cause muscle loss, such as cancer or AIDS." Reference:
( Do you need to regulate hormones ? Experience Chaste Berries Powerful Effects ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 17, 2016 09:58 AM
Would you believe that a simple berry could be the solution to hormone normalization and regulation? The Chaste berry has been shown to treat suffering from symptoms of menopause, menstrual irregularities, pre-menstral syndrome, and infertility. However, Chaste berries benefits do not end with women as the berry has also seen use as a natural way to balance hormones in men and may actually prevent prostate cancer.
Chaste berry, also known as vitex, has the ability to regulate and stimulate anterior pituitary functions and has been shown to restore normal estrogen to progesterone levels in women. This is accomplished by attaching to dopamine receptors and decreasing output of prolactin. It is this process that allows Chaste berry to treat the multitude of different hormonal issues that it does and ultimately regulate and normalize hormone levels.
In conclusion, there are many different uses for Chaste berry when it comes to hormonal health. For women the berry has shown successful use as a treatment for PMS pains, fertility challenges, and abnormal menses. In men, Chaste berry has been used to prevent prostate cancer and balance hormones. Chaste berry has also been indicated to effectively treat acne in both male and females. Who would’ve thought you could get all that from one little berry?
( STEVIA – BETTER THAN SUGAR ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2015 05:11 PM
Stevia is a natural sweetener that originates in South America – Paraguay and Brazil, mostly – with no calories and is remarkably much sweeter than sugar. The stevia plant Stevia Rebaudiana derives its sweetness from steviol glycocides. The extract is then processed for sale in the form of Truvia and PureVia around North America. It is not yet approved as an additive due to possible side effects of male infertility and genetic mutations. Benefits of Stevia over Sugar
The yeast we hear about being in our bodies is called Candida albicans and it can ferment sugar in the body, causing the candidiasis infection with treatment involving cutting sugar out of your diet. Stevia does not react with the yeast and can also keep your food sweet. Stevia is a safer and healthier option to sugar. It is natural and sweeter than sugar making it a great option to combat obesity and sugar level problems the world is constantly facing.
Resources: // // //
( Three Immune Boosting Mushrooms You Can't Ignore ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 20, 2015 01:32 AM
Mushrooms are plants that belong to the fungi kingdom. These plants are not classified as vegetables, they provide essential and vital nutrients to our bodies. It is a common knowledge that the key to building strong immune systems and getting enough minerals and vitamins in the diet is by supplementing a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, the more the color the better. This knowledge has however left mushrooms, which offer a wide variety of nutrients and antioxidants to our bodies, in the dark. In many cases, foods are only considered to be nutritious if they are colored. However, this is not true for mushrooms. Let's take a look at three most common mushrooms that positively impact the overall immune system and how they make it happen. Maitake MushroomMaitake mushrooms are common in Asian countries. This mushroom subspecies has shown effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. They can also be used to treat some side effects that are commonly associated with various chemical treatments such as chemotherapy for cancer. It is also used in the other conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, high cholesterol, hay fever, weight loss, diabetes, hypertension and infertility due to poly cystic ovary syndrome. How it works This species of mushroom contains chemicals that might stimulate the immune system and help fight tumors. There is also evidence that it can also be used as an effective regimen in efforts to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, improve cholesterol levels. Studies have also shown that it is effective in weight loss management. Reishi MushroomsReishi mushrooms are a type of fungi that some people describe as "woody" and "tough". The fruiting body of this plant and the filaments connecting a group of mushrooms has been used greatly as medicine. The plant is also used to boost the immune system, lung conditions including bronchitis and asthma, viral infections such as swine flu, influenza and avian flu, heart disease. It is also effective in maintaining other contributing conditions such hypertension, high cholesterol, liver disease and cancer. Other conditions where Reishi mushrooms are used are insomnia, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue, herpes pain and poisoning. In combination with other forms of herbs, they are also used in the treatment of prostate cancer. How it WorksReishi mushrooms contain a wide variety of antioxidants and chemicals that have potential benefits and effects on the immune system and activity against tumors. Shiitake MushroomAn extract made from this mushroom is used as medicine. Although it is used widely as medicine, it is also consumed as food. Shiitake mushrooms are used to lower blood cholesterol levels, boost t-cells and as an anti-aging agent. How it WorksThis type of mushroom contains chemicals that help in lowering cholesterol levels. It contains chemicals that keep cancerous tumors from getting bigger. References: 1. // 3. //
( What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2014 02:40 AM
Cause of GMO
Negative effects of genetically modified products have been observed in 1996, this was due to the number of Americans expressing a number of illnesses after consuming foods that have been engineered for 9 years.
Allergies increased including digestive problems and autism, while other research has yet to support this claim, many non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace are already making campaigns against the production of GMO infused crops and meat.
What are the other negative impacts of GMO?
1. Cancer causing components - GMO according to the American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association, have stated that the growth hormone present from cow’s milk treated by hormone IGF-1 can lead to cancer.
2. Long term negative effects on the body - GMO components can contaminate forever, it can cross pollinate, and the seeds can travel. Once it infects a certain area, it can contaminate the entire gene pool. This means, that the health of future generations is already compromised and for this reason, the production has to be stopped right away before it infects more population.
3. Dangerous side effects - the mere process of creation of GMO's can produce toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional deficiencies.
The direct production and consumption is already endangering a number of species including bees.
Many governments continue to remain lax about the issue, GMOs are illegally being sold and created in many countries, and people need to learn as much as they can in order to learn how they can prevent GMO products from entering their market. Sources
( Learn about the prostate ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2014 09:25 PM
The human prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is located between the bladder and the penis. It is just in front of the rectum with the urethra running through the center from the bladder to the penis, letting out urine off the body. The prostate gland secretes fluid that is useful in nourishment and protection of sperms. The prostrate squeezes this fluid into the urethra during ejaculation and it comes out with sperms as semen. Article Body However, the prostate is faced by some conditions that lead to its dysfunctions. Some of the main conditions are. Prostate cancer: This is one of the major cancers affecting men and it kills one in every thirty-five men. Some of the treatments used to treat it are, chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and hormone therapy. Prostatitis: This is inflammation of the prostate, which is caused by infection. It is usually treated with antibiotics. Enlarged prostate: This usually affects older men above the age of fifty. Its signs are difficulty in urinating that increases with age. It can be treated through medication or surgery. This usually affects older men above the age of fifty. Its signs are difficulty in urinating that increases with age. It can be treated through medication or surgery. It is of much importance to keep the prostate healthy due to its major functions. The general function of the prostate is to secrete a slightly alkaline fluid that is white in color constituting 50-70% of the semen volume together with spermatozoa and seminal fluid. The prostatic fluid is expelled in the first ejaculate fractions together with most of the spermatozoa. Maintaining good health of the prostate for example by taking foods rich in lycopene mainly found in tomatoes lower the risk of developing prostate cancer. The pygeum africanum is made from the bark of the African palm tree while the saw palmetto is made from ripe berries of the plant serenoa repens. They are both used for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Pygeum may reduce symptoms such as nighttime urination, urinary frequency and residual urine volume. But despite that the pygeum is also proposed for prostatitis, impotence and male infertility. This makes it better than saw palmetto. Saw palmetto has mineral selenium and vitamin E while pygeum africanum has zinc. Sources
( What Is Paraben and Why We Should Avoid It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 10, 2014 01:53 PM
What is paraben
Common types of paraben The most common type of Parabens are methyl, propyl and butylParaben. There are many harmful effects of Parabens, some of the most notorious side effects are; Disrupts Endocrine System When absorbed into the body system, Parabens disrupts endocrine system by increasing production of hormone notably estrogen and at times they may act as estrogen. The body is triggered to produce excessive estrogen which has variety of adverse effects. For example, increased production of estrogen can lead to ovarian cysts, unstable emotions and mood swing. The most notable effect of increased estrogen in the body resulting from use of Parabens is breast cancer. Research shows that Parabens accumulate in breast and are major contributors to breast cancer. Leads to sudden weight gain. Parabens are known to contribute to excessive weight, though actual gain depends on individual and the amount of Parabens in the body, they interfere with thyroid glands which leads to excessive weight gain since body cannot regulate the amount of Parabens in the body. Excessive weight may also be caused by high amount of estrogen produced. Negative Affects to Reproductive Health Parabens have negative effects to reproductive health, for instance, they leads to low level of testosterone. This leads to low libido in men and in worst case it may cause infertility. Premature aging. Although cosmetics aims at enhancing your beauty by making you look young, use of Parabens can actually hastens skin aging process. This alters your look and at times may completely change your skin complexion. It is clear that Parabens are very dangerous to the body, though Food and Drug Administration has no illegalized use of this product for preservation, there is clear reason why they should be avoided. Source
( What Is Gelatin Powder Good For? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 29, 2014 04:54 PM
What is Gelatin?
Health Benefits of Gelatin Powder Gelatin powder has many health benefits.It is a source of protein and dietary collagen. It is composed of two amino acids-proline and glycine which many people do not consume adequately. This is because the amino acids are contained in organs of animals, fibrous tissue and in bones which a large population do not consume more often. These amino acids are important for proper hair, skin and nail growth. Gelatin powder helps in the recovery of joints when injured. Gelatin also provides building blocks for health joints. It has been noted that people with arthritis, joint pain and osteoporosis will see their situation improve when they take gelatine rich foods and supplements. It improves digestion as it binds to water making food move easily through the digestive truck. In this case the gelatine powder is usually used in form of a homemade bone broth. It supports hair, skin and nail growth. It will again protect your skin from wrinkles as your skin ages. Glycine which makes the large percentage in gelatine powder helps in speed wound healing and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also improves sleep ease and quality. Believe it or not, it can also be used for weight loss. This is because it boosts metabolism when taken. Gelatin powder is used to naturally balance hormones in the body. High amounts of hormones like oestrogen in the body can cause infertility, inflammation and accelerate aging. Finally, gelatine is a cost-effective and nutritious way to get proteins in to your body. References:
( How important is it to take a GLA supplement? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 04, 2013 06:43 AM
How important is it to take a GLA supplement?
