
Search Term: " Deficiencies "

  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health Darrell Miller 5/31/24
The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production Darrell Miller 5/29/24
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
The Role of Vitamin D in Immune Health Darrell Miller 5/24/24
Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin? Darrell Miller 12/7/23
The Importance of Vitamin B-12 Darrell Miller 11/5/22
IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain Darrell Miller 7/20/22
Cortisol and Adrenal Balancing Supplements: How to Reduce Cortisol and Fight the Effects of Stress Darrell Miller 5/7/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Curcumin and Grapeseed Darrell Miller 9/1/20
Common Causes of a Zinc Deficiency Darrell Miller 7/31/20
Vitamin E Alert: Researchers discover surprising reason why you maybe deficient in this critical antioxidant Darrell Miller 5/7/19
Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Treat psoriasis naturally with vitamin D and zinc Darrell Miller 3/28/19
Take this happy pill: Deficiency in vitamin D is linked todepression among urban Malaysian women Darrell Miller 3/25/19
Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them Darrell Miller 2/28/19
8 Health Hazards Caused by Lack of Vitamin D Darrell Miller 2/27/19
There is a STRONG link between exposure to endocrine-disruptingchemicals and vitamin D deficiency Darrell Miller 1/22/19
Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health Darrell Miller 1/3/19
What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide Darrell Miller 12/19/18
How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/11/18
Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/20/18
The Best Vitamins for Men VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/5/18
The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory Darrell Miller 7/1/18
Paleo Diet Plan, Best Paleo Foods + Paleo Diet Recipes Darrell Miller 12/6/17
Five natural remedies for strong and shiny nails Darrell Miller 10/21/17
Is your Iron deficiency causing low energy? Darrell Miller 9/1/17
9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them Darrell Miller 8/8/17
5 Reasons Why Your Eyebrows Are Thinning and How to Stop it Darrell Miller 7/20/17
The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth Darrell Miller 4/21/17
These 6 Things Could Mean You Are Vitamin D Deficient Darrell Miller 4/7/17
A Lack Of Vitamins And Minerals Could Be The Reason Many Are Counting Sheep At Night Darrell Miller 2/26/17
Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips Darrell Miller 1/28/17
Vitamin deficiencies are now commonplace across all ages, research finds Darrell Miller 1/18/17
Signs You Have a Vitamin Deficiency Darrell Miller 1/13/17
don't overlook these 8 caution indications of vitamin b12 shortage Darrell Miller 1/5/17
Most Americans Have Inadequate Intakes of Vitamins and Minerals: Can Supplements Help? Darrell Miller 12/22/16
Nine Reasons to Start Eating Pineapple Darrell Miller 12/20/16
Five vitamins you need to support your liver - Jakarta Post Darrell Miller 12/9/16
These Are the 7 most Common Vitamin Deficiencies Darrell Miller 12/7/16
A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins Darrell Miller 12/6/16
Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth Darrell Miller 12/5/16
Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth Darrell Miller 12/5/16
5 Vitamins for Hair: How to Reduce Hair Fall - NDTV Darrell Miller 11/29/16
6 Vitamins And Minerals That Boost Brain Power - Medical Daily Darrell Miller 11/28/16
Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine! Darrell Miller 11/21/16
How to Build Strong Bones Darrell Miller 11/7/16
Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Darrell Miller 11/6/16
Suffering from anxiety? These foods can calm it Darrell Miller 10/30/16
What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It? Darrell Miller 6/21/14
Importance of Magnesium in the body. Darrell Miller 5/8/14
Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood? Darrell Miller 12/19/13
Benefits of Calcium and Magnesium Darrell Miller 12/27/12
Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline? Darrell Miller 11/18/12
How Chromium Picolinate lowers blood sugar Darrell Miller 10/7/12
Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid Darrell Miller 7/2/12
What Vitamins And Minerals Are For Mental Alertness? Darrell Miller 8/29/11
How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion? Darrell Miller 8/23/11
What are the Essential Amino Acids we must get from our Diet to Survive? Darrell Miller 8/17/11
What is Wild Yam Root And How Does It Help PMS And More? Darrell Miller 7/25/11
Vitamin B2 Is Good for Nutrient Metabolism, Cellular Energy, And More Darrell Miller 5/10/11
How Do I Eliminate Parasites Naturally from the Colon? Darrell Miller 4/11/11
Why is It so Important to Give Your Child a Multiple Vitamin Mineral Supplement Darrell Miller 3/11/11
I Am a Vegetarian, Should I be Taking a B-12 Vitamin Supplement? Darrell Miller 2/28/11
Taurine - Essential or Non-Essential Amino Acid - You Decide? Darrell Miller 2/17/11
Why Should I Be Taking A Vitamin B-Complex? Darrell Miller 2/3/11
Potassium: An Overview Darrell Miller 1/14/11
Herbs For Depression Darrell Miller 12/13/10
Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles Darrell Miller 9/1/10
Glutathion, Antioxidants, And The Body Darrell Miller 7/14/10
Essential Fatty Acids and our Health Darrell Miller 3/26/10
Prickly Ash Darrell Miller 9/22/09
Kombucha Darrell Miller 8/19/09
Hypoglycemia Darrell Miller 7/16/09
Natural Vitamins Darrell Miller 6/26/09
Colostrum, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D'arco, Garlic, Astragalus Darrell Miller 6/19/09
L-Cysteine Darrell Miller 5/8/09
L-Carnitine Darrell Miller 5/7/09

