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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat Darrell Miller 6/7/24
Agave Nectar: A Delicious Alternative Darrell Miller 6/4/24
Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being Darrell Miller 6/1/24
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health Darrell Miller 5/31/24
Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction Darrell Miller 5/29/24
The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production Darrell Miller 5/29/24
six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals. Darrell Miller 12/6/23
Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important Darrell Miller 8/4/23
NOW Real Tea® Organic Matcha A Coffee Alternative Darrell Miller 11/2/22
The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins Darrell Miller 9/30/22
The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain Darrell Miller 9/16/22
The Consequences of Not Getting Enough Sleep Darrell Miller 9/14/22
Stress, the body, and a possible solution. Darrell Miller 9/9/22
How to Support a Healthy Immune System? Darrell Miller 5/21/22
Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies? Darrell Miller 4/30/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease Darrell Miller 4/26/22
A Vitamin Supplement Regime Can Mitigate Risk of Developing Pancreatic Cancer Darrell Miller 4/23/22
When will I start noticing results? HRG80 Red Ginseng Darrell Miller 1/27/21
Curcumin and Grapeseed Darrell Miller 9/1/20
Yes we will be still shipping orders and Our Retail store will be open. Darrell Miller 3/22/20
Saffron Lift Darrell Miller 5/23/19
Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes Darrell Miller 5/21/19
The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health Darrell Miller 5/17/19
New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients Darrell Miller 5/17/19
Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high insulin levels, and lowerthe risk of breast cancer in the process Darrell Miller 5/15/19
What is the Endocannabinoid System? Darrell Miller 5/15/19
Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics Darrell Miller 5/10/19
For the men: Multivitamins can keep heart disease at bay Darrell Miller 5/9/19
Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer Darrell Miller 5/7/19
5 ways aged garlic can slash your risk of heart disease Darrell Miller 5/7/19
Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention? VitaNet, LLC Staff 5/3/19
These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Oat extract can protect against alcohol-induced liver damage Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases Darrell Miller 4/30/19
Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain Darrell Miller 4/30/19
The Differences Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp CBD Oil Darrell Miller 4/29/19
Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ Darrell Miller 4/27/19
Exploring the fatty acids that REDUCE your risk of premature death Darrell Miller 4/27/19
Bone Broth Diet Plan Benefits & How to Follow It Darrell Miller 4/26/19
Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health Darrell Miller 4/26/19
Does Hemp Oil Have Health Benefits? Darrell Miller 4/24/19
Cancer patients found to benefit from cannabis; scientific studyanalyzed outcomes of 2,970 cancer patients to confirm results Darrell Miller 4/24/19
What Does Obesity Mean for Your Health, Heart, Thyroid, Diabetes Darrell Miller 4/23/19
Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes Darrell Miller 4/22/19
Boost your vitamin C intake to strengthen your immune system andlower cancer risk Darrell Miller 4/19/19
Research uncovers brand new benefits of vitamin C Darrell Miller 4/16/19
Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express Darrell Miller 4/11/19
6 reasons to care about your gut flora Darrell Miller 4/11/19
Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health? Darrell Miller 4/2/19
Study shows lutein can boost heart health Darrell Miller 3/27/19
Omega-3 fatty acids can treat male infertility Darrell Miller 3/27/19
Whey protein supports recovery from muscle loss among the elderly Darrell Miller 3/27/19
Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, helping prevent depression Darrell Miller 3/23/19
Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines Darrell Miller 3/4/19
BREAKTHROUGH: Vitamin D supplements taken during pregnancy found toprevent autism in children Darrell Miller 3/4/19
Can ginger, turmeric and lemon juice reduce blood sugar? Darrell Miller 2/22/19
Could eating chili peppers actually help you live longer? Darrell Miller 2/17/19
Systematic review studies the potential of black seed in loweringblood pressure Darrell Miller 2/15/19
Eating more citrus fruits is an easy way to prevent dementia Darrell Miller 2/13/19
Does magnesium hold the key to vitamin D benefits? Darrell Miller 2/12/19
High levels of CoQ10 can lower your chances of dementia by 77% Darrell Miller 2/8/19
Eating more high-fiber foods can reduce food allergies Darrell Miller 2/7/19
Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Which Is Healthier? Darrell Miller 2/7/19
Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection Darrell Miller 2/5/19
The common causes of candida overgrowth Darrell Miller 1/22/19
Omega-3 fatty acids found to control non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease Darrell Miller 1/16/19
Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86% Darrell Miller 1/10/19
New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation Darrell Miller 1/5/19
Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic Darrell Miller 12/20/18
What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide Darrell Miller 12/19/18
Probiotics for your anxious mind? Study shows a certain strain ofbacteria could significantly reduce anxiety Darrell Miller 12/17/18
Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA Darrell Miller 12/8/18
The surprising link between magnesium and brain health VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/12/18
Prevent allergies before birth: Taking fish oil while pregnantfound to reduce allergies in children VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/15/18
Cinnamon has good-for-you properties along with wonderful aroma VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/13/18
Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/28/18
Eating fried food just twice per week increases your chance of early death VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/17/18

The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

Date: June 07, 2024 12:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-grown meat, also called cultured or cell-based meat, is a new tech stirring hope and controversy in food. This method produces animal meat without slaughtering, offering an alternative to livestock farming. It could revolutionize protein thinking by reducing environmental impact and addressing ethical concerns. However, as with any new technology, there are significant debates surrounding its safety, health implications, and overall viability.

How Lab-Grown Meat is Produced

The process of producing lab-grown meat begins by taking a small sample of animal cells, often through a harmless biopsy. These cells, typically muscle cells, are then placed in a nutrient-rich culture medium that mimics the environment within an animal's body. The culture medium contains essential nutrients like amino acids, sugars, and growth factors that encourage the cells to divide and grow. Over time, these cells multiply, differentiating into muscle tissue, which can then be harvested, processed, and formed into meat products.

This process, often taking place in bioreactors, aims to replicate the natural muscle growth seen in animals. By controlling the environment meticulously, scientists can produce meat that is structurally and nutritionally similar to conventionally farmed meat. Despite the technological advancements and potential benefits, there is still a wave of skepticism and resistance against lab-grown meat, primarily centered on health risks and the idea of naturalness.

Health Risks: The Skeptics' Viewpoint

Critics of lab-grown meat often argue that these products are unnatural and potentially harmful. They highlight the use of a synthetic culture medium and artificial scaffolding materials to structure the tissue as primary concerns. One common criticism is that the long-term health effects of consuming lab-grown meat are unknown. Since this technology is still relatively new, there hasn't been enough time to study the impact it may have on human health comprehensively.

Another significant concern revolves around the additives and growth factors used in the culture medium. Skeptics claim that consuming these substances, some derived from non-food-grade sources, could lead to unintended side effects over time. Moreover, contaminants introduced during the production process may pose risks absent in naturally grown meat.

Some also point to the lack of regulatory standards and oversight for lab-grown meat as a potential risk. Since this is a new industry, the guidelines for safety, production, and labeling are still evolving. This uncertainty contributes to the fear and resistance among certain consumer groups and policymakers.

Regulatory Response: States Banning Lab-Grown Meat

In light of these concerns, some states have taken a firm stance against lab-grown meat. Florida and Arizona, for example, have enacted bans prohibiting the sale of cultured meat products. These states argue that there is insufficient evidence to guarantee the safety and health benefits of lab-grown meat. They also see these bans as a way to protect consumers and promote traditional agriculture practices.

Florida's legislative body expressed concerns about the potential economic impact on the state's agriculture sector, which relies heavily on cattle farming. By banning lab-grown meat, they aim to safeguard the livelihoods of local farmers and ensure the sustainability of rural communities. Similarly, in Arizona, legislators emphasized the naturalness and cultural significance of traditionally farmed meat, viewing lab-grown alternatives as a threat to their state's heritage.

These bans have sparked debates on innovation in our food system and if regulators overlook new technologies too hastily. Lab-grown meat supporters argue that these bans impede progress and limit consumer choice for ethical, eco-friendly products.

Why Naturally Grown Meat is Better and Healthier

Despite the potential benefits of lab-grown meat, many still advocate for naturally grown meat as the superior option. First and foremost, naturally grown meat has a long history of consumption, providing a well-documented track record of its health effects. Unlike lab-grown meat, which relies on new and untested methods, natural meat comes from animals that have been bred and raised for generations.

One of the key arguments in favor of naturally grown meat is the lack of artificial additives and synthetic processes. Animals on well-managed farms have open pastures, a varied diet, and humane living conditions, resulting in meat free from artificial additives. Natural meat can be organic and free-range, meeting consumers' health and ethical standards.

Nutritionally, naturally grown meat offers high levels of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Grass-fed and pasture-raised animals, especially known for producing meat with higher omega-3 fatty acids and lower saturated fat content, have well-documented nutritional benefits supported by extensive research, giving health-conscious consumers peace of mind.

Another argument for naturally grown meat is its cultural and environmental significance. Traditional farming practices contribute to biodiversity, support local economies, and maintain rural landscapes. Lab-grown meat, on the other hand, often involves centralized production that may not offer the same level of environmental benefits.

In The Future

The future of lab-grown meat remains a contentious topic, with passionate arguments on both sides of the debate. This innovative technology shows promise for changing our food system, tackling ethical issues, and lessening environmental impact. However, it sparks questions about health risks, regulations, and long-term sustainability. With some states considering bans on cultured meat, the dialogue on food values evolves. Choosing between lab-grown and naturally raised meat will hinge on personal preferences, values, and emerging scientific evidence.


Agave Nectar: A Delicious Alternative

Date: June 04, 2024 04:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Agave Nectar: A Delicious Alternative

Agave Nectar: A Delicious Alternative

In recent years, agave nectar has gained popularity as a natural sweetener, touted for its unique taste and potential health benefits. But what exactly is agave nectar, and how does it stack up against traditional sugar and other sweeteners? In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the uses and nutritional benefits of agave nectar, comparing it to traditional sugar and other sweeteners to help you make an informed decision.

What is Agave Nectar?

Agave nectar, also known as agave syrup, is a sweetener derived from the sap of the agave plant. The agave plant is native to Mexico and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and as a sweetener. The sap is extracted from the core of the agave plant, then filtered and heated at low temperatures to break down the complex carbohydrates into simple sugars. The result is a sweet, viscous liquid with a taste similar to honey, but with a thinner consistency.

Nutritional Profile of Agave Nectar

Agave nectar is primarily composed of fructose, a simple sugar found in many fruits. Unlike traditional sugar (sucrose), which is made up of equal parts glucose and fructose, agave nectar usually contains about 70-90% fructose and 10-30% glucose. Here is a quick look at the nutritional content of one tablespoon (21 grams) of agave nectar:

  • Calories: 60
  • Total Fat: 0g
  • Sodium: 1mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 16g
  • Sugars: 16g
  • Protein: 0g

Uses of Agave Nectar

Use agave nectar in various ways to add versatility to your kitchen. Here are some common uses:

  1. Baking: Agave nectar can replace sugar in baking recipes. It adds sweetness and moisture to cakes, cookies, and muffins.
  2. Beverages: Use agave nectar to sweeten tea, coffee, smoothies, and cocktails. It dissolves easily in both hot and cold liquids.
  3. Cooking: Drizzle agave nectar over pancakes, waffles, or oatmeal. It can also use in marinades, dressings, and sauces.
  4. Topping: Pour agave nectar over yogurt, fruit, or ice cream for a sweet, natural topping.

Comparing Agave Nectar to Traditional Sugar

Caloric Content

Both agave nectar and traditional sugar contain similar amounts of calories per serving, but agave nectar is sweeter than sugar, which means you can use less of it to achieve the same level of sweetness. This can result in a lower overall caloric intake when using agave nectar as a sugar substitute.

Glycemic Index

One of the key differences between agave nectar and traditional sugar is their glycemic index (GI). The glycemic index measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, while those with a low GI release sugar more slowly and steadily.

Agave nectar has a low glycemic index, typically between 13 and 30, which is significantly lower than that of traditional sugar (sucrose), which has a GI of around 65. This makes agave nectar a more suitable option for those trying to manage their blood sugar levels.

Fructose Content

While agave nectar's high fructose content may contribute to its low glycemic index, it also raises some concerns. Consuming high fructose intake in large amounts has been linked to obesity, fatty liver disease, and insulin resistance. However, when used in moderation, agave nectar can be a healthier alternative to traditional sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

Comparing Agave Nectar to Other Sweeteners


Honey, often compared to agave nectar, provides a natural sweetener option with similar caloric content, allowing interchangeability in recipes. This sweetener has a higher glycemic index than agave nectar, meaning it can cause a quicker spike in blood sugar levels. However, honey also contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can provide additional health benefits.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup, like agave nectar, is a natural sweetener with a lower glycemic index than sugar. It also contains some beneficial nutrients, such as manganese and zinc. However, agave nectar is sweeter than maple syrup, so you may need to use less of it to achieve the desired sweetness.


Stevia, derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, is a zero-calorie sweetener. It does not affect blood sugar levels and requires only a small amount due to its sweeter taste compared to agave nectar. While stevia is a good option for those looking to reduce their caloric intake and manage blood sugar levels, some people find its aftertaste less appealing than that of agave nectar.

Potential Health Benefits of Agave Nectar

Lower Glycemic Index

As mentioned earlier, agave nectar has a lower glycemic index than traditional sugar, making it a potentially better choice for those managing diabetes or trying to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Antioxidant Properties

Agave nectar contains some antioxidants, which can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. While the antioxidant content is not as high as that found in honey or some fruits, it still provides some benefit.

Digestive Health

Fructans, a type of carbohydrate found in agave, can act as prebiotics, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This can contribute to better digestive health and overall well-being.

Moderation is Key

While agave nectar offers several advantages over traditional sugar and some other sweeteners, it is essential to use it in moderation. Its high fructose content can pose health risks if consumed in large amounts, so it's crucial to be mindful of your overall sugar intake.

Are You Ready For a New Kind of Sweetener?

Agave nectar is a delicious and versatile natural sweetener that offers some nutritional benefits over traditional sugar and other sweeteners. Its lower glycemic index, antioxidant properties, and potential digestive health benefits make it an attractive option for those looking to reduce their sugar consumption. However, it is essential to use agave nectar in moderation and consider it as part of a balanced diet. By understanding the uses and benefits of agave nectar, you can make an informed decision about incorporating it into your culinary repertoire.


Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Date: June 01, 2024 10:58 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

Fitness and Its Role in Beauty: Unlocking the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Well-being

In the quest for beauty, many often look to skincare products and treatments, yet one of the most effective pathways to radiant skin and overall health is through regular physical activity. Exercise offers an array of benefits that enhance beauty from within, contributing to healthy skin, a glowing complexion, and a fit physique. This article explores how fitness plays a crucial role in beauty and well-being, suggests exercise routines that promote beauty from within, and recommends a supplement to boost hair and skin health.

The Connection Between Fitness and Beauty

Improved Circulation

When you engage in physical activity, your heart pumps more blood, increasing circulation throughout the body. This enhanced blood flow delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, promoting cell regeneration and elasticity. Improved circulation also assists in flushing out toxins, contributing to clearer and more vibrant skin.

Reduction of Stress

Stress is a significant contributor to numerous skin concerns such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Regular exercise can help reduce stress by releasing endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Lower stress levels can result in fewer breakouts and a reduction in skin flare-ups, ultimately leading to a more serene and healthy appearance.

Enhanced Skin Detoxification

Engaging in activities that make you sweat, such as running, cycling, or hot arobics, can help detoxify your skin. Sweating helps to open up pores and remove dirt and impurities, giving your skin a natural detox. Remember to cleanse your face thoroughly after sweating to prevent any potential buildup of bacteria.

Collagen Production

Exercise helps to boost collagen production, a protein that maintains skin's firmness and elasticity. High-intensity workouts and strength training, in particular, can stimulate collagen synthesis, leading to tighter, more youthful-looking skin.

Better Sleep

Regular exercise can improve your sleep patterns, which in turn benefits your skin. During deep sleep, the body works to repair and regenerate cells, including skin cells. Better sleep can result in fewer dark circles, reduced eye puffiness, and a more rested appearance overall.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can cause various skin problems, including acne and premature aging. Exercise helps regulate hormones, stabilizing levels of cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone, which are crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

Exercise Routines That Promote Beauty from Within

Cardiovascular Exercises

Running and Jogging

Running and jogging are excellent ways to boost circulation, enhance cardiovascular health, and induce sweating, which can help detoxify the skin.


Cycling, whether outdoors or on a stationary bike, improves blood flow to the skin, reduces stress, and can be a fun way to stay active.


Swimming is a low-impact exercise that increases circulation, tones muscles, and has the added benefit of keeping skin hydrated due to the water environment.

Strength Training


Incorporating weightlifting into your routine can boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. Focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses for maximum effect.

Resistance Band Exercises

Using resistance bands can help build muscle and enhance circulation without putting too much strain on your joints. These exercises are great for improving muscle tone and skin firmness.

