Search Term: " Germ "
The Sweet Taste of Sugar Beets ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 12, 2022 04:05 PM
Most people think of sugar beets as the large, red, ugly root vegetables that farmers grow in fields. But did you know that sugar beets are actually a type of candy? That's right - sugar beets are one of the sweetest vegetables around! In fact, sugar beets have a high sugar content, up to about 20% of the unprocessed plant root. This makes sugar beets a perfect 1:1 substitute for cane sugar in most recipes. persons with intolerance to refined cane sugar will find beet sugar to be a worthy replacement. NOW Real Food® Organic Beet Sugar is delightfully pure with no added ingredients. The History of Sugar Beets Sugar beets have been cultivated for centuries. The first recorded instance of sugar beet cultivation was in 1747 by Andreas Marggraf, a German chemist who discovered that sugar could be extracted from these unusual looking roots. Marggraf's discovery revolutionized the sugar industry and made it possible to produce large quantities of refined Sugar. How Sugar Beets are Grown Sugar beets are typically grown in cool climate regions with long growing seasons. They are a hardy vegetable that can tolerate frost and cold weather. Sugar beets are usually planted in the spring and harvested in the fall. The roots are typically white or cream-colored with reddish-brown skin. Sugar Beet Nutrition Sugar beets are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in calories and fat-free. A 100 gram serving of sugar beets contains only 43 calories and 0 grams of fat. Whether you're looking for a healthier alternative to cane sugar or you're simply curious about this humble root vegetable, NOW Real Food® Organic Beet Sugar is the perfect choice for all your baking needs! Deliciously sweet and naturally gluten-free, our organic beet sugar is sure to please everyone in your family. Try it today!
( These Essential Oils Beat Commercial Products Hands Down ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 08, 2019 01:35 PM
Mixtures of plant essential oils can be surprisingly powerful cleaning agents that will keep your dwelling pristine without harsh chemicals. Lemon oil excels at cutting grease. Tea tree oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can handle the toughest bathroom germs, and can be mixed with thyme oil to create a superb all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant. Lavender oil can be added into laundry to make it smell fresh and pleasant. Clove essential oil can be mixed with water and rubbing alcohol to make a sprayable air freshener. Key Takeaways:
"Essential oils are compounds that are extracted from plants. These oils engulf the plant oil and flavor, which is also called the “essence.” Each oil contains special aromatic compounds that give it a unique essence." Read more:
( Cooking with the "stinking rose": The 7 health benefits of garlic ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 07, 2019 04:22 PM
Garlic has a wide range of both culinary and health benefits. It can reduce multiple different risk factors for cardiac disease, including the speed of atherosclerotic plaque formation in the arteries, blood pressure, triglycerides and plasma viscosity. Cumulatively, garlic can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke by close to 50 percent. Garlic also has formidable antimicrobial properties against a wide range of pathogens, and may help control colds. It also helps remove lead from the body, too. Key Takeaways:
"Moreover, the aforementioned four-year German study revealed that consumption of garlic powder every day reduced the volume of arteriosclerotic plaque by as much as 18 percent." Read more:
( Understanding the many benefits of cannabis in cancer treatment ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 24, 2019 01:42 PM
Did you know that three out of four doctors claim that they, themselves would not undergo chemotherapy as a form of treatment if they were diagnosed with cancer? It makes you think about what this invasive treatment method really does to the body if physicians will not even take part themselves. Cannabis has the ability to kill cancer cells in many situations, without causing the same weakening of the body that is seen when patients undergo chemotherapy. Key Takeaways:
"While doctors like to promote the idea that there are no treatments scientifically proven to work besides the usual surgery/chemotherapy/radiation regimen, the truth is there is a strong body of evidence that many natural, non-invasive treatments are effective in the fight against cancer." Read more:
( Another study finds turmeric and curcumin to be a safe, effectivetreatment for lowering cholesterol and protecting the heart ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 19, 2018 09:36 AM
Turmeric and its much-lauded, health-giving component, curcumin, have had a health buzz about them for a long time. The health benefits to those that use turmeric and consequently curcumin, have long been noted. But, though its benefits for a wide array of bodily systems, including the cardiovascular, are not disputed, it has heretofore not been understood if turmeric, or more specifically curcumin, does some of its wonders by lowering lipid levels. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University has now performed a meta-analysis of available data, surrounding turmeric and curcumin, as a means of filling the knowledge gap. The researchers began by filtering the data, searching for studies revolving around turmeric, cholesterol and triglycerides. To ensure the data was all the more compelling and Germane, the researchers trimmed down the parameters even more, allowing for only those tests that involved subjects laboring under the effects of metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes. In these cases possible negative effects to the heart would prove particularly relevant. The meta-analysis revealed that turmeric and curcumin had positive effects to impart on the levels of serum triglycerides apparent in its user-subjects. The two components also positively impacted the low-density lipo-protein cholesterol levels of the user-subjects. The researchers theorized that positive chemical activity was initiated by the components, thereby causing the beneficial aspects. Other cholesterol and lipid markers were not affected. In general, turmeric and curcumin have been shown to limit oxidative stress and inflammation as well as benefit the blood vessel lining, all of which can prevent a serious cardiac event. Key Takeaways:
"Turmeric and curcumin are two substances most known for their wide array of health benefits."
( Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 23, 2018 09:54 AM
Leucine is a branched chain amino acid that is vital to building muscle, and can help to keep fat and blood sugar under control and prevent muscle deterioration in older athletes. It also has a role in promoting muscle recovery. Good dietary sources of leucine include grass-fed beef, venison, elk, tuna, chicken, lentils, wheat germ, hemp seeds, spirulina, and especially eggs. Leucine, like other branched chain amino acids, can only be ingested, not produced in the body. Key Takeaways:
"Keep reading for what you need to know about this branched-chain amino acid and how it can affect your health." Read more:
( The top 11 foods you should stop eating to avoid inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 27, 2018 05:16 PM
There are a group of foods that are high in lectin, which means that it reduces the body's ability to naturally absorb the vitamins and nutrients that are in foods. This is an issue due to how the antioxidants and other nutrients having anti-inflammatory properties. Some foods that are considered high-lectin foods are corn, legumes, and nightshades. Foods like these are best to be avoided when trying to stick to a diet that reduces inflammation levels. Key Takeaways:
"In 2017, American cardiac surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry released his book The Plant Paradox, wherein he explained that some health-promoting foods such as quinoa and squash contain high amounts of gut-irritating, inflammatory lectins." Read more:
( Health Watch: What Do You Know About Vitamin K? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 30, 2017 03:59 PM
Most people are familiar with benefits of vitamins. The most common vitamins with which people are familiar are A, B, C, D and E. However few people know about the benefits of vitamin K. It derives from the German word Koagulation which is similar to the English word coagulation. That refers to blood clotting. Most people are not deficient in vitamin K unless they suffer from malnourishment. Babies are usually given a shot of vitamin k within a day of birth to stimulate coagulation. There are a number of forms of vitamin K with K1 being the most common. It is also the one present in green vegetables. When people have blood clots, strokes or abnormal heart rhythms, doctors often prescribe anti K drugs such as warfarin which act as anticoagulants. Food high in vitamin K can aid in having a healthy heart. Foods that are high in vitamin K include green vegetables such as kale, spinach, collard greens, parsley, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Fruit , milk and meat also have vitamin k in different quantites. Vitamin K also comes in K2 and K3 versions which also aid in bone health. In fact study of 72,000 women over a decade followed by the The Nurses' Health Study found that those with less than 109 micrograms a day of vitamin K were 30% more likely to suffer a hip fracture. Overall Americans are not eating enough vitamin K. Eating more would promote healthier cardiovascular systems and stronger bones. Key Takeaways:
"K2, as well as K1, are believed to play an important role in bone health; low levels have been associated with an increased risk of both osteoporosis and arthritis." Read more:
( Why I Never Travel Anywhere Without Dr. Bronner’s ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 11, 2017 10:14 AM
Dr. Bronner's can help with many things. If you are traveling you should include it according to this author. It should be among your travel necessities along with money and clothes. It is important to think about your health while you travel because you never know what might occur. Many people don't feel their best while they travel as it is so thinkig of what to bring to combat that is important and can make a big difference. Key Takeaways:
"If you use Dr. Bronner’s exclusively as a body soap, your bottles will last for ages." Read more:
( Can You Prevent Picking Up Germs on the Subway? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 23, 2017 11:14 AM
Many people think that measures such as wearing gloves will prevent illness when doing such activities as subway riding. However, germs are on many surfaces and wearing gloves won't prevent the person next to you from sneezing in your direction. Good old fashioned hand washing seems to be about as effective as anything else. And, a word to the wise- you are more likely to pick up an illness while at your doctor's office than a subway or your workplace! Read more: Can You Prevent Picking Up Germs on the Subway?
( Wheat Germ Benefits the Gut, Heart & Blood Sugar Levels ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 14, 2017 09:14 AM
Wheat germ contains tons of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, as well as other antioxidants. Wheat germ, AKA, wheat embryo, is usually stripped away during the manufacturing process of baked goods and other wheat containing products. You can find wheat germ powder or oil in stores. Use the powder to add nutrition to smoothies and baked goods. Use the oil to get your daily dose of Vitamin E for extreme antioxidant protection that could potentially help slow the growth of cancer tumors. Wheat germ contains fiber for regularity, heart health and blood sugar balance. Wheat bran is great too, it contains the outer hard shell of the wheat berry; it is just not quite as nutritious as wheat germ. Key Takeaways:
"Getting enough antioxidants into your diet through foods like wheat germ is critical to health, as antioxidants have been linked to prevention of chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease." Read more:
( Wheat Germ Oil and Fish Oil Combination Benefits In Hemodialysis Patients ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 08, 2017 09:14 AM
A recent study has shown that giving fish oil and wheat germ oil to hemodialysis patient maintains healthy blood calcium levels. The study used a placebo control group and it was a double blind study. This is a positive finding for those concerned about mineral bonus when they are on hemodialysis. The study however was also hoping to find that these omega fatty acid supplements would also affect other minerals as well as information in the system of these patients. They did not receive the results they were looking for and further research may be necessary. Key Takeaways:
"A recent randomized, placebo-controlled trial published in International Urology and Nephrology, examined the impact of combined supplementation of fish oil (FO) with wheat germ oil (WGO) on mineral-bone and inflammatory markers in HD patients." Read more:
( The new science on anxiety and gut health ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 01, 2017 09:14 AM
Probiotics may be a new treatment for mental health disorders. A new study creates a connection between good digestive health and good mental health. Lab mice showed that a lack of probiotics increased anxiety, but that anxiety decreased as the bacteria was reintroduced. The study claims there is a link to the brain and the digestive tract that creates a link between the the two, leading one to compliment the other, benefitting health, and positive mental health. Key Takeaways:
"Probiotics are arguably the new Prozac already — and now there’s a concrete case for combating anxiety with good bacteria, too." Read more:
( My Cardiologist Unclogged My Arteries And Removed The High Blood Pressure With Just 4 Tablespoons ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 17, 2017 05:14 AM
The mixture of lemon, garlic and ginger can have immense results on the body, especially clogged arteries! Garlic is an antibacterial and antiseptic meaning it can be used to cleanse the body of harsh bacteria. When mixed into the remedy it's health benefits intensify. Ginger is known for being an efficient antioxidant and eliminating inflammation of the body. The last ingredient lemon is high in vitamin c with a high alkaline level (it is acidic). Combining these three ingredients is 0art of an old German recipe for unclogging arteries. Takeaways:
"Start taking this syrup and you will feel like new"
( 9 Health Benefits of Switching to Brown Rice ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 12, 2017 04:14 PM
When it comes to nutrition and health benefits, brown rice is the superior option over white rice. Brown rice is less processed than white rice, and it also boasts a higher level of vitamins and minerals as well as greater fiber content. Brown rice carries a number of health benefits with it and nutritionists say it strengthens cardiovascular, digestive, and bone health. Additionally, it lowers cholesterol and helps to prevent diabetes. Brown rice benefits one’s waistline as well, as it keeps the stomach feeling full while also providing the body with energy. Key Takeaways:
"Recent studies suggest that eating cereals high in fiber and low in glycemic content such as brown rice reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome." Read more:
( Plant protein found to reduce reproductive health problems in women ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 08, 2017 09:14 AM
Proteins are the building blocks of life. Every cell in the human body contains protein. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein is also important for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women. Amino acids are found in animal sources such as meats, milk, fish, and eggs. They are also found in plant sources such as soy, beans, legumes, nut butters, and some grains (such as wheat germ and quinoa). You do not need to eat animal products to get all the protein you need in your diet. Key Takeaways:
"Researchers of the study found that women whose daily calorie intake consisted of 6.5 percent of vegetable protein lowered their risk of experiencing early menopause by 16 percent, compared to women whose daily intake of vegetable protein amounted to only four percent of calories." Read more:
( Could Germs in the Gut Give Rise to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 01, 2017 10:59 AM
New research has uncovered a possible link between chronic fatigue syndrome and an out-of-balance gut microbiome. Chronic fatigue syndrome, which affects about 1 million Americans, leads to joint and muscle aches, clouded thinking, and sleep problems. However, most people suffering from it are never diagnosed. The new research attempts to link the types and quantity of bacteria present in the gut to symptoms of chronic fatigue. More research is needed to draw a more conclusive link, but physicians have made an important first step. Read more: Could Germs in the Gut Give Rise to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
( Medical News Today: How does the immune system know friend from foe in gut bacteria? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 21, 2017 02:44 PM
Microorganisms in the human digestive tract are necessary for proper nutrition, metabolism and immune functioning. However, because the human body has mechanisms to destroy pathogens, cooperating scientists in Germany and Italy conducted research as to how the body differentiates between necessary micro-biotic organisms in the gut and detrimental invaders. They found that dendritic cells (DC) act as messengers that either repress immune responses, or promote these responses. When DC are functioning properly, they deliver protein-encoded messages to the immune system that certain types of microorganisms found in the gut are desirable, thus not to be destroyed. However, if DC cease carrying this message, the body will treat the friendly gut microbiota as pathenogenic, causing a number of undesirable symptoms in the human host. Key Takeaways:
"a type of cell called dendritic cells (DCs) that have evolved two distinctive - and what may appear to be opposite - roles in the human body, in that they can both promote and inhibit immune response." Read more:
( Eat more fruit and veg for a longer life, researchers say ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 28, 2017 02:59 PM
Eating loads of fruit and vegetables - 10 portions a day - may give us longer lives, say researchers. The study, by Imperial College London, calculated such eating habits could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths each year. The team also identified specific fruit and veg that reduced the risk of cancer and heart disease. The analysis showed even small amounts had a health boon, but more is even better. Key Takeaways:
"Fruit and vegetables have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and to boost the health of our blood vessels and immune system." Reference: //
( The Fruit Is Loaded With Lots Of Medical Health Benefits And This Is Due To The Presence Of ... ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 18, 2017 07:59 AM
Are you a fan of citrus fruits? If so you are in luck because it is this type of fruit that is loaded with the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed to keep yourself in the best of health. But there is more! If you want to learn the best foods to eat to stay healthy, this is the perfect article loaded with details. Key Takeaways:
"I hope, after knowing about the nutrition facts and health benefits of chicken liver, those who don't like liver would also include it in their diet." Reference:
( Immune system suppression may be related to problem drinking ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 06, 2017 04:59 PM
Excessive alcohol intake can harm the body’s immune system in two ways. First, it produces an overall nutritional deficiency, depriving the body of valuable immune boosting nutrients. Second, alcohol, like sugar, consumed in excess can reduce the ability of white cells to kill Germs. High doses of alcohol suppress the ability of the white blood cells to multiply, inhibit the action of killer white cells on cancer cells, and lessen the ability of macrophages to produce tumor necrosis factors. Immune system suppression may be related to problem drinking
( Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 28, 2017 02:59 PM