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

Date: May 31, 2024 03:29 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

The Role of Vitamins in Mental Health

With growing awareness of mental health issues, research is increasingly highlighting the connection between vitamins and cognitive function. In recent years, studies have shown that vitamins like B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in mental well-being. This article delves into the latest findings and explores how these essential nutrients contribute to a healthier mind.

Vitamin B12: The Brain's Energy Booster

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is crucial for maintaining the health of nerve cells and red blood cells. It is found naturally in animal products, such as meat, fish, and dairy. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, and even depression.

Latest Research on B12 and Mental Health

Several studies have examined the link between B12 and mental health. A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with lower levels of B12 had a higher risk of depression. Similarly, research from the Journal of Neuropsychiatry revealed that elderly patients with B12 Deficiencies exhibited more cognitive decline than those with sufficient levels.

How B12 Supports Cognitive Function

B12 plays a vital role in producing neurotransmitters, the chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. It also helps in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective layer around nerves that ensures the swift transmission of neural signals. By supporting these functions, B12 contributes to maintaining cognitive clarity and emotional balance.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight. It can also be obtained from food sources such as fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and eggs. Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but its role in mental health is equally significant.

Latest Research on Vitamin D and Mental Health

A growing body of research has linked Vitamin D deficiency to mental health issues. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Affective Disorders concluded that individuals with low levels of Vitamin D had a higher incidence of depression. Another study from The Lancet Psychiatry suggested that Vitamin D supplementation improved mood in patients with depression.

How Vitamin D Supports Cognitive Function

Vitamin D receptors are present throughout the brain, indicating that it plays a role in brain function. It helps modulate the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which are critical for mood regulation. Adequate levels of Vitamin D can therefore help in maintaining a balanced mood and reducing the risk of mental health disorders.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Mind's Nourishment

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats predominantly found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These fats are crucial for brain health and have been the focus of numerous studies investigating their impact on mental well-being.

Latest Research on Omega-3 and Mental Health

Various studies have highlighted the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for mental health. A study in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry reported that Omega-3 supplementation significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety. Similarly, research from the American Journal of Psychiatry found that individuals with higher Omega-3 levels experienced fewer depressive symptoms.

How Omega-3 Supports Cognitive Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are integral components of cell membranes in the brain. They play a role in neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections. Additionally, Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to mental health disorders. By supporting these processes, Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to robust cognitive function and emotional stability.

Combining Vitamin Intake for Optimal Mental Health

While each vitamin individually supports cognitive function, combining them can enhance their benefits. For instance, a study in the Nutrition Journal found that a combination of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 supplementation improved cognitive performance in older adults more effectively than any single nutrient alone.

Practical Steps for Ensuring Adequate Vitamin Intake

  1. Dietary Choices: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet. Include sources of B12 like meat, fish, and dairy; sources of Vitamin D like fatty fish and fortified products; and sources of Omega-3s like fish and flaxseed.
  2. Supplements: Consider taking supplements if obtaining these vitamins through diet alone proves challenging. VitaNet LLC Carries Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 along with a large selection of other products.
  3. Sun Exposure: Ensure regular, safe exposure to sunlight to boost Vitamin D levels naturally. Aim for about 15-20 minutes of sunlight several times a week.

Knowledge is Power

Understanding the role of vitamins in mental health underscores the importance of a balanced diet and adequate nutrient intake. Vitamins B12, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids each offer unique benefits that collectively contribute to improved cognitive function and emotional well-being. As research continues to unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that focusing on these essential nutrients is a crucial step toward achieving optimal mental health.

In summary, while mental health is influenced by a myriad of factors, ensuring adequate intake of key vitamins can provide a foundation for better cognitive and emotional outcomes. By adopting healthy dietary habits and considering supplementation when necessary, individuals can take proactive steps to support their mental well-being.


