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80 matching the search criteria.
The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples
Darrell Miller
L-Methionine: Supports Glutathione Production And More.
Darrell Miller
Researchers find that consuming blended protein supplements canimprove energy malnutrition, muscle mass in leukemia patients
Darrell Miller
Here's how you can improve digestion naturally!
Darrell Miller
Magnesium and vitamin D: The perfect pair?
Darrell Miller
Research says flavonoids can flush out arsenic from the body
Darrell Miller
Trace minerals from deep in the ocean found to increase blood flowand reduce inflammation in the brain
Darrell Miller
The best adaptogens to beat stress
Darrell Miller
Do Probiotics Help With UTIs For Women?
Darrell Miller
Learn how gotu kola reduces stress and anxiety
Darrell Miller
Broccoli is one of the best detoxifying foods you'll ever find
Darrell Miller
Ginger found to be effective against many different types of cancer
Darrell Miller
Omega 3 Oil For Anxiety?
Darrell Miller
Why people love CBD - the cannabis product that won't get you high
Darrell Miller
Why your skin needs apple cider vinegar
Darrell Miller
Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach
Darrell Miller
Multiple studies show using CBD Oil for sleep disorders may be yoursafest bet
VitaNet, LLC Staff
Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation
VitaNet, LLC Staff
Brewer's yeast, a potential probiotic?
Darrell Miller
12 Reasons To Use Digestive Bitters For Better Digestion And More
Darrell Miller
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs
Darrell Miller
Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver
Darrell Miller
Here's How to Actually Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables
Darrell Miller
How green tea could help prevent heart attacks
Darrell Miller
Probiotics are the guts' best friends
Darrell Miller
Experts Weigh in on Safe Cannabis Consumption
Darrell Miller
I Put Apple Cider Vinegar In My Baths. Here Are 5 Reasons Why
Darrell Miller
Artificial sweeteners may increase risk of diabetes in two weeks, study claims
Darrell Miller
How much fiber is too much?
Darrell Miller
5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health
Darrell Miller
4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally
Darrell Miller
How to Banish Parasites with Papaya Seeds
Darrell Miller
What Nobody Tells You About Celery And What Happens To Your Body Once You Include It In Your Meals!
Darrell Miller
Water Fluoridation
Darrell Miller
The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew
Darrell Miller
Powerful Ear Acupressure Points to Treat Pains
Darrell Miller
Do You Eat Ginger? Then You Should Watch This!
Darrell Miller
Nutritionist Reveals Five Prebiotic Foods That Can Feed Your Gut
Darrell Miller
Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut
Darrell Miller
The goodness of matcha tea
Darrell Miller
Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux
Darrell Miller
Could cranberries boost your 'good bacteria'?
Darrell Miller
Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017
Darrell Miller
Here's what dandelion roots can do for you: Digestion, blood flow, eyesight and more
Darrell Miller
How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease
Darrell Miller
With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia
Darrell Miller
Kudzu Root: Beneficial Herb or Just a Hyped Plant Invader?
Darrell Miller
Prostate inflammation (prostatitis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment
Darrell Miller
Is Ashwagandha a plant that can make you sleep well? Researchers believe so
Darrell Miller
How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory Over Time?
Darrell Miller
Omega-3s are more important than you think
Darrell Miller
fight cancer with raw garlic
Darrell Miller
4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day
Darrell Miller
The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research
Darrell Miller
In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice.
Darrell Miller
Drinking This Type of Water Relaxes Your Blood Vessels, Your Heart Loves It
Darrell Miller
Trace minerals, supporting the immune system
Darrell Miller
Fructose is generated in the human brain
Darrell Miller
Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells
Darrell Miller
Antioxidants- How To Fight With The Free Radicals
Darrell Miller
Is CBD Crystalline the Most Effective Cannabis Medicine?
Darrell Miller
Health Benefits OPC Grapeseed extract.
Darrell Miller
Is it okay to pair your morning coffee and workout routine?
Darrell Miller
Omega-3 intake may aid in recovery of concussions and brain injury
Darrell Miller
10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach
Darrell Miller
Did you know that cinnamon can boost intelligence?
Darrell Miller
Why is it Important that Your Probiotics are Enteric Coated?
Darrell Miller
What is chitosan and how effective is it for weight loss?
Darrell Miller
Expelling Parasites and Worms with Black Walnuts
Darrell Miller
What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans
Darrell Miller
Darrell Miller
Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements.
Darrell Miller
Liquid Calcium Citrate - An Overview of What to Discover
Darrell Miller
Dietary Protein Basics
Darrell Miller
What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?
Darrell Miller
Can Chitosan Really Absorb Fat?
Darrell Miller
L-Leucine as an essential Amino Acid
Darrell Miller
What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?
Darrell Miller
Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil
Darrell Miller
A Sulfur Supplement Is Necessary For A Healthy Body
Darrell Miller
The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples  
July 29, 2023 11:04 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The Unsettling Truth About Plastic: Microplastics Found in Human Stool Samples
We all know that plastic pollution is a serious issue, but what we may not be aware of is that we are consuming it. Yes, you read that right. The researchers have recently discovered microplastic particles present in human stool samples, making us Ingest the plastic we produced. It is not only our oceans and landfills that are clogged with plastic waste, but even our bodies, and that's alarming.
According to the study, participants from Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Austria were tested for ten different types of plastics, and nine types were found in their stool samples. On average, participants had 20 microplastic particles per 10 grams of stool. That's a concerning number.
As we all know, plastic is everywhere, from plastic bags to water bottles, from household items to toys, and the list goes on. A recent study revealed a frightening fact that our food, especially seafood and sea salt, and tap water and bottled water contain microplastics too. It is surprising to know that plastic is all around us, and we are consuming it daily.
Apart from being present in our bodies, research suggests that microplastics may have adverse effects on our gut microbiota. As per a study conducted by the University of Vienna, polystyrene microplastics adversely affected the gut barrier, microbiota, and metabolism of mice. Moreover, it can lead to a bacterial imbalance in our gut, decreasing our immune response.
Microplastics have a size smaller than 5 millimeters and are much smaller than the size we can see with naked eyes. Therefore, our bodies cannot filter them out. As a result, these microplastics can cause inflammation, obstruct our digestive system, and damage our gut lining.
The impact of plastic on the environment and marine life is alarming, but knowing that we, humans, are part of the problem is overwhelming. The amount of plastic waste we produce every year is immense, and if we don't change our ways, it will only get worse.
The Solution to Microplastics in Our Digestive Tract Could Be Psyllium Husk and Inulin.
Psyllium husk is a soluble fiber that is derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is a powerful colon cleanser that can rid our bodies of toxins, including microplastics. When mixed with water, psyllium husk forms a gel-like substance that bulks up and moves through our digestive tract, trapping and removing microplastics along the way. Psyllium husk is also known to help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.
Another solution to microplastics in our digestive tract is prebiotics, specifically inulin. Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in our gut, promoting gut health. Studies have shown that inulin can strengthen the gut lining, which can reduce the absorption of toxins like microplastics into our bodies. Inulin can also help regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation in our gut.
In addition to psyllium husk and inulin, there are other steps we can take to reduce our exposure to microplastics. One such step is to avoid plastic packaging and utensils when possible and opt for reusable and sustainable options instead. We can also be mindful of the products we use that contain microplastics, such as cosmetics and cleaning products, and choose more natural alternatives.
It is also important to note that the effects of microplastics on our health are still being studied, and more research is needed to fully understand the extent of their impact. However, taking steps to reduce our exposure to microplastics and improve our gut health can only be beneficial for our overall well-being.
The discovery of microplastics in human stool samples is the harsh reality of the plastic pollution crisis. The studies strongly suggest that it may have severe implications for human health (we haven't even touched on the topic of endocrine disruptors due to plastics), and we must take action to reduce plastic consumption and pollution.
Reducing plastic waste from our daily lives might seem challenging, but it's essential if we want to create a healthier planet for ourselves and the generations to follow. Being more conscious of our daily habits in using plastic, choosing eco-friendly alternatives, and encouraging others to do the same can go a long way in reducing our plastic footprint.
We must work together as a community to reduce plastic waste and promote a sustainable future. The change starts with us, and together we can make a difference. You can get started to better health by adding psyllium husk and inulin to your daily supplement regiment. Your colon will thank you for it!
L-Methionine: Supports Glutathione Production And More.  
October 27, 2022 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: L-Methionine: Supports Glutathione Production And More.
L-Methionine is an essential amino acid that cannot be manufactured by the body. It must be obtained through diet or supplementation. L-Methionine supports the production of glutathione, and thereby assists in natural detoxification processes. In the body, L-Methionine can also be converted into SAMe (S-Adenosyl Methionine), a compound that supports healthy joints.* Furthermore, the human body relies on Ingested sulfur amino acids, such as L-Methionine, for the synthesis of protein, as well as for biologically active sulfur.*
L-Methionine and Glutathione Production
L-Methionine is required for the production of glutathione, which is a cellular radical scavenger.* This means that it helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.* Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, and they are one of the main causes of aging.* Glutathione is important for detoxification processes in the liver.* It helps to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.*
L-Methionine and SAMe Synthesis
L-Methionine can also be converted into SAMe in the body. SAMe is a compound that is involved in many biochemical reactions, including those that occur in joints.* SAMe is thought to play a role in joint health by supporting healthy cartilage and joint function.* In addition, SAMe has been shown to help with depression and liver health.*
The Importance of Sulfur Amino Acids
Sulfur amino acids such as L-Methionine are important for the synthesis of protein in the body. They are also necessary for the production of biotin, a water soluble vitamin that is involved in energy metabolism. Sulfur amino acids are also involved in a number of other important biological processes.*
In Summary:
L-Methionine is an important amino acid with numerous benefits. It plays a role in detoxification, joint health, protein synthesis, and more. Because the body cannot manufacture this amino acid, it must be obtained through diet or supplementation. Including L-Methionine in your diet can help you maintain good health and vitality.
Researchers find that consuming blended protein supplements canimprove energy malnutrition, muscle mass in leukemia patients  
May 06, 2019 03:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Researchers find that consuming blended protein supplements canimprove energy malnutrition, muscle mass in leukemia patients
Because cancer can quickly accelerate the deterioration of a person’s body, some researchers in China wanted to find out how soy-whey protein blend can help patients with leukemia by considering its effects on protein energy absorption and muscle mass. This is because leukemia patients often experience a decrease in muscle mass and severe protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). Earlier studies have shown that soy-whey protein can promote muscle protein synthesis, so the present researchers wanted to know if it can help leukemia patients before they undergo bone marrow transplant. The patients used in the study were 24 in number and they were divided into two groups. One group took natural diet with soy-whey blended protein (BP) while the second group only took natural diet. From the data it was observed that there was a decrease in protein and energy intake of all the 24 participants. But in the group without the soy-whey diet, there was a significant decrease in muscle-related indicators in half of the patients while 60 percent of the patients who ingested the soy-whey blend protein had muscle mass increase in the arm area. - Researchers in China who investigated the effects of leukemia on patients wanted to know how ingesting soy-whey protein can blend in with protein-energy absorption and muscle mass.
- The researchers used about 24 patients to test their hypothesis that soy-whey protein can aid leukemia patients and they also used a natural diet only (ND) group.
- From all the patients about 68 percent who ingested the soy-whey protein before transplantation showed increased improvements in the arm muscle area.
"In the ND group without the BP intervention, the researchers observed a significant reduction in muscle-related indicators (i.e., anthropometric variables, muscle strength and serum protein) in more than 50 percent of the patients." Read more:
Here's how you can improve digestion naturally!  
April 25, 2019 04:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Here's how you can improve digestion naturally!
Due to the stresses of everyday life and unhealthy eating, more people than ever are experiencing digestive issues. Fortunately, there are some relatively easy and natural ways to avoid antacids, antibiotics, and other medicines that come with negative side effects. Ginger is one substance that has been used for generations for a whole host of digestive problems, including bloating and general discomfort. It works best if it's ingested before a meal. Peppercorns are another spice that can help improve overall digestion and boost the metabolism. Carrom seeds are commonly used in Indian dishes and are known for alleviating constipation and activating digestive enzymes. Finally, clove is great for flatulence and indigestion. - One facet of our modern life is that we tend to ignore minor digestion related issues until they become something serious.
- Using antacids and antibiotics, people look for quick solutions to issues such as acidity, heartburn, constipation, and other related problems without understanding the cause of the problem.
- This article includes natural herbs and spices that are a way to boost the body’s defenses and provide protection from digestion related issues.
"Modern lifestyle comes with its own set of sorrows and poor metabolism and digestion are one of the primary signs of deteriorating health conditions." Read more:
Magnesium and vitamin D: The perfect pair?  
April 24, 2019 01:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Magnesium and vitamin D: The perfect pair?
The presence of magnesium is absolutely imperative in maintaining stable levels of vitamin D. When someone does not have enough magnesium in their system, the metabolic pathway, disabling your body's ability to synthesize vitamin D. Taking magnesium does not have to be done in supplement form. If you ingest foods such as buckwheat, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts, you can naturally boost your levels of magnesium and aid your body in synthesizing adequate levels of vitamin D throughout your system. - The vital nutrient, magnesium, is a mineral required for several hundred different bodily functions to ensue smoothly in humans.
- Recently, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed more regarding one of the bodily processes that may depend on the interaction of magnesium.
- A study, utilizing 250 human subjects, looked into data suggesting that a lack of magnesium could halt the body's metabolic pathway to vitamin D synthesis.
"Carried out by researchers from the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, the study looked at whether supplementation with magnesium would affect vitamin D metabolism." Read more:
Research says flavonoids can flush out arsenic from the body  
April 20, 2019 11:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Research says flavonoids can flush out arsenic from the body
Thru environmental and food processes, we are exposed to many chemicals that are either ingested or absorbed thru respiration or through the skin. These toxic materials can be gotten rid of thru the foods we eat. A nutritional component called flavornoids, which are found the colors of various fruit and vegetables. The brighter the color, the more they contain. Flavornoids can not only help to rid the body of organic toxins, but inorganic as well. - People encounter a lot of harmful substances that get into the body throughout their lives which the body detoxifies, but sometimes these substances interfere with detoxification.
- When toxins are not detoxified, they can cause damage to the body but there are fortunately many nutrients that can boost the body’s ability to detoxify toxins.
- Flavonoids are pigments that one can find in fruits and vegetables with about 6,000 varieties. Researchers have realized that these flavonoids have several health benefits.
"In a study published in the journal Nutrition Research, scientists from the U.S. and Mexico found that these nutrients help eliminate a toxin called inorganic arsenic from the body." Read more:
Trace minerals from deep in the ocean found to increase blood flowand reduce inflammation in the brain  
April 17, 2019 01:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Trace minerals from deep in the ocean found to increase blood flowand reduce inflammation in the brain
Those who follow paleobiology have a deep belief that life started within the ocean itself. Right now, those who are highly active in physical activity typically rely on supplemental beverages that include a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals, but they often include a lot of preservatives as well. Fortunately, a recent study showed that athletes are able to thrive and preform just as well when ingesting discovery of deep ocean minerals (DOMs) through natural avenues. - 70 minerals, sourced from the oceanic depths, were the recent focus of a multinational study.