Mind-Body Workouts


Arobics not only improves flexibility and muscle tone but also reduces stress and promotes a better sleep cycle, which are all beneficial for your skin. Floor leg lifts with dumbells and crunches and lateral lifts on the floor can increase blood flow to the face, enhancing your complexion.


Pilates focuses on core strength, posture, and flexibility. The controlled movements and emphasis on breathing can improve circulation and reduce stress, contributing to overall skin health.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a gentle form of martial arts that reduces stress, improves flexibility, and enhances balance. It’s an excellent way for people of all ages to promote overall well-being and skin health.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for boosting metabolism, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy, radiant skin. Exercises like burpees, jump squats, and sprinting can be incorporated into a HIIT routine.

Enhancing Beauty Through Nutrition: Supplements for Hair and Skin Health

Understanding the Importance of Supplements

While a balanced diet and regular exercise are vital for maintaining healthy skin and hair, supplements can provide an additional boost. Nutritional supplements can fill in dietary gaps, ensuring that your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to support glowing skin and strong, vibrant hair.

Recommended Supplement: Biotin and Collagen Complex


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is crucial for hair and skin health. It supports the structure of keratin, a protein that makes up your hair, skin, and nails. Regular intake of biotin can help reduce hair loss, strengthen nails, and improve skin's overall appearance.


Collagen is a protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. A collagen supplement can help replenish this essential protein, promoting firm, youthful-looking skin.

Combining Biotin and Collagen

For optimal results, opt for a supplement that combines both biotin and collagen. This combination can provide comprehensive support for your beauty regimen, enhancing skin elasticity and hydrating hair follicles from within.

Tips for Choosing the Right Supplement

When selecting a supplement, look for products that are:

  • Clinically Tested: Ensure the product has undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy.
  • High-Quality Ingredients: Choose supplements made with natural, high-quality ingredients.
  • Free from Fillers: Avoid products with unnecessary additives, preservatives, or fillers.
  • Transparent Labeling: Check for clear labeling about ingredient sources and concentrations.

Incorporating Supplements into Your Routine

Take your supplement consistently, as directed by the packaging, to see the best results. It's also beneficial to combine your supplement intake with a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Ready to Make a Change in Your Hair & Skin?

Integrating regular physical activity into your lifestyle is a powerful way to achieve glowing skin and overall well-being. From improved circulation to reduced stress, the benefits of exercise extend beyond physical fitness, promoting beauty from within. By incorporating a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and mind-body workouts, you can enhance your natural radiance.

Additionally, supporting your fitness routine with a biotin and collagen supplement can provide further benefits for your hair and skin health. Remember, beauty is not just skin deep—it’s a reflection of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

Date: May 31, 2024 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

With growing awareness of mental health issues, research is increasingly highlighting the connection between vitamins and cognitive function. In recent years, studies have shown that vitamins like B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in mental well-being. This article delves into the latest findings and explores how these essential nutrients contribute to a healthier mind.

Vitamin B12: The Brain's Energy Booster

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is crucial for maintaining the health of nerve cells and red blood cells. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, and even depression.

Latest Research on B12 and Mental Health

Several studies have examined the link between B12 and mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with lower levels of B12 had a higher risk of depression. Similarly, research from the Journal of Neuropsychiatry revealed that elderly patients with B12 deficiencies exhibited more cognitive decline than those with sufficient levels.

How B12 Supports Cognitive Function

B12 plays a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. It also helps in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective layer around nerves that ensures the swift transmission of neural signals. By supporting these functions, B12 contributes to maintaining cognitive clarity and emotional balance.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but its role in mental health is equally significant.

Latest Research on Vitamin D and Mental Health

A growing body of research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that individuals with low levels of Vitamin D had a higher incidence of depression. Another study from The Lancet Psychiatry suggested that Vitamin D supplementation improved mood in patients with depression.

How Vitamin D Supports Cognitive Function

Vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain, indicating that it plays a role in brain function. It helps modulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are critical for mood regulation. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can therefore help in maintaining a balanced mood and reducing the risk of mental health disorders.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Mind's Nourishment

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats predominantly found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats are crucial for brain health and have been the focus of numerous studies investigating their impact on mental well-being.

Latest Research on Omega-3 and Mental Health

Various studies have highlighted the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that Omega-3 supplementation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, research from the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with higher Omega-3 levels experienced fewer depressive symptoms.

How Omega-3 Supports Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are integral components of cell membranes in the brain. They play a role in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to mental health disorders. By supporting these processes, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to robust cognitive function and emotional stability.

Combining Vitamin Intake for Optimal Mental Health

While each vitamin individually supports cognitive function, combining them can enhance their benefits. For instance, a study in the Nutrition Journal found that a combination of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 supplementation improved cognitive performance in older adults more effectively than any single nutrient alone.

Practical Steps for Ensuring Adequate Vitamin Intake

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Include sources of B12 like meat, fish, and dairy; sources of Vitamin D like fatty fish and fortified products; and sources of Omega-3s like fish and flaxseed.
  2. Supplements: Consider taking supplements if obtaining these vitamins through diet alone proves challenging. VitaNet LLC Carries Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 along with a large selection of other products.
  3. Sun Exposure: Ensure regular, safe exposure to sunlight to boost Vitamin D levels naturally. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight several times a week.

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the role of vitamins in mental health underscores the importance of a balanced diet and adequate nutrient intake. Vitamins B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids each offer unique benefits that collectively contribute to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being. As research continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that focusing on these essential nutrients is a crucial step toward achieving optimal mental health.

In summary, while mental health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ensuring adequate intake of key vitamins can provide a foundation for better cognitive and emotional outcomes. By adopting healthy dietary habits and considering supplementation when necessary, individuals can take proactive steps to support their mental well-being.


Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Date: May 29, 2024 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Debunking Myths About Stevia: Separating Fact from Fiction

Stevia has gained significant popularity as a natural sweetener, but with popularity comes a wave of misconceptions and myths. As consumers become more health-conscious and seek alternatives to sugar, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction regarding Stevia. This article debunks stevia myths with evidence-based info to clarify consumer doubts.

Myth 1: Stevia Is Artificial


One of the most prevalent myths about stevia is that it is artificial. In reality, stevia is a completely natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The plant has been used for centuries by indigenous people in South America for its sweetening properties. Unlike artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or saccharin, stevia is derived from a natural source and processed to extract its sweet components, known as steviol glycosides.

Myth 2: Stevia Is Harmful


Another common misconception is that stevia is harmful to health. Scientific studies and regulatory organizations have repeatedly confirmed the safety of stevia. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies high-purity stevia extracts as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) for consumption. Furthermore, research indicates that stevia can have health benefits like lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, making it a suitable sweetener for individuals with diabetes and hypertension.

Myth 3: Stevia Tastes Bad


Some people believe that stevia has a bitter aftertaste, which makes it less appealing as a sweetener. While early formulations of stevia extracts indeed presented a noticeable bitter aftertaste, advancements in processing have minimized this issue. Modern high-purity stevia products are often combined with other natural sweeteners or flavor enhancers to improve taste, making them virtually indistinguishable from sugar in many applications.

Myth 4: Stevia Is Only for Diabetics


While it’s true that stevia is an excellent sweetener for individuals managing diabetes due to its zero-calorie and zero-carbohydrate nature, it is not exclusive to them. Anyone looking to reduce sugar consumption or seeking a natural alternative can benefit from using stevia. It is a versatile sweetener that can be used in a variety of foods and beverages, making it suitable for the general population striving for a healthier lifestyle.

Myth 5: All Stevia Products Are the Same


Not all stevia products are created equal. The purity and quality of stevia extracts can vary significantly between products. It's crucial to read labels and choose products that contain high-purity stevia extracts, as some products on the market contain added fillers or lower-grade stevia. By selecting reputable brands and scrutinizing ingredient lists, consumers can ensure they are using high-quality stevia that meets their health standards.

Kal Sure Stevia Extract is one of those high-quality brands that stand out in the market. Known for its commitment to purity and potency, Kal Sure Stevia Extract offers a product that is free from fillers and unnecessary additives. The brand’s stringent quality control measures ensure that each batch contains only high-purity stevia extracts, delivering consistent sweetness without the aftertaste. Consumers can trust Kal Sure Stevia Extract as a safe, reliable, and pleasant-tasting alternative to conventional sugar. When choosing a stevia product, it's essential to opt for a brand like Kal Sure stevia to enjoy the full benefits of this natural sweetener.

Myth 6: Stevia Causes Allergic Reactions


Some believe that consuming stevia can trigger allergies. However, stevia is generally considered hypoallergenic and does not commonly cause allergic reactions. There have been few documented cases of stevia allergies, and these are typically related to individuals with specific sensitivities. For the vast majority of people, stevia is a safe and well-tolerated sweetener, even for those with common food allergies.

Myth 7: Stevia Leads to Weight Gain


The notion that stevia contributes to weight gain is counterintuitive, given its zero-calorie nature. Unlike sugar, which is high in calories and contributes to weight gain, stevia provides sweetness without adding calories. Using stevia instead of sugar can help reduce overall caloric intake, aiding in weight management efforts. Multiple studies have shown that replacing sugar with stevia can be an effective strategy for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Myth 8: Stevia Disrupts Metabolism


Concerns about stevia disrupting metabolism are unfounded. Research indicates that stevia neither affects metabolic rates nor alters insulin sensitivity in a negative manner. On the contrary, stevia has been shown to have a neutral or even beneficial impact on metabolism, particularly for individuals with metabolic disorders like diabetes. It allows for sweetening without the metabolic consequences associated with high sugar consumption.

Myth 9: Stevia Can’t Be Used in Baking


There is a misconception that stevia is unsuitable for baking due to its chemical composition. While it is true that baking with stevia requires some adjustments—since it does not have the same physical properties as sugar—it can still be used effectively. Bakers often use stevia in combination with other ingredients to achieve the desired texture and sweetness. Many recipes and commercial products have successfully incorporated stevia, proving its versatility in baking applications.

Myth 10: Stevia Is Expensive


Consumers sometimes think that switching to stevia will significantly increase their grocery bills. While high-purity stevia products may be more expensive per ounce than sugar, they are much sweeter. A small amount of stevia goes a long way, which means that even a small container can last a long time. In the long run, the cost of stevia can be comparable to or even less than sugar, particularly when considering the health benefits and potential medical cost savings from reduced sugar consumption. Brands like Kal Stevia 3.5 oz contains 1800 servings per container.

Are You Ready to Sweeten Your Life?

It is crucial to approach any information about stevia with a critical eye and rely on evidence-based data rather than myths. Stevia is a natural, safe, and versatile sweetener that offers numerous health benefits without the downsides of sugar and artificial sweeteners. By debunking these common misconceptions, consumers can make informed choices that contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Take the Next Step Towards a Healthier Life

Now is the perfect time to reconsider your sweetening choices and embrace the benefits of stevia. With its proven safety, versatility in cooking, and numerous health advantages, stevia stands out as a superior alternative to traditional sugar and artificial sweeteners. Start exploring reputable brands, like Kal Sure Stevia Extract, and experiment with incorporating stevia into your daily routine. By making this simple switch, you can enhance your overall well-being without compromising on taste. Visit your local grocery store or trusted online retailer to find high-quality stevia products and embark on your journey to a healthier, sweeter life today!


The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Date: May 29, 2024 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and nervous system health. Among its many roles, one of the most vital is its contribution to energy production and metabolism. This article delves into how Vitamin B12 affects energy levels, with a particular focus on its importance for vegetarians and vegans.

Understanding Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It is primarily responsible for converting food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which the body uses for energy. B12 is also crucial in the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to every part of the body, and in maintaining the health of nerve cells.

The Science Behind Energy Production

Role in Metabolism

Vitamin B12 is a key player in metabolism, a complex set of chemical reactions in our body that convert food into energy. One of the primary ways B12 contributes to metabolism is through its involvement in the Krebs cycle, a series of reactions that produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body's primary energy currency. During the Krebs cycle, Vitamin B12 helps convert fats and proteins into energy, ensuring that the body has a constant supply of fuel to perform everyday tasks.

DNA Synthesis and Cell Division

Vitamin B12 is also essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. It works closely with folate (Vitamin B9) to synthesize DNA during cell division. Rapidly dividing tissues, such as red blood cells, require an adequate supply of B12. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are larger than normal and not as effective in transporting oxygen, thereby causing fatigue and weakness.

The Challenge for Vegetarians and Vegans

B12 Sources

One of the significant challenges for vegetarians and vegans is getting enough Vitamin B12, as it is predominantly found in animal products. Plant-based diets generally lack this vitamin, putting individuals at risk of deficiency. However, several fortified foods and supplements can help prevent this deficiency.

Fortified Foods and Supplements

Many plant-based milk alternatives, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeasts are now fortified with Vitamin B12. For instance, a cup of fortified soy milk can provide about 50% of the daily recommended intake of B12. Additionally, B12 supplements are readily available and can be an effective way for vegetarians and vegans to ensure they get their daily dose. It's crucial to choose a supplement that meets the dietary needs and preferences of the individual.

Symptoms of Deficiency

A lack of Vitamin B12 can result in various health problems like fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss. In severe cases, it may lead to neurological issues such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, balance difficulties, depression, confusion, and memory loss. Given these risks, it's essential for vegetarians and vegans to monitor their B12 levels.

Benefits of Adequate B12 Intake

Enhanced Energy Levels

Adequate intake of Vitamin B12 can significantly enhance energy levels. Since B12 is involved in converting food into ATP, sufficient levels of this vitamin can help ensure that the body efficiently produces and uses energy. Individuals who maintain appropriate B12 levels often report feeling more energetic and less fatigued.

Improved Metabolic Function

By ensuring a sufficient supply of B12, vegetarians and vegans can support their metabolic functions. A well-functioning metabolism is crucial for maintaining body weight, supporting muscle function, and ensuring overall vitality. Improved metabolic function also means better handling of the foods consumed, leading to more stable energy levels throughout the day.

Better Mental Health

Vitamin B12 is essential for producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Adequate levels of B12 can help prevent mental health issues such as depression and brain fog, which are often associated with fatigue and low energy levels. Regular intake of B12, either through diet or supplements, can contribute to better mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Optimal Nervous System Function

B12 is crucial in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective coating around nerves. A healthy nervous system ensures that signals travel efficiently between the brain and the rest of the body. This not only helps in preventing neurological issues but also ensures that the body's energy systems operate smoothly.

How to Ensure Adequate B12 Intake

Regular Blood Tests

For vegetarians and vegans, regular blood tests are an effective way to monitor B12 levels. These tests can help identify a deficiency early on, allowing individuals to take corrective measures before any severe symptoms manifest.

Balanced Diet

A well-rounded, balanced diet that includes fortified foods can help meet the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B12. Incorporating a variety of B12-fortified foods into every meal ensures a steady supply of this vital nutrient.

Considering Supplements

For those who struggle to get enough Vitamin B12 through diet alone, supplements are an excellent option.

Choosing the Right Supplement: Methyl B12

When selecting a Vitamin B12 supplement, methylcobalamin, or methyl B12, is often recommended as the best form. It has superior bioavailability compared to cyanocobalamin, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Methyl B12 doesn't need conversion in the body to be effective, leading to quicker uptake and immediate benefits.

For vegetarians and vegans at higher risk of B12 deficiency, methyl B12 is especially beneficial for maintaining optimal B12 levels effectively. Including this form in your supplement routine can boost energy, mental clarity, and support metabolic and nervous system functions.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness about B12 is key for vegetarians and vegans to prevent deficiencies. Health programs can educate on maintaining adequate levels through diet and supplements.

Are You Ready For More Energy?

Vitamin B12's role in energy production and metabolism is indisputable. Vegetarians and vegans can struggle to get enough B12 from plant-based diets, but fortified foods and supplements offer solutions. Understanding B12's importance and taking action can boost energy, metabolism, and well-being. Regular monitoring, a balanced diet, and appropriate supplementation are key strategies to prevent deficiency and maintain optimal health.


six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

Date: December 06, 2023 04:55 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

If you're looking to stay in the game longer and improve endurance while promoting rapid recovery, we've got you covered! six top-notch supplements that can help you achieve your goals.

For most of us, life can feel like quite the balancing act. In an ideal world, we would all have ample time throughout the day to dedicate to our health and well-being. However, reality paints a different picture, where 24 hours can seem like an insufficient amount of time to squeeze in work, school, family, and the countless responsibilities that life throws at us. In recent years, the use of supplements for recovery has gained popularity, becoming more common than ever before.

Our bodies face a barrage of daily stresses, including exposure to environmental toxins, electromagnetic pollution, and the strain of intense physical activity. These factors increase our body's demands for antioxidants and essential nutrients that aid in the process of recovery. While consuming antioxidant-rich foods can certainly make a difference, it can be challenging to meet these requirements solely through our diet. That's where a well-rounded supplement regimen can play a crucial role in promoting optimal health and aiding in recovery. Even with our best efforts to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and get sufficient sleep, life in the 21st century can be incredibly demanding, depleting our bodies on a cellular level.