The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Date: May 29, 2024 11:28 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

The Role of Vitamin B12 in Energy Production

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is crucial for red blood cell production, DNA synthesis, and nervous system health. Among its many roles, one of the most vital is its contribution to energy production and metabolism. This article delves into how Vitamin B12 affects energy levels, with a particular focus on its importance for vegetarians and vegans.

Understanding Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally found in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs. It is primarily responsible for converting food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which the body uses for energy. B12 is also crucial in the formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to every part of the body, and in maintaining the health of nerve cells.

The Science Behind Energy Production

Role in Metabolism

Vitamin B12 is a key player in metabolism, a complex set of chemical reactions in our body that convert food into energy. One of the primary ways B12 contributes to metabolism is through its involvement in the Krebs cycle, a series of reactions that produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body's primary energy currency. During the Krebs cycle, Vitamin B12 helps convert fats and proteins into energy, ensuring that the body has a constant supply of fuel to perform everyday tasks.

DNA Synthesis and Cell Division

Vitamin B12 is also essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. It works closely with folate (Vitamin B9) to synthesize DNA during cell division. Rapidly dividing tissues, such as red blood cells, require an adequate supply of B12. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to megaloblastic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are larger than normal and not as effective in transporting oxygen, thereby causing fatigue and weakness.

The Challenge for Vegetarians and Vegans

B12 Sources

One of the significant challenges for vegetarians and vegans is getting enough Vitamin B12, as it is predominantly found in animal products. Plant-based diets generally lack this vitamin, putting individuals at risk of deficiency. However, several fortified foods and supplements can help prevent this deficiency.

Fortified Foods and Supplements

Many plant-based milk alternatives, breakfast cereals, and nutritional yeasts are now fortified with Vitamin B12. For instance, a cup of fortified soy milk can provide about 50% of the daily recommended intake of B12. Additionally, B12 supplements are readily available and can be an effective way for vegetarians and vegans to ensure they get their daily dose. It's crucial to choose a supplement that meets the dietary needs and preferences of the individual.

Symptoms of Deficiency

A lack of Vitamin B12 can result in various health problems like fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss. In severe cases, it may lead to neurological issues such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, balance difficulties, depression, confusion, and memory loss. Given these risks, it's essential for vegetarians and vegans to monitor their B12 levels.

Benefits of Adequate B12 Intake

Enhanced Energy Levels

Adequate intake of Vitamin B12 can significantly enhance energy levels. Since B12 is involved in converting food into ATP, sufficient levels of this vitamin can help ensure that the body efficiently produces and uses energy. Individuals who maintain appropriate B12 levels often report feeling more energetic and less fatigued.

Improved Metabolic Function

By ensuring a sufficient supply of B12, vegetarians and vegans can support their metabolic functions. A well-functioning metabolism is crucial for maintaining body weight, supporting muscle function, and ensuring overall vitality. Improved metabolic function also means better handling of the foods consumed, leading to more stable energy levels throughout the day.

Better Mental Health

Vitamin B12 is essential for producing neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Adequate levels of B12 can help prevent mental health issues such as depression and brain fog, which are often associated with fatigue and low energy levels. Regular intake of B12, either through diet or supplements, can contribute to better mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Optimal Nervous System Function

B12 is crucial in maintaining the myelin sheath, a protective coating around nerves. A healthy nervous system ensures that signals travel efficiently between the brain and the rest of the body. This not only helps in preventing neurological issues but also ensures that the body's energy systems operate smoothly.

How to Ensure Adequate B12 Intake

Regular Blood Tests

For vegetarians and vegans, regular blood tests are an effective way to monitor B12 levels. These tests can help identify a deficiency early on, allowing individuals to take corrective measures before any severe symptoms manifest.

Balanced Diet

A well-rounded, balanced diet that includes fortified foods can help meet the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B12. Incorporating a variety of B12-fortified foods into every meal ensures a steady supply of this vital nutrient.

Considering Supplements

For those who struggle to get enough Vitamin B12 through diet alone, supplements are an excellent option.

Choosing the Right Supplement: Methyl B12

When selecting a Vitamin B12 supplement, methylcobalamin, or methyl B12, is often recommended as the best form. It has superior bioavailability compared to cyanocobalamin, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Methyl B12 doesn't need conversion in the body to be effective, leading to quicker uptake and immediate benefits.

For vegetarians and vegans at higher risk of B12 deficiency, methyl B12 is especially beneficial for maintaining optimal B12 levels effectively. Including this form in your supplement routine can boost energy, mental clarity, and support metabolic and nervous system functions.