Exercise does more than just strengthen muscles. Studies show that it also helps stave off inflammation in the body. After walking at a moderate pace for just 20 minutes, patients were shown to have lower levels of immune cells circulating in their blood. Scientists are not yet sure what this means for a patient’s health, but they know that heart disease and diabetes are linked to prolonged inflammation. Key Takeaways:
"Studies have suggested that exercise lowers inflammation, especially when you're active on a regular basis. However, "what is less known is how that is happening," Hong added." Reference:
( The 7 best supplements to boost your immunity ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 08, 2017 07:59 AM
Having a high immunity can protect you from sicknesses or disease. Having a high immune system is very important, especially as you get older. Importantly there are many supplements to boost the immune system. Probiotics are just one example of a supplement to boost immune function. Read on for more supplements. Key Takeaways:
"Arm yourself with tried-and-true options—proven cold busters effective in clobbering Germs that might otherwise turn you into a sniveling, sneezing mess—and check out some newly emerging star players that have been drawing attention lately for their potential cold- and flu-fighting cred." Reference: //
( Development of castor oil. ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 03, 2017 09:46 PM
There are about hundreds of castor oil factories in China, of which only about 10% castor oil manufacturers start working; large processing plants have around 20; only nine plants have tens of thousands processing capacity. About 70% of Chinese castor oil processing factories in stop production or semi-shutdown state, because there are no adequate, high-quality raw material castor sources. At the end of the 1980s, China extends and built several large scale castor oil factories, each factory's total amount of annual output of castor oil are in 10 -15 thousand tons, total production capacity is about 55,000 tons per year. The world's major markets of castor oil were concentrated in North America and Europe, of which the France, Britain, Netherlands, United States, Germany, five countries accounted for 61% of annual fuel consumption. India castor oil used in making soap has about 1.6-1.8 million tons, the textile industry uses 2-3 thousand tons, chemical industries use 2-3 thousand tons, lubricating oil use 5-6 thousand tons, the rest for exporting. In Japan's castor oil use amount, paints accounted for 28.6%, the surfactant is 12.3%, cosmetic raw material is 8.2%, resin is 5.7%, hardened oil is 17.8%, sebum oil is 12.9%, others is 14.5%. Japan needs to import large quantities of castor beans every year; they are mostly imported from China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Brazil and other countries. Castor oil in the United States for the production of plastics and resins was accounted for 25.9%, fatty acids accounted for 12.7%, lubricating oil accounted for 6.3%, paint accounted for 23.7%, cosmetics (mainly synthetic waxes) accounted for 2.1%, others such as inks, surfactants accounted for 29.1%, these castor oils are imported from foreign countries. Every year, the world needs 700 thousand tons of castor oil, convert into 1.6 million tons castor beans. Nowadays, gasoline resource was gradually reduced, transportation, live used gasoline was rapidly increasing, use gasoline as a raw material for synthetic material will be increasingly constrained in cost. And the United States study found that long-term exposure to polymers which synthesized by gasoline was harmful to human health. California and some other states have enacted laws and regulations for this, to restrict and gradually prohibit using synthetic resin in city buildings, interior facilities and human health-related sites and articles, which is polymerized from petroleum, natural gas cleaved into monomers raw materials, it makes castor oil's demand was rising sharply. Castor cultivation in China is very commonly; there is no open planted regional division. South from Hainan Island, north to Heilongjiang is cultivated. Because castor hybrids with drought resistance, thin ridge resistant, saline-alkaline tolerance, well-adapted, simple to manage, less invest, high efficiency and other salient features, no matter grain field or hills, rocky land, saline-alkali soil and even around the house can be grown it. So anywhere in China can be planted castor. Related Products
( Fight your sickness by making your own DIY all-natural cough syrup ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 29, 2016 02:59 PM
Most people get sick during the winter months although it's not the cold weather that actually makes you sick. People don't go out as much during the winter and are around others more which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread. Eating healthy, drinking enough filtered water and getting enough exercise are among some of the things you can do to keep your body healthy. Key Takeaways:
"Most Germs that cause the common cold spread more quickly in cold, dry air. Furthermore, during the winter months, people spend more time indoors and closer to each other, which makes it easier for the bacteria and viruses to spread." Reference:
( Five ways to avoid germs while traveling ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 06, 2016 07:59 AM
Different areas of the world have different Germs and it is easy to pick up a Germ you are not resistant to already. No one wants to get sick when they travel and ruin their vacation or business trip. This article will explain five different ways to avoid picking up new Germs while you travel. Key Takeaways:
"Gendreau studies Germiness while traveling, and he knows just how infectious travel can be." Reference:
( High-fiber diet keeps gut microbes from eating the colon's lining, protects against infection, animal study shows ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 02, 2016 04:59 PM
A high-fiber diet rich in vitamin A may alter gut bacteria in a way that could prevent or reverse food allergies. In their study, the team found that increased levels of these fatty acids work with the body's immune system, preventing dendritic cells - which regulate food allergies - from triggering an allergic response. Vitamin A is also important for dendritic cell regulation. Key Takeaways:
"When mice were raised Germ-free, then given a transplant of human gut microbes, the impact of fiber on their colons could be seen." Reference:
( Improve Your Immune System. ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 03, 2016 10:02 PM
Our bodies have a defense mechanism called immune system designed to protect us against unknown invaders that attack our body. Immune system is a system of biological structures and processes guarding us against illness. It identifies a wide array of foreign agents such as viruses, parasitic worms, bacteria, microbes, toxins that invade our body and differentiates them from healthy tissues. Some products available over the counter are known to improve immune system. Even though, few of these products are not trustworthy several of these supplements have known to improve immune systems drastically. They enhance immune cells in the body resulting in a better performing immune system.
( Meadowsweet can be a great pain reliever ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 26, 2016 05:43 PM
Meadowsweet herb is used in the treatment of arthritis or anything that causes aches and pains. It is widely nicknamed “Queen of the Meadow”. Its history of use dates back to 1835 when it was discovered by a German chemist that the herb contains salicylic, a pain reliever. The herb grows well in damp meadows. Although it is native throughout Western Asia and Europe, it can now be found growing in North America. Meadowsweet herb has the following health benefits:
September 17, 2016 11:20 AM
A toothache is such a dreadful thing that causes a lot of discomfort.Many people run to see a dentist the moment that nagging toothache strikes.But what if it is in the middle of the night and the dentist clinic is closed?or probably you cant make it to the dentist?. A relatively inexpensive remedy for tooth ache is the clove.
( The Four Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 05, 2016 12:16 PM
Ashwagandha is a herb prevalently found in India. Its roots have restorative qualities and are utilized broadly as a part of Ayurveda to treat various conditions. Beneath is a portion of the benefits of this amazing herb: Ashwagandha extract can improve the immune system's function. This will empower your body to battle disease causing Germs and microbes. 4. Support muscle recovery This herb can also help the body recover from a stressful workout. It may even reduce the time of recovery from a hard workout.
( Learn how iodide can fix hemorrhoids over night ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 25, 2015 11:55 PM
Hemorrhoids, also popularly known as piles, is a condition characterized by enlarged veins in the lower rectum. This condition is majorly caused by blood blockage in the hemorrhoidal complex veins. The hemorrhoidal veins is located just above the internal opening of the anus and can enlarge enough to protrude and give subsequent disturbance and squeezing while setting causes pain. Constipation and hardened stools due to lack of diet or fluids is the primary cause of hemorrhoids. People who are experiencing constipation have little or no peristalsis process (the process that cause wave-like motion in their bowel through their intestines), and when the bowel strain to have such movement, the result is hemorrhoids. Other causes of hemorrhoids include diarrhea, pregnancy, heavy lifting, and long periods of standing or sitting. Treatment The standard conventional treatment includes lubrication of the surface of the veins with medication that reduce pain and help to shrink the hemorrhoid. Sitz baths and cold or hot packs are also used to soothe the irritated area. In conventional allopathic treatment, surgeons can operate the hemorrhoids and successfully remove it or may be even hardened through injection. Iodine is popular for eliminating hemorrhoids. Iodine is used in a form called SSKI (Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide). It should be clear that SSKI can easily cause burning sensation and should be used with a carrier such as flaxseed or olive. A mix of 20 drops of SSKI should be mixed with carrier oil and applied on the affected area at night just before going to bed. Note that iodine stains and it is recommended that you wear bedclothes that you don’t worry about. How Iodide can fix Hemorrhoids over Night Saturated solution of potassium iodine is close to 100 in inhibiting and killing bacteria, fungi, and viruses before causing serious infections. So when you apply a few drops of this product with carrier oil, you are sure of preventing any microorganism from affecting the protruded rectum. Taking an ounce of water with about 10 drops of water also results in rapid accumulation of SSKI in all secretions parts of the body and highly assists to eliminate hemorrhoids. Applying SSKI on the hemorrhoids affected area ensure that it is soft and protected from all kind of Germs and this alone enough to solve the problem overnight. A research done show that 6 to 8 drops of SSKI taken daily significantly reduce fibrocystic breast disease to insignificance within 3 to 6 months and when victims of hemorrhoids use apply SSKI or take some drops of the same with water, they get healed within a few weeks. While using SSKI for treatment, it is vital to monitor the thyroid functions since there sometimes side effects of this treatment. One of the side effect although minimal is peyronie’s disease that results when the tissue along the shaft of the penis thickens and results in erections that increasingly curve and even painful. Applying SSKI to thicken tissue twice a day over some weeks helps to soften it considerably and assist to prevent any micro-organism from investing in the affected area and eventually allow normal functioning. In fact, hemorrhoids, disappears sometimes literally overnight when a mixture of 20 drops of SSKI and an ounce of flaxseed oil is applied to them at night.
( Mother Nature’s Best Secret is Grape Seed Extract ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 25, 2014 08:08 PM
Benefits of Grape Seed
Grape seed extract is a powerful antioxidant, the benefits resemble a type of fountain of youth that invigorated individuals and improved cardiovascular health and improved weakened collagen levels. Research indicated that individuals who resided in France and consumed red wine enjoyed a longer lifespan due to consuming wine that possessed a high content of a type of flavonoid called proanthocyanidin.
High blood sugar damages the heart and hardens it resulting in heart attacks and heart disease. Researches uncovered a secret of grape seed extract; it activated a blocker at the gene level stopping the body from heart hardening. Turning on this element at the cellular level deep inside of the mitochondrial DNA of a human being has assisted diabetic cardiomyopathy. French grape seed extract has an amazing impact on the body with blood sugar levels.
Germ managing elements have been identified inside of grape seed extract; it is a powerful anti-candida, reducing harmful bacteria keeping it in a healthy balance. People that are overweight who take the extract find that they reduce their calorie intake naturally. Persons who suffer with Alzheimer’s disease, if they are given the extract improve and maintain a higher mental function. This extract is excellent for all parts of your body, boosting the immune function at all levels.
October 31, 2014 06:05 AM
Do you want to get some information about Magnesium? Magnesium has been found to be working in other ways to contribute in preserving the nervous system. Before the end of 20th Century, specialized doctors had established that injection of magnesium in our bodies exerts a depressant effect on the nerves. In fact, the main use of this mineral in early times was to induce sleep. Significantly, any hibernating animal have high levels of magnesium. The mineral has also shown effectiveness in control of convulsion in pregnant women, the shakes in alcoholic and epileptic seizure. MAGNESIUM CALMING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM One of paradoxical effect is that, a magnesium deficient person who end up taking magnesium will feel energetic than never before yet the mineral is not a stimulant but rather a depressant. Actually, magnesium normally relieves the irritability of nervous system and the excessive energy, which will result to fatigue. With this, it will not be surprising to say that when an individual magnesium levels is sub-normal then the nerves will not be in a position of controlling functions such as muscle movement, mental processes and respiration. Irregular heartbeat, twitching, irritability and largely nervous fatigue are the most frequent symptoms of magnesium depletion. Often, deficiency of magnesium is because of failure on individual side to obtain to use dietary sources such as eggs, wheat Germ, green vegetables, cocoa, almonds, soybeans, desiccated liver among many other. However, in some instances, coexisting illness can impair absorption of this mineral, for example the intestinal infections. In such an instant, ingested magnesium may be lost completely in the body and majorly in the nervous system. PENN of Columbia University published the information of essential of magnesium to nervous system first in 1966. He studied the conduction of electricity by the nerves. The main finding was that calcium is the prime conductor mineral of the electrical current. It was concluded from the finding that Magnesium would in turn maintain the required level of calcium in the nervous system. Actually, Magnesium is Do you want to get some information about Magnesium? The nutrient that is likely to change your living standards by improving your nerve health. References
( Peruvian Maca ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 17, 2014 05:25 PM
Maca Root is one of the roots and tuber harvests of higher protein content. Until late years, this nutritious base of the Andes was little or nothing known for the lion's share of the individuals thereof, Peru (aside from the tenants of the Andes) and obviously overlooked by whatever is left of the world. Maca (otherwise called Peruvian Maca or Maca Andina) has an astonishing quality to develop to remarkable statures: from 3800 to 4800 meters high in the most cold Andes mountains, where temperatures are amazing, from exceptional hotness morning to ice on the night, frigid winds, snow and persevering high power of daylight. In this antagonistic region, where there is little oxygen, there is uncommon vegetation develop just potatoes and maca sharp. There are no trees, no plants, just a couple of centimeters tall. This tuber, irrelevant part of the tuberous root size and state of a typical radish, is effectively dried under the sun and keeps up its nutritious qualities, with elevated amounts of iron, for a few years stockpiling. It is brilliant nourishment and Incas additionally utilized it for its richness improving activity and its impact on sexual conduct. There have been various effective studies on the action manure Peruvian maca creatures and people. In 1980, researchers from Germany and North America who were doing investigations of the herbs in Peru, rekindled enthusiasm toward its momentum Maca, naming it "the lost products of the Incas." A percentage of the elements that have been recognized: amino acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, follow components and auxiliary metabolites. Maca - History: Anthropological confirmation has been found in the development of maca in Peru since 1600 BC. The Incas considered Maca as a blessing from the divine beings. They additionally develop maca as nourishment, Lamac - developed in the Andes utilized for religious services and custom moves. Spanish accounts report that amid the victory of Peru, creatures brought from Spain not play ordinarily as of right now, the locals cautioned the vanquishers who nourished their creatures with maca, with what they got the levels of typical generation. Concerning the stretcher, Father Cobo, amid the pilgrim time, he said: "Maca develops in the most rough and frosty of the good countries where there are chances to develop any plant sustenance." Maca - Morphology and plant science Maca is a biennial plant statures conduct, being pollinated toward oneself, cleistogamous, with a five-month conceptive stage and with a blossom that keeps going two roots. Maca Root: Roots have shades extending from light yellow to dark through the tan, purple, and so on with sizes of 3-6 cm. transverse measurement of 4-7 cm. longitudinal, in the same way as a radish (reversed cone). The root is first in the improvement of items. There is no true distinction in taste or substance organization as the color of the root. Stem: Short, subtle, in the same way as a carrot or radish. Leaves: rosette, made with flanges sheath, petiole length with the top leveled. Limbo compound, has a length of 6 to 9 cm; the basal and cauline pinnatifid are somewhat lessened. Inflorescence: group compound and infrequently basic. The blooms structure bunches, are helper bisexual, actinomorphic, green light and little, white pre-flowering calyx and corolla with 4 free petals somewhat bent at the peak. Soil grown foods: units somewhat amagrinado. With a solitary seed in each one cell, ovoid, yellowish-red, 1-2 mm. wide. Maca – Cultivation Cultivola Maca is developed fundamentally for its tuberous root is naturally known as hipocolito (eg radish, turnip). The maca plant has the astonishing quality to develop to unprecedented statures (from 3800 to 4800 meters) in the unfriendly Puna Peruvian where temperatures are great: the serious high temperature of the morning to the sub zero frost of the night. The puna is a pleasant yet great condition in this environmental locale is uncommon vegetation, just potatoes become astringent and maca. The air contains little oxygen, the sun is amazingly exceptional and extremely solid winds, it is consequently that no trees and plants have just a couple of centimeters tall. Maca planting is carried out from September to December. The seeds are scattered in the fields to be reaped in 6 to 8 months. After Recolta the roots to dry in the sun for 2 months, amid which they lose 75% of its unique weight. This moderate drying methodology causes the maca change of taste: an intense hot taste with a caramel flavor. The dried root could be put away for 4 years without losing its properties.
