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All You Need to Know About Kal brand Stevia: The Natural Sweetener that is Way Better than Sugar! ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 09, 2023 02:11 PM
What is Stevia? stevia is an all-natural, non-GMO, and calorie-free sweetener made from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It's a safe alternative to sugar that doesn't raise your blood sugar levels and has a 0 glycemic index. Its sweet taste comes from steviol glycosides, which are extracted from the leaves and purified. Stevia is commonly used to sweeten drinks, baked goods, and even savory dishes. How is Stevia Different from Other Sweeteners? Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin, stevia is a natural sweetener that doesn't have any of the negative health effects that come with consuming artificial additives. It's a safer option to sugar that doesn't affect insulin levels, making it beneficial for diabetics or those who are watching their sugar intake. Additionally, stevia has a much sweeter taste compared to traditional sugar, so only a small amount is needed to achieve the desired sweetness. How to Use Stevia? Stevia can be used in the same way as sugar when baking or cooking, but with way less quantity. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, just 1/2 teaspoon of Kal stevia will give the equivalent sweetness. However, it's important to keep in mind that stevia can taste slightly different from sugar and may not always be an exact substitute. Start with smaller amounts and increase as needed and you'll get the hang of it. Are There Any Side Effects of Stevia? Stevia has been used worldwide and is found to be one of the safest all natural sweetener on the market. There have been no known negative side effects associated with the use of stevia other than the potential for mild gastrointestinal symptoms if consumed in large amounts. Generally, most don't consume enough to cause any issues. Stevia comes in powder and liquid forms. Liquid tends to mix instantly and is preferred by most people. If you're looking to reduce your sugar intake while still satisfying your sweet tooth, Kal brand stevia may be an excellent alternative for you. With its natural origins, numerous health benefits, and delicious taste, it's not hard to see why so many people are switching over to this sweetener over the traditional chemical-laden sugars of the past. Try Kal brand stevia in your next recipe or tea and let your taste buds be the judge! If your interested, just add to cart for best price!
( No to Pain Pills and Yes to Safe and Effective Curcumin ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 04, 2020 11:05 AM
Many people turn to over the counter (OTC) drugs when they experience pain, the common ones are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, better known as NSAIDS. The problem with NSAIDS these drugs reduce an enzyme associated with pain called COX-1 and COX-2. There are a lot of hidden dangers behind prescription and OTC pain killers. Some of the most common ones consumed are Ibuprofen an d Acetaminophen. Ibuprofen: a popular OTC pain reliever can cause stomach pain, nausea, gastric bleeding, ulcers, confusion, hypertension, increased heart attack and stroke. Also, swelling, rapid weight gain, reduced urination, which is a sign of kidney dysfunction, kidney failure, fever, sore throat, headache, rash, bruising, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, chills, light sensitivity, and seizures. Acetaminophen: also known as Tylenol, is classified as an NSAID, but is also unsafe. The number one cause of liver failure in the United States is caused by acetaminophen next to alcohol consumption. If combined with alcohol, the damage to the liver is increased significantly. It also depletes glutathione, an important antioxidant needed by the liver to protect and detoxify the body. Over use of this OTC drug can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, and it can interfere with blood clotting, weaken kidney function, and with severe over dose can cause death. The alternative: Curcumin is a safe and effective pain reliever Curcumin is a compound from Turmeric Root, unstandardized turmeric powder contains only two to three percent curcumin. It is important to get a standardized curcumin so that you can get a therapeutic response from consuming this herb. Not all curcumin is the same, look for a brand that blends turmeric essential oil with curcumin to enhance the absorption of the product because the product is hard to absorb. Curcumin is one of the worlds best studied herbs, it works by reducing a COX-2 response to inflammation the same target as many prescription and OTC drugs that cause organ damage and side effects. Fortunately, Curcumin can target the same in a safe and natural way with no side effects. It can prevent a wide spectrum of inflammatory and oxidative damage, relieve chronic pain as effective and much more safely than drugs like NSAIDs. Taking OTC or prescription pain relieving drugs are not a long term solution for pain. With the side effects associated with common pain relievers, one should only take them as a last resort and consider using a safer alternative that is as effective to relieving pain. Terry Naturally offers BCM-95 a patented curcumin that is blended with turmeric essential oils, BCM-95 has been the subject of many clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness in relieving pain. We at VitaNet offer free shipping on any product in Terry’s brand. If you are struggling with pain, consider trying Terry Naturally to help relieve pain safely.
( Curcumin found to be one of the best natural ways to alleviatedepression ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 15, 2019 02:07 PM
Curcumin has been known to be a silver bullet. It can be used to cure a host of diseases and conditions including cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Now depression can be added to the list according to new research. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes that depression affects 16 million Americans every year. Although treatment for it is available, it usually comes with adverse effects. Therefore, there is compelling need for a safer means of treating people. Before this study, it has already been found from multiple studies that curcumin can have an effect on depressive conditions. It was reported to be well tolerated by patients with no adverse side effects. For their current study in Australia, the researchers looked at twenty years of data including current studies on curcumin. They then studied about 342 patients using curcumin and a placebo. From their results, there was a significant reduction in depression after treatment with curcumin compared with the placebo after six weeks of treatment. The researchers then concluded that compelling evidence exists for the use of curcumin in treatment of depression. Key Takeaways:
"The study also found that curcumin exhibited significant anti-anxiety properties, based on data from 377 patients." Read more:
Depression has been linked to inflammation, consider trying CBD to boost mood, reduce anxiety, and reduce inflammation.
( The 7 Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 06, 2019 03:30 PM
CBD oil has come into the spotlight recently with some amazing health benefits, so much so it is set to be sold in major retail pharmacy's such as CVS inthe very near future. CBD has many uses in the field of medicine, particularly as an over the counter remedy that if needed of long term, is safer than many of the current produces that are used as pain relievers, or that reduce anxiety and depression. One of the incredible things it does is to relieve cancer treatment symptoms, such as nausea and pain. It has also shown to improve neurological health and to stabilize blood sugars for those with diabetes. Key Takeaways:
"Although the use of medical marijuana is still a politically and emotionally charged topic, research shows that there may be huge benefits of the CBD oil." Read more:
( Exotic spice saffron found to be safer, more effective thanantidepressants ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 23, 2019 02:51 PM
Saffron has been used for centuries in treating various ailments both mentally and physically. Recent studies are showing support in the fact that this exotic spice can do wonders for those who are suffering from depressive symptoms. In fact, a recent control group proved that when people take adequate amounts of saffron on a routine basis, it has the ability to alleviate their symptoms just as much as mainstream antidepressants such as Prozac and other serotonin inhibitors. Key Takeaways:
"Along with the growing rates of depression, the use of antidepressant medication has continued to skyrocket. Some 2013 estimates from the CDC reveal that usage of these drugs increased by upwards of 400 percent in just 25 years." Read more:
( Cannabis can reverse the effects of alcohol-induced liver damage ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 23, 2019 02:27 PM
Even though they refer to both types of cannabis, it should be noted that the two types are not interchangeable and have only a slightly different chemical compound. The study showed that active cannabis use provides a profound protective effect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, independent of other known metabolic risk factors. Unfortunately they haven't yet uncovered how precisely how it provides benefit to the patient in need, it does provide a reduction in pain. Key Takeaways:
"The study found that using cannabis correctly significantly lowered the odds of various liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even hepatocellular carcinoma, a type of liver cancer." Read more:
( Mothers can reduce their risk of postpartum depression with saffron ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2019 01:22 PM
Pharmacopsychiatry jouranl recently published the results of a study that indicates Saffron can help new moms reduce their risk of developing postpartum depression, a condition that affects a large percentage of moms after they deliver a baby. The study was conducted over a period of six weeks. However, the results indicated that while the risks of PPD is reduced, Saffron did bring many other side effects and symptoms to the user, which included headaches and loss of appetite. Key Takeaways:
"In their study, published in the journal Pharmacopsychiatry, they found that saffron can be used as a safer alternative treatment for improving the symptoms of postpartum depression." Read more:
( CBD Oil & Hemp Oil – Cannabidiol help your health and wellbeing ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2019 05:09 PM
CBD Oil and Hemp Oil are much safer than alcohol and each of them bring a magnitude of health benefits to the user. When they're combined together, the effects are absolutely stunning. CBD and hemp oil can be the key to your good health and well-being. These properties, derived from the cannabinoid plant, can reduce pain, reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of depression, help glaucoma patients, and so much more. It is easy to say that this is a life changing health solution. Key Takeaways:
"The best part of using is that this compound is non – psychoactive, i.e., the intake of this compound will not affect any high sensations." Read more:
( High levels of CoQ10 can lower your chances of dementia by 77% ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 08, 2019 08:30 AM
There is now even more reason to ensure that you're taking a CoQ10 supplment. New evidence suggests that it can lower your risks of developing dementia by 77% or more! This is in addition to the many amazing health benefits this substance is already known to offer. If you want to live the best life being the healthiest you that you can live, it is worth adding CoQ10 supplement to your diet sooner instead of later! Key Takeaways:
"Dementia, despite its prevalence, remains largely a mystery to doctors and scientists, who have yet to find a foolproof way to prevent or treat the illness." Read more:
( Vitamin C: A safer way to recover from drug addiction ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 04, 2019 09:52 AM
One of the best and safest ways to recover from drug addiction, especially the use of heroin is through the use of Vitamin C. It is found that even after quitting the use of drugs, effects can be felt for years. The use of the vitamin along with other vital nutrients can help to relieve pain and bring back an addict's appetite. This can be important since malnutrition is a large problem for addicts to overcome. Other suggestions include the use of art, adventure or psychotherapy. Key Takeaways:
"People who were previously addicted to heroin may still feel the symptoms of withdrawal weeks, months, or even years after abstaining from it." Read more:
( Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Carrier Oils for Them ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 05, 2018 05:52 PM
Carrier oils make it easier and safer to apply essential oils for therapeutic purposes, and some have their own beneficial qualities. For example, apricot kernel, borage seed, coconut, flaxseed and avocado oil all have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and improve joint and skin health. Others are full of vitamins and nutrients that benefit your skin, including argan, jojoba, and sesame oil. Yet others can be beneficial to your hair’s health and appearance, including castor and coconut oils. Key Takeaways:
"Essential oils have powerful effects on our bodies, but you need to use a carrier oil to ensure safe topical application." Read more:
( 4 Groundbreaking Studies on Cannabis and Disease ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 17, 2017 07:59 AM
Cannabis is becoming more popular for the treatment of many diseases and ailments. It is becoming legal in more places as well due to studies which show its effectiveness. This talks about four such studies. If you are leery of cannabis this might ease your mind. It is often helpful. Many people swear by it as a treatment. It also doesn't tend to have many negative side effects the way medications can. It is safer. Key Takeaways:
"This study will allow researchers to better understand the potential risks and benefits of cannabis use among veterans with PTSD and aid in cannabis-based decision making among patients and their physicians." Read more:
( Rosemary extract found to be a powerful anti-hyperglycemic solution for people who have problems with high blood sugar ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 22, 2017 01:14 PM
High blood sugar can be very dangerous. If it gets too high you can even end up in a coma. Rosemary extract is one natural solution. It is found to work well and is safer than some of the medications out there which can contain harmful ingredients. Many prefer to go the natural route. They prefer to use herbs to take care of their medical problems. Diabetes is a common cause for high blood sugar. Key Takeaways:
"The researchers found that rosemary extract can affect crucial insulin target tissues in fat, muscle and the liver and directly cause anti-diabetic effects." Read more:
( Zinc supplements found to protect against esophageal cancer ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 15, 2017 10:14 AM
esophageal cancer is yet another kind of cancer which can have major negative effects on the body, but there is hope. Zinc supplements could make a difference, and there are other treatments as well. If you have this cancer you should at least try zinc. It's natural and is safer than many cancer medications. It won't hurt even if you don't notice a huge difference, but many are happy with the results from their trials of it. Key Takeaways:
"It now appears that zinc and calcium can have a cross talk, meaning that they can be linked." Read more:
( Why this "medicine plant" is so heavily revered for optimal health ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 24, 2017 09:14 AM
Many North American physicians prescribe drugs to treat medical ailments that do not address the underlying cause of the disease and leaves patients with toxic chemicals from prescription drugs in their systems. Nature has medicinal plants that are healthier and safer. The Aloe Vera plant is a prime example of a medicine plant. The plant is packed with nutrients and disease fighting compounds. Find out here what Aloe Vera can do for you either in it's natural or supplement form. Key Takeaways:
"Since many natural health professionals proclaim that all illness begins in the gut and up to 80 percent of our immune system resides there, it makes perfect sense to use a highly medicinal plant like aloe vera to support those key functions." Read more:
( Drinking green tea could boost your weight loss and brain function in just 4 months, study claims ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 03, 2017 09:14 AM
Drinking green tea can help boost your weight loss and brain function in only 4 months. This is the claim of a new study that has recently come out. There was a compound found in green tea, that helped get rid of fat in mice. Many tea brands boast about green tea and its benefits. The beverage has lonmg been a favorite of many different dieters. EGCG is the compound that works the magic on people. Key Takeaways:
"Results reveal that the mice fed just a high fructose diet had significantly higher body fat than those who were also given EGCG or a standard diet." Read more:
( 10 cannabis guidelines released in American Journal of Public Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 24, 2017 07:14 PM
There are 10 cannabis guidelines that were released in the American Journal of Public Health. Public health and medical experts are supporting ten brand new recommendations that will help to reduce the health risks of using cannabis. Cannabis use has health risks that are best avoided by abstaining. Another recommendation is to delay taking cannabis until much later in life. You should also avoid smoking cannabis. You can choose safer ways to use it. Avoid harmful smoking practices as well. Read more: 10 cannabis guidelines released in American Journal of Public Health
( Do You Want To Have A Radiant Smile? Here We Tell You How To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally. ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Whitening teeth can change a person's appearance completely, giving them the confidence to go out into the world, laugh openly, and not worry about unsightly yellow stains. Here at our channel, we have the tips that will help you have a radiant smile wherever you go, with safer natural techniques. Expensive and dangerous whitening procedures can cost hundreds of dollars. By following the tips in this video, you can whiten your teeth safely, while spending much than you would on even the cheapest home whitening kit. Takeaways:
"the action of smoking can change the tonality of the teeth from white to sickly yellow"
( 10 Ways To Use Diatomaceous Earth (And The Benefits) ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 07, 2017 12:14 PM
Diatomaceous earth 9or DE)is a type of soil that can be beneficial to your health, it can even be eaten for it's health benefits. DE is an environmentally safe insect repellant. For your personal health it can detox your body, lower blood pressure and reduce chronic inflammation. It's also beneficial for your skin and hair. Other benefits and uses are explained in this article. It's important that you follow the guidelines in this article to use DE safely and effectively. Key Takeaways:
"When we take responsibly from the earth’s bounty, we can find everything we need for sustenance." Read more:
( use krill oil for anti aging ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2017 12:14 PM
Krill oil is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is highly concentrated so not much is needed to get the right amount. It lacks the fishy taste of fish oil when taken in pill form. This has good heart benefits and can also apparently counter some signs of aging. Since many hate to age this is good info for them. Krill oil is readily available and easy to get so everyone can try it. Takeaways:
"Two primary components of Krill oil, DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID (DHA) and EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID (EPA) provide the boost to help with anti aging."
( How to disinfect water in a survival situation ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 30, 2017 07:14 AM
We can survive for weeks without food, but only a day or two without water. It also helps regulate body temperature, making it the most important factor.The most reliable method for purifying water is to boil it for 5 to 20 minutes or invest in a commercial water filter. Most of us know that boiling water will make it safer to drink. If you can, once you're done filtering the water (see above), consider boiling it too.You can't physically carry enough water to see you through a complete trip. so you'll need to find it along the way. Read more: How to disinfect water in a survival situation
( Is Mushroom Coffee Even Better than Regular Coffee? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 19, 2017 11:44 AM
There are many coffee alternatives out there and more are developed all the time. They're made from different roots, nuts, herbs, etc. One of them is mushroom coffee. This tells you if it is any good. It might be an option for those who can't have real coffee for health reasons. Some can't handle the caffeine found in real coffee. Others just like to try alternatives out of curiosity or to try finding the best tasting coffee. Key Takeaways:
"Prepackaged or instant mushroom coffee is also said to be lower in caffeine and less acidic than regular coffee" Read more:
( CBD as a Treatment for Anxiety Disorders ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 27, 2017 10:29 AM
Anxiety is a condition that affects thousands of people. It is one that is oftentimes treated with medications and lifestyle changes, but now, people suffering from this condition have another treatment option. CBD is now recommended as an anxiety treatment option. It is all natural, and offers outstanding results. CBD may provide the answer that you have been searching for if you're dealing with an anxiety order that makes it difficult to maintain your lifestyle. Key Takeaways:
"Ancient doctors prescribed it for everything from pain to childbirth. It is safer than most prescribed pills, and not addictive like Xanax and Valium." Read more:
Consider trying Leaf Therapeutics Solaray brand CBD for best results.