Awareness and Education

Raising awareness about B12 is key for vegetarians and vegans to prevent Deficiencies. Health programs can educate on maintaining adequate levels through diet and supplements.

Are You Ready For More Energy?

Vitamin B12's role in energy production and metabolism is indisputable. Vegetarians and vegans can struggle to get enough B12 from plant-based diets, but fortified foods and supplements offer solutions. Understanding B12's importance and taking action can boost energy, metabolism, and well-being. Regular monitoring, a balanced diet, and appropriate supplementation are key strategies to prevent deficiency and maintain optimal health.


Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral Deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these Deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin Deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin Deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These Deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary Deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient Deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral Deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient Deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until Deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


The Role of Vitamin D in Immune Health

Date: May 24, 2024 03:28 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Role of Vitamin D in Immune Health

The Role of Vitamin D in Immune Health

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining a robust immune system, acting as a vital nutrient that supports overall health. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D functions as a hormone, interacting with various bodily systems to help modulate the immune response. This essential vitamin aids in the activation of T cells, which are critical for identifying and combating pathogens.

Sources of Vitamin D

To ensure adequate levels of vitamin D, it is important to consider both dietary sources and sunlight exposure. Foods rich in vitamin D include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks. Additionally, sensible sun exposure enables the body to synthesize vitamin D naturally. However, factors such as geographic location, skin pigmentation, and the use of sunscreen can influence the amount of vitamin D produced by the skin. Make sure to supplement Vitamin D in a D-3 form for optimal absorption in your vitamin regimen.

Optimal Levels and Supplementation

Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D is important for immune health. Blood tests can determine vitamin D levels, with health professionals often recommending supplementation to address Deficiencies. The right amount of vitamin D supplements varies depending on individual needs. Follow healthcare providers' guidelines to prevent potential toxicity from excessive intake.

Vitamin D and Immune Response

Research has shown that adequate levels of vitamin D are associated with a reduced risk of infections and improved immune function. Vitamin D enhances the pathogen-fighting effects of monocytes and macrophages—white blood cells that are important parts of immune defense—and decreases inflammation. This helps the body to fend off illnesses more effectively and recover quicker.

Public Health Considerations

Public health organizations emphasize the importance of maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels for overall health. It is recommended to regularly monitor high-risk groups such as older adults, individuals with limited sun exposure, and those with specific medical conditions. Understanding the significance of vitamin D can improve health and boost the immune system. It is advised to get blood work twice a year to monitory vitamin D levels and supplement accordingly.

In summary, vitamin D is indispensable for a well-functioning immune system. Ensuring adequate intake through diet, sunlight, and supplementation as needed can provide beneficial effects on health and enhance the body's ability to combat illness.

Take Action to Boost Your Immune Health

Understanding vitamin D's crucial role in supporting a healthy immune system, it's crucial to take proactive steps to ensure sufficient intake. Include vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy, and egg yolks in your diet. Consider D-3 supplements and aim for safe sun exposure to boost vitamin D levels.

Don't hesitate to seek advice from healthcare providers regarding supplementation, especially if you fall into a higher-risk category for deficiency. Regular blood tests can help you monitor your vitamin D levels and adjust your intake accordingly. By Stay informed, take action, boost your immune health, lower infection risks, and improve overall well-being. Act now to incorporate these practices into your daily routine and fortify your body's natural defenses.


Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Date: December 07, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Did you know that glutathione is not only great for liver health, but it also promotes beautiful, radiant skin?

Glutathione (GSH), often considered as an amino acid but actually a tripeptide, is an antioxidant primarily synthesized in the liver. Composed of cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, it plays a crucial role in the synthesis and repair of DNA and protein, as well as the synthesis of prostaglandins. With its involvement in various functions like amino acid transport, toxin and carcinogen metabolism, immune system function, prevention of oxidative cell damage, and activation of enzymes, it is undoubtedly the most important tripeptide in the body.

While the benefits of supplementing with glutathione are numerous, two particularly compelling reasons are its positive impact on liver health and beautiful skin, which are the key focus of this article. However, before diving into the specifics of liver health and skin benefits, it's important to review the data on glutathione depletion and absorption.

GSH depletion can occur due to various oxidative stressors such as radiation, v.infections, enviro toxins, household chemicals, heavy metals, surgery, inflammation, burns, septic shock, and dietary Deficiencies of GSH precursors and enzyme cofactors. Additionally, research suggests that GSH levels tend to decline with age.

