
Search Term: " Lining "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care Darrell Miller 11/6/23
The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples Darrell Miller 7/29/23
Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine Darrell Miller 11/8/22
Chondroitin Sulfate - The Joint Health Superstar You May Not Know About Darrell Miller 9/29/22
The Health-Supporting Properties of Curcumin Darrell Miller 9/14/22
The Benefits of Beef Gelatin Darrell Miller 9/12/22
IGF-1 Benefits for Men: How to Build Muscle and Improve Quality of Life Darrell Miller 7/6/22
Need Digestive Relief? Darrell Miller 4/28/21
A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following: Darrell Miller 10/9/20
Prepping basics: 5 Effective natural remedies for ulcers Darrell Miller 4/25/19
9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric Darrell Miller 12/20/18
Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart Darrell Miller 11/19/18
How to keep your microbiome happy VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/28/18
Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes Darrell Miller 7/26/18
Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Darrell Miller 12/7/17
How To Wash Your Face With Quinoa (And Why You Should) Darrell Miller 11/21/17
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink? Darrell Miller 10/18/17
5 Reasons Your Leaky Gut Isn't Healing—and How to Overcome Them Darrell Miller 10/7/17
10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily! Darrell Miller 9/5/17
Health benefits of Gelatin Darrell Miller 9/1/17
5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis Darrell Miller 7/30/17
Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux Darrell Miller 7/29/17
Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient Darrell Miller 7/27/17
Pineapple: Heals Leaky Guts, Fights Candida, & Reduces Inflammation Darrell Miller 5/24/17
Red meat link to common bowel disease: study Darrell Miller 1/20/17
Powerful Health Benefits of Pomegranate Darrell Miller 1/13/17
Did You Know That Coconuts Are Healthy? If Not, Then Check This Out! Darrell Miller 12/15/16
How inflammation interferes with the formation of new bone material Darrell Miller 12/14/16
Top workouts that slow down ageing Darrell Miller 12/10/16
Here's why your vitamin supplements are making you nauseous - TheHealthSite Darrell Miller 11/30/16
Facts About Vitamins - Vitamin a (retinol) Darrell Miller 11/30/16
Oral health and your heart Darrell Miller 11/29/16
Digestion Boosting Best Juices To Have Darrell Miller 11/27/16
Why the Blood-Brain Barrier Is So Critical (and How to Maintain It) Darrell Miller 11/25/16
The Dangers Of Over The Counter Pain Meds Darrell Miller 11/19/16
Some Benefits of Licorice Root Darrell Miller 9/28/16
Meadowsweet can be a great pain reliever Darrell Miller 9/26/16
How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement Darrell Miller 9/8/16
Does Melatonin Decline As We Age? Darrell Miller 9/22/15
What Can I Take To Prevent Bladder Infections? Darrell Miller 9/20/15
How Do Probiotics Boost Your Immune System? Darrell Miller 8/28/15
Why Eat Gluten Free Darrell Miller 4/17/14
Can DGL Licorice Help Soothe The Stomach And Intestinal Tract? Darrell Miller 4/11/14
The Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil. Darrell Miller 3/14/14
Top reasons why gluten free diet is necessary Darrell Miller 1/27/14
What you may need to know about Vitamin B2 Darrell Miller 1/5/14
What Are The Health Benefits Of Borage Seed Oil? Darrell Miller 12/29/13
The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass. Darrell Miller 11/28/13
Blue Green Algae: A Complete Protein Source Or Not? Darrell Miller 11/2/13
L-glutamine as we age! Darrell Miller 6/1/13
Benefits of Natural Honey? Darrell Miller 12/19/12
Can Serrapeptase Help Break Down Cholesterol? Darrell Miller 12/1/12
Acidophilus: The magic substance Darrell Miller 11/21/12
vitamin B-6 Darrell Miller 11/17/12
What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara Sagrada? Darrell Miller 10/9/12
What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw? Darrell Miller 5/24/12
How Does GABA Help Brain Function? Darrell Miller 5/16/12
Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties Darrell Miller 3/2/12
How Does D-Mannose Help With Bladder Infection? Darrell Miller 2/28/12
What Is The Difference Between DGL Licorice and Regular Licorice? Darrell Miller 2/13/12
Information on slippery elm bark Darrell Miller 2/9/12
Can Too Much Fiber Block Mineral Absorption ? Darrell Miller 10/12/11
Can Saw Palmetto Out Perform Synthetic Treatments For Enlarge Prostate? Darrell Miller 10/3/11
Can I Use Senna Leaves As A Laxative Daily? Darrell Miller 9/27/11
What Is the Life Span Of Human Cells And How Do Antioxidants Help? Darrell Miller 8/25/11
How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion? Darrell Miller 8/23/11
Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia Darrell Miller 6/14/11
How does Acetyl-L-Carnitine Help With Heart Health? Darrell Miller 2/21/11
What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K? Darrell Miller 2/19/11
Why Do We Need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) And What Source Is Best? Darrell Miller 2/15/11
Are you experiencing Joint pain? Give Baxyl hyaluronic Acid liquid a try Darrell Miller 12/10/10
The Good and Bad of an iron supplement Darrell Miller 4/25/10
Glucosamine and Joing Pain Darrell Miller 4/5/10
Lactase Enzymes and Acidophilus Darrell Miller 2/10/10
Elderberry Lozenges With Zinc 1.2mgs Darrell Miller 12/18/09
Boost Absorption With Natural Vitamins Darrell Miller 4/17/09
Thrombophlebitis Darrell Miller 4/15/09
Detoxify With L-Citrulline Darrell Miller 4/13/09
Phytoestrogen Darrell Miller 3/27/09
Grape Fruit Pectin Fiber Darrell Miller 10/21/08

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The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Date: November 06, 2023 04:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

The Importance of Collagen for Your Health: Why You Should Care

Have you ever heard about collagen? It might have been a buzzword in the beauty industry, but it's important to know that collagen is much more than just skin-deep. Collagen is actually a protein that plays a crucial role in providing structure, strength, and support to different parts of our bodies such as skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments. Lets explore the importance of collagen for your health, its different types and functions, the effects of collagen loss on the body, factors that affect collagen production, and how to boost collagen levels naturally.

Factors That Affect Collagen Production:

Collagen production declines naturally with aging, leading to visible signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging skin, and brittle nails. However, several lifestyle factors also contribute to collagen loss like smoking, consuming sugary foods, and excessive sun exposure. Medical conditions like scleroderma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome also lead to reduced collagen production.

The Effects of Collagen Loss on the Body:

Collagen loss can have various detrimental effects on the body. One of the most visible effects is on the skin where collagen loss leads to wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and dryness. Collagen loss also affects joints, resulting in pain and stiffness. Since collagen is crucial to maintaining bone structure, a decrease in collagen levels weakens the bones and muscles, causing osteoporosis. Collagen is important for the digestive tract Lining, so when the body lacks sufficient collagen, people could experience digestive issues.

Lifestyle Habits Leading to Collagen Loss:

Several lifestyle habits exacerbate the natural decline in collagen production, thereby speeding up the aging process and negatively affecting overall health. First among these is smoking. The chemicals present in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, causing premature skin aging with characteristic wrinkles and sagging. Not only does smoking impact the skin, but it also affects collagen-rich organs and tissues, leading to various health problems.

Next is the consumption of excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates. A high-sugar diet interferes with collagen's ability to repair itself, leading to inflammation and collagen cross-linking that results in skin aging and joint discomfort. Refined carbohydrates spike blood sugar levels, encouraging the same damaging process.

Last but not least, ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, particularly from the sun, can also lead to significant collagen loss. UV light increases collagen breakdown by activating enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases that degrade collagen and elastin. This exposure results in photoaging of the skin, characterized by deep wrinkles, leathery texture, and pigmentation changes. Therefore, it's crucial to protect your skin from the sun by wearing SPF every day, even on cloudy days.

How to Boost Collagen Levels Naturally:

Fortunately, several natural ways can help boost collagen levels in your body. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, zinc, copper, and iron is key to boosting collagen levels. Vitamin C is vital in the production of collagen, which makes it an essential nutrient for the body. Excessive sun exposure and smoking lead to the accumulation of free radicals that damage collagen, so avoiding these is key. In addition, the topical use of skincare products like sunscreen and moisturizers protects and nourishes collagen and helps maintain healthy skin. Exercise such as weight training and yoga can help stimulate collagen synthesis, ensuring youthful-looking skin, healthy joints, and strong bones.

Common types of collagen!

  • Type I Collagen: This is the most abundant type of collagen in the body. It's primarily responsible for providing structure to the skin, tendons, organs, and the bone matrix. It also plays a crucial role in wound healing.
  • Type II Collagen: This type of collagen is primarily found in cartilage and serves as the main component of our joints. It's important for maintaining healthy joint movement and reducing the effects of joint-related aging.
  • Type III Collagen: Often found alongside Type I, Type III collagen supports the structure of muscles, organs, and arteries. It's also a key component in the body's natural healing processes.
  • Type IV Collagen: This type forms the basis of the cell basement membrane and plays a critical role in maintaining cell and tissue health by aiding filtration.
  • Type V Collagen: This type of collagen is found in the surfaces of cells, hair, and placenta. It's important for various cellular processes, including the growth and development of cells and tissues.

Collagen is an essential protein that is vital for overall health and well-being. It provides support and structure to different body parts, ensuring their optimum functionality. The decline in collagen production is an inevitable part of aging, but several natural ways can help boost its levels. Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding habits that damage collagen, and practicing regular exercise can help maintain healthy collagen levels. It's crucial to remember that relying solely on supplements may not necessarily boost collagen levels, so it's best to consult your healthcare provider before taking them. So, go ahead and adopt healthy habits to maintain healthy levels of this crucial protein. Your body will thank you for it!


The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples

Date: July 29, 2023 11:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples

We all know that plastic pollution is a serious issue, but what we may not be aware of is that we are consuming it. Yes, you read that right. The researchers have recently discovered microplastic particles present in human stool samples, making us ingest the plastic we produced. It is not only our oceans and landfills that are clogged with plastic waste, but even our bodies, and that's alarming.

According to the study, participants from Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Austria were tested for ten different types of plastics, and nine types were found in their stool samples. On average, participants had 20 microplastic particles per 10 grams of stool. That's a concerning number.

As we all know, plastic is everywhere, from plastic bags to water bottles, from household items to toys, and the list goes on. A recent study revealed a frightening fact that our food, especially seafood and sea salt, and tap water and bottled water contain microplastics too. It is surprising to know that plastic is all around us, and we are consuming it daily.

Apart from being present in our bodies, research suggests that microplastics may have adverse effects on our gut microbiota. As per a study conducted by the University of Vienna, polystyrene microplastics adversely affected the gut barrier, microbiota, and metabolism of mice. Moreover, it can lead to a bacterial imbalance in our gut, decreasing our immune response.

Microplastics have a size smaller than 5 millimeters and are much smaller than the size we can see with naked eyes. Therefore, our bodies cannot filter them out. As a result, these microplastics can cause inflammation, obstruct our digestive system, and damage our gut Lining.

The impact of plastic on the environment and marine life is alarming, but knowing that we, humans, are part of the problem is overwhelming. The amount of plastic waste we produce every year is immense, and if we don't change our ways, it will only get worse.

The Solution to Microplastics in Our Digestive Tract Could Be Psyllium Husk and Inulin.

Psyllium husk is a soluble fiber that is derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is a powerful colon cleanser that can rid our bodies of toxins, including microplastics. When mixed with water, psyllium husk forms a gel-like substance that bulks up and moves through our digestive tract, trapping and removing microplastics along the way. Psyllium husk is also known to help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.

Another solution to microplastics in our digestive tract is prebiotics, specifically inulin. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in our gut, promoting gut health. Studies have shown that inulin can strengthen the gut Lining, which can reduce the absorption of toxins like microplastics into our bodies. Inulin can also help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.

In addition to psyllium husk and inulin, there are other steps we can take to reduce our exposure to microplastics. One such step is to avoid plastic packaging and utensils when possible and opt for reusable and sustainable options instead. We can also be mindful of the products we use that contain microplastics, such as cosmetics and cleaning products, and choose more natural alternatives.

It is also important to note that the effects of microplastics on our health are still being studied, and more research is needed to fully understand the extent of their impact. However, taking steps to reduce our exposure to microplastics and improve our gut health can only be beneficial for our overall well-being.

The discovery of microplastics in human stool samples is the harsh reality of the plastic pollution crisis. The studies strongly suggest that it may have severe implications for human health (we haven't even touched on the topic of endocrine disruptors due to plastics), and we must take action to reduce plastic consumption and pollution.

Reducing plastic waste from our daily lives might seem challenging, but it's essential if we want to create a healthier planet for ourselves and the generations to follow. Being more conscious of our daily habits in using plastic, choosing eco-friendly alternatives, and encouraging others to do the same can go a long way in reducing our plastic footprint.

We must work together as a community to reduce plastic waste and promote a sustainable future. The change starts with us, and together we can make a difference. You can get started to better health by adding psyllium husk and inulin to your daily supplement regiment. Your colon will thank you for it!


Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Date: November 08, 2022 05:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Support Healthy Gastroinesteinal Tract, Blood Sugar, And Cholesterol With Berberine

Berberine is a substance that has been shown in clinical studies to support multiple body systems. It is found in the roots, stems, and bark of certain plants and has a long history of traditional use. Berberine supplements are a convenient way to get the benefits of this substance, and they can support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels.* Let's take a closer look at the benefits of berberine.

Gastrointestinal Health

Berberine has been shown in human clinical trials to support gastrointestinal health. This is likely due to the fact that it can help regulate the growth of certain bacteria in the gut.* In addition, berberine has been shown to stimulate production of mucus, which can help protect the gut Lining.*

Blood Glucose Levels

Several clinical trials have demonstrated that berberine can help support healthy blood glucose levels.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help improve insulin sensitivity and decrease insulin resistance.* In addition, berberine can help stimulate production of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), an enzyme important for regulating blood sugar levels.*

Blood Cholesterol Levels

Clinical trials have also demonstrated that berberine supplementation can help support healthy blood cholesterol levels already within the normal range.* This is likely due to the fact that berberine can help decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.*

As you can see, there are many reasons to consider adding a berberine supplement to your daily routine. If you are looking for a convenient way to support gastrointestinal health, healthy blood glucose levels, and healthy blood cholesterol levels,* a berberine supplement may be right for you. As always, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


Chondroitin Sulfate - The Joint Health Superstar You May Not Know About

Date: September 29, 2022 01:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chondroitin Sulfate - The Joint Health Superstar You May Not Know About

If you're like most people, you probably haven't heard of chondroitin sulfate. But this humble nutrient is actually a superstar when it comes to joint health. Here's everything you need to know about chondroitin sulfate and how it can help you maintain healthy, flexible joints.

What is Chondroitin Sulfate?

Chondroitin sulfate is a glycosaminoglycan (GAG) naturally present in many body tissues, including joint cartilage and synovial tissue.* As we age, our bodies' naturally-occurring levels of chondroitin sulfate decline, which can lead to joint discomfort.*Supplementing with chondroitin sulfate can help replenish these decLining levels and promote joint comfort and mobility.*

How Does Chondroitin Sulfate Work?

Chondroitin sulfate works by promoting water retention within the joint.* This helps to keep the joint lubricated and cushion it from shocks, as well as maintaining the resiliency of the joint tissue.* In addition, chondroitin sulfate has been shown to inhibit the degradation of cartilage by enzymes.* By doing so, this important nutrient helps to support the maintenance of healthy, flexible joints.*

If you're concerned about your joint health, chondroitin sulfate is a nutrient you should definitely consider supplementing with. This important glycosaminoglycan helps to support healthy joints in multiple ways, including promoting water retention, maintaining flexibility and resiliency, and inhibiting cartilage breakdown. So don't wait - start reaping the benefits of chondroitin sulfate today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The Health-Supporting Properties of Curcumin

Date: September 14, 2022 11:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health-Supporting Properties of Curcumin

Curcumin, the active polyphenolic extract of turmeric, is one of the most scientifically investigated plant compounds. Curcumin's health-supporting properties depend on its bioavailability. NOW Curcumin Phytosome is a unique form of curcumin complexed with phosphatidylcholine that clinically demonstrates enhanced absorption and bioavailability as compared with standard curcumin extracts. Clinical studies also show that curcumin phytosome is a powerful free radical scavenger, can help to support a balanced immune system response to normal metabolic stress, and can promote healthy joint mobility and flexibility.

The Benefits of Curcumin

Curcumin has been shown to offer a wide range of health benefits, thanks to its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.* Some of the ways in which curcumin supports health include:

Brain Health: Curcumin has been shown to promote cognitive function and healthy brain aging.* It does this by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, two factors that are known to contribute to age-related cognitive decline.*

Heart Health: Curcumin has been shown to support cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range.* It also promotes healthy blood vessel function.*

Digestive Health: Curcuin supports a healthy inflammatory response in the digestive tract.* This helps to keep the gut Lining healthy and promote regularity.*

In conclusion, curcumin is a powerhouse compound with numerous health-supporting properties. Thanks to its unique formulation as a complex with phosphatidylcholine, NOW Curcumin Phytosome is one of the most bioavailable forms of curcumin on the market today. If you're looking for a supplement to support brain, heart, and digestive health, look no further than curcumin phytosome!*


The Benefits of Beef Gelatin

Date: September 12, 2022 12:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Beef Gelatin

Did you know that beef gelatin is approximately 90% protein? This hydrolyzed form of beef gelatin has been enzymatically predigested to enhance absorption. Gelatin is a water soluble protein that is derived from collagen. It is known for its many health benefits which include joint and skin health, gut healing, and improved digestion.

Joint Health

Beef gelatin contains amino acids that are necessary for the maintenance of cartilage and joints. Gelatin can help to reduce inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis.

Skin Health

Gelatin is beneficial for skin health due to its high collagen content. Collagen is essential for skin elasticity and firmness. It can also help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Gut Healing

Gelatin promotes gut healing by restoring the mucosal Lining of the digestive tract. It can also help to improve digestion and reduce inflammation.


If you are looking for a protein powder that has numerous health benefits, then beef gelatin is a great option! Gelatin provides joint and skin health, gut healing, and improved digestion. Give beef gelatin a try today and see how you feel! Your body will thank you!


IGF-1 Benefits for Men: How to Build Muscle and Improve Quality of Life

Date: July 06, 2022 11:45 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: IGF-1 Benefits for Men: How to Build Muscle and Improve Quality of Life

If you are a man, there is a good chance that you are interested in building muscle and improving your quality of life. And if that is the case, you may be wondering about IGF-1 benefits for men. What is IGF-1? How can it help you? In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of IGF-1 for men and how to maximize them!

What is IGF-1 and what are the benefits for men?