- These specific 70 minerals, purports the study, may increase brain blood flow and hemoglobin post-exercise.
- Although athletes routinely ingest energy-boosting post-workout drinks, many are highly processed and replete with artificial ingredients.
"From this idea, scientists hypothesized that ingesting the minerals from deep ocean water may replenish incomplete molecular complexities and increase our physical capacity against energy-consuming and physically taxing challenges." Read more:
The best adaptogens to beat stress  
March 18, 2019 05:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The best adaptogens to beat stress
Foods are often talked about for their health benefits, but little emphasis is ever placed on the mental health benefits of such foods. To reduce the stress in your life you need adaptogens into the diet. Adaptogens are herbs, spices, and mushrooms that can help relieve stress in a natural way. Ashwagandha is a powerful herb that is an antioxidant and aphrodisiac that helps with stress. The root is ground and ingested. Tulsi is another herb that is known for physical well being and can assist those with high anxiety. Two mushrooms, Reishi and Cordyceps, are very potent Adaptogens and reduce fatigue while reducing stress. It helps both physically and emotionally. Finally, the Indian gooseberry known as Amla is cheap and effective. High in vitamin C, it also enhances cognitive functions. - Doctors and dietitians alike spoke volumes about the benefits of foods to help physical health but say little about foods for mental health.
- Adaptogens are spices, herbs, and mushrooms that are used in medicine to provide stress-relief in the natural way but they are often underrated.
- Ashwagandha is a herb that is a powerful antioxidant and aphrodisiac that can also contribute to stress relief and improve mental well-being.
"With stress being a major part of our lives today, it is imperative to make sure we get enough adaptogens into your diet." Read more:
Do Probiotics Help With UTIs For Women?  
February 25, 2019 08:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Do Probiotics Help With UTIs For Women?
Probiotics has been a recurring buzzword in healthcare the past few years. In her new article, Danielle Granger focuses on utilizing probiotics to help aid in the healing of urinary tract infections. She outlines the symptoms of UTIs, a description of what probiotics are, how they could potentially help with treating UTIs and possible ways in which to ingest them. As with all supplements and health advice, please ensure to consult a doctor when changing your routine as this article does not provide any recent scientific studies. - Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a broad category of infections involving the urethra, bladder and other parts of the urological system.
- UTIs create many very uncomfortable symptoms, including a constant, strong urge to urinate followed by painful urination that produces a small amount of often cloudy urine.
- Probiotics can crowd out bad bacteria and strengthen the overall health of your digestive and immune systems, making you less susceptible to UTIs.
"There have been many studies into ways to help women who experience recurrent UTIs, but one area which has been focused upon is whether probiotics could actually help with UTIs in women especially." Read more:
Learn how gotu kola reduces stress and anxiety  
February 21, 2019 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Learn how gotu kola reduces stress and anxiety
Gotu Kola has been studied and found to increase calm and alertness by one hundred percent in human. After only 60 minutes post ingestion the effects are demonstrated and showed a noteworthy reduction in startle response. A starting dose is three cups of gotu kola tea per day. There are a broad range of other health benefits which include boosts in cognitive function. It was found just as effective as folic acid. Alzheimer patients have also seen an improvement in mood and memory via the compound called triterpenes. Gotu Kola improves circulation and inflammation as well as aiding in restful sleep. - Gotu kola despite the name does not contain any stimulant like caffeine rather it is a relaxant herb that can be taken fresh or as a tea.
- Gotu kola can be used in culinary practice as part of recipes and also as a medicine in alternative medicine.
- Gotu kola has a lot of health benefits which include being used to treat mental fatigue, depression, memory loss, and insomnia.
"Gotu kola is a popular herbal remedy that has a long history of being used in Ayurvedic medicine due to its healing properties that can promote mental and emotional health." Read more:
Broccoli is one of the best detoxifying foods you'll ever find  
February 20, 2019 01:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Broccoli is one of the best detoxifying foods you'll ever find
Broccoli can really help your body’s ability to expel harmful toxins that you ingest or breathe in According to recent research, post-menopausal women who ate lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli showed a substantially lower risk of breast cancer, perhaps because broccoli improved their livers’ ability to detoxify their bodies. Likewise, a 12-week Johns Hopkins University study of almost 300 people in a heavily polluted part of rural China found that broccoli made their bodies much more efficient at excreting dangerous compounds like benzene and acrolein. - One major study found that post-menopausal women who ate lots of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables had a lower chance of breast cancer.
- A 12 week Johns Hopkins University study in a heavily polluted region of China found that broccoli improved excretion of harmful chemicals like benzene and acrolein.
- Broccoli can also promote better cardiac health, regulate your blood sugar and improve your immune system.
"These detoxifying benefits of broccoli can be attributed to the presence of phytonutrients called glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin." Read more:
Ginger found to be effective against many different types of cancer  
February 14, 2019 09:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Ginger found to be effective against many different types of cancer
Cancer, that one disease none of us will ever be able to escape. Outside of doing specifically bad things for your body such as smoking, there isn’t much said about helping prevent cancer of any type. This article attempts to assist in helping you make informed decisions. It focuses on ingesting ginger as a natural treatment that could halt the spreading of cells but also focuses on other healing attributes such as pain relief and protection for your liver. - The wide range of health benefits of ginger include treating nausea and alleviating pain, as well as preventing different types of cancer.
- As a natural treatment for cancer, numerous studies have found that ginger could prevent the spread of tumor cells to other parts of the body.
- One of the known ways through which ginger prevent cancer is by the ability to trigger mechanisms that cause the pro-aptosis gene in cancer cells to start working.
"Like its close relative turmeric, ginger is also a very powerful superfood." Read more:
Omega 3 Oil For Anxiety?  
February 01, 2019 04:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Omega 3 Oil For Anxiety?
There is some evidence that omega-3 supplements can be effective in relieving anxiety. Recently, a Japanese research team looked at 19 previous studies and concluded that large doses of omega-3 supplements can relieve symptoms in adults diagnosed with anxiety disorder (though not in children or those with un-diagnosed anxiety). As an alternative to supplements, Dr. Andrew Weil recommends the consumption of oily, cold water fish as a means of ingesting omega-3, and suggests breathing exercises and meditation as ways to lessen anxiety. - Our body cannot make omega-3 fatty acids and since they are needed by the body we have to get them from cold-water, oily fish.
- The two essential omega-3 fatty acids are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which supports heart health and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is part of nerve cell membranes.
- A study by Japanese researchers on omega-3 fatty acids found that it can help relieve anxiety disorders in people provided they are not below 18 years.
"There is some evidence that omega-3 supplements can help reduce anxiety in some people." Read more:
Why people love CBD - the cannabis product that won't get you high  
January 19, 2019 10:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Why people love CBD - the cannabis product that won't get you high
The CBD market is booming after the recent legalization of marijuana in many states. CBD is short for cannabidiol which is a compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. It is not a psychoactive- you do not get high from ingestion. It is commonly used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Further studies are being conducted to research its efficiency against arthritis and epilepsy. CBD is normally extracted into an oil or cream, but can be sold in a variety of products. - There are plenty of states now that are making the smoking of weed completely legal.
- Many old school individuals still feel that anything related to cannabis should not be legalized.
- People really do like CBD because it has the same effects as weed without getting you truly high.
"So, what exactly is CBD — and why are you able to get your hands on it even if you don't live in a state where cannabis is legal?" Read more:
Why your skin needs apple cider vinegar  
January 12, 2019 08:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Why your skin needs apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has many known health benefits including lowering cholesterol and helping with weight loss. However, there are also benefits from using it for your skin instead of just ingesting it. Apple cider vinegar can fight skin infections, help reduce body odor and fight dandruff. If you have a sensitive area due to a sunburn or mosquito bite, apple cider vinegar can also provide soothing relief. This will speed up the healing process as you will not be tempted to itch the affected areas. - Apple cider vinegar can fight bacteria and fungal growths on your skin.
- Since dandruff is caused by too much yeast growth on the scalp, using apple cider vinegar can provide the protection you need.
- A bath in apple cider vinegar can help heal skin that is damaged due to sunburn.
"The uses and benefits of ACV don’t end there: it’s also very popular in the world of beauty." Read more:
Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach  
November 21, 2018 03:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Almonds are good for your heart, brain, AND stomach
Almonds are an extremely versatile food. They can be added to just about any food. It also provides great benefits for your heart, stomach, and brain. Almonds can decrease one's heart attack risks. It can also regulate one's blood sugar and improve memory. In addition, Ingesting almonds long term can aid healthy gut microbiota and it can help prevent cancer. They can also help a person keep a healthy weight, and almonds can even extend a person's life. - Almonds are beneficial to the heart since they are rich in polyphenols and vitamin E that work as antioxidants and prevent free radicals from accumulating.
- Insulin resistance, especially in Type 2 diabetes patients, has been associated with magnesium deficiency
- Eating almonds can promote better memory by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain.
"Eating almonds is beneficial for heart, brain, and stomach health and function." Read more:
Multiple studies show using CBD Oil for sleep disorders may be yoursafest bet  
November 06, 2018 03:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff
Subject: Multiple studies show using CBD Oil for sleep disorders may be yoursafest bet
There are a lot of people that struggle with sleeping disorders. More people than you realize are ones that cannot get a good night sleep on a regular basis. It is something that really takes a toll on their bodies and can be really bad for their physical health. Understanding how to get enough sleep in your life is crucial to long term health. These new studies are showing that CBD oil is so important and could be the best bet for these individuals. - Most typical over the counter interventions for insomnia cone with predictable side effects such as dry mouth, constipation and blurry vision.
- Over the counter solutions are meant to be short-term, which means that users run the risk of more serious complications like liver toxicity with longtime usage.
- Besides allaying the emotions that may be causing sleeplessness, like anxiety and fearfulness, CBD oil helps users get to sleep and stay asleep more easily.
"Although medical cannabis is very effective in inducing sleepiness, many people do not want smoke or ingest weed. Also, many do not enjoy the psychoactive effects of the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)." Read more:
Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation  
October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff
Subject: Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation
Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You Lose Weight & Fight Inflammation The probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis, or B. lactis, is a powerhouse for gut health. Why is this strain of bacteria so important? One study published in 2015 showed that B. lactis could improve unpleasant and painful symptoms associated with poor gut motility, dysbiosis, and GI hypersensitivity. B. lactis is definitely one of the “good guys” of the gut bacteria world because it contributes to a healthy and balanced microbiome, which positively affects balanced blood sugar and optimal weight maintenance. - While probiotics are ingested live organisms that are good for gut health, a prebiotic is food that helps these organisms thrive.
- Bifidobacterium lactis in fermented milk is good for gut health because it improves gastrointestinal symptoms and well-being.
- Oral health is tied to gut health in intricate ways. Studies with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has shown this truth.
"A particular strain of B. lactis, known as HN019, has been shown to have a significant impact on those with metabolic syndrome. This probiotic had beneficial effects on inflammation, nitric oxide metabolites, and antioxidant measurements, and the authors of the study stated that if their results are confirmed, supplementation with this probiotic should be considered further." Read more:
Brewer's yeast, a potential probiotic?  
September 07, 2018 10:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Brewer's yeast, a potential probiotic?
Brewer's yeast, a potential probiotic? Probiotic is current trend amongst consumers and are increasingly popular for their health benefits.brewers yeast is an essential commodity for making bread and beer.A study reveals brewers yeast tolerant to various temperatures high concentration of bile salt and sodium chloride gastric juice, intestinal environment, alpha-amylase, trypsin, and lysozyme,it produces organic acids and exhibits resistance against drugs.brewers yeast can absorb cholestrol and can also produce killer toxins and also demonstrated better antibacterial activity against gram-negative bacteria than gram-positive.brewers yeast also produces enzymes that enhance nutrient utilisation in the gut. - A study concluded that brewer’s yeast can be considered a probiotic of which yoghurt and kimchi are one.
- Brewer’s yeast can produce organic acids, killer toxins and absorb cholesterol. It has the ability to produce enzymes such as amylase for gut nutrient utilization.
- Some of the health benefits of brewer’s yeast which is used in beer and bread are that it improves blood sugar and fights against cancer.
"Ingestion of brewer’s yeast was also considered safe as it did not cause any toxic side effects based on the results of toxicity tests." Read more:
12 Reasons To Use Digestive Bitters For Better Digestion And More  
August 03, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 12 Reasons To Use Digestive Bitters For Better Digestion And More
12 Reasons To Use Digestive Bitters For Better Digestion And More Digestive bitters have been around since the 16th century, and they made a huge comeback in the mid-20th century. Ingesting digestive bitters after you've had a meal can help line your stomach and prepare it for the contractions that go along with healthy digestion. It is also known to help ease problematic symptoms such as gas and bloating that can go along with food intolerance issues or just the digestion process of certain foods in general. - Digestive bitters help line the stomach and prepare the body for the contractions that the stomach will experience.
- Digestive bitters also help with gas and bloating when it comes to foods that increase these symptoms.
- Your liver will also receive a break while you ingest these digestive bitters.
"Together, these comprise four of our five taste senses, but the fifth flavor is virtually absent from our modern day diets." Read more:
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs  
June 23, 2018 09:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs
Leucine: The Muscle-Building Amino Acid Your Body Needs Leucine is a branched chain amino acid that is vital to building muscle, and can help to keep fat and blood sugar under control and prevent muscle deterioration in older athletes. It also has a role in promoting muscle recovery. Good dietary sources of leucine include grass-fed beef, venison, elk, tuna, chicken, lentils, wheat germ, hemp seeds, spirulina, and especially eggs. Leucine, like other branched chain amino acids, can only be ingested, not produced in the body. - Leucine is an amino acid that plays an important role in building and keeping muscle.
- Leucine Is also important to managing your body’s fat and blood sugar levels, and to helping muscles recover from fatigue and strain.
- Leucine can be found in foods like grass-fed beef, elk, venison, lentils, wheat germ, hemp seed, and especially in eggs.
"Keep reading for what you need to know about this branched-chain amino acid and how it can affect your health." Read more:
Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver  
June 22, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver
Make an INFORMED decision: Everything you need to know about colloidal silver There is a rich history that goes back for centuries, associating the use of colloidal silver with the treatment of wounds and various illnesses. Today, the FDA does not acknowledge the use of colloidal silver as medicinal, calling assertions by practitioners and users as "unfounded."
Nonetheless, many practitioners and users have found the substance to be of high value, particularly in the treatment of wounds, burns, cuts and infections. Colloidal silver is deemed to be both antiseptic and antimicrobial. Neither is colloidal silver associated with any serious side effects, save one. Unfortunately, the 'one' is a doozy and responsible for much of the foot-dragging, when it comes to accepting colloidal silver.