The bioavailability of glutathione as a dietary supplement has encountered challenges in the past. Studies in the 1990s suggested that oral GSH might be inactivated by peptidases in the gut, as the levels of glutathione in the body did not seem to correlate with dietary intake, despite its presence in fruits, vegetables, and meats. Moreover, previous studies showed no significant increase in blood GSH levels when subjects were given high doses of 1,000-3,000 mg. As a result, alternative strategies like supplementation with NAC were used to boost GSH levels.

In 2014, something interesting happened that changed the way we look at the bioavailability of GSH. A groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shed new light on the old research. This study showed that GSH, when taken in its intact form as OPITAC, a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, can actually be rapidly transported across intestinal epithelial cells. Once inside, it gets rapidly converted into oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and accumulates in red blood cells and the liver, with only a small presence in plasma. So, although the GSH was indeed absorbed, it didn't show up in blood plasma because it transformed into GSSG and stored in the red blood cells and the liver. The bottom line is, supplementing with GSH is an effective way to boost GSH levels in the body.

This finding was further confirmed in another study that described how OPITAC, as a yeast-derived glutathione by Kohjin/Mitsubishi, is directly absorbed in its electrochemically reduced form in the intestine, then transported in the blood in bound forms, and eventually deposited into the liver in its reduced form.

But here's where it gets even more significant. A six-month randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial involving 54 adults was conducted to investigate the effects of oral GSH supplementation (250 or 1,000 mg/day, as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) on GSH levels in various parts of the body, including blood, erythrocytes, plasma, lymphocytes, and exfoliated buccal mucosal cells. The results were astounding. After one, three, and six months, GSH levels in blood increased significantly compared to baseline in both dosage groups. At the six-month mark, GSH levels skyrocketed 30-35 percent in erythrocytes, plasma, and lymphocytes, and a mind-boggling 260 percent in buccal cells in the 1,000 mg group (P < 0.05). Even in the low-dose group, GSH levels in blood and erythrocytes increased by 17 and 29 percent, respectively (P < 0.05). This research clearly demonstrates that supplementation with GSH is not only effective for increasing GSH levels in the body but also for maintaining them.

So, to sum it all up, the evidence speaks volumes - supplementing with GSH can have a profound impact on your body's GSH levels, and trust me, that's definitely a good thing!

Liver Health

When it comes to our well-being, the liver is a true superhero. Let's dive into some fascinating details about this essential organ.

Did you know that the liver is not only the largest reservoir of GSH (glutathione) but also a major site of GSH manufacture in the body? Pretty impressive, right? Special cells in the liver work tirelessly to synthesize GSH, which plays a crucial role in detoxification. Speaking of detoxification, the liver is a champion in this field. Its cells have sophisticated mechanisms to break down toxic substances, be it internal or external compounds.

During the detoxification process, the liver attaches or conjugates the toxins to water-soluble substances. This attachment makes the toxic molecules more water-soluble, less harmful, and easier to eliminate via urine or bile. In fact, glutathione conjugation produces water-soluble mercaptates that are excreted via the kidneys, effectively detoxifying acetaminophen and nicotine. Isn't it amazing how this process helps our bodies get rid of harmful substances?

But that's not all. Adequate levels of glutathione are crucial for the elimination of fat-soluble compounds, particularly heavy metals like mercury and lead. What's more, GSH serves as a cofactor for various peroxidase enzymes, aiding in the detoxification of peroxides generated from oxygen radical attacks on biological molecules. It also assists transhydrogenase enzymes in reducing oxidized centers on DNA, proteins, and other biomolecules. Talk about a multitasker!

The practical significance of this liver superhero was demonstrated in a study involving workers exposed to lead. A group of five workers received GSH at 200 mg/day for 30 days, while five others served as the control group. The results were striking. The group receiving GSH showed a significant increase in ALA dehydratase activity (which is inhibited by lead) compared to the control group (p < 0.05). This indicates that GSH could be a valuable solution for treating patients with lead poisoning.

So, let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable liver and its incredible role in maintaining our health and well-being!

Alcohol Intoxication

Alcohol consumption is widely recognized for its capability to induce hepatic steatosis, also known as fatty liver disease, and disrupt biomembranes due to hepatic lipid peroxidation. This can lead to various lifestyle-related diseases and even hepatic cirrhosis by diminishing hepatic physiological function. Nevertheless, animal studies have shown that hepatic damage caused by alcohol intoxication can be mitigated by glutathione (GSH), a powerful antioxidant found in cells.