10 health benefits: 1- GLA DeficiencyEvening primrose oil has a lot of fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is very crucial for general operation of the body. 2- Heart Health Studies revealed that utilizing of evening primrose oil on daily basis can assist in lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and safeguard against the coronary artery disease thus minimizing the capability of heart attacks and diseases. 3- Menstrual Pain The oil is normally used in relieving distress that is normally related with menstrual signs. Majority of women around the world get relief by applying evening primrose oil. 4- Diabetes Diabetics occasionally get challenges in producing GLA hence evening primrose oil is an effective supplement to assist them. Studies revealed that this oil can also safeguard people from diabetic neuropathy which is a nerve condition that often affects diabetics. 5- Skin Health Evening primrose oil is considered as an effective remedy for eczema and other skin disorders due to GLA and other essential fatty acids that are vital for skin health. 6- Anti-Inflammatory & Discomfort Reliever Evening primrose oil is referred to contain anti-inflammatory features and can assist to ease symptoms of chest discomfort and rheumatoid. 7- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Studies revealed that kids suffering from ADHD got relieved after taking evening primrose oil. 8- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Utilizing evening primrose oil with quality fish oil is an effective therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome. 9- Helps to Counter Impotence & Infertility Evening primrose oil can stimulate blood flow, thus it helps in solving one of the key causes of male impotence. When taken for some time, it assists in preventing blood vessels to become narrow as a result of cholesterol.10- Helping with Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms The GLA prompts the brain to make a specific type of prostaglandin called prostaglandin E that can operate to resist withdrawal symptoms. References:
( What Are The Health Benefits Of The Amino Acid Glutathione? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 30, 2013 12:33 PM
Glutathione is a naturally occurring substance produced by the liver that acts as a very good antioxidant. Apart from being produced in the body, glutathione is also found in some fruits and vegetables, and also detoxifies and boosts the human immune system. Glutathione is a very exciting and important discovery, as it can do all this, and much more. Experts who have been researching glutathione over the years have found out that it can also treat and repair the damage caused to the body by various factors like pollution, radiation, poor diet, stress, drugs, aging, burns, injury, trauma and infection. Glutathione is found in almost every cell of the body, and acts as a very important antioxidant. It is also found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Anyone with a decent diet should not have to worry about not having enough glutathione in their system. What is it that glutathione does for your body, anyway? Well, to put it simply, glutathione helps keep your cells functioning properly. It also assists the liver in freeing the body of foreign agents like chemicals and pollutants. You might dismiss glutathione as not being of much importance, but its actual role comes into effect when you become severely ill. Not enough glutathione in your body can deteriorate chances of recovery, as it is essential in keeping your cells together and in good condition. There are oral glutathione supplements available for people who don't have enough of it in their body. It has many health benefits like fighting against various diseases and aging. Some of the diseases where glutathione has been proved to effectively act include high blood pressure, cataracts, Parkinson's disease, cancer, male infertility and Alzheimer's disease. It is thus evident how beneficial glutathione is for the human body. Research is being done to explore the possibility of glutathione treating cancer, and some progress has been obtained. If we can successfully treat cancer with this powerful antioxidant, it will be a medical miracle.
( The Differences and Benefits ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 27, 2012 10:23 AM
There are different sources of healthy foods and ingredients that people can consume to boost their health and performance. Honey is one substance that is considered natural and has great various health benefits to prevent serious ailments, increase stamina, and improve the health of the skin and the overall body system. When talking about natural products related to honey and bee activities, people can also enjoy great benefits from royal jelly, bee pollen, and Propolis. Value of Royal Jelly: Although they are made through the same bee activities, the source of their existence is different; thus, leading to different health benefits and usages.
For a starter, let's talk about royal jelly first. Royal jelly is a substance that is milky or white in trait. The substance is produced by worker bees' gland in order to feed the queen bee. Although the royal jelly is also given to the larvae, it is the staple food for the queen bee. Queen bee gets to consume the jelly for life, while the larvae can only consume it for three days. The jelly is believed to contain healthy substances that make the queen bee survive for about four to five years. The reason for the health benefit of the royal jelly is the pantothenic acid and acetylcholine levels which are quite high. They are responsible in delivering nerve message between cells, in order to make sure that the body system works perfectly. The acetylcholine is believed to be responsible for Alzheimer disease. When the acetylcholine level is low, the possibility of suffering from Alzheimer is increasing. On the contrary, when the acetylcholine level is high, people can prevent the ailment. Bee Pollen: The bee pollen is gained from plants' pollen. When the worker bees collect the pollen and they mix it up with their saliva and the nectar, they create small pellets that are then used to feed the male bees. The drones (the male bees) are usually residing within the beehive. Nutritive value of bee pollen: The bee pollen itself is believed to have great health benefits since it is rich in nutrition, vitamins, and minerals. Since the pollens are rich in antioxidants, protein, carbs, amino acids, and coenzymes, the benefits people can get from consuming the pollens are:
Propolis: Propolis is another product from the bee. Known as the bee glue, the resinous and sticky substance is mainly used by bees to seal off the cracks in their hive. They collect it from tree buds, so the composition, colors, and odor are different - depending on the resin source. Uses: When Propolis is produced as cream, it is said to treat minor burns, help opening the genital herpes lesions, and heal cervix inflammation. When used as nasal spray, it can treat running nose or throat infection. When used as mouthwash, it can reduce the plaque formation, help treating gum inflammation, and reduce the numbers of bacteria.
Basically, each of these products is beneficial for people as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrition. People only need to choose which product suits their needs the most. But to answer the question, royal jelly is believed to be the most beneficial!
( lycopene ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2012 01:52 PM
Lycopene is a carotenoid that is responsible for the red color in melon, tomatoes, rosehip, guava and pink grapefruits. it is known to be highly antioxidant meaning that it is very effective in neutralizing free radicals which could damage the body cells. Since its discovery in 1964 by Alex R. Torres, it has been observed that this compound is easily absorbed in the body when processed into sauce, juice, ketchup and paste. When consumed in the body, this product is deposited in the lungs, skin, colon, prostrate glands and the liver. There are numerous health benefits that are associated with consuming lycopene. Antioxidant benefits Free radicals in the body pose a major health risk as they are likely to steel molecules from healthy cells thus causing damage. In fact, these radicals have been associated with the cause of majority of the cancer infections. It is a strong antioxidant and it is able to stop these free radicals from damaging healthy cells. Heart benefits Research has found that people who take products that contain lycopene regularly have reduced chances of getting heart diseases. It has also been observed that this compound can be used in the treatment heart diseases, osteoporosis, infertility and type II diabetes. Anticancer benefits It has been found to posses numerous anticancer benefits. The compound helps the body against DNA damage which usually happens during the development stages of cancer. One of the ways through which lycopene is able to achieve this purpose is by blocking the interactions of stromal cells and tumors cells. When the interaction is interrupted, the tumor and stromal tissues are inhibited from growing and developing. It is an indisputable fact that lycopene is a very important component in our lives. It is for this reason that medical practitioners advice people to consume carotenoid foods especially the ones that contain lycopene.
( The Health benefits of L-Arginine ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 08, 2012 08:10 AM
What is L-Arginine? L-Arginine, also referred to as Arginine, is a non-essential amino acid-it's produced naturally in the body-and it is vital for the normal functioning of pituitary gland. This substance comes from natural sources such as nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, popcorn, chocolate, brown rice, raisins, carob, oatmeal, gelatin desserts, protein rich foods, and whole wheat bread. Men, whose seminal fluids consist of up to 80 percent of this amino acid, especially need L-Arginine as a deficiency could cause infertility. L-Arginine is not only obtained from food sources but through supplementation as well. As we age, the production of this amino acid decreases in the body and this is thought to cause many degenerative processes associated with aging. Thus, Arginine is vital for maintaining your overall health as well as sexual health. Arginine deficiency Deficiency of L-Arginine can delay sexual maturity, impair insulin production, cause liver lipid metabolism and glucose tolerance. Functions of L-Arginine L-Arginine amino acid performs various functions in the body, including: It is a component of collagen, enzymes, ejaculate, hormones, connective tissues, and skin. It plays an important role in the manufacture of protein molecules such as insulin and creatine. It's a precursor of nitric oxide as well as other metabolites. Health benefits of L-Arginine Although the benefits of Arginine supplements are debated, proponents state that Arginine converts into nitric oxide inside the body and enlarges or dilates the blood vessels. This helps better circulation and it's one of the reasons it is used to cure erectile dysfunction. This amino acid produces positive results as it enhances blood circulation, especially to the genitalia. Arginine is also a key component in sperm and seminal fluid production, so it's used to treat sterility in men. Other health benefits of L-Arginine include: Boosts energy Aids in muscle-building Helps maintain blood-sugar levels Increases immune function Increase fertility in females Improves blood flow and decreases clogged arteries Increases sperm count Helps in liver detoxification Maintains nitrogen balance Promotes body fat burning Promotes better bone density Provides anti-oxidant properties Reduces effects of alcohol toxicity Reduces blood pressure Reduces heart and vascular disease, cholesterol risk and stroke Helps reduce body fat Helps remove excess ammonia Aids faster healing of wounds L-Arginine anti-aging properties One last benefit to note about L-Arginine is the fact that it simulates the production of human growth hormone (HGH), IGF, and testosterone. As your body ages, it produces less and less of these hormones which directly affects the aging process. These hormones are responsible for reducing body fat, keeping the skin elastic, and increasing sexual stamina. While your body won't turn into that of a teenager, taking L-Arginine supplements can make you feel and look younger. Conclusion Just as other forms of supplementation, you should take caution while using L-Arginine. This means that you have to get a doctor's approval before you take this drug. You should carefully follow the drug's instructions on dosage and frequency. As long as you take L-Arginine with care, you can greatly enhance your overall health and wellbeing.
( What is Cordyceps Mushroom good for? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 10, 2012 12:00 AM
Cordycep mushrooms Cordycep mushrooms have been receiving a lot of hype lately, as they are said to have many compounds that can benefit ones health. Cordycep mushrooms have been used for 1500 years in ancient Chinese history, and was proven to benefit a variety of factors. However, it seems as if people are having a tough time when it comes to looking for them, as they are known for being in natural habitats. Cordyceps itself is a type of fungus, and it includes over 400 kinds of described species. Cordyceps are abundant in tropical areas, as they tend to thrive better in humidity and high temperature. Cordyceps have also had an extensive history of being a medicinal fungi. Cordyceps are not really known in the Western world, as scientists have not been able to study it properly yet. However, since China has been studying the fungus for some time now, some of this fungus' secrets were already unfolded. The main reason to why Cordyceps have received so much attention is that the History Channel stated that if someone finds an ounce of Cordyceps, you will be given 900 dollars. The Benefits To Taking A Supplement Of Cordycep. One benefit to taking a supplement of cordycep is that it dilates the airways of your lungs, allowing more oxygen to your lungs. Cordyceps are also known for fighting the means of womens infertility. It also enhances mens sexual performance and fuction by stimulating the sex hormones. Cordyceps helps in building muscle and even improve ones physical performance as well. It also has the capability to reduce the effects of fatigue, and has anti-aging properties as well. These help in strengthening the liver and kidney, as it improves the natural flow of your blood. They help strengthen and even enhance your immune system because it has the capability to increase and improve a huge amount of natural killer cells. Where Can You Find Cordyceps In Nature Habitats? Cordyceps can be found in a huge array of areas such as Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, China, and Russia. However, they tend to grow in the South areas of tropical places. The best places to look for cordyceps would have to be in the areas where ants climb the moment before they pass away. Those areas are tree branches and the bottom of tree leaves. They can also be found in tropical forests as well. The fruiting body of a Cordycep sort of has a grass-like appearance, making it easy for them to be spotted. They also kind of look like worms, and though they are technically mushrooms, in wild areas, they can grow on plants, insects, caterpillars, and a variety of other fungus' as well. Cordyceps can be found in a huge array of areas, so you must learn and know exactly what they look like to actually find a couple ounces. Cordyceps are said to be worth a fortune, and its value has even increased throughout the years. Even if it's tough to find cordyceps, at least the reward that you are given is decent.