( Lose Weight And 6 Other Reasons To Eat Bamboo Shoots ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 20, 2017 03:44 PM
Bamboo, a popular sustainable building material is also a nutrient food, packed with minerals, proteins and fiber while containing low amounts of fats and sugars. Fresh shoots need to be stored properly and boiled to remove possible toxins. Canned bamboo is safer but needs to be rinsed before eating. Bamboo shoots are full of lignans which support healthy weight and are low in sugars, calories and carbs, perfect for dieting. They are rich in potassium, as well as several vitamins and minerals. They can lower cholesterol,fight cancer and balance hormone levels. They are natural anti-inflammatories and best if all, can be eaten year round. Key Takeaways:
"While most people in the U.S. recognize bamboo’s industrial role, many are not aware that they are edible, a rich source of proteins, minerals, fiber, and are low in fat and sugars. In fact, Asians — particularly Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese — have been eating bamboo for thousands of years because of the delicious crunchy texture and numerous health benefits." Read more:
( Will medical marijuana be covered by insurance companies? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 22, 2017 02:44 PM
Medically prescribed cannabis is being proven to be a good substitute for the standard opiods that are often prescribed to people in pain. Opiods are known to cause dependency whereas medical marijuana does not have that effect on it's users. Studies even find that there are a lot of opiod-related deaths, but this wouldn't be an issue if doctors were more likely to prescribe medical marijuana in these instances. The hope of many medical marijuana users is that it will be removed from the list of banned substances, so that the costs of medical marijuana will soon be covered by health insurance providers. With the new presidency, they hope this will soon be the case. Key Takeaways:
"While recreational consumption remains against federal law, some hope the Trump administration will remove marijuana from the Schedule I list of banned substances." Read more:
( Horrible Cramps? Marijuana Might Just Be the Answer ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 16, 2017 06:44 PM
Marijuana may be better than any other pain remedy. It is safer than ibuprofen and more effective than a heating pad or chocolate. There has not been enough studies on it to confirm this, however it has been shown the for menstrual cramps, pot is better than anything else over the counter. The way the pot is taken makes no difference in the pain management. It can be smoked, rubbed on skin in an oil or eaten. Read more: Horrible Cramps? Marijuana Might Just Be the Answer
( Turmeric Believed to Be a Safer and Side-Effect-Free Pain Management Option for Arthritis ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 02, 2017 10:59 AM
Arthritis is a painful and terrible disease. NSAIDs are taken in handfuls for this condition, but have their own side effects. If you suffer from this disease, you may want to look into more natural ways of treating the inflammation. Turmeric is one such natural option that can greatly ease the pain involved. Some studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of turmeric against NSAIDs. While they both seem to be close to equally effective, turmeric does not come with any side effects. Key Takeaways:
"Turmeric is believed to be a safer, side-effect-free pain management option for arthritis." Reference:
( Garlic, honey and apple cider vinegar: Powerful natural mixture against indigestion, obesity ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 28, 2017 07:59 AM
If you are wary of prescription medicines, you may want to look into natural remedies for ailments. A simple mixture of garlic, honey, and apple cider vinegar is effective in helping with gastrointestinal issues and warding off obesity. This is believed to be due to garlic’s anti-inflammatory properties and the vitamins and minerals present in honey. The recipe is quite easy. Simply mix one cup honey, one cup apple cider vinegar, and ten cloves of minced garlic. To be the most effective, you should use the freshest and most organic sources of each ingredients as possible. Key Takeaways:
"These solutions are also typically far safer and cost pennies on the dollar compared to steep costs for conventional medical treatments. Better yet, these down-to-earth treatments are usually simple and accessible to all people." Reference:
( Sunlight offers surprise benefit: It energizes infection fighting T cells ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 02, 2017 03:19 PM
Have you ever been at work and thought about how nice it must be outside? According to researchers, the sunlight may be even more beneficial for us. According to their research, sunlight increases the movement of T cells. The increased movement in cells can help activate key immune cells by increasing their movement. Key Takeaways:
"Sunlight allows us to make vitamin D, credited with healthier living, but a surprise research finding could reveal another powerful benefit of getting some sun." Reference:
( Healthy Pregnancy with Prenatal Vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 10, 2016 02:59 PM
Choosing the right prenatal vitamins are important to a healthy pregnancy. There are many choices on the market and this article gives you an easy choice to make when picking a prenatal vitamin that gives a mother the right amount of vitamins in an easy to swallow pill. You owe it to you baby to put in the best possible vitamins into your body that you can. Key Takeaways:
"Experts recommend prenatal vitamins for expecting and lactating women. This recommendation is especially for those who do not consume an adequate diet, which some argue even if you eat very healthy you could still be lacking some key nutritional needs." Reference:
( Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 06, 2016 06:49 AM
Vitamin B12 is important to your good health and overall well-being. If you are deficient in this important vitamin, there are a number of different signs that will alert you to the fact. It is important that you are aware of those signs and what to do if you are B12 deficient. Key Takeaways:
"Since the best source of B12 is found in foods, eating more meat, eggs, dairy and especially poultry is a good choice. Poultry is relatively low in fat and cholesterol, so it is safer for those who are at risk for heart disease." Reference:
( Functional fitness training: Is it right for you? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 02, 2016 05:54 PM
This article about functional fitness is about doing exercises that improve the abiliity to preform activities of daily living. It gives a definition for what functional fitness is, who the target audience is, benefits of such and excessive program, and gives a couple example of exercises that may be beneficial in improving specific areas of daily functioning. Key Takeaways:
"Functional exercise training may be especially beneficial as part of a comprehensive program for older adults to improve balance, agility and muscle strength, and reduce the risk of falls." Reference: //
( What is Ferrochel And Why Do I Need It? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 25, 2015 07:43 PM
Ferrochel is a powerful iron supplement, which is considered safer for use by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and teenagers. It does not cause nausea and gastric upset like other options. Iron is a vital mineral in the human body. The mineral promotes cognitive development, cardiovascular health, and immune function. Some people do not get adequate amounts of this mineral from their diet, making supplementation necessary. The human body finds it difficult to absorb minerals such as iron through the intestines. But this is not a concern with ferrochel. This supplement has a chelated structure that makes it easy for the iron to go through your intestinal wall. Its structure also reduces the risk of taking in more than you need. Your body will absorb about 90% of the ferrochel if you are iron deficient and only take in what is required if you have no deficiency. Ferrochel is not associated with any gastrointestinal problems. Nausea and constipation are two of the most common side effects for people who use iron supplements. This can be particularly distressing if you are pregnant. It has no taste, making it easy for individuals who are prone to nausea and vomiting to use the supplement. You need ferrochel if you find other products nauseating. Research has demonstrated that the supplement is more effective when compared to other products even when it is used in lower doses. This is because it is chelated, making it easier for the body to take it in. It is a great choice if you are concerned about blocking absorption of other nutrients when you supplement iron. Your body will still be able to absorb vitamin C and E and calcium when you use ferrochel. You should use this supplement if you have had an allergic reaction to any other iron supplement. It can be used by at any age without side effect concerns.
References: // //
( STEVIA – BETTER THAN SUGAR ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 29, 2015 05:11 PM
Stevia is a natural sweetener that originates in South America – Paraguay and Brazil, mostly – with no calories and is remarkably much sweeter than sugar. The stevia plant Stevia Rebaudiana derives its sweetness from steviol glycocides. The extract is then processed for sale in the form of Truvia and PureVia around North America. It is not yet approved as an additive due to possible side effects of male infertility and genetic mutations. Benefits of Stevia over Sugar
The yeast we hear about being in our bodies is called Candida albicans and it can ferment sugar in the body, causing the candidiasis infection with treatment involving cutting sugar out of your diet. Stevia does not react with the yeast and can also keep your food sweet. Stevia is a safer and healthier option to sugar. It is natural and sweeter than sugar making it a great option to combat obesity and sugar level problems the world is constantly facing.
Resources: // // //
( Can L-Leucine Help Glucose Metabolism And Insulin Function? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 02, 2014 08:54 AM
What is a leucine
What does leucine do L-leucine has direct bearing on the amount of insulin produced. L-leucine will stimulate the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas. One of the ways in which it influences the amount of insulin produced is by enhancing glutaminolysis by allosterically activating GDH (glutamate dehydrogenase). Benefits of leucine Increased insulin levels have a major implications on glucose metabolism. Increased insulin level will directly result into faster glucose absorption into the blood stream. Increased glucose metabolism prevents the body from using lean muscles to supply energy during workouts. Unlike isoleucine and valine, L-leucine are converted to glucose slowly and thus you can have sustained energy for long. It is also very effective in muscle building. By stimulating insulin release and glucose metabolism, it enables key nutrients such as amino acids, Creatine and glucose to enter muscle cells. Since insulin will stimulate rapid muscle synthesis while inhibiting protein breakdown, L-leucine will build lean muscle mass with a short period. L-leucine is alternative to steroids, it is safer and its effects are lasting. During workouts, it supports oxidative metabolism in muscles and decrease protein degradation. If you are looking for the best way you can build muscle mass and strength without adverse effects, L-leucine is premier supplement. Apart from building muscle, l-leucine will also improve brain functions. You can take more workouts. L-leusine supplement has been used by many body builders and has been proved beyond doubt to be effective supplement. If you have been wondering if l-leucine help glucose metabolism and insulin function, no doubt it is can. You can also red more by visiting // //
( Why Eat Gluten Free ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 17, 2014 04:48 AM
What is gluten
Check out these insights why you and your family should take gluten free diet: Lose weight Recent research has revealed that gluten is related with obesity and weight gain. Gluten is a super carbohydrate and is quickly converted to blood sugar than any carb food. This results in glucose being released into the bloodstream. Insulin supports your body in converting glucose to fat causing a lot of fat deposits. Ward off diseases Increased gluten consumption has caused a great rise in several diseases such as ADHD, heart diseases, diabetes and autism. Gluten and disease relationships are still under research but meanwhile it is safer to reduce gluten intake within your family members. Improves mental health Different researches have associated Celiac disease with issues such as dementia and nervous system problems. Over the last 60 years, there have been some studies relating patients with Schizophrenia and gluten consumption. Regain balance You can find gluten everywhere in pizza, bread, salad dressings, spices, ketchup and cosmetics. An average American person can consume about 130 pounds of wheat every year which makes 70 percent of our carb intake. Quick recovery If you are suffering from diseases such as Osteoporosis or Parkinson's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis then taking non gluten diet is the best way of getting healthier quicker. Certain research has shown that eating gluten free diet helps you to take less recovery time when you use along with their treatments. You can give a try by eliminating gluten and check any change in your healthy condition. Several gluten free food choices are available. Source
( What IS NADH And Why Would I Want To Take It Daily? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 10, 2014 05:20 PM
What IS NADH And Why Would I Want To Take It Daily?
But there are some individuals who have a lesser production of this chemical and because of that medicine providers have created NADH supplements. What are the uses of NADH? NADH supplements are effective for providing focus, improved concentration, and mental clarity as well as upgraded memory skills. For this reason some people are taking it daily, people who have Alzheimer’s, for example are given this drug. Not only that people also use NADH to improve their energy production, athletes use it to increase their endurance, while others are using this supplement to cure their chronic fatigue. Other uses of NADH Will include treatment for blood pressure, it can also reduce cholesterol. Some clinical studies have revealed that is also effective for curing signs of depression as well as Parkinson disease. It is also recommended for people suffering from liver and hormone problems, it works by strengthening the immune system. Individuals who have AIDS and are currently taking a drug called zidovudine or AZT also use NADH to combat the side effects of the drug. While it is used for complex problems, other people just simply use it to relieve symptoms of jet lag. Why do some people prefer to use NADH supplements? NADH is said to be safer than other supplements in the market, it is also safer to use compared with carbonated drinks and energy drinks. It provides extra energy for people to use it, it helps people become alert. This is perfect for individuals who want to maintain increase their day-to-day energy level. Single mothers have reported satisfaction over this drug, with only 10 mg of this supplement they are already given extra energy to take care of their kids. NADH also works as a way for people to regain youth and vitality, the extra energy produced in the body inspires people to do more. References:
( Few reason that explain why Curamin is a great supplemnt for fighting inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 08, 2013 11:40 PM
Inflammation and Curamin
What is Curamin If we talk about Curamin it is a combination of two very powerful and highly effective herbs Boswellia and turmeric with required amino acids that increase the pain reliving ingredients absorbing process in body and it quickly reduces the inflammation in a safer way. The best thing about Curamin is that it is complete safe and it produces no harmful side effects on your body that makes it a best anti inflammatory medicine. Benefits of Curamin As said above it is complete safe that means you can use it any time and you don't have to worry about the liver damage, kidney damage, heart attacks or some other problems that you might experience with other over the counter pain killer medicines. So, in conclusion we can say that Curamin is a great supplement for fighting inflammation.
( All about curamin ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 13, 2012 11:35 AM
For those who never really hard about it, they should know that Curamin contains is up to ten times strong than the regular curcumin products. It's actually one of the best ways through which individuals will be able to balance their body's natural inflammation response and many recent and past studies support its ability. Through the removal of pro inflammatory compounds which are generally present in this plant, the impact of boswellia is very much enhanced. DLPA was showed in many studies to actually be very helpful with maximizing the effects of enkephalins and endorphins, which are natural and very powerful pain relievers produced by the human body. Nattokinase is rounding up the formula and for those who don't have any idea what it is, they should know it's actually an enzyme. It directly affects muscle pain through its ability to have the fibrinogen levels in the body balanced and at the same time it will also ensure people have a healthy blood circulation in the body. Many people are already aware of the fact that if they take ibuprofen and also aspiring for long periods of time, they will experience serious stomach bleeding and at the same time, if they take Tylenol and ibuprofen, the toxicity in their kidneys and liver will increase very much. However, with the more safer and also more effective alternative of Curamin, who would ever want to consider the aforementioned medicines?
Curamin, this is a natural pain killer anyone can take. Its combination of dl-phenylalanine, boswellia, cuminoids and Curcumin make it a really effective pain reliever. The way it works is that it will help with stopping the triggers that switch on pain pathways and at the same time it will also reduce the inflammation. More than ninety percent of people who have taken Curamin said that in just forty five minutes, they experienced great pain relief. At the same time, they also said there were no side effects to deal with, meaning their kidneys, stomach and intestines didn't suffer any damage. Curamin actually works in conjunction with the body's natural ability to stop inflammations which is the reason why individuals feel pain. The president and founder of Europharma in the United States said that it is really a great and effective product which everyone who is dealing with inflammations should use. Because he trusts this product so much, millions of Americans have actually turned their attention to it and regard it now as one of the most efficient pain relievers on the market. In 2009 Curamin was awarded the prize for having the best formula so far, a formula which doesn't let people experience any side effects and at the same time, it makes their inflammations and pain go away really quickly. It seems that as time passes, Curamin is also getting better and more and more effective formulas appear. With that being said, everyone who will take Curamin in order relieve his pain or inflammation will feel great in less than an hour!
( Benefits of Betacarotene for Human's Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2012 02:10 PM
Vitamin A Vs Beta-Carotene Vitamin A is considered as the most important vitamin for human's body. There are many advantages of consuming vitamin A, such as improve eye vision, prevent birth defect, improve the red blood cells, improve the immune system, and many more. However, there are many reports saying that the vitamin A supplementation is actually dangerous, especially when it is consumed excessively. Experts believe that the vitamin A is quickly absorbed by the body, but it is slowly removed out from the body. The excessive vitamin A is usually stored in the liver leading to the serious liver disease. As the result, people with excessive vitamin A consumption are likely to have liver damage or hemorrhage (at high dosages 300k IU daily for periods of time). There are many doctors who recommend to take betacarotene instead of vitamin A. This compound is usually called as the provitamin A. It means that this compound will be converted into vitamin A in the human's body. This is the reason why betacarotene is safer than the vitamin A. By consuming this compound, your body will convert it into vitamin A as needed. It means that there is no excessive vitamin A absorbtion in the body. There are many advantages of consuming foods with high provitamin A. The provitamin A is able to act as the antioxidant which is good for the health. Another benefit of this compound is its ability to act as the vitamin A, for example: improve the immune system, prevent cancer, and as antiaging component. A beta carotene is also able to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Those are some benefits of consuming provitamin A instead of taking vitamin A. You don't have any risk of getting excessive vitamin A which is dangerous for your body. Try to consume more fruits and vegetables at least once a day because they contain a lot of betacarotene compound. It will ensure that you get enough provitamin A to be converted into vitamin A in your body.
( Melatonin spray: The Perfect Remedy for Insomnia ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 10, 2012 11:02 AM
Melatonin Spray Are you experiencing difficulty in sleeping or feel tired in the morning every day? Probably you are suffering from insomnia. Getting enough sleep is an aspect that you cannot just choose to overlook. Receiving the desired amount of sleep helps your body in a plethora of ways. Most people even get overstressed due to lack of sleep, an aspect that can even adversely affect their quality of life in the long term and short term both. Sleep helps to boost the immune system, repair damaged cells, boost your thinking capacity and also generally helps the body to deal with the daily stresses in life. If at all you are experiencing difficulty in breathing, you most definitely have visited your local healthcare provider recently. If they prescribed some medication for you, do they really seem to work? You might have gotten prescription of NyQuil and Tylenol. If these options do not work, there is only one way out that case, and that is the use of melatonin spray. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland that is located at the center of the brain. As experts state, this gland is normally inactive during the day but later during the night, it secretes melatonin into the blood stream. Melatonin is normally produced between nine at night till sunrise. The amount of melatonin produced by the body tends to reduce with age. Children produce more melatonin than adults. This explains why most cases of sleeping disorders are reported in the elderly rather than kids. Melatonin is sold as a sleeping aid in many different forms. You most likely know about the capsules. Most of these pills do not work for many people unless they are taken for some time so that the system can get used to. Due to the limitations and lack of effectiveness witnessed in the use of capsules, companies manufacturing synthetic melatonin have now started producing melatonin spray. The melatonin spray has a higher absorption rate as compared to pills and thus more effective. So how does melatonin spray work? Well, this sleeping support spray helps melatonin to distribute and get absorbed evenly into the system without necessarily having to interfere with other minerals, supplements and food vitamins. If at all you are part of the population that is experiencing difficulty in sleeping, do not waste much of your time investing in less effective over the counter pills such as Tylenol PM. You can do your body a very big favor by adopting the use of melatonin spray. This kind of spray works effectively to ensure that you regain back your sleep. It is also safer to use as compared to other sleeping aids. At least with this option, you do not have to keep worrying about side effects meaning that this is a much safer alternative. Even though the benefits you would gain from the use of melatonin spray are numerous, the safety of this alternative is still in question in various parts of the globe. It is therefore important for you to consult your doctor before you can start using this sleep aid. Working with your doctor is much recommended if at all you suffer from certain health conditions.
( Why Choosing 7-Keto DHEA Over Standard DHEA ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 25, 2012 06:36 AM
The Importance OF DHEA Nowadays DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is probably one of the most abundant hormone that can be found in the human blood. Being produced in the adrenal cortex, this important steroid it's very important in reducing body fat, cholesterol and also the alleviate angina. In addition to all that, DHEA has been widely used to treat coronary artery disease, Alzheimer's, sclerosis, depression, osteoporosis and even cancer. Because of this, DHEA is known under the name of “Fountain of youth.” DHEA levels will usually decrease with age. This decrease might lead to high cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration and even obesity in many cases. These are only a few reasons that make of DHEA an imperative hormone for our body. What Makes 7-Keto DHEA Better Than Standard DHEA? 7-Keto Dhea it's similar to its cousin hormone, however it is much better for your body. Some of its extra benefits that can't be find in the standard DHEA are: - Enhances your immune system. - Improves your memory. - Increases your muscular mass and strength. - Help you lose fat naturally. - Increases the activity of your thyroid gland. - Reduces the signs of aging. Overall, 7-Keto DHEA is a safer and a more potent derivates of standard DHEA, proved to be safer and with less side effects. 7-Keto DHEA is a real breakthrough as it represents the next generation of DHEA supplements. How was this discovered? In the previous years, the University of Wisconsin conducted an extensive research in order to discover the best DHEA derivates. Over more than 150 DHEA derivates analyzed, a single compound stood out- it was 7-Keto DHEA. This compound provided greater benefits over a long-term period than the standard DHEA. Nowadays it is considered an improved and much safer form of this important hormone, called DHEA. In addition to providing all therapeutic benefits of DHEA, this improved hormone won't be converted into some unwanted sex steroids. It also lacks any other hormone- elevation that was commonly found in the standard DHEA supplements. This product makes you feel young again without endangering your body tissues or internal organs, compared to the traditional DHEA whose side effects were found destructive to some of your body tissues. Why To Take This Hormone? 7-Keto Dhea was proven to be a safe product in a clinical trial, being tested on many people and animals. The only side effects this hormone might have are some mild heart palpitations and sometimes acne. Still, these side effects won't usually appear on people who take this product as prescribed and also avoid taking an overdose. The benefits this hormone provides to our body are very real, as they were discovered at those who took this hormone for a longer period of time. Enhancing your immune system, the response to viruses is stronger. You will feel healthier and better protected. When Should You Take It? This hormone is to be taken only after you reached 30 years old, as you won't need it before that age. DHEA hormone begins to decrease considerably only after you reach 30, so this process will continue until you reach 70 or 80 years old. Taking the 7-Keto Dhea hormone will help you feel and be younger.