It seems that it is possible to have the skin turn blue, a condition called, "argyria," with the taking in of too much colloidal silver. However, although the condition is real and not reversible, it is also highly unlikely, considering the normal dose users ingest of colloidal silver is one teaspoon and that dose would have to go up to 48 teaspoons every day, for an entire year to possibly have enough in the system to develop argyria. - Colloidal silver has a long, rich history as a treatment for wounds, burns, cuts, sprains and infections.
- Colloidal silver's benefits, which have been observed by both practitioners and users, are undoubtedly the result of its being both antiseptic and antimicrobial.
- The normal recommended dose used by those that ingest colloidal silver is one single teaspoon, which is far to small an amount to develop argyria, a rare side effect.
"There are are a number of misconceptions about colloidal silver being spread around as “truth,” while the facts regarding its uses and benefits are being obscured — as is the case for so many alternative treatments these days." Read more:
Here's How to Actually Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables  
June 04, 2018 01:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Here's How to Actually Remove Pesticides From Fruits and Vegetables
Pesticide residue now commonly occurs on all fresh produce (including organic produce which uses natural pesticides). Those who believe pesticide consumption is directly linked to serious diseases like cancers can follow four at-home tips to drastically reduce the Ingestion if pesticides. These include rinsing with water, soaking in a vinegar solution and then rinsing with cold water, using a rinse or spray made by combining water and baking soda, lightly boiling the produce, or removing the outer skin or peel even after rinsing. (abstract 3BFF0DJK8XD4TEZ8ZHPSH2AZMNFTSJ 3RXCAC0YIRQLS9WMSLPIPCRWJ108G7 ASOCCHWQV6D39)
How green tea could help prevent heart attacks  
June 03, 2018 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How green tea could help prevent heart attacks
How green tea could help prevent heart attacks Scientists from the University of Leeds and Lancaster University have discovered that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a compound found in green tea, can bind to and dissolve or break up amyloid protein deposits. Amyloid is the key causative agent in Alzheimer’s, but it is also found in atherosclerotic plaques, and the impact of EGCG can therefore help reduce plaque inside the arteries. While this research is promising, the body destroys most of the EGCG it ingests, and the absorption and transport of the molecule is highly inefficient, suggesting more research on delivery of ECGC is needed. - Green tea is noted for its ability to aid in weight loss and building up immunity.
- Now, University researchers are finding that the tea has a substance that could aid in breaking up dangerous plaque in human arteries.
- Already under review for its possible ability to reduce amyloid plaques in the brain, the substance appears to have an ameliorating affect on fatty deposits in the blood vessels as well.
"Green tea could be key to help prevent deaths from heart attacks and strokes caused by atherosclerosis." Read more:
Probiotics are the guts' best friends  
May 31, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Probiotics are the guts' best friends
Probiotics are the guts' best friends Probiotics are important not only for digestive health, but also a person's overall health as well. Benefits of probiotics include relief from symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, but can also extend to other parts of the body, such as helping the body better ingest vitamins and minerals. Maintaining a healthy diet can help make sure the body maintains the necessary probiotics; however, some foods are better for consuming probiotics than others. Foods such as yogurt and miso are some of the best sources of probiotics. As part of a healthy lifestyle, reduce stress, eat healthy, and use antibiotics only when necessary to keep the gut a healthy home for probiotics. - Probiotics assist the human gut by creating an acid environment, suitable for the absorption of minerals.
- They can slow down chronic hypersensitivity to various ingestible items, thereby assisting with autoimmune conditions and regulating inflammation.
- These helpful strains of bacteria also secrete substances that aid in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic substances in the gut.
"Research has shown that either single-strain or multi-strain probiotic or prebiotic supplements can reduce palpitations, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance and discomfort." Read more:
Experts Weigh in on Safe Cannabis Consumption  
January 19, 2018 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Experts Weigh in on Safe Cannabis Consumption
As cannabis legalization spreads across the US, the debate is in for what is safe consumption. While any drug should be done with limitations, those limitations, especially for amount and duration need to be developed, as well as how you should properly interact with the drug. While there is no worry about a "THC overdose" they still need to determine what the long term detrimental effects are of the drug as well as which is better for the body. Should you smoke it? Vaporize it? Ingest it? Is it better in its pure THC form or is there benefit from the plant. More studies will follow. - The state of Vermont is trying to figure out what the best way it is for people to use.
- They aren't moving to a complete retail model and will still control the supply of the drug
- The debate still centers around the difference between edibles, smoking or vaping when it comes to consumption.
"For the thousands of Vermonters who choose to use recreationally, what will the equivalent of a "drink responsibly" campaign for cannabis look like?" Read more: (abstract 3GKAWYFRAPU0ZXNJLALJHTN2U2FPDF 345LHZDEDXTIWURB09J32AKC2D63UZ A2KDAMD5LF5QIB)(authorquote 3G4VVJO6PZH8D3TTDR76L6ISECCPKU 3P4RDNWND57O8HY09DMCZEDQ4FEJIS A2KDAMD5LF5QIB)(keypoints 3UQVX1UPFSIA86LJ70MC69VQP5R02R 3OXV7EAXLERXUJ1A4RL0M46WZR763J A2KDAMD5LF5QIB)
I Put Apple Cider Vinegar In My Baths. Here Are 5 Reasons Why  
January 01, 2018 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: I Put Apple Cider Vinegar In My Baths. Here Are 5 Reasons Why
Apple cider Vinegar has known health benefits when added to your daily diet, but there are also ways you can benefit from using Apple cider Vinegar without ingesting it. When added to your bath, your skin benefits form the rich vitamins and minerals in ACV. It can also treat several stubborn skin conditions and even eliminate stubborn BO. find out here how to add it to your bath and what other benefits it can provide. - Apple cider vinegar usage often increases vitamin C content, complex B vitamins bioavailability, and releases a range of trace minerals.
- Apple cider vinegar can help reduce body odor when used in baths or as a scrub as the acidity can break down bacteria.
- Apple cider vinegar is a natural treatment for skin conditions such as athlete's foot or acne, as it treats underlying causes of skin damage.
"By adding ACV to your bath, you’re providing the body’s largest organ with a potent source of nutrients that will promote skin cell recovery and greater elasticity." Read more: (abstract 3DQYSJDTYLCA0C3A3W6KHORQM8REX3 32UTUBMZ7GXNC4KOKS8EGFK6I1TVBY A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)(authorquote 3CRWSLD91K5LIRHVJ377BJ56J7GMO0 3DIP6YHAPCTN8V0VMQZUP96JA1VE84 A1DCGB72N1UIPT)(keypoints 3LN3BXKGC0WTVQUBZM0MF8YVYFPWGS 33IZTU6J812EXF6LVTVRUPRSMPISXU A1KXSMITOOH39B)
Artificial sweeteners may increase risk of diabetes in two weeks, study claims  
December 31, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Artificial sweeteners may increase risk of diabetes in two weeks, study claims
A new study out of Australia has shown that in as little as two weeks, using no calorie sugar substitutes can actually increase your risk for type 2 diabetes. These sweeteners can actually increase your glucose tolerance, causing weight gain and high blood sugar levels in your system. This is a concern that affects both diabetics who use them to avoid ingesting sugar as well as those without diabetes who can become sick using them. - Low-calorie sweeteners are safe and do not contribute to an eventual diagnosis of diabetes.
- Low-calorie sweeteners also do not harm people that have already been diagnosed with diabetes. There are no ill effects.
- Artificial sweeteners are contributing to weight gain and other negative body issues.
"Artificial sweeteners could potentially increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in two weeks, says research that fuels ongoing debate over the sugar substitutes’ long-term health effects." Read more: (abstract 3421H3BM9AISAW74EHBXY1I0JQU9JN 3DR23U6WE5F66FSJPOAPG526MYHETW A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)(authorquote 34KYK9TV2R94XS5RZVY7H84D39BSBX 3WLEIWSYHOIO6QP8WAYZ0LQTE1XH2O A1DCGB72N1UIPT)(keypoints 3VLL1PIENQPLHYGEYSX1JL1F63KOZX 34X6J5FLPTZ1PFMJMLRL8G4CT3GQJD A1QXMYNHMPWZCV)
How much fiber is too much?  
December 30, 2017 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How much fiber is too much?
Fiber is a necessity. It helps with digestion and the formation of proper bowel movements. A diet should contain plenty of natural foods that are high in fiber like vegetables and fruits. While most people get far to little fiber, it is possible to get to much. If you are consuming 70 mg a day, you will start to have GI problems. This includes bloating, gas, and diarrhea. It is best to avoid fiber supplements and foods artificially high in fiber. - The average person only gets about 15 grams of fiber per day.
- Too much fiber can lead to unpleasant symptoms including bloating, constipation, and diarrhea.
- You would need to get more than 70 grams of fiber in one day to feel any unpleasant symptoms.
"You’d need to ingest over 70 grams to experience the unpleasant symptoms that too much fiber can bring on (namely, GI distress like bloating, constipation, or diarrhea). Considering the average person only gets about 15 grams of fiber a day, you’d probably have to try pretty hard to go overboard." Read more: (abstract 3M7OI89LVYPIKZZ06IRZRNE33LX6CB 3VAR3R6G1P29KMDKG42QUL0XAUQ8O5 AWL2ANQVSSGOS)(authorquote 33CLA8O0MICI9UHUP8KYAOQ2WL3FRT 3C8HJ7UOP7V04FTVCENQF18WE3JMZA A2YCX0X9XENLPN)(keypoints 3U74KRR67MM7D173RL86I80TVXTTN7 3NPI0JQDAO6A36H9Y2Q0AH1BM9IPTN ACMH2JRNJZJ1P)
5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health  
December 28, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 5 Ways Hemp Can Benefit Your Health
Hemp is starting to make its way back onto the shelf. No longer just a rope, oil or thought of as cannabis, it is now being ingested for its taste and health benefits. Hemp seeds are known to have high amounts of protein as well good fats for your diet. The fats, like essential fatty acids, help you in your diet and promote positive growth. They are also an amazing superfood, on par with kale for nutrients and ability to improve your body. - People are starting to find out more about hemp that they can try. They are amazed at the benefits that hemp can have for their health.
- A small sample of hemp can introduce new users to its advantages. Hemp is a great choice and the product has helped people in the past.
- The hemp seed may be small, but it ends up being mighty too. Hemp is one of the best options that consumers want to try for themselves.
"Big things really do come in small packages - the idiomatic expression holds much value with this small but mighty seed." Read more: (abstract 3UV0D2KX1MKB8OFWEWOL2VFSD6SF4Q 38SKSKU7R1YU37M0CYYPFTQI5D6ILV A2KDAMD5LF5QIB)(authorquote 3MZ3TAMYTLO2JLJKQGQJDL3ULC5IR4 3KAKFY4PGU3DN3WB6SUPJ7W15RW3IJ A113T8MMG20RCD)(keypoints 3Z56AA6EK41VTLBRJ7LDUJJF6YD6MC 3R0T90IZ1SDN4CMZ9X5NRYNFWRKGC5 A1CTJ8UT7SF317)
4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally  
December 12, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 4 Easy Tricks To Remove Pesticides From Your Produce, Naturally
Pesticides are needed to keep pests off of produce when it is growing, but ingesting these pesticides can be harmful to the health! Rather than risk your good health while trying to eat right, you can remove the pesticides from the produce quickly and easily, eliminating any worries. It is rather simple to remove pesticides off of your produce. Use one of these four tricks and pesticides on your produce is the least of your concerns. - even after making it to the supermarket dangerous pesticides are often still on produce.
- the toxicity from pesticides can cause damage to the brain and central nervous system.
- water with apple cider vinegar mixed in can clean and remove dangerous pesticides.
"But the vast majority of Americans have no real concept of just how toxic most fruits and vegetables really are." Read more: (abstract 3XDJY5RK5SM0R6CM9LJKOVGVK4DU4T 3Z9WI9EOZZPJN6TYLG430HCOEJ2HKE A1GGKSW85B9DYY)(authorquote 3YO4AH2FPDLR0PN49BCD2RTT08QQ05 3FTF2T8WLRJH305WCIZEBB8VIDDW99 A3LOAHDN0R7WFX)(keypoints 3WA2XVDZEMIXHXJE29XUHBE6U8XE6R 3KOPY89HM839IEGHOAFPV8B1GQZ3JB A92S3IRW6GYW8)
How to Banish Parasites with Papaya Seeds  
November 27, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How to Banish Parasites with Papaya Seeds
If you have gastro intestinal issues including diarrhea, cramps, stool changes or even unexplained weight loss, it could be due to intestinal parasites. An infection of parasites is difficult to diagnose and cure but natural remedies have found to be effective in preventing and getting rid of parasites. Papaya seeds have several enzymes whose actions on the digestive system make it either inhospitable to parasites or kill them when Ingested. Papaya is also all natural and is as effective as antibiotics for parasitic infections. (abstract 34R0BODSP101YTJ0XQNPP506VTP5EY 3DQQ64TANGM2VNL3T7VBX189GW2PWP A8OCUP28K7HRB)
What Nobody Tells You About Celery And What Happens To Your Body Once You Include It In Your Meals!  
October 30, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Nobody Tells You About Celery And What Happens To Your Body Once You Include It In Your Meals!
Celery is a miracle vegetable, and can be used for many purposes other than just for basic eating. Celery is a stem from a vegetable and a natural "remedy" food. Can be used in soups, salads, foods, and even for weight loss. It has many health properties that it can promote.It is a diuretic vegetable which means it can rid the body of the toxins it has. Celery contains many vitamins and minerals, and also contains a large amount of liquid water. It can also assist in bowel movements, and the movement of the intestines. It also strengthens the auto-immune system, and has anti-bacterial properties. There are also many ways celery can be cooked and certain ways can take advantage of certain properties of celery. - Include celery in meals and enjoy some of the advantages that it offers. Learn more about celery and what might happen to the body once it is included.
- Minerals such as Potassium and Phosphorus are valuable for anyone trying them. Sodium and calcium might also be vital minerals to Ingest over time.
- Take note of what happens to the body once the minerals are Ingested. People may feel healthier and want to improve their diet over time too.
"Celery is rich in flavanoids, vitamins, minerals like pottassiun, phosphorus, sodium and calcium and so its is very useful" (abstract 3IWA71V4TIH6NXAVXENM50ZD7FVX65 37UQDCYH6XW0ASHY7BWYBDYA7ULV75 A2MG0QUSYOOJUH)(authorquote 39HYCOOPKOMUEUQ6TUTR0PT7HX3MD7 3OF2M9AATGP5ERTSR2AA0OGS1Q0ZKQ A27NBGO9FXJS8Q)(keypoints 371DNNCG443MAUKZLJJN0BAY0E48TQ 382M9COHEHGL6S78PT0ZL1O8GCQUEG A1CTJ8UT7SF317)
Water Fluoridation  
October 13, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Water Fluoridation
Water Fluoridation is adding fluoride to water. The United States puts fluoride in over 70% of their water supply. This is most of any country by far. Putting fluoride into water was first implemented to help with dental issues. Scientists are now starting to realize the harmful effects of fluoride. Fluoride is a poison. Especially since the benefit of fluoride comes from topical use, not from ingesting. Communities all over the United States are now starting to realize the harmful effects of fluoride. Fluoride is outdated and unnecessary. - When used to prevent disease fluoride acts as a drug.