( Homeopathic Remedies ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 30, 2014 09:54 PM
Homeopathic remedies
( Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 18, 2014 11:36 AM
Tamanu oil is originated from Polynesia and prefers a salty and sandy soil, which is why it grows profusely near the sea. According to the native people, the best Tamanu oil comes from trees that grow near the coastal regions, better than those that grow inland. Benefits of tamanu oil The Tamanu oil is well known because of its healing properties, which can actually equal or even surpass contemporary skin care products. There are already scientific studies that the oil produce new skin tissues, as well as studies that support the natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, and antioxidant properties. Some of the ailments that Tamanu oil can treat include ringworm, itching, athlete's foot, dermaphytosis of the scalp or beard, burns and wounds. It also has a superb cicatrizing capacity that is far from other substances. Cicatrization is the term coined for the process of forming new tissue. It is also amazingly effective for healing acne and acne scars, stretch marks, psoriasis, diabetic sores, blisters, sunburn, abrasions, cuts, burns, eczema, insect bites, herpes sores, fissures, and dry or scaly skin. It can even reduce or completely remove age spots! One of the leading reasons tamanu oil profits skin is because of the oil holding an extent of lipids, including glycolipids, nonpartisan lipids and phospholipids, notwithstanding an exhibit of components not normally connected with different oils, including calophyllolide, that helps stop aggravation, lactone, which performs like an anti-infection, and calophyllic corrosive, which is an extraordinary type of vital unsaturated fat. An alternate segment, coumarin, adds to the mitigating impact of this astounding oil. Generally, tamanu oil has received as being a Germicide, a diuretic, an expectorant, an astringent in addition to a laxative. An alternate of the various tamanu oil ascribes is its ability to help mend skin conditions including sunburn, rankles, players foot, dermatitis, pimple inflammation, dried-out skin, rash, little cuts and bug chomps. In Europe, now and again called Domba oil, it is been demonstrated to have a 70 to 75 percent rate of achievement in diminishing stiffness and scabies. In the Philippines, it’s utilized as an astringent for hemorrhoids. It is likewise significant on for administering to gout and ringworm. Loads of individuals additionally rub this oil into your skin to help for the torment coming about because of neuralgia; in addition to it can positively help decrease the visual appearance of scars and stretch imprints. It can help to treat diaper rash on a child. Tamanu oil is normally utilized in numerous diverse skincare items as it is overall ingested by the skin and serves to keep skin feeling delicate. Unlike some other crucial oils, tamanu oil does not desert an oily film once you utilize it, in addition, it will not exacerbate slick skin. Some methods you do not generally need to hold up quite a while so you can get dressed in the wake of utilizing it to help make skin look velvety. Many individuals think about the emanation of this oil as being satisfying, then again it is just a mellow fragrance so it will not clash with any viable aroma you decide to utilize. Against maturing items, some of the time holds tamanu oils, because they are accepted to help recover your skin.
( Does Mangosteen Fruit Have Healing Properties? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 25, 2014 08:22 AM
The Mangosteen fruit is usually a Hawaiian sapling, started in this Southeast Asian nation. This sapling evolves from 7 to twenty-five feet high. This rind (pericarp or maybe peeling) with the fruit can be serious reddish violet while ready. Mangosteen fruit can be related directly to other Hawaiian fruits, but it contains simply no regards to this mango. Mangosteen fruit need to be stored humid to practical until Germination, the idea dies rapidly when permitted to fail. Mangosteen fruit presumed to get a combination of vitamin richness, antioxidant strength as well as probable impact regarding reducing the danger in opposition to people ailments. This mangosteen fruit need to be harvested within a warm setting because exposures to help temperature ranges beneath 40oF (4oC) can kill this seed. Regarding the with the mangosteen fruit, it ought to be famous which Mangosteen fruit, generally known because "the queen regarding Hawaiian fruit", was launched to help BRITISH inside 19thcentury. From what individuals claim, King Victoria sampled this fruit in 1891, which the woman observed the idea fantastic. Benefits of mangosteen This particular wonderful fruit has been recognized due to the healing qualities. This rind (pericarp) with the fruit offers an incredible variety regarding natural and organic substances, among which can be Xanthones as well as tannic chemical which explains why the idea because already been for dysentery given that ages. Scientific research done around the healing utilizes with the mangosteen fruit ensures that a few substances inside rind with the mangosteen could have a few benefits in opposition to breast cancers, cancer of the blood, digestive tract cancers and thus onward. There are guaranteeing tips regarding other possible benefits down the route with the extraordinary qualities of the fruit. You can end, which mangosteen can certainly become a member of more information on plants that can be seen as guaranteeing sources of brand new medications. This particular seed is regarded as to give the strongest cause of xanthones (a kind of antioxidant) that may service the fitness of the complete human body. Thither are 20 various xanthones whole fruits that may produce potent physiological qualities. Mangosteen research claims its compounds having antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor action and essentially anti-inflammatory qualities. The item protects in opposition to no cost radicals by getting rid of bacteria, viruses as well as infection. The item reduces irritation as well as aids your body's therapeutic process. Mangosteen fruit features exposed to get an exclusive scope regarding potent people health improvements.
( Effectiveness of echinacea tea ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 14, 2014 06:44 PM
What is echinecea tea
But area unit there enough scientific bases for this belief? The asterid dicot genus may be a genus of nonwoody flowering plants that belong to the flower family. The genus has 9 completely different species and these area unit ordinarily referred to as purple coneflowers. The plants area unit generally found in jap and central components of North America, wherever they're seen growing in rolling prairies and open scrubby areas. they need giant, showy heads of composite flowers, and area unit fully bloom throughout the summer. Various components of the asterid dicot genus plant, most notably the roots, leaves, flowers and stems, area unit dried and so created into teas, juices, tonics, tinctures, extracts, tablets and capsules. The early Americans swore by the ability and strength of asterid dicot genus tea in fighting off infections. They even used it within the treatment of toxic snake bites and bug bites. within the 1800s, asterid dicot genus was a crucial player in us collection wherever it had been thought-about a potent antibiotic. later, asterid dicot genus was additionally employed by the Germans for several medical functions. Its use then born off over the years as new antibiotics were discovered. However, it looks to own encountered a renaissance in recent years as interest in natural health grew by leaps and bounds. There are variety of scientific studies on asterid dicot genus, most of them examining the active constituents of the plant and the way these act on the human system.
( Xylitol, a Healthy and Safe Sweetener. ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2014 09:05 PM
What is xylitol Xylitol is a comprehensively utilized regular sweetening operator that was initially uncovered by a German Chemist in the nineteenth century. The primary crude materials utilized for its assembling are birch trees and corn, however can moreover be processed from plums and berries. It is worth specifying that it is in addition commonly handled in little amounts by the human form. Xylitol is without a doubt not the most well known sugar substitute or nourishment added substance yet that doesn't imply that it isn't an essential one since it pushes various health profits. Researchers began investigating these profits once again a large portion of a century prior and more conceivable solid profits are continuously investigated today. Artificially it is a sugar liquor that has five carbon iotas in its compound structure and this structure is answerable for a large portion of its properties that make it gainful. As we specified, xylitol has various profits, yet the particular case that is best thought about is the way that it can avoid dental caries. Research discoveries are strong to the point, that this profit is undeniable. There are numerous instruments that are answerable for this valuable impact. One of them is that dissimilar to sugar and starchy sustenances it doesn't result in an abatement of the ph in the mouth, despite what might be expected it can help kill it. Acidic conditions in the oral pit are valuable for microorganisms like S. Mutans that are the primary driver of dental caries. Moreover, the acids processed can bring about harms to the tooth veneer that ensures our teeth. Other than securing tooth veneer, there are proof that propose it can additionally help restore it. Notwithstanding that, these microorganisms can't age xylitol to handle vitality so as to duplicate, then again sugar is their favored vitality source. At long last, xylitol can extraordinarily diminish the adherence of the organisms on the tooth surface and as a result their capacity to manufacture plaque. All the reasons above help xylitol's tooth day battling profits. It has been made clear that xylitol has various vital profits. On the other hand, it is paramount to note that it has several minor reactions also. The two fundamental symptoms that could be created by the utilization of xylitol are bloating and looseness of the bowels. These symptoms are created on the grounds that xylitol is ingested by inactive dispersion and happen assuming that somebody expends it above his laxation limit. It is likewise worth noting that the laxation limit can expand over the long run as the physique adjusts to the routine ingestion of xylitol. A couple of extra symptoms like unfavorable susceptibilities have been accounted for however they are not decently archived or affirmed via research information. At long last, most official associations, including the FDA have sanction it as a safe nourishment added substance for people.
( What Is Germanium Oil Good For? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 18, 2014 06:37 AM
What is Germanium
Some of it health benefits include Tonic properties It enables the entire body system to work well by affecting endocrine system, thus it regulates secretion of various enzymes, hormones, bile and acids. This ensures glands producing different substances do not under or over produce them. This is very important in ensuring better digestion, respiration, blood circulation and excretory systems works optimally. Vermifuge This property is very important for children who suffer from internal worms and also some adults. Germanium oil can help to eradicate internal worms such as ring worms. Deodorant Germanium oil has uplifting and a pleasant aroma. It is not harsh to the skin and it effects last for a long time. It also helps in eliminating body odor due to it antibacterial properties One of the advantage of using geranium oil as a deodorant is that it circulate in the body such that all your body parts will produce a sweet aroma, unlike other deodorants which are effective only at the point of application, Germanium oil will be circulated throughout the body and exist during perspiration the time when body has an odor smell. Vulnerary properties It speeds up the healing process of surgical incision, cuts and wounds. This can be attributed to its various properties such as antibacterial properties, anti-microbial properties and styptic properties among others. Antibacterial and Antimicrobial Geranium essential oil prevent microbes and bacteria from developing on wound and also keeps body safe from other infections. Cicatrizing property Geranium essential oil is very effective in fighting acnes and stretch marks. It also helps in improving and maintaining skin tone, thus it will improve you appearance and consequently self-esteem. Source
( What Is Atlas Cedar Oil And What Are The Health Benefits? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 09, 2014 09:18 AM
What is atlas cedar oil
Health benefits of atlas cedar oil Medically, the oil has an antiseptic capacity. It has been widely used as a form of antiseptic for wounds to prevent infection of the wounds and prevent them from becoming septic. It helps keep tetanus Germs at bay. Atlas cedar oil has been globally used in the treatment of arthritis particularly among the old. This oil has an anti inflammatory benefit and has been used largely on patients living with the arthritis condition. It is also a antispasmodic. This oil is used in massaging the legs and the hands and has a known effect of reducing the profound effects of arthritis. Similarly, this oil has been widely applied to control dandruff and combat acne. It has proven very helpful in relieving spasms which occur in the body such as the intestines and the nerves. Further, this oil is used as an astringent. It has been clinically adopted for dental use to firm the gums and prevents falling of teeth. It is also used as cure for toothaches. Lastly, this oil can be used as an expectorant. Patients suffering from severe coughs can use this oil to combat irritate coughs. This cough gets rid of phlegm from the lungs and the air pipe and controls the cough. In conclusion This oil has been accepted as to have the effects of calming negative emotions and control anger. It comes in handy when one is faced with stressful situations and helps in calming the nerves especially during mediation time.Further, the atlas cedar oil is the attractive aroma it produces. With this effect it has been used in the preparation of perfumes and other scented beauty products. Due to this strong aroma this oil has been globally used as a aphrodisiac.
( What is Xylitol? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 09, 2014 08:50 AM
What is Xylitol?
( Erythritol - The Healthy Sugar ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 07, 2014 05:00 PM
What is erythritol
Erythritol is among the organic Sugar alcohols. This occurs normally inside a couple of items from the dirt nourishments. The idea whenever industrially ready it's made from sugar through fermentation having a candida called Moniliella pollinis. Sugar alcohols aren't because fairly sweet because desk Sugar (sucrose) as well as include less calories from fat compared to sucrose. Additionally they do not metabolize through dental Germs, henceforth trigger absolutely no teeth rot. There are many Sugar alcohols as well as a number of them are used because sweeteners, for example xylitol as well as sorbitol, within Sugar free of charge nourishments.