IGF-1, or Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1, is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body. It is similar to insulin in structure and function, and it plays an important role in regulating cell growth. IGF-1 levels are highest during childhood and adolescence, when the body is growing rapidly. However, levels begin to decline in adulthood. Some research has suggested that decLining IGF-1 levels may be linked to age-related health conditions such as muscle loss and osteoporosis. Supplementing with IGF-1 has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength, improve bone density, and reduce the risk of age-related diseases. For these reasons, IGF-1 supplementation is often recommended for older adults.

How can you increase your IGF-1 levels?

Deer antler velvet extract is one such supplement that has been shown to be effective in increasing IGF-1 levels. The extract is derived from the antlers of deer, which are naturally high in IGF-1. In addition to increasing IGF-1 levels, deer antler velvet extract has also been shown to improve athletic performance, increase strength and stamina, and reduce inflammation. As a result, it is an effective way to boost IGF-1 levels and improve overall health and well-being.

How to cycle IGF-1 for maximum results?

It is produced naturally by the liver, but it can also be injected into the body through synthetic means. IGF-1 has a number of different benefits, including the promotion of muscle growth, the healing of wounds, and the prevention of age-related diseases. However, it is also important to cycle IGF-1 in order to avoid potential side effects. When used correctly, IGF-1 can help to improve physical performance, accelerate recovery from injury, and delay the aging process. One can cycle deer antler velvet extract which is high in IGF-1 on 8 weeks, off 4 weeks back on again.

Keep in mind, taking IGF-1 and working out is good, but if you are not getting enough protein, one can not build muscle like they could when consuming 1 gram of protein per body pound. IGF-1 is an important hormone in the body that helps with muscle growth, but if protein intake is low, it will be difficult to see results. Be sure to not only supplement with IGF-1, but also get adequate protein through diet or supplementation (protein powders).

If you are looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, you may want to consider taking deer antler velvet extract. The extract is derived from the antlers of deer, which are naturally high in IGF-1. In addition to increasing IGF-1 levels, deer antler velvet extract has also been shown to improve athletic performance, increase strength and stamina, and reduce inflammation. As a result, it is an effective way to boost IGF-1 levels and improve overall health and well-being. Thanks for reading! We hope this post has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


Need Digestive Relief?

Date: April 28, 2021 11:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Need Digestive Relief?

1. A synergistic combination of d-limonene and sea buckthorn for a soothing support of the entire digestive system.*

  • Soothing relief for occasional heartburn, acid
  • indigestion, and upset stomach
  • Supports healthy esophagus and intestinal Lining.*
  • Long lasting results with continued us
  • Terry Naturally HeartBurn Rescue.

2. This combination of Ayurvedic herbs has been used in India for over 5,000 years to support digestive health and comfort.*

  • Reduces occasional bloating and constipation
  • Maintains bowel regularity
  • Supports healthy intestinal flora*
  • Terry Naturally Ayurvedic Digestive Formula

3. Clinically studied, standardized DGL for soothing GI support!*

  • Convenient capsule form – Does not have to be chewed.
  • Starts working on the first day and results improve with continued use.
  • Supports healthy stomach and intestinal tract Lining.
  • Terry Naturally Stomach & Intestinal Relief

4. Provides boswellia plus other soothing ingredients to support comfortable and predictable digestive function.*

  • Relieves occasional intestinal discomfort including
  • cramping, gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • Supports healthy intestinal Lining and bowel regularity
  • Maintains healthy intestinal motility.*
  • Terry Naturally BosMed Intestinal Bowel Supports

5. Features FloraSure® probiotic blend, a unique combination of live, active cultures with a long history of human use. For complete Digestive Health!

  • Relieves occasional diarrhea, constipation, and bloating
  • Supports healthy intestinal flora
  • Promotes everyday gastrointestinal function
  • Terry Naturally Colon & Bowel Probiotic


A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Date: October 09, 2020 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Healthy Endocannabinoid System ECS Properly Regulates The Following:

Understanding the ECS

Some Endocannabinoids tell out body how much inflammatory messenger molecules to release or with hold. Others tell how fast to move food through the gastrointestinal tract. Still others tell the brain to release or hold neurotransmitters to calm the brain.

  • Stress
  • Memory
  • Mood
  • Inflammation
  • Energy
  • Sleep
  • Metabolism
  • Appetite
  • Appetite
  • Pain response
  • Immune function
  • Nerve signaling
  • Muscle control

Age does Matter!

Aging is a major contributor to a unhealthy ECS function. Lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, exposure to toxins and stress impact and contribute to a decLining ECS.

  • These factors cause us to product fewer endocannabinoids.
  • Contribute to fewer enzymes known to liberate endocannabinoids in the body.
  • Then, Endocannabinoid receptors loose sensitivity and don't respond well.

Any age can consume CBD and benefit from a balanced ECS. Take the plunge and try CBD today!


Prepping basics: 5 Effective natural remedies for ulcers

Date: April 25, 2019 04:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Prepping basics: 5 Effective natural remedies for ulcers

Peptic ulcers occur when an individual's digestive juices cause damage to the walls of the intestines or stomach. Usually, peptic ulcers are caused by H. pylori, a bacteria that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. Burning pain is the most commonly known symptom of a peptic ulcer. Other symptoms include belching, heartburn, bloating, nausea, and weight loss. Aloe vera taken orally is one natural remedy for ulcers. Cabbage juice, chamomile, and honey also all fight peptic ulcers without the negative side effects of medication. While ulcers are usually just irritating, they will become debilitating if left untreated.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although ulcers can occur anywhere on the body, they are especially common along the digestive tract.
  • Peptic ulcers occur in the stomach and intestines as a result of digestive juices damaging the lining.
  • Aloe vera, which is used topically for burns and infections, can be used internally to treat ulcers.

"Ulcers are common, and how they appear and their corresponding symptoms depend on their cause and where they develop on your body."

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9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Date: December 20, 2018 08:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Turmeric has numerous health benefits. One such benefit is it has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of curcumin. Therefore, it is no surprise that it helps joint health. The presence of curcumin can also be linked to promoting healthy ageing. It also can help regulate cholesterol levels and supports cardiovascular health. Turmeric can also be linked to helping people lose weight. There are also studies that it can support brain function including improving your memory.

Key Takeaways:

  • Several health concerns such as Alzheimer’s have inflammation as its root cause and turmeric can cure them due to its having curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound.
  • Because turmeric can prevent inflammation this makes it ideal for regulating blood cholesterol. The main culprits behind rise in blood cholesterol are inflammation and high blood sugar levels.
  • Turmeric saves as a protective herb, protecting the heart from heart disease and improves the lining of the blood vessels as well.

"Turmeric is a spice that has served mankind since ancient times. The herb is now being increasingly used in the form of a supplement as well."

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Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart

Date: November 19, 2018 09:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart

Turmeric and its much-lauded, health-giving component, curcumin, have had a health buzz about them for a long time. The health benefits to those that use turmeric and consequently curcumin, have long been noted. But, though its benefits for a wide array of bodily systems, including the cardiovascular, are not disputed, it has heretofore not been understood if turmeric, or more specifically curcumin, does some of its wonders by lowering lipid levels. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University has now performed a meta-analysis of available data, surrounding turmeric and curcumin, as a means of filling the knowledge gap. The researchers began by filtering the data, searching for studies revolving around turmeric, cholesterol and triglycerides. To ensure the data was all the more compelling and germane, the researchers trimmed down the parameters even more, allowing for only those tests that involved subjects laboring under the effects of metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. In these cases possible negative effects to the heart would prove particularly relevant. The meta-analysis revealed that turmeric and curcumin had positive effects to impart on the levels of serum triglycerides apparent in its user-subjects. The two components also positively impacted the low-density lipo-protein cholesterol levels of the user-subjects. The researchers theorized that positive chemical activity was initiated by the components, thereby causing the beneficial aspects. Other cholesterol and lipid markers were not affected. In general, turmeric and curcumin have been shown to limit oxidative stress and inflammation as well as benefit the blood vessel Lining, all of which can prevent a serious cardiac event.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of effective ways in which you can help lower your high cholesterol.
  • There are plenty of natural remedies out there that allow you to control your health.
  • These new substances are natural and have been proven to work on numerous different occasions.

"Turmeric and curcumin are two substances most known for their wide array of health benefits."

Read more:


How to keep your microbiome happy

Date: August 28, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: How to keep your microbiome happy

How to keep your microbiome happy

Your microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, yeast and other microbes inhabiting your digestive tract. Probiotic foods such as kimchi, miso soup and yogurt, along with probiotic supplements, can help keep up a robust microbiome. They are especially beneficial after a course of antibiotics. Foods like sauerkraut, full fat yogurt, and kombucha, a form of fermented tea, also support a healthy microbiome. Green tea and meditation, meanwhile, can help make your gut more hospitable to beneficial microbes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Probiotics, which are found in foods such as yogurt, pickles, and dark chocolate, help promote gut health.
  • Green tea is filled with nutrients as well as antioxidants that protect and nourish the lining of the digestive system.
  • If you can't spend more time in the sun, consider taking Vitamin D tablets, as Vitamin D is necessary for a healthy gut.

"Keeping your microbes in balance is the key to good health and has been shown to affect weight, well being and fat storage."

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Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Date: July 26, 2018 09:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Worse than sugar, this alternative boosts your risk of obesity and diabetes

Nearly 40 percent of American adults are obese, and although the food industry often presents artificial sweeteners as a solution, they are even worse for your health than the real thing. Artificial sweeteners may raise your risk of obesity and diabetes even more than real sugar, and may cause worse damage to the lining of the blood vessels. Over the long term, artificial sweeteners can change or wear down the cellular “machinery” your body uses to make energy, or even trick your body into breaking down muscle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Artificial sweeteners are not a solution to the out-of-control rates of obesity in America, and may make the problem even worse.
  • Artificial sweeteners can change your body’s processes for making energy and trick your body into burning muscle for energy.
  • Artificial sweeteners can stimulate the appetite, and previous research has strongly associated it with greater weight gain.

"If you’re still holding out hope that science will eventually prove artificial sweeteners to be beneficial, or at the very least harmless, you’re likely to be disappointed."

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Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Date: December 07, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

High levels of cholesterol can impact health in some surprising ways. People may notice their health declining as their cholesterol levels rise too. High alcohol intake and low levels of exercise may actually be part of the reason why that happens. Check blood pressure levels to make sure people get the right care. Set goals like lowering blood pressure levels over the course of a few years. Doctors can offer their own advice to make that happen.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cholesterol is important for your body to function and can be found in many healthy foods.
  • High blood pressure can be caused by many factors, such as alcohol consumption.
  • Avoiding foods with high saturated fat can reduce your cholesterol levels.

"The first step in reducing your cholesterol is to maintain a healthy balanced diet."

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How To Wash Your Face With Quinoa (And Why You Should)

Date: November 21, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How To Wash Your Face With Quinoa (And Why You Should)

Quinoa is trendy new food that is taking the gluten free world by storm. Since it is a seed and not a grain, it is easily consumable for those with gluten allergies or those looking to simply decrease their carbohydrate intake. But not only is it good for digestion quinoa is also good for collagen production. Collagen is the substance that is responsible for preventing wrinkles as we age. Recent studies have shown that using quinoa as a face was can help to stimulate collagen production to make ones skill look not only younger but healthier as well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quinoa has the ability to help protect collagen production in your skin
  • Quinoa is also a toner and helps with skin pigmentation, such as brown spots
  • Quinoa is a natural exfoliator by helping to remove dead skin cells

"Healthy collagen concentrations in the skin are associated with elasticity and firmness, while declining collagen is directly linked to wrinkles and saggy skin."

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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Date: October 18, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Apple Cider Vinegar a new health trend? The drinking of apple cider vinegar for dietary reasons has been a growing trend in the United States as of late. However, critics are beginning to question if the the health benefits out weigh the consequences. Individuals should consult a doctor if they have experienced stomach problems in the past before beginning this dietary trend. Further, moderation is key with this dietary supplement and it is highly recommend that the individual dilutes a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to achieve desired results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss, digestive health, and other positive health effects is a growing trend.
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar without dilution is unsafe: the vinegar is too acidic for the inner lining of the gut.
  • Some people, including those with ulcers and other digestive conditions, should avoid drinking apple cider vinegar entirely, even when diluted.

"Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in an 8-ounce glass of water about 10 minutes before eating meals to help boost digestion and reap its health benefits. And, if you’re not sure if apple cider vinegar is safe for you based on any health conditions you may have, check with your doctor first."

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5 Reasons Your Leaky Gut Isn't Healing—and How to Overcome Them

Date: October 07, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Reasons Your Leaky Gut Isn't Healing—and How to Overcome Them

Your leaky gut may not be healing. This is bad news. You won't feel better until it heals. There can be other health problems caused by it as well. This gives five reasons for the lack of healing so you know what to watch for. This will help you so you can make sure things change. If you know what's wrong you can enact changes to make it better. You can't do this if you're clueless.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leaky gut syndrome has become a common health problem due to society’s bad habits of eating processed foods, lack of physical activity, and being overly stressed
  • If you are having a hard time healing your gut, you may not be taking the proper nutritional supplements, such as probiotics.
  • It’s important to intake adequate fiber from foods such as fruits and vegetables in order for probiotics to thrive in the gut.

"While you’ve probably heard of “leaky gut,” few people realize that it a serious medical condition that occurs when the gut lining becomes permeable, causing the normally tiny gateway openings between the intestines and bloodstream to enlarge."

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10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily!

Date: September 05, 2017 12:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Reasons You should Be Taking curamed daily!

  • Healthy Inflammation Response†: Supports healthy inflammation response throughout the body.*†
  • Cellular Health: Supports cellular health and protects DNA and RNA from oxidative stress.*
  • Mood: Supports healthy levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, key neurotransmitters for optimal mental health.*
  • Kidney Support: Supports healthy kidney function.*
  • Joint Health: Curcumin maintains flexibility and comfort in joints while supporting cartilage structure.*
  • Brain Health: Helps maintain focus and concentration while protecting brain cells from oxidative stress.*
  • Intestinal Health: Supports bowel motility and the gut mucosal Lining.*
  • Liver Detoxification: Promotes healthy levels of the body’s own detoxifiers, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase.*
  • Cardiovascular Health: Supports heart function and healthy cholesterol balance.*
  • Antioxidant Protection: Powerfully protects the body from oxidative stress.*

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Health benefits of Gelatin

Date: September 01, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Health benefits of Gelatin

Gelatin is more than just a snack; eating gelatin can provide some health benefits. Loss of collagen as a person ages causes skin to lose firmness, leading to lines and wrinkles. Gelatin, as a great source of collagen, may help keep skin looking smooth and youthful. One half cup serving of gelatin contains nearly 2 grams of protein, which the body needs. Gelatin may also aid digestion, both by providing glycine, which helps the mucosal lining in the stomach and by stimulating gastric juices.

Read more: Health benefits of Gelatin


5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis

Date: July 30, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis

I don't know about you, but I suffer from gastritis. The bloating, the pain, and the nausea can quickly ruin my whole day. Why waste time and money going to a doctor's office, when you can manage your symptoms at home, simply and safely. 5 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis promotes a healthy lifestyle. This video shows you what foods to include in your diet to promote a well functioning digestive system. Amp up your day by making some changes to your life and feel better than ever.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gastritis can be a difficult condition to heal at home. But there are a few remedies to ease the condition for people.
  • Rice water can be taken to ease some of the pain. Boil the water and add a tablespoon of chamomile oil.
  • Boiled sweet potato pulp might also relieve some pain as needed. Simply boil sweet potato in water and use the pulp when done.

"Gastritis is one of the most common stomach ailments. It corresponds to inflammation of the stomach Lining, and in severe cases, without treatment can cause bleeding."


Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux

Date: July 29, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux

Do you have acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn? Almost everyone does at some time or another. It's caused by the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus. The burning sensation you feel is from that stomach acid attacking the lining of your esophagus.

The most common causes of acid reflux are eating too fast or too much in one sitting, a poor diet and chronic stress. If you're a heartburn sufferer, it's a good idea to work on these problems to eliminate the reflux. But in the meantime, if you want to knock out hearburn stat, here are some ideas:

A teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sipped until the reflux goes away is a sure-fire cure. Baking soda is alkaline so it offsets the acid in your esophagus. Other remedies include drinking ginger tea and apple cider vinegar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acid reflux occurs when acid from your stomach move up your digestive tract, burning your espohagus
  • Acid reflux is likely caused by high stress levels and an unhealthy or limited diet
  • You can improve your diet and stress, but there are also some natural remedies you can ingest to treat reflux

"In this post, I’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for acid reflux."

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Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient

Date: July 27, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient

What's the best natural ingredient to treat acid reflux, ulcers and stomach pain? The humble sweet potato. If you suffer stomach discomfort, you will want to treat the symptoms before you have permanent damage to your stomach Lining. Following this simple recipe will keep your stomach healthy and reduce discomfort. The video will show you how to make a sweet potato concentrate that can be taken around mealtimes to get the results you are looking for.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sweet potatos are the key ingredient in this recipe for treating ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.
  • blend a skinned and cut sweet potato with water and strain it.
  • Poor out the liquid, dry the pulp and add water to the powder and drink it before each meal.

"The cure for gastritis and other stomach ailments can be found in nature."


Pineapple: Heals Leaky Guts, Fights Candida, & Reduces Inflammation

Date: May 24, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pineapple: Heals Leaky Guts, Fights Candida, & Reduces Inflammation

Science has found that the gut is the root of many ailments that people suffer from chronic inflammation to Candida bacteria.The pineapple has been proven to be effective in assisting people with these ailments. The pineapple has essential nutrients like potassium, zinc, manganese, and copper which are essential for health as well as for the gut. There is ongoing research into the health benefits of this fruit, but present research declares that it is an antioxidant as well as an anti inflammatory which can boost the natural immune system.

Key Takeaways:

  • Pineapples contain anti-inflammatory foods compounds making them a powerful natural fruit that is rich in phenols and bromelain.
  • Pineapples have powerful anti-oxidants and a dense mineral profile which helps heal damage to the intestinal lining.
  • Pineapples are an excellent source of Zinc, Potassium, Manganese, and Copper.

"The truth is that bacteria are our most stringent allies in the battle for good health."

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Red meat link to common bowel disease: study

Date: January 20, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Red meat link to common bowel disease: study

Watch out if your on a rich red meat diet! Studies show people on red meat rich diets have been linked to a heightened risk of a bowel inflammation called diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is a common condition in which small pockets Lining the intestine become irritated. Diverticulitis causes 200,000 hospital admissions every year in the United States alone.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers have determined connections between the consumption of red meat and an intestinal illness called diverticulitis.
  • Several behaviors, including low-fiber diets, smoking, obesity, and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, have also been linked to diverticulitis.
  • Research found that even after controlling for other factors, diverticulitis increased among men in the study group who consumed more red meat.

"Diverticulitis is a common condition which occurs when small pockets Lining the intestine -- called diverticula -- become irritated."