For athletes, consistent training is key to reaching desired performance levels. It's important to understand that the muscle recovery and building process primarily occurs between gym sessions. Developing a comprehensive recovery strategy during this crucial window, through the use of supplements, proper nutrition, and adequate rest, can help athletes perform at their best week in and week out. Failing to make the most of this recovery period may result in free radical damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). To maximize the benefits, it's important to prioritize food as the primary source of vital nutrients, while also recognizing the significant role supplements can play in providing the necessary building blocks for muscle repair due to their rapid absorption rate. However, it's essential to ensure that any chosen supplements are clinically validated, demonstrating efficacy and supported by solid scientific evidence.

In today's fast-paced world, there is a growing demand for quick and convenient solutions to jumpstart the recovery process. Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing supplements, it's important to remember that one size does not fit all. The market offers an overwhelming array of options, often leaving individuals feeling bewildered about which products to select.

Before diving into my recommendations for the top six supplements to aid in recovery, I believe it's crucial to emphasize the significance of cellular renewal and its direct impact on the recovery process. This, in my opinion, serves as the key to achieving a quick and effective recovery.

Oxidation and Free Radical Damage

A fundamental key to staying young and maintaining optimal health is cellular renewal and minimizing the damage to cells over time. We all age, but studies have shown that some individuals age better than others. Have you ever wondered why? Well, recent research has linked oxidative stress to the aging process. So, what exactly is oxidative stress? Allow me to explain in simple terms – oxidation occurs when the body produces by-products commonly known as free radicals. It's almost like a machine rusting, but instead of rust forming on iron, our bodies experience the effects of aging and age-related diseases.

Now, our bodies naturally produce free radicals as part of our daily metabolism, and they can also be produced as a result of environmental pollutants from everyday things like air, water, and even sun exposure. As we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to the long-term effects of oxidative stress, which simply means we accumulate too many free radicals and experience increased inflammation at the cellular level.

As interesting as it may sound, the process of oxidation is actually abundant and can be beneficial for our bodies to function properly. But, and this is an important "but," this very process can also cause potential harm. You see, the oxidizing process creates these molecules called free radicals, which are electrically charged. These free radicals interact with our cells, and this interaction can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. For example, our immune system utilizes free radicals to help fight infection. However, when LDL cholesterol (often referred to as bad cholesterol) is oxidized, it can become a concern (cholesterol buildup).

Let's talk about oxidative stress. It occurs when the level of free radicals overwhelms the body's natural antioxidant defense system, resulting in cell damage. As I mentioned earlier, while free radicals serve useful functions in the body, they are highly unstable molecules. If they remain uncontrolled, they have the potential to wreak havoc by causing damage to cells, enzymes, and even our DNA, which ultimately accelerates the aging process. In addition, these free radicals can also contribute to the development of various age-related diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

Now, inflammation is triggered by free radical damage, and it is this inflammation that leads to the negative effects of free radicals due to oxidation. The question then becomes, how can we address this in our daily nutritional regimen? The answer lies in the incorporation of antioxidants, which play a vital role in combating oxidative stress and minimizing the damage caused by free radicals in our bodies. You'll be glad to know that there are foods rich in antioxidant content that can help us on this journey. In fact, certain foods contain phytonutrients that, according to many health professionals, hold the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity and overall well-being.

So, my dear friend, let's take a proactive approach, nourish our bodies with antioxidant-rich foods, and strive to minimize the effects of oxidative stress caused by free radicals. It's never too late to make positive choices for our health and age gracefully.

Phytonutrients, also known as health boosters, are substances produced by plants to protect themselves from harmful bacteria and viruses. However, these compounds also offer significant benefits to the human body. Packed with essential nutrients, phytonutrients play an active role in promoting good health. They belong to the antioxidant family, responsible for eliminating harmful free radicals and thus slowing down the aging process. Incorporating a diet rich in high antioxidant foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial as the first line of defense against aging.

While vitamins A, C, and E are commonly known antioxidants, there are other antioxidants available in both food and supplement form. These antioxidant supplements play a vital role in bridging the nutritional gap left by processed foods, lacking the necessary antioxidants and nutrients to combat free radicals effectively.

Let's take a closer look at my top six supplement recommendations, known for their efficacy in fighting oxidative stress and promoting optimal recovery:

Beta Alanine: As an amino acid derivative, Beta Alanine is proven to enhance intramuscular carnosine content, improving the body's ability to buffer hydrogen ions. During exercise, the body accumulates hydrogen ions, contributing to fatigue and lowering pH levels. Beta Alanine supplementation can reduce fatigue, enhance exercise performance, and increase training volume. Whether it's interval training or weightlifting to improve running economy, incorporating beta-alanine can have a positive impact on endurance performance and overall training results.

BCAAs: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have become a staple supplement for athletes due to their role in muscle and energy production during exercise. Consisting of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine, and valine - BCAAs have been shown to significantly reduce muscle soreness and expedite the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs helps prevent muscle breakdown, as the body does not need to rely on its own muscle tissue for energy. Consequently, protein synthesis remains high, supporting muscle growth and repair.

Creatine, a natural molecule found in muscle cells. When engaging in high-intensity workouts like weightlifting, Creatine helps your body produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a vital energy source. This amazing compound improves strength, boosts lean muscle mass, and aids in faster muscle recovery.

Flavonoid Root, a breakthrough extract known for its cardiovascular benefits. This extract is packed with potent antioxidants and acts as a nitric oxide booster, promoting increased endurance during workouts. Studies have shown that it fights against free radical damage and increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood, ensuring optimal cardiovascular health. You can also boost nitric oxide with beet root, and l-citruline.

Speaking of studies, a published research paper in Food and Nutrition Research (April 2016) highlighted the effects of the unique flavonoid root extract on arterial health. The study revealed that after one year of consumption, participants experienced a decrease in artery wall thickness, total cholesterol, LDL levels, and blood pressure. This indicates that the extract may help reduce the risk of oxidation-related cerebral vascular issues and improve overall cardiovascular health

Glutamine. It's the most abundant amino acid in the human body and plays a vital role in muscle recovery and repair. Glutamine aids in preventing muscle soreness, optimizing post-workout recovery, and supporting muscle rebuilding. By facilitating nitrogen transport, regulating acid-base balance, and acting as an antioxidant, Glutamine ensures faster post-workout muscle recovery, giving you the freedom to train harder for better results.

Protein plays a crucial role in replenishing and repairing your muscles after a workout, making it a key nutrient to consume alongside carbohydrates. By opting for a protein shake as a post-workout option, you can efficiently supply amino acids to your muscles, stimulating muscle protein synthesis, enhancing recovery, and promoting growth. It's important, though, to choose a protein shake that contains high-quality ingredients, as prioritizing quality over quantity is key when it comes to protein.

Apart from protein, there are several other supplements that work through various mechanisms to provide natural, broad-spectrum antioxidant and nutrient support, ultimately contributing to optimal health and recovery. Taking preventative measures to protect the health of different body systems is much easier than trying to restore their function after damage has occurred. With this in mind, retailers should suggest a preventive program to their customers, aiming to limit free radical damage and promote recovery. As the adage goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," emphasizing the significance of protecting and preserving one's health.

In conclusion, the role of antioxidants, particularly phytonutrients, in maintaining overall health and combating oxidative stress cannot be overstated. These beneficial compounds not only slow down the aging process, but also enhance the body's ability to recover from physical exertion. Various supplements, including Beta Alanine, BCAAs, Creatine, Flavonoid Root, Glutamine, and Protein, each offer distinct benefits in supporting muscle growth, improving athletic performance, and promoting quicker recovery. The incorporation of these supplements into one's regimen can effectively bridge the nutritional gap left by processed foods. A preventive strategy, emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants and high-quality supplements, holds the key to optimal health and longevity. As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.


Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

Date: August 04, 2023 02:09 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Your Sodium to Potassium Ratio Is Important

The typical Western diet is largely comprised of processed foods, which are notoriously high in processed table salt. This results in an imbalance in the sodium to potassium ratio, a significant health concern. Sodium is necessary for a variety of bodily functions; however, too much can be detrimental, leading to hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Simultaneously, potassium is often neglected, despite its crucial role in muscle function, nerve signaling, and balancing fluids.

The general dietary advice suggests a potassium to sodium intake ratio of 3:1. However, the reality in diets, particularly those in America, often sees this ratio inverted. The excessive sodium consumption is linked to a myriad of health complications, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Conversely, potassium, a mineral that aids in nerve function and muscle control, is consumed in insufficient quantities. This is a troubling trend that underscores the importance of dietary change towards natural, unprocessed foods.

The importance of potassium is often overshadowed by the emphasis on limiting sodium for reducing chronic disease risk factors. Potassium plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by counteracting the effects of sodium. Furthermore, the mineral is crucial for other functions like heart and muscle cell functioning, nerve transmission, and maintaining fluid balance.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered that individuals with the lowest risk for heart complications or death from any cause were those consuming between four to six grams of sodium per day. This is a fascinating discovery, as this intake is significantly higher than the U.S. daily recommended limits. It suggests a need for a reconsideration of current sodium intake guidelines.

Another consideration to balance the sodium-potassium ratio is the type of salt consumed. Unprocessed, natural salts like sea salt and Himalayan salt contain higher potassium levels compared to standard table salt. These natural salts provide a variety of minerals and trace elements that contribute to our overall health and wellness. It's crucial to note that switching to natural salt should be part of a broader shift towards a diet rich in fresh, unprocessed foods.

Why You Should Focus on Increasing Potassium

While it's beneficial to monitor and moderate sodium intake, it's equally important to shift our focus towards increasing potassium consumption. Potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas, potatoes, and beans, not only contribute to a well-rounded and nutritious diet but also help in maintaining an optimal sodium-potassium balance in the body. A high potassium intake can counteract the effects of sodium, aiding in blood pressure regulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, an elevated potassium level supports various bodily functions, including nerve transmission, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. Thus, prioritizing potassium intake forms a cornerstone for an overall healthier dietary approach. It is recommended that individuals consume 5 grams of potassium daily and potassium to salt ratio should be 2 to 1. To boost potassium intake, one can take a potassium supplement or add the following foods to their diet or both: Watermelon, Orange juice, Boiled red potatoes, Avocado, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Coconut water, Tomatoes, Yogurt, Winter squash, and Wild-caught salmon.

Why Low-Salt Advice Can Be Harmful

Contrary to popular belief, adhering to low-salt advice can sometimes pose risks to certain individuals. While it is true that excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and heart problems, sodium still plays a vital role in our bodies. It assists in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and maintaining the body's fluid balance.

In fact, low sodium levels in the body, a condition known as hyponatremia, can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, and in severe cases, coma or even death. Moreover, a low-salt diet may lead to increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. This can potentially elevate the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Low-salt diets can also exacerbate the risk of certain health conditions. For instance, individuals with conditions like Addison's disease or certain kidney disorders, where the body struggles to maintain a balance of electrolytes, might find a low-salt diet harmful.

Therefore, it is crucial to balance the intake of sodium, considering both the potential risks associated with too much, or too little, sodium. The key is to consume sodium from natural and unprocessed sources, such as Himalayan salt, fruits, vegetables, grains, and lean meats, which also provide a host of other nutrients necessary for overall health. As with most things in nutrition, moderation and balance seem to hold the answer rather than extreme restriction. The RDA - recommended daily allowance of sodium is 3.5 grams. It is advised to consume 3.5 grams of natural salt each day by way of foods or combination of foods plus Himalayan salt to reach that goal.

The Impact of Excessive Salt Intake on Certain Health Conditions

While moderate salt intake is vital for normal physiological functions, its excessive consumption can have detrimental effects, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions. For instance, endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels can all heighten the body's sensitivity to sodium, making it even more essential to monitor and limit salt intake.

Endocrine disorders, which involve imbalances in the body's hormone production, can often lead to increased sodium retention, exacerbating issues of water retention and swelling. Similarly, high aldosterone levels, a hormone that regulates sodium and potassium balance, can cause the body to retain excessive sodium, leading to high blood pressure and potential damage to the cardiovascular system.

Cushing's syndrome, a condition characterized by excessive cortisol production, can lead to a host of symptoms, including high blood pressure and rapid weight gain, both of which can be intensified by high sodium intake. The excessive cortisol found in Cushing's syndrome promotes sodium retention, further elevating the risk for hypertension.

Similarly, elevated cortisol levels, even outside of Cushing's syndrome, can lead to heightened sodium retention, contributing to high blood pressure, fluid retention, and an imbalance of electrolytes. Therefore, individuals with these conditions should be particularly mindful of their sodium intake.

In these scenarios, reducing salt consumption can help mitigate the associated health risks and symptoms. Switching to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, and taking conscious steps to limit the use of added table salt can play a crucial role in managing these health conditions. As always, it is essential to seek personalized advice from a healthcare professional, as individual needs may vary.

In summary, while salt is often villainized in the health community, its consumption, especially from natural sources, is vital for maintaining bodily functions like nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and fluid balance. However, excessive or inadequate sodium intake can have adverse health effects, such as hypertension, imbalances in cholesterol and triglycerides, and even hyponatremia in severe cases. Certain health conditions, including endocrine disorders, high aldosterone levels, Cushing's syndrome, and elevated cortisol levels, can also exacerbate these risks, making it crucial for individuals with these conditions to carefully monitor their salt intake. On the other hand, increasing potassium intake can help maintain an optimal sodium-potassium balance, reducing blood pressure and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In a nutshell, moderation and balance are key in sodium consumption, but the emphasis should be on consuming more potassium-rich foods to ensure your potassium intake is higher than sodium levels which will ensure a healthier dietary approach.


NOW Real Tea® Organic Matcha A Coffee Alternative

Date: November 02, 2022 05:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: NOW Real Tea® Organic Matcha A Coffee Alternative

Matcha is a highly concentrated, culinary grade, pure powder that's made without any other ingredients or additives. Traditionally the highlight of Japanese tea ceremonies - it's great just mixed with water or try it with your favorite milk or non-dairy beverage and natural sweetener to make a latte. It's the perfect alternative to coffee with its strong flavor and energy-boosting capabilities and makes an invigorating add-on to smoothies.

Matcha is quickly becoming popular in the western world as people are looking for alternatives to coffee that are just as energizing but don't come with the drawbacks (like jitters and crash). If you're looking to jump on the matcha bandwagon, look no further than NOW Real Tea® Organic Matcha. Keep reading to learn more about this amazing product!

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a type of green tea that is grown and produced in Japan. The leaves are shade-grown for the last few weeks before harvest which creates a higher chlorophyll content and gives matcha its beautiful green color. Once harvested, the leaves are quickly steamed and dried to prevent fermentation. The stems and veins are then removed before the leaves are stone ground into a fine powder. This powder is what we call matcha.

The Difference between Culinary Grade and Ceremonial Grade Matcha

NOW Real Tea® only sources culinary grade matcha for our products. Culinary grade matchas are less expensive than ceremonial grade because they don't have to meet as many criteria (like particle size). This makes them more accessible so people can experiment with using matcha in cooking and baking without having to spend a lot of money.

Culinary grade matchas can also be used for traditional Japanese tea ceremonies - it's all about personal preference! Some people prefer the taste of ceremonial grade matchas while others find them too bitter. If you're new to matcha, we recommend starting with a culinary grade powder like NOW Real Tea® Organic Matcha.

We hope this article has wet your whistle when it comes to matcha! If you're looking to try out this amazing powder for yourself, head over to our website and check out our organic culinary grade matcha. We think you'll love it as much as we do!


The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins

Date: September 30, 2022 03:22 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Co-Enzyme B-Complex Vitamins

B-complex vitamins are essential to many of the body's functions, including energy production, synthesis of blood cells, healthy nervous system function, and more. However, the forms of B vitamins found in foods and most supplements need to be converted into their active forms before they can be used by the body. Co-enzyme B-Complex supplements contain B vitamins in their active forms, making them more easily available for use by the body.

B Vitamins and Energy Production

The B vitamins play a vital role in energy production. They work together to convert the food we eat into energy that can be used by our cells. Co-enzyme B-Complex provides the body with easily accessible energy so that we can feel our best throughout the day.

B Vitamins and Blood Cell Synthesis

B vitamins are also necessary for the synthesis of blood cells. This process starts in the bone marrow, where new blood cells are created. The B vitamins help to transport oxygen and nutrients to the bone marrow so that new blood cells can be produced properly. Co-enzyme B-Complex ensures that the body has enough of the active form of B vitamins available so that new blood cells can be created efficiently.

B Vitamins and Nervous System Function

Another important function of B vitamins is maintaining healthy nervous system function. The nervous system is responsible for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest of the body. B vitamins are necessary for proper neurotransmitter function and myelin production. Co-enzyme B-Complex ensures that the nervous system has enough of the active form of B vitamins available to function optimally.

Co-enzyme B-Complex supplements provide the body with easily accessible energy, support blood cell synthesis, and maintain healthy nervous system function. These supplements are an easy way to ensure that your body has enough of the active form of B vitamins available to perform all of these vital functions.