( Fight Inflammation, Gastric Problems, and Arthritis with Boswellia ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 14, 2011 11:49 AM
How Does Boswellia Fight Inflammation.
Boswellia fights inflammation through the action of a family of anti-inflammatory terpenes known as boswellic acids. Inflammation is a natural reaction of your immune system to tissue damage and infection, and is often associated with conditions such as arthritis, sports damage to bones and joints and bacterial infections caused by cuts and grazes. There are more serious inflammatory conditions of course, such as asthma, and boswellic acids act in the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) without their unwelcome side effects. Among the causes of inflammation are inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes, the biosynthesis of which is blocked by boswellia. Another is the 5-lipoxygenase enzyme, also known as LOX-5, and again, the terpenoid anti-inflammatory boswellic acids block this so that the causes of inflammation in the above conditions are severely restricted. Boswellia extract is a good supplement to take for those suffering any form of arthritis, joint pain or even asthma. Using Boswellia to treat Arthritis Boswellia can be used to treat both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, although rheumatoid arthritis is not always easy to control. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition, in the case of osteoarthritis the inflammation being a natural response to joint damage and infection of the synovial fluid generally caused by wear and tear on the joint with aging, and also by sports injuries. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of immune disease caused by the body attacking its own joints, and while the terpenoid anti-oxidants known as boswellic acids can help to mediate the pain and other symptoms, it can do nothing to cure the condition. If you are suffering pain through arthritis, and your joins are tender and swollen, a supplement consisting of an extract of boswellia or its terpenes can help to relieve these symptoms and to offer pain relief equivalent to that offered by synthetic NSAIDs such as aspirin and Ibuprofen. Gastric Problems and Arthritis Pain? Perhaps Boswellia Can Help Extracts and supplements based on the resins of the boswellia tree are commonly used to treat inflammatory conditions, and reduce the severe pain of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, ease the discomfort of colitis and also help ease the symptoms of those suffering asthma. Each of these is an inflammatory condition that would otherwise have been treated using NSAIDs, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. NSAIDs have a number of side effects, being particularly unsuitable for those with ulcers or any other gastric problem. The terpenoids contained in boswellia extract an effective alternative to these drugs that many try to avoid taking. Long-term use of boswellia appears a lot safer than long-term use of NSAIDs, since it doesn't promote the severe gastric problems of these synthetic drugs, such as irritation of the stomach lining or even ulcers. If you already have ulcers or other gastric problems then NSAIDs area define no-no for you, and boswellia is the ideal substitute. Grab some boswellia today and experience relief for your self!
( Fight Anxiety Disorders Naturally ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 14, 2010 04:27 PM
Do you suffer from an Anxiety Disorder?Before considering how to test for anxiety disorders and discussing natural supplements that can help we should first discuss what anxiety disorders are - what the term means and if there are degrees of anxiety disorders as there are of depression and stress. First, what is anxiety? Anxiety is a natural reaction to stress and it is anxiety that makes you worry about the consequences of not studying for an exam - so you study. It focuses you on problems so that you will be more likely to solve them, and helps you to perform better whatever you are doing. However, it can get out of hand and these positive mental processes become negative anxiety disorders. With some people, anxiety becomes a dread of situations that were once everyday occurrences and can make your life a misery. Here are some forms of anxiety disorder. Typical Anxiety Disorders
General Anxiety Disorder Its symptoms include excessive sweating, worry, headaches, irritability, difficulty in sleeping, tiredness and tension in your muscles. It can lead to substance abuse and deep depression if left untreated.
Panic Attacks
Phobias These are three typical forms of anxiety, but how do you test for anxieties? Here are some tests that are used, beginning with the easiest - doing it yourself! Testing for Anxiety Disorders a) Self-Tests Many that believe they may have an anxiety disorder either tend to panic or go into a depression. It is far better to carry out a self-test. This anxiety test is very simple: simply tick which of the symptoms below you have experienced in the past six months: I can't relax I am always worried about something. I get headaches for no apparent reason I frequently sweat a lot and get hot flashes I have no time for anybody and am easily annoyed I find it hard to sleep and I often wake up during the night My attention keeps wandering and I can't focus on anything I sometimes get so worried I want to be sick or have a lump in my throat If you have ticked more than three then perhaps you should pay your doctor a visit, or try some of the recommendations below. b) Doctors' Tests If you feel you might be suffering some form of anxiety disorder you should consult your doctor, particularly if you have tried the self test above and it indicates that you might be. Your doctor might carry out various tests for your general health, and if it is felt necessary you may be asked about your family history: is there any history of mental problems in the family, particularly with your mother or father. Other questions may appertain to your own physical and mental background, such as have you been stressed for any reason lately, have you suffered anxiety or panic attacks in the past and what is your normal use of prescription and non-prescription medications and drugs. Do you smoke, drink or take any social drugs. It is important that you are totally honest: the doctor is not judging you, simply trying to find the cause of your problem. Under the terms of their oath they cannot divulge anything you tell them to anyone else, so be honest and let them help you. Among the tests you will be given will be to declare all your history of anxiety-related symptoms. To achieve that, you will be asked a series of questions while the doctor assesses your mental condition. Finally, you may be referred to a psychiatrist who will be able to help you more than your doctor. Psychiatrists have a good record in resolving anxiety disorders, but once you are diagnosed positively, what then? Chemical drugs? Or perhaps you would prefer something more natural such as herbal remedies. Herbal Remedies for Anxiety There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat anxiety disorders. Here are the more commonly used of these: Passion Flower Passion flower contains the active substances maltol and ethylmaltol that your body's biochemistry uses to increase the concentration of GABA (gamma-butyric acid) in your brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that calms you and helps you to relax and forget anything that is making you anxious. It relieves muscle tension, can lower your blood pressure and some equate its effect to that of Valium: although it is totally different chemically it is similar in its effect. It offers a sedative effect and helps you sleep. Kava Kava root Kava kava. Generally just referred to as kava, comes from the Pacific and the kavalactones it contains increase the concentration of neurotransmitters in your vascular system, particularly serotonin, the feel-good substance. Its sedative effects have been likened to that of alcohol, and it can certainly give you a lift and certainly helps you worry less as it reduces the negative symptoms of stress and depression. St. John's Wort St. John's wort is a well-known anti-depressant and it can also help reduce the symptom of anxiety. The hyperforin the plant contains helps to improve the brain's content of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine that make you feel good, and St. John's wort certainly washes away your anxiety. Not only that, but the napththodianthrone in another of its important components, hypericin, promotes a reduction in depression through the inhibition of monoamine oxidase, a pro-depressive enzyme. Valerian Root An extract of valerian root can help you to relax and sleep well, and this can often be enough to prevent your anxiety attacks. A lot depends on their cause, but if the attacks are mild and don't require extensive medical or psychiatric intervention, then valerian can help, particularly in treating stress-related anxiety. Make sure you stick to the recommended dose because valerian can be dangerous if taken to excess. Summary The four herbal remedies above should between them be all you need to treat your anxiety. One major problem is that, just like any chemical drugs, they only treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause which is something you and your physician will have to work on yourselves. However, until then, the above herbal remedies for anxiety disorders are generally safer to use than prescription drugs and each has a well proven effect, both on the symptoms of anxiety and on depression.
( Lycopene - A Powerful antioxidant with great promise ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 10, 2010 06:11 PM
Lycopene is a tetraterpene carotene that is largely responsible for the red color of tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables such as carrots and papayas, although it is not a form of Vitamin A as other carotenes are. It is responsible for the production of the pigment beta-carotene which does have Vitamin A activity, and that is also found in carrots and similarly colored foodstuffs. The health benefits of lycopene have been studied in relation to its possible antioxidant activity and its effect on atherosclerosis and other conditions of the cardiovascular system, and also in its potential anti-cancer properties. Although these properties are still under investigation, there is traditional and anecdotal evidence that is can be used to ward of cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration, a degenerative condition of the retina that results in loss of central vision. It can be taken as a supplement as a form of insurance, even though the firm medical evidence for its use has yet to be established. While not claiming this to be the case with lycopene, many such traditional uses have eventually been proved to have a firm foundation in science, and many of the initial results and studies with lycopene are tending that way.
The Antioxidant Properties of LycopeneCarotenoids tend to possess antioxidant properties, and lycopene is as much a carotenoid as the powerfully antioxidant beta-carotene. The problem is that studies focusing specifically on lycopene are rare, and that while such properties can be assumed by association, they have not been conclusively proved for lycopene. Nevertheless, the health benefits of tomatoes are largely assumed to be due to their high lycopene content, particularly powerful when cooked.
These studies have been inconclusive, although everything is pointing toward lycopene being a powerful antioxidant displaying all the properties of Vitamin A and perhaps more. A lycopene supplement is believed to be safer than Vitamin A which can be toxic in large quantities (300,000UI +), and lycopene is used as an approved food coloring. Have you had your Lycopene today?
( Red Clover Blossom ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 29, 2009 01:51 PM
Red clover is also commonly referred to as wild clover, purple clover, meadow clover, honeysuckle clover, or cow grass. This herb is a member of the pea family. It is commonly found in pastures, lawns, along roadsides, and in meadows. Many consider this herb to be a nuisance and, thus, they try to eliminate it from their lawns. However, this is not easily accomplished due to red clover’s hearty nature. The use of red clover most likely originated in Europe. There, it was used as an expectorant and a diuretic. Additionally, it was burned as incense to invoke the spirits of the deceased. Some people even wore the leaves of red clover as charms against evil. The red clover was revered by early Christians because they associated its three leaves with the Trinity. The flowers of this plant were dried by the ancient Chinese and then put in pillows to help relax both the body and mind. The Native Americans used red clover as an infusion gargle for sore throats, whooping cough, and asthma. Additionally, they used it on children because it was a milder, safer way to fight debilitating childhood diseases. This herb has been used for treating cancer, bronchitis, nervous conditions, spasms, and toxins in the body. It is considered by herbalists to be a blood cleanser. Herbalists also recommend this mild herb in formulas when using a cleansing program. Red clover is often mixed with honey and water to make a cough syrup and act as an expectorant. The herb is a mild sedative and is useful for spasmodic conditions, bronchitis, wheezing, and fatigue. Because red clover is mild, it can often be used by children. Research has determined that red clover contains some antibiotic properties that are beneficial in fighting several kinds of bacteria. Among these types of bacteria is the one that causes tuberculosis. Additionally, red clover has a long history of use in treating cancer. Scientists at the National Cancer Institute have uncovered some anticancer activity in red clover, including daidzein and genistein activity. Even though the findings are preliminary and the use of red clover as a cancer treatment has not yet been validated, research is continuing to show promising results. Externally, red clover has been used to treat skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, and even vaginal irritation. It can also be applied topically to burns, boils, sores, and ulcers. Red clover has also been documented for use in treating AIDS, syphilis, and leprosy. This herb can be applied externally to help soothe lymphatic swelling and as an eyewash. In short, the flowers of red clover are used to provide alterative, antibiotic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, nutritive, sedative, stimulant, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in red clover are calcium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, nickel, selenium, sodium, tin, and vitamins A, C, B-complex, F, and P. Primarily, red clover is extremely beneficial in dealing with acne, AIDS/HIV, athlete’s foot, blood impurities, bronchitis, cancer, eczema, leukemia, liver disorders, nervous disorders, psoriasis, skin disorders, spasms, and the effects of toxins. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating arthritis, asthma, boils, burns, childhood diseases, colds, constipation, coughs, muscle cramps, fatigue, flu, gallbladder, gastric disorders, indigestion, leprosy, lymphatic irritations, rheumatism, sores, syphilis, sore throat, tuberculosis, ulcers, urinary infections, vaginal irritations, whooping cough, and wounds. For more information on red clover, look for this wonderful herb at your local heath food store. Remember to always look for name brands to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.
( Natural Sweeteners Vs. Artificial Sweeteners ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2009 10:16 AM
Artificial sweeteners are food additives intended to replace the sweetness of sugar without the calorie intake. There are also natural sweeteners that can replace sugar, so which should you choose? Natural sweeteners such as sugar, honey and grape juice are well known, although there are also the less well known, but much more effective, sucanat and stevia. Sucanat is dried unrefined cane sugar, and unlike refined sugar retains the molasses. Stevia, on the other hand, is a shrub, native to Paraguay, the leaf of which contains a non-sucrose sweetener, 300 times the sweetness of sugar, and which is not absorbed by the body. It is a sweetener pure and simple, with no proven health issues. It is also Japan's most popular sugar substitute. Artificial sweeteners have been known for many years, the first and best known being benzoic sulfanide, known to you as saccharin. The health risks of saccharin have been the subject of debate for over 100 years and have yet to be resolved. Studies had shown it to cause cancer in rats, and it was placed on a list of known or suspected carcinogens. It has been banned for use in the USA, but that was lifted by the FDA in 1991, and in 2000 saccharin has no longer required a health warning label. The issue appears to have been resolved by rats metabolizing saccharin in a way not possible in humans. However, many are still suspicious of it, and if you don't trust a food additive then do not voluntarily consume it. The top two artificial sweeteners in the USA are sucralose and aspartame. Sucralose, discovered in the UK in 1976, is the less emotive of the two, and is chemically the chlorocarbon trichlorogalactosucrose, produced by chlorination of sucrose and 600 times as sweet. It should be stressed that a chlorocarbon is totally different to a chlorinated hydrocarbon. It is generally considered safe to use, although it is very slow rate of degradation in waste water has raised concerns that concentrations could increase with increasing popularity of the sweetener. According to' Sweet Deception', the book states sucralose to be discovered during the search for an insecticide, and is produced when sugar is treated with acetic anhydride, hydrogen chloride and trityl chloride among others in the presence of toluene, MIBK and dimethyl formamide among other solvents. Although marketed as coming from a natural source, it is anything but natural. Aspartame was developed by G.D. Searle, and its approval by the FDA has been a matter of concern for many years. Promoted by Donald Rumsfeld, then CEO of Searle, he "called in his markers" to have the substance approved, which was not one of the more glorious moments in America's history. It is used in over 6,000 products, most household names, yet was based on "inconclusive and incompetent science" according to detractors. In 1981, on the day of his inauguration, Ronald Regan suspended the powers of the FDA on aspartame, and then a month later appointed a new FDA head, Arthur Hayes, who immediately licensed the substance. Donald Rumsfeld was on President Regan's team. There is a strong body of evidence that aspartame is toxic to humans, although the official evidence has discredit such studies. Recent evidence that linked aspartame to cancer has been stated as irrelevant to humans. In spite of the concerns, the substance has been approved, not only in the USA but also by the European Union. This might call into question the relevance of studies to humans, but many still believe that commercial considerations are behind these decisions. In fact, an extensive study carried out by the Italian European Ramazzini Foundation, showed that aspartame can cause a significant increase in cancers and leukemias in rats at well below the doses allowed by the EU or the US. This substance required further study by bodies with no vested interest in the outcome. Those that believe so point to the stevia situation. This natural sweetener is banned for use as a food additive in the EU, and cannot be sold as sweetener due to the FDA not recognizing it as such. It has also been banned in Hong Kong, even though it is the sweetener of choice in Japan, with no apparent side-effects becoming endemic in that country. The USA might not approve stevia as a sweetener, but it is considering lifting its ban on cyclamate. Cyclamate was banned by the FDA due to tests on rats indicating a possibly carcinogenic effect, but no more positive than those on aspartame. Cyclamate is permitted in Canada, where saccharin is not, and also in the UK, but not throughout the EU. It is obvious, then, looking at the various claims and counter-claims, and the conflicting legislation between civilized countries, that the artificial sweetener industry is wrought with uncertainty. In the past, it is almost certain that commercial considerations have come before the health of the nation, and that does not engender confidence. In fact, the only sane approach to take at this time would be to avoid artificial sweeteners altogether, and stay natural. That is not to claim that natural products are safe to eat - far from it! Many of the most virulent poisons are natural, but the well-used natural sweeteners appear to be safer at this time than any of those artificially manufactured. There might be objections to this where diabetes is concerned, and Canada, while banning saccharin for normal use, still allows it for use by diabetics. This is the one of the two major bodies that promotes the use of artificial sweeteners: the diabetic lobby and the weight loss lobby. It is difficult to question the obesity and weight problem that America has while at the same time arguing against the use of artificial sweeteners. However, don't forget that stevia is widely used in Japan with no reported health problems, and stevia is a natural sweetener that is permitted for use as a food additive, and that is not absorbed by the body. However, there is also a recent 2005 study that has indicated that diet drinks containing artificial sweeteners might fool your body into believing that the sweet taste is promising energy, and when it doesn't materialize, you feel hungry and eat more. This has been supported by animal studies. These have shown convincingly that the sensation of sweetness induces the production of insulin with resulting hypoglycemia because there is no actual increase in blood sugar. This induces increased food intake. This has been proved with rats, and also proved was the fact that the natural response of eating less at the next meal, after sugary food, was gradually diminished in animals fed non-calorific sweeteners. The choice is yours, but it would seem advisable to stick to natural sweeteners for the time being, at least until the studies carried out are in concurrence as opposed to offering conflicting results depending upon who is doing the testing.