( Why Is Date Sugar A Healthier Choice Than White Refined Sugar? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 07, 2014 04:50 PM
Date sugar
How date sugar is made Date sugar is a common sugar made by grinding up dates. It is exceptionally solid for you and tastes exceptional. • 1 mug of refined prepared sugar could be swapped by 2/3 mug of date sugar, to 1 mug of sugar depending on the taste you are going for. Health profits of dates and date sugar 1. Date sugar is packed with vitamins and minerals Date sugar is stacked with vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium; where white sugar does not. What a heavenly thing to have the capacity to make solid muffins, healthy treats, flapjacks, waffles, bread and solid sweets with a sugar substitute like date sugar that has vitamins and minerals it. 2. Dates make you feel full longer Date sugar is packed with filament, protein and carbs, which make you, feel full any longer. This can help to check craving and help anticipate weight gain. 3. Assistance with circulation Date sugar is stacked with potassium and really has more potassium for every serving size than bananas do. Potassium has numerous health profits including helping to anticipate issues in children, as they develop greater. 4. Date sugar is low in calories Date sugar is low in calories at 288 calories for a 1/2 of container of date sugar; contrasted with white refined sugar, which has 387 calories for every 1/2 mug. Refined white sugar is to a substantial degree to be faulted for a few manifestations of diabetes, whose exploited people confront the risk of blindness and different genuine weaknesses, also coronary illness, stroke, schizophrenia, alcoholism, and conceivably a few kinds of growth The extraordinary indictment against refined white sugar is its high dissolvability in the figure. It hurries through the stomach divider without being processed, animates abundance discharge of insulin by the pancreas to encourage its entry through unit layers of the tissues, where it is utilized as fuel and reasons metabolic irregularity, which allows microscopic organisms, infections, and savage Germ
( Can Tea Tree Oil Work As An Antiseptic? ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 23, 2014 03:59 PM
What is Tea Tree Oil
Time has come for you to stop using air-polluting, chemical laden and hazardous chemical cleaning products. It is very unprofessional for manufactures to use the so call trade secrets, which means they can incorporate chemicals to the products that we use on daily basis. Various companies provide products that are eco-friendly, nontoxic cleaning products. However it is cheaper if you decide to make your own product. You may realize that when you start using natural, safe cleaning products, you may not want to back to using chemicals. The impact and change is so impressive to your body physiologically, and so pleasing emotionally that you can not use chemicals again. Uses of Tree Tree Oil Clinical research has showed the value of tea tree oil. An Australian doctor discovered that tea tree leaves contain an essential oil, which have antiseptic and bacterial properties highly stronger than common hand soap. It turns out to be one of the most important compared to other essential oils. The Germicidal, antiseptic, antibacterial immune boosting qualities make it to be used in a wide range of health conditions. Additionally, the antiseptic qualities of the oil make it to be a natural disinfectant and cleaner within the house. The tree oil has various uses for housekeeping. You can check it yourself how it really works to kill mold and mildew with its easy test. Put about two spoons of Australian tea tree oil in a spray bottle with two cups of clean water. Spray this mixture on a moldy surface and let the smell diffuse away for a few days. In addition, the smell of must and mold will also die away, since the source of the moisture has been detached. In conclusion You can make your own cleaning products with antibacterial properties that are available in nature. You will fell much brighter and stronger after a few hours with essential oils than you will after inhaling toxic chemicals.
( What Are The Benefits Of Taking Wheat Germ Oil? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 31, 2013 04:39 AM
What is Wheat Germ Oil
Benefits of Wheat Germ It is known to be one of nature’s greatest sources of vitamin E, which is very helpful for persons intending to prevent the risk of contracting cataracts, cancers and coronary heart diseases. Vitamin E has been found to interact with zinc and selenium to act as powerful antioxidants. Persons with skin conditions that result from pollution, ageing, wrinkling, eczema, scaring, stretch marks, psoriasis, sun spots and dry skin have noticed tremendous improvement in their skin after topically applying wheat Germ oil. The remarkably positive results have been identified to result from the vitamin E content in the oil, which causes the regeneration of the skin, improved circulation and prevention of further damage. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can benefit from the intake of the oil to prevent the recurrence of malignant tumors. Wheat Germ oil is invaluable for persons with blood clot problems because it enhances the process, which prevents excessive bleeding. Muscle fatigue, spasms, aches and lowered endurance are common in persons, who engage in strenuous activities. The oil is helpful in relieving these effects on the muscles, resulting to restored vitality. Its omega 3-fatty acid content is helpful in preventing cholesterol and blood pressure levels in persons with high risks of developing diabetes and coronary heart diseases. If a person is suffering from poor memory, dizziness or fatigue, regular intake of wheat Germ oil is essential in relieving these problems. This is due to the oil’s lecithin content, which is effective in strengthening the blood vessels and improving circulation. References:
( Can ButterBur Extract Help Fight Migraine Headaches? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 25, 2013 06:21 PM
What is Butterbur?
What are the Benefits of Butterbur? The plant contains two very active chemicals namely petasin and isopetasin. This chemicals are believed to be beneficial in treating headaches, the highest concentration of this chemicals mainly occurs in roots. Root extracts of the plant have been discovered to be very effective in the reduction of frequency and severity of migraines. Migraines are caused by rapid change in the blood flow to the head, they are characterized by episodes of headaches, sensitivity to light and sound and nausea. Treatment includes pain relievers and other medication that affect the openness of the blood vessels. Medication can help ease the pain as a short term measure but in the long run the may cause more headaches as a result of a condition known as medication overuse headaches. These resultant headaches are more difficult to treat than migraines; these medicines may also lead to other problems for people with other chronic illness. Butterbur root extracts presumably contains isopetasin and/or petasin that are effective in relieving and preventing migraine, since the compound prevents blood vessel inflammation, although it’s said to have gastrointestinal side effects. From research it was discovered that petasin contains anti-spasmodic properties which helps in reducing spasms in vascular walls and smooth muscles. It also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the synthesis of leukotrienes that is the pro-inflammatory agent in the blood vessel walls. Isopetasin also contains an anti-inflammatory by modulating prostaglandin metabolism. The two together have an antispasmodic effect on vascular walls. Migraine According to a survey carried out in Germany where two hundred and two people who had migraines attacks three months prior to the survey and those who had stopped medication three months before were randomly assigned to receive 75mg of butterbur extract twice a day, the other group was assigned 50 mg or placebo. The results were recorded and it was discovered that people using a higher dosage of butterbur experienced a greater reduction in the frequency in migraines. Other Treatment of Butterbur Other than being used in migraine treatment butterbur have several other uses and benefits such as allergy relief without antihistamine side effects, while antihistamines have advance side effects such as fuzzy head and fatigue, when butterbur was used no side effects were evident. Butterbur extracts are also used to treat asthma; this is as a result of anti-inflammatory properties combined with bronchodilating properties. References:
( Can Butcher's Broom Boost Cardiovascular Health? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 30, 2013 09:48 PM
Where to find Butchers Broom
It is mainly recurrent in woodland as a result of bird-spread though is now grown as a garden plant in regions across the world. It has general names like the pettigree, Jews’myrtle, sweet broom, petit houx and knee holly. Its roots are deployed as medicines in different remedies.
It has been used as an effective tool to constrict capillaries and blood vessels by herbal and alternative medicine practitioners. Its efficiency in constricting blood vessels is considered to result from the constituent chemicals. This prevents the veins from pooling blood thereby improving the flow of blood in the hands, brain and legs. It has been used to heal fractures and reduce swelling, as well as treatment for hemorrhoids and gallstones. It is reputed for constipation relief and ease of urine ejection.
As a result of its wide application and effectiveness, the German Health Commission listed it as a useful for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is advised in medical circles that its use by pregnant women should be subject to consultation of a qualified medical practitioner to avoid possible contraindications and safeguard the fetal balance.
Clinical research is still open in several fronts to ascertain its virility and possible side effects as a result of the widespread usage across the globe by alternative medicine practitioners for a variety of medical conditions. This evidently will provide clues as to acceptable dosage and prescription in the years to come.
1. // 2. // 3. // 4. Broom, Butcher's
( What Are The Benefits Of Turmeric Extract? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2013 01:53 PM
Turmeric extract, also known as Curcuma longa has been used for over 4000 years to treat a variety of conditions. Reputable studies show that it may help control infections, reduce inflammation, and treat digestive problems and some cancers. Historically, it has been widely used in cooking Indian dishes and is much loved due to its curry flavor and yellow color. Further, it's used to color butter and cheese and has been intensively applied in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to treat wounds and skin diseases.
According to research done at the University of Maryland Medical Center, turmeric extract contains powerful ingredients that stimulate the production of bile and thus can be used to control indigestion. Let us take a more straight forward look at its main benefits to human health. Benefits of Turmeric Extract * Fighting inflammation Turmeric contains a special substance called curcumin which aside from destroying free radicals lowers the levels of some enzymes in the body that fuel inflammation. Clinical studies have suggested that turmeric's duo benefits (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory) are an essential part of recovering from joint stiffness - useful in relieving rheumatoid arthritis. * Indigestion As we mentioned earlier, turmeric can boost the production of bile. One double-blind study (done by The German Commission E) concluded that turmeric may help in improving the functioning of the digestive system by reducing bloating. * Turmeric and ulcerative colitis Although turmeric does not seem to help control stomach ulcers, researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center confirm that can play a central role in people with ulcerative colitis by helping them stay in remission. Recent studies done on people with this disease (who consumed turmeric) showed a lower relapse rate than who took other treatment substances. * Turmeric extract and cancer Though most results are still early, there has been a great deal of findings that have painted turmeric in good light as far as treatment of various cancers is concerned. At the moment, scientists are keenly studying its effects on colon, skin, breast and prostate cancers. All the same, turmeric is known for its preventive effects which have something to do with its strong antioxidant properties. * Turmeric=Good Heart Health Some substances found in turmeric extract may help reduce incidences of atherosclerosis - a condition closely associated with the occurrence of stroke and/or heart attack. It, in a great way lowers cholesterol levels in blood vessels. Aside from that, it stops platelets from clumping together thus preventing blood clots from accumulating along blood vessels. * Containing Viral and Bacterial Infections Turmeric may to some extent kill viruses and bacteria. Some of its active ingredients are as well known to expel intestinal worms. * Uveitis Turmeric has been for a long time been associated with good eye health. Well, researchers have recently made breakthrough findings that curcumin (turmeric's main active ingredient) may help treat chronic anterior uveitis. Its efficiency is believed to be at par with corticosteroids.
There are many other health benefits associated with turmeric extract. However, the few mentioned herein are the most important ones that you need to take note of.
( What Is Monolaurin And What Are Its Health Benefits? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 29, 2012 10:38 AM
Get An Immune Boost: Man has made a big leap as far as science and pharmacology are concerned, but there are still a lot of substances useful to human health that are waiting to be discovered. There are also those substances naturally occurring but whose pharmacological properties have not yet been explored. Monolaurin, for instance, is a naturally occurring substance whose use in human health has only been lately discovered. Monolaurin, also called glycerol monolaurate and glyceryl laurate, is a 12-carbon fatty acid as well as a monoglyceride. Although it is a derivative of coconut oil, it is most commonly prepared as a lauric acid mono-ester. Aside from coconut milk, it is also present in human breast milk, which is known to function as an immune protection passed on from mother to child after childbirth. The potency of breast milk as an immune barrier is evidenced by the stunted growth and frequency of infections seen in infants deprived of breast milk. But, all this is old information. What's new about monolaurin? Known Uses of Monolaurin: Before we get to new information, it's important to look into the discovery of monolaurin. Way back in the 1960's, then University of Detroit professor Jon Kabara made an important discovery - that the combination of lauric acid and glycerol can be used in fighting Germs. First marketed as a dietary supplement called Lauricidin, it was soon marketed by other pharmaceutical companies, but Lauricidin remains its most potent and purest form.
Since its discovery, it has been used as symptomatic treatment (and prevention) for the common colds, flu, herpes, and many other infections. Working similarly to breast milk, it helps protect the immune system from infections and other ailments. Some Lauricidin users also claim that the substance is useful against Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even autism. As for viruses, it has proven to be a useful supplement against HIV, Measles, Herpes Simplex, Epstein-Barr Virus, and Cytomegalovirus, to name a few. Studies:
Recent studies have shown its in vitro antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, at least as far as superficial skin infections are concerned. Carpo, Verallo-Rowell and Kabara (2007) demonstrated the effectiveness of monolaurin versus common antibiotics in battling both gram positive and gram negative infections such as Staphylococcus and Enterococcus. Older studies have explained Monolaurin's mechanism of action - it inserts itself into the cell membrane, disturbs the cell membrane integrity of Gram positive bacteria, and therefore blocks cell replication. Aside from medicinal uses, it is also used for other purposes as well. It is a common ingredient in many deodorants, thanks to its antimicrobial activity; body odor, as you may know, is caused by the presence of certain bacteria. It is also present in other products such as shampoo, detergents, soap, and even in certain foods such as ice cream and margarine.
Side Effects and Drug Interactions As far as side effects are concerned, there is still a lot to be known. Some users may experience the Herxheimer Reaction, a complicated term that indicates the presence of fatigue, body ache, irritability and fever that may worsen before the medication takes effect. Use during pregnancy and breast feeding is contraindicated, given that not enough is known about its potential effects during this period. Dosage ranges from 0.75 to 3 grams, 2 or 3 times a day, and is taken after meals.
( Are There Herbs And Vitamins For Pain? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 29, 2012 10:17 AM
Everyone at one point or the other suffers some pain which could be of different kinds. We usually go for prescription drugs or at times, over-the-counter pain relievers. These drugs, however, have many side effects and do cause numerous health damages if used for a long period of time. Thus, it is much better to turn to natural pain relievers, such as herbs and vitamins. Most herbs and vitamins for pain are used as food; therefore, do not have any side effects. This is however not the case in painkillers which are made from synthetic hormones, chemicals, and so on. Herbal pain relievers. Turmeric: Turmeric is popularly used in Southeast India for cooking. Turmeric has curcumin, a very powerful ingredient which aid to fight against chronic inflammatory ailments. Thus, turmeric is usually employed with some other herbs to relieve pain. Ginger Root: Ginger root is a commonly used herbal remedy since it contains warming properties and helps to enhance blood circulation. It is essential in treating arthritis associated pains, backache and menstrual cramps. It's also used to treat sore throat. It is both analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Valerian Root: This is used for chronic pain relief and as a skeletal relaxant. It may be used also for the treatment of trauma, cramps, shingles, headaches, insomnia, neuralgia, and stress. It possesses antispasmodic properties and is also a sedative. Arnica: This is a homeopathic pain reliever and is believed to be particularly essential in the treatment of bruising and soft tissue injuries. It helps to alleviate overall sprains and muscle pain. It may be applied externally as a preventive measure to avoid injury prior to racing or exercising. Thus, it is seen to be applied topically and care must be taken so as not to apply it on a broken or open skin. Vitamins for Pain Relief Vitamin D: This is a unique vitamin since its main source is being exposed to UV light. A deficiency in this nutrient is widespread and a popular cause of chronic pains. As a matter of fact, a vitamin D deficiency significantly raises the risk of common women's pains. In a study, vitamin D deficiency was shown to raise risk of chronic pain, particularly in women, by over 50%. Aside from sunlight, other sources of vitamin D are mushrooms, shellfish, fatty fish and fortified orange juice. Vitamin E: This is a potent antioxidant which protects nerves and joints from damages which may cause pain. In a recent research, it was discovered that vitamin E supplements lower nerve pain. Vitamin E-rich diets are walnuts, peanuts, wheat Germ, corn and kiwi. B complex Vitamins: These include many water-soluble vitamins, such as riboflavin, thiamine and folic acid. In a chronic pain animal model, it was discovered that high amounts of B-complex vitamins reduced pain significantly. B-complex vitamin supplements can be found in a number of supplement stores. Dietary sources are vegetables, whole grains, fortified cereals and fruits. Vitamin C: This is an antioxidant just like vitamin E and protects nerve cells from damage. A scientist known as Paul E. Zollinger discovered that vitamin C supplements helped in reducing pain in wrist fractured patients. Foods rich in Vitamin C are broccoli, bananas, mangoes and oranges.