The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain

Date: September 16, 2022 11:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Uses and Benefits of Bromelain

Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from the stem of the pineapple plant. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine for supporting digestive health, but modern science has also shown that it can provide support for joint comfort and relief from temporary muscle soreness.* Lets explore the many different uses and benefits of bromelain.

Bromelain for Digestive Health

Bromelain has been used traditionally to support digestive health.* When taken with food, it can help to break down proteins, which can aid in the digestion process.* In addition, bromelain may also help to reduce occasional gas and bloating.* If you are looking for a natural way to support your digestive health, bromelain may be a good option for you.

Bromelain for Joint Comfort

In addition to supporting digestive health, bromelain may also help to support joint comfort.* When taken between meals, bromelain can help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the joints.* If you are struggling with joint pain or discomfort, bromelain may be able to help.

Bromelain for Muscle Soreness

Another use for bromelain is relieving temporary muscle soreness that is associated with overexertion or overuse.* If you are an athlete or just someone who enjoys being active, bromelain can help you recover from your workouts more quickly by reducing inflammation and swelling in the muscles.* If you are looking for a natural way to reduce muscle soreness, bromelain may be right for you.

In Summary:

As you can see, there are many different uses and benefits of bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that has many potential health benefits. It can support healthy digestion, promote joint comfort and relieve temporary muscle soreness.* If you are looking for a natural way to support your health and well-being, bromelain may be the perfect supplement for you.


The Consequences of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Date: September 14, 2022 04:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Consequences of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Most people know they should be getting around eight hours of sleep per night, but according to the National Sleep Foundation, between 50 and 70 million U.S. adults havea sleep disorder*. That means many of us are not getting the quality sleep we need on a nightly basis. But what does that mean for our health? Let’s take a look.

Short-Term Effects of Sleep Deprivation

There are many short-term effects of not getting enough sleep, including:

* Difficulty concentrating or making decisions * Increased forgetfulness * Moodiness or irritability * Slow reflexes * Increased anxiety * Decreased sex drive * Weight gain or weight loss * Heightened senses * Increased susceptibility to colds and flus

Long-Term Effects of Sleep Deprivation

The long-term effects of sleep deprivation are even more concerning. Some of the long-term effects of not getting enough sleep include:

* High blood pressure * Diabetes * Heart disease * Mood disorders such as depression or anxiety * Memory problems * weakened immune system * Increased pain perception Conclusion: As you can see, there are many short-term and long-term effects of not getting enough sleep. If you think you might have a sleep disorder, talk to your doctor about treatment options. In the meantime, practice good sleep hygiene by avoiding caffeine before bedtime, establish a regular sleep schedule, and create a calming bedtime routine. Do your best to get seven to eight hours of quality sleep every night so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day!

Need more sleep try melatonin!

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycles. It's produced naturally by our bodies in response to darkness and starts to increase in the evening as we prepare for bed.

How Does Melatonin Work?

Many people take melatonin supplements in an effort to improve their sleep quality. And there is some evidence to suggest that it can be helpful. One small study found that melatonin supplements helped people fall asleep faster than placebo pills did. However, the effects were only temporary, lasting for just three days.

Another study looked at the effects of melatonin on people with insomnia due to jet lag. This research found that melatonin supplements shortened the time it took for participants to fall asleep by about an hour on average.

It's important to note that these studies looked at short-term usage of melatonin supplements. There's not much research available on the long-term effects of taking this supplement.

If you're struggling to get enough sleep, you might be wondering if supplements could help. One popular option is melatonin. But what is it, and does it really work? Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycles which is produced naturally by our bodies in response to darkness.. Many people take melatonin supplements in an effort to improve their sleep quality and there is some evidence to suggest that it can be helpful such as one small study found that melatonin supplements helped people fall asleep faster than placebo pills did.. however the effects were only temporary lasting three days or another study which looked at the effects of melatonin on people with insomnia due to jet lag and found that it shortened the time it took participants to fall asleep by an hour on average...

Give Melatonin a try and sleep better!


Stress, the body, and a possible solution.

Date: September 09, 2022 04:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Stress, the body, and a possible solution.

We've all heard of stress, and we all know that it can have an effect on our bodies, but what exactly is stress? Stress is the body's response to any demand placed upon it. When we perceieve a threat, whether it's real or imagined, our body reacts accordingly. The autonomic nervous system kicks into gear, releasing a number of hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones increase heart rate and blood pressure while also boosting energy levels. This "fight-or-flight" response is meant to help us deal with perceived danger, but when it's constantly activated, it can take a toll on our physical and mental health.

The Effects of Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can lead to a number of different health problems, both physical and mental. It can weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness. It can also cause headaches, stomach problems, insomnia, and anxiety. In extreme cases, it can even lead to heart disease or stroke.

Stress management is important for maintaining good health and preventing these problems from developing. There are a number of different ways to manage stress, including exercise, relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga, spending time with supportive friends or family members, and seeking professional help if necessary.

While some amount of stress is inevitable in life, it's important to keep it under control to prevent it from having a negative impact on our health. If you find yourself struggling to manage your stress levels, don't hesitate to seek out professional help. In the meantime, there are plenty of self-care techniques that can be effective in managing stress such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and spending time with loved ones.

Is there a solution?

Everyone experiences stress from time to time, whether it's from work, school, or personal relationships. When left unchecked, stress can lead to serious health problems like anxiety and depression. Fortunately, there are ways to combat stress before it takes a toll on your health. One of the most effective ways is to take a B-complex supplement. B-vitamins are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system, and they've been shown to help the body cope with stressful situations. In addition, B-vitamins help to regulate mood and energy levels, which can further help to reduce stress. If you're looking for a natural way to manage stress, a B-complex supplement may be just what you need.

Adding Vitamin C to your diet can help as well

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that plays a role in many different body processes. It is known for its immune-boosting properties, but it can also help to reduce oxidative stress and improve overall stress levels in the body. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the body's ability to detoxify them. This can lead to cell damage and inflammation, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases. However, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to neutralize reactive oxygen species, protecting cells from damage. Additionally, vitamin C plays a role in the production of adrenal hormones, which helps to regulate stress levels in the body. As a result, adding vitamin C to your diet can help reduce oxidative stress and improve overall stress levels in the body.

No matter what life sends your way, try to stress out and take a quality B-vitamin and Vitamin C can help.


How to Support a Healthy Immune System?

Date: May 21, 2022 10:19 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Support a Healthy Immune System?

It's no secret that a strong immune system is key to keeping you healthy. A robust defense against invading viruses and bacteria can help you stay well all year long, and even support healthy aging. But what are the best ways to support your immune system? Here we will discuss four simple tips that can help keep your immune system functioning at its best!

What is the immune system and what does it do?

The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that work together to protect the body from infection. One of the main roles of the immune system is to identify foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and destroy them. The immune system also helps to remove damaged or abnormal cells from the body, preventing them from causing disease. In order to carry out these functions, the immune system must be able to distinguish between normal, healthy cells and foreign or abnormal cells. To do this, the immune system uses a variety of specialized cell types and proteins. white blood cells are a type of cell that is important in immunity. They circulate through the body looking for foreign invaders and damaged or abnormal cells. When they find these cells, they release substances that destroy them. antibodies are proteins that are produced by the immune system in response to an infection. They attach to foreign invaders and mark them for destruction by other cells of the immune system. The immune system is constantly changing and adapting in order to better protect the body against disease. This process is known as immunization, and it occurs when the immune system encounters and defeats a new virus or bacteria.

The benefits of a strong immune system?

A strong immune system is the key to maintaining good health. It helps the body fight off infections and diseases, and also helps to repair tissue damage caused by injury or illness. There are a number of ways to boost the immune system, including eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Additionally, there are a number of supplements that can help to support the immune system, such as vitamin C, echinacea, and garlic. By taking steps to boost the immune system, we can help to protect ourselves against a wide range of illnesses.

Four ways to support your immune system?

There are many ways to support your immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help to protect cells from damage. NAC (N-acetylcysteine) is an amino acid that helps to produce glutathione, a key molecule for detoxification. Echinacea is a herb that has been traditionally used to help fight infection. Garlic is a well-known natural remedy that has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. All of these substances can be found in supplement form, and they can also be found in many foods. For example, citrus fruits contain vitamin C, broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain glutathione-boosting compounds, echinacea can be found in capsules, teas and tinctures, and garlic is a common ingredient in many cuisines. By including these immune-supporting nutrients in your diet, you can help to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Additional tips for keeping your immune system healthy?

In addition to getting plenty of rest and exercise, there are a few other things you can do to support your immune system. First, make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties, so consider taking a supplement or eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli. You should also make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D, which you can get from spending time in the sun or by taking a supplement. Vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) are also thought to support immunity, so consider adding these to your diet as well. Finally, probiotics are “good” bacteria that live in your gut and help keep your digestive system healthy. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, or you can take them in supplement form. Purchasing a few of these in vitamin supplement form and consuming them daily can ensure you get enough of the needed vitamins to support a healthy immune system. By following these tips, you can help keep your immune system healthy and strong.

In conclusion:

A strong immune system is essential for good health. It helps to protect the body against infection and disease, and it also helps to repair tissue damage caused by injury or illness. There are a number of ways to boost the immune system, including taking vitamin supplements, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Are you getting what you need to better support your immunity?


Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

Date: April 30, 2022 10:34 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Could quercetin be the answer to your allergies?

It's that time of year again, when the sneezing and sniffling starts. Seasonal allergies can make life miserable for millions of people. But what if there was a natural way to lessen your symptoms? Quercetin, a flavonoid found in many plants, might be the answer.

What are seasonal allergies and what causes them?

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis, are a type of inflammation of the nose that occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne particles such as pollen, dust, or mold spores. The most common symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. Seasonal allergies can occur at any time of year, but they are most common in spring and fall. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to seasonal allergies, including genetics, weather patterns, and air pollution. In addition, people who suffer from other conditions such as asthma or eczema are more likely to develop seasonal allergies. treatment for seasonal allergies typically involves avoiding triggers and managing symptoms with medication. In severe cases, allergy shots may be recommended. With proper management, people with seasonal allergies can enjoy symptom-free days.

What is quercetin and where can it be found?

Quercetin is a plant-based flavonoid that has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, including apples, onions, and berries. Quercetin supplements are also available. Studies have shown that quercetin can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies, such as hay fever and seasonal allergies. It does this by inhibiting the release of histamine, which is a chemical that triggers allergy symptoms. In addition, quercetin can help to reduce inflammation and swelling. For these reasons, it is often recommended as a natural treatment for allergies.

How does quercetin work to alleviate allergy symptoms?

Quercetin has a wide range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and acting as an antioxidant. Quercetin also has the ability to block histamine, which is one of the main molecules involved in allergic reactions. When histamine is released, it causes the symptoms of allergies such as runny nose, watery eyes, and hives. By blocking histamine, quercetin can help to reduce these symptoms. In addition, quercetin can also help to reduce the production of inflammatory molecules such as cytokines. This helps to further reduce the symptoms of allergies and inflammation.

How much quercetin should you take to see results?

So, how much quercetin should you take to see results? Studies on quercetin supplementation have used dosages ranging from 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day to start and go up as needed. Generally, the higher doses are used to treat specific conditions, while the lower doses are more typically used for preventative purposes.

Are there any other natural remedies that can help with allergies?

There is no doubt that allergies can be a real nuisance, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and skin rashes. While medications such as antihistamines are commonly used to manage these symptoms, there may be other natural remedies that can help as well. For instance, researchers have found that medicinal herbs such as nettle and astragalus may help to reduce inflammation associated with allergies. Additionally, changing your diet to include more antioxidant-rich foods may make you less prone to allergic reactions. Overall, while medications can be an important part of managing allergies, there are many other natural strategies that may be helpful as well. By incorporating a variety of these strategies into your treatment plan, you can hopefully minimize the impact of allergies on your life.

How can you reduce your exposure to allergens in your environment?

Allergens are substances that can trigger an allergic reaction in certain individuals. While different allergies manifest themselves in different ways, the main goal for anyone who is trying to reduce their exposure to allergens is to create a healthier environment for themselves and their loved ones. There are a number of tactics you can use to do this, starting with some simple steps that can be implemented at home. These include installing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your HVAC system, thoroughly cleaning surfaces and dusting regularly, and eliminating any indoor plants. Other steps involve avoiding exposures outside of the home, such as limiting time spent in dusty places like construction sites or opting to stay indoors on high-pollen days during allergy season. Overall, by making a few small changes to your lifestyle, you can greatly reduce your risk of exposure to allergens and take back control of your health.

Can allergy medication be safely taken while taking quercetin supplements?

Many people experience the unpleasant symptoms of allergies, such as a runny nose, coughing, or itchy eyes. Fortunately, there are many different medications that can help to relieve these symptoms and allow you to live a more comfortable life. However, for some people, allergy medication does not provide adequate relief. In this case, taking quercetin supplements may be an effective alternative. Additionally, some research has suggested that quercetin may actually enhance the effects of allergy medication. So is it safe to take allergy medication while taking quercetin supplements? The answer is yes, but quercetin can affect the way certain medications are absorbed by the body and should never be taken without consulting a medical professional. By doing so, you can safely reap the benefits of both treatments and enjoy a more comfortable life free from pesky allergies.

The quick answer

Allergy sufferers often have to contend with a host of different symptoms, from itchy eyes and a runny nose to sneezing fits and anxiety. While there are a variety of over-the-counter medications available to provide relief, many people are hesitant to take them on a regular basis due to concerns about side effects. Quercetin is a natural compound that has been shown to be effective in reducing allergy symptoms. It is generally considered safe to take quercetin along with other over-the-counter allergy medications. While there is always the potential for interactions between different substances, quercetin and most over-the-counter allergy medications are unlikely to cause any problems when taken together. As always, it is best to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication regimen while consuming natural vitamin and herbal supplements.


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Date: April 26, 2022 10:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

A recent study has shown that Vitamin D may play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, looked at data from over 10,000 adults. They found that those who had the highest levels of Vitamin D were less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. This is great news for those looking to improve their heart health!

What is Vitamin D and why is it important for heart health?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays various important roles in the body, including helping to maintain healthy bones and supporting immune function. In recent years, scientists have also begun to uncover the critical role that Vitamin D can play in promoting cardiovascular health. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of several important cardiovascular processes, including blood pressure and lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of Vitamin D are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Therefore, ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through diet, sun exposure, or supplementation may help to protect against heart conditions and improve overall cardiovascular health.

The study on Vitamin D and heart health

Researchers at the University of South Australia have recently conducted a study exploring the link between vitamin D and heart health. They found that individuals with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks, than those with lower levels. The results suggest that vitamin D plays an important role in protecting the heart and maintaining efficient cardiovascular function. This is important not only for preventing or mitigating the effects of heart disease, but also for overall health and well-being. Overall, the results of this study highlight the importance of ensuring adequate levels of vitamin D to safeguard our hearts and keep us healthy.

How to get more Vitamin D in your diet

While vitamin D-3 is essential for good health, many people struggle to get enough of this important nutrient through their diet alone. With so many factors affecting our ability to absorb nutrients from food, it can be difficult to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D through regular meals. However, research suggests that we may be able to get enough of this vital nutrient by taking supplements or getting outside on sunny days. For example, studies show that simply spending time in sunlight for a few minutes each day can go a long way toward maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body. Additionally, many foods are fortified with vitamin D-3, including dairy products and some types of bread and cereal. Ultimately, the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D-3 levels is through a combination of dietary sources and appropriate supplementation. So don't be afraid to take that extra step or buying a supplement – your health will thank you!

Bottom line: Vitamin D is a promising nutrient for heart health

Vitamin D-3 is a nutrient that is continually been getting attention for its potential benefits to heart health. This nutrient can be obtained through certain foods, such as oily fish and eggs, but many individuals also supplement with vitamin D-3 on a regular basis. Preliminary research suggests that this nutrient may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the arteries, two important contributors to cardiovascular disease. Additionally, studies have shown that vitamin D-3 can help to strengthen the immune system, which further enhances overall heart health by keeping the body healthy and strong. Overall, when it comes to promoting heart health, vitamin D-3 seems like a promising nutrient that deserves further scientific study and exploration.

Assist Mineral absorption

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It also plays a role in maintaining strong bones and muscles. Unfortunately, foods are a relatively poor source of vitamin D. The best way to get this nutrient is through exposure to sunlight. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, so many people choose to take a supplement instead. Vitamin D supplements are available in both liquid and pill form. They are typically taken once a day, and they can help people maintain adequate levels of vitamin D without exposing themselves to the harmful effects of the sun.

Vitamin D-3 is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body

As we already know, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin D-3, the form of vitamin D found in supplements, is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body. These processes include cell proliferation, immunomodulation, and regulation of gene expression. Vitamin D-3 has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 has been shown to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, particularly in older adults. In addition, vitamin D-3 supplementation has been shown to improve muscular strength and reduce the risk of falls in older adults. While most people can get adequate amounts of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, those who don't get enough sun exposure or have dark skin are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 is an effective way to ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient.