( Omega-3 Oil- Learn Why it is So Important for Your Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 13, 2012 09:24 PM
Omega-3 fatty acids are good polyunsaturated fats that are so essential for maintaining excellent health and for our well-being, but unfortunately 8 out of 10 people do not get enough! There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, and ALA. You can get ALA from walnuts and canola oil whereas other two are there in oily fish. Of these three, the best ones are only available from the oily fish. In case of ALA, you would need tons of it to get any desired benefits. Another thing to know about them is that they are essential fats that are not produced within the body, so they have to come from outside source. Lets have a close look at various health benefits of Omega-3 fish oil for you and your family: 1. Cancer prevention-Many studies have revealed that adequate intake of Omega-3 can reduce instances of colon, testicular, ovarian and breast cancer. 2. About thirty percent of brain is actually DHA fat, and when Omega-3 is consumed on regular basis, one can see amazing improvement in concentration and memory. 3 Reverse Heart Disease-Omega-3 helps in reducing instances of plaque build up in arteries. People usually suffer strokes due to atherosclerosis (plaque build up), which get clogged over a period of time in the same way as drains get clogged due to their regular usage. 4. Boosts Immune System- The immune system of body is controlled by essential fatty acids in the regulatory system. Any shortage of Omega-3 fatty acids can lead to the breakdown of immune system. You can reduce various immune disorders by bringing about a balance in the intake of Omega-6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. 5. Fights Various Degenerative Diseases-In degenerative diseases, the structure or function of affected tissues deteriorate over a period of time. You can reduce this process by increasing the consumption of Omega-3 fish oil supplements. They are very beneficial for older people. 6. Increases Fertility-The main reason for infertility in females is the thickening of cervical mucus that impedes the movement of sperms. Aside from that, many vaginal secretions also act as spermicides. In both these cases, deficiency of fatty acids contributes to the problem. Even in males, healthy reproductive and sexual functioning of sex glands is possible only with good concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids in sex glands. 7. Promotes Healthy Skin-Omega-3 fatty acids are important for your skin health. Each skin cell is wrapped up in membrane that consists of substances derived from Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids. Where to get omega-3 You can get Omega-3 from fish oils. You will have to take at lest two servings of fatty fish for required quantities of Omega 3 fish oil. With issues such as toxin and mercury contamination in fish, Omega-3 fatty acid supplements are better alternatives. Why omega-3 fish oil supplements? The best Omega-3 fish oil pills contain purified and concentrated oil without any risk of toxin or mercury contamination. Many reputable manufacturers now provide fish oil capsules with high concentration of EPA and DHA fatty acids with low levels of mercury. You should definitely include Omega-3 fish oil caps in your daily diet to get all the health benefits that your body deserves.
( Effects of Pumpkin Seed Oil on Prostate Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 07, 2012 11:46 AM
Pumpkin Seed OilPumpkin seed oil is getting a lot of attention nowadays because of its healing and therapeutic effects to the human body. Pumpkin seeds actually contain a number of valuable nutrients and microelements that enhances the health being of the users. Pumpkin seeds are actually rich sources of phytonutrients, carotenoids, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, phytosterols and essential fatty acids that bring about a number of beneficial effects to the human body. Pumpkin seed oil is known for its anti-parasitic, anti-arthritic and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, the oil is known for its capacity to lower the cholesterol level of an individual and optimize kidney function. The oil is even used to treat skin irritations and minor skin infections. In fact, pumpkin seed oil is used to achieve a healthier and smoother skin. The oil is even capable of improving sexual health, treating minor depression and provide ample amount of energy to the user. Pumpkin seed oil actually contains ample amount of antioxidants such as Vitamins A, E and C that help the body fight against damaging free radicals. The oil also contains significant amounts of Vitamins B1, B2 and B6. The oil is fortified with adequate amount of Vitamin Kand D, magnesium, omega 6, omega 3, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and trace minerals. Pumpkin seed oil is a rich source of omega 6, omega 9, zinc and carotenoids that significantly reduce the risk of developing prostate problems in the future. The zinc content of pumpkin seed oil makes this natural product effective in treating prostate enlargement. Zinc is an essential mineral that shrinks any inflammation or enlargement of the organs or tissues. Pumpkin seed oil actually contains a number of potent elements that inhibit androgen receptors which can trigger the multiplication of cancerous prostate cells. Pumpkin seed oil was initially used to treat prostate problems and infertility. A number of scientific studies revealed that pumpkin seed oil contains essential elements that increases the libido and optimizes bladder and prostate functions. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is one of the most common prostate problems of men who are over 50 years old. The condition is mainly characterized by the inflammation of the prostate gland. High levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body can trigger the onset of prostate problems. DHT is known for its capacity to promote the multiplication of cells in the prostate which leads lead to the enlargement of the gland. Pumpkin seed oil is believed to be efficient in protecting the prostate against the damaging effects of DHT. Pumpkin seed oil contains huge quantities of phytosterol beta-sitosterol that prevents the conversion of hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which converts testosterone to DHT. In effect, the level of DHT in the body is managed at an optimum level. Pumpkin seed oil also contains Delta-7-sterine that acts as DHT blocker and prevents the damaging effects of DHT on the cell. Delta-7-sterine also aids in preventing the multiplication of cancerous prostate cells in the body. Inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase can lead help the prostate shrink back to its normal size because of a controlled production of DHT in the body.
( What is the Transfer Factor in Colostrum? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 26, 2011 12:12 PM
Colostrum, Transfer Factor, And Your Health.Transfer factor refers to any immune molecule found in the milk produced by the mammary glands in the first days after childbirth. It comprises a group of amino acids that are smaller than cells. Since its discovery in the 20th century, it has been suggested as a treatment for a host of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, infertility, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, hepatitis, herpes, and HIV. It has grown in popularity in the past few years due to a resurgence of interest in natural remedies. The quality of milk that mammals make in the last weeks of pregnancy is called colostrum, which is believed to be superior to ordinary milk. For one, it is lower in lipids and fats, but higher in proteins. More importantly, it contains antibodies called immunoglobulins, which are central to the identification of bacteria and viruses during infections. These antibodies alert the rest of the immune system to effectively deal with pathogens encountered for the first time. Colostrum contains transfer factors. Like any other form of milk, colostrum is subjected to the digestion process when taken orally. The human gastrointestinal tract treats the carbohydrates, proteins, and even antibodies present in colostrums just like any other bioactive compounds, which are either absorbed or excreted. With the sole exception of transfer factors, everything else undergoes first pass metabolism in the liver. Transfer factors are so small that they pass through physiological screens and filters. Natural Antibiotic It is becoming common knowledge that transfer factors have antibiotic properties. Indeed they are one of the antibiotics that occur naturally in nature. They are produced by the mammary glands for the sole purpose of transferring the immunity of the mother to the newborn child. Newborns are completely sterile, making them especially susceptible several hours after birth. Transfer factors prepare the immune system of newborns against common pathogens the mother has encountered before. Antiviral Properties One of the unique characteristics attributed to transfer factors in colostrum is its antiviral properties. Transfer factors were first observed to interfere with the rapid multiplication of rotavirus, which causes diarrhea in infants. More recent studies have looked into its medicinal potential against other viruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus and herpes. The scientific community has not come to a conclusion yet, with most of the antiviral researches on transfer factors being in their initial stages. Performance Enhancer Transfer factors have been linked to faster muscle recover. Proponents believe that the group of proteins that constitutes transfer factors is capable of speeding up the healing rate of skeletal muscles after intense physical exertion. They raise the stress tolerance of individual cells amid harmful levels of aerobic metabolism. By so doing, they also make a viable treatment for muscle weakness and physical fatigue following continued exposure to stress without taking adequate time for recovery. Boost Your Immune System with Colostrum Daily, you are never to young!
( BPH ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 04, 2010 03:30 PM
Saw Palmetto Health benefits![]() Present-day saw palmetto benefits are generally focused on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an 'enlarged prostate, characterized by the development of large nodules in the area of the prostate around the urethra. This causes the urethra to be compressed, and the flow of urine to be partially blocked - in fact sometimes complete blockage occurs.
Saw palmetto benefits in this respect are believed to lie in relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue and enable improvement in the passing of urination. Native American medicine men used to carry a medicine bag of saw palmetto with them to treat these and related conditions.
Have you had your Saw Palmetto Berry Extract Today?
( Royal Jelly As An Anti-Aging Supplement ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 27, 2010 11:45 AM
Gelatin is another component of royal jelly and one of the primary precursors of collagen. It is a potent anti-aging compound that helps to keep the youthful, while supporting the organs, glands, and muscular systems. It contains vital fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is essential in order to properly transmit nerve impulses. It is also important for the proper functioning of the endocrine system. An insufficient amount of acetylcholine often leads to a susceptibility to a variety of nerve disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Royal jelly has many properties. Among which include: antibacterial, antiviral, antibiotic, tonic, nutritive, and anti-aging. It is very beneficial to the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine, integumentary, nervous, reproductive, cellular, skeletal, hepatic, and respiratory systems. Although aging is inevitable, the process can be slowed significantly with supplements. Researchers in Argentina have been working to document the ability of royal jelly to both slow down tissue deterioration and even reverse it. For example, the story of Noel Johnson should be noted, as he experienced of rebirth of health at age eighty. In 1964, at age sixty-five he was refused life insurance because of a weak and damaged heart. At this point he was also cautioned to restrict his physical activity in order to prevent death. In 1989, at age ninety, Johnson discussed the book he wrote, The Living Proof… I Have Found the Fountain of Youth, which claims that his use of bee products, along with a solid nutritional program, is responsible for changing his life. Despite the additional exercise and diet changes, Johnson attributes most of his vitality to the bee products he used. He claims that he discovered bee’s gift at age seventy, as the foods restored his manhood, brought him to full vigor and sexual potency, and continue to nourish every cell in his body. Johnson claims to be improving in every way without spending any money on medicine. Royal jelly has been found to help with many conditions. Some of these include menopause, impotence, infertility, chronic fatigue, skin blemishes, wrinkles, immune system problems, viral and bacterial infections, endocrine disorders, hormonal balance, cardiovascular disease, weight control, inflammation, liver ailments, cancer, arthritis, memory, depression, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, asthma, and mental exhaustion. In order to obtain the best results when using this, or any bee product, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by royal jelly, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions. Always buy Name brands like Premier One Royal Jelly to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.