( Health Benefits Of Chamomile ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 03, 2012 07:56 AM
It is believed that ancient Egypt saw Chamomile as an effective cure for most illnesses. In the modern world too, this golden herb retains its healing properties and is used for treating many a disease and discomforts of the body. Most commonly, German chamomile blossoms are infused to prepare 'Chamomile tea' which is a fragrant concoction full of medicinal properties. The tea can be combined with honey to enhance the taste. Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea Chamomile tea, supposedly, helps to bring about restful sleep. It is thus of great value for people suffering from insomnia and other sleep-related disorders. Due to its soothing and relaxing effects, it is generally taken before a person goes to bed. Since time immemorial, Chamomile has been considered a remedy for stomach ailments. Known to soothe gastric and bowel related problems, the herb is a blessing for people with stomach aches. All in all, Chamomile helps facilitate the complete digestion process by promoting bowel movement. For women facing menstrual cramps and nausea every month, Chamomile tea comes as a welcome relief. Research indicates that regular consumption of Chamomile tea increases the level of glycine in the body. Glycine is a compound that controls muscular spasms, thus it tends to calm menstrual cramps. A healthy cup of golden chamomile tea has also been found to combat the morning sickness of pregnancy. However nothing has been proven till now to this effect. Some studies suggest that this wonder herb accelerates the wound healing process too. Many researchers are of the belief that age-old Egyptians and Greeks used Chamomile flowers on wounds to speed up their healing time. Though there is no established evidence as such regarding this subject, history stands witness to the magical healing properties of Chamomile in more ways than one. Diabetes patients are also in for some good news concerning Chamomile tea. Many ongoing studies and surveys conducted worldwide are hinting at Chamomile playing a role in diabetes management. Consumed regularly in the form of tea, the herb may arrest complications arising out of diabetes and may also prevent hyperglycemia. What's more, the golden herbal tea prepared from chamomile is caffeine-free and will not be addictive in any way. However, it is always a good idea to take professional advice before going all-out for Chamomile. Some people may display allergic reactions to the herb and suffer side-effects. Therefore, it is best to try the herb first in small amounts before one decides to include chamomile tea in the daily routine of life. Besides its therapeutic uses, chamomile is being increasingly used as an ingredient in cosmetic products and is being considered a good friend of the skin. Since Chamomile is known to be a stress-buster, a cup of chamomile tea after a hectic work day might just prove to be the right beverage to save the evening. With its sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and benefits, Chamomile is sure to become more popular by the day. Used wisely, the golden herb is no less than gold itself.
( Acidophilus: The magic substance ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 21, 2012 04:43 PM
Goat's milk can be considered as the king of lactic drinks. The acidophilus in goat's milk is a magic substance which has umpteen numbers of nutritional values. This naturally occurring probiotc is also available in capsule and powdered form. Acidophilic milk is basically a drinkable yogurt and is widely used a health supplement for various conditions. The health benefits of acidophilus ranges from digestive benefits to vaginal cleansing. Health benefits of acidophilus: Acidophilus intake will help you in many ways. The prominent health benefits are: 1) Digestive well being: Our digestive tract is filled with both good and bad bacteria. Acidophilus intake will increase the count of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. It will also hinder the growth of antagonistic bacteria like E Coli and Staphylococcus which are the major culprits behind diarrhea and food poisoning. 2) Vaginal well being: This is another health benefit you can attain by acidophilus intake. Acidophilus prevents the growth of antagonistic bacteria in the vagina and the cervix. This will prevent the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis and other vaginal infections. Acidophilus intake also cleanses the lining of vagina and cervix, and the walls will remain free from pathogenic Germs. 3) Nutritional Value: Milk products containing acidophilus gives you awesome nutritional benefits. Acidophilus is rich in Vitamin K and lactase, and it improves the overall immunity of your body. Regular acidophilus intake will prevent bacterial attacks and infections. 4) Respiratory benefits: Some recent studies proved that acidophilus can act as an allergic buster. Regular intake of acidophilus reduces the risk of an asthma attack. Certain experts believes that acidophilus reduces the chance of an allergic trigger. Acidophilus is a magic substance which plays a vital role in your overall well being. You can obtain acidophilus from fermented milk products (goat's milk) and from other supplements. 'Take acidophilus regularly and lead a healthy life'.
( Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline? ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 18, 2012 11:01 AM
Discovery Choline, discovered in 1864 by the German chemist, Adolph Strecker, is an essential nutrient, usually grouped under the vitamin B family. While the human body does synthesize small amounts of choline, dietary consumption is a must in order to maintain a healthy body. Deficiency of choline can lead to a number of serious health issues including neurological problems, insomnia, accumulation of fat in the liver, damage to the kidneys and also cardiovascular disease. There are a range of important functions that choline performs in the body. Some of the key health benefits of choline are: Maintenance of brain health: The neurotransmitter or the messenger molecule, acetylcholine, that transmits signals from the brain to the muscles and various organs in the body such as the liver, heart, lungs etc, is synthesized using choline. Thus, it plays a very important role in memory and muscle control. Research also suggests that choline has a calming effect on the brain and helps reduce panic and anxiety attacks. Maintenance of cell membranes: The integrity and flexibility of cell membranes depends on the presence of satisfactory amounts of choline thus making it a prerequisite for appropriate cell metabolism. Maintenance of Liver health: Choline is responsible for preventing the accumulation of cholesterol and fat deposits in the liver hence preventing hepatosteatosis, a condition more commonly known as fatty liver. Anti inflammatory benefits: Studies have revealed that inflammatory markers such as Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, Homocysteine, etc., which are associated with various illnesses such as Diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Cardiovascular disease, Osteoporosis and also various cancers, show reduced levels if adequate amounts of choline are consumed in the diet. Food Sources Apart from those stated above there are many more health benefits of choline and hence it is very important to consume foods that are rich in this nutrient. In addition to seafood and meat, foods that have high choline content include, Dairy and poultry products like Skim milk and Egg yolk, peanut butter; Vegetables such as Cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, Asparagus, Green beans and Fruits like Bananas and Oranges. Soybeans, due to their high lecithin content, are also a fantastic source of choline. Seeds like flax seed, sesame seeds and grains like corn, barley and oats are also rich in choline content. Maintenance of adequate levels of choline is imperative in order to maintain optimal health. It is therefore very important to have periodic health checkups so that any deficiencies are identified and addressed as soon as possible.
( Great Health Benefits of Wheat Germ ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 06, 2012 01:44 PM
Wheat Germ Wheat Germ is the very small part of the wheat kernel that is removed when wheat is being ground to flour. You can purchase it at the grocery stores or health food stores and can be obtained in grain form or in oil form. It is a very small part of the wheat seed but highly nutritious. An Antioxidant There are a number of health benefits associated with eating wheat Germ. First of all it has powerful antioxidant and helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in our bodies. Cholesterol normally affects the arteries and the veins by clogging them leading to one developing cardiovascular problems. However, a perfect remedy to these problems would be this health food. This health food also contains vitamin E complex as well as the natural antioxidants. Apart from helping an individual to prevent heart diseases, they also help in preventing other fatal diseases such as cancer. The antioxidants are also good in reducing or slowing down the aging process. The immune system of your body is also strengthened by these antioxidants. This way you will stay healthy and continue looking vibrant for long. If you want a lot of fiber, then this is the health food to take. Wheat Germ has a lot of fiber that will help you in the digestive system. This is essential in digestive cleansing as it would be easier for your body to pass the food through the digestive systems. This way you would never have petty stomach aches and unnecessary stomach complications. Men who suffer form impotence need to take a lot of this health food. This is because it helps the reproductive organs of both the female and male to function properly. You can greatly increase your fertility by consuming this food on a regular basis. This can be a good alternative for the many and expensive fertility pills. This health food contains a lot of folic acid and other nutrients as well. Folic acid is of great importance in the human body. However most important is its ability to reduce the chances of a woman having a defective births. Nowadays most people have hair that is unhealthy and not looking pleasant at all. The appearance of your hair tells a lot about your health. However when this health food is always on your diet, your hair will always look natural, beautiful and healthy. Thiamine contained in this food is responsible for this and it will ensure that your hair always looks glamorous. It doesn't go without saying that thiamine is also good for your bones and skin. Your bones will stay strong and your skin will always have that youthful glow. Many are the times you have heard and seen advertisements on weight loss remedies. However, the easiest and perfect weight loss remedy is found in wheat Germ. This food contains vitamin B6 and B5 which are responsible for higher metabolism rates and production of more energy respectively. They ensure that calories are always burnt down at a higher rate and thus less weight for you.
( Benefits Of Saw Palmetto To Prostate Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 28, 2012 08:23 AM
Saw Palmetto And The Prostate Some men experience a decline in prostate health because of aging and unhealthy lifestyle. For instance, they can suffer from prostatic hypertrophy or swollen prostate glands. This condition is characterized by several symptoms such as frequent urination, weakened urinary stream, and painful experience when urinating. The swelling can affect men's well-being and overall health, and it could eventually lead to prostate cancer. Doctors and researchers have been studying several, possible remedies for prostate disorders. These specialists have discovered the effectiveness of saw palmetto in treating the disease. The plant extract is used by several medical specialists in Italy, Austria, and Germany as treatment for prostate gland enlargement. Saw palmetto has also been noted for the excellent benefits in preventing the symptoms of cancers that are hormone-related. Saw Palmetto and Prostate Health Prostatic hypertrophy is a prevalent among aging men, particularly those in their eighties. Men experience symptoms linked with this medical condition when they reach forty, and the disorder can worsen if left untreated. They can develop severe infections in their lower urinary tract systems, which can affect the quality of their life. Studies Several studies were made regarding the benefits of saw palmetto to prostate health. Researchers have discovered that the plant releases certain enzymes that reduce the swelling of prostate glands. Aside from the production of essential enzymes, saw palmetto also offers anti-inflammatory effects that prevent prostate symptoms. The controlled study on the effects of saw palmetto was done to men who suffered from moderate to severe prostate symptoms. The researchers recommended patients to have a daily intake of 160 mg of saw palmetto for two years. The dosage was taken two times a day, and these patients were monitored every six months. At each evaluation, researchers have observed a great improvement in urine flow among these patients. They have also discovered a reduction in symptoms linked with swollen prostate glands. Saw Palmetto And PSA Saw palmetto also helps reduce the levels of PSA or prostate specific antigens. When these enzymes are elevated, men are likely to suffer from infections and serious ailments such as prostate cancer. Because of the essential contents of saw palmetto, many doctors use the plant's extract in reducing PSA levels in cancer patients. Several patients have experienced complete recovery from the disease, particularly those who received treatment at the onset of their disorder. Dosage and Several Considerations The herb has been used by many doctors in treating patients with prostate infections. Typically, the recommended dosage ranges between 300 mg and 350 mg. Saw palmetto extract is available in liquid, dried berry or capsule form. The dosage depends on the patient's condition and concentration levels of the herb. Some prostate cancer patients treated with saw palmetto have experienced a decrease in symptoms and improvement in their overall health. Moreover, the herb was found effective as recovery medication for those who have undergone radiation and surgery. Nevertheless, it is ideal for patients to consult their doctor before they consider taking saw palmetto extract. They should make sure that they take the right dosage depending on their condition.
( Lecithin And Its Brain Boosting Properties ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 02, 2012 07:10 AM
LecithinLecithin is a group of fatty substances, which occur in the tissues of plants and animals. It composed of fatty acids, choline, phosphoric acid, triglycerides, glycolipids, B vitamins, glycerol, and phospholipids. Liver produces this substance daily if you follow a complete nutritional diet. Lecithin is also inevitable for all cells in your body,protecting your cells from oxidation, and it is a major building block of cell membranes. It also supports the circulatory system of your body because it is a fat emulsifier too. Its Discovery The first isolation of lecithin was done by a French pharmacist and chemist, Theodore Gobley in 1846 and he named phosphatidylcholine Lechithine in 1850. He isolated it originally from egg yolk. Today, lecithin can very easily be extracted mechanically or chemically from soybean, grape seed, and sunflower. However, in plants, the most common source of lecithin is soybean. This substance is used for medicinal purposes and as a food supplement. Sometimes, it is used as an emulsifier in cooking for preventing sticking. Your body gets adequate amount of lecithin from your diet because it is naturally found in foods such as soybeans, egg yolk, peanuts, yeast, legumes, fish, wheat Germ, grains, etc. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules, granules, and powder. This is also used as a supplement for promoting weight loss. Besides, you can also take lecithin in the form of pill or mixed in health shakes. Health benefits of lecithin It is believed that lecithin is beneficial for solving a number of health problems. So it is effective for:
* Cell communication, Brain Boosting Properties of Lecithin The major brain chemical for improving memory is acetycholine and the deficiency of this chemical is the major cause of declining memory. This chemical can be derived from nutrient choline. Fish is a rich source of acetylcholine. It can also be obtained from eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy beans, liver, etc. Eating more egg is beneficial for enhancing your memory. There are lots of studies has been conducted for finding the effectiveness of lecithin in improving the memory. As per the findings of experts, lecithin is highly effective for improving concentration, memory, and for preventing Alzheimer's disease and maniac depression (bipolar disorder). Lecithin helps to run your brain smoothly by improving insulation around the nerves. A major part of cell membranes consists of lecithin and it is essential for the proper functioning and growth of nerve. Organ meats and egg yolks are rich sources of lecithin but the usage of these products is very less due to the fear of cholesterol. Experts think that this is the major reason for the increase of concentration and memory problems. If you use lecithin properly, you can improve your concentration, memory, mind and nerves.
( History And Uses Of Xylitol ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 07, 2012 07:50 AM
Xylitol is the 5-carbon sugar which is found within the birch tree sap and it's naturally found in the fibers of various vegetables and fruits. This is a sugar-alcohol sweetener commonly used as the sugar substitute. History of xylitol Although discovered in the 19th century during the Second World War, Xylitol has been recognized ever since the tardy 1800s. The researchers from Germany and France were the first individuals to try to produce this product approximately 100 years ago, but ended up creating syrup-like consistency mixture. This product became commercially available in the 1960s and the commercial process is still the same as it was during the 1960s. Before 1943, the scientists' categorized this sugar with various sugary carbohydrates (polyols) and it lingered so till the beginning of the war-associated deficiency of sugar which initiated the call for an alternate sugar. This initiated further research in to the xylitols insulin-independent properties, this resulted in discovery of its other biological benefits. In 1962 this chemical was introduced in the infusion therapy demonstrating that it can be introduced to ill individuals. The commercial production process involves extraction of Polysaccharides rich in Xylose from various agricultural by-products and hardwoods. These are hydrolyzed with various intense acidic treatments and then it is purified before hydrogenation is done. This process needs a lot of harsh chemicals and is quite expensive and inefficient. It was until 1970 that the odontological benefit of xylitol was ascertained in Finland, Turku. The initial study of the effects of this sugar on the dental plaque began during the same year. This resulted in large scale production of xylitol, in 1974 by the Finnish sugar company. Sugar-free dental product was first launched in Finland which was a xylitol chewing-gum. How xylitol works This sugar can prevent cavity in various ways by actually blocking the tooth decaying process. The bacteria causing decay cannot ferment this sugar into acids as it does with other sugars including dextrose, fructose, glucose and sucrose. This results in production of less acidic by-product thus interfering with the dental plaque environment which favors decaying. This results in prevention of tooth demineralization. The high pH condition caused by xylitol sugar is not favorable for the cariogenic bacteria which are responsible for decaying. This results in fewer bacteria in the plaques and long-term exposure has an effect on which type of bacteria will prevail within the plaque. This also inhibits the growth of specific xylitol-sensitive bacteria strain. Since they cannot breakdown this sugar, they end up not reproducing and growing in population. The lack of fermentable sugars results in creation of anti-cavity effect. The starvation effect created by this sugar prevents accumulation of cariogenic bacteria in the plaques. Long term xylitol exposure results in change of predominant cariogenic bacteria to xylitol-resistant strains from xylitol-sensitive. This xylitol-sensitive strain of bacteria cannot colonize the plaque since they have less adhering capabilities. The less acidic condition in the dental plaque interface created by this sugar can initiate demineralization. Demineralization occurs when the plaque interface is at a pH of 5.5 or below since fewer bacteria live in the plaques. Studies have showed that demineralized tooth samples immersed in a solution containing 20% xylitol experienced a great remineralization degree. This is noted in the deep and middle tooth layers.