( Huperzine And Memory ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 04, 2008 01:20 PM
Chinese club moss goes by the name Huperzia serrata, and gives its name to the sesquiterpene alkaloid it contains: huperzine A. This alkaloid has been found to be a superstar in the arena of brain-saving treatments for conditions such as Alzheimer's and age-related senility. Studies in China have found up to 60% improvements in the cognitive functions of such patients, and its potential has been recorded in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This is no mere folk remedy, and is the subject of serious study. Known as Qian Ceng Ta, Chinese club moss has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries for the treatment of fever and inflammation, which is not surprising considering that most plants contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. However, what is unusual is the fact that it has also been found effective in treating some forms of dementia and depression, and also helps to reduce the incidence of panic attacks in those susceptible to them. Not only that, but the plant has been found to possess diuretic properties, and a reduction in the swelling associated with water retention could also help to reduce the pain and other effects of swelling and inflammation. However, for now it is its effect on the brain that we are concerned, and research has indicated the likely mechanism by which huperzine A works. Huperzine is an enzyme inhibitor - specifically inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase that breaks down acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the processes of memory, learning and mood. Outside the brain, it is involved in the movement of skeletal muscle tissue as well as in the regulation of cardiac and other smooth muscles such as those of the blood vessels. When acetylcholinesterase (AChE) attacks acetylcholine (ACh), the latter attaches to a chemical site on the enzyme where it is then destroyed. It is a deliberate function of the body, designed to terminate a synaptic transmission. The purpose of a neurotransmitter is to allow the transmission of an electrical impulse form one nerve cell to another over a gap between them known as a synapse. Once the transmission has been completed, the enzyme can destroy the neurotransmitter, and then another takes its place. In fact one molecule of AChE can destroy around 5,000 molecules of ACh. However, with age and for other reasons, these neurotransmitters can become depleted so that it becomes increasingly more difficult for brain cells to communicate with each other, and their destruction becomes undesirable. There are drugs available to help prevent this happening (e.g. donepezil, galantamine and tacrine), and so help to improve the memory and mental function of people as they grow older or contract conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. Huperzine A has been found to take up the site in the acetylcholinesterase molecule that would normally have been used by the acetylcholine, and so save it from destruction. The more Huperzine A molecules present, the more acetylcholine available to pass messages between brain cells, and the stronger the cognitive function of the subject or patient. The pharmaceutical drugs mentioned in the previous paragraph work in exactly the same way. This is a very specific reaction, one molecule adopting exactly the same space as the other, and has been proved scientifically by comparing the physical shapes of the two molecules. It's just like a jigsaw puzzle, where only one piece can fit into each position. Except here there are two: Huperzine A and acetylcholine both fit into the exact same place in the chemical structure of the acetylcholinesterase molecule. The biochemistry of the reactions involved is very complex, and shall not be discussed here, but the upshot is that Huperzine A can do exactly the same job as modern drugs to avoid this hydroxylation of the ACh needed for the proper functioning of your brain. In fact, clinical trials have indicated Huperzine A not only to be comparable in effect to the drugs current used, but also likely safer with respect to the possible side effects. This has still to be confirmed, but the National Institute on Aging is currently carrying out a trial to evaluate this claim in tandem with its effect on Alzheimer's disease. It has also been examined at Harvard University for its effect on epilepsy on patients with whom alternative pharmaceutical treatments have been unsuccessful. Another suggested benefit of Huperzine A is that it is an NMDA (N-methyl D-aspartate) receptor antagonist that provides protection against damage to the brain by an excess of glutamates, and that it can also help to protect nerve cells from damage. Since NDMA is responsible for the transmission of some types of pain, the antagonist can also act as an analgesic. There are other benefits that Chinese club moss can provide, and myasthenia gravis is one of them. Although relatively rare, this is a serious condition in which acetylcholine receptors are deactivated on muscle cells. This is achieved through the autoimmune system malfunctioning and creating antibodies against the receptors, and the end result is paralysis and respiratory failure. Huperzine A reduces the AChE available and so might possibly enable the acetylcholine to work more effectively and delay or even stop the deterioration of muscle function. When people hear of muscle paralysis they frequently forget that breathing requires muscle function, as indeed does your heartbeat. This is currently surmise, and studies are being carried out to determine whether or not this usage of Huperzine A is viable. Another promising application of Chinese club moss extract is in preventing organophosphate poisoning. These pesticides permanently suppress acetylcholine. This results in seizures due to a lack of interruption of the signals from nerves to muscles. The seizures can result in rapid death from uncontrollable seizures, or from permanent contraction of the diaphragm muscle that allows breathing. Although no human studies have yet been carried out, animals given Huperzine A prior to organophosphate exposure have survived without seizures. There are no doubts that Chinese club moss and the Huperzine A extracted from it are effective in preventing the suppression of acetylcholine, and in permitting the proper activity of this important neurotransmitter. It is finding an increasing number of potential uses beneficial to the human body, not the least of which would be a partial remedy for some of the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
( Garcinia Cambogia ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 28, 2008 09:33 AM
Garcinia Cambogia is found naturally in India and parts of Asia, and also on the Pacific coast of South and Central America all the way from Peru up to Mexico, and likes a humid forested environment. Also known as Brindall berries, garcinia is believed to act as an appetite suppressant and allows you to lose weight by diminishing your desire for food. The Malabar tamarind, as it is also known, is about the size of an orange resembling a small pumpkin, and an extract from the fruit and rind is used in several weight loss products. The health risks presented by synthetic diet pills render a natural product extremely attractive were it to be effective. So can Garcia curb your appetite? What is the scientific evidence for it, and what biochemical route would it take? Although tests on animals have been very positive, human results have been inconsistent. In some double blind tests using a placebo, weight loss was up to three times that of the control, but in others there was no apparent difference between those taking garcinia, and those given a placebo. However, doubts have been raised of the validity of some of the negative tests, so what does science tell us? The active ingredient in the cambogia extract is hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is a powerful inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase, an enzyme that catalyzes the reaction between citrate and Coenzyme A to Acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate. Since the acetyl CoA is necessary in the synthesis of fatty acids and lipogenesis (the conversion of glucose to fatty acids), then anything that inhibits the biosynthesis of acetyl CoA must help to reduce the amount of fat stored in your body. By inhibiting this reaction, that occurs outside the mitochondria so is not a direct part of the Citric Acid Cycle, HCA should theoretically suppress the formation of fats from carbohydrates, reduce food intake and thereby induce weight loss. But that is not the only mechanism. A study at Georgetown University in Washington found that after 8 weeks of taking the garcinia extract, there was a 5.4% reduction in body weight and body mass index, and a significant reduction in low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides with an associated rise in high density lipoproteins (HDL). This is good news for those suffering from high cholesterol levels, since the LDL lipoproteins are those that carry cholesterol to the major blood vessels, and which when oxidized by free radicals deposit fatty plaques on the artery walls. These plaques constrict the arteries and the resultant atherosclerosis can lead to cardiac problems and strokes. HDL lipoproteins carry cholesterol back to the liver for destruction, and is known popularly as ‘good cholesterol’. The studies also indicated modifications to certain indicators of the status of fat deposits in the body and of appetite modifiers in the brain. In this respect they found 38% decreases in serum leptin and increases in serotonin levels of 44%, and the excretion of fat metabolites in the urine increased from between 32% and 104%. These are significant findings, and further research has indicated that HCA helps to suppress appetite. Serum leptin is an indicator of the level of fat stores in the body, and as the leptin levels in the blood reduces, the hypothalamus is given an instruction to increase the appetite so as to increase the fat levels again. However, it is believed that HCA possesses leptin-like properties, and this signal is either not generated or is modulated. The increase in serotonin has the same effect. It is known that serotonin controls the appetite, although the exact mechanism has not yet been established. What is known is that serotonin activates certain neurons and melanocortin-4 receptors (MC4R) in the brain, that not only curb appetite but also block the effect of other neurons that would normally increase appetite by blocking the effect of MC4Rs. This is how the banned anti-obesity and serotonin inciting drug Fen-Phen operated, and it appears that the hydroxycitric acid in garcinia cambogia extract acts in a similar, but safer, way. The problem with drugs such as Feb-Phen was that they created cardiac problems which could be dangerous to obese people whose hearts might have been weakened. However, now that the biological pathway by which serotonin controls weight is believed to be known, if not fully understood, the way is becoming clearer as to how safer weight loss pills, acting through appetite suppression, might be developed. It also provides a valid scientific explanation for the effect of garcinia cambogia extract which might in itself prove to be that safer way. The biochemistry supports the evidence of its effect on those wanting to lose weight, and also bolsters the claims that those tests and trials found to be negative were in some way flawed. Until the full chemical pathway is understood, the factors that can lead to flawed tests are unknown, although one could be the use of excessive fiber in some trials that could reduce the effect of the extract. One of the effects of HCA is to limit the ability of your body to convert carbohydrates into fat (the Acetyl CoA inhibition mentioned above). That, combined with suppression of your appetite and a higher rate of thermogenesis, prevents the body from storing excess carbohydrates as fat. Instead you will have increased energy levels, so you should exercise to use this up while taking garcinia extract. For this reason it is popular with athletes and bodybuilders seeking an energy source that has not yet been banned from sport. Although diet pills based on the same principle had side-effects and could make the user feel on edge, there are none known with garcinia. However, it is possible to reduce the absorption of some essential nutrients due to appetite suppression, so do not exceed the recommended dose. An excessive amount can also led to gastric discomfort, but none of these effects have been noted when the recommended doses have been adhered to.
However, if you are diabetic, pregnant or a nursing mother, you should consult with your physician or health professional before taking the extract. Garcinia Cambogia presents no specific risk to such people, and this warning should be given for all non-prescriptive treatments that your physician might be unaware of you taking.
( DMAE ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 14, 2008 03:22 PM
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) enhances mental function through the improvement of concentration, mental clarity and mental alertness. It is also a mild brain stimulant because it increases and sustains the energy levels in the brain. It also improves the level of restful nighttime sleep because the sleep is deeper and less time is needed to reach a rejuvenated state. DMAE helps to boost mental function through an increase in the levels of acetylcholine and choline. These are the brain’s chemical messengers. Because of DMAE’s ability to stimulate mental cognitive function, it also has been shown to improve learning, increase intelligence and elevate mood. DMAE Benefits: * Accelerates mental processes * Decreases irritability and overactivity * Does not cause drowsiness * Improves concentration * Improves IQ * Increases attention * Relieves mild depression * Aids in long-term treatment of schizophrenia It is believed that DMAE may also increase physical energy. Athletes and other active individuals are using DMAE more and more because of its ability to enhance these brain functions. The connection between the mind and muscles is a means to focus on form and reduce the risk of injury. So, when the mind is enhanced, it communicates better with the muscles to improve and refine function. Due to DMAE’s mild stimulating effect on the brain, athletes report that it is a good alternative for a quick lift instead of coffee. They also believe the stimulating effects last longer than they do with caffeine. DMAE used as a mild stimulant is also safer and healthier than caffeine. How It Works: DMAE, once consumed, is transported to the liver where it is converted into choline through the process of metabolism. A small amount is then converted into acetylcholine, which is a brain transmitter. Through this process, DMAE increases the levels of these brain transmitters (neurotransmitters). This causes a boost in mental cognitive function and memory. Acetylcholine is also responsible for helping to conduct nerve impulses in the brain. Choline is also converted in the brain into phosphatidylcholine. This chemical rebuilds and protects existing cell membranes inside the brain. DMAE has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier faster than choline. Through this quicker travel, DMAE enhances cell protection and repair and helps our brains function better and create enhanced, positive behavioral changes in most people. Other DMAE Uses: DMAE is being studied for use in aiding a movement disorder in Parkinson’s patients. This disorder, called dyskenesis is caused by L-Dopa, which is administered to treat the effects of the disease. DMAE seems to counteract dyskenesis effectively and safely without interfering with the benefits of the therapy. DMAE is proving to reduce the effects of other disorders that involve involuntary movements. Two of these disorders being treated are blepharospasm (eyelid twitching) and benign essential tremors. Age spot sufferers may find hope for treatment of their condition as well. DMAE has been found to inhibit the formation of pigment caused by aging (lipofuscin) and liver spots (lentigo). It may actually flush lipofuscin from the body, causing the skin spots to disappear over a few month’s time. DMAE is being studied for its possible ability in helping to reduce cognitive impairments related to age. Aside from increased mental cognitive function, research has shown that DMAE may also be useful in treating the following conditions. * Alzheimer’s disease * ADD (attention deficit disorder) * Hyperactivity
The use of DMAE as a regular dietary supplement is increasing steadily. All of its benefits in aiding mental cognitive function and brain stimulation are an attractive quality for everyone. Additional research showing that DMAE is useful in treating debilitating conditions such as Parkinson’s gives us new hope. As research continues and more new uses for DMAE are discovered, its popularity will continue to grow as well.
( Albizzia ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2008 01:11 PM
Mental disorders, including depression, affect more than 22 percent of adults in the United States according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The stressful way in which we live contributes to this percentage of unhappy people. People feel pressure on the job and are being rushed all the time. We eat fast food on the run due to time constraints and have less time to exercise. This combination of factors leads to moodiness and irritability. It also detracts from our overall happiness. Whether you typically experience seasonal sadness or have been diagnosed with depression, there is help available. You don't have to accept feeling down as part of life. Nor do you have to deal with the unwanted side effects that come with taking a prescribed antidepressant or anxiety medication. All you need to take the edge off of life is natural albizzia flowers. This herb provides a natural way to reduce stress. Albizzia Flowers as a Natural Remedy for Sadness Albizzia flowers are herbs that have been used by the Chinese for more than 500 years to treat sadness. They also have been used by Korean and Japanese people as a natural remedy for life's stresses. Taken from the silk tree, albizzia is often referred to as the happy tree. It can be used for a variety of emotional needs, from spiritual disorders to emotional imbalances. It is also known as the Mimosa tree. Uses for Albizzia Flowers Albizzia flowers can be used to treat the following:
* Melancholy In essence, this herbal flower provides a gentle calming effect. It works to relieve tension and bring a sense of peace over the body. The herb gives a sense of contentment and comfort, and relieves aches and pains associated with the symptoms above. Albizzia is especially useful for those dealing with grief. Losing a loved one can feel devastating and overwhelming. Albizzia flowers help to relieve these feelings and can make coping with your loss a little easier. Antidepressants vs. Natural Herbs to Relieve Depression Using Albizzia flowers is much safer than taking a prescription antidepressant. Antidepressants are mind-altering drugs that have a list of unhealthy side effects. They can cause you to feel things like dry mouth to headaches. Drugs like Paxil can even increase the risk of suicide in some people. You can avoid these potentially dangerous side effects by using natural herbs to take the edge off of life. Albizzia is a relaxant and a sedative that works to calm the liver, kidneys and heart. It works to ease and calm the mind and body without the effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Starting with a low dose of 10 drops two to three times per day is recommended. As your body adjusts, you can work your way up to 30-60 drops several times per day. Though it isn't a miracle herb, Albizzia is a helpful herb that can relax the body and aid mood disorders. It can be used in conjunction with prescription drugs or in place of them to minimize the effects of a stressful lifestyle.
( Beta Carotene Is The Safe To The Liver Form Of Vitamin A ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 19, 2008 08:17 AM
The fact that beta carotene is stated to be a safe form of vitamin A suggests that vitamin A is in some way unsafe. In fact an overdose of vitamin A can lead to any one of a number of conditions, including nausea, jaundice, vomiting, abdominal pain and headaches. This vitamin is fat soluble, and so any excess is not easily washed out of the body but can build up in the tissues. Toxicity in the liver can occur at fairly low concentrations, and the toxicity of the vitamin is increased by excessive alcohol intake. However, toxicity only occurs with vitamin A already formed such as that obtained from liver. There are several forms of vitamin A, including the retinoid form originating from animal sources and the carotenoid forms that have a vegetable origin. Carotenoids are converted to vitamin A in the liver, but the higher the concentration of beta carotene in the body, the smaller the percentage that is converted to vitamin A, so beta carotene is a safer source of vitamin A than retinoids. It is only the finished form of vitamin A that is toxic, and beta carotene is therefore self-regulating in its production. This vitamin is stored in the body in the form of the alcohol (retinol) and of retinyl esters. Studies have indicated that as much as 95% if the stored vitamin is in the form of the ester. The liver is responsible for releasing vitamin A to the body as it is required. One of its better known effects is on vision, and the old wives tale that carrots help you to see in the dark has an element of truth in it. In order for it to aid vision, retinol is oxidized to the aldehyde, retinal, that forms a complex with a molecule of opsin, a light sensitive protein found in the retina. Rhodopsin, as the complex is called, is an essential component of the biochemical chain of events that lead to the perception of light. It is extremely sensitive, and enables you see in very low levels of light. In other words it is essential for good night vision, so carrots do help you to see in the dark! When a photon of light hits a molecule of rhodopsin, it leads eventually to an impulse being sent up the optic nerve to the brain. One of its properties is its reaction to white light. When rhodopsin is exposed to white light it loses its pigmentation, and hence its photoreceptor properties and can take 30 minutes to regenerate. That is why you lose your night sight if your retina is exposed to bright light. The more rhodopsin you can generate the quicker you develop night sight. The other biochemical processes of the vitamin include the synthesis of some glycoproteins and maintenance of normal bone density. Without vitamin A, calcium is not properly absorbed by the body and glycoproteins are involved in this process. A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to the abnormal development of bone and other health problems, so there are limits between the levels of vitamin A in the body that must be maintained: above or below these limits will lead to health problems, some of which can be extremely serious. Most of the biochemistry of vitamin A in the liver is initiated by the presence of alcohol, and otherwise it is though to passively store the vitamin until needed when it is released into the blood. There are several ways in which the presence of alcohol allows the liver to deplete its store of retinol, but generally there are a number of enzymes that, in the presence of ethanol, can render vitamin A into a water soluble form that is excreted by the urine. The benefits of vitamin A other than its effect on night sight and the healthy development of bone tissue, includes a powerful antioxidant effect that neutralizes free radicals that can destroy body cells. These free radicals are generated by the body’s metabolism in generating energy from blood glucose, and are also created through exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke and traffic fumes. They are electron deficient, so when they are generated they grab an electron from tissue close by which destroys the cells involved. This can lead not only to the appearance of premature aging as the skin cells are damaged but also to serious health problems such as atherosclerosis and some forms of cancer. Vitamin A helps to protect against these by destroying the free radicals before they can do damage. It also helps build up resistance against infections by supporting the immune system. Beta carotene is converted to vitamin A either by cleaving at the center of the molecule, or by breaking it down from one of the ends. This latter process is carried out in the small intestine, and the resultant vitamin stored in the liver in the ester form. Only a proportion of what you eat is converted to retinol ester in this way, and the more beta carotene you consume, the less is converted, so you can never suffer from an overdose of beta carotene-derived vitamin A. It might turn you yellow, but you won’t suffer from excess vitamin A since the excess beta carotene is stored in your body fat, including the subcutaneous fat reserves. Alpha carotene can also be used in the synthesis of vitamin A, but not as actively as beta carotene. The best natural sources are fruits and vegetables, especially the red, yellow and orange varieties such as carrots and apricots, and also the leafy green vegetables, although supplements are also a convenient way of maintaining your beta carotene uptake. It is a much safer supplement than straight vitamin A for the reasons explained earlier. The supplement is not useful just for its antioxidant effect, but also for its ability to protect you from excessive exposure to the sun. While not as effective as a good sun blocker, beta carotene does provide some protection. There is no doubt that beta carotene is a safer way to maintain an adequate vitamin A uptake due to the fact that you cannot take an overdose, since an overdose of beta carotene does not translate into the same dose of vitamin A, and the change is self-regulating. It is therefore safer to obtain your vitamin A needs from colored fruits and vegetables or beta carotene supplements than from eating liver, from which the retinol is in a form that can cause damage in the event of consuming an excess. The old adage that you should never eat polar bear livers is a true one, and certainly has a provable scientific basis, so use beta carotene as your main vitamin A source for maximum health benefits in the safest possible way.