- Fluoride’s biggest benefit comes from contact with the teeth. You do not need to swallow fluoride.
- Fluoridation is causing children to have a discoloration of the teeth.
"The most obvious reason to end fluoridation is that it is now known that fluoride’s main benefit comes from topical contact with the teeth, not from ingestion." Read more: (abstract 37M4O367VJJZAHBDEOB82D5F2VMM58 3TR2532VIPV8FX3Z7CDN2BNKBHRJ66 A3J9LVPWQ4P8TZ)(authorquote 307FVKVSYRGYTV0QWDQ9E32B7AX74E 3BWI6RSP7GAJ8HVCCL7OB9AO1KL7EE AMVBZXM810ZMA)(keypoints 3J5XXLQDHMCFMPIIEXO6ACQ8FS8V39 3PPTZCWALQLRPURN47U7WAS1UHAZQ0 A3IB7YJHP04OHI)
The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew  
October 10, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The 5 health benefits of eating Millet you never knew
Millet is a crop that is native to Africa and Asia, and is considered a primary source of both carbs and proteins for inhabitants close to where it is grown. Millet is garnering attention from scientists because it is almost impervious to insects and diseases, lending important components to the plant's potential positive impact of benefitting the health of those who ingest it. Millet has five main benefits, including anticancer attributes, it may play a pivotal role in stopping type 2 diabetes, it has a positive impact on the cardiovascular system, it may aid in partially lowering cholesterol, and finally, millet aids in positively impacting bowel health and movements. - Millet, as a potential staple crop, is beginning to draw attention from Western scientists due to its many health and agricultural benefits.
- Millet requires less water to grow than most grains and is naturally disease resistant. It's also highly nutritious.
- Replacing or supplementing wheat with millet may inhibit cancer growth and lower cholesterol. It may also have health benefits for people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
"The nutritional value of Millet is also what is making this crop more attractive for western nations." Read more: (abstract 3YO4AH2FPDLR0PN49BCD2RTTVJEQ0A 3PMBY0YE2748P2ZRVRZDZH1RAAWC9P A1WVM5IWW4ZC4U)(authorquote 3EHIMLB7F70W5LT4LP2YMS7ANUVH8T 3VP0C6EFSGXYG59KA9QFI3F1EOX6MX A3TD3PWJ8BU2H1)(keypoints 3GITHABACYMDT2DQ86OAHLR3N6CN25 3YT88D1N08Z4TYMZ6VF1WNBDFU93KW A2JI9PL1ZOJP4G)
Powerful Ear Acupressure Points to Treat Pains  
October 03, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Powerful Ear Acupressure Points to Treat Pains
As a supplement and ingredient in a wide variety of recipes, ginger has been used for thousands of years—not only in the Far East, but also in Europe. Different cultures incorporate this spicy root into their dishes because it’s so flavorful, but also because of its health benefits. In India they grate it into their tea, while in Japan ginger is used in miso soup, and in Greece it goes well with fish. However, there’s another great way to enjoy ginger’s benefits: By using ginger oil. Used on the skin, rather than Ingested, ginger oil has been known to relieve minor aches and pain. Did you know that ginger oil can also reduce swelling and bloating, aid in digestion, kill microorganisms in the body, and help the blood circulate normally. - The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We are trying to provide a perfect, valid, specific, detailed
- we are not a licensed professional so make sure with your professional consultant in case you need. All the content published in our channel is our own creativity.
- Powerful Ear Acupressure Points to Treat Pains , Ear acupressure is one tool you can keep in your self care tool bag. This blog post is an introductory how-to guide for doing it yourself
"Pinching the lower middle part of your ear will provide relief in your sinuses and throat." (abstract 39AYGO6AFFL1B3WRV80D7Y8F3V96N4 378XPAWRUCED7OVWF79Z6FA6S5QAIB A2L7M8D7D72MQ2)(authorquote 3AQN9REUTFHU8BFKCXH2UKGEO1BDY4 3RWE2M8QWHB9KC85KLPYMHUA5N2N0H A2M30XNO5Q96EO)(keypoints 3HXK2V1N4KG7JAW4L2BFR1I6MFT2GL 3JRJSWSMQHM17YUPA94YYSY8UJ93EF A2L7M8D7D72MQ2)
Do You Eat Ginger? Then You Should Watch This!  
October 02, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Do You Eat Ginger? Then You Should Watch This!
As a supplement and ingredient in a wide variety of recipes, ginger has been used for thousands of years—not only in the Far East, but also in Europe. Different cultures incorporate this spicy root into their dishes because it’s so flavorful, but also because of its health benefits. In India they grate it into their tea, while in Japan ginger is used in miso soup, and in Greece it goes well with fish. However, there’s another great way to enjoy ginger’s benefits: By using ginger oil. Used on the skin, rather than Ingested, ginger oil has been known to relieve minor aches and pain. Did you know that ginger oil can also reduce swelling and bloating, aid in digestion, kill microorganisms in the body, and help the blood circulate normally. - Adding some drops of ginger oil to a vaporizer can help fight the flu and sooth your throat, giving you relief from the common cold
- Ginger oil helps with a variety of pains and is a great anti-inflammatory
- You do not have to worry about purchasing ginger oil because it can be made at home
"Used on the skin, rather than Ingested, ginger oil has been known to relieve minor aches and pains" (abstract 3WYZV0QBFJECT9RQT54UGGL5JAUBXE 3F1567XTNW6CJ39A0908JMQ8DXP9QY A2L7M8D7D72MQ2)(authorquote 3MA5N0ATTCCYXCQUPDL1D0QOX27WK0 3P4RDNWND57O8HY09DMCZEDPITFIJW A4SR3ONSWTC4H)(keypoints 3QI9WAYOGQCYRGOW34HZ6SILQVH6SI 32UTUBMZ7GXNC4KOKS8EGFK6IREVBZ A1CIMVT5OFGCWA)
Nutritionist Reveals Five Prebiotic Foods That Can Feed Your Gut  
August 15, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Nutritionist Reveals Five Prebiotic Foods That Can Feed Your Gut
You could be doing your best to make sure that you are ingesting healthy probiotics, but without prebiotics, foods that fuel probiotics, you are not receiving the benefits you are expecting. A nutritionist shares the foods that you need to feed the good bacteria in your gut to maintain your gut and overall health. These foods are easily found in your local supermarkets and can be incorporated into your daily meal plans and beside being prebiotics, they have other health benefits as well. - Psyllium can be purchased at local grocery stores or health food stores and can be incorporated into your diet in a variety of ways
- Leeks and asparagus are sources of the prebiotic fibre called inulin along with other health benefits
- Garlic and oats also have important prebiotic fibres present in them and can be added to a variety of meals for an added health boost
"Prebiotics feed the good bacteria we already have in our digestive system," Read more: (abstract 3OZ4VAIBEXGQ73K7HIGTQJ7X9DLVJM 32N49TQG3GJITUFWEE8IL400UG9AV7 A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)(authorquote 3R6RZGK0XFDG2SF63IHW06MLMIYVYM 3U5JL4WY5KAVVU4A5SZ9WMBLIHVX4W A1L7HLYPVQNKFS)(keypoints 3BDORL6HKKEB6IXKY6UX2I5ZYOBCRA 3U5JL4WY5KAVVU4A5SZ9WMBLIIHX4K A23CTGXNDDW5LC)
Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut  
August 13, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Mice fed tryptophan develop immune cells that foster a tolerant gut
Tryptophan is a fundamental building block of protein. A study was conducted on genetically identical mice that were separated and raised in different environments, which led to the finding that environmental factors were a high contributor in regards to developing an immunity to irritable bowel disease. Bacteria highly affects the immune system because the mice that were raised in sterile conditions grew the immune cells. Doctor Luisa Cervantes-Barragan conducted the study. Tryptophan is common in both mouse and the human balanced food diet. - Tryptophan ingestion in mice leads to formation of micros that fight IBS
- Humans suffering from IBS can benefit diets high in tryptophan
- Foods high in protein such as eggs , chocolate, and cheese have these compounds.
"People have the same tolerance-promoting cells as mice, and most of us shelter L. reuteri in our gastrointestinal tracts." Read more: (abstract 3566S7OX5DKH1W379V77G5V8T8571H 36V4Q8R5ZK1RQNS4PI4DO8WS6IYMQD A30ROPCG8941ZI)(authorquote 3HEM8MA6H9DUO6ROQWR3HSU11KCQPN 37TRT2X24QSEL9KU33UVDR9CHBMBJH A1DCGB72N1UIPT)(keypoints 3FO95NVK5C1RDZMGVSKXHN9HKQOSR9 3PJ71Z61R43O2ZPTFUATILI0ZUQ918 A2ANLYFY8COULI)
The goodness of matcha tea  
August 02, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The goodness of matcha tea
Matcha tea is a precursor of sorts to green tea and is well known and loved in Asian cultures. It is a powder made of the stone ground leaves of green tea. Since you ingest the whole leaf this way, matcha is said to provide more benefits in the form of phytochemicals, antioxidants and other components known to provide health benefits. Normally available as a powder for making a beverage, it is also commonly used as an ingredient in cooking, especially baking or when creating sweet dishes. - Matcha tea is considered to be better than green tea for consumption. That is because it is simply a healthier drink to choose.
- Matcha tea has higher levels of antioxidants in its makeup. That could ward off diseases and various infections for drinkers.
- Chlorophyll and other amino acids may be found in the tea. Researchers have taken an all new look at Matcha tea for consumption.
"Matcha tea is considered better than green tea in all respects because of its higher antioxidant levels, chlorophyll and other amino acids, says Sunita Roy Chowdhary, chief dietitian, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi." Read more: (abstract 33IXYHIZB5J9ZW0DF7LRRYXU7UE2ES 3NG53N1RLVKR5MPLV4F5JL5NHXD8P6 A8OCUP28K7HRB)(authorquote 3IQ9O0AYW60FZ0WCU5VED04CZ0ZITA 3SEPORI8WN0Z2EK6FBXL6ADWHKMZAO A15IPJRZY6WDYQ)(keypoints 3P4ZBJFX2V4NHQYGO2U4XNYJN6NWFT 3X87C8JFV6CUOI599F0Z0HVYYYAQS5 A1CTJ8UT7SF317)
Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux  
July 29, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux
Do you have acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn? Almost everyone does at some time or another. It's caused by the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus. The burning sensation you feel is from that stomach acid attacking the lining of your esophagus.
The most common causes of acid reflux are eating too fast or too much in one sitting, a poor diet and chronic stress. If you're a heartburn sufferer, it's a good idea to work on these problems to eliminate the reflux. But in the meantime, if you want to knock out hearburn stat, here are some ideas:
A teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sipped until the reflux goes away is a sure-fire cure. Baking soda is alkaline so it offsets the acid in your esophagus. Other remedies include drinking ginger tea and apple cider vinegar. - Acid reflux occurs when acid from your stomach move up your digestive tract, burning your espohagus
- Acid reflux is likely caused by high stress levels and an unhealthy or limited diet
- You can improve your diet and stress, but there are also some natural remedies you can ingest to treat reflux
"In this post, I’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for acid reflux." Read more: (abstract 3HA5ODM5KATJ663X4CP7IKYK4WPSVP 3A0EX8ZRN8P4GYFTP3VYNEO0QRYYBL ADVP1URNC7106)(authorquote 3UOMW19E6D7M1VZM1ZHUZH03556C5D 3NVC2EB65Q0ZD3BGAAGS5VQO2ZY3YC A3JK4DZ95IXN5P)(keypoints 3FBEFUUYRK6URK22M4V8LSOF2KIA6M 3P4RDNWND57O8HY09DMCZEDPBUMIJY A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)
Could cranberries boost your 'good bacteria'?  
July 16, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Could cranberries boost your 'good bacteria'?
Xlogucans are indigestible sugars, located on the cell walls of cranberries. Scientists now know, that while void of nutritive value for their human ingestor, xlogucans are nonetheless of high value to certain strains of bacteria found inside the intestinal walls of those human ingestors. These strains of bacteria are beneficial because they promote metabolic processes, which in turn produce energy for human hosts. When these bacteria multiply, the event is inherently valuable to the human organism in which the bacteria reside. This multiplication occurs when the bacteria feed off these specific sugars, found in cranberries. Data, which shows that xlogucans are broken down in the gut and absorbed by beneficial bacteria, which may in turn break down the already broken down compounds of xlogucan even further, in order to benefit other useful forms of bacteria, may prove to be of value in the development of new and better probiotics. Read more: Could cranberries boost your 'good bacteria'? (abstract 3D7VY91L65Y1ZXSMFY2L5Z579DXBMS 34S6N1K2ZVKU7CBG6GG4FHP2CJ9HLQ A1X84CLJ7N1PLZ)
Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017  
July 06, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Home REMEDIES for PILES that Actually works? | Health tips 2017
Your body can throw you for a loop at any time. You wake up with a sore throat the day you're set to make a major presentation, a seafood-salad sandwich leaves you with grumbling indigestion, or you overdo it at the gym and arrive home with a stiff neck. Wouldn't it be great to have a live-in doctor/therapist/trainer to tend to your everyday aches and pains? Here's the next best thing: all-natural, expert-recommended ways to treat ailments quickly, safely, and effectively at home. So clear some space in your bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and kitchen cupboard for these surprisingly effective (and inexpensive) remedies. - Applying apple cider vinegar (with a cotton ball) to the inflamed area will help shrink swollen blood vessels and provide relief to those suffering from both internal and external hemorrhoids.
- Juice from a freshly squeezed lemon can either be applied externally (with a cotton ball) or Ingested by mixing with milk and drinking. Should be repeated 3 times each day for best results.
- The easiest remedy for treating hemorrhoids is simply to increase your daily intake of water to 8 to 10 glasses.
"As many as 75% of people in the United States will be affected by hemorrhoids also known as piles." (abstract 356ZPKYPUHI3X8IAH68XUEX3ZIKPYT 3V5Q80FXIXS9CII9HP9XWRPJMID320 A3DOKPTKFK5AYN)(authorquote 3FBEFUUYRK6URK22M4V8LSOF1MSA6Z 3LS2AMNW5FRFQQDG2YJQGCLXXFOQOX AAXG6BIUUDS9A)(keypoints 3X0EMNLXEPQMTEN5CVLDNFT9H1JPVL 35BLDD71I6YJU2N4Q6OH2XR9YB7ZV3 A1MA1GEJQD8T63)
Here's what dandelion roots can do for you: Digestion, blood flow, eyesight and more  
June 30, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Here's what dandelion roots can do for you: Digestion, blood flow, eyesight and more
With its basis in traditional Chinese and Arabic medicine, the dandelion root can provide more health benefits than one might imagine. From liver detoxification and gallbladder health to getting rid of eczema and decreasing inflammation, this powerful root can really do a body good. The best way to ingest to root is through tea, which you can find at your local grocery store or even in your own back yard. If you prefer the home grown approach, you can pick the dandelions from your yard, boil them, and have tea ready to drink within 40 minutes. - Potassium in dandelion roots helps the kidney process of filtering blood and the roots also stimulate blood circulation.