( What Is Vanadyl Sulfate And How Does It Relate to Diabetes? ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 22, 2011 09:24 PM
What is Vanadyl SulfateVanadyl Sulfate This is a well known inorganic compound of vanadium and in some circles it has been commonly referred to as another name for vanadium. This water soluble sulphate is known to be the most stable diatomic ion in the scientific world and has been known in the medical industry as something that has the same effect as insulin. It basically is a metallic element and is a soft and ductile element which is physically described as silvery white in colour and when it is in powder form it looks as if it is light gray. History and Discovery It is commonly known that this metallic element was discovered by a Spanish professor named Andres Del Rio who in 1801 was able to find the element erythronium in Mexico however at the time Professor Del Rio felt it was nothing new so he did not pursue to prove it any further and this is when a Swedish Chemist named Nils Gabriel Sefstrom got the credit for its discovery and it remained as the more known fact until a German Chemist by the name of Friedrich Wohler was able to prove otherwise in 1831. He was able to prove that both discoveries were the same. Uses and Functions The main belief in the medical world and as proven is that it is able to function like insulin and it is able to mimic insulin’s effects to the body. As such you might have guessed what follows. It is able to help with diabetes because various studies suggest that it is able to lower the blood sugar levels in the body which is exactly what the purpose of insulin is especially when it is in high doses. Other studies also has confirmed that it also can possibly help with conditions like heart disease and high cholesterol which are diseases that diabetes usually affect as well although further studies needs to be done to this respect. Safety and possible side effects Vanadium has been shown to be safe for use by adults although it needs to be a fairly low dose unlike the one that is needed for diabetes. Possible side effect ranges from diarrhea to nausea and some abdominal discomfort. Furthermore, it is safe to say that this should not be taken by breast feeding women as it may have undesired side effects.
( Can You Eat Too Much Bran? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 11, 2011 11:51 AM
Indeed, there are many health benefits of consuming bran in the diet. However, it is not a surprise that many people nowadays inquire on the effect of consuming too much bran because more and more people are becoming more health - conscious. Clinical studies and intensive research on bran consumption have revealed that there is no life - threatening side effects of eating too much bran everyday. However, hardly than ever, certain individuals may experience intestinal obstruction because of the high fiber content of grain bran. But health experts state that there is nothing to worry a lot because the health benefits of such fiber content of bran outweigh the unwanted effects. Many doctors are also highly recommending that individuals must set limits on how much bran to consume.
One study has revealed that the primary problem of eating too much bran is that is consists of the chemical substance known as phytobezoars. These are large fiber molecules which are considered to be very useful among animals but indigestible on the digestive system of man. Though this is indigestible, it is not harmful once consumed in sufficient amounts and in moderation. If taken excessively, it may accumulate and build inside the digestive tract thereby increasing the chance of intestinal obstruction. But instead, it will be readily eliminated together with the fiber. As a result this can cause decreased cholesterol level. Indeed, this is a positive effect. However, if dietary fiber is excessively consumed, possibility might also be extremely low levels of cholesterol and lipids in the blood. These substances are required by the body in normal amount for proper growth and development and maintenance of health. The levels must be regulated since excessively high might lead to diseases that might be life – threatening such as atherosclerosis and heart attack.
( Can Nettle Leaves Help with Allergies? ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 12, 2011 12:48 PM
Nettle And AllergiesNettle leaf is a traditional medication for excessive inflammation in many European countries. It is valued for its hollow hairs called trichomes, which work as a counter-irritant. In addition to its putative effect on allergic rhinitis or hay fever, it remains extensively used as a treatment for joint pain, muscle spasms, back ache, osteoarthritis, atopic eczema, gout, and other disorders induced by inflammation. Urtica dioica is the plant species referred to as the common nettle or stinging nettle, from which nettle leaf is harvested from in general. It is an herbaceous shrub that grows up to 2 meters in height. It is botanically noted for its trichomes, which inject list of inflammatory agents into the skin upon contact. In alternative medicine, these organic compounds are processed to combat excessive inflammation.
Nettles enjoy a wide distribution in almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica and South America. In particular, stinging nettle has been successfully naturalized in all regions outside the Frigid Zone. It prefers soils that retain moisture and receive high rainfall. Hence, it thrives well in tropical and subtropical regions. In temperate zones, it is often found in the wild and abandoned settlements. Nettle leaf has had a centuries-old association with folk medicine of England, Germany, Sweden, and much of Northern Europe. It is mentioned in the Old English poem called Nine Herbs Charm, which describes the common nettle as a treatment for poison and infection. In Germany, herbal preparations that contain nettle extracts are among the leading adjuvant remedies for allergic rhinitis and joint pain. Hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system in the form of allergies is a reaction to otherwise harmless substances called allergens. These reactions include eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma, anaphylaxis, insect bites, and even systemic allergic reactions. Modern herbalists have long employed nettle leaf for the prevention, amelioration, and cure of hay fever and related allergic reactions. The hollow stinging hairs of nettle leaf are a natural source of organic compounds that are similar to the chemicals released by the body during allergic reactions, such as histamine and acetylcholine. It produces optimum results when applied directly, as is the case with topical creams and alcoholic tinctures. Allergies subside when these compounds are introduced to local tissues underneath the skin. Extracts of nettle leaf contain phytochemicals that display anti-inflammatory activities when ingested. The exact mechanism of action is still under investigation. Based on initial results, researchers are positive that nettle leaf exerts an inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory cell-signaling protein molecules known as cytokines, which are directly involved in hypersensitivity disorder, especially hay fever. More importantly, nettle leaf has been observed to inhibit the transcription of tumor necrosis factor alpha, which is responsible for a diverse variety of inflammatory responses of cells and tissues. As a results, it downregulates the production of cytokines and interleukins incriminated in excessive inflammation during joint pain, back ache, food allergies, asthma attacks, and allergic rhinitis.
( Protect Your Heart with Wheat Germ Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 26, 2011 02:04 PM
Wheat Germ And Heart Health.Wheat Germ oil can protect your heart and entire cardiovascular system from damage, particularly from the effects of cholesterol and conditions such as peripheral artery disease. Atherosclerosis is a condition caused by the free radical oxidation of LDL cholesterol that is then precipitated and deposited onto your interior artery walls. This eventually blocks your arteries, causing strokes and heart failure depending on where the affected arteries are situated. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition where the arteries in your legs are blocked or partially blocked so that blood cannot reach your feet. This causes infections and pain. By taking wheat Germ oil, you can zap the free radicals before they can do damage to your cholesterol and hence to your arteries, and also prevent PAD the same way. The policosanol, another component of the oil, helps with this by increasing the proportion of HDL (good cholesterol) to LDL - bad cholesterol. There is then less LDL to undergo free radical oxidation, making the work of the antioxidants protecting it much easier.
( What are Homeopathic Remedies and How do They Work? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 25, 2011 11:28 AM
Homeopathic remedies have been in use for over a century in treatment of diseases. Homeopathy is considered a forerunner of modern medicine, but today largely classified as a form of alternative medicine. Medications prepared by practitioners of homeopathy are still widely available. Moreover, there has been a resurgence of interest in homeopathy in the past few decades. Germany in particular grants the title Physician of Homeopathy after a training program of three years while other countries require professional training in more accepted conventional medicine. Potentization and Succussion Repertories are the primary source of information for practitioners of homeopathy. These reference books point to a process called potentization, which works on the principle of systematic dilution of substances in a solution. Homeopathic remedies administered today use distilled water or alcohol as major solvents, with proponents of this alternative medicine believing that water has the capability of retaining properties of substances even when the molecules of the substance are no longer present in the solution. However, this effect is only achieved through succussion, the proper shaking of solution, which must be applied between each process of dilution. On the other hand, desirable dilutions of insoluble solids are possible to achieve by first reducing the size of the substance with the use of a mortar and a pestle. Potentization and succussion produce homeopathic remedies that are believed to display their well-documented potent pharmacological effects. Law of Similars Modern scholars consider Samuel Hahnemann to have single-handedly invented the alternative medicine practice of homeopathy. In fact, he coined the term homeopathy and outlined procedures known as homeopathic provings. He was a German physician who studied in several German universities and practiced conventional medicine before he developed the law of similars in response to medical practices of the time that are harmful in general, such as bloodletting. He gave up his medical practice amid the conviction that information on medicine was very limited and often conflicting. All the homeopathic provings that followed the rise of homeopathy depends on the most important principle he called law of similars, which is believed to govern diseases and their treatment. Substances that produce symptoms similar to a known disease when taken by an individual in large amounts ought to bring about curative effects when taken in small amounts by an individual afflicted with the disease. Homeopathic repertories document the effects of a host of substances and their identified sources in a process called homeopathic proving in an effort to support the laws of similar. Modern Homeopathic Remedies The continued support for homeopathy comes from people who are seeking alternative forms of healing. Also, homeopathic remedies that follow standard preparation procedures of potentization and succussion have never been associated with any known adverse effects. While present-day doctors and medical professionals are particularly critical of homeopathic remedies, which they generally consider as placebo, they also believe that homeopathic remedies are the safest among all forms of alternative medicine.
( What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin K? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 19, 2011 11:42 AM
6 Ways Vitamin K Can Boost Your HealthVitamin K is belongs to the group of vitamins that are soluble in fat. There are a lot of chemical compounds that display the activities of this essential nutrient inside the human body, but the best known form of this vitamin is phylloquinone, a naturally occurring substance in green leafy vegetables. Many different synthetic forms have also been proven to exhibit the same health benefits. Helps against Blood Loss Vitamin K was named so largely owing to the fact that it is directly involved in the coagulation of blood, which was the first of its benefits to be discovered. K stands for the first letter of its German name, Koagulationsvitamin. The process by which our body controls blood loss during bleeding, both external and internal, is called coagulation, which describes the ability of the blood to thicken and form a clot. Coagulation is central to the health of blood vessels as it stops bleeding and starts the healing process. Promotes Vascular Health Phylloquinone and other forms of Vitamin K have long been used as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases. One form of calcification outside the bones occurs in the arterial linings, which wears down the elastic properties of vascular tissues. Arterial calcification in itself is a very serious medical condition and usually takes place in end-stage cardiovascular diseases. However, the absence of vitamin K in the body also brings on this disease. Facilitates Calcium Absorption There is strong evidence that vitamin K helps build strong bones, and is in fact utilized as treatment for osteoporosis. Vitamin K modulates the production of osteocalcin, which induces bone formation and reduces bone resorption by attracting calcium minerals inside the body. Premature calcification of bones negatively affects bone density, but the presence of vitamin K has been observed to avoid this. Regulates Blood Sugar The bone-building protein osteocalcin also acts as a hormone that triggers the beta cells in the pancreas to release more insulin, which instruct cells in different tissues of the body to absorb glucose from the blood. Glucose is either converted into ATP, the primary source of energy that power cellular functions, or stored as glycogen inside the cells. Either way maintains healthy blood sugar. Breaks down Body Fats Osteocalcin is also involved in the burning of fats in adipose tissues, including the unwanted flab on the belly. By stimulating these fatty tissues to release a hormone called adiponectin, body fats are broken down into smaller particles and in the process release energy. In fact, the abundance of adiponectin in the bloodstream has been closely tied to low percentage of body fats in adults. Scavenges Free Radicals Vitamin K helps clear the body of ravaging free radicals that damage everything at the cellular level. It is particularly associated with protecting the nerve cells from premature death due to oxidative stress caused by free radicals, the reason why it is used in studies concerning Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. With all its health benefits, it is prudent to ensure consumption of Vitamin K.
Do you get enough Vitamin K Daily?
( Why Do We Need Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) And What Source Is Best? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 15, 2011 05:03 PM
EFA's can boost Your HealthEssential fatty acids are organic compounds that the human body necessitates to support healthy functions of organs and tissues but lack the ability to synthesize. Two fatty acids make up this group: (1) alpha linolenic acid, or ALA, and (2) linoleic acid, LA. Also referred to as EFAs, they are ubiquitous at the cellular level, but known to play an active role in neuronal and vascular tissues as well as in inflammation. Maintains Cellular Health One of the most recent advancements in cellular science is the discovery of lipid rafts, which are a part of the bilipid layer of cell membranes specialized for trafficking of cellular molecules, such as proteins and receptors. Also, these lipid rafts have an effect on the viscosity of cell membranes, thereby influencing fluidity that governs membrane-dependent functions of cells such as cellular signaling and phagocytosis, the mechanism by which cells swallow extracellular debris including pathogenic stimuli. Due to its being less stiff and more fluid, essential fatty acids make up cell membranes. Modulates Neuronal Activities It has long been postulated that learning and memory is influenced by the availability of intracellular substances known as endocannabinoids in a process called retrograde signaling. Unlike other neurotransmitters, endocannabinoids act on presynaptic cells while produced in postsynaptic cells, and by so doing enhances the signal transmission between nerve cells. Essential fatty acids are converted into endocannabinoids, which are produced on demand, and thus daily intake of EFA is a must. In addition, EFA has for years been in use as a treatment for depression and in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Regulates Inflammatory Responses The right amounts of essential fatty acids present inside the human body significantly contribute to the inflammatory responses of the immune system. There are chemical compounds that are produced by the body only in the presence of essential fatty acids, and a number of these compounds are essential to the process of healing and other processes implicated during inflammation. This is the reason why intake of EFA is highly regarded as a therapeutic remedy for reducing inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and autoimmune illnesses. Promotes Cardiovascular Health There is high risk of heart attack and related cardiovascular diseases in populations with low levels of essential fatty acids. Especially for individuals who are dependent on drugs that are known to cause oxidative stress in vascular tissues, susceptibility to damages of the blood vessel linings sets the stage for the buildup of macrophages and bad cholesterol in the form of arterial plaques. These plaques contribute to the thinning of the vascular passageways characteristic of atherosclerosis. There is a reason why alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid are considered essential fatty acids. They are a vital component of a healthy body with well-functioning organs and tissues. Good thing we have a wide list of food sources rich in EFA, which includes the oils of hemp, soya, canola, and wheat Germ. EFA is also abundant in seeds of sunflower, chia, pumpkin, and flax.
EFA's should be an essential part of everyone's diet, have you had your EFA's today?