Powerful Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Date: January 13, 2017 01:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Powerful Health Benefits of Pomegranate

The abundant skinned seedy fruit, Pomegranate offers a variety of health, beauty and clinical benefits. Apart from eating the food raw, people even use pomegranate juice that helps both skin and health in some ways. Pomegranate is one of the healthy foods and should be included in the regular diet. The peel of the fruit contains the highest amount of antioxidants that are released when Pomegranate is squeezed. Drinking the juice of the fruit helps assimilate all the nutrients by the body. Experts say that one glass of pomegranate juice offers forty percent of the routine requirement of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and folic acids as well. However, one should not sweeten the juice as sugar is inflammatory and counteract the health benefits of the juice.

Since traditional times, pomegranate juice is being used for medicinal purposes. Many people till date use pomegranate for healing ulcers as well as diarrhea. The juice benefits the heart by keeping arteries flexible. It even decreases the inflammation in the Lining of blood vessels. The juice helps maintain the level of sugar in the blood, in spite of containing fructose. It is even helpful for reducing high levels of blood pressure in a person. Experts recommend the fruit as natural aspirin. The juice removes free radicals present in the body. It even prevents the growth of cancer and its development. The antioxidants present in the fruit help stimulate white blood cells for neutralizing toxins. Pomegranate promotes the strong immune system.

Many health articles recommend pomegranate juice for its ability to soothe the stomach in cases of dysentery. The fruit plays an important role in proper digestion by secreting enzymes. The antibacterial properties of pomegranate juice help fight bacteria and reduce microbes found in the mouth. The high levels of iron in the fruit help surmount red blood cells deficit in the body. Also, the fruit is a remedy for falling eyelashes and red eyes too. The juice helps in inducing hunger and controlling thirst. Many people recommend pomegranate juice during the summer season. The fruit has the high quantity of dietary fibers that helps regulate bowel movements in a person. The fruit has no calories and hence, it is recommended for the persons who desire to lose weight.

Pomegranate juice is recommended for pregnant women because it enables the healthy flow of blood. It is even crucial for the overall development of the fetus as well. The content of potassium in pomegranate juice prevents leg cramps. The highlight is pomegranate benefits health in many ways. The juice is considered to be a secret of vibrant skin. The juice helps reduce wrinkles on the face that are a result of continuous exposure to the sun. The juice works wonder for all types of skin and penetrates easily. The fruit helps in cell regeneration and quickens the course of wound healing. Pomegranate is known to improve the texture of skin by offering strength to the skin. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily helps not just the skin but most of the organs of the body.

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Did You Know That Coconuts Are Healthy? If Not, Then Check This Out!

Date: December 15, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did You Know That Coconuts Are Healthy? If Not, Then Check This Out!

Coconut meat is the rich white Lining that is contained within the shell of a coconut. Coconut meat can be juicy and tender, or slightly thick and crunchy, to tough and fibrous depending on how long the kernel has been stored. Though coconut only grows in tropical regions of the world, it is now widely available in the American consumer market. And this is a fortunate thing as eating food products derived from coconut like coconut oil and coconut meat on a regular basis has profound positive effects to your overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Coconuts offer a wide variety of health benefits.
  • Its saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fatty acids improve heart health and promote weight loss.
  • It also helps strengthen the connective tissue that involves skin, ligaments, bones, and tendons.

"Coconut also contains short-chain fatty acids and medium-chain fatty acids that have amazing benefits."



How inflammation interferes with the formation of new bone material

Date: December 14, 2016 10:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How inflammation interferes with the formation of new bone material

One suffers from autoimmune inflammation when the immune system takes healthy cells to be foreign and fights them. This disease causes abnormal changes and growth in body organs; it can affect many or just one body tissue. Autoimmune inflammation usually runs in families. The main cause of the disease is not known, but theories usually rotate on factors like chemical irritants, drugs, environmental irritants and virus. Autoimmune inflammation interferes with the process of bone formation as the chemicals released by body cells increase blood flow resulting in warmth or swelling of the infected part. This swelling causes irritation of the joints and the bones cartilage wears down swelling the joint Lining.

With patients with autoimmune inflammation, there will be the erosion of the cartilage and the bone. It causes weakening of the bone which is as a result of deterioration of the bone structure and low bone mass. This increases the risks of fractures as the bone becomes more fragile. It affects the bone formation by reducing muscle forces on the bone which can cause paralysis. From the activation of cells and immune system, there is a production of inflammatory cytokines which induce the bone loss. This is because it causes local cartilage degradation and thus inhibits bone formation.

Bone remodeling highly depends on the balanced action between bone-resorbing and the osteoblast, in this process, an inflammatory process that would target the joint will affect the structure of the bone. This will result in impaired function of the bone and the destruction of bone tissue. OPC generally helps to lower the blood pressure, protect the brain, stop deep vein thrombosis, prevent oxidative and stop inflammation. The seed extract reduces anything damaging the joints and helps in immune regulation. They help stop the symptoms of collagen-induced arthritis. It helps in building of the backbone. It acts as antibacterial agents, preventing inflammable infections. Inflammation can also be prevented through exercises and stopping obesity. Modification of the diet and consumption of supplements will also help avoid inflammation.


Top workouts that slow down ageing

Date: December 10, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top workouts that slow down ageing

Want to look younger for longer? The secret is exercise! A regular fitness routine will help you avoid chronic diseases, build stamina, and keep you physically agile. Which workouts will keep you looking young? Yoga, weight lifting, squats, walking, compound movements, and cardio training are your best bets for a youthful glow. Strengthen your body and maintain your youthful agility in order to look years younger than your age.

Key Takeaways:

  • A slow metabolism, decLining stamina, setting in of chronic illnesses are some more troublesome signs of ageing.
  • Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age.
  • Yoga does not work on specific body parts but on your overall well being. Yoga experts believe that yoga helps you stay younger for longer.

"Creating a regular exercise routine helps you steer clear of chronic diseases, helps build stamina and strong muscles, and keeps you physically agile and just like that hide years off your age."



Here's why your vitamin supplements are making you nauseous - TheHealthSite

Date: November 30, 2016 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's why your vitamin supplements are making you nauseous - TheHealthSite

If you have ever taken your vitamins in the morning and then felt nauseous, there is a reason for that. Taking too many fat-soluble vitamins all at once can make you feel sick. There are also vitamins that have coatings or are just more likely to irritate the Lining of your stomach. This can also cause nausea. Perhaps one of the easiest causes to avoid is consuming the vitamins on an empty stomach. Eat before taking them and you may be able to avoid an upset stomach altogether.

Key Takeaways:

  • You should be familiar with this. You gulp down your morning vitamins and before you know it you are hit with a wave of nausea.
  • Consuming too many fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K can make you feel sick. The fat-soluble vitamins leave deposits so you can end up overloading on them.
  • If you overload on the vitamins, you can suffer from nausea that won’t go away even after a few hours.

"The feeling of discomfort in your stomach could also be because you are overloading on vitamins like vitamin C, E and iron that could irritate your stomach."




Facts About Vitamins - Vitamin a (retinol)

Date: November 30, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Facts About Vitamins - Vitamin a (retinol)

One of the main health problems in the world today is that too many people do not get enough vitamins and minerals in their diet. One such important vitamin is vitamin A or retinol. It is recommended that women get 600-700 micrograms of vitamin A daily in order to help with eyesight, bone formation, and maintain the Lining of the digestive tract. However, it is possible to overdose on vitamin A. This can cause dizziness, nausea, and hair loss. It’s important to properly balance your diet to get enough of this supplement.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin A is a supplement that aids eyesight and bone formation and other processes in the body.
  • women need 600-700 micrograms and 700 for men
  • if we don't get enough eyesight, GI issues, skin, and weight loss conditions can appear and if we get too much growth could be impaired and you will feel ill

"Vitamin A – also called Retinol – is an important dietary supplement. It aids eyesight and bone formation, is essential to maintain the Lining of the digestive tract and also helps in keeping the eyes, skin and mucous membranes moist."



Oral health and your heart

Date: November 29, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Oral health and your heart

Many people believe that they oral and cardiac health are not related. They are wrong. If bacteria cause an infection in your gums, they can cause inflammation throughout the body within the Lining of the arteries as well. This increases our risks of heart attack, stroke, and cancer. It is very important to prevent gingivitis by flossing and using a toothpaste validated by the FDA.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many do not even know they have it because of initial absence of pain and swelling. This, however, does not mean it is not preventable.
  • The basic step is obviously to avoid the causes of gingivitis. To the usual 4-steps popularly recommended dental routine, I would add a very fundamental one: tongue-scraping.
  • How vital one considers oral and dental health is a reflection of the person’s wisdom, personality, social nature, behavior, habit, lifestyle in general, and outlook.

"Gingivitis is very common. About 80 percent of adults will have some form of gingivitis, varying degree of severity, during their lifetime."



Digestion Boosting Best Juices To Have

Date: November 27, 2016 06:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Digestion Boosting Best Juices To Have

Many of our body issues are caused by improper digestion. These issues can include bloating and gassiness. The best things we can do for our digestive system is to avoid over-processed and oily foods that clog it up. There are also natural foods that can be eaten more often in order to maintain and boost the stomach’s function. Apples, cucumber, grapes, oranges, and celery are just a few of these foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is very important to boost digestion for good health. Improper digestion leads to various symptoms of discomfort such as heaviness, gases, bloating, nausea and vomiting.
  • A mixture of these juices boosts digestion, soothes stomach and flushes toxins from the digestive track.
  • It helps to cleanse digestive tract by improving bowel movements. It is also good for diarrhea. It reduces inflammation of stomach and intestines.

"We can improve the health of our stomach and thus digestion by various home remedies such as vegetable and fruit juices that cleanses, flushes toxins and soothes the internal Lining of the stomach."



Why the Blood-Brain Barrier Is So Critical (and How to Maintain It)

Date: November 25, 2016 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why the Blood-Brain Barrier Is So Critical (and How to Maintain It)

It’s imperative to maintain a health blood-brain barrier. This serves as a guard for our brains letting in important things like glucose, amino acids, nutrients, and ketones while warding off toxins and pathogens. Ways to promote BBB health include taking vitamin B, drinking tea/coffee for caffeine, eating prebiotic fiber, upping magnesium intake, and sleep, just to name a few.

Key Takeaways:

  • The job of the gut Lining is to be selectively permeable, allowing helpful things passage into the body and preventing harmful things from getting in.
  • A similarly dynamic barrier lies between the brain and the rest of the body: the blood-brain barrier.
  • Some pathogens even wield chemical weaponry that blasts open the blood-brain barrier, giving them—and anything else in the vicinity—access to the brain.

"The job of the gut Lining is to be selectively permeable, allowing helpful things passage into the body and preventing harmful things from getting in."




The Dangers Of Over The Counter Pain Meds

Date: November 19, 2016 08:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Dangers Of Over The Counter Pain Meds

In many ways, pain meds such as Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen have provided countless patients with an inexpensive treatment for regular aches and pains, headaches and migraines, and to help deal with fevers. There's no doubt that these painkillers work, but there are doubts whether their positive side effects outweigh the negative. 

Dangers associated with Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen

Liver damage

Liver damage is a common problem, damage that can't be repaired or reversed. One of the main side effects that manifests within children taking either Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen is known as Reye Syndrome, a condition that produces excessive fat deposits around the child's organs (especially their liver). This condition can result in death as pressure can build up to fatal levels around the child's brain.

Kidney damage

Other organ damage related to Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen usage includes inflammation within the kidneys (leading eventually to their complete deterioration) and hyperthyroidism. 

Internal bleeding

Higher doses of pain meds can increase the danger of bleeding or torn stomach Lining by several times. Stomach problems are also often noted within regular users of these over the counter pain meds. While bleeding ulcers tend to be the most commonly discussed issue within the media, other problems include heartburn, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, frequent and unavoidable burping and vomiting. Indeed, severe reactions to these painkillers can even cause a cerebral edema, a condition where excess water floods around the brain, causing anything from migraines to death.

These are some the many side effects and negative conditions associated with significant usage of over the counter painkillers. While it's clear that many people use Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for extended periods of time without developing serious side effects, it's also clear that the potential dangers of regular and prolonged use need to be taken into consideration. If you are already at risk for any of the above problems, and if you are currently on any Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen medications, you should consult your doctor.


Some Benefits of Licorice Root

Date: September 28, 2016 12:13 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Some Benefits of Licorice Root

Licorice root also known as sweet root is one of the most used medicinal herbs worldwide which grows wild in many parts of Europe and Asia.

A lot of studies have shown that the specific herb is very useful to treat various disturbances of our gastrointestinal tract, specifically it helps fight ulcer's and provides relief. Licorice root helps the body create a protective Lining in order to protect our stomach from hydrochloric acid (Hcl).

Licorice is also good for:

  • respiratory system
  • sore throat
  • bronchitis
  • cough
  • infections caused by bacteria or viruses.

Of course its benefits don’t stop here. It is useful for people suffering from low blood pressure and according to many studies it has estrogen-like properties, making it a natural regulator of female hormone.

It may be effective against skin diseases, while in the form of decoction is useful against insomnia because of its relaxing action.

Although licorice is considered beneficial to human health, you should avoid taking in excessive amounts, large amounts can cause high blood pressure.



Meadowsweet can be a great pain reliever

Date: September 26, 2016 05:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Meadowsweet can be a great pain reliever

Meadowsweet herb is used in the treatment of arthritis or anything that causes aches and pains. It is widely nicknamed “Queen of the Meadow”. Its history of use dates back to 1835 when it was discovered by a German chemist that the herb contains salicylic, a pain reliever. The herb grows well in damp meadows. Although it is native throughout Western Asia and Europe, it can now be found growing in North America.

Meadowsweet herb has the following health benefits:

  • -It supports optimal digestion
  • -Helps in toning and tightening of the Lining of the stomach.
  • -It is a great pain reliever.
  • -It has antimicrobial activity.
  • -It fights constipation and stop excessive diarrhea because of its ability to soothe an upset stomach.



How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement

Date: September 08, 2016 09:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Cascara sagrada stimulates bowel movement

Cascara sagrada is a herbal medicine that is obtained from the bark of California buckthorn tree. It is commonly used as an ingredient in many over the counter (OTC) laxatives. It is also taken in its fresh form but not recommended, this herb needs to be aged for a while before using.

Cascara is native to the Pacific Coast of the United States. History traces its original use as a medical remedy to the Native Americans.

Benefits of Cascara sagrada

Cascara has for a long time been used as a natural remedy for constipation, dysentery, muscle ache, and joints pain among others.

Primary use:

People who are prone to constipation use cascara as a laxative. The herb has proved successful in easing constipation symptoms.

How does cascara help with bowel movement?

Cascara contains phytochemicals which stimulate the intestinal Lining and cause it to contract. These contractions help move stool into the bowel, thereby preventing constipation.

Medical advice on cascara use

Cascara is completely safe for use as a laxative or as a remedy for any of the conditions mentioned above. Its use is however not suitable for everybody. Persons with kidney disease, intestinal blockages, appendicitis, and ulcerative colitis are advised to avoid using it. This herbal laxative should only be a temporary fix for constipation,  adding fiber to your diet with more water will in the long run fix chronic constipation.


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Does Melatonin Decline As We Age?

Date: September 22, 2015 01:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Does Melatonin Decline As We Age?

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal glands.  The circadian production of melatonin is tied to the day/night cycle. Light through the retina signals the pineal glands to suppress its production. Lack of light stimulation (at night) results to increased production of melatonin. The increased hormone production at night is associated with a good night’s sleep. According to a study, melatonin significantly reduces sleep latency and increases sleep efficiency. It has thus been used to treat insomnia.


Aging and Insomnia

Insomnia is commonplace among the elderly. As we age, sleep problems which include difficulty in falling asleep and maintaining the sleep are so rampant. This is so because melatonin production declines with age. With age comes the disruption of the circadian rhythms associated with the production of melatonin. To this end, melatonin supplements come handy to the elderly in maintaining a good night’s sleep.

Aging and Alzheimer's Disease

There is more to this hormone than a good night’s sleep and normal aging. There are evidences that melatonin suppresses Alzheimer’s disease. AD is the leading cause of dementia among individuals older than 65 years. Lack of sleep is a common symptom among AD patients and feels bad but sundowning (worsening of symptoms during evening hours) is worse. According to Netherlands Institute of Brain Research, the decLining production of melatonin among the elderly not only affects the circadian rhythms but also enhances the development of Alzheimer.

Melatonin as an Antioxidant

Melatonin production starts to decline at age 60. This is the onset of diseases like AD which leads to increased production of free radicals in the brain. According to a review paper written in 2000, there is a lot of pathological changes among AD patients’ autopsied brains as a result of free radical activity. Melatonin carries antioxidant properties which fight the free radicals and protect the brain neurons.

Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a powerful hormone. Its function in sustaining optimal human health is crucial. New discoveries are being made on this versatile hormone. The fact that its production starts to decline at 60 only means that you need to use supplements and not fret over the onset of AD or insomnia. It is clear that besides being harmless and natural in treating insomnia, Melatonin is the most effective way of averting deleterious aging effects.



What Can I Take To Prevent Bladder Infections?

Date: September 20, 2015 04:40 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Can I Take To Prevent Bladder Infections?

Although occurring more frequently among women, bladder infection can also turn into a serious health condition among men when left untreated. Bladder infection is commonly caused by E.coli infection, although other factors like pregnancy and trauma can contribute to its development. Aside from proper personal hygiene and overall healthy lifestyle, taking natural supplements can also be helpful in preventing bladder infection.

Natural Supplements for Bladder Infection Prevention

While vitamins and minerals found in the food you eat everyday play an active role in strengthening your immune system, there are only a few nutrients which are specifically effective in preventing bladder infection. These include the following:

  • Cranberry Supplements

In recent years, cranberry supplements have been used to prevent Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer. Primarily, these types of supplements are used even in the olden times as a preventive measure for various urinary tract disorders like bladder infection.

Experts originally believe that cranberry supplements prevent bladder infection by making the urine acidic, thus, rendering the environment an unlikely place for bacterial growth. However, they discovered that cranberry supplements work by preventing bacteria from sticking into the Lining of the bladder.

Cranberry supplements are proven effective in preventing but not treating bladder infections.


  • Lingonberry Supplements

Compared to cranberry supplements, Lingonberry supplements are less popular as an effective measure to prevent bladder infection. The nutrients found in Lingonberry help prevent urinary tract infections and is also effective in treating gout and arthritis.

There are several theories on how these supplements prevent bladder infection but the most accepted scientific explanation is that the compounds found in Lingonberry are effective in killing the bacteria that causes infection in the urine.



Most cases of bladder infections are considered mild and can be treated with ordinary health remedies like increasing fluid intake. Proper diagnosis and prompt treatment, however, is necessary when symptoms become intense. Stop bladder infection before it happens. Use natural supplements to avoid bladder infection.






How Do Probiotics Boost Your Immune System?

Date: August 28, 2015 10:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Do Probiotics Boost Your Immune System?