To further investigate the impact of GSH supplementation on the effects of alcohol intake, a human crossover comparative study was conducted. The study involved twenty healthy men and women who were grouped into three categories: placebo, 100 mg GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi), and 30 mg curcumin. The study evaluated laboratory parameters, including breath alcohol concentration at different time intervals (20, 60, 120, and 180 minutes post-alcohol consumption) as measured by an alcohol checker. Additionally, subjective feelings were assessed through a questionnaire. During the study, all participants consumed whiskey in a quantity equal to their body weight multiplied by 1.25 mL, and were instructed to drink the entire sample within 10 minutes.

The results revealed that the breath alcohol concentration in the group supplemented with GSH significantly decreased compared to the placebo and curcumin groups at 20 (p<0.01), 60 (p<0.01), 120 (p<0.05), and 180 (p<0.08) minutes post-consumption. Furthermore, the GSH group reported lower levels of "sleepiness," "headache," and "upset stomach" in the subjective feeling questionnaire. Importantly, the concentration of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), an indicator of alcohol-induced organ damage, was significantly lower in the GSH group after two months compared to the placebo group.

The oral intake of GSH has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing alcohol consumption-related stress and improving long-term hepatic function. These findings highlight the potential benefits of GSH supplementation in alleviating the detrimental effects of alcohol intoxication on the liver.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition characterized by the build-up of fat in the liver of individuals who consume little or no alcohol. Unfortunately, NAFLD is quite common, affecting nearly one-third of all American adults. Interestingly, it often presents without readily apparent signs or symptoms, sometimes resulting in complications, and can lead to liver inflammation and scarring as the fat accumulates. Additionally, NAFLD is typically associated with conditions such as insulin resistance, central obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, type-2 diabetes, and elevated triglyceride levels.

Recognizing the substantial role glutathione (GSH) plays in phase 2 liver detoxification, a pilot trial was conducted to examine the therapeutic effects of GSH supplementation in patients with NAFLD. The trial included 29 individuals, and the patients were provided with daily oral supplementation of GSH at a dose of 300 mg (in the form of OPITAC glutathione, from Kohjin/Mitsubishi). The patients' clinical parameters were assessed before and after the GSH supplementation, and liver fat and fibrosis were quantified as well. The primary goal of the study was to determine any changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. The results indicated a significant decrease in ALT levels following the GSH supplementation. Furthermore, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, and ferritin levels also showed a reduction. This pilot study provides promising evidence for the potential therapeutic effects of oral glutathione administration, even at practical doses, in patients diagnosed with NAFLD. However, further investigation through large-scale clinical trials is necessary to validate its efficacy.

In summary, NAFLD is a prevalent condition with potential serious consequences, but studies like the aforementioned pilot trial shed light on potential treatment options such as GSH supplementation. The findings demonstrate the need for continued research in order to provide more conclusive evidence and expand our understanding of NAFLD management.

Beautiful Skin

By activating melanocytes in the skin, there is a notable increase in melanin formation, resulting in various blemishes such as freckles, pigmentation, and UV-induced skin spots, commonly known as age spots or liver spots. This is especially prominent after prolonged sun exposure and tanning. Age spots appear when melanin becomes concentrated or "clumped" in areas that have had years of frequent sun exposure. Luckily, there are materials like glutathione that can prevent or improve such pigmentation-related skin conditions.

Another aspect to consider is skin pigmentation, wrinkles, and pores. In a study conducted with eight women in their 30s or early 40s, each supplemented with 100 mg/day of GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) for two months, their skin conditions were evaluated using the Robo Skin Analyzer. Several parameters were analyzed, including skin brightness, the amount and area of skin pigmentation, number of pores, and number of wrinkles under the eyes. It was observed that all subjects' skin brightness improved when measured on the second day of the study. Additionally, over the course of the two months, both the amount and area of skin pigmentation decreased, leading to an improvement in blemishes and pigmentation. Not only did glutathione exhibit a whitening effect, but it also reduced the number of wrinkles under the eyes and minimized pores.

Furthermore, a randomized, double-blind, two-arm, placebo-controlled study was conducted with 60 otherwise healthy medical students. The purpose was to investigate whether supplementing with 500 mg of glutathione daily for four weeks would affect the skin melanin index compared to a placebo. Melanin indices were measured at six different sites on the body. The results demonstrated that melanin indices consistently decreased at all six sites in subjects who received glutathione after four weeks. The reductions were statistically significant compared to those who received the placebo at two sites: the right side of the face and the sun-exposed left forearm (p = 0.021 and 0.036, respectively). This improvement was likewise reflected in the reduction of UV spots. Importantly, both glutathione and placebo were well-tolerated. In conclusion, oral administration of glutathione leads to a lightening of skin color in the tested subjects.