( Herbs For Depression ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 13, 2010 12:34 PM
Fight Depression with Natural Herbs![]() Before discussing treating depression with natural herbs we should first consider depression itself: what is it and what causes people to become depressed? Psychiatrists and psychologists will suggest a number of definitions although most experts agree that there are two forms of depression. Causes of Depression Exogenous depression comes about as a result of external factors such as bereavement, heavy debt, job loss, etc, while endogenous depression comes from within and is believed to be due to biochemical problems, including food allergies, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, nutritional deficiencies, particularly Vitamin B deficiency, and addictions. There are many other reasons for people becoming depressed, some of which can be established by the particular symptoms of the individual. In many cases of depression the external factors are often easier to treat than those due to internal factors. Many exogenous causes of depression such as bereavement are alleviated through time, while causes such as job loss and debt can be resolved once the cause has been rectified: thus, if the patient is no longer in debt or is re-employed, the depression tends to disappear with the cause. Symptoms of Depression Depression is not diagnosed from a single symptom, but from a number of symptoms that can point to a person being clinically depressed and requiring treatment. Among the symptoms of depression are:
Prolonged periods of sadness or despair Forms of Depression Many normal people can suffer one or two of the above systems, and would not be diagnosed as depressed because of it. We can all get mood swings, feel a bit worthless now and again or be unable to concentrate or focus at times, but that does not mean we are clinically depressed. Depression would not be diagnosed in a patient with just one of these symptoms but five or more likely would be. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders deem the patient suffering clinical depression if displaying 5 or more of the bottom 8 symptoms above for a month or more. This is believed to be the case with around 17 million Americans so it is a significant problem. Manic depression is otherwise known as bipolar disorder, where patients have large mood swings from high and extreme hyperactivity and excitability to very low deeply depressive moods and is a clinical condition generally treated using drugs. Treatment of Depression With Natural Herbs The usual treatments are drugs that often have undesirable side effects; so many people are trying natural remedies instead. There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat depression, one of the most familiar being St. John's Wort. However, there are others, and here is a synopsis of each. St. John's Wort
However, it can also be used in cases of severe depression, and a report in the Cochrane Database Review[8(4)] by K. Linde, M.M. Berner and L. Kriston in 2008 stated that of 29 separate tests carried out on a total of over 5,000 patients, the conclusion was that St. John's wort extracts were at least as good in treating severe depression with 5 times lower side-effects as tricyclic antidepressants and twice lower than the new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).
It should be stated, however, that one trial on 340 subjects indicated no improvement over a placebo. However, the anti-depressive drug sertraline (Zoloft) was also shown to be no better than the placebo in this test, so some doubts must lie regarding its accuracy. Of all the herbal treatments, St. John's wort has had most testing carried out and it seems to be effective in treating mild to severe depression although not all experts are yet agreed. Kava Kava Root
However, it is doubtful if its effects are permanent and so it may be less of a depression cure as a short-medium term treatment. Its effects are also variable on different people, some describing it as making them feel relaxed and 'dreamy', while others find it therapeutic and making them feel better in themselves.
Kava kava should not be taken without your doctor knowing about because there have been concerns about its effect on the liver if taken in excess. A European-wide ban was lifted about two years ago after testing found the risks of taking it to be very low. It has been used for centuries as an intoxicating drink on islands such as Fiji. Passion Flower
Through the intervention of GABA, passion flower extract helps in reducing anxiety levels and makes you feel a lot calmer. If you suffer forms of depression that make you hyper or excitable, passion flower will help to reduce this and also helps to cure insomnia. It is a component of many natural sleeping pills. These are just three natural substances that can be used to treat depression. However, you must inform your doctor or physician if you decide to take them since they may interfere with or change the effect of any antidepressant drug you are currently taking.
Call today for natural remedies for depression
( stroke, what is it? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 28, 2010 03:05 PM
A stroke occurs when a clot forms inside an artery that blocks the flow of blood to the brain. This is also called a thrombus. Embolism, which is a wandering clot, is carried in the bloodstream until it wedges in one of the arteries that lead to the brain. Aneurysms are blood-filled pouches that balloon out from weak spots in the artery wall and burst. A hemorrhage results when a defective artery in the brain that bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood. A mild attack can lead to temporary confusion and light-headedness, along with difficulty in speaking clearly, weakness on one side of the body, visual dimness and confusion, severe speech difficulties, and/or sudden or gradual loss or blurring of consciousness. Additionally, amnesia can occur, but it is not typically permanent. A coma can even result for short or long periods. It is important to watch for early warnings of stroke. Although they may only last a few moments, early warnings include fainting, stumbling, numbness or paralysis of the fingers of one hand, blurring of vision, seeing bright lights, and loss of speech or memory. It is much wiser and significantly less expensive to start improving health in order to prevent this disease. Some doctors who have treated thousands of people suffering from stroke believe that most strokes can typically be prevented. The Chinese often view strokes as being caused by blood stasis and stagnation of the liver. Chinese medical practitioners attempt to prevent strokes and treat them by treating constipation. Constipation causes a poisoned bloodstream, setting the stage for a possible stroke. Poisoned blood flows through thousands of miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. The walls of the arteries are made up for cells, which are subject to the same injury from toxins as the cells in the kidneys. The kidneys degenerate at the same time that the arteries do and even from the same causes. When the walls thicken and harden, degeneration results. As they harden they become more brittle, causing them to burst more easily under pressure. Pressure increases as the hole through the arteries grows smaller. AS the walls become more brittle, the extra pressure causes the blood pressure to rupture. This, in turn, causes a stroke. The brain cells rely primarily on oxygen-rich blood in order to get nourishment. If they don’t receive this nourishment, the brain cells will die. Other causes of this are poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking. Emotional health is an essential part to any healing. Strokes are often associated with resistance to change, giving up on life, and getting tired of doing all the same things over and over. It is important that we learn to accept changes and are able to go with the flow of life. Life can be exciting. Changes provide us with a new perspective on living. Some herbs and supplements have been used to help as a preventative. These include vitamin E, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, garlic, evening primrose oil, lecithin, chlorophyll, flaxseed oil, and Germanium. For additional information on any of these, please contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 01, 2010 07:55 PM
Fight Chronic Fatigue SyndromChronic fatigue syndrome strikes more than two million people in the United States, with eighty-five percent of these people being women between the ages of thirty and fifty. The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome often resemble many other viral infections, making it very hard to pinpoint the real problem. This condition is possibly caused by stress as well as by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, food and chemical allergies, weak adrenal function, parasitic infections, amino acid deficiencies, and Candida albicans infections. With all of this in mind, there are a couple of herbal combinations and healthful suggestions that can be followed to help prevent or deal with chronic fatigue syndrome.Cordyceps sinensis is a natural Chinese supplement that contains high amounts of L-tryptophan. It provides nutrients that are necessary for relieving fatigue and improving endurance. It also helps to increase blood supply to the heart and brain. This herb increases the production of superoxide dismutase in the body. In China, this herb has been traditionally used to treat the nervous system. Additionally, it is used to help strengthen the kidneys and liver. An herbal combination containing bee pollen, licorice, kelp, barley grass, schizandra, gotu kola, eleuthero, yellow dock, rose hips, and capsicum has been shown to help restore energy to the system. This combination is an excellent combination of herbs to feed and nourish the entire system. It provides nourishment for the adrenals, in the form of licorice, and also for the thyroid, in the form of kelp. The bee pollen in this combination helps to nourish and supply energy to the body. Barley grass nourishes and cleans the body, while schizandra, which is an adaptogen herb, increases the energy supply of cells in the brain, muscles, liver, kidneys, glands, nerves, and in the entire body. The combination of herbs will rebuild the blood, liver, and digestive system.
The following are a few suggestions that can be followed to help deal with and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome. Exercise is very helpful, with even mild exercise helping to increase stamina and oxygenate cells. Exercise also helps to improve sleep. Allergies can be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome, so it is important to look into food allergies, chemicals, and heavy metals, and eliminate them. Anytime there is inflammation in the body that is accompanied by pain, swelling, heat, and redness, allergies are likely the culprits. When the immune system is weak, candida is usually involved.
Candida and Chronic Fatigue SyndromA candida diet would help to restore natural flora to the system. Candida can prevent the body from using sugars properly, which blocks the body’s energy production and causes extreme fatigue. To restore the friendly bacteria, use acidophilus on an empty stomach and eat unsweetened yogurt. If candida is involved, it is important to eliminate sugar, alcohol, mushrooms and all fungi, molds, and yeast in any form. It is also important to eliminate fermented foods. Look into leaky gut syndrome, which typically allows Germs, viruses, bacteria, worms, and parasites to flourish. When they flourish, the immune and nervous system become weak, causing diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome to weaken the body. Trying natural remedies like Fatigue to fantastic herbal supplements may help ease chronic fatigue.
( Atherosclerosis and Policosanol ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 31, 2010 02:18 PM
Policosanol is a supplement, obtained in the USA from fatty alcohols extracted from beeswax and wheat Germ, and in Cuba from other plant waxes, that is believed to reduce this problem and possibly even help to reduce the extent of atherosclerosis. HDL lipids can also reduce the extent of LDL arterial plaques. Studies are still under way, although the known side effects are only slight and many claim that Policosanol has improved their condition substantially.
( Germanium and Oxygen absorption ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 30, 2010 05:10 PM
This trace mineral is important in the body for many reasons. It helps to improve oxygenation on a cellular level which is essential for keeping the immune system healthy and also for eliminating toxins from the body. Life depends upon an adequate availability of oxygen. Germanium is responsible for enabling better usage of oxygen on a cellular level.
Germanium possesses both antiviral and antitumor properties. This trace mineral was found to slow the progression and speed of tumors, which in turn prolonged life. Research is continuing in Japan which is studying the effects of Germanium-132, which is also known as Ge-132, on different forms of cancer and disease. It may help the body by increasing oxygen supply, to which cancer cells are extremely sensitive. With oxygen utilization improved, the cancer cells may not be able to survive. Additionally, American scientists are in the process of researching this product.
Research has determined that Germanium may be beneficial in helping with conditions including cancer, allergies, arthritis, cholesterol, viral infections, and AIDS. This trace element has proven to be successful in a variety of studies. Additionally, the benefits of this substance are just beginning to be ~video~
( Gentain Herb Can Sooth The Digestive Tract ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 17, 2009 04:23 PM
Gentian was used as a stomach tonic and aid in digestion in Ancient Rome. This herb is native to Europe and western Asia. Generally, gentian was consumed as a tea or alcoholic beverage. Gentian was an official drug in the Untied States Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1955 and was used as a gastric stimulant. At one point in time, this herb was used and acclaimed by medical science as being very beneficial for mankind. Gentian was used to reduce fevers by cooling the system. It contains a bitter principle, which is known as amarogentin, which stimulates the glands, and includes the adrenals and thyroid. This herb helps in the production of bile, which can have a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder. Gentian is also used to clean the bowels, stimulate the pancreas, stimulate circulation, aid in the digestive process, and help with female problems. This herb has historically been used to treat wounds and been taken internally for inflammation from arthritis, jaundice, and a sore throat. Gentian is considered to be a great herb for strengthening the entire body and for use as tonic when it is combined with other herbs. German scientists have performed studies which confirm that this herb is useful as a digestive aid. Herbal bitters, including gentian, are recommended for the treatment of indigestion. The bitter taste receptors located in the tongue are known for their ability to stimulate the digestive processes by increasing the flow of gastric juices and bile. The alkaloid found in gentian, gentianine, has been shown to contain anti-inflammatory activity in animal studies.
Internally, gentian is used as a liver tonic, to treat loss of appetite, digestive problems, flatulence, and insufficient production of gastric juices and saliva. This herb is responsible for stimulating the taste buds and promoting the flow of saliva, gastric juices, and bile. Because of this, gentian can be used in cases of anorexia, and in homeopathic medicine as well. There are no external uses or aromatherapy and essential oil uses for gentian. It should be noted that gentian should not be used by those with gastric or duodenal ulcers. The root of the gentian plant is used to provide alterative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, sialagogue, stimulant, stomachic, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients provided by gentian include inositol, iron, manganese, niacin, silicon, sulfur, vitamins F and B-complex, and zinc. Primarily, gentian is extremely beneficial in treating loss of appetite, poor circulation, gastric disorders, indigestion, jaundice, and liver disorders. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with anemia, blood impurities, colds, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, fevers, gas, gout, heart burn, absence of menstruation, nausea, spleen ailments, urinary problems, worms, wounds, and yeast infections. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by gentian, please contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Horse Radish ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 28, 2009 11:39 AM
Horseradish has been cultivated since ancient times. The Delphic Oracle in Greek mythology told Apollo that horse radish was worth its weight in gold. Horseradish was known in Egypt by 1500 BC and has been used by Jews from Eastern Europe traditionally in Passover. The plant is discussed by Cato in his treatises on agriculture. It is thought that horseradish is the plant known as Wild Radish by the Greeks. Both the root and leaves of the horseradish plant were used as a medicine during the Middle Ages, with the root used as a condiment on meats in Germany, Scandinavia, and Britain. This herb was taken to North American during Colonial times. It is not certain as to where the name horseradish come from. Some believe that it derives by misinterpretation of the German Merettich as mare radish. Others think the name comes from the coarseness of the root. The common thought in Europe is that it refers to the old method of processing the root called hoofing, in which horses were used to stamp the root tender before grating it.
For at least two thousand years, horseradish has been cultivated. It was brought to America by early settlers and used to treat conditions such as pain from sciatic, colic, and intestinal worms. Horseradish provides antibiotic action that is recommended for respiratory and urinary infections. The volatile oil in horseradish has the ability to work as a nasal and bronchial dilator. Internally, it has been used to clear nasal passages, alleviate sinus problems, help with digestion, work as a diuretic, aid with edema and rheumatism, and cleanse various body systems. Also, horseradish has been used to stimulate digestion, metabolism, and kidney function. The root of the horseradish plant can be used to provide antibiotic, antineoplastic, antiseptic, bitter, caminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, hepatic, parasiticide, mild purgative, rubefacient, sialagogue, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and vitamins A, B-complex, and P. Primarily, horseradish is extremely beneficial in dealing with loss of appetite, circulation, coughs, edema, excessive mucus, sinus problems, internal and skin tumors, and worms. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, congestion, gout, jaundice, kidney problems, irritated membranes, neuralgia, palsy, rheumatism, skin conditions, water retention, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by horseradish, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Horehound Herb ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 21, 2009 11:12 AM
An ancient Greek physician by the name of Galen first recommended horehound for use in treating respiratory conditions. Early European physicians also used horehound to treat respiratory ailments. Early settlers in North America brought horehound with them to treat coughs, colds, and tuberculosis. The herb was also used to treat hepatitis, malaria, and intestinal worms. Horehound was also used to promote menstruation and sweating. Most commonly, the herb is used to treat colds and coughs, to soothe the throat and loosen mucus in the chest. Horehound is a well-known lung and throat remedy.