An average person carries thousands of microorganisms.  Among these microorganisms are bacteria.  For most of us, the word bacteria usually comes with a negative connotation.  It's no wonder that for many years, we have looked for ways to kill bugs.

While some of the bacteria we carry can cause diseases, some are “good” and useful.  "Good" bacteria helps us break down the nutrients in food, educate the body's immune system to recognize enemies, fight off food poisoning, metabolize drugs and produce moods' determining chemicals.

Unfortunately, some of our activities can significantly reduce the number of healthy bacteria.  To replenish the lost bacteria, you can take harmless live bacteria and yeasts commonly called probiotics.  Probiotics occur naturally in our bodies, but you can also get them in certain foods and supplements.

How Probiotics Work

Probiotics are essential in food digestion and absorption process.  They help move food through the gut.  It's for this reason that probiotics can help manage conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, infectious diarrhea, and antibiotic-related diarrhea.  The absorption of adequate nutrients leads to a stronger immune system.

Good bacteria are essential for gut health.  Modern medicine has found a great link between gut health and the body's immune system. Unfortunately, necessary antibiotics kill bacteria indiscriminately.  Probiotics can boost our disease fighting capabilities by replacing lost helpful bacteria.

Probiotics can also boost the body's immunity by offering us protection from “bad” bacteria. They protect us by lowering the number of disease-causing bacteria in the system.

Probiotics also help balance "good" and "bad" bacteria.  Balance is essential for optimal body performance. Numerous medical studies have for instance shown that cesarean babies are more prone to allergies and eczema because they have lower levels of helpful bacteria and chemical imbalances in their immune systems.

Beneficial bacteria are not created equal.  Our personal gut bacteria depends on the food and supplements we take. Research has shown that some species can produce immune-boosting chemicals.  Some bacteria, for instance, can produce chemicals that are great for heart and gut Lining health.






Why Eat Gluten Free

Date: April 17, 2014 04:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Eat Gluten Free

What is gluten

glutenGluten intolerance arises when your body cannot digest gluten, which is a protein found in rye, barley and wheat. It makes the immune system to attack small intestines Lining’s which causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and nausea. It’s commonly called celiac disease. Apart from celiac or gluten intolerance other health issues caused by gluten have come up.

Check out these insights why you and your family should take gluten free diet:

Lose weight

Recent research has revealed that gluten is related with obesity and weight gain. Gluten is a super carbohydrate and is quickly converted to blood sugar than any carb food. This results in glucose being released into the bloodstream. Insulin supports your body in converting glucose to fat causing a lot of fat deposits.

Ward off diseases

Increased gluten consumption has caused a great rise in several diseases such as ADHD, heart diseases, diabetes and autism. Gluten and disease relationships are still under research but meanwhile it is safer to reduce gluten intake within your family members.

Improves mental health

Different researches have associated Celiac disease with issues such as dementia and nervous system problems. Over the last 60 years, there have been some studies relating patients with Schizophrenia and gluten consumption.

Regain balance

You can find gluten everywhere in pizza, bread, salad dressings, spices, ketchup and cosmetics. An average American person can consume about 130 pounds of wheat every year which makes 70 percent of our carb intake.

Quick recovery

If you are suffering from diseases such as Osteoporosis or Parkinson's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis then taking non gluten diet is the best way of getting healthier quicker. Certain research has shown that eating gluten free diet helps you to take less recovery time when you use along with their treatments.

You can give a try by eliminating gluten and check any change in your healthy condition. Several gluten free food choices are available.


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Can DGL Licorice Help Soothe The Stomach And Intestinal Tract?

Date: April 11, 2014 09:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can DGL Licorice Help Soothe The Stomach And Intestinal Tract?

locorice rootWhat is a locorice root

Licorice root, commonly known as DGL is a characteristic herb that is utilized within numerous requisitions. It is otherwise called Yashti-Madhu, sweet root, Spanish licorice and Glycyrrhiza glabra. All structures are accessible generally on and logged off. Licorice root is a common supplement with expectorant properties. This can help with the arrival of harmed mucous covering brought on by GERD which is the reason licorice root and indigestion illness are in some cases specified together. With a few properties of cortisone and estrogen, it likewise helps the body bargain with anxiety.

Benefits of licrorice

Stress has not been demonstrated to really cause indigestion, however it does normally increase the manifestations to a degree. Then again, studies have indicated that unwinding or anxiety alleviating pills, vitamins or minerals can essentially diminish the force of the side effects. By methodology, since licorice root helps us manage stress, it has a tendency to keep the body in a more loose state. This reduces the impacts of GERD.

Licorice root is synthetically known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice or DGL. The greater part of it is prepared in Greece, Turkey and Asia. It has been utilized for a long time as a society medication for some issue including indigestion ailment. Numerous clients say that it is charming to take as it has a commonly satisfying flavor. This makes DGL a most loved of numerous sufferes searching for alleviation from their manifestations.

Licorice root as an indigestion sickness cure is not utilized as a cure, however as an agony reliever. General dosing of licorice is said to reduce the agony of GERD manifestations throughout flare ups. So as a matter of course, it is a preventive measure also. Patients who use licorice root report that typically once a day is sufficient, however twice day by day could be called for in extreme cases. Licorice root is not ordinarily utilized as a part of situations where there is now extreme harm to the throat Lining. It is all more generally utilized within sufferers with mellow side effects like acid reflux and heartburn.

The imperative thing to know here is that utilizing licorice root, with its regular properties, is a great approach to reduce the impacts of GERD before they happen. DGL appears to have some impact on gastric corrosive preparation too since it is generally utilized within the medication of a few sorts of stomach ulcers. In Japan, doctors have endorsed a man-made type of licorice to treat ulcer patients. While this medicine is not accessible in the USA, it has had some significant brings about Japan.

Study on licorice

A study was carried out on 100 patients that had not enhanced with ordinary medications. These patients were given the manufactured licorice for 6 weeks. Of these, 90 percent demonstrated a pointed change. In 22 cases, the ulcers vanished totally.

So even as a society cure or in a manufactured structure, DGL or licorice root is demonstrated to be powerful as an agony reliever for GERD manifestations, as a compelling preventive treatment and as a corrosive preparation reducer. These are hints of something better over the horizon for the GERD sufferer.

As dependably, you ought to counsel your doctor before beginning on a regimen of licorice establish in any structure. Some unfavorably susceptible responses have been accounted for. In this way, to be sheltered, converse with your specialist to see whether a licorice root - heartburn illness cure is ideal for you.


The Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil.

Date: March 14, 2014 11:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil.

What is flaxseed

flaxseed oilFlaxseed and also flaxseed oil incorporate alpha-linolenic chemical p (ALA), a precursor to the primary omega-3 oily acid that to a certain degree and inefficiently turns in to DHA and EPA -- extra active omega-3s -- methods. While flaxseed hasn't yet been proven to improve heart disease risk, there's very good evidence that flaxseed and also flaxseed oil may reduced cholesterol degrees.

Benefits of flaxseed

Flaxseed oil may also be helpful with menopausal signs. Research has proven in which 40 grams daily may be a lot like hormone treatment for improving mild menopause signs, such as sizzling whizzes and nights sweats. Ground flaxseed may also ease constipation.

Flaxseed has additionally been shown to improve kidney function in people with lupus. If you have lupus or any other medical condition it’s crucial to talk together with your doctor about almost any supplements you receive.

Flaxseed oil, including sea food oil, has been studied for reducing triglycerides. Nevertheless, it is vital to ingest much flaxseed oil (38-60 grams) to have any noticeable consequences.

Flaxseed is being studied for several other conditions, between cancers to diabetes to assist osteoporosis. At this factor, there is too few evidence to assistance flaxseed for most of these conditions

Flaxseed oil in addition has become found to get beneficial if you happen to suffer from Crohn’s Disease and Colitis. Several studies have found it oil seems to be able to calm the inner Lining to the inflamed intestines. Another benefit exists even as have an excessive written content of mucilage in flax this too is an efficient natural laxative.

Flaxseed oil is beneficial in helping to relieve high cholesterol. It’s important to make note of however, that this alone can't be totally effective throughout conserving cholesterol degrees, an overhaul linked to overall diet should work jointly along with flaxseed oil.

The probability of heart illness will be leaner in people that take flaxseed petrol. Evidence indicates that those who eat lots associated using ALA are less in danger of suffer a critical heart attack and yes it reduces high leading to help tinnitus pressure.

Some men and women endure Sjogren’s syndrome, which is dryness with your sight. Flaxseed oil really helps to improve this concern.




Top reasons why gluten free diet is necessary

Date: January 27, 2014 09:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top reasons why gluten free diet is necessary

glutenWhat is Gluten

Gluten is a protein found mainly in grains, which include wheat, farro, durum, bulgur, spelt, semolina and many others. It is also found in other foods and is present in some toothpaste brands. Gluten is difficult to completely digest and can cause serious health problems for some people. It is for this reason that many people are increasingly consuming gluten free diet in an attempt at avoiding its negative health effects. The following is a look at the adverse effects of gluten in the human body.

What Gluten can Do

Some people’s bodies react to the presence of the protein by attacking it and the body tissue surrounding it, which results to numerous health problems in the body. Gluten is responsible for a condition referred to as celiac disease, which is a serious form of gluten sensitivity. This disease is considered an autoimmune disease because the body’s immune system attacks the protein and the cells of the digestive tract’s enzymes. This leads to bloating, gas, stomach pain, anemia, skin rashes, muscle cramps and bone pain. Other symptoms include missed periods in women, stunted growth in children, seizures, mouth sores, calcium deficiency, nerve damage and nutrient malabsorption.

Other serious effects of ingesting gluten

Include increased risk of developing some forms of cancer and chronic diarrhea. The protein has also been found to cause intestinal inflammation and degeneration of intestinal Lining. Weakened intestines are dangerous because they can permit foreign substances into the blood stream, which is common in persons suffering from celiac disease.

Gluten is also associated with numerous disorders of the brain. Conclusive studies have associated the protein to a condition referred to as cerebellar ataxia. Its symptoms include difficulties in coordinating balance, problems with speech and movement. Gluten free diet results to significant improvement in health for persons suffering from autism, epilepsy and schizophrenia.

It has been observed that gluten may be addictive, which is why many people crave for meals made of wheat and other grains. This has not been conclusively proven but there are studies that suggest that traces of the protein’s exorphins can find their way into the human brain.

Gluten Free

Gluten free diet is healthy because it improves a person’s bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Any people experience significant benefits in their mental, emotional and physical health after eliminating the protein from their diets. It is, therefore, important that a gluten free diet be consumed especially by people who react negatively to it.


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What you may need to know about Vitamin B2

Date: January 05, 2014 09:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What you may need to know about Vitamin B2

What you may need to know about Vitamin B2

riboflavinVitamin B2, also called riboflavin or additive E101, is one of the eight (8) B vitamins that are necessary for maintaining proper human health. This nutrient serves several roles in the body. Most important of all, vitamin B2 helps in breaking down food components, including proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Secondly, it plays a critical role in maintaining the body’s energy supply. Thirdly, it is necessary for maintaining body tissues.

There are two types of vitamins:

Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. On its part, vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin. Generally, these types of vitamins get absorbed fast into the bloodstream and any excess eliminated through urine. This means that regular replenishment is required.

Luckily, there is a long list of foods from which vitamin B2 can be obtained. These foods belong to such categories are animal products, grains, fruits, and plants. Animal products rich in riboflavin include turkey, chicken, liver, beef kidneys, and dairy products. Fruits and vegetables rich in this vitamin B2 include avocado, asparagus, broccoli, and brussels sprouts. Other plant products rich in the nutrient include fortified cereals, spinach, sweet potatoes, peas, nuts, and mushrooms.

Vitamin B2 deficiency

As vitamin B2 is a vital nutrient, its deficiency may lead to several health complications. Some of the symptoms of the nutrient’s deficiency include sore throats, mouth ulcers, abnormally red lips, inflammation of the tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth (technically known as angular cheilitis), inflammation of the Lining of the mouth, and iron-deficiency anemia.

Although the body is equipped to synthesize foods into vitamin B2 nutrient, certain health conditions may prevent it from doing so. In such a case, you are advised to get the nutrient from supplements. Luckily, vitamins in supplement form are absorbed directly into the blood without requiring any form of synthesis. Be informed that it is advisable to go for supplements immediately after realizing any of the riboflavin deficiency symptoms discussed here. Trying to get the nutrients from foods may sometimes take longer than expected. In such a case, your symptoms will continue to worsen instead of getting better.


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What Are The Health Benefits Of Borage Seed Oil?

Date: December 29, 2013 05:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Borage Seed Oil?

What is Borage

borageThe borage also known as starflower plant generates seeds enriched with essential fatty acid known as Gamma-linolenic acid. In ancient times, borage plant was mainly used to prepare salad and soups due to its relaxing effect on people. However, in modern times people are more interested in borage seeds. This is due to its health benefits offered by gamma-linolenci acid (GLA). GLA has anti-inflammatory effects useful to both men and women. Borage oil comprises about 24% of GLA which is the highest known energy for naturally occurring GLA. After consumption, much of the GLA found in borage oil turns into dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid. GLA and DGLA prevent inflammation just like omega-3-fatty acids from fish oil or flaxseed. However, GLA and DGLA are categorized as omega-6-fatty acids.

Benefits of Borage

According to recent studies, Borage oil can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. This is an autoimmune ailment which results to joint Lining inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and painful ailment that requires use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as, NSAIDS that can have side effects. Borage oil is used to reduce tenderness and swelling for rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Borage oil is used to soothe and moisturize dry skin and treats inflamed skin diseases. It also tones dry skin, prevents wrinkles and dehydration. Borage oil provides fantastic regenerative and firming properties that help to restore skin elasticity.

Borage oil helps in boosting immune system and is an essential part of the human breast milk. When infants breastfeed they can significantly avoid risk of developing allergies.

Borage oil also treats premenstrual syndrome and cramps, diabetic neurotherapy as well as other inflammatory ailments. The oil is normally taken internally as a capsule or can be applied topically.

Warning of Borage

If you plan to use borage oil for treating any health problem, ensure that you consult your doctor before you begin using your supplement treatment.


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The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass.

Date: November 28, 2013 04:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Health Benefits Of Barley Grass.

What is Barley

barley grassBarley are grains whose grass is used to extract juice that have nutritional supplements, producing abundance of minerals including vitamins to the body. At the point of maturity, grass barley has very essential nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, amino acids and other body mineral supplements. These abundant nutritional elements play a crucial role for optimum health conditions both in children and adults.

Benefits of Barley

The supplements found from grass of mature barley contains significant portion of dietary fiber. This presence of fiber in ant diet plays huge importance in the digestion process and proper absorption of nutrients in the process. In addition fiber prevents any intestinal complication such as colon cancer.

Barley grass acts as a source of protein for our bodies. Proteins play a major role in cell development and their maintenance, leading to the growth of tissues and muscles. This contributes to the overall functioning of all the body organs.

Antioxidant presence in barley grass provides protection and elimination of harmful free radicals in the blood system. These toxic elements can lead to development of infections like cancer, in deficiency of such antioxidants.

Grass from barley has of fair amounts of potassium and calcium. These mineral supplements can be lost from an illness or a heavy exercise, hence the need for replenishment. Calcium- enriched barley grass helps to add these essential electrolytes for optimum body functioning.

Barley grass contains high organic sodium contents, which dissolves calcium deposits in the joints and replenish organic sodium found in the stomach Lining. This aids the digestion process by improving hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. People with arthritis conditions can use barley grass juice due to its high content of organic sodium present.

Finally, users of barley grass find it very useful in aiding weight loss, healing of ulcers, correction of blood sugar problems and mostly as a general tonic.


Blue Green Algae: A Complete Protein Source Or Not?

Date: November 02, 2013 10:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Blue Green Algae: A Complete Protein Source Or Not?


Blue green algae (BGA) is said to be high in dietary nucleotide which are highly rich in minerals and have a higher concentration of beta- carotene than broccoli and they are also loaded with antioxidants which are a good source of omega fatty acids and high alkalizing.

The blue green algae are made of approximately 70 percent vegetable protein and give all the necessary amino acids. It therefore makes it a complete protein source for vegetarians and also for those who may be interested in taking in less animal protein.

Good For Children And Adults

The blue green algae are good food for both children and adults because they are rich in calcium, enzymes, vitamins B12, iron and chlorophyll. It is therefore good to use as an anti aging since it has the necessary nutrients and iron.

It can be used as an anti inflammatory, and helps relief headaches while also strengthening the immune system, and also improve energy levels.

Help Sleep And Detox

The enzyme in BGA helps in better digestion and coats the stomach Lining. In children and adults alike, it will help in improving sleep, because it is detoxifying. Green foods are also known to help lessen appetite for foods thus help in weight loss.

Those who consume the blue green algae are said to be healthier than those who do not. The blue green alga makes its consumers have good brain development hence improved memory, and also have ability to cope with stress. They also have healthier skin, hair and nails because of the iron content.

According to the website, // Blue green algae is best when eaten on an empty stomach and accompanied by juice or water. It is a strong and effective healing food and it is said to be more powerful when it is still fresh.

It is important to harvest it from a clean and trusted source and should be tested for harmful micro organisms and should also be carefully processed to retain its nutrients, if one is to benefit from it.


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L-glutamine as we age!

Date: June 01, 2013 10:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: L-glutamine as we age!

lgmGlutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. The body is capable of making enough of glutamine for its own regular needs although at times of extreme stress and age, the body may need more.  Glutamine has some great importance (aka. body detox) as it is used by the body to remove excess ammonia which is a waste product the body produces everyday. It also acts as an immune system function booster as well as helping the brain to function and aiding in digestion.

Some medical conditions can lower the levels of glutamine like infections, surgery, injuries and prolonged stress, it is advisable that you take a glutamine supplements in order to boost its level in the body.

L-glutamine also helps in the following health conditions;

  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Anxiety
  • Crohn's disease

L-glutamine reduces as we age

This amino acid is mostly stored in muscles and the lungs. As muscle mass decrease with age so does the production of L-glutamine throughout the body. L-glutamine is primarily produced in the muscles, this accounts for 90% of the L-glutamine that is synthesized in the body, so aka less muscle means less glutamine. It is also produced in small amounts in the brain plus the liver but the liver more or less regulates the levels in the blood and is a large consumer of this amino acid.

When glutamine levels drop, a supplement or foods high in L-glutamine should be consumed. Some studies have shown this amino acid to greatly reduce the healing time of healing for the patients who undergo surgery in the hospitals. In case one has an abdominal surgery, the hospital stay time can be reduced by providing parental nutrition of this supplement.

Some of the dietary sources of L-glutamine

  • amino acid supplements
  • eggs
  • chicken
  • dairy products
  • cabbage
  • wheat
  • spinach
  • beans
  • parsley
  • beef
  • beets

Small amounts of L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. Diets that are enriched with L-glutamine have been known to maintain cellular function as well as maintain a strong gut barrier. This suggests that this amino acid helps to protect the walls and the Lining of the mucosa and gastrointestinal tract. Some of those people who may be having inflammatory bowel disease or crohn's disease might not be having enough of the it in the body.

pH balancing

This amino acid is a strong carbon downer, this helps in refilling the cycle of citric acid and regulation of the acid balance in the bodies kidneys by way of producing and eliminating ammonia.