- Dandelion roots have a high level of antioxidants which aid in preventing inflammation.
- Dandelion roots can aid in protecting the lungs, helping the gallbladder, maintaining eyesight, and soothing the digestive system.
"Taraxacerin, a bitter compound found in dandelion roots, is known to increase bile production." Read more: (abstract 3ZXV7Q5FJBPE3SSB7BU3LTRGUJSCF8 3IJXV6UZ1XK565HDHIVL15ZGHA6IRA A370BI4BGH8VXJ)(authorquote 3IHWR4LC7DEW1G4OR7KJM48PKKC8I2 3KOPY89HM839IEGHOAFPV8B0OCWJ32 A1DCGB72N1UIPT)(keypoints 35U0MRQMUJ848EB4XV8YYFOJ7RDVOQ 3L70J4KAZGNWZDFANT8OFIUTP21ADL A2XCPGGYHA6LQ8)
How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease  
June 04, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease
One more reason to celebrate coconut oil! Coconut oil can be used for so many things -- from healing dry skin to easing constipation. However, coconut oil also shows promise to aid in easing Alzheimer's symptoms! In an exciting new study soon to be published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease titled, “Coconut Oil Attenuates the Effects of Amyloid-ß on Cortical Neurons In Vitro.”, researchers found that adding coconut oil can have positive effects on the brain soon after it's ingested, helping to heal the brain of what is known as "type 3 diabetes". Researchers believe coconut oil shows great promise in helping extend the brain functions of Alzheimer's patients and warrants more research. - Neuron cells from rats were exposed to the peptides that are found to cause Alzheimer's Disease and coconut oil. Results show that coconut oil may act as a neuroprotective against Alzheimer's.
- Research shows that the chemical compounds found in coconut oil may act as an energy source for neurons battling Alzheimer peptides.
- Some argue that food as medicine should be a doctrine that is further explored. Because walnuts and coconuts contains fatty acids that feed the brain and resemble the brain as well.
"Could the poetry of our direct experience tell us something about the value this food has to our brain" Read more: (abstract 30IRMPJWDZKTPG98QJBVQ1I71W9RKN 3F6KKYWMNB23JW9ZWXDT1OETMFDDNV AHAF0VRBZ5JJP)(authorquote 3E22YV8GG179L9EWA4ZMDYZWU9RNPX 3CFJTT4SXTRVOMXY84XFWO8GE5HI7S A36YUG9A0TB36B)(keypoints 3OND0WXMHWGDEM3VYSOYE23WUQGHEX 3WRFBPLXRAP51472387HOFSHV2ZN3I A3NMU6AVMQ0QDB)
With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia  
June 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia
Anemia, a deficiency in your red blood cells, can help be combated just by making a simple syrup in your spare time. When combining various vegetables and apples such as carrots, apples and lemons, it can be filtered through gauze and Ingested in a small and appropriate amount on a daily basis. In doing so, you can help detoxify your body through this natural syrup and see the benefits of clean living without the use of medications that can have unintended side effects. - People with anemia have a lowered amount of red blood cells, circulating in their system.
- This can be the result of rapid growth in childhood, or heavy menstrual flow.
- Use carrots, apples, lemons, beetroot and honey to create a natural curative solution to anemia.
"Prepare this healthy syrup to improve your blood. Do you feel tired and general weakness of your body?" (abstract 31ANT7FQN83DI3A2NRVVA8XJHPT5HG 30OG32W0SUC8B2NZSSOD76WELWLNEE AMYYL67LDKPDA)(authorquote 3NKW03WTLM8K8FOP2I5Y9M2XS9WWQN 3TEM0PF1Q5Y0Y0HSVRBVQCIGDRAD01 A1EW9Y1CG3DS7G)(keypoints 3QX22DUVOOIG8BQSKFTL6BZEB66VMC 3WOKGM4L71HR2X8HL0PB16UFIWSO03 A1X84CLJ7N1PLZ)
Kudzu Root: Beneficial Herb or Just a Hyped Plant Invader?  
May 27, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Kudzu Root: Beneficial Herb or Just a Hyped Plant Invader?
Originally native to Asia, the kudzu root has had a divided perception in the United States. Used for many years in Chinese medicine, the kudzu has instead been seen as a harmful plant for many Americans. However, further research shows that the kudzu root does indeed has beneficial properties if used the right way. Whether it be fighting disease by reducing inflammation, easing an upset stomach, or even treating alcoholism, the kudzu root has been looked at a bit more favorably on the side of one's health. It is not without its drawbacks, however, as not only is the plant itself seen as a yard pest, but ingesting the root while on birth control can weaken the effects of the birth control and as it slows blood clotting, it could be a danger to those who are already on blood clotting medication. Regardless of the studies that have been shown, it is still clear that more research needs to be completed on kudzu root before a final verdict can be made on whether it is truly beneficial or just another yard pest. - The Chinese cook it in many dishes for both medicinal purposes and flavor, but in the United States, it has a bit of a pesky reputation as an invader that takes over telephone poles, yards and trees.
- Kudzu root has been given the honor of helping reduce the painful effects of a hangover, though it seems that if overused, it could be more harmful than good.
- The Preventative Medicine Center (PMC) suggests kudzu as a remedy for an upset stomach caused by digestive issues.
"The Preventative Medicine Center (PMC) suggests kudzu as a remedy for an upset stomach caused by digestive issues." Read more: (abstract 3QREJ3J433YIMIEVLZEZ4P98V08KL6 3W92K5RLWUILNO3FJIH1DTKEULG5VY AWNL08JX7PFIY)(authorquote 3HJ1EVZS2OKNTI115DJW9F15Q6BR3S 3PS7W85Z8Z3PBJ12HDU3OR1VJWLT9Z A3JT22BLG866CK)(keypoints 3TZDZ3Y0JS7LFFR0OS5RU1MEM0S91W 354GIDR5ZB76ZGGYJFN0B5YXJHY00M A1E5J6R70RF4LA)
Prostate inflammation (prostatitis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment  
May 03, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Prostate inflammation (prostatitis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment
Prostatitis, also know as prostate inflammation is a prostate condition in men brought on by an infection . The infection can be caused by a number of things, including: sex with someone with an STD, anal sex and from use of a catheter. There are three types of infections: acute, bacterial and non-bacterial. Symptoms generally involve pain in scrotal region and can be diagnosed through blood tests and the like. There are a number of homeopathic options to treating prostatitis. The general course is to stay well hydrated and ingest plenty of fiber. Read more: Prostate inflammation (prostatitis): Causes, symptoms, and treatment (abstract 3JY0Q5X05J7XY44BKHW4T5C7RC3GGA 3K4J6M3CXEUZBXP1PJ9WL3XQUWFAGP A24AFBNB3JL6ZR)
Is Ashwagandha a plant that can make you sleep well? Researchers believe so  
May 02, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is Ashwagandha a plant that can make you sleep well? Researchers believe so
Japanese researchers believe a component in the herb Ashwagandha, called triethylene glycole (TEG) can be effective for inducing sleep. Through their research they believe TEG can be used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders and are currently researching the effects on stress. Ashwagandha has been used for medicinal purposes in India for centuries, most recently for it's calming properties. It can be taken in supplement form but can be found in a powdered or liquid form to be ingested. - Ashwagandha is found in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains.
- Tablet form is the most common way to take Aswagahnda, also known as Indian ginsing. Powder forms are also available.
- Aswaghanda is known to treat a wide range of alliments such as tumors and male vertilate.
"Japanese researchers described an active component in Ashwagandha as “a potent sleep-inducing small molecule”" Read more: (abstract 34OWYT6U3WIWFLNYWZQXM0302KYI9R 3QAPZX2QN4EDVQJCY2REUTRB77J02G A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)(authorquote 3XAOZ9UYRZSR7E8M5UGDGWC3VK3Q19 392CY0QWG1SY5ZFF66Z8TCO5DIEI4D ATMC8APF2W5HN)(keypoints 3UXQ63NLAANHTFA1FM165MQI78PBL6 3LYA37P8IQO9WTQCLOU7E69PI91BKZ ANT2V756NAX5X)
How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory Over Time?  
April 21, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory Over Time?
Marijuana,despite being depicted as a memory loss drug can be good for your memory depending on the type of ingested cannabinoids. THC can contribute to short term memory loss and loss of use of words in long term memory. Cannabidiol, or CBD oil however, has been shown to have beneficial uses for memory. CBD has been shown to halt the memory loss progression in Alzheimer's patients as well as combat memory loss caused by THC. If you are going to get high, it's good to have CBD available to reverse any damage to memory. Read more: How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory Over Time? (abstract 3ZQA3IO31BSOM2V6QHO9RRH3GHLO1V 3NLZY2D53PQ7K5AJP63YOVH2R87LQI A3PDOZ6I8PE9ZK)
Omega-3s are more important than you think  
April 03, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Omega-3s are more important than you think
It's common knowledge that Omega-3s are a very important nutrient and should be ingested regularly but many people still are not getting enough in their diet. Low levels of Omega 3 can cause a variety of problems such as anxiety, fatigue and confusion. Foods like wild salmon, mackerel, tuna, chia seeds and walnuts are rich in omega-3 and are easy to obtain. Read on for more details into this amazing nutrient and what can happen if you do not get enough in your diet. Read more: Omega-3s are more important than you think (abstract 34ZTTGSNJXP2BPT07JJY8JS9A5IQHF 3IQ1VMJRYTLKWN2TBD3MTMB2GS0A9K A1FKKM8BO0EHST)
fight cancer with raw garlic  
March 27, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: fight cancer with raw garlic
It is used for medicinal properties for centuries. Certain chemicals in garlic can prevent diseases. Garlic can help destroy things that damage the liver and ultimately cause you to age faster. Consuming raw garlic may be able to help prevent certain cancers but further research is needed. It is also being studied that garlic can stop the growth of cancer and also help reduce the issues people have with chemotherapy. Ingesting garlic may also help reduce cardiovascular diseases. - Regular consumption of garlic could reduce your chances of getting some types of cancers.
- Regular consumption of garlic could keep your bad cholesterol levels within healthy levels.
- Side effects of garlic are minimal and may include bad breath and upset stomach.
"Used for its medicinal properties as long ago as ancient Egypt, garlic was also believed to have protective properties against plague in medieval Europe." (abstract 3WGZLY9VCHNFT5O2ZTJ8V7SBON38D9 3R9WASFE2ZHUY51EQRJDKBOMREJFZ4 A2Y4O9FIZCDMHW)(authorquote 3IVEC1GSLP0ALR49A4W4JV0GF6W1J8 3BGYGHDBBXLKR0MQDPVSDHKQX1422O A2QZ9BEY8M0632)(keypoints 3KA7IJSNW667K0PZ7EUDM3Z1AHWPBI 31QNSG6A5RU2ZGLLZILOJZE1UM4788 A2XA6BOTC3RYK9)
4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day  
March 25, 2017 01:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 4 Reasons to Make a CBD Hemp Oil Supplement Part of Your Day
With the recent more progressive views toward marijuana, people are realizing that there are many benefits to the plant beyond smoking and ingesting it. In fact, CBD, a non THC compound that is created from the plant, has an abundance of positive qualities that should make potential users excited for the many benefits. CBD has four main benefits that really help those that are looking for a positive effects, similar to those that are seen from ingesting regular marijuana, but also other great aspects. - Hemp oil contains a large consistent range of vitamins that many of us do not get in our daily routine. We often do not receive sufficient nutrients.
- Eating the right sources of foods to acquire proper protein and Omega 3 fatty essentials is important to overall well-being.
- Learn about CBD supplements to engage your health in a way that you get all of the sufficient nutrients and healthy benefits of natural oils.
"Full-spectrum hemp oil refers to pure hemp oil that features all the same cannabinoids present in the original hemp plant, providing an all-natural CBD hemp oil supplement that allows the cannabinoids and other compounds in hemp to work together in what is called the entourage effect." Read more: (abstract 3D7VY91L65Y1ZXSMFY2L5Z5653DMBT 3X31TUMD7XNJ31Q24RDJNU9UABRL1K A1CZ2HRPW967KC)(authorquote 3PKVGQTFIHLO9LYPUYCMZ9XHWZ1RY8 35USIKEBNRH4YNUKMA5FVI40NHCN6R A2QZ9BEY8M0632)(keypoints 3D06DR5225KWGNNU9K2PAOL0NL0MA6 3X3OR7WPZZ11E1AN3CMY24W2OH88L2 A8BINMWK706J)
The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research  
March 24, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: The simple way to reduce stress and anxiety, according to new research
Here's another reason for eating more fruits and vegetables- it may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This may be especially true in women. A new study examining the diets of Australians aged 45 and over found that eating 3-4 servings of fruits and vegetables a day resulted in decreased stress levels of 12 percent and those that ate 5-7 servings experienced a 14 percent decrease. Read on for more details into this study. - If you ingest 10 servings of fruits/vegetables daily it can reduce your anxiety levels. Recommended serving per day is at least 5.
- Interestingly enough, it is noted this is more effective for women instead of men.
- This still needs further investigation to be conclusive. Consuming raw state is most effective. It is said the potassium, specifically in bananas, supports your nervous system and brain.
"New study that suggests eating more fruit and veggies may help ease depression, stress and anxiety." Read more: (abstract 3LB1BGHFL2X1P0BHYNHHZOYZKJSTYF 34BBWHLWHACAE1YZGC5RO47WPGGWII A1FKKM8BO0EHST)(authorquote 3J9L0X0VDFNEGG73LGUCNRC7F409W7 3YDTZAI2WXHN5TJHYZE21D7JOL941F A2SW4XQ00YL6XS)(keypoints 3VW0145YLYD7HGQY3QF23NOJD7YJML 3H7XDTSHKCSWIAS4QO5O3SUGA4EWGI A3R9BUUZV3NFYD)
In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice.  
March 23, 2017 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: In praise of turmeric, the magic yellow spice.
For those who pursue optimum health, Turmeric is a spice that should not be overlooked. Turmeric boasts a myriad of wonderful health benefits including it's anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Turmeric can be added to a great many meals and can also easily be added to smoothies if you want to find ways to incorporate it into your diet. Read on to find out more creative uses of turmeric, and how to make it more easily absorbed in the body. - A study attributed Japan's residents life span has increased due to the ingestion of tumeric 3 times a day
- Curcumin is the key compound of tumeric and this is where it's healing powers are derived from
- The preferred way, is to use in a smoothie or brew w/ tea. Also, black pepper will mask the odd 'taste'. Studies show it helps with headaches, IBS & prevention /treatment of cancer.