( Pygeum Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 11, 2009 09:19 AM
The pygeum plant is a tall evergreen tree that is part of the family Rosaceae. It is found in central and southern Africa. The bark has been medicinally used for thousands of years. Traditional African healers have used the bark of this plant to treat bladder and urination disorders. Particularly, it has been used for symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is an enlarged prostate. The bark has been historically powdered and used to make a tea. This was taken by mouth for BPH. The pygeum tree is endangered due to the demand for its bark to create pygeum extract. In the majority of trials that have been conducted since the 1970s, findings reported improvements in BPH symptoms. These symptoms included the frequency of nighttime urination, urine flow rate, and left over urine volume. This research has led to some credibility to the common use of this herb for BPH. The herb is less commonly used in the United States, as prescription drugs and the saw palmetto herb are more commonly used. Pygeum is an herbal remedy. It contains extracts from the bark of Prunus Africana. The herb is used to alleviate some of the discomfort that is caused by inflammation in those patients who are suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Small, short, randomized studies taking place in the United Kingdom have concluded that this herb provided moderate relief of some of the symptoms of BPH. Commonly, pygeum is partnered with saw palmetto. It is often found in herbal combinations that are intended to be used for the prostate gland. Pygeum was used by natives of tropical South Africa in order to treat uterine disorders and prostate problem in combination with milk or palm oil. This herb comes from the bark of an African evergreen tree. Pygeum contains compounds that are specifically known for their ability to reduce inflammation of the prostate due to their lipophilic effects. A lot of European physicians prescribe pygeum for BPH. This can cause urination problems. Not only is used to treat existing prostate problems, but it is also a preventative measure for promoting prostate health. Also, there is evidence that pygeum can help counteract problems of male infertility and impotence. Pygeum promotes health in the underlying condition of the prostate. Because of this, pygeum can promote sexual health and function as a by-product. It is also boosts energy and fights fatigue. Also, pygeum is known to improve the composition of semen. It should be noted that this herb has the potential to cause stomach irritation. The bark of the pygeum plant is used to provide anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and hormonal properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are fatty acids. Primarily, pygeum is extremely beneficial in treating prostatitis, prostate enlargement, prostate problems, and urination problems. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with poor circulation, lack of energy, fatigue, and impotence. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pygeum, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( skullcap ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 10, 2009 12:52 PM
The Cherokee tribe used scullcap as an emmenagogue. It was also used historically as an anti-convulsant. An Asian scullcap has been used by Chinese physicians as a tranquilizer, sedative, and to treat convulsion. The herb was used in the eighteenth century as a treatment for rabies by some physicians. Later, it was recommended by eclectic physicians for insomnia, nervousness, malaria, and convulsions. The herb was officially listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1863 to 1916. It was also found in the National Formulary from 1916 to 1947. This herb is responsible for treating a variety of conditions. Among these include pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, and epilepsy. scullcap is well known for its ability to calm the nerves and also to help with all nervous system conditions. Additionally, it has been used to treat infertility, fatigue, inflamed tissues, digestion, coughs, and headaches. Some herbalists consider scullcap to be one of the best nervine herbs that is available. It has been used as a nerve tonic. It also can promote a feeling of well-being and promote relaxed sleep. Some people recommend scullcap for problems that are associated with drug and alcohol withdrawal, as it may lessen the severity of the symptoms. Traditional uses of this herb have included infertility, regulation of sexual desire, and as a remedy for cramps and pain. Research one in both Europe and Russia has proven the benefits of scullcap as a tranquilizer as well as a mild sedative. The herb is recommended for use in nervous conditions in order to induce sleep and relaxation. Some evidence has shown that Asian scullcap contains component which inhibit the enzyme sialidase. This enzyme is known to increase in certain disease states like cancer, infections, and inflammations. Another study done in vitro found an antibacterial and antifungal activity in scullcap. Some early evidence has also been found of scullcap’s ability to treat high blood pressure. The herb is used and prescribed widely in Europe. Studies using animals in Japan showed that scullcap has the ability to increase the levels of good cholesterol and prevent serum cholesterol levels from rising. This study was done on rabbits, as they were fed a high-cholesterol diet. These findings suggest that scullcap may also act as a heart disease and stroke preventive. The entire scullcap herb is used to provide alterative, analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antispasmodic, febrifuge, nervine, and sedative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and E, and zinc. Primarily, scullcap is extremely beneficial in treating anxiety, high blood pressure, convulsions, epilepsy, infertility, insomnia, nerve problems, and restlessness.
Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, poisonous bites, childhood diseases, chorea, poor circulation, coughing, delirium, drug withdrawal, fevers, hangover, headaches, hydrophobia, hypertension, hypoglycemia, insanity, neuralgia, pain, palsy, Parkinson’s disease, rabies, rheumatism, rickets, spasms, spinal meningitis, thyroid problems, tremors, and urinary problems. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by scullcap, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Saw Palmetto ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 03, 2009 12:53 PM
Saw palmetto was used by Native American tribes in the South for sore eyes. The dried root was used to lower high blood pressure, and the crushed root was applied to sore breasts in women. An early American botanist, John Lloyd, noticed that animals eating the berries were fat and healthy. From 1910 to 1916, saw palmetto was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. It was also listed in the National Formulary from 1926 to 1950 as a diuretic, sedative, expectorant, and an analgesic recommended for neuralgia. This herb has also been known in folk history as an aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant. Saw palmetto was used to treat urination problems, inflammation of the bladder, and prostate enlargement. This herb has been used to treat conditions of the genitourinary system. Saw palmetto is also used as an antiseptic, for excessive mucus in the head and sinuses, and for both male and female reproductive organs. This herb is known for its ability to help with male health. However, it also helps with thyroid function, regulating development of the reproductive system, stimulating glandular function, removing excess mucus accumulation in the sinuses, and for colds, sore throat, whooping cough, bronchitis, and asthma. The berries of the saw palmetto plant are useful for improving digestion, increasing weight, and building strength. This herb has even been reported for its ability to increase the size of breast in women of child-bearing age. Often, this herb is found in herbal combinations for diabetes, thyroid function, digestion, nutrition, female reproductive problems, and prostate difficulties. Studies have determined that saw palmetto has diuretic properties. It is also very effective in treating an enlarged prostate and other prostate disorders. Great deals of men suffer from prostate problems which have an effect on sexual function and obstruct the bladder. Research published in the Animals of Urology studied a group of men with enlarged prostate glands. The group that was taking saw palmetto increased their urine flow rate by fifty percent. The herb also reduced the number of times they got up at night to urinate by forty-five percent. On the other hand, the group taking the placebo had a response increase of nine percent. Studies on laboratory animals have found that the hexane extract found in saw palmetto contain anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activity. One study found that saw palmetto produces better results over a three-month period to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia than the common drug prescribed for this condition. The fruit of the saw palmetto plant is used to provide alterative, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, and sedative properties. The primary nutrient found in this herb is vitamin A. Primarily, saw palmetto is extremely beneficial in treating gastric disorders, glandular problems, hormone imbalance, impotence, indigestion, prostate problems, and reproductive organs. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, asthma, Bright’s disease, bronchitis, colds, diabetes, frigidity, infertility, kidney disorders, lung congestion, excessive mucus, nerve pain, neuralgia, obesity, sore throat, and urinary problems. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by saw palmetto, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions. Saw palmetto is available in capsule, tablet, and softgel forms at your local or internet health food store. always purchase name brands like Solaray and Source Naturals to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.
( Bee Pollen ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 20, 2009 12:00 PM
Bee pollen is made up of the fine powder that is found in the male seed of a flower blossom. Bees transport this powder and mix it with nectar to create their own form of nourishment. The pollen grains are collected and eaten by the bees, but they are also used to pollinate the flowers. Since the beginning of time, bee pollen and honey have been recognized for their astounding healing benefits. Egyptian records going back thousands of years have references to honey and the potential for healing that it holds. Marathon runners of ancient Greece recognized the value that bee pollen held to increase their strength and endurance. Bee pollen was also revered by European nations and Asian countries for its medicinal value. Bee pollen is considered to be a complete food due to the fact that it contains every chemical substance that is needed to maintain life. This makes it a great supplement to help build the immune system and provide the body with energy. Recent scientific research has found that bee pollen contains properties which are beneficial to healing, revitalizing, and protecting against radiation therapy. Bee pollen is also a rich source of protein and carbohydrates. This nutrient can not only be used as a food supplement, but also to correct body chemistry and normalize weight. Scientists at the Institute of Bee Culture in Buressur-Yvette near Paris, in addition to other researchers throughout Europe, have studied the effects of honeybee pollen consumption on human beings. The study concluded that there are exceptional antibiotic properties in bee pollen. It was also found that bee pollen is helpful in treating conditions like chronic fatigue, hay fever, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, colds, balancing the endocrine system, and menopausal symptoms. Additionally, bee pollen can be helpful in treating other conditions such as prostate problems including prostates, infertility, indigestion, constipation, colitis, anemia, high blood pressure, premature aging, depression, and hair loss. Bee pollen has also been shown to improve one’s concentration and mental function. A study found that a group of students’ mental performance improved drastically when supplementing with bee pollen. This nutrient also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It does this by preventing plaque buildup in the arteries. This supplement is often used by athletes to increase strength, endurance, and speed. The pollen of bees is used to provide both alterative and nutritive properties. The primary nutrients found in bee pollen are twenty-one amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, and variable vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals depend on the region that the bee pollen is harvested in. Primarily, bee pollen is extremely beneficial in dealing with aging, allergies, hay fever, loss of appetite, lack of endurance, exhaustion, fatigue, a weak immune system, infection, multiple sclerosis, and pregnancy problems. Additionally, bee pollen can be extremely helpful in treating asthma, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, hypoglycemia, indigestion, liver diseases, prostate disorders, and radiation. Bee pollen is available in capsules, tablets, and bulk powder forms for easy consumption. Always look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the bee pollen product you purchase. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by bee pollen, please contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Fight Infertility ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 01, 2009 05:35 PM
Infertility is typically defined as a failure to conceive after a year or more of regular intimate activity during the time of ovulation. This term can also refer to the inability to carry a pregnancy to term. About 6.1 million American couples are impaired when it comes to their ability to have children, with 2.1 million of these couples being infertile. The exact cause of the problem can be extremely difficult to pinpoint, as ovulation, fertilization, and the passage to the fertilized ovum through the fallopian tube and to the uterus are extremely complex processes. In order for pregnancy to occur, many events must work together perfectly. In 40 percent of infertile couples, problems that affect the male partner are either partially or wholly the cause of infertility. Infertility in men is usually the result of a low sperm count or an anatomical abnormality. There are a variety of factors that can result in a low sperm count. Among these factors are alcohol consumption, endocrine disorders, exposure to toxins, radiation or excessive heat, recent acute illness or prolonged fever, testicular injury, and rarely, mumps-induced wasting of the testicles. An abnormal enlargement of veins that drain the testicles, referred to as varicoceles, can cause infertility in men. This is because the veins of the testes are no longer able to moderate the temperature of the testicles correctly, which can negatively affect sperm. The most common causes of infertility in women include an ovulatory failure or defect, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Additionally, some women are able to develop antibodies to their partners’ sperm, which causes the woman to almost be allergic to them. Chlamydia, a transmitted disease which affects 4 million Americans each year, also causes many cases of infertility. There are also psychological issues, such as stress or fear of parenthood, which can also contribute to infertility. However, in most cases, stress is usually the result of infertility, not the cause of it. Sperm abnormalities account for about 41 percent of infertility cases. The following reasons are the most common to explain why couples cannot conceive: the woman has endometriosis; the man has abnormal sperm, a low sperm count, or erectile dysfunction; the woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked; ovulation takes place rarely or irregularly; the couple is unable to have complete intimate relations; the cervical mucous attacks and kills the sperm; the woman does not manufacture enough progesterone to carry a baby to term; the woman is over thirty-four; and/or one or both members of the couple eats a poor diet and experiences too much stress. The following nutrients are extremely beneficial in helping one or both partners deal with infertility: selenium, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, zinc, DMG, octacosanol, phosphatidyl choline, essential fatty acids, l-arginine, manganese, proteolytic enzymes, pycnogenol, raw orchic glandular, raw ovarian glandular, 7-keto DHEA, vitamin A, and vitamin B complex. Also, the following herbs have been shown to be beneficial in dealing with infertility: astragalus, damiana, ginseng, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, yohimbe, dong quai, false unicorn root, gotu kola, licorice root, wild yam root, green oat, and yin-yang-huo. It should also be noted that heavy use of Echinacea, ginkgo biloba, and St. John’s wort may cause infertility in men, and should be avoided. Infertility can be a complicated and mentally depressing due to lack of pregnancy by both men and women. Depression can lead to more stress and needs managed by a health care provider. Always consult your doctor when you think you are infertile. Natural vitamins like the ones listed above are available at your local or internet health food store. Look for name brands vitamins to ensure you receive quality supplements. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
( Prenatal Vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 03, 2008 09:47 AM
Nowadays, it is so in to be thin and being anything but that carries a stigma, along with increased risks of serious illnesses. If that isn’t enough, recent research has found that infertility, which experts define as twelve months of unprotected intercourse that doesn’t result in a pregnancy, is also related to obesity. For women, the main obstacle is lack of ovulation, which is when the body refuses to release an egg every month. Too much abdominal fat stores an excess of estrogen, the hormone that needs to fluctuate in order for ovulation to occur. At the same time, male hormone levels rise, with all that estrogen and testosterone sending the women’s brain the wrong message. When a couple is having trouble conceiving, evaluation by a fertility specialist is often a very good idea. Because it is pretty easy to count and evaluate sperm, it is easy to rule out any male problems, first. A woman who has irregular menstrual cycles should look for signs of hormonal imbalances like abnormal body hair, which indicates an excess in testosterone. Testing may reveal polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is marked by many cysts on the ovaries, hormonal imbalances, and/or ovulation problems. But if the male’s sperm and both partners’ hormone levels are normal, and if the woman doesn’t have blocked fallopian tubes or poor thyroid function, then the problem could very well be caused by too much weight. Obese people usually have some medical problems already; infertility seems to be just another hit. Studies have proven that even just a 5% to 10% loss of your current weight can get your ovaries working again on their own. It is impractical to suggest normal weight, as it’ll take too long, while meanwhile, the ovaries are aging. You shouldn’t wait until you reach your ideal weight before you try to conceive, but rather, keep dropping pounds for the sake of your overall well-being. Your partner may even want to get fit with you, as one study has found that conception can be difficult when both partners are overweight or obese. Since obese men have problems with poor sperm counts or quality, along with weight-related hormonal imbalances, they’re twice as likely to be infertile than men of normal weight. Fathers-to-be may also want to take folate, as low folate levels are linked with increased risk of defective sperm. If you’re obese, herbs and supplements may help you get pregnant, but weight loss is the critical component. To encourage ovulation, whether you are obese or not, one doctor suggests a weight-loss or weight-maintenance program, along with beta-carotene, a nutrient for ovarian function, and chaste tree berry, for its hormonal effects to optimize ovulation. This plan has proven a fifty percent success rate. Even though fertility aids such as in vitro fertilization result in a live-birth rate of more than 82%, it has been found that only 55% of those births are single babies.