More Benefits:

  • Maintain health acid balance
  • stenghthen digestive Lining
  • fight inflammatory diseases

The List Goes On And On, have you had enough glutamine today?


Benefits of Natural Honey?

Date: December 19, 2012 03:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Benefits of Natural Honey?

Raw And Natural Honey

Raw honey is one of the oldest sweetening agents known to mankind. This substance is laden with lots of substances that have proven useful to humans from time immemorial. In fact, many cultures and civilizations have used this substance with a great deal of success which underscores its importance even in modern times. Without wasting much time, we shall delve straight into some of the most fascinating health benefits of natural honey.

While many people know that honey is basically a sweetening agent, few of them know that honey good for the skin. Ancient Greeks pioneered the use of honey as skin mask. Honey can be combined effectively with oils and aloe vera to produce fantastic skin masks. The resulting mixture can be used to cure a great deal of skin problems from acne scars, blemishes, and dark spots on the skin.

Honey is also laden with nutrients and elements that nourish and moisten the skin leaving you with a soft texture and young looks. Honey is packed with powerful amino acids and enzymes that revitalize the skin.

So, instead of going for expensive creams and moisturizers, why not tap the power of raw honey?

Did you also know that raw honey is a powerful antibacterial agent? Scientists believe that pure honey can cleanse pores and eliminate microbes leaving you with a natural looking and healthy skin. Besides that, natural honey can act as an effective sunblock. It has antioxidant properties that can shield the skin from the effects of harmful ultraviolet rays.

Moving away from the skin, natural honey is also a great remedy for ulcers and abdominal problems. Honey has agents that attack bacteria while strengthening the stomach Linings at the same time. Natural honey can also be used as remedies for moles and cough and chest problems.

Certainly, there is a whole lot more you can do with raw home. This underscores the fact that natural honey is a powerful substance with multiple purposes.


Can Serrapeptase Help Break Down Cholesterol?

Date: December 01, 2012 11:22 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Serrapeptase Help Break Down Cholesterol?

When we think of silk worm the first thing that comes to our mind is clothing and not disease treatment. The serrapeptase enzyme derived from the silk worm has been used by people around the world to treat various conditions as well as lower the levels of bad cholesterol. The few trials that have been conducted are mixed though it has a future in the reduction of cardiovascular disease. High levels of cholesterol should not be ignored as it is dangerous and serious. Choosing the natural ways will really pay.Formation of plaque in the arteries involves the deposit of fibrin, calcium, cellular waste products, cholesterol and fatty acid in the inner Lining of the artery and would result to complete or partial blockage of the artery.

Reduce plaque buildup with silkworm enzymes

 The serrapeptase helps in removing the cholesterol and the other deposits causing the plaque breaking down the plaque through its protein dissolving properties.Serrapeptase has been used to reduce the inflammation and is one of the ways to get cholesterol deposits in the arteries inner Lining. It dissolves or digests the non-living tissue the serrapeptase is taken as a tablet that is enteric coated and it will not be dissolved by the stomach acids rather it will be absorbed in the bloodstream. There are health plans that are available that will optimize your plans to lower the cholesterol.

Medications do have side effects and one has to look for other ways to lower the LDL cholesterol and increase the levels of HDL cholesterol. This enzyme doesn't interfere with the synthesis of the cholesterol, but instead keeps a vital tissue form the wall of arteries and has anti-inflammatory properties. In its pure state the cholesterol is an antioxidant and it is necessary for the hormonal systems of the body. Medications blocking its biosynthesis cause liver damage and compromise the other soft tissues. Serrapeptase is the natural way to clear off this bad cholesterol


Acidophilus: The magic substance

Date: November 21, 2012 04:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Acidophilus: The magic substance

Goat's milk can be considered as the king of lactic drinks. The acidophilus in goat's milk is a magic substance which has umpteen numbers of nutritional values. This naturally occurring probiotc is also available in capsule and powdered form. Acidophilic milk is basically a drinkable yogurt and is widely used a health supplement for various conditions. The health benefits of acidophilus ranges from digestive benefits to vaginal cleansing.

Health benefits of acidophilus: Acidophilus intake will help you in many ways.

The prominent health benefits are:

1) Digestive well being:

Our digestive tract is filled with both good and bad bacteria. Acidophilus intake will increase the count of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. It will also hinder the growth of antagonistic bacteria like E Coli and Staphylococcus which are the major culprits behind diarrhea and food poisoning.

2) Vaginal well being:

This is another health benefit you can attain by acidophilus intake. Acidophilus prevents the growth of antagonistic bacteria in the vagina and the cervix. This will prevent the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis and other vaginal infections. Acidophilus intake also cleanses the Lining of vagina and cervix, and the walls will remain free from pathogenic germs.

3) Nutritional Value:

Milk products containing acidophilus gives you awesome nutritional benefits. Acidophilus is rich in Vitamin K and lactase, and it improves the overall immunity of your body. Regular acidophilus intake will prevent bacterial attacks and infections.

4) Respiratory benefits:

Some recent studies proved that acidophilus can act as an allergic buster. Regular intake of acidophilus reduces the risk of an asthma attack. Certain experts believes that acidophilus reduces the chance of an allergic trigger. Acidophilus is a magic substance which plays a vital role in your overall well being. You can obtain acidophilus from fermented milk products (goat's milk) and from other supplements. 'Take acidophilus regularly and lead a healthy life'.


vitamin B-6

Date: November 17, 2012 11:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: vitamin B-6

Vitamin B-6 was discovered by Paul Grorgy in 1930 when doing nutritional studies. He discovered the substance was able to cure a certain skin disease when he tested it in rats. Vitamin B-6 exists in three forms namely pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal. These three are precursors of PLP (pyridoxal 5-phosphate). PLP plays an important role as a cofactor for most enzymes in the body.

Vitamin B-6 has many health benefits.

To begin with, it helps maintain a healthy heart. It prevents the formation of a substance, homocysteine, which damages the Lining of blood vessels resulting to the building up of plaque. This happens when the body attempts to repair the damage. It prevents the buildup, reducing chances of a myocardial infarction. It lowers blood pressure, prevents platelet aggregation and it also lowers levels of cholesterol in the body.

Vitamin B-6 from supplements or diets reduces the chances of having Parkinson's disease. In women, it strengthens their immune system and it also promotes proper hormone balance in case of any fluctuations. Vitamin B-6 deficiency exposes one to the carpal tunnel syndrome. It is a disorder that is characterized by a burning or tingling sensation and pain that is felt on the wrist or hand after being strained repetitively. It also causes numbness, loss of strength in hands/ fingers, diminished coordination and swelling. Studies have indicated that increased levels of vitamin B-6, from diets or supplements, reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Toxic potential in grams per day.

Vitamin B-6 however becomes toxic if taken in excess. It does not relieve the symptoms immediately. Sometimes it takes up to six weeks before noticing any relief. Those suffering from this syndrome should take fifty milligrams of vitamin B-6 twice or thrice daily. You should never take more than two hundred milligrams of vitamin B-6unless you have been recommended to do so by a doctor.


What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara Sagrada?

Date: October 09, 2012 08:37 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Are The Health Benefits Of Cascara Sagrada?

Cascara sagrada is considered to be a herbal tree which is famous for its laxative properties. Aside from this fact, there are other health benefits of this herb. Read on and find out more about the benefits of this deciduous shrub.

The Health Benefits of Cascara Sagrada

1. This particular herb is famous in treating chronic constipation. It does not provide fiber; it irritates the Lining of the bowels as well as increases the rate of digestion. Dried and aged barks of this herb are used in treating chronic constipation. This herb contains hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides called cascarosides which induces the large intestine, thus increasing muscular contraction.

2. Another health benefit of this herbal shrub is its detoxifying properties. It is believed that the formation of toxic materials in the colon can cause colon diseases. Good thing this herbal shrub can help in cleansing and restoring the natural tone of your colon.

3. Aside from the ones mentioned above, Cascara Sagrada is also known to increase the secretions from pancreas and liver. With this, it will promote overall health and wellness when it comes to your digestive system.


What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw?

Date: May 24, 2012 07:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Benefits of Cat's Claw?

Cat's Claw

Cat's Claw is a supplement that helps people suffering from certain diseases and/or other physical conditions. It is found in the Amazon and is named for the thorny portions of the leaves on the plant. The medication is extracted from the root bark to help achieve healing of an ailing body.

Benefits of taking Cat's Claw Supplements

Digestion- Cat's Claw helps keep the digestive tract on course, easing the pain involved with constipation. It will help assure that a bowel movement occurs on a regular basis. Doctors suggest that a person should have at least one bowel movement per day. If that is not the case, Cat's Claw can help solve the problem.

Arthritis- Arthritic patients often find relief in Cat's Claw supplements. It helps reduce the swelling involved with the disease, making day to day life easier for the patient. Arthritis is one of the most painful medical conditions that a person can contract. There is no cure for it, but Cat's Claw can help patients maintain a more normal lifestyle.

Cancer- Cancer is a deadly disease that can put fear into the bravest of people. Cat's Claw may be able to help in slowing the progression of the disease though. Studies have shown that the ingredients in Cat's Claw deter further cancer cell growth. Studies are still being conducted on this root medicine to determine if it has other effects on cancer as well.

Healing- Cat's claw helps in the process of healing wounds. There are several forms of the drug, including tincture (liquid) form. It can be used much like alcohol is used for wounds to keep it from becoming infected. Cat's Claw speeds up the healing process to avoid a more lengthy recovery.

Ulcers- Cat's Claw helps heal ulcers, a very painful medical condition that attacks the Lining of the stomach. Ulcers are a chronic condition that cannot be reversed. The symptoms can be reduced using Cat's Claw in the proper manner.

High Blood Pressure- High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and/or strokes. Keeping the blood pressure at a normal level is essential to prevent these deadly medical conditions from occurring. Cat's Claw helps reduce high blood pressure so that it heart attacks and strokes do not continue to threaten patients.

HIV­- HIV is the onset of another deadly disease; AIDS. It has led to the death of thousands of people who have contracted it. Researchers are still looking for the cure for the disease. Until they find it, Cat's Claw can help reduce the risk of contracting full-blown AIDS. Cat's claw will not reverse HIV, but it will help those suffering from it have a greater chance of survival. Essentially, Cat's Claw helps slow down the progression of HIV.

Cat's Claw has far too many benefits to overlook. It comes in several forms including tincture, capsule, tablet or herb form. The form taken should be in conjunction with the health issue the patient would like to address. The healing elements of the natural medicine mimic those of the aloe plant, but with many more benefits to help boost greater health.


How Does GABA Help Brain Function?

Date: May 16, 2012 08:43 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does GABA Help Brain Function?

Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, GABA, is a neurotransmitter found in central nervous system. It has an inhibitory action on nerve transmission and helps in regulating brain activity and function.

Healthy functioning of brain is important to achieve optimal health. In today's fast paced lifestyle, work related stress and anxiety have taken a toll on man's health. Mental stress and anxiety can cause havoc on the internal systems of the body. According to American Psychological Association, stress can affect the physical as well as mental health of a person. It impairs the brain's ability to block certain toxins and can lead to certain aging conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Stress can affect brain's normal functioning and affect intellectual abilities and memory. GABA helps in calming the stress and thereby enhancing the functioning capacity of the brain. Let us understand how does GABA help in brain function?

Role of GABA in cerebral cortex:

The nervous system comprises of neurons, brain, spinal cord and neurotransmitters. The role of neurotransmitters is to transmit nerve signals from one neuron to another or from neuron to muscle or gland cell. The most abundant neurotransmitters in cerebral cortex, Glutamate and GABA, have opposite action on the neuron cells.

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter, which results in neuron fires and sends an electrical impulse down its length. On the other hand, GABA, made from glutamate, has inhibitory action on the nerve cells and does not allow the electrical impulse to pass through the neuron. In case of deficiency of GABA, nerve cells will fire too often and too easily, resulting in wide number of anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, seizure disorders, headaches and other cognitive impairment disorders. Hence, GABA helps in stopping the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another and thereby regulating brain activity. It has a calming effect on the brain.

Once the activity in the brain is regulated and cognitive abilities are restored by GABA, the person can think better and perform better. This natural tranquilizer allows your brain to function more efficiently. Studies have related many higher brain functions such as visual recognition and language comprehension with decLining levels of GABA with advancing age. This results in easy firing of neurons by stimulus, slowing down processing of information in brain.

Health benefits of GABA:

According to studies, GABA plays an important role in healthy functioning of mind and body. It helps in:

1. Treating conditions like depression, anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and epilepsy. The result is due to the calming effect of GABA on brain activity. It helps in clear thinking and better reasoning.

2. Preventing age related conditions such as cardiovascular disorder, diabetes and cancer.

3. Inducing a sense of relaxation by providing tranquilizing effect. GABA increases dopamine hormone in the body and gives a sense of euphoria. You remain happy and of course this has a positive effect on sexual system.

4. Relieving pain.

5. Promoting body building and losing extra fat.

GABA can be purchased as a supplement in the form of pill, capsule or powder form. It is a natural alternative for relieving stress and improving brain function.


Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties

Date: March 02, 2012 07:10 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties


Lecithin is a group of fatty substances, which occur in the tissues of plants and animals. It composed of fatty acids, choline, phosphoric acid, triglycerides, glycolipids, B vitamins, glycerol, and phospholipids. Liver produces this substance daily if you follow a complete nutritional diet. Lecithin is also inevitable for all cells in your body,protecting your cells from oxidation, and it is a major building block of cell membranes. It also supports the circulatory system of your body because it is a fat emulsifier too.

Its Discovery

The first isolation of lecithin was done by a French pharmacist and chemist, Theodore Gobley in 1846 and he named phosphatidylcholine Lechithine in 1850. He isolated it originally from egg yolk. Today, lecithin can very easily be extracted mechanically or chemically from soybean, grape seed, and sunflower. However, in plants, the most common source of lecithin is soybean. This substance is used for medicinal purposes and as a food supplement. Sometimes, it is used as an emulsifier in cooking for preventing sticking.

Your body gets adequate amount of lecithin from your diet because it is naturally found in foods such as soybeans, egg yolk, peanuts, yeast, legumes, fish, wheat germ, grains, etc. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules, granules, and powder. This is also used as a supplement for promoting weight loss. Besides, you can also take lecithin in the form of pill or mixed in health shakes.

Health benefits of lecithin

It is believed that lecithin is beneficial for solving a number of health problems. So it is effective for:

* Cell communication,
* Healthy skin and hair,
* Improvement in memory, reaction time and learning,
* Treatment for gallstones,
* Reproduction,
* Child development,
* Fat metabolism and transport,
* Liver and cell function,
* Cardiovascular health,
* Relief of arthritis,
* Physical performance,
* Neurological problems,
* Treatment for memory disorders,
* Muscle endurance, etc.

Brain Boosting Properties of Lecithin

The major brain chemical for improving memory is acetycholine and the deficiency of this chemical is the major cause of decLining memory. This chemical can be derived from nutrient choline. Fish is a rich source of acetylcholine. It can also be obtained from eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy beans, liver, etc. Eating more egg is beneficial for enhancing your memory.

There are lots of studies has been conducted for finding the effectiveness of lecithin in improving the memory. As per the findings of experts, lecithin is highly effective for improving concentration, memory, and for preventing Alzheimer's disease and maniac depression (bipolar disorder). Lecithin helps to run your brain smoothly by improving insulation around the nerves. A major part of cell membranes consists of lecithin and it is essential for the proper functioning and growth of nerve. Organ meats and egg yolks are rich sources of lecithin but the usage of these products is very less due to the fear of cholesterol. Experts think that this is the major reason for the increase of concentration and memory problems.

If you use lecithin properly, you can improve your concentration, memory, mind and nerves.


How Does D-Mannose Help With Bladder Infection?

Date: February 28, 2012 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does D-Mannose Help With Bladder Infection?


Typically, it is the accumulation of the Escherichia coli (E coli) bacterium in the bladder, kidneys, urethra or ureters that results in bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections. The strange part is that the intestines naturally contain the E coli bacteria in them, and they do not cause any harm while they are present there. However, distressing infections can be caused by these bacteria if they stick to the Lining of the urinary tract by somehow reaching into the kidneys.

At one time, bladder, kidney and urinary tract infections were treated using antibiotics; however, the only problem was that even friendly bacteria were removed from the body as well. People became prone to upset stomach and women, in particular, would frequently catch yeast infections because of this. Thus, D-Mannose was discovered as a means of treating these infections of the urinary tract without killing the friendly bacteria.

What is D-Mannose and How Was it Discovered?

D-Mannose is basically a sugar that naturally occurs in fruits like apples, berries and peaches. It was back in the late 1980s that this sugar monomer was discovered. Research has shown that this sugar has defensive qualities, and it can offer protection against pathogenic bacteria. Currently, nutritional supplements containing Mannose can be found at health stores, online retailers and supermarkets. Any supplement containing D-Mannose will be capable of flushing out harmful bacteria from the kidneys, urinary bladder and tract. Therefore, these supplements are the ideal remedy for infections that typically occur there.

How Does D-Mannose Help Cure Bladder and Other Infections?

Basically, the body is not able to absorb D-Mannose easily. Therefore, once people take supplements containing this constituent it eventually reaches the kidneys and the urinary bladder. Since the E. coli bacteria that cause urinary tract infections stick to the tissue Lining in the urinary tract, therefore, by actively binding to the bacteria, these infections are prevented from occurring. The remaining redundant bacteria that are flushed out of the kidneys and the urinary tract simply pass out through the urine.

In What Forms is D-Mannose Available?

This beneficial substance can be purchased by consumers in the form of a dissolvable powder or capsule supplements. It is recommended by a majority of manufacturers, who are manufacturing products containing this substance that one to three doses per day should be taken with a single glass of water each time. There are minimal risks of overdosing when taking D-mannose and there are no possible side effects that people might suffer from by using this substance as a remedy for urinary bladder and tract infections.

Patients will not be discouraged from using supplements containing this substance even by doctors since they are aware that it is safe to take them, and no side effects are associated. In fact, the purest form of this sugar monomer is the easiest and safest to use. Whether people choose to use powders or supplements, the effectiveness will actually depend on the manufacturer the product is coming from. Thus, when it comes to fighting off urinary bladder and tract infection, D-Mannose is indeed an effective treatment as long as the right powder or supplement is selected.

Get some D-mannose today and stop your bladder infections in its tracts.


What Is The Difference Between DGL Licorice and Regular Licorice?

Date: February 13, 2012 07:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is The Difference Between DGL Licorice and Regular Licorice?