"The magic is in the Curcumin which is the potent compound within turmeric." Read more: (abstract 3VADEH0UHCY61M61I0G8CS91EVIPSZ 3MHW492WW0EJVVOLBHYNUVVZZGUMVA A1FKKM8BO0EHST)(authorquote 3GONHBMNHVZXHVV2LCIORHC9W5AMZ8 3OONKJ5DKCKSMKBRJGM0LNQXRO0BOF A2SW4XQ00YL6XS)(keypoints 3T6SSHJUZFBPQMG10TWAZT22JJPIIS 382M9COHEHGL6S78PT0ZL1O7C8OUE0 A3R9BUUZV3NFYD)
Drinking This Type of Water Relaxes Your Blood Vessels, Your Heart Loves It  
March 17, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Drinking This Type of Water Relaxes Your Blood Vessels, Your Heart Loves It
There is a certain kind of water that, when Ingested, helps to relax the blood vessels in your body. Your heart benefits from it as well. Most people are probably aware that they are made up of mostly water. But, a lot of people might not know that there are different kinds of water. And certain kinds of water are better than others. [video mp4="//"] Key Takeaways: - Light is a source of energy for bacteria.
- Green plants convert light to chemical energy.
- The human body is mostly made of water.
"You’re probably well aware of the fact that your body is composed mostly of water, which is needed for a number of physiological processes and biochemical reactions, including but not limited to blood circulation, metabolism, regulation of body temperature, waste removal and detoxification."
Trace minerals, supporting the immune system  
February 27, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Trace minerals, supporting the immune system
There has been a crackdown on the use of antibiotics to treat cattle in recent years. In order to overcome the restrictions put on antibiotics to treat diseases in animals, many farmers are turning to other additives that can help fend off disease in their livestock. Hubbard Feeds in Mankato, MN is one leader in organic alternative options for their cattle. They opt to use trace minerals to boost the immune system. This works because your body usually breaks down when it doesn’t get what it needs from the diet. If cattle Ingests the needed nutrients, they are healthier. Key Takeaways: - For years, livestock producers have relied on readily available antibiotics to feed their animals for the treatment and prevention of disease.
- hey were a necessary tool to maintain animal health. With the introduction of the Veterinary Feed Directive, antibiotics are not nearly as available to farmers as they were one year ago and producers are looking at other feed additives as a replacement to promote health.
- We are owned by Alltech,” he said. “They are known internationally as a supplier of organic trace minerals.”
""Trace minerals are a key part to maintaining animal health."" Reference:
Fructose is generated in the human brain  
February 24, 2017 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Fructose is generated in the human brain
Fructose has been labeled as one of the sugars to avoid when selecting food at the store. However, a recent study out of Yale has shown that the brain can produce fructose from any sugar that is Ingested. Some sugar is fine for a diet, but avoiding fructose will not keep your body free of the chemical. This leads to risk of high blood sugar and other health issues. The study may affect many diets and the understanding of obesity. Fructose is generated in the human brain
Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells  
January 22, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Why high-dose vitamin C kills cancer cells
High doses of vitamin c can kill cancer cells. In the past cancer therapy through vitamin c has not always proven that effective. However, that is because they were trying to get people to Ingest it through the mouth. the key is to let hit the bloodstream immediately. The Vitamin C selectively kills the cancerous cells and not the normal cells. This is because normal cells are smarter and handle the hydrogen peroxide better. Key Takeaways: - The study shows that vitamin C breaks down easily, generating hydrogen peroxide, a so-called reactive oxygen species that can damage tissue and DNA.
- Earlier phase 1 trials indicated this treatment is safe and well-tolerated and hinted that the therapy improves patient outcomes. The current, larger trials aim to determine if the treatment improves survival.
- The study also shows that tumor cells are much less capable of removing the damaging hydrogen peroxide than normal cells.
"Normal cells have several ways to remove hydrogen peroxide, keeping it at very low levels so it does not cause damage. The new study shows that an enzyme called catalase is the central route for removing hydrogen peroxide generated by decomposing vitamin C." Reference:
Antioxidants- How To Fight With The Free Radicals  
January 04, 2017 10:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Antioxidants- How To Fight With The Free Radicals
Free radicals are of good concern to any individual who wants to stay healthy. You have possibly heard of how hazardous these substances are and how essential are antioxidants that battle them. Understanding free radicals involves mastering just a little bit about their chemical background. Your body is made up of numerous connected parts. The organs and tissues that form these parts are all made from cells. In original terms, each cell is an independent unit that processes its waste and Ingests nutrients, additionally to performing several other functions. The Chemistry That Drives Our CellsHow do cells perform? The answer varies depending on the distinct cell. Some produce the power utilized to move muscles, and others transport nervous impulses, but all are powered by chemical reactions. These reactions, or interactions among the electrons that surround every atom in the universe, also happen inside our bodies. Without the several various molecules or groups of atoms, that chemical reactions produce, we couldn't survive. Chemical Reactions: All About ChargeChemical reactions typically result in bonds between specific molecules, developing compounds like vitamins, minerals along with other substances utilized to construct cells. Reactions take place due to the fact some molecules have positive and negative electrical charges because of the way their electrons are arranged. In most situations, chemical reactions keep occurring until these charges have already been balanced or canceled out completely.
Free Radicals: Unbalanced ProductsOccasionally, nonetheless, reactions produce free radicals. In chemical terms, radicals are unbalanced factors. These molecules retain charges for any number of causes, according to the reactions that formed them. For a reason that charges are what attract atoms to each other, free radicals which have unbalanced charges are reactive. Free radicals are far more likely to bring about chemical changes than other balanced molecules, and these adjustments may be harmful or useful. Even though some free radicals are necessary for biological functions or take place as intermediate stages of more complex reactions, others sit around with no use, waiting until they make contact with anything they can react with. As your body is a whole mass of atoms and chemical compounds, no cost radicals typically don't have to travel that far to locate something they can mess up. Free Radicals All Around An extremely common radical reaction You're possibly familiar with is rusting. Rust is built up as a result of charged oxygen atoms from water reacting with metals, generating corrosive byproducts which are often brown. Although these reactions are fairly a common occurrence in metal in vehicles or appliances, they may also be responsible for the browning you see in sliced apples left exposed to the air. Rust reactions occur since the oxygen in moisture has a charge. Though water is a complete molecule, its unbalanced, or polarized, form means that it tends to react, coming apart easily to leave charged oxygen behind. This oxygen joins with the metal molecules inside your body just as simply as it does those in a piece of iron. When your body could not become a rusted hulk of an old ship, it undergoes internal alterations. Related Products 
Is CBD Crystalline the Most Effective Cannabis Medicine?  
January 03, 2017 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is CBD Crystalline the Most Effective Cannabis Medicine?
Information regarding the use of medicinal marijuana has been in high demand over the past few years. This article discusses the positive impacts and benefits of CBD. There are several conditions that cannabinoids have been shown to benefit. Check out the article for those conditions and the progress researchers have been making Key Takeaways: - Sanjay Gupta's 2013 documentary “Weed” was one of the first mainstream attempts at exposing a suspicious audience to the seemingly miraculous effects of cannabis-derived CBD.
- Gupta’s coverage of four-year-old Charlotte Figi stole the hearts of people worldwide. It caused parents of children suffering from epileptic seizures to wonder if CBD was the answer.
- With a purity of 99%, CBD Crystalline is a perfect treatment option for patients nervous about the “high” related with cannabis therapy.
"CBD provides no psychoactive effects when Ingested, but being that it is derived from cannabis, the potential life-saving compound is still considered a Schedule 1 substance with “no medicinal value.” This obstacle blocks many professional research facilities from conducting experiments with CBD to truly put its healing abilities to the test, at least in the United States." Reference:
Health Benefits OPC Grapeseed extract.  
December 17, 2016 02:48 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Health Benefits OPC Grapeseed extract.
The grape seed concentrate is prevalent and sought after worldwide for all the great reasons for health purpose. It strengthens and secures the body cells and the blood vessel and venous dividers, boosts muscle repair and prevent inflammations . It likewise can shield the cardiovascular framework from free radical harms, therefore encouraging the bringing down of terrible cholesterol. What is grape seed extricate, you may inquire? It is a characteristic plant segment that is extricated from sound entire grape seeds that are lavishly thought with OPC's and other effective cancer prevention agents. The grape seed concentrate is likewise known to encourage would mending. Customary societies utilized grape seed separates, nearby pine bark concentrates to dress injuries. Avoiding osteoporosis, tooth rot, and skin malignancy are some different advantages of seed concentrates. Grape seed concentrates are abundantly favored than different cancer prevention agents since they has demonstrated to contain 50 times more cell reinforcement powers contrasted with Vitamin E and C. The grapeseed concentrates are likewise known to enhance the mind wellbeing, skin wellbeing and great vision. It is ostensibly the main cancer prevention agent that can wind and invade the blood hindrance which permits it to protect the nerve and cerebrum tissue. The skin extricate then again contains quercetin, anthocyanidins, catechins, flavonols, polyphenols like resveratrol, and OPC's. These concentrates are promptly accessible as resveratrol supplements in the market today. They are sold in type of cases, pills, and the preferences and contain resveratrol in high focuses. The measurements for these supplements will vary contingent upon every person and the goal of utilizing them. Regardless of the type of these supplements, Ingestion is the thing that matters most. They bear few to no reactions, few as in somebody susceptible to grapes may have an issue. Be that as it may, quality supplements should not to stress you since they've been "modified" for every individual. Related Products 
Is it okay to pair your morning coffee and workout routine?  
December 14, 2016 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Is it okay to pair your morning coffee and workout routine?
The views on caffeine are mostly negative. However, a recent study is giving the chemical a little positive light. Research published in the British Journal of Sports Science showed that people who drank some coffee before performing their exercise routine were happier and completed their tasks 4.2 seconds faster, on average. It is important to keep in mind that black coffee is preferred and you should always drink plenty of water during your routine also. This minimizes the amount of sugar you Ingest and keeps you from getting dehydrated. Key Takeaways: - Research has shown that downing a cup of coffee before you break a sweat can boost your performance significantly.
- One study found that people who had a cup of coffee before their workout ate 72 fewer calories later in the day and had an easier time keeping cravings at bay.
- Go for coffee that’s been third-party tested for mold, which can be high in some beans. If you go for decaf, try ones that are decaffeinated with Swiss water process, which is nontoxic.
"Research has shown that downing a cup of coffee before you break a sweat can boost your performance significantly." Reference: //
Omega-3 intake may aid in recovery of concussions and brain injury  
December 13, 2016 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Omega-3 intake may aid in recovery of concussions and brain injury
Treating brain injuries and concussions is difficult. However, in clinical experience, aggressively Ingesting omega-3 can help a person suffering from these maladies on the road to recovery. It is also used to help with brain surgery recovery. Without the proper amount of omegas, recovery from a traumatic brain injury might not happen. Key Takeaways: - The treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury is a clinical challenge. Clinical studies thus far have failed to identify an effective treatment strategy.
- The article reviews preclinical research and cites three brain injury case studies that resulted from a mining accident, a motor vehicle accident, and a drowning accident
- It is well recognized that n-3FAs are not a drug and not a cure and every situation is different.
"According to emerging science and clinical experience, aggressive intake of omega-3 fatty acids (n-3FA) seems to be beneficial to TBI, concussion, and post-concussion syndrome patients. This research is presented in Concussions, Traumatic Brain Injury, and the Innovative Use of Omega-3s, a review article from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, official publication of the American College of Nutrition." Reference:
10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach  
November 08, 2016 12:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: 10 Reasons to drink lemon water on an empty stomach
Lemon water is a nutrient powerhouse that some celebrities swear by. It is thought that lemon water Ingested right away in the morning not only hydrates your body, but it also provides essential vitamins that help jumpstart your day. Everything from the enzymes to the antioxidants present in lemons does a great job of boosting most systems in the body to start the day off right. This simple drink can help detoxify the skin and curb hunger, while also providing some energy and bolstering the immune system. Key Takeaways: - According to some health advocates, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach takes you one step closer to optimal health.
- While low in calories, lemons are loaded with health-promoting essential nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber.
- Vitamin C plays a major role in our immune system, and lemons are loaded with it. A strong and healthy immune system will help you keep bacterial and viral infections at bay.
"According to some health advocates, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach takes you one step closer to optimal health." Reference: //
Did you know that cinnamon can boost intelligence?  
November 01, 2016 06:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Did you know that cinnamon can boost intelligence?
cinnamon has a flavor that you either love or you hate. If you happen to be someone that enjoys the taste, you're in luck! did you know that cinnamon consumption may work to boost your intelligence? The next time someone questions how smart you are, pull out the cinnamon and thank them for noticing! Key Takeaways: - Researchers have found that consuming Cinnamon might enhance learning skills.
- Scientists at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that increased Ingestion of cinnamon significantly improved the memory of "poor learning" mice.
- When they tested the mice again after one month of cinnamon feeding, the researchers found that the mice determined to be poor learners had significantly improved their memory and learning skills. They could find their target hole twice as fast.
"Scientists at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that increased Ingestion of cinnamon significantly improved the memory of "poor learning" mice." Reference: //
Why is it Important that Your Probiotics are Enteric Coated?  
September 28, 2016 05:41 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Why is it Important that Your Probiotics are Enteric Coated?
By definition, the term probiotic refers to live bacteria that are used for the purpose of boosting the health of a person. Even though most people think of bacteria as pathogenic organisms, the fact is that the body is made up of both beneficial and destructive bacteria. Probiotics are therefore classified as useful bacteria since their activities are beneficial to the body. This article discusses the rationale behind the enteric coating of these substances.
There is one main reasons as to why probiotics should be enteric coated. The first rationale is the fact that the coating technique facilitates the survival of the bacteria until it reaches the desired destination. In the process of being Ingested, the probiotics are generally exposed to destructive conditions while it passes through the first stage of digestion. For instance, the acidic conditions prevailing in the stomach are very harsh to the bacteria and can result to their instant destruction. The coating is therefore used as a means of increasing the chances of survival for these products. To ensure that the probiotics you consume make it to the intestinal tract where they can thrive and improve health. make sure your probiotic is enteric coated.
What is chitosan and how effective is it for weight loss?  
August 19, 2015 06:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What is chitosan and how effective is it for weight loss?
Chitosan is a compound extracted from the hard shells of shrimps and other crustaceans. While it has many uses, it also claims that it aids in the elimination of excess fat in our bodies which makes it a perfect candidate for inclusion in any weight loss program. It can be Ingested in the form of capsules, powder and pills.