A Vitamin Supplement Regime Can Mitigate Risk of Developing Pancreatic Cancer

Date: April 23, 2022 11:49 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Vitamin Supplement Regime Can Mitigate Risk of Developing Pancreatic Cancer

Did you know that pancreatic cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States? It's a terrible disease, and unfortunately, it is often diagnosed too late for effective treatment. But what if there was something you could do to reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer? Believe it or not, there may be! A recent Chinese study has shown a clear correlation between higher intake of vitamins and lower risk of pancreatic cancer. The researchers believe that the vitamins induce apoptosis in cancer cells, thus preventing them from growing and spreading. So if you're looking for ways to improve your health, start by adding some vitamins to your diet!

What is pancreatic cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland located in the abdomen behind the stomach. It produces enzymes that help with digestion and hormones that help regulate blood sugar levels. Pancreatic cancer usually starts in the cells that line the ducts of the pancreas. These cells are called pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells. Less commonly, pancreatic cancer can start in the hormone-producing cells or the enzyme-producing cells of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is a rare form of cancer, but it is one of the most deadly. The American Cancer Society estimates that approximately 56,770 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2018 and that approximately 45,750 people will die from the disease. There are several risk factors for pancreatic cancer, including smoking, obesity, diabetes, and family history. There is no sure way to prevent pancreatic cancer, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle may lower your risk. If you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. Clinical trials are also an option for some patients.

Did you know that pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States? It's a terrible disease, and unfortunately, it is often diagnosed too late for effective treatment. But what if there was something you could do to reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer? Believe it or not, there may be! A recent Chinese study has shown a clear correlation between higher intake of vitamins and lower risk of pancreatic cancer. The researchers believe that the vitamins induce apoptosis in cancer cells, thus preventing them from growing and spreading. So if you're looking for ways to improve your health, start by adding some vitamins to your diet!

There are many different types of vitamins, and it can be confusing to know which ones you should take. However, the study's findings suggest that vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene are particularly effective in reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. You can find these vitamins in many different foods, or you can take them in supplement form.

Getting more vitamins is just one part of a healthy lifestyle that can help reduce your risk of cancer. Eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise are also important. And if you're looking for ways to improve your health, adding some vitamins to your diet is a great place to start!


When will I start noticing results? HRG80 Red Ginseng

Date: January 27, 2021 12:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: When will I start noticing results? HRG80 Red Ginseng

Clinical studies that featured red ginseng, ashwagandha, and maca individually typically saw results between 8 to 12 weeks. However, the synergistic benefits of having a combination of these ingredients could mean that you may experience benefits before that. The best results for sexual enhancement occur over time with continued use of this safe and effective formula.*

What about toxins and pesticides?

I’ve heard that ginseng is susceptible to picking up toxins or pesticides through its roots. Is this something I need to worry about with your product? No. The HRG80 ginseng that we feature in our red ginseng supplements is hydroponically grown in ultra-clean conditions. Because the ginseng roots are carefully cultivated and provided with optimal growing conditions without the need for pesticides or exposure to soil-borne toxins, the plant thrives and produces the beneficial compounds we look for that make a good supplement. This process concentrates the most beneficial compounds – rare noble ginsenosides – to an average seven times higher levels than those found in conventional ginseng, and they are absorbed up to 17 better than classic ginsenosides.††


Curcumin and Grapeseed

Date: September 01, 2020 11:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin and Grapeseed

Smoking, Chemical exposure, pesticides, nutrient deficiencies, to much sun exposure, and over the counter drugs and prescriptions can cause cancer. In the news, there are forever chemical roundup found in our water supply, it is no wonder we are laden with cancer as a society.

Fortunately, a healthy cancer preventing diet along with natural plant compounds can be far more effective and cost a lot less than conventional care alone.

Two top suggested natural medicines available right now are curcumin and grape seed extract. These two herbs are an amazing pair, curcumin is a fat soluble herb to fight oxidation on the fatty oil side in the body and grape seed extract is water soluble, making it a great antioxidant to fight oxidative stress on the water side of a cell. Cells in the body are made up of oil(fats) and water. The impact of both together on your health is virtually miraculous.

Curcumin neutralizes unstable free radicals that take electrons from nearby molecules, and stop them from creating a cascade of damaged cells. It also reduces inflammation reduces inflammation markers in the body to prevent prevent tissue degradation.

Curcumin has been shown to stop the changes that happen from free radical damage causing normal cells to become cancerous, and tumorous formations, and can even stop cancer from metastasizing or migrating to other parts of the body. Published studies anticancer activity have found that it can suppress breast, prostate, liver, skin, colon and lung cancer cells.

Curcumin Must Be Absorbed To Be Useful

One of the challenges or using curcumin for cancer prevention and treatment is that not all curcumin extracts are easily absorbable into the body. Blending curcumin in Turmeric essential oil enhances absorption and provides the additional benefits of ar-turmerone, a compound in the oil.

Curcumin Makes Chemo More Effective

There is big potential for curcumin when used with conventional treatment. BCM-95 curcumin, through research, has shown to sensitize human colon cancer cells to chemotherapy treatment where it would otherwise be resistant to this form of treatment. In some cases tumor recurrence rates can be as high as 60% but when treated with curcumin while under conventional treatment, curcumin boosted the effectiveness of the chemo drug 5-fluorouracil against cancer stem cells.

Curcumin has great potential in conjunction with conventional cancer treatment and recovery. It has been found that as chemo treatment progresses, cancer cells become resistant to the chemo treatment and the dosage has to be increased as the treatment continues increasing the toxic side effects. Fortunately, curcumin taken in conjunction with conventional cancer treatment can improve the effectiveness of chemo and so the dosage can be lowered reducing the toxic side effects for individuals. This is good news!

Curcumin Protects The Body During Cancer Treatment

In a clinical study with curcumin, it showed to alleviate side effects of one of the most common treatments of prostate cancer known as external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) where the doctor uses radiation to destroy tumorous cancel cells. This sort of therapy has many side effects making it a difficult therapy for most men. I often causes sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, urinary tract pain and loss of control. The higher the radiation dosage the more effective the treatment is but this causes significant discomfort, that is why most doctors lean towards lower dosages which makes the treatment less effective.

The clinical study administered 3000mg of BCM-95 curcumin that is 1000mg x 3 per day or a placebo one week before therapy started and during the treatment length. Each capsule of curcumin contained curcuminoids, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and essential oil of turmeric, this is a full spectrum curcumin supplement.

At the end of the treatment which lasted 20 weeks the most dramatic difference between the two groups in the study was urinary symptoms. The curcumin group said a 50% decrease in symptoms or side effects of the radiation. Also, researchers noted that the curcumin did not reduce the efficacy of the EBRT.


Yes we will be still shipping orders and Our Retail store will be open.

Date: March 22, 2020 05:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yes we will be still shipping orders and Our Retail store will be open.

Status of Store During Covid-19
Orders Online

We will Still be shipping product as long as UPS, FedEx, and USPS are picking up and delivering

In Store Customers

Yes, our store front will still be open to customers who want to walk in, just be aware that we will be taking measures to ensure that customers and staff are safe, this includes maintaining a 6 ft distance between staff and customers.

We will be cleaning doors, refrigerators, registers, counters that are handled by staff and customers.

A limit to the amount of customers will be imposed if more than a couple come in at one time.

Curb side pickup

Customers who want to pickup product which are regularly purchase can call our phone number 330-877-8786 and Staff will put together a bag to bring out when the customer pulls up outside.

Delivery and Phones

Delivery's are delayed a bit due to the massive demand from customers, as well as the phones have been swamped. please be patient in these tough times

Thank you for your continued business


Saffron Lift

Date: May 23, 2019 03:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Saffron Lift

Mood and emotional health can dramatically impact quality of life. Through the years, I have met many people who are looking for a healthy way to support peace of mind, a sense of happiness, or emotional balance in their lives.* When I learned about the ways standardized saffron can boost mood, I decided to combine it with BCM-95 curcumin, which has 4 published human studies demonstrating significant support for mood and emotional balance. The unique combination of these two ingredients provides elevated levels of benefits that are unmatched by either herb alone. You too can truly feel the difference this product can make!*

The Powerful, clinical strength botanicals in Saffron Lift provides outstanding mood support!*

  • Saffron EP15 is standardized for clinically studied levels of compounds and works along unique pathways to support emotional balance and peace of mind.* It also has an impact on "emotional eating," and may reduce snacking between meals.
  • BCM-95 (Curcugreen) curcumin is standardized for a full spectrum of curcuminoids and is combined with turmeric essential oil with ar-turmerone for enhanced absorption and blood retention.

Not only will Saffron Life effectively life mood, it will also promote overall health and well-being in those that consume it regularly.


Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes

Date: May 21, 2019 04:43 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows that vitamin D can help lower your risk of Type 2diabetes

Many people are frightened by the prospect of type 2 diabetes given all the risks that it comes with which include regular finger pricks for tests, and a host of complications for diseases like kidney and liver damage, and a higher risk of having stroke or heart disease. Preventing type 2 diabetes is then essential and recent studies have shown that vitamin D can help in that regard. The researchers already knew that vitamin D can help with insulin sensitivity and pancrease beta cells function so they wanted to find out the link between vitamin D and blood glucose levels. 680 women between the ages of 35 and 74 were experimented upon and they were given vitamin D supplementation and exposure to sunlight. They found a negative association between vitamin D and blood glucose level meaning that vitamin D, especially being exposed to sunlight, reduced the levels of glucose in the blood. They also found that vitamin D deficiency was associated with a high level of glucose in the blood. This present study was found to correlate with other studies between vitamin D presence in the body and glucose levels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having type 2 diabetes is a frightening prospect because the condition entails a lot of complications like regular finger pricks for tests.
  • Since they already know that vitamin D can help one with insulin sensitivity and the function of pancreatic beta cells, the researchers wanted to find out the link.
  • 680 women were studied and they found that those who had high levels of vitamin D due to sunlight and supplementation had lower levels of blood glucose.

"Specifically, those who had high levels of vitamin D enjoyed a 55 percent lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes, a 51 percent lower change of metabolic syndrome, and a 33 percent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease."

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The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

Date: May 17, 2019 04:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The evidence is undeniable: Green leafy vegetables take the prizewhen it comes to protecting eye health

One consequence of glaucoma is vision loss or blindness. It is estimated that leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli and other vegetables are full of minerals and vitamins that prevent diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The question the author wants to answer is whether these leafy vegetables can help in preventing glaucoma. The conclusion of the author is that there is a link between leafy green vegetables and prevention of glaucoma. In fact, it can help prevent the disease. This conclusion was based on a recent study that was conducted by researchers at the Harvard Medical school. Glaucoma is a eye disease that can affect one’s vision leading to vision loss progressively. The common glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma. It leads to vision loss without any symptoms or sign. It is estimated that three million Americans are affected with glaucoma and 120,000 people will lose their sight due to having glaucoma. But why is glaucoma produced? This is due to an imbalance in the drainage of the aqueous humor. The researchers analyzed people’s diet and came to the conclusion that leafy green vegetables should be used as a treatment option.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating more green, leafy vegetables can assist in decreasing the risk of developing glaucoma.
  • A key to why these vegetables are effective is that they help with blood flow near the optic nerve.
  • These vegetables also help with lowering other diseases like those that affect the heart and diabetes.

"The study was published in the Journal of American Medical Association Ophthalmology, and it was conducted by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School."

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New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients

Date: May 17, 2019 04:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients

Up to a billion people worldwide may not be getting enough vitamin D, and this is a real problem because vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of cancer, obesity and other health problems. Meta-analysis published by Current Pharmaceutical Design suggests that getting enough vitamin D can decrease fasting glucose and reduce insulin resistance. Vitamin D can also help moderate your bad cholesterol, as well as reducing your levels of C-reactive protein, which is a sign of inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • One health problem around the world that is affecting a lot of people is the fact that Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency is becoming more pronounced.
  • When one is deficient in Vitamin D, some of the health problems that can be encountered are poor glycemic control, obesity, and hypertension.
  • A link has been found between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes and also another study found that the deficiency leads to high blood sugar levels.

"Three of the most significant risk factors for heart disease are high cholesterol, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance. Researchers wanted to learn more about whether vitamin D supplementation is a way to lower the risk of heart disease or reduce complications in patients who already have it."

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Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high insulin levels, and lowerthe risk of breast cancer in the process

Date: May 15, 2019 02:34 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high insulin levels, and lowerthe risk of breast cancer in the process

The elevated levels of insulin found in many people with obesity can elevate their risk of breast cancer, but new studies show that omega-3 free fatty acids can help mitigate this risk. Too much insulin can increase Akt and Erk1/2 phosphorylation, but omega-3s can help to reduce this effect. Likewise, omega-3 free fatty acids were able to cut down proliferation of MCF-7 cells. The research sheds some light onto why omega-3s appear to reduce the risk of breast cancer, although more research is needed.

Key Takeaways:

  • While having a high insulin level is considered a significant factor in one having breast cancer while obese, omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • The researcher wanted to explore whether omega-3 free fatty acids (FFA) do regulate the signaling pathway of insulin in order to prevent breast cancer.
  • According to the findings it is suggested that omega-3 free fatty acids (FFA) reduce the proliferation of breast cancer cells mediated by insulin and insulin activated phosphorylation.

"Researchers found a link between consumption of omega-3s and reduced breast cancer risk by lowering insulin levels. The study, which was published in Nutrition Research, tested the ability of omega-3 free fatty acids (FFAs) to reduce insulin-induced breast cancer cell proliferation."

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What is the Endocannabinoid System?

Date: May 15, 2019 02:00 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What is the Endocannabinoid System?

  • A biological control system embedded in our nerves that is involved with every bodily function
  • ECS consists of E-Receptor sites (mostly CB-1 & CB-2), E-cannabinoids and Enzymes.
  • The Endocannabinoid System was named in 1940 after scientists discovered the chemical similarity between Endocannabinoids (in our bodies) and Phytocannabinoids (from plants) CBD is a Phytocannabinoid that works like a key in the receptors of the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
  • CBD helps to create homeostasis (stability/balance) of the internal environment despite fluctuations of the external environment.

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Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics

Date: May 10, 2019 02:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Marijuana found to lower blood flow to the brain: Study authorssuggest this may increase risk of dementia, but this effect also makes itmedicinally useful for epileptics

Scientific literature on how marijuana works on the body is rapidly expanding. Right now, there are a plethora of studies on how marijuana works on the human brain. Some studies have shown that it can be effective in treating disorders of the brain like epilepsy. Recent tests show that marijuana can increase the risk of dementia because it restricts the flow of blood to the brain. These brain areas are essential for memory development. The area most affected is the hippocampus which can result in Alzheimer’s if prolonged. The researchers for the study used single photo emission computed tomography (SPECT) to measure blood flow to the brain after taking marijuana and they reported that there were very low and abnormal blood flow levels observed. This is when compared with persons who did not take marijuana. 982 patients were selected from a wide variety of data sources that was available to the researchers concerning persons who previously used or were still using marijuana. The results of the study showed that persons taking marijuana were at a risk of dementia due to the low blood flow to their hippocampus.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author notes that the studies regarding the effect of marijuana is increasing and this is particularly so regarding its effect on the brain.
  • Some recent tests show that it can increase the risk of dementia when marijuana is taken because it reduces the blood flow to the brain.
  • When the researchers used single photon emission computer tomography to analyze blood flow to the brain they observed abnormally low flow to the brain with users of marijuana.

"Users were analyzed using a brain SPECT and by conducting mental concentration tests against a sample of 100 people who had not used marijuana to determine whether there were significant differences that arose between users and non-users of cannabis."

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For the men: Multivitamins can keep heart disease at bay

Date: May 09, 2019 09:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: For the men: Multivitamins can keep heart disease at bay

When one gets insufficient nutrients from the diet, taking multivitamins can be a healthy way to improve this. A recent study has shown that men who take multivitamins a lot are less prone to diseases related to the heart such as stroke and even death related to cardiovascular diseases. But how can cardiovascular diseases be prevented using multivitamins? There are few studies in this direction although a lot of studies have been done on the health benefits of multivitamins. That is why a team of researchers in the US embarked on a study of the incidence of multivitamin usage on major cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular death. The study was a long term prospective study. The study was conducted between 1982 and 1995 using 18,530 healthy men that were aged from 40 years and above who the researchers followed. The participants reported their lifestyle habits and as well as their intake of certain foods. Throughout the follow up study, there were only 1,697 reported cases of cardiovascular diseases. This made the researchers to conclude that taking multivitamins means a reduced risk to cardiovascular diseases. It is then appropriate for one to choose the right kind of supplements to improve the diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • When one suspects that he is not getting the full nutrients that his body needs on a daily basis, taking quality multivitamins is necessary.
  • According to a recent study that was done on multivitamins, men who have taken them for a long time have lower risks of stroke and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Many persons know of the important role of multivitamins in improving and maintaining health, but little research has been done on its role on cardiovascular disease.