Manypeople these days have heard of the name “Licorice” because of the various chewy rope-like flavored confectionaries or candies that are widely available these days and taste amazingly sweet. However, most of these people have never paid attention to what these candies are made of. The fact is that these candies contain the extract from Licorice roots. The Licorice roots are yielded from the Licorice or the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant. The extract from these roots has been used from quite a long time, both as a food ingredient and as an herbal remedy.

However, the Licorice root also has a derivative form known as deglycyrrhizinated or DGL Licorice. Both of these products offer numerous benefits and when taken under medical supervision they can effectively help in treating a variety of medical ailments.

Licorice plants originate from the Middle East, where harvesters peel the root out of the plant, dry them, cut them and eventually the Licorice roots arrive in other countries. Glycyrrhetic acid, cumestan derivatives, hydroxycoumarins, isoflavonoids, triterpene saponins, etc. are some of the active constituents contained in regular Licorice roots. One problem with using Licorice roots was that it was generally recommended that people use the extract from the root only under medical supervision. This was mostly because of the Glycyrrhetic acid contained in the root.

Thus, while DGL Licorice is indeed derived from Licorice root, however, glycyrrhetic acid is removed during the preparation of DGL. Therefore, this form of Licorice can be consumed much more safely without any worries. Furthermore, ulcers the esophagus, in the mouth and the stomach Lining in the small intestine are more effectively treated with this derivative form of Licorice. DGL Licorice is presently widely available as chewable tablets, mouthwashes and even teas; therefore, people have a few choices as to how they want to take the derivative extract that comes from the root of the Licorice herb.

DGL is actually an effective treatment for digestive problems like heartburn and GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcer, etc. What makes this derivative extract so beneficial is that the protective factors of the digestive system are accelerated and/or stimulated by its mechanism as a result of which the internal Lining of the intestines in the stomach are protected against the formation of ulcer. Unlike typical antacids and anti-inflammatory drugs that basically neutralize or suppress gastric acid, the DGL extract functions quite differently.

Apart from helping treat the mentioned digestive problems, even minor skin conditions such as carbuncles, eczema, minor cuts and wounds can also be effectively treated by applying ointments that contain DGL. Apart from being better than the regular extract obtained from the Licorice root, the DGL derivative is also far more effective anti-ulcer compound in comparison to the typical medications that are available these days. It is usually advised that DGL should be taken at least twenty minutes before meals. And usually 2 to 4, 400 mg tablets are the standard dose of DGL that can be taken for chronic cases of ulcer. Therefore, those who are considering using Licorice root extract should instead go for DGL Licorice.


Information on slippery elm bark

Date: February 09, 2012 11:56 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Information on slippery elm bark

The Ulmus fulva tree is medicinal tree that was commonly found in deep soil areas that are rich in nutrients. The type of tree was predominantly found along stream banks and areas with low hillsides but rocky. The medicinal properties of the slippery elm bark were first discovered by Americans of Indian origin where they used it in healing of wounds and preservation of meat. They placed it in water and it swelled and produced a sticky substance that was soothing.

Later on, English early settlers were able to discover the wide use of the tree and to improve their medicinal remedies, they added it during their manufacture especially those that were mainly used to treat wounds, cold sores and boils. They also used it to relieve urinary tract diseases, sores of the throats and coughs.

During wars, the tree was largely used as an antiseptic in form of a cream for treating wounds caused by gunshots and as the only food that was available for people to eat. This food was made by mixing the tree with water to make gruel which was very nutritious and everyone including the little children, the old and the sick were served to eat. People were also ingesting it in order to treat coughs, sore of the throats as well as respiratory infections.

The tree has numerous health benefits and the main one is the soothing property it has hence it has been widely used to treat inflammation of the throat plus esophagus. Traditional medicine men have added it in their cough treatments to sooth sores of the throats and irritations in the mouth.

It has also been used to prevent constipation, constant diarrhea and a neutralizer for excess acids in the Linings of the intestines. Its gum like nature makes it a perfect meal for people suffering from cancer or ulcers and is the only food that remains in the stomach to sustain them and provide energy during hunger.

Because of its high nutritional content, it is widely used as food and when grounded to powder it can be used to make porridge, which is very nutritious and is similar to the porridge made from oatmeal. It helps babies who have digestion problems and is ideal for sick people and the aged.

It has been widely used to lubricate and relieve pain during childbirth and is very good in removing toxins and other impurities from the body. It is a natural preservative, an antiseptic for healing wounds and may be applied as a dysentery injection. If used earlier, it can be useful as a dental treatment to kill bacteria in the tooth.

It is used widely recommended as a perfect natural alternative treatment for heart problems as compared to other medicines, a suggested treatment for cancer and in females, it has been useful in treating various infections and diseases affecting their organs. Indeed the slippery elm bark is a significant part of the tree and a natural remedy for a wide number of diseases.


Can Too Much Fiber Block Mineral Absorption ?

Date: October 12, 2011 01:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Too Much Fiber Block Mineral Absorption ?

Fiber Overview

Fiber has always been known to be a helpful substance in many ways related to digestion and our bowel movements. In terms of how much is too much though we would need to look at first what fiber can do and how it works in the colon to have a broader point of view and to take all aspects into account before determining if too much fiber can cause health issues and specifically in this case, can cause a form of blockade for mineral absorption.

What is Fiber and what does it do?

Fiber, simply put is a substance that is found primarily in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is considered a carbohydrate and a special one at that because of its ability to stay intact even after passing through our digestive system unlike other carbohydrates that gets broken down by food and used for energy. For better understanding let’s talk more about its importance. For one, it has the ability to influence our digestive process in so many ways. It’s most evident importance and function is how it is able to regulate digestion and virtually slow the process down.

With this, it is able to allow us to feel full longer which will cause less appetite therefore affecting weight and in turn overall health. With the same process it slows glucose processing as well which will aid in sugar levels and also helps nourish the colon’s Lining to keep it from damage and maintain its health. However in a more practical sense, it aids in our digestion because of its sponge like qualities. So if coupled with a good amount of water in the stomach it will aid and ease the stool and help bowel movements along. This is more known to many as a cleansing process which brings me back to the question, can it be too much and affect mineral absorption?

Can too much affect absorption?

A simple and most straight forward answer is “yes”. Yes it can, absolutely it can and “how?” you ask. As discussed above, one of the ways that fiber functions is aid with the cleansing process and the same sponge like qualities are the primary reason why it can affect mineral absorption in the colon. The reason why fiber is effective for cleansing is because it absorbs bacteria and any other toxin or harmful substances in the colon and flushes it out therefore promoting good health however it can’t filter through its absorption process and select only those toxins, rather it absorbs both good and bad substances, the good in this case being the minerals.

So before it can be absorbed by the body, fiber already caused it to be excreted. But this does not mean you stop taking fiber, remember the key words here are “too much” and all we need to do to avoid any mineral deficiency is to follow the right amount, we can check with our doctor for best advice but most experts believe getting somewhere around 30 – 35g maybe too much but then again most Americans does not even come close to that with their regular diets.


Can Saw Palmetto Out Perform Synthetic Treatments For Enlarge Prostate?

Date: October 03, 2011 02:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Saw Palmetto Out Perform Synthetic Treatments For Enlarge Prostate?

Saw palmetto is a tree type of plant which is scientifically known as Serenoa repens. It is abundantly found along the coast of southeastern part of USA. This plant bears flowers which comes in yellow and produces fruits which are berry - like and reddish black in color. Saw palmetto supplements are extracted from the plant’s berries. The berries are rich in fatty acids and phytosterols. Saw Palmetto berry extracts are made by drying the berry and mixing it with a solvent like hexane and ethanol.

Since the ancient times, Saw Palmetto has been long used as an edible food and an herbal plant. The most common use of this herb is for the improvement of benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. This illness usually results to problems with urination and sexual activity. The enlarged prostate may obstruct the flow of urine making urination difficult and even painful for some. It can also affect the individual’s sexual activity because the prostate is the gland responsible for producing seminal fluid which is a component of the male ejaculate.

The mechanism of action of this herb in improving the condition of benign prostatic hyperplasia is that it inhibits the action of the enzyme called 5 – alpha – reductase which is involved in the abnormal growth of the prostate gland. Another theory on its action in relation to benign prostatic hyperplasia is that it can effectively interfere with the chemical substance called dihydrytestosterone. One of the reasons of prostate enlargement is that there is increased amount of the hormone testosterone that binds to androgen receptor sites. Saw Palmetto extracts have been found to bind with androgen receptor sites and act as a phytoestrogen. Therefore, if the receptor sites are already filled up, testosterone hormones will not be able to attach to these receptor sites and provide an effect to the body. Hence, if testosterone is minimized, enlargement of the prostate gland will also be controlled.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a serious health condition. Several prescribed medications are available to treat this illness. Indeed, saw palmetto extracts may be helpful but this supplement must not be used as a substitute for your prescribed medications. It may have similar actions with BPH drugs such as Finasteride but its potency is different. Clinical studies have also revealed that saw palmetto supplements do not directly decrease the size of the prostate gland but the Lining inside the gland. It thins the inside layer of the gland thus minimizing pressure that rests on the urine tubes or urethra.

Saw palmetto is generally safe. However, since it can cause significant changes inside the body, it is important that you should talk to your doctor first before using this supplement, most especially when you already have BPH. You have to consult your doctor and discuss with him or her about your current health status, past medical history, familial health history and other medications taken whether prescribed or not. Dosage of the supplement is also best determined by your doctor. This will greatly help in the avoidance of untoward effects and unnecessary negative interactions with the other drugs you are taking.


Can I Use Senna Leaves As A Laxative Daily?

Date: September 27, 2011 12:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can I Use Senna Leaves As A Laxative Daily?

What Are Senna Leaves Good For?

Senna is a plant which belongs to the family of flowering plants known as Fabaceae. This plant can be abundantly found in tropical regions. This plant is considered to be a shrub. However, some seemingly looks like an herb or a small tree. Senna is one of the most commonly used herbal laxatives. Other names of Senna are Cassia Senna, Tinnevelly Senna, India Senna, Alexandrian Senna, and Khartoum Senna.

The active ingredients of Senna are called Anthraquinone and glycosides. As a laxative, the active chemical in Senna acts primarily on the large intestine, therefore, this herb has a promising effect in relieving constipation. Clinical studies have also reported that Senna can enhance peristaltic movement of the intestines. This is possible because of its irritating effect on the mucosal Lining of the intestines.

To be specific, Senna is an effective laxative. It is categorized as a bowel stimulant or irritant. This type of laxative acts primarily on the mucosa of the intestines and stimulates the nerve plexus to influence water and nutrient absorption as well as reabsorption. This alteration will then lead to the stimulation of peristaltic activity of the bowel. Thus, digestive tract movement is increased and stool elimination is induced. However, this may not be safe under certain circumstances. For this reason, stimulant laxatives must be used cautiously and employed for a short period of time only. As a result, Senna can also be employed as one of the weight loss herbal agents.

Moreover, the leaf of Senna plant consists of essential oils which can potentially destroy harmful microorganisms that can cause skin irritations such as rashes, blisters and acne. In the traditional medicine, Senna leaves are prepared in the form of paste which is then applied on skin to treat ringworms and other skin infections.

In addition, another health benefit of Senna is its potent antioxidant property. According to chemical studies, Senna herb contains high amount of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important to the body because they help prevent diseases by way of eliminating harmful toxins from the body. One of these harmful chemicals is called free radicals. These kinds of substances occur naturally in the body as an end – product of biological reactions. Free radicals can cause interruption on cellular division by altering replication of DNA. Aside from that, it can also cause damage to healthy cells of the body, thus promoting illnesses and diseases.

With the several health benefits of Senna, it must not be employed as a substitute to prescribed medications. This herb is available in supplements. You can purchase this product in many health and drug stores or even Online. However, it must not be abused. More importantly, medical consultation must be done first so that adverse effects and untoward drug interactions will be avoided. Use Senna herbal supplement as labeled or prescribed. Like any other laxative, do not use this in large amount and for a longer period of time. This may cause dependence in which you cannot have a bowel movement without the use of such supplement or laxative.


What Is the Life Span Of Human Cells And How Do Antioxidants Help?

Date: August 25, 2011 10:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is the Life Span Of Human Cells And How Do Antioxidants Help?

 Antioxidant Multi-Plex 60ctThe human body is composed of many different cells. These cells have varying functions as well as life span. The human cells, in general, are very complex. Some cells may last only within a day while others may be for life. Like for example, one blood component known as neutrophil lasts only within 24 hours. On the other hand, another blood component which is red blood cell has a life span of 120 days. One human cell which lasts for a lifetime is the stem cell. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which are the source of blood cells. They supply the body throughout life both with red and white blood cells. Here is a brief outline of some cells of the human body with their corresponding life spans.

1. Granulocytes such as eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils – half day to 3 days

2. Stomach and colon Lining cells – 2 to 4 days

3. Sperm cells – 2 to 3 days

4. Epithelial cells of the small intestines – 5 to 7 days

5. Platelets – 10 days

6. Skin epidermal cells – 14 to 28 days

7. Lymphocytes, macrophages and endothelial cells – 2 months to a year, but may vary

8. Pancreatic cells – a year or more

9. Bone cells – 25 to 30 years

As shown above, these human cells have an expected time of death. However, if the body is exposed to harmful toxins, their life span significantly decreases. As we know for a fact, the body undergoes many biological reactions almost every second. The reaction is called oxidation process which is essential to the body. However, such reaction has harmful by – products in the form of free radicals. Free radicals can cause the body significant damage. Free radicals can cause destruction and death of the healthy cells of the body and also affect the body’s cellular division. This kind of chemicals can potentially tamper DNA replication during cell division. Once cellular division is tampered, abnormal growths would likely happen. Aside from the naturally occurring free radicals, external stressors can also cause damage to the cells of the body. Some of these include pollutants, harmful chemicals and irritants. These harmful chemicals can potentially lead to the development of certain disease conditions such as heart diseases, stroke and cancer.

Fortunately, there are many antioxidants which can greatly help in the prevention of free radical damage by protecting the cells of the body. Antioxidants are molecules which can effectively prevent the oxidation of other molecules. There are many natural antioxidants found among plants and animals. Some common antioxidants are glutathione, vitamin C and vitamin E. Other nutrients which have antioxidative property include beta – carotene, lutein, lycopene, vitamin A and selenium. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of antioxidants. Nuts, grains, meat, poultry products and fish are also good sources of such cell – protecting chemicals. In addition, dietary supplements of antioxidants are also widely available in the market. However, health experts highly suggest that before supplementation of antioxidants, medical evaluation must be done first to be completely safe.


How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

Date: August 23, 2011 12:33 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

Pancreas and Pancreatin

The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen that lies just below the stomach and is a vital part of the endocrine system. Its main responsibility is to produce enzymes needed for the digestion and absorption of food. It is both an endocrine gland making several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland. Most relative to our topic though is the function of secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. These enzymes aid to further break down carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Enzymes(Pancreatin) secreted include amylases which digest starch molecules, for fat its lipases, and proteases for digesting proteins.

Digestion Tidbits

Having a nice healthy digestive tract is more than just being free of discomforts, heartburn, gas, or constipation. We have to look at it at different perspective, like from “what happens to the food?” kind of perspective. When foods are not digested properly, its nutrients cannot and will not get to our body’s cells. Nutrients are captured within the food processing stages in our digestive system. The body requires a constant flow of nutrients to essentially for what it is suppose to do which is to grow, generate energy, and to repair tissue. A lack of digestive enzymes like pancreatin in the stomach and intestines may cause heartburn, bloating, indigestion and constipation. Sometimes without giving much thought to digestion, we think it’s as simple as food is placed in the mouth, chew, swallow, and digest. However nutrients are vital to every cell in the body, and even digestion requires the right balance of nutrients to signal the nerves to start gathering nutrients again.

Pancreatic Enzymes

Digestion processes all occurs in the gastrointestinal tracts. Whatever you eat flows through this system, but until absorption through the intestinal tract, the nutrients from your food are still physically outside of your body. Because the gastrointestinal tract functions like an internal skin and provides a barrier between whatever you ingest from the outside (external) and your internal bloodstream. Part of this process of digesting food is the selective transport of nutrients through the cell wall Linings in your intestinal tract.

Once transported across the intestinal barrier to the inside of your body, that’s when the nutrients becomes part of our bloodstream and is rationed to all of your tissues via blood circulation to maintain organ function, aid in the need for energy, and mobilize growth and repair of new cells and tissues. Now for any mobilization of the nutrients to take place, food must first be broken down and this is where Pancreatin comes in along with other enzymes. On the other hand if pancreatin is insufficient it can lead to symptoms of malabsorption(abnormality in absorption of food nutrients), malnutrition(a state of lack of nutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and weight loss (or an inability to gain weight in children) and is often associated with steatorrhea (loose, fatty, foul-smelling stools), and is some select cases the lack of these enzymes can lead to type one diabetes.


Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia

Date: June 14, 2011 11:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia

How Does Boswellia Fight Inflammation.

Boswellia fights inflammation through the action of a family of anti-inflammatory terpenes known as boswellic acids. Inflammation is a natural reaction of your immune system to tissue damage and infection, and is often associated with conditions such as arthritis, sports damage to bones and joints and bacterial infections caused by cuts and grazes. There are more serious inflammatory conditions of course, such as asthma, and boswellic acids act in the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) without their unwelcome side effects.Solaray Boswellia Resin Extract

Among the causes of inflammation are inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes, the biosynthesis of which is blocked by boswellia. Another is the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme, also known as LOX-5, and again, the terpenoid anti-inflammatory boswellic acids block this so that the causes of inflammation in the above conditions are severely restricted. Boswellia extract is a good supplement to take for those suffering any form of arthritis, joint pain or even asthma.

Using Boswellia to treat Arthritis

Boswellia can be used to treat both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, although rheumatoid arthritis is not always easy to control. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, in the case of osteoarthritis the inflammation being a natural response to joint damage and infection of the synovial fluid generally caused by wear and tear on the joint with aging, and also by sports injuries.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of immune disease caused by the body attacking its own joints, and while the terpenoid anti-oxidants known as boswellic acids can help to mediate the pain and other symptoms, it can do nothing to cure the condition.

If you are suffering pain through arthritis, and your joins are tender and swollen, a supplement consisting of an extract of boswellia or its terpenes can help to relieve these symptoms and to offer pain relief equivalent to that offered by synthetic NSAIDs such as aspirin and Ibuprofen.

Gastric Problems and Arthritis Pain? Perhaps Boswellia Can Help

Extracts and supplements based on the resins of the boswellia tree are commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions, and reduce the severe pain of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, ease the discomfort of colitis and also help ease the symptoms of those suffering asthma. Each of these is an inflammatory condition that would otherwise have been treated using NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs have a number of side effects, being particularly unsuitable for those with ulcers or any other gastric problem. The terpenoids contained in boswellia extract an effective alternative to these drugs that many try to avoid taking. Long-term use of boswellia appears a lot safer than long-term use of NSAIDs, since it doesn't promote the severe gastric problems of these synthetic drugs, such as irritation of the stomach Lining or even ulcers. If you already have ulcers or other gastric problems then NSAIDs area define no-no for you, and boswellia is the ideal substitute.