How does it work? Chitosan works by preventing the absorption and storage of fat before it is metabolized in the stomach. Basically, it is a fiber that absorbs fats when they enter the body. Therefore, the fat is broken down and does not get absorbed into the blood stream. Instead, fat and chitosan go through your small intestine or the ileum where they bind with bile acids. They then form an insoluble gel that passes through the large intestine and is excreted out of your body. This means that instead of the fat being absorbed into the blood stream, it is excreted out of the body and no fat absorption means no weight gain. There is still another way that chitosan helps in weight loss. Since chitosan is a fiber, it promotes cleansing which is important in the process of losing weight. Another reason this compound seems to work for weight loss is that it makes the body not to crave for fattening foods. It neither starves nor does it make you feel hungry; this is simply because you continue eating fat, the only thing is that the fat does not get absorbed into your blood stream. Now, since less amounts of fat are entering the blood stream, the body is able to burn the existing fat present in your body. Therefore, your body burns the fat in the body and you constantly lose weight.
 Chitosan products contain vitamin C which makes it swell up. This promotes appetite suppression which is very important for weight loss.
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Expelling Parasites and Worms with Black Walnuts  
August 07, 2015 07:35 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Expelling Parasites and Worms with Black Walnuts
Parasites and worms are responsible for a number of health problems all over the world. These organisms invade our bodies and feed on nutrients for their own sustenance. Parasites can be both internal and external in nature. External parasites can generally be seen and are easier to get rid of. You will find a number of standard medical treatments for this. However, it is the internal parasites that pose the higher threat. It can be difficult to identify internal parasites and treatments require more effort. These parasites usually attack the colon and intestines. If left unchecked, they can cause a lot of damage to your body. While antibiotics are effective, they can have a few side effects. So people have been looking for more natural alternatives. Black walnut has shown a number of properties that are beneficial in fighting parasites.  How does Black Walnut help in killing parasites and worms? Black walnut has been universally acknowledged to be a strong vermifuge, that is a parasite-killing herb. It has strong concentrations of Natural iodine, juglone and astringent tannins. All these ingredients are well known for their parasite killing properties. One of the best methods of Ingesting black walnut is by preparing a medicine that utilizes other similar organic foods like garlic, pineapples, papaya seeds and pumpkin seeds. This helps clean the intestines and remove parasites and worms. What are the effective black walnut recipes? One of the most popular recipes involves using black walnuts, cloves and wormwood. There are many products that utilize this combination and have been seen to give impressive results. Of course it also depends on the potency of the ingredients used. For example, green black walnuts are generally known to be more effective than other lighter colored ones. So it could be a good idea to look for these specific walnuts in the ingredients label. They are likely to be stronger and can get faster results. You will also see a number of freeze dried capsules available in the market that have a higher strength compared to normal medicines. Wormwood is herb that has been used in stomach treatment for centuries. It contains a number of enzymes that are good for cleaning the intestine. Hence, it can be found in conjunction with black walnut in medicines that fight parasites. With cloves too you should be careful, as they tend to lose their potency very fast. So make sure that your medicine uses only fresh and completely organic cloves. You can either go in for manufactured pills that use these ingredients or can create your own recipes. Just make sure that you are using only the most effective constituents. Apart from these herbs, you will also find a number of other natural solutions for getting rid of parasites and worms. These include papayas, pineapples and pumpkin seeds. Papayas can be highly effective as they contain a strong enzyme known as papain. What other steps can I take? If you are going through a parasite expelling phase, it will be good to regulate your diet in a proper manner. Avoid coffee, sugar, alcohol and other such items. Take care of your stomach and eat only fresh and light food. With a good diet, and the right herbs, you will soon be having a completely parasite-free body. 
What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans  
December 22, 2014 04:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What are the Health Benefits of Beta-Glucans
What are Beta-glucans? Beta glucan is a biological response modifier that nutritionally activates the immune response through the Dendritic, Macrophage and other immune cells to produce various therapeutic effects. Beta-glucans are sugars found in the cell walls of algae, fungi, lichens, bacteria, yeasts, and plants, such as oats and barley. They can be use as medicine.
Benefits of beta-glucan
Beta-glucans are use for cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and high cholesterol. Beta-glucans are also use for boosting the immune system in people whose body defenses have been weakens by emotional or physical stress, chronic fatigue syndrome or by treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation. Beta-glucans are also used for ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, aging, H1N1 flu, Lyme disease, allergies, fibromyalgia, ear infections, rheumatoid, asthma and crohn's disease. Beta-glucans is applied to the skin for wrinkles, dermatitis, burns, eczema, bedsores, radiation burns, wounds and diabetic ulcers. Beta-glucans can be given by injection into the muscle or intravenously to boost the immune system in people with HIV/AIDS and related conditions and to treat cancer. Beta glucans are also given intravenously to prevent infection in people who have undergone surgery. Beta-glucans can be given by subcutaneously for reducing the size of skin tumors or for treating them. In the food industry, beta-glucans are used as an additive in products such as cheese spreads, frozen desserts, salad dressings and sour cream. Adding beta-glucans to your diet either in form of foods that contain the compound or in form of food supplements plays a significant role in boosting your immune system to help your body fight diseases. How does beta-glucans work? When taken by mouth, Beta-glucans lower blood cholesterol by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from food in the intestines and stomach. Beta-glucans stimulate the immune system by increasing chemicals that prevent infections when given by injection. Studies by leading scientists and medical experts have shown that Beta-glucans act as immunomodulator agents by triggering events that regulate and increase the efficiency of the immune system. Beta-glucans stimulate the activity of immune cells that attack and Ingest invading pathogens. Immune cells such as Macrophages release cytokines that are chemicals that enable immune cells to communicate with each other. In addition, Beta-glucans increase the activity of white blood cells that bind to viruses or tumors, and release chemicals to destroy it. Beta-glucan is a biological response modifier that nutritionally activates the immune response through the Dendritic, Macrophage and other immune cells to produce various therapeutic effects. The potential side effects of Beta-glucan when taken by mouth are unknown. When used by injection, Beta-glucans can cause fever, pain at the injection site, chills, vomiting, headache, nausea, dizziness, rashes, diarrhea, back pain, joint pain and low blood pressure. Where does Beta-glucan come from? The body does not produce Beta-glucan naturally; you can only get it from outside sources such as shiitake mushrooms, baker’s yeast and cereal grains such as wheat, oats, barley and rye. The most potent form of beta glucan is extracted as a purified isolate from the yeast cell wall of Baker's yeast with harmful yeast proteins removed by a process that prevent clumping or reaggregation after exposure to water during digestion. Research has shown that Beta- glucan is a safe and potent immune potentiation isolate.
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October 31, 2014 06:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Do you want to get some information about Magnesium? Magnesium has been found to be working in other ways to contribute in preserving the nervous system. Before the end of 20th Century, specialized doctors had established that injection of magnesium in our bodies exerts a depressant effect on the nerves. In fact, the main use of this mineral in early times was to induce sleep. Significantly, any hibernating animal have high levels of magnesium. The mineral has also shown effectiveness in control of convulsion in pregnant women, the shakes in alcoholic and epileptic seizure. MAGNESIUM CALMING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM One of paradoxical effect is that, a magnesium deficient person who end up taking magnesium will feel energetic than never before yet the mineral is not a stimulant but rather a depressant. Actually, magnesium normally relieves the irritability of nervous system and the excessive energy, which will result to fatigue. With this, it will not be surprising to say that when an individual magnesium levels is sub-normal then the nerves will not be in a position of controlling functions such as muscle movement, mental processes and respiration. Irregular heartbeat, twitching, irritability and largely nervous fatigue are the most frequent symptoms of magnesium depletion. Often, deficiency of magnesium is because of failure on individual side to obtain to use dietary sources such as eggs, wheat germ, green vegetables, cocoa, almonds, soybeans, desiccated liver among many other. However, in some instances, coexisting illness can impair absorption of this mineral, for example the intestinal infections. In such an instant, Ingested magnesium may be lost completely in the body and majorly in the nervous system. PENN of Columbia University published the information of essential of magnesium to nervous system first in 1966. He studied the conduction of electricity by the nerves. The main finding was that calcium is the prime conductor mineral of the electrical current. It was concluded from the finding that Magnesium would in turn maintain the required level of calcium in the nervous system. Actually, Magnesium is Do you want to get some information about Magnesium? The nutrient that is likely to change your living standards by improving your nerve health. References
Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements.  
August 07, 2014 05:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Anemia Causes, Prevention And Supplements.
What is an anemia? Anemia is the most widely recognized issue of the blood. It is a condition in which the blood is: inadequate in red platelets or lacking in hemoglobin. Both of these conditions can result in an absence of oxygen to be conveyed to all parts of the body. Bringing about symptoms, for example, weakness, frosty hands, loss of voracity, whiteness and shortcoming. Below are illustration of causes of anemia, prevention measures and iron supplements that can help. Causes of anemia Causes include loss blood, unreasonable destruction of red platelets or inadequate creation of red platelets. Insufficient creation of red platelets is the most widely recognized class of pallor, and poor sustenance is the most well-known reason. The most successive sorts of supplement inadequate sickness are those identified with an insufficiency of iron, folic corrosive (vitamin B9), copper or vitamin B12. Iron insufficiency pallor is frequently seen in babies more youthful than two years of age, adolescent young ladies, pregnant ladies and the elderly. This kind of weakness incorporate elements connected with poor dietary admission of iron, an expanded requirement for iron, diminished iron assimilation, blood misfortune or a consolidation of these circumstances. Folic corrosive is the most as often as possible discovered vitamin lack on earth. The gatherings of individuals well on the way to have folic corrosive insufficiency are dipsomaniacs, individuals with mal-Ingestion conditions or perpetual loose bowels and pregnant ladies. A folic corrosive insufficiency can likewise cause despondency, the runs and a swollen, red tongue. Copper inadequacy is exceptional, be that as it may, it can happen in individuals who take a zinc supplement without expanding their copper admission in light of the fact that zinc can meddle with copper Ingestion. How to prevent anemia? To avoid you have to consume overall adjusted dinners including iron rich nourishment. In the event that you have weakness, keep away from refreshments and sustenance holding juice, it meddles with the body's capacity to Ingest iron. Maintain a strategic distance from tannins, they additionally hinder iron Ingestion and nourishment high in oxalic acids; which incorporate almonds, asparagus, beans, beets, cashews, chocolate, kale and rhubarb. While most instances of pallor are created by straightforward nourishment lacks, it can additionally be an indication of a more genuine restorative issue. The best way to get a clear judgment of sickness is to get a blood test. In the event that you think you have iron deficiency, don't start a supplement program until you have a finding from your doctor. Supplements Iron - helps avert iron insufficiency weakness. Take 30 milligrams fumarate, gluconate or succinate press twice a day between dinners. In the event that this reasons stomach trouble, switch to 30 milligrams with suppers three times each day. Folic corrosive (vitamin B9) - aides anticipate iron deficiency brought about by folic corrosive inadequacy. Take 800 to 1,200 micrograms three times every day. Vitamin B12 - aides anticipate vitamin B12 inadequacy pallor. Take 2,000 micrograms sublingual (set under the tongue) three times every day for 30 days, then 1,000 micrograms methylcobalamin (the dynamic type of B12) once a day, in addition to folic corrosive. Vitamin C - helps the body assimilate iron. Studies have demonstrated that you can almost twofold your Ingestion of iron from plant sources by devouring vitamin C with the iron. Take 1,000 milligrams 3 times each day with dinners. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic corrosive) - assists with the creation of red platelets. Take 100 milligrams every day. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - assists with the creation of red platelets. Take 50 milligrams 3 times each day.
Liquid Calcium Citrate - An Overview of What to Discover  
August 01, 2014 05:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Liquid Calcium Citrate - An Overview of What to Discover
Calcium While calcium is quite effective in conditions of improving health, it is valued very little without the addition of magnesium. Calcium in liquid type is much, much more potent than that of the tablet selection. Absorption of calcium Due to the fact liquid calcium is drinking water centered, it is virtually a single hundred % to be absorbed by the body. The reality of the subject is that much less than twenty five % of tablet based calcium is absorbed by the body. Protein prosperous meals like meat cause calcium to be wasted via the urine. Calcium that is obtained from foods and the capsule type of calcium are badly absorbed. This suggests that most individuals are finding a lot significantly less calcium than they would like to believe is the scenario. As liquid ionic calcium is water primarily based, it is absorbed instantly. This ensures the physique the appropriate quantity of calcium. It is extremely hard to get the optimum calcium needed for the entire body. This helps make it even far more motive for 1 to take calcium in liquid format relatively than tablet format. Benefits of liquid calcium The digestive process rewards immensely from liquid calcium magnesium. It is excellent for the relief of constipation, indigestion and heartburn. It gains the digestive procedure in other strategies as well and for greatest outcomes, it ought to be taken right after eating. The production of milk in lactating females is enhanced by the Ingestion of calcium. Contractions through labor are also facilitated by calcium. Other advantages are that nerve impulses are regulated and taking calcium enables the clotting of blood. Calcium deficiency It is a properly-recognized truth that insufficient quantities of calcium trigger osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency has dire penalties for little ones as it can lead to rickets in kids. Far more important in adults, it causes softening of the bony tissue. This is acknowledged as osteomalacia. It has been even more reported that the substantial blood pressure and cancer of the colon have also been attributed to insufficient quantities of calcium. Symptoms of calcium deficiency An individual can detect a lack of calcium in the body by the presence of tingling and or numbness all around the mouth and the fingertips. Calcium deficient persons will also knowledge painful aches and muscle spasms. Lack of calcium can be a contributing aspect to currently being obese. It can also retard the method of losing extra fat. It has been uncovered that when a single eats also very little the human body stores all it can, as it does not know when following it will be fed. The identical course of action comes about when the body is starved of calcium. There is a hormone in the entire body known as calcitriol. This has the power to constrict the arteries. Calcium regulates this hormone. Because of this approach, people today with high blood pressure will notice a drop in the blood strain when Ingesting optimum ranges of calcium. Taking calcium also safeguards the nervous technique and the heart. The system is equipped to create vitamins, but the same are not able to be stated about minerals. For top rated-degree overall health, the entire body involves satisfactory if not abundant amounts of food grade minerals, mainly calcium.
Dietary Protein Basics  
July 21, 2014 05:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Dietary Protein Basics
Dietary Protein Basics You certainly stay an active life much like everybody else does today. When you are like many people, you could use some basic suggestions that are super easy to adhere to enhance your diet plan and nutrition. This short article contains some nutrients ideas that are easy to include in your every day routine.
The majority of people assume that Ingesting fatty foods will result in bad health. In fact, your body needs fat to operate. Several food products, which can be rich in extra fat, for example cheese or avocado, are in reality quite healthful when Ingested sparingly each day. So long as you consume in moderation and get away from unhealthy fats, you do not need to be concerned.
One thing many people believe is the fact diet is all about food. You should also consider how your body uses the food you eat. You desire to actually regularly physical exercise or even consume the right sorts of meals, your whole body will be grateful for this.
Reduce your sea salt Ingestion. Most junk foods act like junk foods in terms of sodium information. When you can decrease your sodium absorption in what you eat, you may realize that you easier observe its flavoring developing. Unhealthy food will instantly style too salty for your needs. You won't have as many desires on their behalf.