Skin Lightening

Skin lightening is a process that is of interest to many individuals who seek to achieve a more even and radiant complexion. In recent studies, the use of a lozenge containing GSH 500 mg was explored as a means of skin lightening through an open-label, single-arm trial. The focus of this trial was to evaluate the buccal mucosa as a route for GSH administration and its potential in relation to skin lightening. It is worth noting that substances absorbed through the buccal route have the advantage of entering directly into the systemic circulation, effectively bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The trial involved thirty Filipino females with Fitzpatrick skin types IV or V who received a daily glutathione-containing lozenge for eight weeks. The results from this trial demonstrated a significant decrease in melanin indices from baseline to endpoint. What is fascinating is that this visible change became evident in as little as two weeks. It is important to highlight that during this trial, there were no recorded serious adverse events, and the laboratory examination findings remained normal. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that the lozenge containing glutathione was deemed safe and effective in lightening the skin of Filipino women.

In addition to the aforementioned buccal route administration, another interesting approach that emerged from the studies is the topical application of GSH. A double-blind randomized clinical trial35 conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, involved 74 healthy Indonesian women, with an average age of 33.3 ± 5.9 years, to explore the potential benefits of topical GSH. The trial subjects received supervised applications of facial wash twice a day, along with day cream containing sunscreen and night cream. The subjects were divided into three groups based on the active ingredients of the tested products, which included GSH (as OPITAC glutathione, Kohjin/Mitsubishi) at concentrations of 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent, and a control group without GSH.

Throughout the trial, the effects of the tested products on skin color and pigmentation were measured using colorimetry with Chromameter Minolta for L. Compared to the baseline measurements, there were significant increases in lightness (L) detected as early as week 2 for the group using GSH at 0.1 percent concentration. Interestingly, this increase was significantly higher compared to the group using GSH at the higher concentration of 0.5 percent, as well as the group without GSH. It is important to note that hyperpigmented lesions also showed improvement, particularly in the group using GSH at 0.5 percent concentration, which displayed superiority compared to the other groups at week 8. In conclusion, the skin care products containing GSH at 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent concentrations were found to be effective in lightening facial skin.

The findings from these studies shed light on the potential benefits of GSH in achieving skin lightening, either through buccal administration or topical application. It is worth noting that these studies focused on specific populations and more research is necessary to explore its effectiveness and safety across different skin types and ethnicities.

In summary, the administration of Glutathione sublingual clinically studiedglutathione, whether oral, buccal, or topical, has shown promising results in skin lightening and the improvement of complexion. Studies have demonstrated that glutathione not only enhances skin brightness but also reduces hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and minimizes pores. Moreover, its effects have been evident in as little as two weeks, with a sustained impact over longer periods. These benefits were observed across a range of different skin types and ethnicities. However, it is important to highlight that these findings are based on specific populations, and more research needs to be conducted to confirm the consistency of these effects across a broader spectrum of skin types and ethnicities. The studies have also confirmed that the usage of glutathione is well-tolerated with no serious adverse effects reported.


The Importance of Vitamin B-12

Date: November 05, 2022 10:41 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient that is involved in energy production, brain and nerve health, DNA replication, red blood cell production, and myelin sheath formation. While you can get vitamin B-12 from eating certain foods, many people don't get enough of this important nutrient and may need to supplement with a vitamin B-12 supplement like Source Naturals Vitamin B-12 Sublingual 2000 mcg.

Vitamin B-12 is an important nutrient for many reasons. This water-soluble vitamin helps to convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is used for energy production in the body. It also helps to form red blood cells and helps with the absorption of iron. Iron is important for carrying oxygen in the blood. Vitamin B-12 is also necessary for proper DNA replication and for the formation of the myelin sheath, which is a layer of insulation around nerve cells.

Vitamin B-12 Deficiencies are common, especially among older adults, vegetarians, and vegans. Symptoms of a vitamin B-12 deficiency include fatigue, weakness, memory loss, depression, and nerve problems like numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. If you think you may be deficient in vitamin B-12, talk to your doctor about getting a blood test. A simple blood test can tell you if you are deficient in vitamin B-12 and whether or not you need to supplement with a vitamin B-12 supplement.

In Summary:

Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient that plays a role in energy production, brain and nerve function, DNA replication, red blood cell production, and myelin sheath formation.


IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain

Date: July 20, 2022 03:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: IGF-1: How to Improve Muscle Gain

If you're looking to improve muscle gain, IGF-1 is a hormone you'll want to know about. This hormone is responsible for increasing muscle mass and strength, and has been shown to be incredibly effective in doing so. We'll discuss what IGF-1 is, how it works, and the best ways to increase its levels in your body for improved muscle growth. IGF-1 is from Deer Antler Velvet.