Warm infusions of horehound are able to relieve congestion and hyperemic conditions of the lungs. They do this by promoting an outward flow of blood. In large doses, horehound will work as a mild laxative. Applying the dried herb topically is a great way to treat herpes simplex, eruptions, eczema, and shingles. The Romans praised horehound because of its medicinal purposes. Its Latin name Marrubium is derived from the word Maria urbs, which is an ancient town of Italy. The plant was called the ‘Seed of Horus” or the ‘Bull’s Blood,’ and the ‘Eye of the Star’ by the Egyptian Priests. Horehound was a main ingredient in Caesar’s antidote for vegetable poisons. It was recommended, in addition to its uses in coughs and colds, for those that had drunk poison or had been bitten by serpents. Horehound was once thought of as an anti-magical herb. Additionally, horehound is a serviceable remedy against cankerworm in trees. Some believed that if it is put into new milk and set in a place where there are a lot of flies, it will quickly kill all of them. The marrubiin content of horehound is believed to be the responsible component, giving it its ability to stimulate bronchial mucosa secretions. This information was obtained by German research done in 1959. Horehound can be used as a safe and effective expectorant. The entire horehound plant should be used to provide alterative, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, aromatic, bitter, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, mild purgative, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are iron, potassium, sulfur, and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and F. Primarily, horehound is extremely helpful in dealing with asthma, colds, coughs, croup, lung ailments, excessive mucus, phlegm, and respiratory problems. Additionally, this herb is beneficial in treating bronchitis, infectious diseases, earaches, external eczema, fevers, glandular problems, jaundice, absent menstruation, and external shingles. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by horehound, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Hawthorn Berries ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 17, 2009 10:57 AM
This herb contains many different components which work together to benefit the heart and body. Hawthorn can both feed and strengthen the heart and arteries. It seems to work on the heart muscle to make it work more effectively. The herb may even help a damaged heart. Hawthorn contains some mild sedative properties, which can help when heart disorders are due to stress and with insomnia. Hawthorn has been used to treat and prevent arteriosclerosis, rapid heartbeat, feeble heartbeat, enlarged heart, angina, and breathing difficulties due to a lack of oxygen in the lungs. Some people recommend using hawthorn to protect against disease before symptoms occur. Hawthorn is known for its ability to regulate arterial blood pressure. It increases the strength of the heart muscle and also works to increase coronary blood flow. This herb is great in helping to reduce the heart rate and lessen the heart’s workload.
Some studies have found that this extract is responsible for dilating the blood vessels, which results in reduced peripheral resistance. Hawthorn may also have some further cardio-protective effects that become pronounced after prolonged use. Research on 132 patients found substantial positive results with the use of this herb. These stage two stable heart failure patients had improved exercise tolerance, and a reduction in shortness of breath and fatigue after exercise. The researchers noted that for maximum effect, hawthorn must be used for one to two months. Cardiac improvement accelerates with long-term use and relatively high doses. The berries and flowers of the hawthorn plant are used to provide alterative, antispasmodic, astringent, cardio-alterative, diuretic, sedative, and vasodilator properties. The primary nutrients found in hawthorn are choline, inositol, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C with bioflavonoids. Primarily, hawthorn is extremely beneficial in dealing with angina, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, high and low blood pressure, heart conditions, heart palpitations, and hypoglycemia. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating arthritis, blood clots, edema, hypertension, insomnia, liver disorders, rheumatism, sleeplessness, and stress. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by hawthorn, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Garlic ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 27, 2009 02:40 PM
Garlic is very popular because of its health benefits. A perennial plant and member of the lily family, the bulb of the garlic plant is used for many medicinal purposes. Garlic was used by the ancient Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Egyptians. The Chinese used this herb at least three thousand years ago to treat various ailments. The Egyptians ate garlic while building pyramids to increase their strength and endurance. Hippocrates suggested that this herb be used for treatment of uterine cancer. Native Americans used garlic to fight abdominal cancer, while the Europeans used this herb during the plague years to provide immunity. The main historical uses of garlic were to treat colds, coughs, toothaches, earaches, diarrhea, infection, arteriosclerosis, headaches, dandruff, tumors, worms, and hypertension. Garlic is nature’s antibiotic. This herb is very effective in fighting bacteria which may be resistant to other antibiotics. The herb stimulates the lymphatic system in order to throw off waste material. Garlic is different from other antibiotics in the fact that it has the ability to stimulate cell growth and activity. This herb rejuvenates all body functions. Garlic opens up blood vessels, reducing hypertension. It is known as a health-building and disease-preventing herb. Several studies have linked garlic to a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. This herb has been found to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, while lowering blood pressure, increasing immunity, and reducing the blood’s clotting ability. Research suggests that eating the equivalent of one-half to one clove of garlic daily can decrease total serum cholesterol levels by about nine percent. Anticoagulant capabilities have also been found in garlic by German researchers. Garlic is able to benefit those individuals who are suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease, which is better known as blood clots in the legs. Garlic also contains antitumor properties, with studies showing it having the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer-causing nitrosamine. The National Cancer Institute even recommends adding more garlic, onions, and other similar vegetables to the diet. This would lower the risk of developing stomach cancer. Results from one study showed that garlic may be toxic to some cancer cells. It may encourage the immune system to spot the invaders and destroy them, allowing a natural immune process to destroy tumor cells. Garlic is believed to stimulate the lymphatic system by ridding itself of toxins. The Russians consider garlic to be a natural antibiotic, which is why they consume it regularly. This herb is often used to prevent disease and heal the body. It is nourishing for the entire body, especially the heart, circulation, stomach, spleen, and lungs. Additionally, it has been used to stimulate circulation and to help the immune system function more effectively. Some believe that this herb may help prevent some forms of cancer, heart disease, strokes, and infections. In summary, the bulb of the garlic plant is used to provide adaptogen, alterative, antibiotic, anticoagulant, antifungal, antineoplastic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, diaphoretic, digestive, expectorant, febrifuge, rubefacient, stimulant, and vulnerary properties. Primarily, garlic is extremely beneficial in dealing with asthma, blood impurities, high blood pressure, bronchitis, cancer, candidiasis, poor circulation, colds, colitis, coughs, infectious diseases, ear infections, fevers, flu, fungus, gastric disorders, heart disease, indigestion, infection, liver disorders, lung disorders, parasites, blood poisoning, prostate problems, respiratory problems, and staph/strep infections. This herb is also good for treating acne, allergies, arthritis, childhood diseases, diabetes, diarrhea, edema, emphysema, gallbladder problems, hypoglycemia, insomnia, kidney ailments, pneumonia, rheumatism, sinus problems, ulcers, warts, and worms. Garlic is a wonderful all purpose herb that can be found at your local or internet health food store. Always look for name brands when buying garlic to ensure quality and purity of the product you purchase.
( Caraway Herb ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 25, 2009 12:12 PM
The caraway plant, also known as Persian cumin, is a biennial plant that is found in the Apiaceae family. This plant is native to Europe and western Asia. The plant is very similar in appearance to a carrot plant, with finely divided, feathery leaves that have thread-like divisions that grow on twenty to thirty centimeter stems. The main flower stem is forty to sixty centimeters tall and has small white or pink flowers that are in the shape of umbels. The caraway fruits, which are erroneously called seeds, are crescent-shaped and about two millimeters in length and have five pale ridges. The caraway plant prefers warm, sunny locations and a well-drained soil as well. The fruits of the caraway plant are usually used whole. They have a pungent, anise-like flavor and an aroma that is derived from the essential oils carvone and limonene. These oils are used as a spice in breads, especially rye bread, which is denser due to the yeast killing properties of the essential oil, limonene. Caraway is also used in liquors, casseroles, and other foods, especially in Central European and Northern European cuisine, like sauerkraut. This herb is also used to add flavor to cheeses. A substance made from the seeds is used as a remedy for colic, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, and to dispel worms. Caraway herbs have been used as a flavoring in foods such as rye bread for thousands of years. It has also been used medicinally by the Romans, Germans, and the English. Generally, it was used to treat flatulence and indigestion. It was also used to relieve colic in babies. Caraway is very similar to anise. Both of them are recommended for the same purposes. This herb is a powerful antiseptic. It is especially effective in relieving toothaches. When it is applied locally to the skin, it also acts as an anesthetic. This herb can be mixed with other herbs such as mandrake and culver’s root in order to help modify its purgative action. Caraway is also useful in treating stomach problems. Additionally, it helps prevent fermentation in the stomach. It can help to settle stomach after people have taken medication that causes nausea. Caraway also helps to relieve intestinal cramps and colic in babies. This herb is known to encourage menstruation and the flow of milk in nursing mothers. Caraway also helps to ease uterine cramps. The root and seed of the caraway plant are used to provide anesthetic, antispasmodic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue, mild purgative, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, lead, magnesium, potassium, silicon, vitamin B-complex, and zinc. It is important to consult your local health care professional before taking this, or any supplement in order to obtain the best results. Priamrily, caraway is extremely beneficial in treating loss of appetite, colic, uterine and intestinal cramps, gastric disorders, indigestion, and spasms. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with colds, absent lactation, absent menstruation, upset stomach, and toothaches. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by caraway, feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Anise Herb ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 20, 2009 05:32 PM
Anise is a flowering plant that is part of the Apiaxeae family. It is native to the eastern Mediteranean region and southwest Asia. It is known for its flavor, which resembles licorice, fennel, and tarragon. The anise plant is an herbaceous annual plant that grows to three feet tall. The leaves are at the base of the plant and are very simple. They are about two to five centimeters long and shallowly lobed. The leave higher on the stems are feathery pinnate and divided into numerous leaves. The flowers of the anise plant are white and about three millimeters in diameter. They are produced in dense umbels. The anise fruit is an oblong dry schizocarp that is about three to five millimeters in length. The seedpods are referred to as aniseed. Anise is usually used as food by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species, such as butterflies and moths. Among these are the lime-speck pug and the wormwood pug. The best growth for the anise plant can be found in light, fertile, well drained soil. The plants should be started from seeds as soon as the ground warms up in the spring. Because the anise plants have a taproot, they do not transplant well after they are established. For this reason, the plants should be started where they are to grow, or transplanted while the seedlings are still small. Anise is sweet and very aromatic. It can be distinguished by its licorice-like flavor. It is widely used in a variety of regional and ethnic confectioneries, including British Aniseed balls, Austrailain Humbugs, New Zealand Aniseed wheels, Italian pizzelle, German pfeffernusse and springerle, Netherland Muisjes, Norwegian knots, and Peruvian Picarones. Anise is a key ingredient in Mexican “atole de anis” which is similar to hot chocolate. It is taken as a digestive after meals in India. Anise was used in ancient Rome as flavoring. However, it contains nutrients like calcium and iron. This herb was added to foods to prevent indigestion when eating large quantities of food. Additionally, it was used to help with bad breath. Hippocrates recommended this herb to relieve both coughs and congestion. Anise is used to help remove excess mucus from the alimentary canal and the mucus that is associated with coughs. It is used to stimulate the appetite, relieve digestive problems, and treat colic pain. Some herbalists recommend that anise be used for stimulating the glands and vital organs. Among these organs are the heart, liver, lungs, and brain. Additionally, it helps to normalize estrogen levels. The oil and seeds of the anise plant are used to provide anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are B vitamins, calcium, choline, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Primarily, anise provides extraordinary benefits in treating colds, colic, coughs, gas, indigestion, absent lactation, excessive mucus, and pneumonia. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with loss of appetite, breath odor, emphysema, epilepsy, nausea, and nervous disorders. It is important to speak with a health care professional before considering supplementing with any nutrient in order to obtain the best results while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by anise, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Kombucha ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 19, 2009 03:31 PM
Kombucha is also known as Manchurain tea or mushroom. It is not an official member of the fungi family. Actually, it is a symbiotic culture of genus Saccharomyces yeast and xylinum bacteria. Kombucha dates back as far as two thousands years in East Asia. Originally, it was used for healing in Japan, China, and Korea. Kombucha use spread with the beginning of trade. Merchants took the kombucha plant to Russia and then to Eastern Europe. Although it is not technically a fungus, it contains many similar healing properties. Because of this, it is often recommended along with members of the mushroom family. This herb is usually placed in a nutrient solution of distilled water, black tea, and sugar. The process of brewing kombucha was introduced in Russia and Ukraine at the end of the 1800s. However, it did not become popular until the early 1900s. The kombucha culture is known locally as chayniy grib and the drink itself is referred to as grib, tea kvass, or simply kvass. Then, it undergoes chemical changes which make it beneficial for human consumption. The chemical reactions that occur in this process are very complex. The kombucha feeds on sugar, thus producing glucuronic acid, lactic acid, vitamins, amino acids, and some antibiotic solutions. The healing properties are thought to be due to the production of glucuronic acid, B-complex vitamins, C vitamins, and lactic acid. Like all foods, there must be some care taken when preparing and storing kombucha, or else contamination may result. Keeping this herb safe and contamination-free is a concern to many home brewers. Key components of food safety when brewing kombucha include a clean environment, proper temperature, and low pH. Russian studies have uncovered the presence of substances in the kombucha tea that contain antibiotic properties. The tea was found to prevent the growth and colonization of other yeasts and bacteria. The kombucha plant is also believed to help with a wide variety of conditions. It seems to have a detoxifying effect on the entire body, which makes it extremely beneficial for invigorating the whole body. Research done in Germany led by Dr. Valentin Koehler found that kombucha has the ability to increase the function of the immune system. It does this by boosting levels of interferon. Kombucha contains many different cultures along with several organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids, and polyphenols. Due to the acidic fermentation process used in it’s brewing. Kombucha contains ethyl alcohol in amounts that vary from 0.5% to 1.5%. The range depends on the anaerobic brewing time and proportions of microbe. Commercial preparations of this herb are typically 0.5% in order to comply with distribution and safety procedures. The entire kombucha plant is used to provide antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, and immuno-stimulant properties. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in dealing with immune deficiencies and effects of toxins. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by kombucha, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Freez Dried Nettle Leaf ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 15, 2009 02:07 PM
The nettle plant is native to Europe and can be found throughout the United States and into Canada. This herb was cultivated in Scotland for use in making a durable cloth. The nettle plant is so rich in chlorophyll that it was used by the English to make a green dye for camouflage paint. This camouflage paint was used during World War II. Nettle is one of the most useful of all plants. It contains alkaloids that neutralize uric acid. By decreasing uric acid, one can help to reduce symptoms of conditions like gout and rheumatism. Additionally, the astringent activity of nettle helps to decrease bleeding. The nettle plant is rich in iron, which is extremely vital to good circulation. It helps to reduce high blood pressure. Tannins that are found in the nettle root have been used as part of an astringent enema. This is used to shrink hemorrhoids and reduce excess menstrual flow. This herb became popular because of its use in irritating the skin of an inflamed area and increasing the flow of blood to reduce inflammation. The stinging action of nettle can be attributed to the histamine reaction that is caused by the formic acid in the hairs. Nettle has a reputation for use in cases of asthma and other respiratory conditions. The use of nettle root extract was recommended by German physicians for treating urinary retention that is caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy. This recommendation was based upon evidence from clinical studies. Additional studies have determined that nettle root can increase the excretion of chlorides and urea from the urine. The diuretic activity produced by nettle root ahs been confirmed in animal studies. The diuretic properties can be attributed to the high potassium content. However, this has not been verified. A study that was conducted at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon found evidence of nettle for treating hay fever. In this study, freeze-dried capsules of 300 mg were used. The results showed significant relief from hay fever symptoms in the participants. The leaves and roots of the nettle plant are used to provide alterative, antiseptic, astringent, blood purifier, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, hemostatic, and nutritive properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, chlorophyll, chromium, copper, iron, manganese, potassium, protein, silicon, sodium, sulfur, vitamins A, C, D, E, F, and P, and zinc. Primarily, nettle is extremely beneficial in dealing with external and internal bleeding, blood impurities, bronchitis, high blood pressure, rheumatism, and diarrhea. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating anemia, asthma, poor circulation, eczema, hay fever, hemorrhoids, hives, inflamed kidneys, excess menstruation, mouth sores, nosebleeds, skin disorders, and vaginitis. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on prescription medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by nettle, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Nettle is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
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