( Learn about Bone Health! ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 20, 2007 12:43 PM
Bone Health Approximately 44 million American women and men aged 50 and older have osteoporosis (severe bone loss) or osteopenia (mild bone loss), with women being affected about twice as often as men. At least 1.5 million fractures of the hip, vertebra (back or neck), or wrist occur each year in the United States as a result of osteoporosis, and the annual cost of treating this disorder is nearly $14 billion and rising. Unfortunately, the toll in human suffering and loss of independence is even greater. In this issue of Ask the Doctor, we will discuss the risk factors for osteoporosis and some key nutrients you can add to your diet that can minimize bone loss and reduce your chances of developing this disease. Q. What are the risk factors for osteoporosis? A. Small body frame, underweight, Caucasian or Asian race, a sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, high intake of carbonated beverages (especially colas), and having other family members with osteoporosis all increase personal risk of developing the disease. Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive lung disease, hyperadrenalism, and hyperparathyroidism, are all associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis. Some medications increase the rate at which bone is lost; these include drugs prescribed for the treatment of seizures, drugs used for blood thinning, steroids such as prednisone, aluminum-containing antacids, and loop diuretics (furosemide {Lasix}). Q. Isn’t bone loss just a normal consequence of aging? A. Although bone mass normally declines after the age of 35, bone loss severe enough to cause fractures after just minor trauma (such as bump or fall) seems to be a relatively new phenomenon. Osteoporosis was rare in the late 19th century, and it was not until around 1920 that the condition began to attract attention among doctors. Since that time, the percentage of people who develop osteoporosis has continued to increase. For example, the age-adjusted prevalence of osteoporosis in Q. Can osteoporosis be prevented? A. Engaging in regular weight bearing exercise, avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and quitting smoking will slow the rate of bone loss. Eating adequate, but not excessive, amounts of protein also enhances bone health. In addition, a growing body of research has shown that supplementing with various vitamins and minerals may not only help prevent, but in some cases actually reverse, bone loss. At least 15 different nutrients have been found to play a role in bone health. Q. What type of calcium is best? A. For most people, calcium salts are absorbed about the same, between 30% and 40% of the administered dose. People who low stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) should not use calcium carbonate, because that form of calcium is absorbed poorly in the absence of stomach acid. Calcium phosphate may be preferable for many older people, because phosphorus is necessary for normal bone formation, the phosphorus intake of older people is often low, and calcium supplements inhibit the absorption of phosphorus. Also, calcium bound to phosphorus is the form in which calcium in the bone is stored, and it has a much greater bone activity than other forms. Q. How much vitamin D is needed to promote strong bones? A. Because vitamin D is produced when the ultraviolet rays from the sun hit skin, people who stay out of the sun, wear sunscreen, or live in a northern latitude (such as Boston or Seattle) where less ultraviolet light reaches the skin, are at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. In addition, aging decreases a person’s ability to synthesize vitamin D in the skin. Results from five research trials on vitamin D found that supplementation with 700-800 IU of vitamin D per day decreased the number of hip fractures by 26%, but 400 IU per day was ineffective. In addition to enhancing bone health, vitamin D improves nerve and muscle function in older people, thereby reducing their chances of falling down. Supplementation of elderly women with 800 IU of vitamin D per day has been shown to decrease the number of falls by about 50%. Q. Is that much vitamin D safe? A. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Q. Why would nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D is important? A. Bone is living tissue, constantly remodeling itself and engaging in numerous biological functions. Like other tissues in the body, bone has a wide range of nutritional needs. The typical refined and processed American diet has been depleted of many different vitamins and minerals, some of which play a key role in promoting bone health. Not getting enough of one or more of these micronutrients may be and important contributing factor to the modern epidemic of osteoporosis. In addition, supplementing with calcium may cause a loss of magnesium, zinc, silicon, manganese, and phosphorus, unless these nutrients are also provided. Q. What nutrients besides calcium and vitamin D promote healthy bones? A. Magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin K, boron, strontium, silicon, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and vitamin C have all been shown to play a role in bone health. Following is a brief description of the role that each of these 15 nutrients play in building healthy bones. Calcium: A component of the mineral crystals that make up bone. Vitamin D: Enhances calcium absorption, prevents falls by improving nerve and muscle function. Magnesium: Important for bone mineralization (accumulation of minerals which form bones). Magnesium deficiency is associated with abnormal bone mineral crystals in humans. In an open clinical trial, magnesium supplementation increased bone mineral density by an average 5% after 1-2 years in postmenopausal women. Copper: Laboratory research has found that copper promotes bone mineralization and decreases bone loss, and that osteoporosis can develop if the diet is deficient in copper. Western diets often contain less copper than the amount recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. In a 2-year double-blind trail, copper supplementation reduced bone loss by 90% in middle-aged women, compared with a placebo. Zinc: Like magnesium, zinc is important for bone mineralization, and also has been shown to decrease bone loss. Low dietary zinc intake was associated with increased fracture risk in a study of middle-aged and elderly men. The zinc content of the diet is frequently low; a study of elderly low-income people found they were consuming only half the Recommended Dietary Allowance for this mineral. Manganese: Plays a role in the creation of the connective-tissue components of bone. Manganese deficiency in laboratory tests resulted in low bone mineral density and weak bones. Manganese deficiency may be associated with the development of osteoporosis. Boron: Supports creation of bone-protecting hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA. Boron supplementation prevented bone loss in experimental studies. In human volunteers consuming a low-boron diet, boron supplementation decreased urinary calcium excretion by 25-33%, a change that may indicate reduced bone loss. Silicon: Plays a role in the synthesis of the connective-tissue components of bone. Silicon deficiency has been associated with bone abnormalities. In an observational study, higher dietary silicon intake correlated with higher bone mineral density. In a clinical trial, administration of an organic silicon compound increased bone mineral density of the femur (or thigh bone) in postmenopausal women. B vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12): These three B vitamins have been shown to lower blood levels of homocysteine, a breakdown product of the amino acid methionine. An elevated homocysteine concentration is a strong and independent risk factor for fractures in older men and women. Homocysteine levels increase around the time of menopause, which may explain in part why bone loss accelerates at that time. In a 2-year double-blind trial, supplementation of elderly stroke patients with folic acid and vitamin B12 reduced the number of hip fractures by 78%, compared with a placebo. Strontium: This trace mineral is incorporated into bone and appears to increase bone strength. It also stimulates bone formation and inhibits bone breakdown. Controlled trials have demonstrated that strontium supplementation of postmenopausal women increases bone mineral density and decreases fracture risk. Vitamin K: Best known for its effect on blood clotting, vitamin K is also required for the creation of osteocalcin, a unique protein found in bone that participates in the mineralization process. The amount of vitamin K needed for optimal bone health appears to be greater than the amount needed to prevent bleeding. Vitamin K levels tend to be low in people with osteoporosis. In randomized clinical trials, supplementation of postmenopausal women with vitamin K prevented bone loss and reduced the incidence of fractures. Q. Which form of vitamin K is best? A. Two forms of vitamin K compounds are present in food: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 (also called phylloquinone) is present in leafy green vegetables and some vegetable oils, and vitamin K2 is found in much smaller amounts in meat, cheese, eggs, and natto (fermented soybeans). To make things a little more complicated, Vitamin K2 itself can occur in more than one form. The two most important to this discussion are menaquinine-4 (MK-4, also called menatetrenone), which is licensed as a prescription drug in Research suggests that MK-7 from natto may be an ideal form of vitamin K. The biological activity of MK-7 in laboratory studies was 17 times higher than that of vitamin K1 and 130 times higher than that of MK-4. After oral administration, MK-7 was better absorbed and persisted in the body longer, compared with MK-4 and vitamin K1. Although both have shown ability to prevent osteoporosis in laboratory research, a much lower dosage (600 times lower) of MK-7 is required, compared to MK-4, to obtain beneficial effects. Thus, MK-7 has greater biological activity, greater bioavailability, and possibly more potent effects on bone, compared with other forms of vitamin K. The potential value of MK-7 for bone health is supported by an observational study from Q. Why is strontium so important in building strong bones? A. Strontium is of great interest to bone health researchers and has been studied in very high doses. Surprisingly, lower doses are not only safer for long-term supplementation, but may in fact have a greater impact on bone health than very high doses. Too little, and bone density is impaired; too much and health may be impaired. This is a case where dosing needs to be just right for optimal impact. Therefore, until more is known, it is wise to keep supplemental strontium at less than 6 mg per day. Q. Can people taking osteoporosis medications also take bone-building nutrients? A. Because nutrients work by a different mechanism than osteoporosis drugs, nutritional supplements are likely to enhance the beneficial effect of these medications. Calcium or other minerals may interfere with the absorption of biphophonates such as alendronate (Fosamax) or etidronate (Didronel). For that reason, calcium and other minerals should be taken at least two hours before or two hours after these medications. Also, it is always best to discuss the supplements you are using with your healthcare practitioner to create an integrated health plan. Final thoughts… Bone health ramifications extend beyond osteoporosis and fractures. Bone health is essential for freedom of movement, safety, comfort, independence and longevity. Weak bones do not heal well – sometimes they never heal at all. Osteoporosis-related fractures rob us of our mobility and consign thousands of Americans to walkers and wheelchairs every year. In fact, 40% of people are unable to walk independently after a hip fracture, and 60% still require assistance a year later. The most terrible consequence of fractures related to osteoporosis is mortality. The impairment of the ability to move around freely can cause pneumonia and skin damage leading to serious infections. It is estimated that suffering a hip fracture increases the risk of dying almost 25%. Making bone health a priority now will allow you to reap health dividends for many years to come.
( Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 30, 2007 12:09 PM
Safe Solutions for Chronic Pain One of the biggest challenged in healthcare today is the problem of pain. There are simply too many people living each and every day with ongoing, unremitting chronic pain. And there are far too many healthcare providers who – for a variety of reasons – are failing to adequately address this serious problem. Recently, 368 doctors who routinely care for patients with chronic pain agreed to take part in a unique study. The doctors were surveyed about the pain medicines hey prescribe, what kind of treatment goals they hope to achieve, and how they felt about their ability to help their patients. They were also presented with four chronic pain vignettes or mock case studies and asked to select the best treatment for each scenario from multiple choice answers. Sadly, many doctors chose the worst treatment options in the case studies. The medications they reported using in their practices did not reflect current pain treatment standards. They tended to set low treatment goals 0 instead of aiming for a least a 75% reduction of pain for their patients, they settled for 10% to 20% reductions. And many of the doctors admitted they lacked confidence in their ability to relieve their patients’ pain and suffering. Adding to the challenge are the almost daily news announcements about dangerous side effects in certain pain medications. Synthetic prescription COX-2 inhibitors, once hailed as the safest of drugs, have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and intestinal bleeding. The over-the counter (OTC) drugs aspirin and ibuprofen kill over 16,000 people each year. And acetaminophen, the most widely used pain reducer in the As a doctor specializing in chronic pain disorders, I know that optimal pain management can be a real challenge. However, I also know: -You do not have to live in chronic pain. -Your chronic pain, no matter what the cause, can be reduced, and usually eliminated. -Chronic pain can be relived both effectively and safely with powerful all-natural compounds. Q. What is chronic pain? A. Sudden, or acute, pain occurs when pain signals immediately fire in your nervous system alerting you to an injury, like a broken ankle, or an illness, such as appendicitis. Once the injury heals or the illness is cured, the transmission of pain signals stop. Ongoing – or chronic pain – is much different. Chronic pain persists. Pain signals keep firing in the nervous system for weeks, months, even years. There may have been an initial injury, such as sprained back muscles, or an initial illness, such as a serious infection. There might be an ongoing cause of pain, such as arthritis, cancer, or fibromyalgia. Chronic pain also occurs without any past injury or evidence of body damage. The most common kinds of chronic pain are headache, low back pain, cancer pain, arthritis pain, and neurogenic pain (pain resulting from damage to nerves or to the nervous system itself). While chronic pain differs in its origin and where it occurs, it is generally your body’s way of saying that something urgently needs attention, and will not o away unless its underlying causes are addressed. These causes can usually be determined if you remember the acronym “SHIN”. This stands for Sleep, Hormonal deficiencies, Infections/Inflammation/Impingement, and Nutritional deficiencies. When these are treated, pain often resolves. Q. Why is it so hard to effectively reduce chronic pain? A. Unfortunately, many physicians’ entire education in pain management consists of “giving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs (pronounced en-sayds), COX-2 inhibitors, or acetaminophen and considering narcotics if the patient has cancer. Some NSAIDs, like aspirin and ibuprofen, are available over-the-counter, while others, like the synthetic COX-2 inhibitors are only available with a doctor’s prescription. These mediations are usually inadequate and often toxic when used for chronic pain. And they do not address the problem(s) that the pain is trying to alert you to. Q. What exactly are COX-2 inhibitors? A. COX-2 inhibitors do pretty much what their name implies – they inhibit a natural enzyme in our body called the clclooxygenase-2, or COX-2, enzyme. There are two COX enzymes – COX-1 and COX-2 and both complete several actions in our bodies. One very important action that both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes share is the speeding up of our body’s production of prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are made by the cells of the body and have several important functions. Some of the most powerful prostaglandins cause inflammation, pain, and fever when we are sick or injured. Prostaglandins also protect the lining of the stomach from the damaging effects of acid. Other prostaglandins make sure our platelets (important blood cells) make blood clots when needed. Still others help our kidneys get rid of unwanted salt and water. And researchers have just recently recognized the importance of still another prostaglandin that protects our heart and blood vessels. The NSAIDs reduce pain by reducing prostaglandin production by blocking or inhibiting the COX enzymes. In theory – less prostaglandins, less pain and welling seems reasonable. But if you really stop and think about it, it’s pretty easy to understand why this method of pain relief might result in significant consequences. Pain and inflammation are often needed for healing. And just as needed is the protection of our stomach lining, blood clotting ability, assisting kidney function, and keeping our blood vessels healthy. And scientists are beginning to understand if you interfere with one natural response, you may be disrupting the body’s ability to prevent extremes and imbalances. That’s why using aspirin and ibuprofen can result in stomach ulcers, kidney problems, and internal bleeding. And that’s why using synthetic COX-2 inhibitors can result in high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Q. Why are we just now learning about the dangers of COX-2 inhibitors and other NSAIDs? A. That’s a good question! Many people over the age of 65 have chronic pain conditions and are frequent users of OTC and prescription NSAIDs. This age group also experiences heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease in greater numbers. So, if a 70 year old woman who’s been using Celebrex for the past two years for arthritis in her knees suddenly has a heart attack one morning, it would not be entirely unexpected. For the past five or six years, researchers have been studying the possibility that NSAIDs may prevent certain cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, and other health problems. The ongoing, close scrutiny of large group of people taking these medications by scientists who were conducting these studies has resulted in the discovery of these dangers. Q. What kind of natural compounds relieve chronic pain? A. There are many – glucosamine, Omega-3 fatty acids, the B vitamins – the list goes on and on. Instead of disrupting normal bodily responses, these natural compounds work in harmony with our body to eliminate chronic pain. Three very powerful and very effective all natural plant compound pain and inflammation relievers are Sweet Cherry, Boswellia serrata, and White Willow Bark. For many years there have been anecdotal or personal reports that claimed eating Sweet Cherries, specifically Prunus avium, wipes out back pain, arthritis, and gout. While anecdotal reports generally don’t account for much in the world of science, he sheer numbers of testimonials proclaiming the Sweet Cherry’s amazing ability to reduce pain made researchers sit up and take notice. When Sweet Cherries were examined in the lab, it was easy for scientists to understand how this natural fruit is able to relieve pain. It seems Sweet Cherry’s bright red color is the key. Like many deeply colored fruits, Sweet Cherries are full of flavonoids called anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins. These powerful plant compounds scavenge and destroy altered oxygen compounds called free radicals. Many degenerative, chronic diseases have been associated with the tissue damage caused by free radicals, including arthritis, heart disease, peripheral artery disease, and cancer. Cherry fruit extract is a natural anti-inflammatory compound, making it an excellent treatment for arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain and inflammation diseases. A pain relieving plant compound that comes from the bark of a tree, Boswellia serrata has been used by Indian healers for hundreds of years to reduce painful inflammation. When 20th century researchers looked at extracts of Boswellia Gum Resin in the laboratory they discovered the presence of powerful plant compounds, called boswellic acids. Researchers found Boswellic Acids reduce inflammation in several ways. They open constricted blood vessels, improving blood flow to joints. They balance levels of leukotrienes – specific chemicals in the body that cause inflammation. And Boswellic Acids block two inflammatory chemicals that increase in asthma and inflammation of the colon. In addition to being helpful in treating these 2 illnesses, Boswellia has also been clinically studied and found to be quite effective in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis without any evidence of ulcers or stomach irritation. Another bark extract, White Willow Bark is one of the oldest and most effective pain relievers. For over 2,000 years extracts from the bark of the White Willow tree have been used to ease aches and pains and reduce fevers. It is the original source of aspirin, but when used as the entire plant medicine, White Willow Bark is much safer than aspirin and quite effective. White Willow Bark’s active ingredient is salicin and the combination of other compounds in the bark significantly enhances its pain killing power. In two large clinical trials of patients with chronic low back pain. White Willow Bark was found to be not only safer and much more effective than standard prescription therapies, it was also 40 percent more cost effective. Salicylic acid from White Willow Bark lowers the body’s levels of prostaglandins, easing both acute and chronic pain. White Willow Bark reduces the pain and swelling of arthritis, headache, back and neck pain, muscle aches, and menstrual cramps. But, unlike aspirin, it doesn’t cause stomach bleeding or other known adverse effects. Q. Do Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White A. They do indeed. Because they reduce both pain and inflammation by a broad combination of actions, these natural extracts have been proven to be excellent against arthritis, back pain, and pain from inflammatory intestinal diseases (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), and would be expected to be helpful in most kinds of pain. Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark relieve inflammation without causing stomach irritation, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks, or strokes. That’s because these natural pain killers don’t disrupt the balance of enzymes or interfere with the body’s ability to prevent extremes and imbalances. However, as with any pain therapy, Sweet Cherry, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark work best when they are used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to relieve the most common underlying causes of chronic pain or SHIN. In addition, although these excellent natural remedies can often offer quick pain relief, natural remedies for severe chronic pains work best when they are given at maximum allowed doses and given 6 weeks to show their full effectiveness in combination with treating the pain’s underlying causes. The best chronic pain relief results when doctors and patients work together to meet the goals of treatment. Some important last notes: Many causes of chronic pain are serious and life threatening. Everyone who is living with chronic pain must consult their doctor or other healthcare practitioner to determine the reason for their ongoing discomfort. In other words – make sure you know why you are having chronic pain and what’s causing the pain you want to relieve. There are some types of chronic pain that only respond to opioids, or narcotic pain relievers. Morphine sulfate is an excellent pain medication and is used to relieve surgical pain, the pain of heart attacks, and pain from serious injuries. Morphine is also the very best drug for chronic cancer pain and non-malignant chronic pain. While many people fear opioids, these powerful pain killers can dramatically improve quality of life. If you are suffering with chronic cancer pain and you are hesitant to use morphine or another opioid, I urge you to discuss your concerns with your doctor other healthcare provider. No one with cancer should live with untreated or under-treated pain. Conclusion Even chronic pain can often be eliminated when SHIN is in combination with powerfully effective natural pain relievers. But, because some people may need to take pain relievers the rest of their lives, the medications they use must be safe as well as effective. The very safest come from natural plant compounds that have been studied for their ability to relieve chronic pain. You can become pain free and Sweet Cherries, Boswellic Acids, and White Willow Bark can help.