"In conducting the study, the research team followed 18,530 healthy men aged 40 years old or over from 1982 to 1995. The participants were initially enrolled from the Physicians’ Health Study I cohort"

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Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer

Date: May 07, 2019 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Common vitamins linked to a lower risk of pancreatic cancer

While pancreatic cancer is a terribly dangerous disease, a vitamin supplement regime may be able to mitigate some of the risk of developing it. A Chinese study that looked at health data from over 1.2 million people discovered a clear correlation between higher intake of vitamins and lower risk of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, the researchers believe that the vitamins, through a variety of different mechanisms, induce apoptosis in cancer cells. This demonstrates that a healthy diet combined with supplements can greatly reduce your cancer risk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Nearly 40 percent of Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime but there is some good news on the natural home front.
  • The good news is that taking vitamins can reduce the risk to pancreatic cancer which accounts for about seven percent of all cancer diagnosis.
  • Ying Liu and his colleagues conducted the research on cancer and vitamins, and it involved about 1,214,995 subjects with pancreatic cancer being about 8,740.

"Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes that can dramatically reduce the risk of falling victim to pancreatic cancer, including a vitamin (and mineral) regimen."

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5 ways aged garlic can slash your risk of heart disease

Date: May 07, 2019 02:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 ways aged garlic can slash your risk of heart disease

Aged garlic may be remarkably effective at protecting you from heart disease, the number one killer of Americans over the last eight decades. Aged garlic extract can help protect your arteries from low-attenuation (or “soft”) plaque, even if you work in a high-stress field. Aged garlic can also help counter and neutralize the effects of C-Reactive Protein and Interleukin, both associated with the inflammation linked to cardiac disease. Aged garlic can also help prevent harmful blood clots, and may also moderate your blood pressure.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is estimated that heart disease has maintained it role as the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States for 80 years.
  • There are a lot of studies on garlic, about 900, that show that garlic can be used as a natural treatment for heart disease.
  • A study that involved 55 participants that were between the ages 40 to 75 was used to discover that aged garlic reduced the amount of soft plaque in arteries.

"However, as unlikely as it sounds, an extract from an everyday kitchen staple – garlic – has the potential to drastically cut your odds of becoming a medical statistic."

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Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention?

Date: May 03, 2019 04:11 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention?

CDC data shows that nearly 41,000 American women died of breast cancer in 2013 alone, making it a leading causing of death among women from all racial groups. However, research indicates a strong association between living in a place with lots of sunshine and lower risk of breast cancer. This is almost certainly due to sunlight’s role in production of vitamin D. Only the type of vitamin D produced by the skin from sun exposure seems to have this kind of strong impact on breast cancer rates.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cancer is an ancient disease that dates back several years with the earliest known writing on it recorded about 1,600 years before Christ.
  • Among all the cancers, the most common and most feared of them all by many women is breast cancer and this is regardless of ethnicity.
  • While many scientists and institutions are battling hard to find a cure for cancer, there is a vitamin, Vitamin D, that can be used to solve the problem.

"In fact, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among Hispanic American women, and the second highest cause among white, black and Asian/Pacific women."

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These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Date: May 03, 2019 07:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Gum disease and poor oral health are both associated with a number of serious health risks on top of its basic symptoms like red, swollen gums and sensitive teeth. Gum disease is correlated strongly with heart disease, although the exact causative agent isn’t well understood. Bad oral health is also strongly associated with higher cancer risk, possibly because of the associated inflammation, or perhaps due to compounds created by mouth bacteria. There may even be a link with Alzheimer’s, as bacteria found in the mouth are often also found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers believe that it is possible for oral bacteria to leech into the bloodstream, thereby causing cardiovascular infection.
  • Other adherents to the cardiovascular disease created by poor oral health bandwagon believe that gum inflammation can escalate to systemic body-wide inflammation.
  • Data also suggests that there is a strong correlation between poor oral health and the onset of cancer.

"Gum disease is a frustrating and painful enough condition on its own. Common signs and symptoms include bloody, red, painful, and swollen gums, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, and pain with chewing."

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Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine

Date: May 02, 2019 03:37 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Beta-alanine supplementation relieves fatigue, increases musclecarnosine

It has been found in a study that supplementing with beta-alanine can increase muscle carnosine and relieve fatigue. The study was published in the journal Nutrition Research and the team looked at the effects of beta-alanine supplementation on performance, L-histidine, and muscle carnosine in both women and men. This confirms earlier studies that supplementing with beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine, therefore improving the capacity of the muscles to buffer during intense exercise. The research team emphasized their comparison on the differences between women and men, and recruited 26 men and women who were given a placebo or beta-alanine for 28 days. It was shown that beta-alanine really increased muscle carnosine but the differences between men and women were unclear.

Key Takeaways:

  • The University of Central Florida researchers have made a study and in the study they suggested that supplementing with beta-alanine can relieve fatigue.
  • The focus of the study that was published in the journal Nutrition Research was whether supplementing with beta-alanine has an effect on performance, muscle carnosine, and L-histidine.
  • Studies that were done earlier before this one has shown that supplementation with beta-alanine increases the intramuscular carnosine content and improves buffering capacity in intense exercises.

"The findings of the study suggested that supplementing with beta-alanine for 28 days can increase muscle carnosine and relieve fatigue in men and women, but did not reduce muscle L-histidine."

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Oat extract can protect against alcohol-induced liver damage

Date: May 02, 2019 02:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Oat extract can protect against alcohol-induced liver damage

Eating oats may prevent liver damage caused by drinking, according to research published in the journal Nutrition Research. Indian researchers tested the effects of oat extract on mice with alcohol-induced liver damage. First, they pretreated mice with phenolic-enriched ethyl acetate fraction of oats at two levels every day for 12 days. Next, they induced liver damage in the same mice with doses of 50 percent ethanol every 12 hours. Their results showed that pretreatment with oat extract at higher dosages decreased the levels of liver injury.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oats, which goes by the scientific name Avena sativa, has been found to be effective in preventing alcohol-induced liver damage.
  • A mice model was used in understanding the effects of oats on liver damage but it is stated that the real pathways for this is not well understood.
  • The research team first gave oats extracts to mice for 12 days then they induced liver damage on them and then they measured the alcohol-induced liver injury.

"Research has found an association between consumption of oats and lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal disorders."

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Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases

Date: April 30, 2019 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Research links folate deficiency to a wide range of diseases

Folate is commonly known as vitamin B9 and is found in many fruits and vegetables. Being deficient in folate has been linked to many health complications. Folate deficiency has been found to be associated with incurable DNA problems, such as a lost chromosome. It is also associated with dementia, cancer, and even anemia. However, an abundance of folate in the body can prevent cancer and dementia risk. Foods containing folate include brussels sprouts, tomato juice, peas, bananas, and poultry, so it is important to eat healthy to reduce risk of deficiency.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research has shown that folate, which is vitamin B9 and also known sometimes as folic acid, can be found in green leafy vegetables and many fruits.
  • Some of the diseases that are linked to folate deficiency are age-related dementia, cancer, anemia and mental illness. It is also linked to birth defects in women.
  • Researchers have taken a look at the relationship between folate and fragile X syndrome in order to understand how it is linked to other diseases.

"This is the first study that shows folate deficiency can cause problems with DNA replication and cell division."

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Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain

Date: April 30, 2019 09:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D And Its Effect On Brain

Vitamin D has a wide range of vital health benefits for your bones, teeth, heart and endocrine system. Recent research suggests it also has a critical job in brain health and mental health as as well. Vitamin D deficiency — already associated with damage to the immune system and hypertension — may also put you at a higher risk of schizophrenia or cognitive impairment. This is a serious problem, given that there may be a billion vitamin D-deficient people in the world today.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin D, which is sometimes referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is important for keeping the bones healthy, for boosting the immune system, and good cardiovascular health.
  • According to findings from research, when one lacks Vitamin D the immune system will be compromised and it can also raise the danger of hypertension.
  • It is well reported that there is a relationship between vitamin D and mental health. A study on rodents showed that vitamin D deficiency resulted in brain damage.

"New research finds that vitamin D deficiency influences a kind of brain “scaffolding” that supports the neurons."

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The Differences Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp CBD Oil

Date: April 29, 2019 02:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Differences Between Hemp Seed Oil and Hemp CBD Oil

With the increasing popularity of legalizing marijuana and CBD, along with many sates’ hopes of doing so, it will be imperative for the general public to understand the differences between Hemp Seed Oil and CBD oil. Becky Garrison has compiled a short recap on why consumers need to pay attention to the letters CBD when shopping. Hemp as a general term is more focused on skin care routines, vitamin supplementation and household products, CBD would help more with medical ailments such as pain and anxiety.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hemp seed oil is pressed from the hemp plant's seeds, much like sunflower oil.
  • If you want high quality CBD, it is extracted from the flowers of female-only hemp plants.
  • Hemp seeds do have a number of nutritional benefits, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamins A and E.

"Due to this confusion in which "hemp seed oil" is often mistakenly called "hemp oil," consumers should check the label to ensure they are purchasing the correct product for their needs. If you're looking for CBD, hemp seed oil isn't what you want; and if you're looking for hemp-based products for their nutritional content, then you may be disappointed in a hemp oil CBD product."

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Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ

Date: April 27, 2019 10:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Men, here's a diet plan for a better memory: leafy greens, darkorange and red vegetables, berries, and a glass of OJ

According to a recent Harvard University study, the optimal diet for men who want to maintain strong cognitive health consists of eating leafy green vegetables, berries, orange and red vegetables, and orange juice. Researcher Changzheng Yuan studied 28,000 men over the course of 20 years, tracking their dietary habits and periodically testing their cognitive skills. The group that consumed the most vegetables, about six servings per day, performed better on thinking skills tests than the group that ate half that. There was also a positive association found between eating fruits and overall brain health.

Key Takeaways:

  • One study, centering on cognition, set out to track nearly 3000 men for two decades.
  • All the study participants were human adult, male professionals in the health field.
  • Every participant was questioned about specific food usage upon their entry and at four year intervals thereafter.

"Yuan noted that participants who ate all these fruits and vegetables at the start of the study – 20 years ago – enjoyed better cognitive and memory skills."

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Exploring the fatty acids that REDUCE your risk of premature death

Date: April 27, 2019 09:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Exploring the fatty acids that REDUCE your risk of premature death

According to six separate studies published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the regular consumption of fatty acids substantially decreases the risk of premature death in adults. When the fatty acids are derived specifically from fish oil, the risk of death from any cause is reduced by 14 percent, compared to low or no consumption. Specifically, the risk of dying from a cardiac event is reduced by a whopping 47 percent. Unfortunately, because these studies don't appear in medical journals, most doctors do not advise their patients to take fish oil. There is also evidence that suggests fish oil decreases the risk of stroke and has potent anti-inflammatory properties. A word of caution, if you are on blood-thinners, consult with an integrative physician before taking fish oils regularly.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author asserts that the sugar industry is behind the myth that fats is a bad thing for the health while processed sugar is more dangerous.
  • Heart attacks kills millions of people every year but the true story is that premature death is a result of people not being informed about the benefits of fats.
  • A 2017 study that studied the relationship between fish oil that has fatty acids to mortality showed that it produced a 14 percent reduction in risk to death.

"In one study, fish oil was associated with better survival rates in heart attack victims, with researchers finding improved heart function and lower levels of inflammatory markers in people who took high-dose fish oil for six months after suffering a heart attack."

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Bone Broth Diet Plan Benefits & How to Follow It

Date: April 26, 2019 05:02 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bone Broth Diet Plan Benefits & How to Follow It

The bone broth diet is something that has become increasingly popular. The diet was developed by Dr. Kellyann Petrucci and was detailed in her diet book on the same subject. The bone broth diet itself is used intermittently with the paleo diet, as an emphasis on consuming whole foods and low amounts of sugar and carbohydrates is necessary for its success. In order to follow the diet a user would consume only the paleo diet for five days and then fast on the other two days of the week.

Key Takeaways:

  • The bone broth diet consists of cycling between fasting and eating whole foods paired with bone broth for a period of 21 days.
  • Benefits of the bone broth diet include weight loss, healthy skin, improved joint function, and improved gut health.
  • The bone broth diet may not be for everyone, so it is recommended to test out the diet in a 7-day period before beginning the diet.

"Proponents of the plan claim that the bone broth diet results in quick weight loss, better skin, improved gut health and decreased inflammation. Let’s take a look at a few of the potential ways that the diet can enhance overall health."

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Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health

Date: April 26, 2019 10:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why magnesium may be the single most important nutrient you need totake for heart health

Magnesium deficiency, which afflicts close to 50 percent of the U.S. population, can have a profoundly negative impact on your health. Failure to consume enough magnesium can increase insulin resistance and create a higher risk of cardiac disease. A Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) study found that magnesium-deficient people had substantially higher levels of harmful C-Reactive Proteins — associated with inflammation and heightened risk of heart disease— present in their blood. A second MUSC study confirmed this association while also noting that magnesium supplements could help reduce the health impacts of not getting enough magnesium from dietary sources.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been discovered that the most vital nutrient for supporting cardiovascular health is magnesium but many American adults are lacking in it.
  • When magnesium is found in your body at low levels, you can build up insulin resistance which brings up the possibility of type 2 diabetes.
  • A real connection between magnesium deficiency and a protein, C-reactive protein (CRP) have been found and C-reactive protein can trigger acute inflammations.

"If you do not have enough magnesium in your body, you can become more prone to various diseases and disorders."

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Does Hemp Oil Have Health Benefits?

Date: April 24, 2019 03:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does Hemp Oil Have Health Benefits?

Hemp oil is a type of CBD oil that is extracted from the hemp plant and has only trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive substance in marijuana. Because the THC levels in hemp are so low (and legal), it does not give you that high affect. Hemp is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and is a known anti-inflammatory. Some claim the fatty acids in hemp oil alleviate anxiety, physical, and emotional pain linked to PMS and other conditions. According to some research, the polyunsaturated fats in hemp oil may decrease cholesterol levels, making it a heart healthy substance. However, most hemp studies have not been conducted on humans and the substance itself has not been thoroughly tested for heavy metals, plastics or pesticides. For these reasons, it may be best to wait until hemp is more closely regulated before making it a part of your daily routine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many persons seem to have taken on the trend that CBD oil is good for them because it has many health benefits.
  • Many persons think that hemp oil, the sister to CBD oil is good for them, and believe the claims that it is good for anxiety and sleep.
  • The difference between hemp and marijuana is that marijuana contains high amount of THC, the stuff that makes one high in cannabis, while hemp contains low amount.

"Not only does hemp oil not have any real health benefits, but it may contain stuff that's actually bad for you."

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Cancer patients found to benefit from cannabis; scientific studyanalyzed outcomes of 2,970 cancer patients to confirm results

Date: April 24, 2019 01:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cancer patients found to benefit from cannabis; scientific studyanalyzed outcomes of 2,970 cancer patients to confirm results

Cannabis is routinely used for palliative care in Israel, and Israeli researchers did a study of over 2900 late-stage cancer patients treated with medical cannabis between 2015 and 2017 to evaluate how effective it was as a treatment. Most of the patients complained of sleep disturbances, very severe pain, nausea and weakness. The researchers found that 96 percent of the patients treated with the medical cannabis reported improvements in their symptoms, leading the scientists to conclude that medical cannabis is effective and safe for palliative care.

Key Takeaways:

  • Now counting and increasing, there are now about 34 countries, with an equal number of states in the US who have approved the use of cannabis for treating diseases.
  • Although at the federal level the US has not approved the use of cannabis, but as more and more studies come out, hopefully, that will be the situation.
  • Cancer is a leading cause of death in Israel and palliative care is recommended for cancer patients. The Israeli ministry of health has approved cannabis for palliative care.

"They sorted out which types of cancer the patients had, what main symptoms that required therapy were and how severe the pain was for the patients. Then they evaluated the safety and efficacy of this therapy."

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What Does Obesity Mean for Your Health, Heart, Thyroid, Diabetes

Date: April 23, 2019 01:50 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Does Obesity Mean for Your Health, Heart, Thyroid, Diabetes

Many people who are concerned in general terms about obesity still have gaps in their knowledge regarding several specific health consequences, according to the Cleveland Clinic Heart Health Survey. The survey indicated that, while most people understand that obesity is bad for cardiac health, they may not appreciate the role of triglycerides or different types of cholesterol. Likewise, relatively few respondents have made major dietary changes to try to lose weight, and my people appear not to understand that even relatively modest weight loss can have significant health benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although many adults are concerned about having excess weight, they fail to make the connection between excess weight and the risk of developing chronic diseases.
  • According to a cardiologist expert, Luke Laffin, MD, it was surprising from a survey that only 22 percent of respondent had ever talked to their doctor about excess weight.
  • Individuals who have hypothyroidism even before the condition is diagnosed have been observed to have the tendency for excess weight gain.

"Carrying excess weight worsens glucose tolerance and also increases the risk of developing certain cancers."

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Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes

Date: April 22, 2019 04:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Plant proteins found to help prevent Type 2 diabetes

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition analyzed the diets of more than 2,000 men. It specifically sought to find a correlation between protein sources and diabetes. It found that, in general, men with a higher intake of protein from plants were less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Conversely, men who got most of their protein from processed or unprocessed meats were more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Several other studies from Harvard have reached parallel conclusions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland looked at the dietary habits of 2000 men to try to learn the impact of protein sources on heart health.
  • Plant-based diets are associated with significant drops in the risk of Type 2 diabetes, even when subjects also are less healthy foods as well.
  • One serving of red meat per day is enough to substantially raise the risk of type 2 diabetes relative to non-meat eaters.