Grab some boswellia today and experience relief for your self!


How does Acetyl-L-Carnitine Help With Heart Health?

Date: February 21, 2011 02:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does Acetyl-L-Carnitine Help With Heart Health?

Acetyl L Carnitine And Heart Health

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a form of the chemical compound carnitine, which is active in the human body as the amino acid L-carnitine. It is an organic substance that is naturally occurring in mammals and many other animals, and it is released from the liver and kidneys to every tissue in the body. While our body is capable of manufacturing this amino acid, there are factors involved in its depleting levels at certain times, and thus it is made available as a nutritional supplement. Today it is primarily used as a treatment for heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems.

Helps Break Down Fats

One of the many factors that influence heart tissues is high levels of free fatty acids in the blood. Popular health magazines and the mainstream press have labeled transports of fat-soluble bioactive compounds in the water-based bloodstream as bad cholesterol, but free fatty acids are also to blame for the buildup of fatty debris in the blood vessel Linings, resulting in the thickening of walls characteristic of many cases of heart diseases.

The body has a mechanism to utilize these fats more effectively in the presence of Acetyl-L-Carnitine, which is quite active as soon as it enters the cells of any tissue, notably muscle and skeletal tissues. Free fatty acids are formed as a by-product of triglycerides that remained in the blood, but once they pass the cell membranes, they can be a source of energy far more powerful than that produced from glucose. Acetyl-L-Carnitine makes it possible for these fatty molecules to be converted into energy.

Maintains Heart Wellness

Every cell has its own form of storage fuel, and glucose and its metabolites are probably the best known. However, tissues of the heart and the muscles prefer fatty acids. As you might have surmised, tissues found in the heart and those that build the form of our physique, classified as cardiac and skeletal respectively, needs more energy than other tissues of our body. The skeletal muscles are directly involved in daily physical exertion whereas the heart is, of course, in constant movement.

Fatty acids yield adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, the form of energy at the cellular level, which is in general more than two times the energy produced from either carbohydrates or proteins. This is one of the reasons why fatty acids can keep up with the hard work associated with cardiac and skeletal muscle tissues. The absence of energy required for the healthy functioning of the heart leads to cell death and affects the heart’s ability to pump blood as described in cases of heart failure.

Promotes High Bioavailability

Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been touted to be more absorbable and ultimately incorporated in body tissues more effectively than other forms of carnitine. It is a known fact that acetylating organic molecules increases the effectiveness of administered doses, and this remains true with Acetyl-L-Carnitine, the reason why it is widely applied in serious medical conditions concerning the heart.

If you have heart problems, give Acetyl-L-Carnitine a try risk free.


What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K?

Date: February 19, 2011 11:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K?

6 Ways Vitamin K Can Boost Your Health

Vitamin K is belongs to the group of vitamins that are soluble in fat. There are a lot of chemical compounds that display the activities of this essential nutrient inside the human body, but the best known form of this vitamin is phylloquinone, a naturally occurring substance in green leafy vegetables. Many different synthetic forms have also been proven to exhibit the same health benefits.

Helps against Blood Loss

Vitamin K was named so largely owing to the fact that it is directly involved in the coagulation of blood, which was the first of its benefits to be discovered. K stands for the first letter of its German name, Koagulationsvitamin. The process by which our body controls blood loss during bleeding, both external and internal, is called coagulation, which describes the ability of the blood to thicken and form a clot. Coagulation is central to the health of blood vessels as it stops bleeding and starts the healing process.

Promotes Vascular Health

Phylloquinone and other forms of Vitamin K have long been used as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases. One form of calcification outside the bones occurs in the arterial Linings, which wears down the elastic properties of vascular tissues. Arterial calcification in itself is a very serious medical condition and usually takes place in end-stage cardiovascular diseases. However, the absence of vitamin K in the body also brings on this disease.

Facilitates Calcium Absorption

There is strong evidence that vitamin K helps build strong bones, and is in fact utilized as treatment for osteoporosis. Vitamin K modulates the production of osteocalcin, which induces bone formation and reduces bone resorption by attracting calcium minerals inside the body. Premature calcification of bones negatively affects bone density, but the presence of vitamin K has been observed to avoid this.

Regulates Blood Sugar

The bone-building protein osteocalcin also acts as a hormone that triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to release more insulin, which instruct cells in different tissues of the body to absorb glucose from the blood. Glucose is either converted into ATP, the primary source of energy that power cellular functions, or stored as glycogen inside the cells. Either way maintains healthy blood sugar.

Breaks down Body Fats

Osteocalcin is also involved in the burning of fats in adipose tissues, including the unwanted flab on the belly. By stimulating these fatty tissues to release a hormone called adiponectin, body fats are broken down into smaller particles and in the process release energy. In fact, the abundance of adiponectin in the bloodstream has been closely tied to low percentage of body fats in adults.

Scavenges Free Radicals

Vitamin K helps clear the body of ravaging free radicals that damage everything at the cellular level. It is particularly associated with protecting the nerve cells from premature death due to oxidative stress caused by free radicals, the reason why it is used in studies concerning Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. With all its health benefits, it is prudent to ensure consumption of Vitamin K.

Do you get enough Vitamin K Daily?


Why Do We Need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) And What Source Is Best?

Date: February 15, 2011 05:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Do We Need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) And What Source Is Best?

EFA's can boost Your Health

Essential fatty acids are organic compounds that the human body necessitates to support healthy functions of organs and tissues but lack the ability to synthesize. Two fatty acids make up this group: (1) alpha linolenic acid, or ALA, and (2) linoleic acid, LA. Also referred to as EFAs, they are ubiquitous at the cellular level, but known to play an active role in neuronal and vascular tissues as well as in inflammation.

Maintains Cellular Health

One of the most recent advancements in cellular science is the discovery of lipid rafts, which are a part of the bilipid layer of cell membranes specialized for trafficking of cellular molecules, such as proteins and receptors. Also, these lipid rafts have an effect on the viscosity of cell membranes, thereby influencing fluidity that governs membrane-dependent functions of cells such as cellular signaling and phagocytosis, the mechanism by which cells swallow extracellular debris including pathogenic stimuli. Due to its being less stiff and more fluid, essential fatty acids make up cell membranes.

Modulates Neuronal Activities

It has long been postulated that learning and memory is influenced by the availability of intracellular substances known as endocannabinoids in a process called retrograde signaling. Unlike other neurotransmitters, endocannabinoids act on presynaptic cells while produced in postsynaptic cells, and by so doing enhances the signal transmission between nerve cells. Essential fatty acids are converted into endocannabinoids, which are produced on demand, and thus daily intake of EFA is a must. In addition, EFA has for years been in use as a treatment for depression and in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Regulates Inflammatory Responses

The right amounts of essential fatty acids present inside the human body significantly contribute to the inflammatory responses of the immune system. There are chemical compounds that are produced by the body only in the presence of essential fatty acids, and a number of these compounds are essential to the process of healing and other processes implicated during inflammation. This is the reason why intake of EFA is highly regarded as a therapeutic remedy for reducing inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and autoimmune illnesses.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

There is high risk of heart attack and related cardiovascular diseases in populations with low levels of essential fatty acids. Especially for individuals who are dependent on drugs that are known to cause oxidative stress in vascular tissues, susceptibility to damages of the blood vessel Linings sets the stage for the buildup of macrophages and bad cholesterol in the form of arterial plaques. These plaques contribute to the thinning of the vascular passageways characteristic of atherosclerosis.

There is a reason why alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid are considered essential fatty acids. They are a vital component of a healthy body with well-functioning organs and tissues. Good thing we have a wide list of food sources rich in EFA, which includes the oils of hemp, soya, canola, and wheat germ. EFA is also abundant in seeds of sunflower, chia, pumpkin, and flax.

EFA's should be an essential part of everyone's diet, have you had your EFA's today?


Are you experiencing Joint pain? Give Baxyl hyaluronic Acid liquid a try

Date: December 10, 2010 02:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are you experiencing Joint pain? Give Baxyl hyaluronic Acid liquid a try

Baxyl - Liquid Hyaluronic acid

Baxyl is an effective and convenient way to:

* Promote healthy joint mobility and lubrication*

* Enhance the maintenance of cartilage and joint tissues*

* Stimulate bone health by increasing bone mineral density*

* Promote healthy skin aging and support the maintenance of smooth skin*

* Support tissue health and function in the Lining of the stomach, intestines, and bladder.*

Baxyl - Hyaluronic Acid Works

Hayluronic acid works, get this powerful substance into the body faster by taking it in liquid form.

If you are experiencing joint pain, give baxyl a try!


The Good and Bad of an iron supplement

Date: April 25, 2010 06:04 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Good and Bad of an iron supplement

iron rock stoneIron holds a crucial role in the physiology of the body. It is a central part of the haemoglobin and myoglobin molecules. Iron is indispensable to the body’s ability to transport gases into and out of the cell. It is necessary in many important enzymes that are involved in energy production, metabolism, and DNA synthesis. Some iron is lost when red blood cells are broken down and excreted in the bile. However, because of iron’s importance, the body is able to conserve iron at all costs, as the kidneys do not eliminate the metal.

The dark side of iron supplementation comes when iron is consumed in amounts that are excessive to the body’s needs. Although unbound iron is more likely to cause oxidative challenges through the generation of free radicals, excessive iron supplementation in any form can cause huge problems for the cell. The overload of iron can cause deterioration of the gut Lining, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal and joint pain, liver damage, loss of weight, and intense fatigue. In children, acute doses as low as 3 grams can cause death. Iron 18mg 100 caps from TWINLAB

About one out of every 250 North Americans suffer from haemochromatosis, which is a genetic defect that is common in a lot of those people of northern European descent. This disorder causes the body to accumulate and abnormally store high levels of iron. Those people with haemochromatosis store twice as much iron as others, which places them at increased risk for iron-related diseases. Symptoms of these diseases generally occur after fifty years of age and often include things ranging from fatigue, abdominal pain, achy joints, impotence, and symptoms that mimic diabetes. IRON 40 MG90 90 ct from Natures Plus

Several studies have produced evidence which suggests that high levels of iron contribute to noticeable increases in the risk for cardiovascular disease. This is likely due to non-haeme iron’s aggressive pro-oxidant nature. Iron levels are one of the strongest biochemical markers for the progression of atherosclerosis, which results from increased oxidation of LDL cholesterol. A study in 1995 conducted on Finnish men found that those who had high body stores of iron also had a substantially increased risk of heart attack. Those men who posses the highest levels of stored iron often showed a levels of risk that was up to three times that of men who possessed the lowest levels of stored iron.

Disorders in iron accumulation contribute to a whole host of other disease states, all of which are degenerative in nature. Studies have shown that chronic iron overload contributes to increased infections, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and various congenitive dysfunctions. The only way to remove excess iron is through blood letting, unless you are a woman with regular menses. That is why, for men, iron overload can provide quite a problematic issue. Recent research has found Iron 50mg 60ct 50mg from Solaray that long-term supplementation with iron at doses less than 5 mg/day can lead to iron-overload toxicity. Because of this, it is recommended that the upper limit of iron intake be at 5 mg/day when considering a product’s rating. Any product that contains iron at a daily dose greater than this limit is penalized with this rating criterion.

But for those who need iron, it can easily be obtained through a vitamin supplement at your local or internet health food store. Men should avoid iron supplements and products containing iron, but women on the other hand due to monthly blood loss should supplement with iron regularly.


Glucosamine and Joing Pain

Date: April 05, 2010 04:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glucosamine and Joing Pain

joint diagrams Glucosamine is formed in the body from glucose. This compound is found naturally occurring in the joints of the body. It is important as a precursor and stimulant of the construction of proteoglycan synthesis, which forms the basis of cartilage. Also, glucosamine is important for the synthesis of substances that compose tendons, ligaments, the respiratory system, and the mucous membranes of the digestive and respiratory tracts.

A decline in the amount of glucosamine production occurs along with the normal aging process. This compound is involved in the natural cushioning of the joints, which means that damage and pain can result from a lack of glucosamine. When the natural cushion is gone, the bone and cartilage may rest against each other, which in turn causes deterioration. Not only can this occur in the joints, but it can also occur in the spinal column.

Glucosamine sulfate has proven to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis. In fact, some have found that this treatment works better than conventional therapies. This is because it does more than just mask the pain. Rather, it actually aids in rebuilding and stimulating joint repair. Also, glucosamine Glucosamine Sulfate 120ct 500mg from Solaraysulfate therapy helps to prevent joint destruction. Glucosamine sulfate is responsible for helping to heal, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve damage to joint tissue, without causing the side effects that are often associated with drug therapy.

Scientific evidence shows that glucosamine metabolism is altered when osteoarthritis is present within the body. It has been found that glucosamine supplements provide an effective treatment for this condition. Studies, up to this point, have found substantial improvement in those individuals who are treated with glucosamine.

There is little risk, if any, involved in the use of glucosamine for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Studies have shown that this compound is very safe and does not possess any known precautions or risks. One study even determined that glucosamine sulfate has the ability to help stimulate the defense mechanisms that are present within the stomach Lining. Pain and anti-inflammatory medications, on the other hand, often cause stomach problems such as ulcers.

Glucosamine sulfate has been shown to be an essential part in treating osteoarthritis. Scientific results showed significant improvement in swelling, pain, and degeneration of joints with the use of glucosamine sulfate. Not only is this compound important for reducing the symptoms that are involved with osteoarthritis, but the supplement has been found to actually reverse the degenerative process and induce healing. This compound should be considered to be a form of treatment for osteoarthritis. joint diagrams

It should be noted that when taking this, or any other supplement, one should consult their health care provider before beginning any type of supplementation. Glucosamine may not be recommended in some situations. Do not take glucosamine without first talking to your doctor if you are pregnant or could become pregnant. Similarly, be sure to consult your doctor first if you are breast feeding a baby. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by glucosamine, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.


Lactase Enzymes and Acidophilus

Date: February 10, 2010 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Lactase Enzymes and Acidophilus

Lactase 100ct 40mg from SolarayLactose intolerance is what is known as the inability to digest lactose. It is cause by a lack or deficiency of lactase. Lactase is an enzyme that is manufactured in the small intestine. It is responsible for splitting lactose into glucose and galactose. When a person who has lactose intolerance consumes milk or other dairy products, some or all of the lactose they contain remains undigested, retains fluid, and ferments in the colon. This results in abdominal cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and gas. Symptoms of lactose intolerance usually result between thirty minutes and two hours after consumption of dairy foods.

The degree of lactose intolerance varies from person to person. For most adults, lactose intolerance is actually a normal condition. Only Caucasians of northern European origin generally retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood. In the United States, somewhere between 30 and 50 million people are lactose intolerance. Lactase deficiency can also occur due to gastrointestinal disorders, which damage the digestive tract like celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, regional enteritis, or ulcerative colitis. Lactase deficiency can even develop on its own, with no known way to prevent it.

Lactose intolerance can occur in children as well as adults, even though it is far less common. In infants, lactose intolerance can occur after a severe case of gastroenteritis, which damages the intestinal Lining. Symptoms of lactose intolerance in an infant can include foamy diarrhea with diaper rash, slow weight gain and development, and vomiting. Lactose intolerance can cause discomfort and digestive disruption, although it is not a serious threat to health and it can be easily managed through dietary adjustments. The following nutrients are recommended for dealing with lactose intolerance. The dosages specified are for adults unless otherwise specified. For a child between the ages of twelve and seventeen, the dose should be reduced to three-quarters of the recommended amount. A child between the ages of six and twelve should use half the recommended dosage.

One teaspoon of acidophilus in distilled water, taken twice daily on an empty stomach, can help to replace lost friendly bacteria and promote healthy digestion. It is recommended that a nondairy formula is used. Charcoal tablets are helpful in absorbing toxins and relieving diarrhea. Four tablets taken every hour with water until symptoms subside can help combat an acute attack. 1,000 mg of magnesium should be taken daily, as it is need for calcium uptake and promotes pH balance.

A multivitamin and mineral complex should be taken as directed on the label because all nutrients are needed for optimal health. 400 IU of vitamin D3 is also needed for calcium uptake, while 200 IU of vitamin E daily protects the cell membranes that line the colon wall. It should be noted that the d-alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E should be taken. 30 mg of zinc should be taken three times daily. A total of 100 mg daily from all supplements should not be exceeded. This nutrient is needed to maintain immune system and proper mineral balance. For best absorption, zinc gluconate lozenges should be used. Additionally, 3 mg of copper is needed to balance with zinc.

Most of all, a good lactase enzyme supplement can help ease painful gas and bloating when taken before dairy products are consumed.


Elderberry Lozenges With Zinc 1.2mgs

Date: December 18, 2009 01:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Elderberry Lozenges With Zinc 1.2mgs

zinc and elderberry lozengesThe immune support benefits of Zinc and Elderberry, on their own or when united, are supported by scores of welldocumented research. Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of these two natural compounds to help support the body’s ability to more effectively identify, target, and eliminate foreign particles, as part of the immune system’s innate defense mechanism. In lozenge form, they help coat the Lining of the throat and esophageal surface — a region where airborne particles, many of which can be harmful, tend to thrive. The presence of zinc has been shown on countless occasions to support a healthy immune response.* Simple enough, right? It would be, if such a strong percentage of the population wasn’t so sensitive to zinc. On an empty stomach (and in some cases, even when food has been consumed), zinc can result in almost unbearable feelings of nausea.

This innovative new low-dose Zinc-Elderberry lozenge from NOW® provides enough zinc to provide effective immune system support, without the gut-wrenching nausea that leaves many would-be users apprehensive of even considering supplementation. Each tasty lozenge delivers a modest 1.2 mg of zinc, along with additional vitamin C, Elderberry extract, Echinacea purpurea root extract, and Slippery Elm extract. If there was ever a time to be extra mindful of one’s immune system maintenance,* this is definitely it. Stock up on this promising new immune supplement and save throughout December!


Boost Absorption With Natural Vitamins

Date: April 17, 2009 11:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost Absorption With Natural Vitamins

Malabsorption occurs when the body fails to properly absorb vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food. Even though a person’s diet is adequate, an individual with malabsorption develops various nutritional deficiencies. This problem is often the result of impaired digestion, impaired absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream from the digestive tract, or both.

Common symptoms of malabsorption syndrome include constipation or diarrhea, dry skin, fatigue, gas, mental difficulties such as depression or an inability to concentrate, muscle cramps and/or weakness, premenstrual syndrome, steatorrhea, a tendency to bruise easily, failure to grow normally, thinning hair, unexplained weight loss, and visual difficulties especially with night vision. Abdominal comfort may also be present and a combination of anemia, diarrhea, and weight loss is typical. However, in some individuals, obesity may result if fats are deposited in the tissues rather than being utilized properly by the body. Additionally, the body may begin to crave more and more food, which often leads to the consumption of many empty and/or fat calories.