If women trying for children begin eating well and exercising daily, not only will they be able to conceive more easily, but they will be physically fit and able to play with their kids all through their lives. Diet and nutrition as well as natural prenatal supplements and extra folic acid are needed to support the birth of a healthy baby boy or girl. Stop into your local health food store and see what is available for fertility for both men and women.
( Evening Primrose Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 04, 2008 09:08 AM
The tiny seeds of the evening primrose flower are the source of oil that has been valued in the world for building health and overcoming a lot of common health problems. Evening primrose, also known as evening star, night willow herb, scabish, and tree primrose, has a recorded history of at least 500 years of use for its health promoting properties. Growing in a wider variety of climates, the plant can be found in rocky roadsides, shallow streams, or even high deserts. The plant can even be found growing at elevations as high as 9,000 feet. This plant has yellow flowers from July through September that open after sunset and are pollinated by insects of the night. Open only until sunrise, the flowers die the next day, causing hundreds of small black seeds to form inside. These seeds are the source of the plant’s oil, with about 5,000 seeds being used for just one 500 mg capsule. Due to this, evening primrose can be relatively expensive. Evening primrose’s value in a variety of illnesses was recognized by American Indians and European immigrants. Indians used it to treat skin wounds, asthma, coughs, and also as a sedative. One of the first botanicals exported to Europe from North America, it was brought to Italy in 1619 and planted in the Padua Botanical Gardens. It was so valued by the Puritans that they called it the “King’s cure-all” and exported it to England. The ancients didn’t know scientifically why evening primrose was so effective for so many illnesses, but that didn’t affect its abilities. Modern science has found that the essential fatty acids that are found in the oil of the evening primrose seeds are the secret to the health-building properties. Fat has gotten a bad name for itself in the past few years, but the truth is that there are actually certain types of fats that are vital for good health. One of these healthy fats is essential fatty acids, which are found in unprocessed vegetable, plant, and fish oils. One of the richest sources known is actually mother’s milk. Like vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids are nutritional substances that have far-reaching effects on many body processes. These effects include reducing blood pressure, helping to prevent arthritis, reducing the growth rate of breast cancer, lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, maintaining healthy skin, aiding in transmission of nerve impulses, playing a role in normal brain function, constituting the building blocks of body membranes, promoting proper hormone function, and forming the basis for prostaglandin production. Because essential fatty acids can not be manufactured in the body, they must be consumed in the diet, with at least three percent of an adult’s daily caloric intake being recommended to be comprised of essential fatty acids. Children and pregnant women should have a diet containing at least five percent essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are essential for normal functioning of all body tissues. Because of this, the list of symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency includes reduced growth rate, skin disorders, male and female infertility, kidney abnormalities, decreased capillary resistance, susceptibility to infection, heart problems, anemia, enlarged liver, sparse hair growth in infants, poor wound healing, and an increased susceptibility to infection. In conclusion, to prevent or heal these conditions, a diet that is rich in essential fatty acids must be present. Evening primrose oil is a good source of essential fatty acids, containing about 72 percent linoleic acid and 9 percent GLA. Have you had your evening primrose oil today?
( Other Uses ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 29, 2008 12:35 PM
The Japanese have used deer antler velvet for years in treating male sexual dysfunction. Chinese medical practitioners have prescribed it to men for impotence and to women for infertility and frigidity. In the United States, it is promoted as a sexual energy booster and an aphrodisiac. Studies are ongoing to determine if these are legitimate claims. Other studies are building evidence that deer antler velvet may also be helpful in: * Cancer prevention * Drug addiction support * Immune system support * Liver protection * Osteoporosis treatment * Pain control * Sports performance Deer antler velvet, which has been found to contain cartilage, is also being studied for it effectiveness in treating arthritis. It is being promoted as an effective treatment for osteoarthritis. This is usually caused by physical injury or is a result of the aging process. The main cause of osteoarthritis is the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. Joints that are usually most affected are in the hands, knees, back and hips. Recent studies are showing that deer antler velvet contains nutrients that are important to the immune system and the joints. Some of these include calcium, phosphorus, prostaglandins, chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate. In patients suffering from osteoarthritis, the administration of deer antler velvet has led to reduced joint pain at three and six month intervals. It has proven to be safe to take in conjunction with prescription arthritis medications. As with any natural or herbal product, quality is the key to finding a good and helpful source of deer antler velvet. Because it is not a synthetic product, quality and effectiveness may vary between batches and suppliers.
( Are You At Risk And What Can You Do About It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 23, 2008 04:54 PM
Did you know there are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) that can have an endocrine disrupting ability? Meaning, these chemicals can have an estrogen like and anti-androgen effect on the body, disrupting the normal function of our endocrine system which can cause all sorts of health issues. Back in the industrial boom directly following world war II these chemicals were widely used in plastics, cosmetics, personal care products, cleaning agents, clothing, household furnishings, and decorations, food and water, fertilizers, and pesticides and fungicides. These chemicals are being banned by the government but are not gone all together yet. Endocrine disruptor chemicals are fat soluble which means when consumed they are stored by the body in our fat stores. This makes these chemicals a persistent pain in the butt for a very long time since fat soluble substances tend to be stored and slowly released; some claim the release can be years and years down the road. These types of toxins can easily leach into water including juices and can vaporize into the air that we breathe in to our lungs. Once ingested, these chemicals can lead to reproductive, developmental, behavioral, neurological, endocrine, and immunologic adverse health effects that can last a lifetime. Those men and women who want to have children may discover that one of both at have reproductive impairments due to POPs. Symptoms of toxicity are male infertility, gynecological problems, and accelerated puberty, developmental abnormalities of the reproductive tract, premature delivery, behavioral problems, abnormal thyroid function, cancer and heart disease. In cases of children, signs of toxicity are leukemia when fetal exposure is experienced. The wide spread use of phthalates in industrial and consumer products has raised a lot of concerns. Phthalates are what keep plastics flexible. Dibutyl phthalate is used in PVC piping (in new homes the piping that supply water to faucets), various varnishes and lacquers, safety glass, nail polishes, paper coatings, dental materials, pharmaceuticals, children’s toys, and plastic food wrap. The heating of plastic containers either by microwave or a hot cup of tea can easily leach these phthalate’s in to food or drink exposing humans to high amounts of this toxin. Also, Parabens are high on the watch list for those health minded. Parabens are a group of synthetic chemicals used as a preservative in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. The most common parabens are methylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. These three are used as a bacteriocidal and fungicidal agent in many products we use every day. The FDA does not require approval of cosmetic ingredients before they reach the market place so cosmetic manufactures are free to use what ever they want in their products. Parabens have been shown to have a mild estrogenic affect on the body, and are in practically all personal care products on the market today. If you are applying a name brand cosmetic onto your skin daily, take a look at the label to see if Parabens are used. For those looking to stay away form all the above listed toxins look for products packaged in glass, PETE or HDPE bottles and containers. Look for packets lined with saran, and can linings made of polyolefins. Use biodegradable household cleaning agents and avoid sprays and insecticides. Cleaning supplies are not required to list ingredients so it is always buyer beware unless the label states it is free from PCBs, Parabens, and POPs. Finally, when buying furniture avoid furniture that contains flame retardant PBDEs and limit children to the exposure of such furniture. Exposure to PBDEs can lead to some of the above listed symptoms and cause health problems. Staying healthy is a tough task with all the environmental toxins we face. By buying organic foods and avoid the above listed chemicals one can live longer and maintain better health over a lifetime.
( Natural Hormone Balance for Women ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 25, 2007 11:18 AM
The majority of women are affected by moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) at some point in their life. PMS that is clinically diagnosed consists of symptoms that are so severe and pervasive that careers, social interactions, and family lives are negatively affected. This occurs in eight to twenty percent of women in the Western world. Menopause and PMS are both characterized by a severe fluctuation or major falling of the female hormones estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. Since many examples of women who are barely affected by natural changes exist, it can be logically inferred that female hormones are capable of remaining close to balanced, while others experience hormones that swing abruptly from one extreme to the next, causing severe mood swings. Although changes in hormone levels are the reason menopause and PMS occur, women do have some control over the severity of their symptoms. There are many natural approaches to hormone balance along with other medical interventions that can be used either separate or together. However, one must remember that women are biologically programmed to have multiple children, which therefore, would limit the number of menstrual cycles in a lifetime. Additionally, women are now living thirty years past menopause, an experience that is relatively new. Also, a lot of the pain and anguish that is associated with menopause and PMS is actually related to obesity, high-calorie eating habits, and inactivity. Normal body weight and regular exercise often leads to mild or inconsequential PMS. In 2002, estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy, which is the standard treatment for menopausal symptoms, came under scrutiny after the publication of research that found that supplementation of estrogen significantly increases the risk for breast and ovarian cancer. Supplementing estrogen also does not protect against cardiovascular disease. As a result, US-dispensed prescriptions for estrogen declined from ninety-one million in 2001 to fifty-seven million in 2003. It has been found that a lot of the excess risk for breast and ovarian cancer was due to prescriptions being refilled indefinitely instead of hormone replacement therapy only being used at the onset of menopause. Additionally, supplemental estrogen was not paired and balanced with progesterone, causing a greater risk. Either way, the door to natural alternatives was opened wide, especially for those patients who have a family history of reproductive cancer. Natural therapy for menopause and PMS is based upon phytoestrogens.
Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that contain chemical structures which resemble estrogen. These plant compounds can exert weak estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects. Isoflavones from legumes such as soybean, red clover, licorice, as well as lignans like flaxseed and milk thistle are the most common and familiar phytoestrogens. Black cohosh has been shown to have antiestrogenic effects only. Phytoestrogens have been proven to reduce the risk for estrogen-dependent breast, uterine, and ovarian cancers as well as hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances. Although phytoestrogens do a good job at protecting women from symptoms of excess estrogen, phytoestrogens cannot replace estrogen when there isn’t enough. They don’t help with vaginal wall atrophy and dryness, thinning hair, lack of sexual desire, menopause-related urogenital itching, or infertility. For the best results, supplements of soy and red clover isoflavone should be taken 2-3 times daily. Although there are no herbal alternatives that actually raise levels of estrogen, natural medicine such as dong quai, licorice, milk thistle, ginseng, pycnogenol, and pollen for menopause and calcium, magnesium, B6, chastre tree, dong quai, and ginseng for PMS can balance existing female hormones and provide relief from symptoms.
( Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 08, 2005 06:29 PM
Clinical Applications of Herbal Medicine by D. Paul Barney, M.D. 1. Infertility (Damiana Ginseng Blend) (SP-1) – Impotency, Hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, menstrual problems. 2. Arthritis (Devil’s Claw Yucca Blend) (SP-2) – Rheumatism, Bursitis, Gout. 3. Respiratory Distress (Pleurisy Root Blend) (SP-3) – Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, T.B. Cough, Sore Throat, Colds, Hay fever. 4. Skin Disorders (Herbal Skin Blend) (SP-4) – Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Rash. 5. Diabetes (Uva Ursi Dandelion Blend) (SP-5) – High Blood Sugar. 6. Water Rentention (Cornsilk Blend) (SP-6) – Edema, Cystitis, Gout. 7-A. Yeast Infection (Goldenseal-witch Hazel Blend) (SP-7A) – Vaginitis. 7-B. Heavy Mentral Flow (Cranesbill Blend) (SP-7B) – Menorrhagia, Menorrhea. 8. Heart Trouble (Hawthorn Motherwort Blend) (SP-8) – Weak heart muscle, Arrythmia, Angina, Short of Breath, Palpitations. 9. High Blood Pressure (Garlic Valerian Blend) (SP-9) – High cholesterol, blood pressure. 10. Pain (White Willow Blend) (SP-10) – Headache, Migraine, Pain for Backache, Inflammation, Spasms, fever. 11-A. Blood Health (Dandelion Yellow Dock Blend) (SP-11A) – Infections, Acne, Gout, Exposure to Toxins. 11-B. Poor Circulation (Cayenne Blend) (SP-11B) – Phlitis, Cold Extremities, Varicose Veins, Diabetes. 12. Constipation (Butternut Cascara Blend) (SP-12) – Constipation. 13. Liver (Dandelion Milk Thistle Blend) (SP-13) – Hepatitis, Jaundice, Alcohol Cirrhosis, Sluggish Bile Flow, Gallstones, Psoriasis. 14. Nervous Tension (Valerian Blend) (SP-14) – Anxiety, Emotional, Fear, Hysteria, Restlessness. 15. Low Energy – Fatigue (Cayenne Ginseng Blend) (SP-15) – Boost Energy, Reduce Fatigue. 15-B. Male Stamina Blend (SP-15b) - Boost Libido. 16. Prostate (Saw Palmetto Blend) (SP-16) – Prostate cancer, Slow Urination. 17. Insomnia (Valerian Hops Blend) (SP-17) – Improve Sleep. 18. Obesity (Chickweed Celery Blend) (SP-18) – Reduce Weight. 19. Glandular & Nervous System Tonic (Goldenseal Gentian Blend) (SP-19) – Support Proper Glandular function and strengthen the nervous system. 20. Gastrointestinal (GI Blend) (SP-20) – Ulcers, Flatulence, Upset Stomach, Colic, Diverticulitis, Gastritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 20-B. Stomach Blend (Mastic gum, Marshmellow) (SP-20b) - Aids in digestion, stomach problems. 21. Infections (Echinacea Goldenseal Blend) (SP-21) – General infections, Flu, Fever, Sore Throat. 22. Caugh & Sore Throat (Bayberry Horehound Blend) (SP-22) – Colds, Bronchial Congestion, Inflammation. 23. Eyes (Eyebright Blend) (SP-23) – Eyestrain, Infection, Conjunctiuits, Dry/Inflamed. 24. Parasites – Worms (Garlic Black Walnut Blend) (SP-24) – Reduce Worms in colon. 25. Environmental (Algin Blend) (SP-25) – Pollution, Heavy metal, Recovery from illness. 26. Thyroid (Kelp Blend) (SP-26) – High, Low, Goiter. 27. Digestion (Papaya Peppermint Blend) (SP-27) – Dyspepsia, Colic, Gas, Heartburn, Antibiotic use, Pancreatic Insufficiency, Dependence on Laxatives. 28. Health & Body Tonic (Sarsaparilla Ginseng Blend) (SP-28) – Stress, Malaise, Fatigue, System Imbalances, Debilities. 29. Degenerative Disorder (Red Clover Blend) (SP-29) – Cancer, Addisons, Skin, Rheumatism. 30. Mental Stamina (Peppermint Ginseng Blend) (SP-30) – Memory Loss, Dementia, Poor Concentration. 31. High Cholesterol (Apple Pectin & Herbs Blend) (SP-31) – Control Cholesterol. 32. Hemorrhoids (Aloe witch Hazel Blend) (SP-32) – Phlebitis, Periodontal Swelling. 33. Allergy (Clay &Herbs Blend) (SP-33) – Hay Fever, Allergies. 34. Healing (Horsetail-Plantain Blend) (SP-34) – Ulcers, Broken Bones, Cuts, Wounds, Lacerations. 35. Low Blood Sugar (Licorice Gota Kola Blend) (SP-35) – Hypoglycemia. 36. Motion Sickness (Ginger Blend) (SP-36) – Nausea, Upset Stomach, Poor Digestion, Morning Sickness. 37. Antioxidants (Antioxidant Herb Blend) (SP-37) – Scavenge free radicals. 38. Hair (Herbal Hair Nutrients Blend) (SP-38) – Feed your Hair. 39. Depression (St. John’s Wort Blend) (SP-39) – Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis. 40. Immune Deficiency (Astragalus Blend) (SP-40) – Weakness, Chronic Disease, AIDS.
( Pesticide Report Shows Widespread Body Burden. ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 16, 2005 10:50 AM
Women and Children Especially Vulnerable
Most Americans carry toxic pesticides in their bodies, according to a recent report. Often, the so called “body Burden” of these chemicals is well above government-defined safety levels. Included are pesticides linked to cancer, birth defects, low birth weight, declining sperm counts, and infertility. Chemical Trespass, by the Pesticide Action Network, analyzes data collected by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) from blood and urine analyses of 9,282 people. Among the findings: Pesticides residues and metabolites were found in every subject. The average person had 13 pesticides in his or her body. The Average 6 to 11 year old was exposed to certain organophosphorus (OP) pesticides at four times the levels deemed acceptable by the environmental protection agency. Children are especially susceptible to dietary pesticides since they eat more food on a body weight basis than adults. Organochlorine (OC) pesticides were found as significantly higher levels in women. This probably reflects women’s higher body fat content; OC pesticides are stored in fatty tissue. Mexican-Americans showed the highest pesticides exposure, probably due to their disproportionate employment in agriculture. However, the statistics did not include occupational information. Many pesticides used widely in the past, such as DDT and chlordane, are still found in our bodies, even in children born years after they were banned. Cause for Alarm? The CDC, which tested for 116 environmental chemicals, stressed that presence of these chemicals in the body does not necessarily indicate disease and called for more study of the dosages that should cause concern. The Pesticide Action Network sharply criticized this approach as a “Failure to protect public health.” Much evidence links long-term, low-level exposure to chronic illnesses, the group said, and the problem is more acute when one considers the additive effects of combining chemicals. Pesticides and the wellness Revolution This study shows the need for a system that relies on organic agriculture and alternative pest controls. Meanwhile, individuals should take advantage of the organic products available in health food stores, and the herbs and nutrients that support detoxification and immunity—for example, silymarin, N-acetyl cysteine, Reishi and shiitake mushroom, turmeric, and much more. Sources: Second National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Center for Disease Control, available online at Chemical Trespass, Pesticide action network, available online at
( Natural Progesterone and Other Menstrual Disorders ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 25, 2005 10:08 PM
Natural Progesterone and Other Menstrual DisordersPERIOD REGULATOR Natural progesterone can contribute to restoring normal menstrual cycling in certain cases. Many young women suffer from amenorrhea, which is the absence of the menstrual period due to an excess of strenuous exercise or a hormonal imbalance. Using natural progesterone can help to achieve the proper estrogen/progesterone ratios needed to initiate normal cycling. Frequently, supplementation needs to occur over several months before normal cycling will be achieved. In addition, women who suffer from irregular periods or prolonged periods can benefit from the action of natural progesterone. Remember, that initially, cycles may become worse rather than better, but with continued use, the prospect for normalizing the menstrual cycle is good if no other contributing factors exist. THE FERTILITY LINK Natural progesterone supplementation may also be beneficial for infertility. Women who suffer from repeated miscarriages or have a difficult time conceiving should be checked for a progesterone deficiency. It is advisable to check your progesterone levels before taking potent fertility drugs or synthetic hormones. Using natural progesterone is suggested as an initial therapy.
July 25, 2005 10:06 PM
WHY DO SO MANYWOMEN SUFFER FROM HORMONE IMBALANCES? The question of why so many women, young and old, suffer from a hormonal imbalance persists. Today’s environment and life style are certainly significant causal factors and explain, to a great degree why even young, seemingly healthy women may experience a lack of progesterone. Dr. Peter Elliston of the Harvard Anthropology Department found through one of his studies of 18 women who all had regular menstrual cycles that seven of them did not experience a mid cycle increase in progesterone levels, suggesting that ovulation did not actually occur.12 Dr. Lee cites this as yet another example of the widespread incidence of anovulatory cycles occurring in young women throughout this country, a fact which is undoubtedly linked to rising infertility rates in the United States. Eating disorders, poor nutrition, widespread use of birth control pills, stress, pollution, etc., contribute to hormonally-related disorders and most certainly affect progesterone production, the ability to conceive and menopausal transitions. CAUSES OF HORMONE IMBALANCES
Dr. Lee believes that widespread use of the birth control pill has caused the ovaries to be compromised, possibly playing a role in the development of PMS that would normally not exist.13 Documented results from using natural progesterone have been impressive but remain relatively unknown by the majority of women. Progesterone therapy can help relieve the following PMS symptoms: breast engorgement, breast tenderness, irritability, headaches, depression, moodiness, fatigue, anxiety, bloating, water retention, cramps, and irregular periods. Dr. Joel T. Hargrove of Vanderbilt University Medical Center has had some very impressive results using natural progesterone to treat his patients with PMS. He has had a 90 percent success rate using this form of progesterone.14 Interestingly, he used oral progesterone which had to be administered in a much heavier dose to achieve the same results Dr. Lee obtained with transdermal progesterone.15
July 25, 2005 09:43 PM
THE PRECARIOUS ACT OF BALANCING HORMONES The very delicate relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels is what creates hormonal balance. Today we frequently hear the phrase, “she’s suffering from a hormonal imbalance.” What exactly does a hormonal imbalance imply, and why is it so prevalent among women of all ages? The simple truth is that our twentieth-century life style creates a great deal of health risks not previously experienced by earlier generations. Many of these new, modern factors adversely effect our endocrine systems, not to mention our overall health as well. Consequently, when we need to synthesize certain levels of progesterone, we may be lacking the proper nutrients or, as may be the case with women who have used birth control pills, our ovarian functions may be impaired. As a result, an excess of estrogen may develop predisposing us to a number of unpleasant symptoms. Unprecedented degrees of mental stress combined with exposure to toxins, pollutants, preservatives, chemicals, and drugs can impair a woman’s ability to produce progesterone. In addition, the consumption of sugary foods lacking in whole grains, overcooked, over processed, and fatty foods devoid of the raw enzymes we were meant to ingest can also wreak havoc with our glandular health. The consumption of hormonally fattened beef and poultry is certainly a concern, and may explain why premature puberty occurs in some children who are exposed to unnatural sources of animal estrogen. Why is there more infertility now that ever before? Why do seemingly healthy young women suffer from all sorts of menstrual disorders and unprecedented levels of PMS? Why is osteoporosis such a threat today, and why is breast cancer killing so many relatively young women? Why do so many of us plow through perimenopause and postmenopause, perplexed by a wide variety of ills that threaten our emotional and physical well-being? All of these questions are profoundly linked to hormonal factors and almost always reflect an estrogen dominance and a progesterone deficiency. I did not know that such a scenario even existed and like most women, did not understand that too much of certain kinds of estrogen can be extremely harmful. Furthermore, because I assumed that estrogen levels continued to decline as I got older, I never considered the possibility of a pre-menopausal estrogen overload. It is crucial to remember that when estrogen is unopposed by adequate levels of progesterone, a hormonal imbalance occurs. Unopposed estrogen is undesirable to say the least, and explains why so many women suffer from estrogen-related ills even as they approach menopause.