( OsteoBoron™ Fact Sheet ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 08, 2005 05:09 PM
OsteoBoron™ Fact SheetNeil E. Levin, CCN, DANLA 8/8/05LIKELY USERS: People looking for joint support; People looking for bone density support; People who want to normalize Vitamin D levels KEY INGREDIENTS: FruiteX-B™ STRUCTURE/FUNCTION CLAIMS: Boron is an important trace mineral for bone and joint health throughout life, as well as for the development and maintenance of healthy bone density. 1,2,4,6,8,9 NOW® OsteoBoron™ is a patented (US Patent # 5,962,049) complex of Boron and Fructose that is safe and more bioavailable than other forms of Boron. 3,7 NOW® OsteoBoron™ is a superior form of Boron that has been the subject of clinical studies demonstrating its efficacy in the support of healthy joints. 7,10 NOW® OsteoBoron™ has also been shown to be safer than other Boron supplements. 3,7 ADDITIONAL PRODUCT USE INFORMATION & QUALITY ISSUES: FruiteX-B™ is a patented ingredient that contains boron in a form that is chemically identical to the natural plant forms of boron found in food (Calcium Fructoborate). In human and animal studies this patented form of boron, taken at an amount equal or equivalent to 6 mg. per day, improved bone ash (bone minerals) and Vitamin D status in Vitamin D deficient subjects. In human studies, measurements of joint discomfort were dramatically reduced when taking this dosage for about 2 months. The dose used in most of these studies was equivalent to 2 capsules a day of NOW® OsteoBoron™, a form that has been shown to be biologically more beneficial than other forms of boron.11 SERVING SIZE & HOW TO TAKE IT: One vegetarian capsule twice a day, preferably at separate meals. This dose can be doubled for people with more severe deficiencies, though a physician should normally be consulted in such cases. COMPLEMENTARY PRODUCTS: Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, copper, Silica/silicon, natural sources of phytoestrogens (plant sourced), Ipriflavone, Bone Strength or Bone Calcium formulas CAUTIONS: None. SPECIFIC: Please note any supplements currently consumed which may also contain boron, such as multiple mineral or multiple vitamin formulas, and cut your serving size of NOW® OsteoBoron™ to compensate. People who eat a lot of produce, fruit and nuts may also get a substantial amount from their food and may want to reduce their servings of NOW® OsteoBoron™ accordingly. NOW® OsteoBoron™ is safer (has less toxicity) than boron citrate. Boron may buffer body levels of estrogen, so women at risk from high estrogen should consult a physician before using NOW® OsteoBoron™, even though this problem has not been noted for food source borons. GENERAL: Pregnant and lactating women and people using prescription drugs should consult their physician before taking any dietary supplement. This information is based on my own knowledge and references, and should not be used as diagnosis, prescription or as a specific product claim. This document has not been reviewed by the FDA or by the company posting it. Information given here may vary from what is shown on the product label because this represents my own professional experience and understanding of the science underlying the formula and ingredients. When taking any new formula, use common sense and cautiously increase to the full dose over time. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. REFERENCES:
1. Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M (eds.) (1994) Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, Eighth Edition. Chapters 20-26, 28, 30. Lea & Febiger Philadelphia.
( Sytrinol can lower Cholesterol by 27% - 34% ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 20, 2005 09:56 AM
Sytrinol – MultiPronged Heart Health According to the American Heart Association, more than 60 million Americans suffer from on of more forms of cardiovascular imbalances. When we add in those individuals with blood cholesterol concerns, we see over 100 million Americans who may be in need of specific diet and lifestyle recommendations for achieving and maintaining heart health. Aside from the generalized recommendations that we typically hear for heart health (lose weight, exercise more, and eat less fat and more fruits and vegetables) There are a number of potentially beneficial dietary supplements that may help to maintain cholesterol levels in the normal range. Among supplements there is a wide range of safety and efficacy between products—but a newer product called Sytrinol stands out for its clinical effectiveness. Sytrinol is a patented blend of polymethoxylated flavones (from citrus) and tocotrienols (from palm fruit). One of the factors that sets Sytrinol apart from existing natural products for heart health is its multipronged approach to controlling multiple factors related to overall heart health—including control of cholesterol, cellular irritation, oxidation, triglycerides, and others. Cholesterol Conundrum While it is unarguable that cholesterol is an important contributor to overall heart health, it couldn’t be further from the truth that cholesterol is the “only” or even the most important factor when it comes to protecting your heart. Did you know that approximately HALF of all serious heart challenges each year are experienced by people with NORMAL cholesterol levels? If Cholesterol is not to blame, then what is? In addition to total cholesterol levels (the “number” that you may know as 200 to 240 of other values in “mg/dl” units), we know how that LDL and HDL matter a lot (Low-density lipoprotein—the “bad” cholesterol, and High-density lipoprotein—the “good” cholesterol). We also know that some forms of the bad and LDL can be “Badder” than others—specifically those with lots of structural protein called “apolipoprotein B” (which tends to encourage LDL cholesterol to become embedded in your blood vessel linings—bad!). In addition to our total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and the various apoproteins, we also need to know our triglyceride levels, our levels of cellular irritation, what our free radical load looks like, and what our antioxidant defenses are. Sytrinol addresses each of these important aspects of heart and health simultaneously. The Sytrinol Solution Polymethoxylated Flavones (PMFs) in Sytrinol are just what they sound like – flavonoid compounds with extra methoxy groups compared to “regular flavones. Like all flavonoids, the PMFs deliver potent antioxidant activity, but the PMF version is about three times more potent in its ability to address cholesterol levels (20% - 30% reduction in clinical Studies). The two primary PMFs are nobiletin and tangeretin. In addition to the PMFs, Sytrinol contains palm tocotrienols—one of the most potent antioxidant nutrients known. An interesting effect of tocotrienols is a reduction in cholesterol synthesis in the liver—by a mechanism similar to (but safer than) the commonly utilized mechanism of inhibition of the HMG-CoA Reductase Enzyme. Sytrinol is known to work via several unique mechanisms to reduce triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). First, by reducing DGAT activity (Diacylglycerol acetyl transferase) and increasing liver PPAR (Peroxisome porliferator-activated receptor)—Sytrinol can reduce overall synthesis of TG (DGAT inhibition). The overall effect is to reduce TG levels in the blood by two complementary mechanisms. In terms of LDL effects, Sytrinol also reduces both Apolipoprotein B levels (ApoB—needed for the synthesis of LDL particles) and MTTP levels (microsomal triglyceride transfer protein-needed to transfer fat into the new LDL particles). By reducing levels of both these tructural LDL components, Sytrinol reduces overall LDL levels, and thus total cholesterol levels, in the blood. The clinical results behind Sytrinol are impressive—showing a reduction in levels of total, LDL, and triglycerides by 27% - 34% within 4 weeks. In one of these studies, ApoB levels were reduced (suggesting reduced LDL) and ApoA1 levels were increased (suggesting increased HDL)—as would be expected based on the biochemistry of PMFs and tocotrienols. Sytrinol is also wonderfully safe—and at the effective dose of 300mg daily, users will benefit from its multipronged effects. One aspect of Sytrinol safety that I especially like is the finding that, unlike some flavonoids like naringin from grapefruit, there are no known risks of drug interactions with the form of citrus derived PMFs found in Sytrinol (certain grapefruit flavonoids can interfere with liver enzymes needed to metabolize many prescription drugs). Summary Not since Red Yeast Rice was removed from the market by the FDA, have we had a truly effective, multimechanism solution for cholesterol control (and nearly total heart health). There are certainly other options for addressing heart health and cholesterol levels, but among the available choices, such as policosanol, guggulipid, niacin, and plant sterols, we’re looking at about half the cholesterol-lowering ability (10% - 15% in most cases) compared to Sytrinol. If youre in the “borderline” zone of cholesterol levels (about 240mg/dl and below), you should absolutely consider Sytrinol to keep your cholesterol levels under control. References Kurowska EM, manthey Ja. Hypolipidemic effects of absorption of citrus polymethoxylated flavones in hamsters with diet-included hypercholesterolemia. J Argic food chem.. 2004 may 19;52(10):2879-86. Kurowska EM, manthey Ja, Casaschi A, Theriault AG. Modulation of HepG2 cell net apolipoprotein B secretion by the citrus polymethoxyflavone, Tangeretin. Lipids 2004 feb;39(2):143-51. Manthey JA, Grohmann K, Montanari A, Ash K, Manthey CL, Polymethoxylated flavones derived from citrus suppress tumor necrosis factor-alpha expression by human moncytes. J Nat Prod. 1999 mar;62(3)441-4. Mora A, Paya M, rios JL, Alcaraz MJ. Structure-activity relationships of polymethoxyflavones and other flavonoids as inhibitors of non-enzymic lipid peroxidation. Biochem Parmacol. 1990 Aug 15;40(4):797-7. Takanaga H, Ohnishi A, Yamada S, Matsuo H, Morimoto S, Shoyama Y, Ohtani H, Sawada Y. Polymethoxylated flavones in orange juice are inhibitors of P-glycoprotein but not cytochrome P450 3A4. J Pharmacol exp. Ther. 2000 Apr;293(1):230-6. By: Shawn M. Talbott, PH.D. Disclaimer: The above article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat a particular illness. The reader is encouraged to seek the advice of a holistically competent licensed professional health care provider. The information in this article has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
( Lowering cholesterol safely ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2005 04:10 PM
Lowering cholesterol safely. By Kim Vanderlinden, N.D., D.T.C.M. Atherosclerosis and its complications are major causes of death in the United States and have reached epidemic proportions throughout all of the Western world. Heart disease accounts for 36% of all deaths among Americans and ranks as the number-one killer; stroke; another complication of atherosclerosis; is the third most common cause of death. Foremost in the prevention and treatment of heart disease is the reduction of blood cholesterol levels. The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that elevated cholesterol levels greatly increase the risk of death due to heart disease. The first step in reducing risk for heart disease is keeping your total blood cholesterol level below 200 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter). Not all cholesterol is bad; it serves many functions in the body, including the manufacture of sex hormones and bile acids. Without cholesterol, many body processed would not function properly. Cholesterol is transported in the blood by molecules known as lipoproteins. Cholesterol bound to low density lipoprotein, or LDL, is often referred to as the “bad” cholesterol, while cholesterol bound to high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is referred to as the “good” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, strokes, and high blood pressure, while HDL cholesterol actually protects against heart disease. LDL transports cholesterol to the tissues. HDL, on the other hand, transports cholesterol to the liver for metabolism and excretion from the body. Therefore, the HDL-to-LDL ratio largely determines whether cholesterol is being deposited into tissues or broken down and excreted. The risk for heart disease can be reduced dramatically by lowering LDL cholesterol while simultaneously raising HDL cholesterol levels. Research has shown that for every one percent increase in HDL levels, the risk for a heart attack drops three to four percent. Dietary cholesterol Dietary cholesterol is a major risk factor in developing atherosclerosis. The evidence is substantial. However, several studies have shown that a lower dietary cholesterol intake was associated with up to a 37% lower risk of death from any cause, or an increased life expectancy of roughly 3.4 years. Although dietary cholesterol intake is an important contributor to atherosclerosis, most of the cholesterol in the body is actually manufactured in the liver. Reducing dietary cholesterol alone is not always sufficient to lower blood cholesterol levels. Common drugs In an attempt to reduce blood cholesterol levels, many physicians are ignoring the need to give dietary recommendations and are instead utilizing drugs as the primary treatment. Using drugs before diet is clearly not the best approach, in terms of both effectiveness and cost. In fact, the Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Cholesterol in Adults clearly states: “Dietary therapy is the primary cholesterol-lowering treatment.” The drugs lovastatin (Mevacor), prevastin (Pravachol), and simvastatin (Zocor) are commonly used to lower blood cholesterol levels. The main side effect of these drugs is liver damage. In fact, due to the seriousness of the possible adverse effects on the liver, it is necessary to have periodic blood tests to determine if the drug is harming the liver. Other side effects include: muscle breakdown, muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, flatus, abdominal pain, headache, and skin rash. The most important first approach to lowering a high cholesterol level is to follow a healthful diet and lifestyle. The dietary changes are simple: Eat less saturated fat and cholesterol by reducing or eliminating the amounts of animal products in the diet; increase consumption of fiber-rich plant foods (fruits, grains, and legumes); and lose weight, if necessary. Lifestyle changes include; Regular aerobic exercise; stop smoking; and reduce or eliminate consumption of coffee (both caffeinated and decaffeinated). Here are the six key recommendations of U.S. Surgeon General, American Heart Association, and the National Research Council’s Committee on Diet and Health:
Natural alternatives When there is a need for additional support to the dietary and lifestyle practices that can lower cholesterol levels, it simply makes more sense to use safer and more effective natural alternatives. When evaluating overall effectiveness, both LDL and HDL cholesterol levels must be taken into consideration. When you look at the cost, safety, and effectiveness, it is clear that natural alternatives are substantially superior to standard drug therapy. Keep in mind that the natural alternatives discussed are, just like the dugs, still best utilized in a comprehensive program that stresses a healthful diet and lifestyle. Niacin, or vitamin B3, has long been used to lower cholesterol levels. In fact, niacin is recommended by the National CholesterolEducation Program as the first “drug” to use to lower blood cholesterol levels. The safest form of niacin at present is known as inositol hexaniacinate. This form of niacin has long been used in Europe to lower cholesterol levels and also to improve blood flow. It yields slightly better results than standard niacin, but is much better tolerated, both in terms of flushing and, more importantm long term side effects. Gugulipid is the standardized extract of the mukul myrrh tree that is native to India. Several clinical studies have confirmed that gugulipid has an ability to lower both cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Typically, cholesterol levels will drop 14% to 27% in a four- to twelve-week period, while triglyceride levels will drop from 22% to 30%. The dosage of gugulipid is based on its guggulsterone content. Clinical studies have demonstrated that gugulipid extracts standardized to contain 25 mg of guggulsterone per tablet given three times per day is an effective treatment for elevated cholesterol levels, elevated triglyceride levels, or both. Garlic and onions exert numerous beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, including lowering blood lipids and blood pressure. Numerous studies have demonstrated that both garlic and onions are effective in lowering LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides while simultaneously raising HDL-cholesterol levels. Final Comments Without question, the best approach to lowering cholesterol levels is through diet and lifestyle modifications. When additional support is require, there are safer and more effective natural alternatives to commonly prescribed drugs. The goal of therapy, whether natural or synthetic, is to get blood lipid levels down into target ranges as quickly as possible. Once the target range has been achieved, begin reducing the amount of medicine by half, or take it every other day. Recheck your cholesterol levels in one month. If they have stabilized or continued to improve, you may no longer need the medication. If the levels begin to rise again, return to previous dosage. If you are currently on a cholesterol-lowering drug, you must consult your doctor before discontinuing the medication.