"According to the study, men who had the highest intake of plant proteins were 35 percent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes compared with those who had the lowest consumption."

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Boost your vitamin C intake to strengthen your immune system andlower cancer risk

Date: April 19, 2019 01:56 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boost your vitamin C intake to strengthen your immune system andlower cancer risk

In some states cold and flu season is just ramping up between the months of February and April. Most of us know by now that Vitamin C is crucial in helping give your immune system a bit of a helping hand. This article goes on to discuss the science behind Vitamin C and a few ways in which it works, such as boosting antibody immunoglobulin levels and lymphocyte production. It also goes on to describe a handful of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C that could be added to your diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin C supports the health and effectiveness of important immune system components like Natural Killer (NK) cells, neutrophils and lymphocytes.
  • Vitamin C boosts the functioning of NK cells in a way that can help keep cancer cells from metastasizing.
  • Vitamin C can also help prevent conditions like scurvy, anemia, osteoporosis and diabetes.

"Supplementing with vitamin C is essential, especially when you’re healing from a wound, or fighting illnesses that can range from the common cold to severe conditions like cancer."

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Research uncovers brand new benefits of vitamin C

Date: April 16, 2019 10:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Research uncovers brand new benefits of vitamin C

Vitamin C remains a common supplement that people take when sick. As an antioxidant, vitamin C helps keep skin, bones, and connective tissue healthy. What's more, a recent study conducted by Deakin University claims that vitamin C also helps those with diabetes. The study included thirty one participants, employed a placebo to test against, and lasted nine months. It's results implied that taking vitamin C twice daily lower blood sugar levels and kept them more stable. Researchers hope to repeat the study with a larger sample size in the future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many persons tout the benefits of Vitamin C which includes curing the common cold, helping the brain to work better, and making the skin fresher.
  • The study on the relationship between diabetes and diabetes was extended over 9 months and involved about 31 participants who were split into a treatment group and placebo group.
  • The findings which showed that Vitamin C helped reduce blood glucose in the blood by 40 percent could have much implications for people suffering diabetes.

"A study by Deakin University has concluded that a twice-daily dose of 500 milligrams of vitamin C can lower elevated blood-sugar levels across the day and reduce blood-sugar spikes after meals in people with type-2 diabetes."

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Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

Date: April 11, 2019 01:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

A vitamin deficiency can truly make the difference between being healthy and feeling drained. In today’s article, the focus is centered on Vitamin B12. Bright pictures and videos fill the page alerting you to some of the signs and symptoms of being vitamin B12 deficient. This article also outlines seven healthy foods such as salmon, beef and eggs that can make the difference for your body’s overall levels. It also suggests possibly taking a supplement if you’re unable to eat the foods listed.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Vitamin B12 deificiency can cause symptoms ranging from headaches and poor appetite to serious fatigue.
  • Good dietary sources of B12 include salmon, liver, fortified cereals, eggs and beef.
  • Vegetarians and vegans sometimes have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12 because many of the best sources are animal products.

"VITAMIN B12 deficiency can develop if you’re not eating the right foods, and serious health problems can occur if the condition is left untreated."

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6 reasons to care about your gut flora

Date: April 11, 2019 08:12 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 reasons to care about your gut flora

Gut flora is made up of the bacteria that resides in our intestines and stomach. While we are born with some of this, the rest can be affected through our diets. Having good bacteria helps eliminate what is not good and there are several examples. First, there is a link between good bacteria in the gut flora and our overall mental health. There is a lot of bacteria already identified, with some of the benefits not known yet and a deepening understanding is important. Bad bacteria can cause a number of diseases, but being healthy and eating appropriately can decrease the need things like probiotics, which people may needlessly use while on antibiotics. Finally, prebiotics found in foods that promote good gut flora can lead to a decrease in blood pressure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Because the microbiome in the gut has been linked to various physical and mental health situations, we have to be interested in what is going on there.
  • The microbiome is made up of good bacteria that reside in our intestines that help us when we want to digest food.
  • The bacteria in our gut is partly what we were born with (that is from our mother) and partly from our lifestyle and dietary choices.

"With probiotics, fermented foods and kombucha all trending in recent years, we wanted to find out what all the fuss was about when it comes to our gut health."

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Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

Date: April 02, 2019 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

There are two different microbes called Coprococcus and Dialister that are now showing a correlation between depression and the absence of these two floras. A study was done in which 1,000 participants filled out assessments that analyzed their quality of life. Those who were shown to have significant signs of depression were more likely to have a deficiency in the two previously mentioned forms of gut flora. Since the microbes in our gut are responsible for other conditions such as childhood Leukemia and inflammatory diseases, their correlation to mental wellness is not a complete shock.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gut bacteria, or gut microbiome, are bacteria which can be found living in our digestive tracts and these bacteria have been the focus of many medical studies.
  • Gut microbiome significantly affects one’s physical health and it is known that each person has a different mix of this bacteria.
  • The work examining the relationship between gut bacteria and mental health is a large scale work that has never been undertaken in humans until now.

"Researchers from Belgium recruited more than 1,000 people in order to examine their gut microbiome. Of them, 173 participants were diagnosed with depression or fared poorly in a survey assessing their quality of life."

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Study shows lutein can boost heart health

Date: March 27, 2019 02:24 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Study shows lutein can boost heart health

Many people consume lutein, either as a supplement in in vegetables containing lutein, because it can provide protection from diseases of the eye. A recent study has shown that lutein can protect the heart as well. Researchers found some correlation between higher levels of lutein in the bloodstream and a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a medical term for a group of conditions including abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides. Lutein, a carotenoid, is found in dark, leafy green vegetables.

Key Takeaways:

  • Carrot and kale contain the carotenoid lutein that is useful for good eye health. But it has been shown that this compound is also good for the heart.
  • Lutein, a carotenoid, can both help protect the eyes and improve eye health, while reducing the risk of developing both cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
  • To carry out their study, the scientists first concentrated on current research on lutein. They gathered 4,377 studies that were narrowed down to 71 most relevant studies.

"Dr. Elizabeth Leermakers decided to look into “lutein’s positive effects against inflammation and oxidative stresses in the eyes,” and together with a team of researchers, she searched for links between the presence of lutein (or a lack of the carotenoid) and diseases caused by stressors like heart attack, metabolic syndrome, and stroke."

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Omega-3 fatty acids can treat male infertility

Date: March 27, 2019 12:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids can treat male infertility

Medical experts located in Iran and Australia have been studying the connection between the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids and how it can impact male fertility. The study consisted of 143 men that had their semen tested in order to see if it had appropriate levels of DHA and EPA, which are two main components in active fertile responses in men. After consistently taking in omega-3 fatty acids, a recognizable increase in both DHA and EPA were shown.

Key Takeaways:

  • A systematic review that was published in the Journal of Dietary supplements believes that omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve sperm motility in infertile men.
  • Some of the sperm parameters that were examined to get the effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) were sperm motility, sperm DHA, and total sperm concentration.
  • Omega-3 treatments were found to increase sperm motility and seminal DHA concentration but did not affect sperm concentrations and sperm DHA.

"In conclusion, the findings of the systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that supplementing infertile men with omega-3 fatty acids may significantly improve sperm motility and seminal DHA concentration."

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Whey protein supports recovery from muscle loss among the elderly

Date: March 27, 2019 10:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Whey protein supports recovery from muscle loss among the elderly

Whey protein is good for building muscle especially in the elderly. Studies have shown that whey protein can help elderly people build lost muscle from long hospital stays or illness. Lack of strength in the elderly can affect their balance and the ability to perform simple tasks. A controlled study of sixteen men and fifteen women between the ages of sixty-five and eighty, were given whey protein or collagen for five weeks. During the study there was no difference between the two, but after the study, whey proved to recover more muscle than collagen. The right supplements can help keep you healthy when paired with a healthy diet and exercise.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exercise enthusiasts use whey protein to build up their muscle and surprisingly, it has been discovered that this supplement can be beneficial for the elderly.
  • A study on protein supplements employed 16 men and 15 women who were aged between 65 and 80 years to study the effects of these supplements on the elderly.
  • Whey protein is considered a high quality or complete protein because it contains very high amounts of all the essential amino acids and leucine.

"A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that whey protein can help seniors rebuild lost muscle from inactivity linked to illness or long hospital stays."

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Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, helping prevent depression

Date: March 23, 2019 10:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, helping prevent depression

We've always known how benefical Omega-3 fatty acids are. They're found in seafood and many other food items but many people supplement with a vitamin. There is now more reason to make sure you're getting the right amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. new research suggests that this nutrient can considerably reduce the risk of developing depression since it is a known inflammation reducer. A 43% reduction in depression signs and symptoms is noted in patients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many people think of antidepressants when they have a depression, but the scary side effects of antidepressants put a lot of people off.
  • But one of the best routes to take to treat depression, which has been discovered by researchers, is eating more fish.
  • A recent study that found that there is a correlation between depression and low levels of omega-3 in the body is significant because many people suffer from depression.

"You might have heard that omega-3 fatty acids are good at reducing inflammation, but did you know that they can also help with depression?"

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Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines

Date: March 04, 2019 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Bombshell study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in thebrain, makes brains vulnerable to chemical damage from food and vaccines

A recent study looked at the effects of aspartame on brain functions in rats. The results were impressive. The results showed a direct correlation between the dose of aspartame and the destruction of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are required for the function of your brain's neurons. The rats who were fed the aspartame had a reduction of Serotonin and an increase in Epinephrine. Epinephrine is associated with your flight or fight reactions. This study reminds us that although an ingredient might be approved by the FDA, it could have long term effects.

Key Takeaways:

  • In this study on the effects of aspartame on the brain, rats were fed aspartame for 10-40 days then they were decapitated and the brains analyzed.
  • The study found that there was a relationship between the consumption of aspartame and the destruction of neurotransmitters that was dependent on the dose given.
  • The result was that aspartame significantly reduces important neurotransmitters in the brain while increasing aggressively the chemicals that initiate a fight or flight reaction.

"A bombshell scientific study reveals that aspartame may be one of the most damaging vectors for the widespread “dumbing down” of humanity."

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BREAKTHROUGH: Vitamin D supplements taken during pregnancy found toprevent autism in children

Date: March 04, 2019 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: BREAKTHROUGH: Vitamin D supplements taken during pregnancy found toprevent autism in children

Autism is a condition that affects thousands of children across the world. It is believed that autism begins during pregnancy. New research suggests that using Vitamin D supplements during pregnancy is a good way to prevent this devastating condition from occurring. It is exciting news for parents who are trying to conceive who want to ensure their baby has a great start from the very beginning. Learn how much Vitamin D to take and the best supplements to begin!

Key Takeaways:

  • In a study which used the popular model of autism in mice, it was found that pregnant mice given Vitamin D during pregnancy bear offspring without autism.
  • What remains to be done is to determine the ideal dose and the timing of Vitamin D supplementation for pregnant women.
  • Earlier studies have shown a relationship between autism and vitamin D supplementation as the result of a study in china showed Vitamin D helped a child with autism.

"Taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy can prevent the onset of autism spectrum disorder in children, a recent animal study showed."

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Can ginger, turmeric and lemon juice reduce blood sugar?

Date: February 22, 2019 08:54 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can ginger, turmeric and lemon juice reduce blood sugar?

There has now been a new recipe developed that has the ability to reduce blood glucose levels in those looking for a way to keep their sugar levels in balance. The recipe is quite simple, and the ingredients are likely already in your pantry ready for use. Just take one lemon, some ginger, and one full liter of water. Chop both the lemon and ginger into boiling water so that it can absorb all of the nutrients.

Key Takeaways:

  • A fasting blood sugar between 140 mg and 180 mg is considered to be hyperglycemia and can cause damage to the pancreas and other serious health impacts.
  • Ginger is a versatile ingredient for tea, confections and cooking that can help break down the sugar in your blood.
  • Turmeric contains antioxidants and beneficial compounds like curcumin and polyphenols that can slow down accumulation of glucose in the liver.

"If the analysis shows the 70-90 milligrams before meal - your blood sugar levels are normal."

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Could eating chili peppers actually help you live longer?

Date: February 17, 2019 02:42 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Could eating chili peppers actually help you live longer?

Do you enjoy your food spicy? Well, there is good news. The University of Vermont recently published a study of people who are chili peppers versus those who did not. They discovered that the chili eaters tended to live longer lives. In fact, a surprising 12% was the absolute risk reduction. Chili peppers have long been regarded as containing health benefits. They have been used to treat toothaches or other forms of pain. They are also loaded with antioxidants and vitamins A and C.

Key Takeaways:

  • In a study conducted by the University of Vermont involving 16,000 people over 23 years, people who said they eat hot chilli pepper were found to live longer.
  • Although the actual mechanisms by which hot chilli peppers can make one live longer are still unknown, the results obtained are very encouraging.
  • This study confirms previous studies that show that there is an inverse relationship between eating spicy foods and mortality.

"It may not always feel like you’re going to live longer after you’ve consumed a very spicy meal, but it seems that those hot peppers are doing quite a bit of good."

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Systematic review studies the potential of black seed in loweringblood pressure

Date: February 15, 2019 10:25 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Systematic review studies the potential of black seed in loweringblood pressure

Blood pressure, that one health problem you always hear about but really don’t have that much knowledge on. In a new study, research published by the journal of hypertension shows that black seed may be a potential aid in helping lower that blood pressure. The article reviews the basics of the study and provides you with uses and common ways to find black seed. It additionally provides you with a few extra foods that can help lower your blood pressure overall.

Key Takeaways:

  • People wanting to take a more natural approach to blood pressure control should try nigella sativa, otherwise known as black seed.
  • According to a study in the Journal of Hypertension, black seed can lower diastolic and systolic blood pressure.
  • More research is needed to determine the optimal dose of black seed, as well as the treatment duration.

"Ten of these RCTs compared black seed with placebo and one compared black seed with standard treatment. They also looked at the associations between blood pressure reduction and the duration of treatment, dosage of black seed, and type of black seed."

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Eating more citrus fruits is an easy way to prevent dementia

Date: February 13, 2019 08:00 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating more citrus fruits is an easy way to prevent dementia

A documented study has shown that citrus fruits like lemons, limes, and oranges may have the ability to prevent dementia. The Japanese study says that eating these fruits was directly linked to improved brain health and memory formation. In fact, the subjects who ate citrus fruits daily were 23% less likely to develop dementia. This is likely due to the nobiletin content in citruses, which also helps to reduce cholesterol levels. There are no studies yet as to how the consumption of citrus fruits affects those who already have dementia, however.

Key Takeaways:

  • In a recent study conducted in Japan it was discovered that people who take citrus fruits like orange, lemons, and grapefruits, can reduce their risk of having dementia.
  • The researchers in the study found a direct link between taking citrus fruits and decreased chances of having dementia which reduced by about 23 percent.
  • Citrus fruits have a neuroprotective effect on those taking it which can be linked to a compound, nobiletin, a flavonoid found in the peel that boosts the brain.

"The study, which spanned for up to seven years, looked at data from over 13,000 older adults in Japan, which included their diet and brain health."

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Does magnesium hold the key to vitamin D benefits?

Date: February 12, 2019 10:20 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does magnesium hold the key to vitamin D benefits?

Dr. Qi Dai teaches medical courses at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and he has recently conducted a study surrounding the link between magnesium and vitamin D production. The study determined that when someone has a deficiency of magnesium, it ends up blocking both the pathway and the metabolic process that is necessary for vitamin D to properly enter our systems. Having sufficient levels of vitamin D is an essential component in ensuring that we can correctly metabolize magnesium.

Key Takeaways:

  • A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shone the spotlight on the important link between Magnesium and vitamin D.
  • The study was undertaken by a team from Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee.
  • Dr. Qi Dai, of Vanderbilt University, collated and analyzed data culled from input taken from 1200 individuals who took the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

"New evidence shifts the focus onto magnesium, implicating it in playing a central role in determining how much vitamin D our bodies can make."

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High levels of CoQ10 can lower your chances of dementia by 77%

Date: February 08, 2019 08:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High levels of CoQ10 can lower your chances of dementia by 77%

There is now even more reason to ensure that you're taking a CoQ10 supplment. New evidence suggests that it can lower your risks of developing dementia by 77% or more! This is in addition to the many amazing health benefits this substance is already known to offer. If you want to live the best life being the healthiest you that you can live, it is worth adding CoQ10 supplement to your diet sooner instead of later!

Key Takeaways:

  • The fight against dementia is ongoing. Foods like berries are known to reduce risk to it but more exciting is the discovery that Coenzyme Q10 can reduce your risk.
  • The study involved measuring the serum CoQ10 levels of older persons aged between 40 and 69. They measured these levels for those who had dementia and those who didn’t.
  • Their discovery was that people with high levels of CoQ10 were safer from dementia. The top 25 percent has a 77 percent lower chance of having dementia.