Factors that can contribute to a malfunction of the absorption mechanism include digestive problems, poor diet, excess mucus covering the intestinal Lining, an imbalance in intestinal bacterial flora, the use of certain medications, food allergies, and illnesses such as cancer and AIDS.

No matter how good your diet is or how many supplements you take, you will have nutritional deficiencies if you suffer from malabsorption syndrome. These deficiencies lead to other problems. The impaired absorption of protein can cause edema, while a lack of potassium can cause muscle weakness and cardiovascular problems. Anemia results for a lack of iron and folic acid, while bone loss and tetany can be caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D. Bruising easily results from a lack of vitamin K, while night blindness comes from a deficiency of vitamin A. The failure to absorb B vitamins and to transfer amino acids across the intestinal Lining interferes with the production of needed digestive enzymes and causes further malabsorption, as these nutrients are essential in the absorption process itself. This causes a vicious cycle to be produced.

Malabsorption is a factor in other medical and physical problems, along with being a serious condition in itself. The body needs all nutrients in balance because they have to be able to work together. If there is a deficiency in even a single nutrient, the body no longer functions as it should, allowing all things to go awry. This results in disease. Malabsorption is a common contributing factor to a wide range of disorders, including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and all types of infection.

People with malabsorption syndrome must take in more nutrients than the average person to compensate, and to treat and correct the problem. It is best to bypass the intestinal tract as much as possible when supplying these nutrients. As a result, choosing supplements that are sustained-release and large in size should be avoided. Many people with malabsorption problems can not break down supplements taken in hard pill form. Therefore, injections, powders, liquids, and lozenges provide nutrients in forms that are more easily assimilated.

The following nutrients are recommended for dealing with malabsorption syndrome: acidophilus, vitamin B complex, bioperine, calcium, free-form amino acid complex, garlic, magnesium, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, a multi-vitamin and mineral complex, proteolytic enzymes, and zinc lozenges. Additionally, the following herbs may be beneficial: alfalfa, dandelion root, fennel seed, ginger, nettle, aloe vera, peppermint, black pepper, buchu, goldenseal, irish moss, rhubarb, and yellow dock.

Buy Natural Vitamins at Vitanet ®, LLC



Date: April 15, 2009 01:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis is when inflammation occurs in the veins due to the formation of a blood clot in that vein. This problem usually occurs in the extremities, especially the legs. Thrombophlebitis can be considered superficial if it affects the subsutaneous vein, which is one of the veins near the skin’s surface.

In superficial thrombophlebitis, the affected vein can be felt and may be seen as a reddish line under the skin. Additionally, swelling, pain, and tenderness to touch can occur. If widespread vein involvement is included, the lymphatic vessels may become inflamed. Superficial thrombophlebitis is a relatively common disorder that can be brought about by trauma infection, standing for long periods of time, lack of exercise, and intravenous drug use. The risk of superficial thrombophlebitis can be increased by pregnancy, varicose veins, obesity, and smoking. Thrombophlebitis can also be associated with environmental sensitivities to allergies. This condition is usually diagnosed according to physical findings and a medical history that indicates an increased risk.

Deep thrombophlebitis (DVT) affects the intramuscular veins farther below the skin’s surface. DVT is a much more serious condition than superficial thrombophlebitis because the veins affected are larger and located deep within the musculature of the leg. These veins are responsible for the transport of 90 percent of the blood that flows back to the heart from the legs. Symptoms of DVT may include pain, warmth, swelling, and bluish discoloration of the skin of the affected limb. These symptoms are often accompanied by fever and chills. The pain is typically felt as a deep soreness that is worse when standing or walking and gets better with rest, especially with elevation of the leg. The veins directly under the skin may become dilated and more visible. Inflammation situated in a vein in the pelvis is referred to as pelvic vein thrombophlebitis.

The reason or reasons for the formation of the clots in the veins are often unknown. However, in most cases, clots are probably the result of a minor injury to the inside Lining of a blood vessel. If the vessel Lining receives a microscopic tear, clotting is initiated. Platelets clump together to protect the injured area, and a series of biochemical events is initiated that results in the transformation of fibrinogen, a circulating blood protein, into strands of insoluble fibrin, which are deposited to form a net that traps blood cells, plasma, and yet more platelets. This results in a blood clot. Other possible causes of the formation of DVT include abnormal clotting tendencies; poor circulation; certain types of cancer; and Behcet’s syndrome, which is a condition that affects small blood vessels that predispose an individual to the formation of clots. The following factors increase the risk of DVT: recent childbirth, surgery, trauma, the use of birth control pills; and prolonged bed rest.

The following nutrients are recommended for the prevention and treatment of thrombophlebitis: acetyl-l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, flaxseed oil, garlic, l-cysteine, lecithin granules, l-histidine, magnesium, MSM, Pycnogenol, vitamin C with bioflavonoids, vitamin E, zinc, and vitamin B complex. Additionally, the following herbs may be beneficial: alfalfa, pau d’arco, red raspberry, rosemary, yarrow, butcher’s broom, cayenne, ginger, plantain, witch hazel, skullcap, valerian root, ginkgo biloba, goldenseal, hawthorn, and olive leaf extract.

Natural vitamins are a great way to help prevent conditions such as these. If you suspect that you have thrombophlebitis, consult your doctor before trying to take the problem into your own hands. Natural vitamins such as the ones listed above can be found at your local or internet health food store.

*Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Natural vitamins and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.


Detoxify With L-Citrulline

Date: April 13, 2009 03:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Detoxify With L-Citrulline

L-citrulline is an alpha-amino acid, first isolated from the watermelon in 1930: hence the name, citrullis being Latin for that fruit, the skin of which is rich in the substance. It is used to enhance performance in sports, particularly through aiding recovery after exercise, and also helps the liver to detoxify the blood.

It is not an essential amino acid in that it is produced by the body and need not be part of your diet. It is a precursor to arginine, which involves the sustained release of nitric oxide in the endothelium that promotes increased flow of blood and the blood vessels as described further below. One of the biochemical pathways for its biosynthesis involves the urea cycle, whereby the toxic ammonia is detoxified into an easily excreted form through its conversion to urea.

The urea cycle consists of five reactions, and citrulline is formed in the second of these. In the first of these, ammonia reacts with bicarbonate to form carbamoyl phosphate, the phosphate coming from the two molecule of ATP used to energize the reaction. These are converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and the carbamoyl phosphate then reacts with ornithine to form citrulline, which takes part in step three that eventually leads to the formation of urea.

The second way in which L-citrulline can be biosynthesized is from the oxidation of arginine, a natural amino acid. Arginine is oxidized into N-hydroxyarginine, and then into L-citrulline with the release of nitric oxide.

So that's how it is produced in the body, but how does it help sportsmen, and what part does it play in detoxification? Its effect on recovery after exercise is connected with blood flow. Energy is created in the mitochondria that are contained in every cell off the body. Among the raw materials needed for the production of energy are glucose and oxygen: glucose obtained from the carbohydrates in your diet, and oxygen transported by the hemoglobin or red blood cells.

Both of these rely on blood flow: greater the volume of blood transported to the cells then the greater the ability of these cells to produce energy. During periods of exercise, a good supply of blood is required to provide the raw materials needed for the energy demand of the muscles involved in the exercise. Not only that however, but recovery after exercise involves the replacement of electrolytes, the glycogen used in extensive aerobic and anaerobic exercise and protein replacement, particularly where catabolism has occurred.

In order to supply these raw materials at an adequate rate, it is necessary for the flow of blood to the appropriate muscles to be sufficient. A major restriction to increase blood flow is elasticity of the blood vessels and cells. Although a healthy heart is capable of providing the necessary quantities of blood, and hence of nutrients, any restriction to the flow could cause dangerously high blood pressure.

Nitric oxide plays a signaling role in enlarging blood vessels to allow an increased blood flow when it is needed by the body. It can provide more blood to the stomach during digestion and to the muscles during exercise and recovery.

During hard exercise, nitric oxide can act as a pump that provides blood during exercise and also during recovery. It can therefore provide more rapid gains in lean mass, increased endurance and faster muscle recovery. The way it does this is to send a signal to the smooth muscles to relax; smooth muscles such as those found in veins and arteries, so resulting in vasodilation therefore allowing increased blood flow.

It is the endothelium, the inner Lining of blood vessels, which uses the nitric oxide to provide the relaxation signal to the smooth muscles surrounding it. In fact, it is the effect of nitric oxide that enables those living at high altitudes to develop increased stamina and speed over those at lower altitudes, and find more world records seem to be broken during athletics meetings, such as Olympic Games, held at high altitudes. This is because the production of nitric acid is increased at higher altitudes with slightly lower oxygen levels. This is the same effect that is used by vasodilators such as amyl nitrite and Viagra that work by increasing nitric oxide levels in the smooth muscle wall of the blood vessels.

It should not be surprising therefore, that L-citrulline should work in a similar way, since it is intimately involved in the production of nitric oxide. Although this is now generally understood, what part does supplemental citrulline play in the body if it is a non-essential amino acid?

Supplemental L-citrulline is useful in supporting the detoxification of ammonia in the liver when supplies of ornithine carbamoyl transferase is naturally in short supply. This is the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction between ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate to form citrulline. Supplements can then help in the removal of ammonia from the blood, and also provide material for the continued production of nitric oxide support muscular activity and its recovery after exercise.

Ammonia itself is a by-product of intensive exercise, and without the urea cycle the body would rapidly become polluted. It is a very toxic product, and causes the death of thousands of people each year. This is generally in people who suffer liver and kidney disease, and the ammonia can be broken down and excreted.

Your brain cells are particularly sensitive to ammonia, and as levels increase the effect progressively ranges from drowsiness thru tremors to coma and eventual death. Any condition, therefore, that reduces the body's capability of metabolizing ammonia is potentially very serious, and any supplement that can help prevent this is valuable.

L-citrulline is believed to help in such situations, although any condition affecting the efficiency of the kidneys or liver and that can cause toxicity due to ammonia or any other toxic substance, should be referred to your physician. It is for its effect in increasing blood flow to provide sufficient raw material, for both the energy needed for high levels of exercise and for muscle recovery, that citrulline is predominantly used as a supplement.

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Date: March 27, 2009 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Phytoestrogen

Menopause is the time at which a woman stops ovulating and menstruation ceases, which indicates the end of fertility. Menopause is not a disease, but rather a natural progression in life, similar to puberty. Many years before a woman stops ovulating, her ovaries will begin to slow their production of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Estrogen and progesterone are often thought of as the reproductive hormones.

Although estrogen is essential in reproduction, it is also extremely important in other non-reproductive organs and systems in the body. Cells in the uterus, bladder, breasts, skin, bones, arteries, heart, liver, and brain all contain estrogen receptors. These organs need this hormone in order to stimulate these receptors for normal cell function. Estrogen is needed to keep the skin smooth and moist and the body’s internal thermostat working properly. Estrogen is also essential for proper bone formation. Even though estrogen levels drop sharply after menopause, they do not disappear entirely. Other organs take over for the ovaries, continuing to produce a less potent form of estrogen. These organs, known as endocrine glands, secrete some hormones from fatty tissue in order to maintain bodily functions.

Progesterone works along with estrogen, stimulating changes in the Lining of the uterus to complete the preparation for a fertilized egg during the second half of the menstrual cycle. If no egg is fertilized, the uterine Lining is broken down and expelled, allowing the cycle to being again. Progesterone also has effects beyond the reproductive system, as it calms the brain and also affects other aspects of nervous system function. Testosterone is most important for both men and women, with women producing about 80 percent less than men do. However, it is the driving force for maintaining a healthy life and proper functioning organs.

The period when a woman’s body is preparing for menopause is known as perimenopause. For the majority of women, hormone production beings to slow down then they reach their thirties, continuing to diminish with age. Many women will experience few if any symptoms at this time, but others may suffer from anxiety, dry skin, fatigue, feelings of bloating, headaches, heart palpitations, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, decreased interest in their significant other, loss of concentration, mood swings, night sweats, reduced stamina, urinary incontinence, uterine dryness and itching, weight gain, cold hands and feet, joint pain, hair loss, and/or skin changes.

Menopause occurs when a woman stops menstruating altogether. At this point, most of the acute problems a woman may have experienced are actually over and a new balance between all hormones should be established. However, women become increasingly vulnerable to other, potentially serious health problems at this time. Over the long term, the diminished supply of estrogen increased the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and uterine atrophy. Osteoporosis especially is a major problem for women after menopause, with an estimated 80 percent of the hip fractures that occur in the United States every year being due to osteoporosis.

A proper diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise can help to minimize or eliminate most of the unpleasant side effects of menopause. The following nutrients are recommended for dealing with this stage of life: beta-1, cerasomal, coenzyme Q10, DHEA, essential fatty acids, lecithin granules, a multi-enzyme complex, soy protein, vitamin B complex, vitamin D3, vitamin E, boron, calcium, magnesium, quercetin, silica, zinc, l-arginine, multiglandular complex, a multivitamin and mineral complex, vitamin C, aloe vera gel, slippery elm, damiana, amaranth, chickweed, dandelion greens, nettle, seaweed, watercress, anise, black cohosh, fennel, licorice, raspberry, sage, unicorn root, wild yam root, hops, valerian root, gotu kola, red clover, dong quai, St. John’s wort, and Siberian ginseng.

All these above listed vitamins and herbs are available in capsule, tablet, or powder forms. When looking for natural alternatives to help replace estrogen naturally, look to your local or internet health food store for name brand products that can help restore an imbalance over time.

Vitanet ®, LLC


Grape Fruit Pectin Fiber

Date: October 21, 2008 12:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Grape Fruit Pectin Fiber

Grapefruit pectin fiber is a source of soluble fiber that can bind to cholesterol and inhibit the formation of atherosclerosis. It is also effective in maintaining good blood sugar levels, and promoting a healthy colon. However, before discussing how grapefruit pectin fiber works in these ways, it is first necessary to explain how they occur in the first place.


First cholesterol. This is a steroid lipid, most of which is biosynthesized by your body rather than being present in your diet. Although it has a bad name health wise, cholesterol is actually essential to good health because it helps your digestive system break down fast, it strengthens cell walls and is a major ingredient in the manufacture of vitamin D by your liver. It is also essential for the formation of several hormones, including cortisone, cortisol and aldosterone by the adrenal glands, and also of estrogen and testosterone. A bloodstream without cholesterol is therefore not good for you.

Given that cholesterol is essential for good health, then why does it have such a bad press? The root cause of that is that cholesterol is not water soluble, and to be carried round the bloodstream to where it is needed it needs some transport. For that, it uses low density lipoproteins (LDLs). However, it’s not a return journey, and to get back they must use another form of lipid known as a high density lipoprotein (HDL). The protein part is water soluble, wile the lipid part can attach to the cholesterol and carry it around the bloodstream.

The problem arises with free radicals, which are oxygenated molecules that are generated by the body’s metabolism, and also created from pollutants, such as pesticides and cigarette smoke, and the UV portion of daylight. These can oxidize the low density lipoproteins so that they can be attacked by phagocytes (while blood cells) deposited as plaques in the artery walls. This hardens and thickens the arteries, reducing the heart’s blood supply which in turn can cause strokes and heart attacks.

This can be prevented in a number ways, the major of which are by consuming plenty antioxidants in your food, mostly contained in phytochemicals (plant chemicals), reducing your LDL cholesterol levels to the minimum needed by your body, and also by increasing the HDL levels in your bloodstream by as much as possible.

Grapefruit pectin fiber can bind to cholesterol, and prevent it from being deposited in the artery walls by the oxidized LDL. A sixteen week double blind study (neither the subjects nor those carrying out the test and analyzing the results knew who were given the placebo) found that grapefruit pectin successful reduced the low density cholesterol level of 27 subjects by 10.8% and overall plasma cholesterol by 7.6%. These volunteers were at a medium to high risk of atherosclerosis due to a high LDL cholesterol concentration in their blood.

Animal studies have also been carried out, whereby animals were fed a high cholesterol diet, and those fed a high fat diet were found to have an average of 45% narrowing of their arteries, and those fed the same diet, but with added grapefruit pectin fiber, were found to have only 25% narrowing, thus corresponding with the results of the human volunteers.


It is essential that you maintain a stable level of sugar in your blood since the body reacts to low blood glucose by making you feel hungry, and thereby forcing you eat. If you are trying to lose weight you will find it very difficult if your blood sugar levels fluctuate. Grapefruit pectin can reduce the rate at which carbohydrates enter your bloodstream, and therefore the rate at which sugars are absorbed.

Studies have also indicated that pectin can even out your blood sugar concentration, so that you experience fewer fluctuations or sudden spikes that can make you feel either very hungry, and so binge on carbohydrates, or very satisfied so that you eat nothing at all. The maintenance of a stable level of glucose in the blood is necessary for a normal life since it is that that determine your need to eat food. If your blood sugar is low, the desire to eat high calorie carbohydrate food is uncontrollable.

This is the theory behind the so-called ‘grapefruit diet’. You eat a grapefruit prior to a meal, and allow it to be digested. The grapefruit pectin will make you feel full and so eat less, so that you can eat normal foods, but still lose weight. Many people take the grapefruit pectin in supplement form for its ease and economy of use. It is also more convenient since you don’t have to carry grapefruit around with you everywhere you go.

A Healthy Colon

Like any other soluble fiber, grapefruit pectin fiber is a dietary fiber that can help to maintain the health of your colon. In fact it is the only one of the basic four fibers of lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin that is soluble. Although referred to as soluble, pectin softens and expands and provides substance and added weight to faeces in order to allow it to pass easier through your colon.

Other than ensuring the easy passage of your stool through your colon, and avoiding constipation, grapefruit pectin fiber can help to prevent excessive growth of bad bacteria in the intestine, and because it accelerates the passage of substances through the colon, there is less time for toxic or cancerous substances to be in contact with your bowel Lining. It is that which causes bowel cancer, and grapefruit pectin fiber can help to prevent it.

Fiber can also help to prevent diverticulosis, where the intestinal wall develops small sacs and becomes weakened. It also prevents hemorrhoids, eases the symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). In short, it offers many benefits for the health of your colon, and can help to cure many bowel conditions.

However, it is important that you don't just rush into using any form of dietary fiber, but take it gradually. You start with a small intake, and then increase it slowly; since it is not absorbed through the intestine too much can lie in your colon and ferment, causing any number of intestinal problems. When used properly it can ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, but if used to excess, or too quickly, can actually cause the same symptoms, in addition to blocking the absorption of essential minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium.

Grapefruit pectin fiber can do a great deal for health, including maintaining good blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and helping to keep your colon healthy. It is available in convenient supplement form, but make sure that you drink sufficient liquid each day in order to prevent the fiber blocking your intestine rather than allowing free passage of waste product into, through, and out of your colon.

Vitanet ®, LLC


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