( Gugulipid: Controlling cholesterol levels ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 27, 2005 03:49 PM
Gugulipid: Controlling cholesterol levels An ancient Indian plant contains a compound that can help reduce cholesterol as effectively as drugs, but without side effects. By Michael T. Murray, N.D. An ancient medicinal plant from India shows promise in the fight against heart disease. The mukul myrrh tree (Commiphora mukul) secretes a resinous material called gum guggul. The classic ayurvedic medical text, the “Suchruttasamhita,” describes guggul’s role in the treatment of obesity and other lipid (fat) disorders. Comprehensive scientific studies have investigated the clinical effectiveness of gum guggul in disorders of lipid (fat) metabolism. Specifically, researchers have studies this extract’s ability to support healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels and promote weight loss. As a result of this research, scientists have developed a natural substance-gugulipid-that appears to be safer than many other cholesterol-lowering agents, including niacin. What is gugulipid? Gugulipid is the purified standardized extract of crude gum guggul (oleoresin). The active components of gugulipid are Z-guggulsterone and E-guggulsterone. Other components of gugulipid include various diterpenes, sterols, steroids, esters, and fatty alcohols. Gugulipid is preferred to crude gum guggul because it is safer and more effective. In early studies, gum guggul was linked with mild side effects such as skin rashes, gastrointestinal irritation and diarrhea. In contrast, no side effects have been reported with gugulipid. Apparently, the insoluble irritants of gum guggul are removed in the production of the soluble gugulipid. This just one example of how science is advancing in the efficacy of herbal therapy. Through careful scientific study, researchers developed a safer and superior form of natural plant medicine. Pharmacology Numerous scientific studies have shown gugulipid effectively supports healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Gugulipid supports low levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and high levels of HDL (“good”) cholesterol. HDL cholesterol has been shown to protect against heart disease caused by atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Research indicated gugulipid itself appears to help reduce atherosclerotic plaques. Gugulipid has been shown to improve the heart’s metabolism and act as an antioxidant, protecting the heart against free radicals. Gugulipid appears to help inhibit platelet aggregation (clumping of red blood cells), an important factor in preventing stroke or embolism. According to research findings, gugulipid promotes the liver’s uptake of LDL cholesterol from the blood, thus increasing the liver’s metabolism of LDL cholesterol. This function accounts for gugulipid’s ability to support healthy cholesterol levels. Because of gugulipid’s effects on heart function and cholesterol, this natural compound appears to be especially useful for individuals with cardiovascular disease. In addition, guggulsterone appears to stimulate thyroid function. This steroid stimulating effect may account for some of gugulipid’s impact on lipid levels and weight loss. Clinical studies Gugulipid’s impact on cholesterol and triglycerides is quite startling. When the diet is supplemented with gugulipid, cholesterol levels typically drop 14 to 27 percent in four to twelve weeks, while triglyceride levels drop 22 to 30 percent. Those are extremely significant reductions. The effect of gugulipid on serum cholesterol and triglycerides compares favorably to that of lipid-lowering drugs. Clofibrate and cholestyramine lower cholesterol levels from six to 12 percent and 20 to 27 percent respectively, but are associated with some degree of toxicity. In contrast, no side effects have been reported with gugulipid. IN addition to the excellent safety demonstrated in human studies, gugulipid has been shown to be nontoxic in safety studies on laboratory animals. Dosage Appropriate dosage of gugulipid depends on its guggulsterone content. Clinical studies indicate that 500 mg of gugulipid with a guggulsterone content of 25 mg taken three times per day effectively supports healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
( STEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana) ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 12:24 PM
STEVIA (Stevia rebaudiana) SYNONYMS: sweet herb, honey leaf PARTS USED: leaves Description Stevia is a small perennial shrub with green leaves that belongs to the aster (Asteraceae) or chrysanthemum family of plants. They grow primarily in the Amambay mountain range of Paraguay but over 200 various species of stevia have been identified around the globe. Stevia rebaudiana is the only species at present which possesses an inordinate ability to sweeten. Its common form is known as stevioside, a fine white powder extracted from the leaves of the plant. Phytochemistry STEVIOSIDE/REBAUDIDOSIDE COMPOUND DUO: The leaves of the stevia shrub contain specific glycosides which produce a sweet taste but have no caloric value. Stevioside is the primary glycoside involved in this effect. Dulcoside and rebaudioside are also major glycosides contained in the herb. Glycosides are organic compounds which contain a sugar component (glycone) and a non-sugar component (aglycone). The glycone constituent may be comprised of rhamnose, fructose, glucose, xylose, arabinose etc. The other portion may be any kind of chemical compound such as a sterol, tannin, carotenoid, etc. Stevia leaves also contain protein, fibers, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium , magnesium, rutin (flavonoid), iron, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A. Human physiology cannot metabolize the sweet glycosides contained in stevia leaves, therefore they are eliminated from the body with no caloric absorption. Stevia, unlike aspartame, can be used in baking because its sweet glycosides do not break down when heated. Definition Stevia is an herb with incredible sweetening power. Its ability to sweeten is rated between 70 to 400 times that of white sugar. Typically, it has a mild licorice-like taste and is completely natural in its biochemical profile. What makes stevia so intriguing is that unlike other natural sweetening agents, its is completely calorie-free, never initiates a rise in blood sugar, and does not provide “food” for microorganisms like bacterias and yeasts. Stevia may well be the most remarkable sweetener in the world and yet its recognition in this country remains relatively low. Consider the extraordinary attributes of the stevia plant and its extracts:
A Brief History Stevia is a plant indigenous to mountainous regions of Brazil and Paraguay. For centuries, this herbal sweetener has been used by native cultures to counteract the bitter taste of various plant-based medicines and beverages. The Guarani Indians of Paraguay have used this potent sweetener in their green tea for generations. The name they designated for stevia leaves was “sweet herb.” In addition, these native peoples have historically used stevia as a digestive aid and a topical dressing for wounds and other skin disorders. In the sixteenth century, Europeans became aware of the herbal sweetener through the Spanish Conquistadors. In the late 1880s, Moises S. Bertoni, director of the College of Agriculture in Asunción, Paraguay, became extremely intrigued by the stevia plant. Its reputation was that it was so sweet that even just a small leaf part could sweeten an entire container of mate tea. Be rtoni wanted to find out if this was true. After several years of studying the plant, he wrote about it in a local botanical publication. In 1905, Bertoni published an important article about the incredible sweetening power of the stevia plant, which he considered superior to sugar and extremely marketable. Other articles written by Bertoni note that stevia is unquestionably superior to saccharine because it is nontoxic and has significant therapeutic benefits. It sweetens with unprecedented potency and can be used in its natural state. The first stevia crop was harvested in 1908 and subsequently, stevia plantations sprang up in South America. In 1921, the American Trade Commissioner to Paraguay, George S. Brady, wrote that although the herb is an extraordinary sweetener with remarkable properties, little had been done to commercially cultivate the plant. He suggested that stevia may be an ideal sugar product for diabetics and strongly advised that American companies pursue its importation. During the decade of the 1970s, the Japanese developed a new method which could better refine the glycosides contained in the stevia leaf. The result was a compound called ste-vioside which is from 200 to 300 times sweeter than white sugar. The Japanese approach artificial sweeteners with great caution and they believe stevioside to be safer and more effect i've than other non-nutritive, chemical products. Stevioside is considered superior in its ability to sweeten; however, it does not exhibit some of the other therapeutic actions found in whole stevia leaves . Stevia enjoyed substantial popularity during the 1980s as a natural sweetener and was found in a variety of consumer products. In 1986, however, the FDA abruptly seized stevia inventories and in 1991 claimed it was not suitable as a food additive. Advocates for stevia claim this happened because the herb is a natural, powerful, inexpensive and non-patentable sweetener, and therefore poses a threat to pharmaceutical sweeteners and sugar-alcohol sweeteners like mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol. At this writing, stevia has received approval by the FDA to be sold only as a dietary supplement, not as a sweetening agent. Currently, stevia is commercially grown in Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Central America, Israel, China, Thailand, and the United States. It is considered an important natural sweetener in both Japan and Korea, and has been safely used in these countries for decades. Extracts of stevia and related products make up a considerable portion of the Japanese market for natural sweetening agents. They use stevia in sweet sauces, pickles, beverages, etc., making Japan one of the largest single consumers of stevia in the world. Today, because the demand for stevia is escalating, several Paraguayan organizations are looking to expand the commercial cultivation of the plant. Currently, Canadian researchers and chemists are working to provide even better stevia supplements and may even end up teeming with governmental agencies to raise stevia crops as economic replacements for tobacco leaves (Bonvie, 64). Stevia has not been officially approved by Canadian agencies, but it is still available for purchase in tea form.
( RECENT RESEARCH ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2005 09:16 AM
RECENT RESEARCH A recent study (August, 1996) exploring the effect of Hypericum perforatum on depression re vealed some fairly stunning results. The British Medical Jo u rn a l published the results of one major studies, which consisted of twenty - three randomized trials, including a total of 1757 outpatients with mainly mild or moderately seve re depressive disorders. Testing was conducted with single preparations and combinations of extracts of the plant, and with placebo and anther drug treatment. As just mentioned, the results were very promising. In all aspects of the study, Hypericum extracts were shown to be “significantly superior” to placebo and similarly effective as standard antidepressants. There were nearly twice the number, percentage-wise, of dropouts due to side effects from the standard drugs than those taking the Hypericum extracts. Side effects occurred in eighty-four patients using standard antidepressants, while only fifty patients taking the Hypericum extracts experienced side effects. And the scores on the Hamilton depression scale, which measures severity of one’s depression, showed those taking Hypericum treatments scored slightly higher than those taking the standard antidepressant and significantly higher than those taking the placebo. 9 This study provides some firm ground for St. John’s wort to stand on in the treatment of depression, both in sheer numbers and its quality of treatment. Another contemporary study, carried out in 1995 by Witte, et. al, showed the Linde study to be accurate in its findings. This particular study, carried out as a multicenter, placebo-controlled double-blind trial, used a highly concentrated Hypericum preparation to treat ninety-seven outpatients. The course of the illness was assessed with the Hamilton Depression Scale, the von Zerssen Depressivity Scale and the Clinical Global Impression Scale. The authors of the study noted this in their abstract: Treatment resulted in an appreciable improvement in the symptoms of depression, and the seventy percent response rate (n=43) corresponded to that of chemical antidepressants. The preparation also showed an anxiolytic effect. The substance [hypericum] was extremely well tolerated, and no side effects were reported by any of the patients.10 Again, this study’s findings correlate that of the Linde and other studies in that treatment with Hypericum is at least as effective as standard synthetic antidepressants without producing near the number of side effects. The Nursing Times also reported on recent findings dealing with Hypericum’s effect on depression. Stating that psychiatric medications are notorious for their undesirable side effects, and that the need for safer antidepressants is widely acknowledged, the blurb refers to a double-blind study, done by G. Harrer and H. Sommer (published in Phytomedicine, 1994 (1): 3-8), using St. John’s wort on 105 patients experiencing mild to moderate depression. They were aged twenty to sixty-four and had diagnoses of “neurotic depression or temporary depressive mood.” Patients were divided into two groups and monitored over four weeks, with one group receiving 300 mg of Hypericum extract three times daily and the other group receiving a placebo. All patients received psychiatric evaluations before the start of the study and after two and four weeks of treatment.11 The results of the study support the findings of other recent studies dealing with Hypericum and depression: 67 percent of the Hypericum group had responded positively to the treatment without any adverse side effects, whereas only 28 percent of the placebo group displayed any improvement. Harrer and Sommer state that the patients treated were experiencing strictly mild forms of depression; combining this with the study’s results and the results of other studies suggest that Hypericum treatment can be a very effective treatment for mild to moderate depression without severe side effects. The authors themselves even recommended that Hypericum should be considered as a remedy of choice. 12 These and other studies point to the strong possibility of using St. John’s wort, and specifically hypericin, on a wide scale to treat various forms of depression. Linde’s study suggests that St. John’s wort may have its most valuable asset in that of few or no side effects, something many sufferers of depression are very concerned about. The authors do note, however, that more research is necessary, especially in determining the severity and nature of depression, length of treatment, treatment dosage, preparation of Hypericum extracts, and occurrence of long-term side effects. Nevertheless, the results of this study and others are extremely promising for the millions of those who suffer from depression.
( The Management of PMS and Ginkgo ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2005 12:35 PM
The Management of PMS and Ginkgo Symptoms of PMS usually include water retention, breast tenderness and vascular congestion. One hundred sixty-five women between the ages of 18 and 45 who suffered from significant PMS were tested with ginkgo, which was given from the 16th day of the first cycle to the 5th day of the next. Test studies confirmed that ginkgo was effective against various symptoms of PMS, particularly b reast changes. In addition, mental and emotional symptoms associated with PMS also decreased.15 Because Ginkgo is so safe to use, it may be very beneficial for women who have used drug therapy for PMS that had undesirable side effects. Ginkgo: An Update Ginkgo is currently being studied as a safer substitute for antirejection drugs which are routinely given to recipients of transplanted organs. Ginkgolide, the active component of ginkgo, somehow inhibits a chemical found in the body called PAF (platelet activating factor) which plays a role in organ rejection. It may also prove beneficial for congestive heart failure, angina, shock, multiple sclerosis and burns.
( Celebrating Women: Age Is Just a Number ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 13, 2005 07:43 PM
Celebrating Women: Age Is Just a Number by Carl Lowe Energy Times, March 10, 2004 As women age, their physical needs shift. The health challenges that face a woman in her thirties do not match those of a woman in her fifties. At the same time, some basic health needs stay constant: At any age, every woman requires a wealth of vitamins, minerals and the other natural chemicals that fruits, vegetables and supplements supply. She also constantly needs families and friends to support her spiritual health. As the internal workings of your body alter, your lifestyle must stay abreast of those adjustments. Peak health demands a finely tuned health program designed with your individual needs-and your stage of life-in mind. Ages 30 to 45 When it comes to maintaining health, younger women might seem to have it easier than older women. If they exercise and stay in shape, they maintain more stamina than women 10 to 20 years their senior. Unfortunately, many women in this age group mistakenly think they don't have to be as careful about their lifestyle habits and their eating habits as they will in later decades. But even if your health doesn't seem to suffer from poor eating choices or a sedentary lifestyle right away, your foundation for health in later life suffers if you don't care for yourself now. By age 45 you should have established the good habits that will carry you successfully through the aging process. As an added bonus, good lifestyle habits pay immediate dividends. If you pay attention to your nutrients and get plenty of physical activity when younger, you'll feel more energetic and probably enjoy better emotional health. Set Health Goals According to Gayle Reichler, MS, RD, CDN, in her book Active Wellness (Avery/Penguin), good health at any age doesn't just come to you-you have to plan for it. In order to stick to good habits, she says, "living a healthy lifestyle needs to be satisfying." Reichler believes that you need to picture your health goals to achieve them: "Every successful endeavor first begins in the mind as an idea, a thought, a dream, a conviction." Good health at this age and in later years requires a concrete strategy and visualization of how your body can improve with a healthy lifestyle. Your long-term health goals at this age should include an exercise program that will allow you to reach a physically fit old age with a lowered risk of disability. In addition, your short-term plans should encompass losing weight, staying optimistic, living life with more vim and vigor, increasing your capacity for exercise and lowering your stress. As Reichler points out, "Your long-term goal and your ideal vision establish what you want to achieve....[You should do] something good...for yourself every day and every week that makes your life easier and more consistent with your goals." Develop an Eating Plan Today, the average American gains about two pounds annually. As a result, every year a greater portion of the US population is obese and overweight. By controlling your food intake earlier in life, you may be able to avoid this weight gain. In his book Prolonging Health (Hampton Roads), James Williams, OMD, recommends basic changes to your diet that can provide long-term support of your health: Get Supplemental Help If you're in your thirties or forties and you don't take at least a multivitamin, start taking one today! A large body of research shows that taking vitamin and mineral supplements over a long period of time significantly supports better health. Calcium and vitamin D are two of the most important supplemental nutrients, helping to build stronger bones now that can withstand the bone-loss effects of aging. Calcium can also help keep your weight down. One study of younger women found that for every extra 300 milligrams of calcium a day they consumed, they weighed about two pounds less (Experimental Biology 2003 meeting, San Diego). In the same way, taking vitamin D supplements not only helps strengthen your bones, it can also lower your risk of multiple sclerosis (Neurology 1/13/04). In this study, which looked at the health records of more than 180,000 women for up to 20 years, taking D supplements dropped the chances of multiple sclerosis (although eating vitamin D-rich foods did not have the same benefit). And if you're thinking about having children at this age, a multivitamin is crucial for lowering your baby's risk of birth defects and other health problems. A study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that women who take multivitamins during pregnancy lower their children's risk of nervous system cancer by up to 40% (Epidemiology 9/02). " Our finding, combined with previous work on reducing several birth defects with vitamin supplementation and other childhood cancers, supports the recommendation that mothers' vitamin use before and during pregnancy may benefit their babies' health," says Andrew F. Olshan, MD, professor of epidemiology at the UNC School of Public Health. "We believe physicians and other health care providers should continue to educate women about these benefits and recommend appropriate dietary habits and daily dietary supplements." In particular, Dr. Olshan feels that folic acid (one of the B vitamins), and vitamins C and A, are particularly important for lowering the risk of childhood cancers and birth defects. Ages 45 to 55 When you reach this in-between age-the time when most women have moved past childbearing age but haven't usually fully moved into the post-menopausal stage-you enjoy a propitious opportunity to take stock of your health and plan for an even healthier future. One thing that may need adjustment is your sleep habits, as sleeplessness is a common problem for women in this age group. Even if you haven't been exercising or watching your diet until now, it's not too late to start. Making lifestyle changes at this age can still improve your chances for aging successfully. For instance, it is at these ages that women should have their heart health checked. Research published in the journal Stroke (5/01) shows that having your cholesterol and blood pressure checked at this time more accurately shows your future chances of heart disease than having it checked at a later date after menopause, in your late fifties. " The premenopausal risk factors may be a stronger predictor of carotid atherosclerosis [artery blockages] because they represent cumulative risk factor exposure during the premenopausal years, whereas the risk factors...during the early postmenopausal years have a shorter time for influence," says Karen A. Matthews, PhD, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In other words, Dr. Matthews' research shows that if you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol before menopause, you are at serious risk for a stroke or heart attack soon after menopause: These are important reasons that you need to start improving your health habits immediately. Increase in Heart Disease Before menopause, a woman's hormones and other physiological characteristics usually hold down her chance of heart disease. After menopause, when hormones and other bodily changes occur, the risk of heart attacks and stroke in women rises significantly. (Heart disease is the leading killer of women.) At least part of this increased risk is linked to the postmenopausal decrease in estrogen production. Dr. Matthews studied about 370 women in their late forties, measuring their weight, their BMI (body mass index, an indication of body fat compared to height), blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Ten years later, after the women had entered menopause, she and her fellow scientists used ultrasound to measure blockages in these women's neck arteries (a sign of heart disease). The researchers found that indications of potential heart problems (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and being overweight) when women were in their forties did indeed forecast future difficulties. " Women who had elevated cholesterol, higher blood pressures and increased body weight before menopause had increased blood vessel thickening and atherosclerotic plaque formation in the neck arteries after menopause. Such changes in the carotid arteries are associated with an increased heart attack and stroke risk," says Dr. Matthews. Heart Health Factors The four main lifestyle factors you should adjust at this age to support better heart function are diet, stress, exercise and weight. According to Dr. James Williams, "[M]ore than any other cause, dietary factors are the most critical factor in cardiovascular disease." He recommends eliminating "dietary saturated fatty acids as found in flame-broiled and fried meats." He also urges women to eat more fish and poultry, consume organic fruits and vegetables and cut back on refined sugar. Stress becomes an ever more important heart disease factor at this age as estrogen begins to drop. " Our study [in the lab] indicates that stress affects estrogen levels and can lead to the development of heart disease-even before menopause," says Jay Kaplan, PhD, of the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center (The Green Journal 3/02). Dr. Kaplan's research shows that stress in women ages 45 to 55 may reduce estrogen earlier in life and make women more susceptible to the arterial blockages that lead to heart disease. "We know from [lab] studies that stress can lower estrogen levels to the point that health is affected," he says. Stress can also hurt bone health: In a study of 66 women with normal-length menstrual periods, estrogen levels were low enough in half of the women to cause bone loss, making the women susceptible to osteoporosis. Exercise and Weight Although exercise used to be considered to be mainly a young woman's activity, the thrust of recent research suggests that physical activity actually becomes more important to health as you get older. A 17-year study of about 10,000 Americans found that exercising and keeping your weight down is probably the most important thing you can do to lower your risk of heart disease as you enter your forties and fifties (Am J Prev Med 11/03). Of the people who took part in this study, more than 1,500 people died of heart disease. Those who performed the most exercise were thinner and had a 50% chance less of dying of heart disease than overweight nonexercisers. " The fact is that those who both exercised more and ate more nevertheless had low cardiovascular mortality," says Jing Fang, MD, a researcher at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York. An added benefit of exercise: If you burn up calories exercising, you can eat more and not have to worry as much about being overweight. Supplements and Diet If you're a woman at midlife, a multivitamin and mineral is still good nutritional insurance. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables are also important for getting enough phytochemicals, the health substances in plants that convey a wealth of health benefits. As you enter this age group, your immune system gradually slows down. To help support immune function, eating produce rich in antioxidant nutrients, and supplementing with antioxidants like vitamins C and E as well as carotenoids, can be especially important. For example, a study of people with ulcers found that people with less vitamin C in their stomachs are more likely to be infected with Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers and is linked to stomach cancer (J Amer Coll Nutr 8/1/03). This research, which looked at the health of about 7,000 people, found that vitamin C probably helps the immune system fend off this bacterial infection. " Current public health recommendations for Americans are to eat five or more servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day to help prevent heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases," says Joel A. Simon, MD, MPH, professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco. Calcium and Bones At midlife, calcium continues to be a vital mineral for supporting bone health. According to Gameil T. Fouad, PhD, "It has been routinely shown that a woman's calcium status and level of physical activity (specifically, the degree to which she participates in weight-bearing exercise) are positively associated with bone mineral density. It is less well appreciated that this is a process which takes place over the course of a lifetime." Dr. Fouad adds that calcium works in concert with other vitamins and minerals to keep bones healthy: "Research in the United Kingdom involving nearly 1,000 premenopausal women over age 40 illustrates those women with the highest bone density tended to have the highest intake of calcium. Surprisingly, this study also demonstrated that calcium does not act alone: those women with the best bone health also had the highest intakes of zinc, magnesium and potassium." Dr. Fouad stresses that supplements should go together with a lifestyle that includes enough sleep and exercise to help the body stay in top shape. " As a general guideline," he says, "a woman concerned with her mineral intake should take concrete steps to make sure she is getting adequate rest, is eating a well-balanced diet focused on fresh fruits, vegetables and lean protein as well as getting adequate exercise....A multi-mineral containing bio-available forms of zinc, magnesium, copper and selenium is probably a safe addition to anyone's routine. Taking these proactive steps dramatically reduces the chances that deficiencies will arise." Ages 55 and Beyond Entering the post-menopausal phase of life can present challenging opportunities for a new perspective on life and health. While some signs of aging are inevitable, experts who have looked at how the human body changes with age are now convinced that healthy lifestyle habits can improve how well you can think, move and enjoy life well past age 55. As Dr. Williams notes, "In your fifties, the force of aging is undeniably present: Your body shape changes and organ function declines, both men and women have a tendency to gain weight....Heart disease becomes more common, energy and endurance are considerably reduced and your memory begins to slip." But Dr. Williams also points out that you don't have to age as rapidly as other people do. He believes you should employ a "natural longevity program...[that starts] to reverse the course of aging as early as possible." One key to staying vital as you age is your outlook on life, an aspect of life that's greatly enhanced by strong social ties. Avoiding the Aging Slowdown The latest research shows that one of the most crucial ways to slow the effects of aging is to exercise and keep your weight down. It won't necessarily be easy, though. The change in hormonal balance at this age makes the body more prone to extra pounds (Society for Neuroscience Meeting, 11/12/03). " In women, it has been demonstrated that major weight increases often occur during menopause, the time in a woman's life in which cyclic ovarian function ends and the ovarian hormones estrogen and progesterone decline," says Judy Cameron, PhD, a scientist in the divisions of reproductive sciences and neuroscience at the Oregon Health & Science University. In Dr. Cameron's lab trials, she has found that the decrease in estrogen after menopause "resulted in a 67% jump in food intake and a 5% jump in weight in a matter of weeks." In other words, the hormonal changes you undergo as enter your late fifties causes your appetite to grow as well as your waistline: Developments that increase your chances of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and joint problems. Vigilance against this weight gain is necessary to save your health: Start walking and exercising. Research on exercise in people aged 58 to 78 found that getting off the couch for a walk or other physical activity not only helps control weight but also helps sharpen your thinking and helps you become more decisive (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2/16-20/04, online edition). This recent study, done at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, found that performing aerobic exercise improved mental functioning by 11% (on a computer test). " We continue to find a number of cognitive benefits in the aerobic group," says Arthur F. Kramer, PhD, a professor of psychology at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at Illinois. "The brain circuits that underlie our ability to think-in this case to attend selectively to information in the environment-can change in a way that is conducive to better performance on tasks as a result of fitness." In simple terms, that means that walking at least 45 minutes a day boosts brain power as well as protecting your heart. An Herb for Menopause The physical changes that accompan> y menopause can be uncomfortable. But traditional herbal help is available: Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), an herb used for eons by aging women, has been shown in recent studies to be both safe and effective (Menopause 6/15/03). " This [research] should reassure health professionals that they can safely recommend black cohosh to their menopausal patients who cannot or choose not to take HRT [hormone replacement therapy]," says researcher Tieraona Low Dog, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico Department of Family and Community Medicine. While HRT has been used to help women cope with menopause, a flurry of studies in the past few years have shown that HRT increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Instead, black cohosh, which alleviates such menopausal discomforts as hot flashes, has been shown to be much safer. Keeping Track of Crucial Vitamins While continuing to take multivitamins and minerals at this age is important, some experts believe that as we grow older, vitamin D supplementation, as well as taking antioxidant nutrients, is particularly vital. Arthritis is a common affliction of aging, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one particularly destructive form of this joint problem. But taking vitamin D can significantly lower your risk of this condition. When scientists analyzed the diets of 30,000 middle-aged women in Iowa over 11 years, they found that women who consumed vitamin D supplements were 34% less likely to suffer RA (Arth Rheu 1/03). Other vitamins are equally important to an older woman's well-being. For example, vitamins C and natural E have been found to lower the risk of stroke in those over the age of 55 (Neurology 11/11/03). In this study, smokers who consumed the most vitamin C and natural vitamin E were 70% were much less likely to suffer strokes than smokers whose diets were missing out on these vitamins. Rich sources of vitamin C in food include oranges and other citrus fruits, strawberries, red and green peppers, broccoli and brussels sprouts. Sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils such as sunflower seed, cottonseed, safflower, palm and wheat germ oils, margarine and nuts. Saving Your Sight After age 55, your eyes are particularly vulnerable. Eight million Americans of this age are at risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that destroys structures in the back of the eye necessary for vision (Arch Ophthal 11/03). But you can drop your risk of AMD by taking supplements of antioxidant vitamins and zinc, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins' Wilmer Eye Institute. Their research shows that a dietary supplement of vitamins C, natural vitamin E and beta carotene, along with zinc, lowers the chances of progressing to advanced AMD in certain at-risk people by about 25%. Daily supplements also reduced the risk of vision loss by about 19%. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin also help protect aging eyes. When scientists compared healthy eyes with eyes suffering from AMD, they found that AMD eyes contained lower levels of these vital nutrients (Ophthalmology 2003; 109:1780). Furthermore, they found that levels of these chemicals generally decline as you grow older. Healthy at All Ages When it comes to designing a healthy lifestyle, general rules like these can be followed, but you should individualize your plan to fit your needs. No matter which type of exercises you pick out or what healthy foods you choose, look for a strategy and a plan you can stick to. If you think a selection of foods are good for you but you absolutely hate their taste, chances are you won't be able to stick to a diet that includes them. The same goes for exercise: Pick out activities that you enjoy and that you can perform consistently. That increases your chance of sticking to an exercise program. Staying healthy is enjoyable and it helps you get more out of life every day, no matter what stage of life you're in.
( Certified Foods ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 12, 2005 01:59 PM
Certified Foods by Glenda Olsen Energy Times, July 13, 2003 What's in your food, and where does it come from? To most American consumers, that question may seem unimportant. But the answers might surprise you. Your food's origin and processing can make a big difference in its nutritional value, for better and for worse. Increasingly, concern over the quality of food and its influence on health are persuading shoppers to take a greater interest in their food. The result: More visits to natural food stores and more sales of organic food. Once upon a time, food used to be just food. Crops were grown on family farms, and animals were raised in barnyards. But today, corporations have conquered food production in a big way. Agribusiness is just that-a big business in which animals and plants are treated like assembly-line items and raised on factory farms. Organic Regulation While the term "organic" gets tossed around endlessly in the media, the term is often misconstrued. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), "Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones." In addition, organic farmers generally do not use pesticides, sewage sludge or synthetic fertilizers. This type of food is also produced without genetically modified organisms and is not subject to radiation used to zap the bugs on food. Today, USDA-approved certifying agents inspect the farms where organic food is raised to ensure organic standards are followed. In addition, the companies that process food and handle organic food have to be USDA-certified. Meeting these standards allows companies to use the USDA's organic label on foods that are at least 95% organic in origin. Labels for foods that contain between 70% and 95% organic content can use the words "Made With Organic Ingredients," but cannot use the seal. Solid Nutrition While the debate over the nutritional benefits of organic food has raged for decades, recent research is beginning to turn up evidence that organically grown fruits and vegetables may contain extra helpings of vitamins and other nutrients. A study at Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri, found that organically grown oranges contain more vitamin C than conventional supermarket oranges (Great Lakes Regional Meeting, Amer Chem Soc, 6/02). Theo Clark, PhD, the Truman State professor who investigated the organic oranges, says that when he and his students began their research, "We were expecting twice as much vitamin C in the conventional oranges" because they are larger than organic oranges. To his surprise, chemical isolation combined with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy revealed that the organically grown oranges contained up to 30% more vitamin C than the conventionally grown fruits-even though they were only about half the size. "We speculate that with conventional oranges, (farmers) use nitrogen fertilizers that cause an uptake of more water, so it sort of dilutes the orange. You get a great big orange but it is full of water and doesn't have as much nutritional value," Dr. Clark says. "However, we can only speculate. Other factors such as maturity, climate, processing factors, packaging and storage conditions require consideration." Dodging Pesticides If you want to avoid pesticide residues in your food, research shows that going organic can make it much less likely that you or your family consumes these unwanted chemicals. Research, for instance, into the diets of children (Enviro Hlth Persp 3/03) shows that dining on organic fruits and vegetables, and organic juice, can lower kids' intake of pesticides. These scientists took a look at the organophosphorus (OP) pesticide breakdown products in the blood of kids ages two to five who ate conventional supermarket produce and compared it with the OP found in organic kids. The children on the organic diet had less OP in their blood than the other kids. As a matter of fact, the children on the conventional diet had six times the dimethyl metabolites, dimethyl being a pesticide suspected of affecting nerve function and growth. "Consumption of organic produce appears to provide a relatively simple way for parents to reduce their children's exposure to OP pesticides," note the researchers. "Organic foods have been growing in popularity over the last several years," says Jim Burkhart, PhD, science editor for the journal that published the study. "These scientists studied one potential area of difference from the use of organic foods, and the findings are compelling." GMO Development On the way to tonight's dinner, researchers have created genetically modified organisms (GMO), plants and animals that have been transgenically engineered. In the food world, that means organisms containing genes inserted from another species. Chances are if you eat food purchased at the typical supermarket, those comestibles contain GMO ingredients. In the United States, food companies are not required to label for GMO content. A growing number of American consumers are upset about not being told about the GMO products in their food. But industry scientists, worried that informed consumers may someday turn their back on GMO foods, consider consumer ignorance to be an acceptable state of affairs. For instance, the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) is fighting regulations that would require GMO labeling. According to ASPB President Daniel Bush, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana, "The language...(in these types of regulations) is based on a system of beliefs of what is 'natural,' rather than a scientifically defined set of criteria focused on content and nutritional value. This is a radical departure from food labeling up to now, which is designed to maximize useful information for consumers concerning what is in the food they are buying." Dr. Bush continues, "There are, of course, examples of voluntary labeling standards in the food industry that reflect how foods are processed, such as organic foods. The voluntary organic labeling standards were sought by the organic food industry. Kosher foods are also labeled as having been produced in accordance with specific beliefs. However, mandatory labeling of targeted production methods has never before been required and we believe would obscure rather than clarify important issues of food safety." In other words, Dr. Bush opposes GMO labeling because he feels it would unnecessarily stigmatize GMO food items. Others are not so sanguine about the safety of GMO foods. GMO Objections The arguments against GMO foods include:
These types of risks have motivated industry groups to urge more regulation of GMO crops. The Food Marketing Institute, the Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA) and the National Restaurant Association, plus seven other food groups, are worried that GMO plants grown to produce pharmaceutical drugs could contaminate the food supply and destroy consumer trust in food. Mary Sophos, a vice president of GMA, warns, "To minimize the possible risks, a clear system of regulatory enforcement and liability needs to be in place. Until then, no permits for new field trials or for commercialization should be issued because there is no room for trial and error." These food industry groups have voiced their concerns to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the USDA. Last year, the USDA forced ProdiGene Inc., a biotech firm, to dispose of 500,000 bushels of soybeans contaminated with a drug meant to treat diabetes. What are the chances of more GMO accidents? No one knows. But if you buy and eat organic, you minimize your risk and maximize your chances of dining on safer food.
( Fighting Arthritis Naturally ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 10, 2005 02:16 PM
Fighting Arthritis Naturally by Donna Lee Nardo Energy Times, January 8, 2002 The annoying pain of arthritis grows ever more annoying: one of every six Americans, 43 million people, suffer arthritis, the leading cause of disability in the US. No pharmaceutical can reliably cure arthritis or slow its progression without possibly causing side effects. But you can help heal your hurting joints with nutrients and other natural substances. Every move you make hinges on healthy joints. The hinge joints in your fingers, knees and elbows swing back and forth. Ball and socket joints in our hips and shoulders twist and turn our arms and legs. But when arthritis attacks, joint function narrows, causing pain, stiffness, swelling and inflammation. While scientists search for the root cause of arthritis, they recognize that aging, injuries, allergies, a genetic tendency toward arthritis and being overweight all contribute to your risk. Researcher have identified more than 100 types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, lupus, scleroderma, vasculitis, myositis, infectious arthritis, degenerative joint disease and spondylitis. OA and RA represent two of the most common arthritis forms. OA generally attacks the finger joints and larger joints like the hips and knees. Cartilage lining the joint deteriorates, often as a by-product of aging, but this deterioration can happen at any age. Sprains, fractures and repetitive injuries can increase your chances of osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when joints become inflamed and your immune system apparently releases antibodies in response to allergens. This type of arthritis can destroy and immobilize joints. Traditionally, doctors have treated arthritis with acetaminophen, aspirin and other drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However, NSAIDs often offer only short-term relief. They can cause bleeding problems and ulcers. And while they may slow inflammation and pain, they also do nothing to repair damaged joints. A 1995 Journal of Rheumatology article also warned that prolonged NSAID use actually furthers deterioration of the joints (Oct/95; 22 (10):1941-6). Glucosamine at Work Scientists believe that injuries and aging deplete the body's supply of glucosamine, a natural substance that forms, maintains and repairs joint cartilage. Glucosamine supplements are thought to replenish the supply and are prescribed for arthritis therapy in many countries. Several studies indicate that glucosamine tackles pain and inflammation as effectively as NSAIDs without the side effects. It also helps rebuild arthritic joints. Research supporting glucosamine's benefits abounds in Europe and Asia. One study suggests that glucosamine sulfate supplements relieve pain as well as the NSAID ibuprofen (Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 1994; 2 (1):61-9). A recent Belgian study testing the effectiveness of glucosamine on patients with OA of the knee captured the attention of the American medical profession. Results suggest that glucosamine promotes physical changes in joints that halt the progression of OA (Lancet 2001, Jan 27; 357 (9252):251-56). After analyzing data from scores of clinical trials, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) saw enough promise in glucosamine to launch its own multi-year study. Healing Spice Scientists have been testing the orange-yellow herb turmeric and have found that it may ease arthritis discomfort. Long a staple in the medical practices of Asia, turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that reduce swelling and pain associated with arthritis. Researchers think this spice, used in such Indian cuisine as curry, may work more effectively than cortisone and other drugs that reduce inflammation. Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, and co-author of Arthritis: An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide, considers turmeric an important therapy for arthritis. "Turmeric is quite effective, and it's much safer than conventional drug anti-inflammatories, with far fewer possible adverse effects," says Dr. Kamhi, clinical instructor at the State University of New York-Stony Brook Medical School. One study on people with RA demonstrated that the natural benefits of turmeric equaled those provided by a popular prescription drug known to cause side effects (Indian J Med Res 1980; 71:632-4). Another trial, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, found that turmeric possesses unique anti-inflammatory properties (1993; 38:113-119). A trial published in 1994 also found that turmeric acts as an antioxidant to help protect joints (J Pharm Pharmacol; 46:1013-16). Aging Joints As we age, our bodies require more antioxidants to fight off damage caused by destructive molecules known as free radicals. Researchers believe that antioxidant nutrients can afford arthritis protection. A 10-year study evaluating the effect of vitamins C and E on the joints concluded that both nutrients protect against cartilage deterioration (Arthritis & Rheumatism 1996, April; 39 (4):648-56). According to Dr. Kamhi, "Arthritis is a lifestyle disease (and) no one remedy, either natural or pharmaceutical, will heal or reverse the arthritic process. Organic foods, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements can lead to a marked decrease in all arthritis symptoms with minimal side effects and enhanced overall health and wellness." While arthritis often makes sufferers limit their activity, experts agree that a sedentary lifestyle only exacerbates problem joints and that exercise maintains your range of motion. The type of activity recommended for each particular form of arthritis differs: for osteoarthritis, specific exercises like stretching and moving arthritic joints can help if more strenuous exercise forms are not possible. Rheumatoid sufferers need to use extra caution to prevent inflammatory flare-ups by balancing gentle exercise with rest. In any case, keep moving: performing household chores or spending time on your hobbies will profit painful joints. Weight Control In many cases of arthritis, maintaining an appropriate weight is critical. Surplus weight places extra stress on joints and accelerates cartilage deterioration. And don't be discouraged if your mainstream doctor pooh-poohs complementary arthritis control. "Any practitioner who categorically dismisses the use of all-natural therapies," advises Dr. Kamhi, "is not keeping up with reading current medical literature."
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