( Progesterone: Ignorance Is Not Bliss ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 25, 2005 09:42 PM
Progesterone: Ignorance Is Not Bliss Has anyone ever asked you if you might be suffering from a progesterone deficiency? Women ranging in age from 12 to 100 may be subject to low progesterone levels and as a result, can suffer from a whole host of mysterious ills related to a hormonal imbalance. While most women are fairly informed about birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy with all of its controversy, few of us understand the very profound role progesterone plays in determining our overall health. Moreover, the therapeutic effects of natural progesterone remain relatively unknown and untapped. Of even more significance is that a growing number of women seem to be suffering from progesterone depletion and estrogen dominance. If you’re like I was, this notion struck me as a completely new concept. I can say now, in retrospect, that this bit of knowledge is clearly one of the most important pieces of information I have had the opportunity to research. So many symptoms that women have to endure are readily branded as just part of inevitable PMS or worse yet, products of an overactive imagination or emerging psychosis. It is has been through my own personal experience with terrible mood swings, horrendous periods and all sorts of miserable hormonal demons that I have come to write this booklet. Make no mistake however, the information contained herein is based on scientific fact and is backed by the experience of medical doctors. More than any other physician or scientist, Dr. John R. Lee, M.D. has pioneered and documented his remarkable results using natural progesterone from wild yam for his female patients. To say the very least, his findings have profound health implications for all women. Natural plant-based progesterone may well be the most important breakthrough therapy for women to come out of the latter twentieth century. Ironically, its use from botanical sources has a long tried and true history. Like so many valuable natural treatments, the value of plant-based progesterones have been virtually ignored by modern medical practices. Unfortunately, most physicians focus on the use of synthetic estrogen or artificial progestins to manage female disorders such as osteoporosis when, in reality, progesterone may be the key hormone. Ironically, natural progesterone, unlike its pharmaceutical counterparts, offers an impressive array of therapeutic actions with complete safety and efficacy. As previously mentioned, mainstream medicine continues to overlook the use of natural phytoestrogens which can offer practical treatment of hormonally-related disorders without negative side effects. These simple plant-based medicinals have been used for generations by women of almost every culture and for good reason. These botanicals have been able to support the special health needs of both pre-and post-menopausal women with little or no side effects. Progesterone plays a profoundly more critical role in the maintenance of female health than previously assumed. Too little of this vital female hormone can lead to all kinds of menstrual disorders, infertility, miscarriages, osteoporosis and even cancer. Progesterone deficiencies are much more common that most of us would assume, even in younger women. Replenishing progesterone in its natural form is a safe and effective way of relieving a whole host of female symptoms ranging from the mildly annoying to the seriously debilitating. Simply stated: there are viable alternatives to popping synthetic hormones for problems like PMS or menopausal distress. In many cases, specific plant-based hormone creams can achieve better results without the significant health risks associated with synthetic hormonal analogues. Today, the use of natural progesterone is dramatically growing as women and health practitioners alike become disillusioned with synthetic hormonal therapies. Using pharmaceutical estrogen has proven to be rather disappointing in treating osteoporosis.1 In addition, the controversy over the safety of birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy for post-menopause rages on. In the midst of much misinformation concerning artificial hormonal drugs, plants like wild yam are being reconsidered and reevaluated for their intrinsic value. Ironically, modern technological manipulations of these natural phytochemicals has resulted in more potency and more risk to the human body which was not designed to cope with artificial compounds. It turns out that ancient civilizations who turned to botanicals for female ills understood the value of natural therapies. In the face of high-tech pharmaceutical imitations, it turns out that Mother Nature knew what she was doing after all.
June 25, 2005 10:13 AM
YEAST INFECTIONS AND GARLIC Garlic has proven over and over that it is an effective antifungal agent. For anyone suffering from recurring yeast infections, garlic should be added to the diet. Its compounds are ve ry active against candida albicans which causes yeast infections. Some studies h a ve shown that garlic is more potent in treating yeast infections than nystatin, gentian violet and six other reputable antifungal agents.3 6 Yeast infections plague millions of Americans and can cause conditions such as thrush, vaginal yeast infections and intestinal yeast disorders. Candida albicans has been linked to a wide variety of symptoms including chronic fatigue, depression, infertility and allergies. Much of the scientific research done on garlic has centered around its antimicrobial activity, especially against infectious fungi like C. albicans which causes yeast infections. Chicks that were inoculated with the C. albicans organism were cured after ten days of ingesting garlic.37 A study reported in Mycologia in 1977 concluded that garlic significantly inhibited all isolates of yeast-like fungi that were tested. Once again, it is important that the allicin component of garlic is present in order to receive the antifungal effect. Some research has suggested that raw garlic was not effective against yeast infections, while aged extracts were very good. An added bonus of using garlic to treat yeast infections is that no clinical stains of C. albicans have been known to become resistant to garlic therapy. Because high blood sugar is also related to a higher risk of yeast infections, garlic therapy has an additional advantage. Garlic compounds have demonstrated their ability to lower blood glucose levels which would help to decrease one’s risk of developing a yeast infection.
( Echinacea ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 24, 2005 01:07 PM
ECHINACEA (Echinacea angustifolia) Common Names: Black Sampson, Purple Coneflower, Rud beckia , Missouri Snakeroot, Red Sunflower Plant Parts: roots, rhizome Active Compounds: echinacoside, polysaccharides (echinacin), antibiotic polyacetylenes, betaine, caffeic acid glycosides, inulin, isobutyl amides, ess ential oil (humulene, caryophylene), isobutyl-alkylamines, resin, flavonoids (in leaves and stems), sesquiterpene esters (echinadiole, epoxy - echinadiole, echinax-anthole, and dihydor-xynardole). Pharmacology: Echinacea contains a variety of chemical compounds which have significant pharmacological functions. It has been the subject of hundreds of clinical and scientific studies which have primarily used an extract of the plant portion of the botanical. The rich content of polysaccharides and phytosterols in echinacea are what make it a strong immune system stimulant. The sesquiterpene esters also have immunostimulatory effects. Glycoside echinacoside is found in the roots of the plant. Echinacin has also been found to possess anti-fungal and antibiotic properties. This component of echinacea also has cortisone-like actions which can help promote the healing of wounds and helps to control the inflammatory reactions of allergies. Vitamin and Mineral Content: vitamins A, E, C, iron, iodine, copper, sulphur and potassium Regulatory Status
US: None Recommended Usage: Echinacea works best if it is taken right at the onset of an infection in substantial doses and then tapere d off. It can be used in higher quantities as a preventative during winter months when colds and flu are prevalent. If using it to maintain the immune system, periodic use is believed to be more effective than continual usage. Typically, one should use echinacea for seven to eight weeks on followed by one week off. Guaranteed potency echinacea is currently available in capsule form only. Safety: High doses can occasionally cause nausea and dizziness. Echinacea has not exhibited any observed toxicity even in high dosages. Anyone who is suffering from any type of kidney disorder should restrict taking echinacea to one week maximum. Very heavy use of echinacea may temporarily cause male infertility.
( GPC (GlyceroPhosphoCholine) Versatile Life Support Nutrient .... ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2005 05:25 PM
GPC (GlyceroPhosphoCholine): Versatile Life Support Nutrient Parris Kidd, Ph.D.
GPC or GlyceroPhosphoCholine (pronounced gli-sero-fos-fo-ko-lean) is a nutrient with many different roles in human health. It reaches extremely high concentrations within our cells, and its abundance in mother's milk suggests it is crucial to life processes. Clinically, GPC has been most intensively researched for its brain benefits. Biologically, it has great importance for the skeletal "voluntary" muscles, the autonomic nervous system, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs. GPC goes beyond being a brain nutrient; it is a nutrient for vitality and long life. As a dietary supplement, GPC's brain benefits are unique. It boosts mental performance in healthy young people, as shown by three double-blind trials. In trials on middle aged subjects, GPC improved several physiologic measures of mental performance: reaction time, visual evoked potential, and EEG delta slow waves. In the elderly, GPC improves mental performance and provides noticeable revitalisation. In 11 human trials with 1,799 patients, memory, attention, and other cognitive measures improved. So did mood (including irritability and emotional lability), and patients often developed renewed interest in relatives and friends. GPC was well tolerated, and generated no bad drug interactions. A large trial on elderly subjects with memory challenges published in 2003 concluded GPC had significant benefits for these individuals. GPC Supports Normal Brain Function Circulatory deprivation or surgery can challenge healthy brain function. GPC can speed recovery and support improved quality of life. In four trials with GPC on 2,804 subjects who experienced difficulties under these circumstances, up to 95% showed good or excellent improvement. GPC consistently improved space-time orientation, degree of consciousness, language, motor capacity, and overall quality of life. The investigators concluded GPC offered marked benefits, with an excellent benefit-to-risk profile. Up to half of patients who survive bypass surgery experience problems with memory and other mental performance. A double-blind trial conducted with bypass survivors for six months determined that the GPC group had no remaining memory deterioration, while the placebo group failed to improve. GPC Works Through Multiple Mechanisms GPC supports human health through a variety of mechanisms: 1. It helps keep choline and acetylcholine available to the tissues. Choline is an essential nutrient and GPC appears to be the body's main choline reservoir. GPC in mother's milk represents the baby's main source of dietary choline. Acetylcholine (ACh) is an important substance employed extensively throughout the body. ACh is a major brain transmitter; the motor nerves use ACh to drive the skeletal ("voluntary") muscles; the autonomic nervous system uses it to pace all the organs. ACh is also central to mental and physical endurance, and mind-body coordination. 2. GPC is a major cell-level protectant, not as another antioxidant but in pivotal roles of osmotic pressure regulator and metabolic antitoxin. GPC for osmotic regulation can reach very high concentrations in the kidney, bladder, liver, brain, and other organs. As metabolic protectant, GPC shields proteins against urea buildup. 3. GPC is a major reservoir for cell membrane omega-3 phospholipids. These substances are the major building blocks for cell membranes. Enzymes couple GPC with the omega-3 fatty acid DHA, to make the phospholipid PC-DHA. This makes membranes especially fluid, enabling membrane proteins to perform with better efficiency. GPC produces PC-DHA in the skeletal muscles, wherein fluidity is essential for contraction. Muscles that function abnormally can show GPC deficiency. 4. GPC contributes to both male and female in reproduction. As spermatozoa mature, GPC is used to make PC-DHA that makes their membranes fluid to enable motility. With men, the lower their semen GPC the greater the likelihood of poor sperm motility and with it, infertility. Once semen is inserted into the female, an enzyme in uterine secretions breaks down the semen's GPC into substances that energize the sperm to achieve fertilization. Dosing, Safety, Tolerability, Compatibility Oral intake of GPC in the clinical trials was usually 1,200 milligrams (mg) per day, taken early in the day on an empty stomach. A reasonable dietary supplementation regimen is 1200 mg/day, taken in divided doses (AM and PM) between meals for 15-30 days, and thereafter 600 mg/day for maintenance. Symptomatic subjects can take 1200 mg/day until adequate improvement is achieved. Young, healthy subjects may experience benefit from daily intakes as low as 300 milligrams. GPC is very safe, being compatible with vitamins and nutrients and with pharmaceuticals. In clinical trial comparisons, GPC's benefits surpassed the nutrients acetylcarnitine and CDP-choline. GPC is unmatched for its support of active living and healthy aging. In some 23 clinical trials GPC improved mental performance in all functional categories. GPC can revitalize the aging brain, facilitating growth hormone (GH) release and boosting nerve growth factor actions. GPC's ample presence in human mother's milk suggests it could be conditionally essential. By supporting mental integrity, mind-body integration, the autonomic system, and the body's other organs, GPC enhances the active lifestyle. GPC is remarkable nutritional support for optimal health at any age.