Protein needed in your body The minimum daily protein requirements as set by WHO(world health organization) are 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, however individual protein needs are dependent on one's level of activity, overall health status, and age. People dealing with injury need additional health proteins pertaining to structure curing. Athlete’s education hard to get muscle mass or which could possibly be creating tiny accidental injuries also requires additional pertaining to progress along with restoration. Protein desires in youngsters change from infancy right through to delayed teenage years, along with considerable amounts connected with new health proteins structure being made while in quick progress spurts. The particular health proteins demands and then secure the moment early adulthood is reached.
What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?  
June 21, 2014 02:40 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?
Cause of GMO
GMO's have been classified by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine as unhealthy, they were able to prove that GMO when Ingested can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal as well as immune system disorders. This is due to the fact that GMO contains materials that are left behind the body, it can cause long term problems like accelerated aging as well as infertility. The genes inserted into a genetically modified crop like corn, can get transferred into the DNA of bacteria that is living inside the human body, this interaction can lead to a number of long term health problems.
Negative effects of genetically modified products have been observed in 1996, this was due to the number of Americans expressing a number of illnesses after consuming foods that have been engineered for 9 years.
Allergies increased including digestive problems and autism, while other research has yet to support this claim, many non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace are already making campaigns against the production of GMO infused crops and meat.
What are the other negative impacts of GMO?
1. Cancer causing components - GMO according to the American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association, have stated that the growth hormone present from cow’s milk treated by hormone IGF-1 can lead to cancer.
2. Long term negative effects on the body - GMO components can contaminate forever, it can cross pollinate, and the seeds can travel. Once it infects a certain area, it can contaminate the entire gene pool. This means, that the health of future generations is already compromised and for this reason, the production has to be stopped right away before it infects more population.
3. Dangerous side effects - the mere process of creation of GMO's can produce toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional deficiencies.
The direct production and consumption is already endangering a number of species including bees.
Many governments continue to remain lax about the issue, GMOs are illegally being sold and created in many countries, and people need to learn as much as they can in order to learn how they can prevent GMO products from entering their market. Sources
Can Chitosan Really Absorb Fat?  
June 06, 2014 05:11 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Can Chitosan Really Absorb Fat?
What is a chitosan Chitosan is a naturally produced supplement that is recommended by nutrition experts and doctors as a great remedy for weight loss and high cholesterol, which results in a lower risk to develop bothersome cardiovascular problems and facilitates a better looking physique. Chitosan is made from the outer shell of crustaceans, such as shrimp or lobster. The outer shell is processed and a special form of "sugar", also known as a polysaccharide, is obtained. Unlike other types of artificially created sugars, Chitosan possesses unique properties that make it a great addition to a healthy diet for individuals who want to manage their weight and prevent obesity. How Does Chitosan Work to Facilitate Weight Loss? Several research studies conducted by nutrition experts and medical professionals specializing in the treatment of obesity reveal the surprising properties of Chitosan in terms of its ability to influence the absorption of fat in the stomach and intestines. Once Ingested, Chitosan works in the digestive system by binding excessive fat and making it more difficult to achieve fat absorption. In other words, it limits fat absorption by blocking free fat available for absorption and eliminating it as waste from the human body. Naturally, if fat absorption is limited in this manner, the caloric intake is dramatically diminished, which obviously results in weight loss and a better looking physique. Chitosan has the Capacity to Bind and Remove Cholesterol Fat retention and removal achieved by Chitosan after meals is a great feature of this natural supplement that inevitably results in a healthy and progressive weight loss. However, the benefits of Chitosan are also reflected in its positive influence on the cardiovascular health. The fat Ingested through meals contains harmful cholesterol, which can accumulate in the blood vessels causing blockages of the blood flow and a higher risk for dangerous cardiovascular problems like strokes or heart attacks. Chitosan traps the excessive cholesterol delivered in the digestive system through daily meals, which results in less cholesterol being circulated in the bloodstream, and an improved blood flow to the brain and heart. References - //
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L-Leucine as an essential Amino Acid  
May 31, 2014 06:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: L-Leucine as an essential Amino Acid
Introduction L-Leucine is a a-amino acid with the chemical formulae HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CH(CH3)2. It is a hydrophopic amino acid to its aliphatic isobutyl side chain. L-Leucine is an essential amino acid since the human body can’t synthesize it, and it therefore must be Ingested. What is an essential amino acid These are the amino acids that can’t be synthesized by the body of the organism hence it must be supplied in the diet. These amino acids is important not because they are important than others, but simply because the body can’t synthesize them. Phenylalanine, L- Leucine, Valine, Tryptophan, Threonine, meyhionine, iso - Leucine, lysine and histidine are some of amino acids regarded as essential for humans beings. The main difference between essential and non-essential amino acids is somehow since some proteins can be synthesized from others. The sulfur containing amino acids such as L-Leucine may sometimes be referred to as an essential amino acid. Effects of L-Leucine deficiency Majority of amino acids are important in the human diet. An experiment carried out by William Cummings Rose showed that lack of L-Leucine results to symptoms of exhaustion, nervousness and dizziness. Results further showed that these symptoms were encountered to lesser extent whenever human subjects were deprived of an essential amino acid. In plants and other micro-organisms, L-Leucine is synthesized from pruvic acid by several enzymes. These enzymes include: · a-Isopropylmalate synthase · L-Leucineaminotransferase · a-Isopropylmalate isomerase · Acetolactate synthase · Acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase · Dihydroxyacid dehydratase Importance of L- Leucine L-Leucine is used by the adipose tissue, liver and the muscle. In muscle tissue and adipose L-Leucine is used in the formation of sterols. Ironically the combined usage of L-Leucine in the muscle and adipose is seven times greater than its use in the liver. L-Leucine is also used in stimulation of the muscle protein synthesis. In dietary , L-Leucine is used in to slow down the degradation of muscle tissue by increasing the synthesis of muscle proteins in aged rats however this does not work in elderly men. L-Leucine helps you lose weight and spare muscle when dieting. However L-Leucine can’t be associated as the main reason in muscular growth for the entire populatin. L-Leucine activates the mammalian target that regulates the growth cells in rats. Negative effects of L- Leucine L-Leucine cause neurologic complications which may be fatal if not control in time. Studies also show that over activity of the liver is caused by taking L-Leucine supplement, excess L-Leucine may also cause pellagra, whose symptoms include dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and eventually death.
What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?  
May 31, 2014 06:33 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: What Are The Benefits Of Ubiquinol Vs Regular CoQ10?
Nutritional Supplement In modern society, nutritional supplements have become a common method to improve health. A wide range of specific needs determines the use of different supplements, but there are a few that will work in just about everyone and improve their health. What is a CoQ10 Coenzyme Q10, commonly abbreviated to CoQ10, is one of those universally effective supplements. This vitamin-like substance offers far-reaching benefits for the human body. It has a crucial role in the body's energy maintenance and it's an extremely powerful antioxidant. This substance is naturally produced by the body, but as we get older, the organism's ability to synthesize CoQ10 weakens progressively. It is, therefore, recommended that people initiate a regular intake of CoQ10 somewhere at the adult or even young adult life stage. This is a commonly prescribed supplement for old people owing to its longevity and energy inducing benefits, but it's especially critical for those who are medicated with statin drugs because these are known to reduce CoQ10 levels in the organism. Elite athletes can also benefit from this substance to achieve higher peak power levels. CoQ10 supplement is available in two forms: fully oxidized (Ubiquinone) and fully reduced (Ubiquinol). What is an Ubiquinol Ubiquinol is the most efficient way to take advantage of this supplement because it's the fully reduced form of CoQ10 that our body actually absorbs and uses. The consumption of Ubiquinone requires our body to firstly metabolize and convert it into Ubiquinol. This process limits the speed and efficiency of CoQ10 absorption, requiring larger quantities to be consumed for similar health effects, not to mention that the metabolism has a tendency to worsen with age. Ubiquinone is more widely available and is cheaper, though. It is usually recommended for people around the age of 35 - 40, to start taking Ubiquinol instead of Ubiquinone. This is when the efficiency of Ubiquinol eventually compensates its higher price tag over Ubiquinone. Turning the Ingestion of CoQ10 supplement into a habit is one of the best ways to potentiate a long and healthy life. Sources: -
Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil  
May 18, 2014 11:36 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: Improve Your Skin Naturally with Tamanu Oil
What is a tamanu? Tamanu oil is originated from Polynesia and prefers a salty and sandy soil, which is why it grows profusely near the sea. According to the native people, the best Tamanu oil comes from trees that grow near the coastal regions, better than those that grow inland. Benefits of tamanu oil The Tamanu oil is well known because of its healing properties, which can actually equal or even surpass contemporary skin care products. There are already scientific studies that the oil produce new skin tissues, as well as studies that support the natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, and antioxidant properties. Some of the ailments that Tamanu oil can treat include ringworm, itching, athlete's foot, dermaphytosis of the scalp or beard, burns and wounds. It also has a superb cicatrizing capacity that is far from other substances. Cicatrization is the term coined for the process of forming new tissue. It is also amazingly effective for healing acne and acne scars, stretch marks, psoriasis, diabetic sores, blisters, sunburn, abrasions, cuts, burns, eczema, insect bites, herpes sores, fissures, and dry or scaly skin. It can even reduce or completely remove age spots! One of the leading reasons tamanu oil profits skin is because of the oil holding an extent of lipids, including glycolipids, nonpartisan lipids and phospholipids, notwithstanding an exhibit of components not normally connected with different oils, including calophyllolide, that helps stop aggravation, lactone, which performs like an anti-infection, and calophyllic corrosive, which is an extraordinary type of vital unsaturated fat. An alternate segment, coumarin, adds to the mitigating impact of this astounding oil. Generally, tamanu oil has received as being a germicide, a diuretic, an expectorant, an astringent in addition to a laxative. An alternate of the various tamanu oil ascribes is its ability to help mend skin conditions including sunburn, rankles, players foot, dermatitis, pimple inflammation, dried-out skin, rash, little cuts and bug chomps. In Europe, now and again called Domba oil, it is been demonstrated to have a 70 to 75 percent rate of achievement in diminishing stiffness and scabies. In the Philippines, it’s utilized as an astringent for hemorrhoids. It is likewise significant on for administering to gout and ringworm. Loads of individuals additionally rub this oil into your skin to help for the torment coming about because of neuralgia; in addition to it can positively help decrease the visual appearance of scars and stretch imprints. It can help to treat diaper rash on a child. Tamanu oil is normally utilized in numerous diverse skincare items as it is overall Ingested by the skin and serves to keep skin feeling delicate. Unlike some other crucial oils, tamanu oil does not desert an oily film once you utilize it, in addition, it will not exacerbate slick skin. Some methods you do not generally need to hold up quite a while so you can get dressed in the wake of utilizing it to help make skin look velvety. Many individuals think about the emanation of this oil as being satisfying, then again it is just a mellow fragrance so it will not clash with any viable aroma you decide to utilize. Against maturing items, some of the time holds tamanu oils, because they are accepted to help recover your skin.
A Sulfur Supplement Is Necessary For A Healthy Body  
May 17, 2014 01:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller
Subject: A Sulfur Supplement Is Necessary For A Healthy Body
Benefits of sulfur The human body obliges sulfur for bones, joints and an assortment of capacities. Sulfur is needed for ordinary day-by-day capacities and in bigger amounts when the body's frameworks are focused on, repairing harm or battling a malady. A sulfur supplement is required that can likewise offer a large number of numerous wellbeing upgrading profits for fighting an extensive variety of wellbeing issues, expanding imperviousness to sicknesses, and making wellbeing and prosperity. It is additionally required for detoxification of the body in uprooting poisons and mechanical chemicals that the body regularly assimilates once a day. An approach to fulfill these needs is with a day-by-day admission of MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane). MSM is the main bio available manifestation of sulfur, a macro mineral that is utilized within critical sums in the body. An uncommon dietary supplement is likely the most noteworthy finding since Vitamin C, and is presently the most prominent supplement in nourishment. It is intended to help joint conditions, for example, osteoarthritis, sprains, tendinitis, bursitis and games related wounds. It is non-poisonous, non-allergenic and does not meddle with different sorts of pharmaceuticals and supplements, and offers a long arrangement of wellbeing profits for the body. Where to find sulfur? Sulfur is fundamental in the ordinary consistently working of the human body. It has been utilized for many years to cure skin sicknesses, joint and bone conditions and numerous different afflictions. In spite of the fact that sulfur is gotten from nourishment sources and the human body does not handle it, in instances of great insufficiency it could be acquired by dietary supplements. Sulfur makes up pretty nearly 0.25% of body weight and is a vital some piece of all living cells. It is key in the counteractive action of numerous issues and must essentially be acquired from sustenance or wellbeing supplements. Sulfur could be found in numerous skin balms, bar soaps, salves and creams. It is been demonstrated to be valuable in the medicine of pimple inflammation. It is utilized as an element within the medication for other skin related issue, for example, scabies, warts, and likewise for dandruff because of the antifungal, antibacterial properties of sulfur. Results of sulfur have been utilized to upgrade the procedure of wound recuperating, which was its motivation in the Trojan wars. What are the benefits of MSM MSM is the wealthiest wellspring of natural sulfur accessible and is essential in the creation and recovery of tissue. It is found in and utilized by every cell as a part of the body. It expands vitality, readiness, mental placidness and improves the capacity to focus. It remembers the manifestations of joint pain, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, bursitis and unending weakness. Sulfur has an alternate, positive impact on all the frameworks in the human body. MSM causes quick detoxification of the body's tissues by making the cell dividers more porous, making it simpler for the body to Ingest supplements and to dispose of poisons by flushing them out of the body. Hormones, compounds, antibodies and cell reinforcements rely on upon MSM for their day-by-day capacities. MSM is a non-medicine supplement that can help with joint issues running from a slight solidness to extreme torment. Its general profits helps with wellbeing issues, for example, joint inflammation, unfavorable susceptibilities, gastrointestinal, PMS, skin break out, lung issues, muscle torment, parasite, a few diseases, heart smolder and blockage, to name a couple. It is an exceptional dietary supplement that could be utilized for a mixture of requisitions, for example, hostile to aggravation, body corrosive decrease, expanding flow, sound connective tissues, lupus, breast and colon diseases, diabetes, eye wellbeing, anxiety and mental issue. Studies have indicated that MSM Capsules help joint adaptability, decrease firmness and swelling, and diminish torment connected with maturing and damage. They have been utilized to help with ceaseless agony, joint inflammation, joint irritation, rheumatoid joint pain, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, musculoskeletal ache, muscle issues and then some. These containers can make the skin look more youthful and increment vitality levels. MSM is copious in nature, yet the wealthiest characteristic sources just give it at levels of a few parts for every million. Nourishment sources are prepared which exhausts characteristic sulfur, making a MSM supplement vital, and these containers have not demonstrated any negative reactions.