"Dementia, despite its prevalence, remains largely a mystery to doctors and scientists, who have yet to find a foolproof way to prevent or treat the illness."

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Eating more high-fiber foods can reduce food allergies

Date: February 07, 2019 10:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Eating more high-fiber foods can reduce food allergies

Studies have shown that eating a high fiber diet may reduce food allergies. Researchers bred a group of mice to obtain an artificial peanut allergy and fed them a high fiber diet to produce healthy gut bacteria. They gave the bacteria to mice with no allergy then exposed them to peanuts. The results were that the mice exposed had a less severe response to the allergen. One researcher's theory was that consumption of fiber promote the regulation of T-cells thus promoting that the bacteria has a healthy, anti-inflammatory system to thrive in. The study ultimately determined that there is a connection between allergies and proper gut bacteria health.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study published in Cells Reports found a link between gut bacteria and food allergies.
  • Gut bacteria release a certain fatty acid after fiber is consumed, and this has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces food allergies.
  • Fiber also protects the body against other diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes and cancer.

"A study has shown that eating more foods rich in fiber can help reduce food allergies and their side effects."

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Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Which Is Healthier?

Date: February 07, 2019 10:42 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Which Is Healthier?

Although chia and flax seeds both have distinct benefits that provide consumers with health advantages, each of these seedling varieties excel in different areas. For instance, if you are experiencing some constipation, the high amounts of fiber located within chia seeds may help relieve your discomfort. When it comes to other ailments such as Crohn's Disease, flax seeds may help due to their significant amount of selenium. Both chia seeds and flax seeds have over 4 grams of protein per serving, making them a go-to treat for body builders.

Key Takeaways:

  • The author states that chia seeds and flax seeds are two seeds which have proven versatility, nutrient profile and wealth of health benefits.
  • When one is undecided about which is better between flax seeds and chia seeds, the author recommends both although per serving chia seeds are better.
  • Some advantages of chia seeds is that they are easy to digest, can be consumed either whole or ground, and include several micronutrients.

"Chia seeds and flax seeds nutrition both include a good amount of fiber and protein. They both also have an extensive nutrient profile and provide a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)."

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Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection

Date: February 05, 2019 04:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection

Sugar as various effects on the body, and Western diets are full of it in many forms. American consume nearly an entire diet that contains processed food, most of which contains highly concentrated amounts of sugar and or corn syrup. Consumption of these foods is not easy to avoid, as corn syrup is in just about everything, however, studies show that a diet high in refined sugars can lead to brain malfunction. It is not clear yet whether it is the population that is living longer is developing brain disorders such as Alzheimer more, or if there is a correlation between other health related issues from high sugar intake and brain diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • It should be noted that one should be conscious of his sugar intake because all food products have added sugar and Alzheimer’s rates are on the increase.
  • The belief that blood sugar consumption and Alzheimer’s have a link is still in speculation territory but because of the nature of Alzheimer’s, it should be well investigated.
  • Two doctors have published findings on the standard western diet. They conclude that these diets are linked to various neurological issues and induce smaller brain size.

"However, according to various studies, consuming too much sugar can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

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The common causes of candida overgrowth

Date: January 22, 2019 04:39 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The common causes of candida overgrowth

Candida albicans is a form of yeast that is present in small colonies across the human body. Unfortunately, when these clusters grow to an abnormal size, the heightened populations can cause some serious health concerns such as mouth ulcers, gastrointestinal issues, and even psychological symptoms. Researchers are now finding links between the overgrowth of Candida albicans and potential triggers such as: fermented foods like pickles, contraceptives, the overuse of antibiotics, and several other contributing factors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Candida albicans is common in the human body but common signs of candidiasis or candida overgrowth include bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, flatulence, and joint pain.
  • Contraceptives or birth control pills, and intrauterine devices can kill good bacteria and encourage the growth of yeast in the human body.
  • Although fermented foods like kimchi, pickles and sauerkraut, are good for the gut bacteria, they can also encourage candida overgrowth so it is wise to eliminate them.

"However, when candida populations swell into an overgrowth, you can develop severe health problems."

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Omega-3 fatty acids found to control non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease

Date: January 16, 2019 12:13 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 fatty acids found to control non-alcoholic fatty liverdisease

There are a lot of liver diseases that are a possibility for people who do not take care of their bodies. If you drink a lot of alcohol, or put other toxins into your body, you will find that your liver does not react very nicely. It is hard to put into words how important your liver is. Therefore, this new finding of Omega-3 acids being able to control certain liver diseases that do not relate to alcohol is very riveting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Non-alcoholic liver disease affects nearly 100 million individuals and includes those who never touch alcohol.
  • Although no age group is immune, the disease is especially prevalent among individuals between 40 and 50, who carry extra weight.
  • A characteristic of non-alcoholic liver disease is that the cells of the liver are abnormally high in their levels of fat.

"The researchers recommended that children with NAFLD be given a minimum of 250 milligrams of DHA each day, while adults should take no less than 3 grams of both EPA and DHA daily."

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Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86%

Date: January 10, 2019 04:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Daily green tea consumption found to slash dementia risk by up to86%

Green tea has long been touted for its many health benefits. It is full of antioxidants that help remove oxidation and free radicals from the body system. New studies reveal that it is also very effective in offsetting the risk factors of developing dementia later in life. Dementia effects the brain's memory system and in later stages the body's neurological system. Green tea helps to break down the plaque like build up of beta amyloid in the brain by over 80% and reducing the risk of development of dementia by over 50% in patient populous with a genetic history.

Key Takeaways:

  • When researchers at the University of Singapore examined seniors on their tea intake, it was discovered that daily tea intake reduced the risk of dementia by 50 percent.
  • The study was undertaken to see how lifestyle changes can be used to treat or prevent dementia because present medications based on drugs have proved ineffective.
  • This is not the first study to show a relationship between regular tea intake and improved neurocognitive functions. A 2014 study showed that it may prove beneficial Alzheimer’s patients.

"Beta-amyloid plaques is shown to trigger the onset of cognitive disorders in patients. Researchers note similar effects regardless of whether the tea was green or black."

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New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation

Date: January 05, 2019 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation

New research from Penn State University has shown that being in a negative mood can be linked with higher levels of inflammation and may be a signal of poor health. Inflammation is a contributing factor to many diseases such as diabetes and cancer. These negative emotions include sadness, anger, and depression. 220 participants reported on their moods and blood samples were taken to measure the inflammation present in the body. This was the first study to research how the two are linked. The long-term goal of the researchers is that the information will eventually lead to insights into how interventions can improve mood and ability to cope with stress. That will in turn help break the cycle of disease associated with inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • This study involved 220 participants and was carried out by researchers from Penn State University. Participants were required to record their mood five times a day.
  • Apart from recording negative or positive moods, blood samples were also taken from the participants to measure the levels of C-reactive proteins and 7 inflammatory cytokines.
  • According to the study there was a relationship found between moods and levels of inflammatory biomarkers. The more negative the mood, the higher the levels of inflammatory biomarkers.

"New US research has found that a negative mood, such as feeling sad or angry, may be linked with higher levels of inflammation and may be a sign of poor health."

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Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic

Date: December 20, 2018 08:01 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Nutritionists say you should eat more cinnamon if you're diabetic

For people who are suffering from diabetes, it is a really hard thing. There are a lot of people out there that are naive to what it actually means to be diabetic. These people do not have it easy at all and over time, it only gets harder. The process becomes more routine but it does not get any less taxing on the body. Also, cinnamon is something that is recommended by nutritionists for people who are diabetic.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the greatest concerns about diabetes is that the medications presently used have adverse side effects and the costs in terms of money and lost productivity is high.
  • With the increasing emphasis on plants for scientific research, many useful benefits of plants for medicinal purposes are being understood better than before.
  • Some studies have recognized the relationship between curing diabetes in humans and rats with the cinnamon plant but none has understood its antioxidant properties.

"Now that the holidays are fast approaching, the smell of cinnamon will fill the air once again. This spice, commonly added to baked goods, is well loved around the world because of its delicious taste. In a recent study, a group of Malaysian researchers from the Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology (AIMST) University has found more reasons for people to enjoy foods with this spice."

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What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide

Date: December 19, 2018 08:31 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide

When it comes to Vitamin B3, not all forms of Niacin are created equally. Aside from the risk of allergens and impurities, there are also separate forms with critical distinctions. The pure form is made solely of nicotinic acid which causes the flushing effect when it is taken by humans. The flushing effect is a redness that starts in the face and expands outwards through the rest of the body. It can make the skin feel warm, dry, and itchy for half an hour. The flushing effect is associated with vascular dilation that helps open up the tiny capillaries and blood vessels to clean out all the toxic junk they may have accumulated.

Nicotinic Acid Lowers Cholesterol

Nicotinic acid is also associated with increasing HDL levels in the body to prevent heart disease and plaques from accumulating on the interior walls of arteries. Nicotinic acid is also known to lower the LDL and VLDL bad cholesterols that clog up arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Other Benefits of Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 plays a critical role in building enzymes that help us carry out over 200 physical functions in the body. It is not produced naturally but is absorbed from foods such as yeast, green vegetables, milk, eggs, legumes, and fish. Aside from cardiovascular health, it plays a critical role in nervous health and sex hormone production.

How Does Niacinamide Differ?

Niacinamide is a water-soluble form of Niacin that is used to treat deficiencies or for therapies when patients need to take higher doses regularly to treat pellegra and the deficiencies that lead to it. When an excess of Niacin is built up in the body, your body may store it in this form. The chief distinction between this water-soluable hybrid and nicotinic acid is the effect on cholesterol and vascular dilation. Although flushing can be reduced by taking nicotinic acid daily and building up a tolerance to the effects, it is harder on the liver and more burdensome on the body to metabolize it in the high doses used for therapy of many illnesses: ADHD, Schizophrenia, nervous problems, migraines, and arthritis, among others. It is the preferred choice for maintaining a consistent and steady level of Vitamin B3 in the body and loaded into many beauty and skin products for women.

What Other Forms Can I Take?

You can take any form of the vitamin on a daily basis or supplement it with nicotinic acid when you need some additional flushing effect. You will notice that Niacinamide causes some symptoms of drying and itching that are similar to flushing when you take it in high doses. The no-flush formulation is called inositol hexanicotinate and made up from Vitamins B3 and Inositol Vitamin B8. The inositol acts as an additional buffer that makes inositol hexanicotinate easy to digest and take 1600 mg without side-effects: nausea, itching, flushing, dizziness, gout, liver damage, diabetes. Although multi-vitamin formulas and even fortified foods like breakfast shakes and cereals suggest that you are getting a full dose of B3 in each serving, this is very unlikely. The better choice is to take specifically formulated capsules rather than multivitamins if you are using it for therapeutic reasons.


Probiotics for your anxious mind? Study shows a certain strain ofbacteria could significantly reduce anxiety

Date: December 17, 2018 01:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotics for your anxious mind? Study shows a certain strain ofbacteria could significantly reduce anxiety

Life is hard, stress is everywhere, but what happens when it goes from stress to anxiety? Millions of people suffer from anxiety, it is the most prevalent mental illness out there. However, gut flora might be the answer. digestion issues effect everything from nutrition absorption to hormone balance. While modern medicine is quick to prescribe medication , which is littered with side effects, probiotics offers a way to naturally help relieve symptoms and aids in the prevention of other diseases, such as Alzheimer.

Key Takeaways:

  • The pace of modern life has fostered anxiety on millions and it negatively impacts their work, school and social life leading to a mental health crisis.
  • Many treatment or drugs for anxiety come with negative side effects and this makes many patients reluctant to take them.
  • The proof that probiotics improve mood is due to the relationship between healthy gut bacteria and physical health. This relationship works very well.

"Fortunately, there are natural alternatives that have proven very effective in the treatment of anxiety"

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Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

Date: December 08, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

People who identify as vegans obviously follow a much different diet than other individuals in the world. For some, there are massive benefits to undertaking a vegan diet because of what it means for the environment. However, there are some drawbacks. For example, for someone who is on a vegan diet to be able to improve their omega-3 levels, they must look for substances outside of food. Non-animal forms of DHA are proving to be very helpful.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some necessary fatty acids are hard to obtain when living on a vegan diet.
  • DHA is one polyunsaturated fatty acid, that belongs with the class of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • DHA levels in human beings are especially high in the retina, the brain and in sperm cells.

"In the review, author J.C. Craddock of the University of Wollongong in Australia said that supplementing with algae can raise DHA levels in vegetarians and vegans after combing through various studies that discussed the relationship between the two."

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The surprising link between magnesium and brain health

Date: November 12, 2018 02:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: The surprising link between magnesium and brain health

According to new studies, the links between magnesium and the benefits of brain health have been very positive. According to scientists, they have been looking at the magnesium deficiency in America for quite some time and believe it contributes a lot to our brain health. A study showed that magnesium helped a person's cognitive function and reduces impairment. Studies have also shown that magnesium can help a person's mental health and could improve one's mood or anxiety issues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientist have been looking at the magnesium deficiency in the United States now and believe it could be a contributing factor in our brain health.
  • A study showed that magnesium helped a persons cognitive function and reduced impairment.
  • Consuming more magnesium in one's diet could improve a person's overall mood and help reduce anxiety.

"A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showed that magnesium can enhance cognitive function in humans while reducing impairment."

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Prevent allergies before birth: Taking fish oil while pregnantfound to reduce allergies in children

Date: October 15, 2018 07:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Prevent allergies before birth: Taking fish oil while pregnantfound to reduce allergies in children

Prevent allergies before birth: Taking fish oil while pregnant found to reduce allergies in children

There are a variety of different ways in which you can reduce the chances of your child having allergies. If you simply take fish oil while you are pregnant, your child will have a lower chance than others of developing allergies. Some people are skeptical of this and honestly, not many people can blame them. However, there have been a lot of clinical studies done and it is being proven that it is in fact very true.

Key Takeaways:

  • A study on the relationship between taking of fish oil by mothers during pregnancy and allergy in children shows that allergy risk is reduced when mothers do this.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fat which regulates brain function and also regulates immune responses.
  • Although the study showed a positive relation between fish oil in pregnancy and reduced allergy in children, it did not state the ideal doses for mothers.

"They followed up on children who were born to mothers who took fish oil supplements containing DHA and those who did not for six years. The researchers found that at the age of one, children of mothers who had consumed a large amount of fish oil in pregnancy had less allergy to egg."

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Cinnamon has good-for-you properties along with wonderful aroma

Date: October 13, 2018 11:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Cinnamon has good-for-you properties along with wonderful aroma

There are many good things that come from eating cinnamon. Not only does it taste really good, it has properties within it that are good for you. First and foremost, it helps unclog your system. If you are feeling a little bit stuffy or too down, then cinnamon can help clear all of that stuff up. Also, it has a really good aroma to it that indicates that it is good for the senses of a human.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cinnamon isn't just a tasty spice, it also features many health benefits.
  • Cinnamon has many oxidant benefits and can reduce inflammation as well.
  • Cinnamon can be consumed in large doses with french toast or pumpkin pie or can be added as a dash to salads, soups, and slow-cooker meals.

"According to a 2018 analysis of studies of people with type 2 diabetes, taking between a half and 2 teaspoons of the cinnamon daily reduced fasting blood sugar by 10% to 29%."

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Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Date: September 28, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Here's why you need to add Ashwagandha in your diet

Ashwagandha is something that you have never heard of. It is not uncommon to not have heard of this as it is absolutely insane to even give this a second thought. The name itself is absolutely ridiculous and people do not take it seriously. However, there are now some diet freaks out there who are saying that it is actually beneficial to have it in your diet. It is difficult to tell them otherwise as they swear by it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ashwagandha or Indian ginseng has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s benefits are now backed with scientific research.
  • It was discovered that taking 500-600 mg of ashwagandha everyday can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • The herb can also increase fertility. A daily dose of 5g recorded an increase in sperm count and sperm quality in men.

"A study done by the Journal Of International Society Of Sports Nutrition showed that ashwagandha supplements helps in growth of muscles and strength. 57 gymgoers between the ages of 18-50 were taken for the study."

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Eating fried food just twice per week increases your chance of early death

Date: August 17, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Eating fried food just twice per week increases your chance of early death

Eating fried food just twice per week increases your chance of early death

Nature News puts out an article on a possible link between routinely eating deep fried foods and premature deaths. One of the possible causes of an early death is acrylamide, which is present in some foods, one of which is deep fried potatoes. To cut down on risks, Nature News recommends cutting back on eating deep fried foods more than once a week(preferably even less often) and finding healthier substitutes. Substitutes could include vegetables or oven baked sweet potato fries.

Key Takeaways:

  • Fried food is full of a carcinogen known as acrylamide.
  • Black olives, cocoa, dark-crusted breads, and peanut butter are also high in acrylamide.
  • Kale chips, sweet potato fries, and crispy green beans are some healthier alternatives to French fries.

"To stay healthy and lower your risk of premature death, limit your intake of fried foods like French fries and potato chips."

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