Parris M. Kidd, PhD is a cell biologist trained at the University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco. Since entering the dietary supplement field in 1983, he has published many in-depth reviews of integrative medicine in the journal Alternative Medicine Reviews, and is science columnist for totalhealth magazine. Dr. Kidd is internationally recognized for his accomplishments in dietary supplement product development, documentation and quality control. Disclaimer: the above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider.
( Lose the Gluten - everyone who suffers from food allergies ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 10:20 PM
Lose the Gluten by Phyllis D. Light, RH Energy Times, October 14, 2004 Are you a glutton for gluten, the sticky protein found in bagels and many other breads? Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy the taste of fresh-baked bread because it contains this natural substance that can cause allergic reaction or intolerance in susceptible folks. And while not everyone who suffers from food allergies or intolerances has a problem with gluten, other foods that can cause distress include items like watermelon, fish or even the benign-seeming peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Still, with a little guidance, even if you have an allergy or two, you can enjoy meals and reduce food-related difficulties when you make food choices wisely. According to the Food and Drug Administration, more than one in 50 adults and one in 12 children in the US suffer food allergies. But the problem may be even larger. Researchers believe even more of us have food allergies and don't know it: many food allergies and intolerances may be mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome or conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome. Unhappy Digestion The involvement of the immune system in an allergy represents the dividing line between intolerance and allergy. A food allergy strikes when the immune system attacks food ingredients as though they were threatening substances. Usually, proteins trigger these physiological alarms. The most common food allergens include wheat, soy, peanuts, shellfish, eggs, fish, tree nuts, milk and watermelon. Fortunately, many children who suffer allergies outgrow them as their bodies mature. Signs of a food allergy may include a rash, hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, itchy skin, shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling of the airways and a condition called anaphylactic shock, a serious occurrence that can cut off breathing and requires immediate medical help. If you believe you have a food allergy, see your health practitioner. If you have reasons to suspect an allergy to a particular food, avoid it altogether. Intolerance Versus Allergy Food intolerances are more common than allergies. They happen when food irritates the digestive system or offers substances that the digestive tract cannot break down. A food intolerance, however, does not provoke the immune system into an attack. The most common foods that cause intolerance are wheat, rye and barley; they all contain gluten. Figuring out an intolerance generally requires adding and eliminating foods to gauge your response. Signs can include nausea, stomach pain, gas, cramps, bloating, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, headaches and irritability or nervousness. If you suspect you have a food intolerance, keep a food diary-recording what you eat and how you feel afterwards. In addition, an elimination diet, wherein you avoid certain foods and track your responses, can help determine food intolerances. After you have dropped certain foods from your diet, reintroduce them, one at a time, until you eat a food that causes a return of your problems. These foods should then be permanently avoided. Inflamed Intestines Celiac sprue is a particularly severe inflammatory response to wheat or other grains containing gluten. According to the National Science Foundation, one in every 200 Americans suffers from this often misdiagnosed condition. That's more than a million of us! If left untreated, celiac sprue can cause anemia, contribute to osteoporosis by limiting calcium absorption and increase the risk for intestinal cancer. Signs include headaches, weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue and neurological symptoms. The only treatment is to avoid all grains that contain gluten. According to researchers in England, celiac sprue is often mistaken for chronic fatigue syndrome, type 1 diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome and can result in infertility (Med J Austral 2004 May 17; 180(10):524-6). Because sprue can confuse health practitioners, many people spend years trying to find an answer to their discomforts before finding that a gluten-free diet relieves their pain. According to the Celiac Sprue Association, if you have gluten intolerance you should avoid durum wheat, semolina wheat, rye, kamut, spelt, barley, triticale and often oats. Some people find they can tolerate spelt, a distant cousin to wheat that's high in fiber and contains more protein (talk to your practitioner). Oats are generally well-tolerated by most people with gluten intolerance, but because oats are often processed on the same machinery as wheat, they may have traces of gluten. If you are gluten intolerant, you can still eat rice, corn, soy, potatoes, beans, sorghum, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, arrowroot and amaranth. Problem Foods Other food ingredients can trouble digestion. They include: Fermented Foods If you have what seem to be allergies and intolerances, fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria (probiotics) can aid the functioning of your digestive tract. Yogurt, kefir, buttermilk and sauerkraut supply active bacterial cultures and are generally easy to tolerate because they are predigested. According to researchers at Tufts University, yogurt can improve your digestive health and soothe difficulties linked to allergies and intolerances (AJCN 2004 Aug; 80(2):245-56). In addition, yogurt and other probiotic foods have been found to reduce the recurrence of irritable bowel flare-ups and may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Yogurt improves gut microflora, increases bowel transit time and enhances immune response. Probiotics are also available as supplements. Helpful Hints If you have problems with certain foods or additives, becoming an amateur food detective can make meals more pleasant. Before eating a packaged food, always read the label; if you are unsure of the ingredients, contact the food manufacturer. But, in any uncertain situation, if you are in doubt of a food's ingredients, do without. Better to avoid food problems than realize too late that you've eaten a food that has upset your digestion. Some people find their food intolerance comes and goes, often depending upon the amount eaten and how often a food is consumed. For example, some people with lactose intolerance find they can have a little milk in their coffee or on their breakfast cereal one day a week, but have problems if they drink milk on two consecutive days. While deciphering which foods in your diet cause you problems can be time consuming, the reward for eliminating these nutrients, better digestion, is great. Don't give up! Persevere and, eventually your digestion will thank you.
( Mucuna Pruriens (DopaBean) ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 30, 2005 11:26 AM
Mucuna and Medicine Mucuna pruriens, commonly known as velvet bean or cowitch, is a plant indigenous to India A clinical study confirmed the efficacy of the seeds in the management of Parkinson’s disease by virtue of their L-Dopa content1,5. Mucuna pruriens, recognized as an aphrodisiac in Ayurveda, has been shown to increase testosterone levels2, leading to deposition of protein in the muscles and increased muscle mass and strength3. The extract is also known to enhance mental alertness and improve coordination4.
1. Manyam, B.V., et. al. (1995) J. of Alternative and Comp. Med., 1 (3) 249-255.
( Composition and Method of increasing Testonsterone... ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 17, 2005 04:01 PM
Composition and method for increasing testosterone levels Abstract This invention provides compositions and methods related to the administration of deer antler, one or more nor-testosterone precursors, and one or more testosterone precursors, to increase testosterone levels, treat sexual dysfunction, improve sexual function, improve energy, enhance feelings of well-being and increase muscle mass in males. This invention also provides for inhibitors of the enzymes aromatase and/or 5-alpha reductase, to support testosterone levels and avoid undesirable metabolites. May reduce DHT: By using velvet deer antler along with the testosterone and nor-testosterone precursors, the antler promotes youth film testosterone levels while balancing and ameliorating dangerous spikes in these levels. Another embodiment of the invention includes herbs that inhibits 5-alpha-reductase reducing undesirable levels of dihyrotestosterone. Another embodiment includes chrysin, which inhibits aromatase and the production of estrogenic steroids. Deer antler (called Rokujo in Ancient Chinese Medicine) is used for its sexual-reinforcing and anti-aging actions. Wang et al., 36(7) CHEM. PHARM. BULL. 2587-92 (1988). Velvet antler is living tissue that grows at a rate of up to 2 cm/day in some species. Cartilage, bone and support tissues such as nerves, blood vessels and hair follicles of the antler also evidence accelerated growth. Antler is the only mammalian organ that regenerates. These features, responsible for the accelerate growth of velvet antler are likely to be caused by either unique regulatory substances or substances found in other tissues but at lower levels. It is believed that factors actually responsible for the rapid regeneration of the velvet antler can explain the powerful health benefits of the product. Specifically, velvet deer antler regulates the adrenal cortex and energy metabolism, promotes sexual function and growth, and strengthens resistance. Its functions fall into the major categories of general body strengthening, healing, promoting blood cell growth and improving immune and cardiovascular function.
Some of velvet deer antler's key ingredients include lysophosphatidyl choline, with hypotensive activity, phosphatidyl ethanolamines, sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl choline hypothanthene and uridene, with monoamine oxidase (MAO)-inhibiting and anti-aging effects; polyamines spermine, spermidine and putrescine, with RNA polymerase stimulating effects; gangliosides that may promote memory and learning; and anti-inflammatory amino acids. A wide variety of growth factors are also found in velvet, and may be associated with its growth-promoting activity. Tsujibo et al., 35(2) CHEM. PHARM. BULL. 654-59 (1987). As taught by ancient Chinese medicine, deer antler tonifies the yang, primarily deficient yang of the kidneys, spleen and heart. Because kidneys are the seat of the basal yang, the most important use of this class of herbs is to tonify the kidney yang, whose principal manifestation of deficiency is systemic exhaustion. Yang deficiency causes impotence, spermatorrhea, watery vaginal discharge, infertility, enuresis, polyuria, wheezing and daybreak diarrhea. Patients with deficient kidney yang very often have decreased plasma thyroid hormone binding proteins, 24-hour urinary 17-ketosteroids, and decreased rate of glycolysis. When treated with tonifiers such as deer antler, these measurements return to normal ranges. BENSKY ET AL., CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE, MATERIA MEDICA, REVISED EDITION Eastland Press, Seattle, Wash. (1993).
Deer Antler Velvet Full Spectrum Planetary Formulas 30CtDeer Antler Velvet Full Spectrum 60ct
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