What is IGF-1 and what does it do?

IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor 1, is a hormone that plays an important role in the growth and development of the human body. While it is most commonly associated with childhood growth, IGF-1 continues to be produced throughout adulthood and is involved in a variety of physiological processes. In addition to promoting cell proliferation and differentiation, IGF-1 has been shown to stimulate collagen production, increase bone density, improve muscle growth, and improve glucose tolerance. Despite its many beneficial effects, excessive levels of IGF-1 can lead to a number of health problems, including cancer. For this reason, it is important to maintain healthy levels of IGF-1 throughout life.

How does IGF-1 work?

IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor 1, is a hormone that plays an important role in childhood growth and development. In the body, IGF-1 is produced in response to growth hormone (GH) stimulation. Once released, it travels through the bloodstream and binds to IGF-1 receptors on cells, provoking a range of different cellular effects. These include cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival. In addition, IGF-1 has been shown to promote angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and to inhibit apoptosis (programmed cell death). Together, these effects make IGF-1 an important regulator of tissue growth and repair. Consequently, serum levels of IGF-1 are closely monitored in children with GH Deficiencies, as well as in those who are at risk for cancer or other diseases involving abnormal cell growth.

IGF-1 an important regulator of tissue growth and repair, lifting weights tears down muscle fibers and the body can rebuild faster.

IGF-1 is a protein that plays an important role in the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body. It is particularly well-known for its ability to help the body rebuild muscle tissue after exercise. When we lift weights, we cause tiny tears in our muscle fibers. In response, the body releases IGF-1 to help repair the damage. This results in an increase in muscle size and strength. Additionally, IGF-1 has been shown to promote healing after injuries and to protect against cell damage caused by stress and inflammation. Therefore, it is not surprising that IGF-1 is often referred to as the "body's repairman." While more research is needed to fully understand the role of IGF-1 in health and disease, there is no doubt that this protein plays a vital role in maintaining our bodies' peak performance.

The benefits of increased IGF-1 levels?

However, IGF-1 levels decline with age, which may contribute to the age-related decline in muscle mass and strength. Therefore, maintaining high levels of IGF-1 throughout life may be important for preserving muscle mass and function.

How to increase your IGF-1 levels for improved muscle growth?

As we already know, levels of IGF-1 decline with age, which may explain why older adults tend to have less muscle mass than young people. However, there are several ways to increase IGF-1 levels and improve muscle growth. One of the most effective methods is to take deer antler velvet, which is the highest natural source of IGF-1. Deer antler velvet can be taken in pill form or made into a liposomal supplement, which helps the body absorb the IGF-1 more effectively. Additionally, regular exercise and proper nutrition are important for supporting muscle growth and keeping IGF-1 levels high.

Fortunately, Now Foods makes a liposomal IGF-1 supplement.

Low levels of IGF-1 have been linked to a variety of health problems, including muscle wasting, osteoporosis, and heart disease. Fortunately, Now Foods makes a liposomal IGF-1 supplement that can help to raise IGF-1 levels and improve overall health. Liposomal delivery is the most efficient way to increase blood levels of IGF-1, and the fact that this supplement is also affordably priced makes it an attractive option for many people. If you are looking for a way to improve your health, consider giving Now Foods liposomal IGF-1 a try.


Cortisol and Adrenal Balancing Supplements: How to Reduce Cortisol and Fight the Effects of Stress

Date: May 07, 2022 11:38 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cortisol and Adrenal Balancing Supplements: How to Reduce Cortisol and Fight the Effects of Stress

Do you feel like stress is constantly wearing you down? It's no wonder, with all the demands on our time and energy. The good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce cortisol and improve your resilience. One of the most important is to make sure you're getting enough of the nutrients your body needs to stay strong. A cortisol balancing supplement can help make up for any Deficiencies and give your body the support it needs to reduce cortisol levels and fight the effects of stress.

If you can balance cortisol levels you will have more energy & stamina, be able to manage weight better, boost immunity, support hormone activity, manage blood sugar better, reduce stress and improve mood.

The problem of cortisol imbalance and its effects on the body

The hormone cortisol is important for many bodily functions, including maintaining blood pressure and regulating metabolism. However, when the body experiences chronic stress, it can produce too much cortisol, leading to a condition known as "cortisol imbalance." Cortisol imbalance can have a number of harmful effects, including weight gain, anxiety, and depression. In extreme cases, it can even lead to adrenal fatigue. Unfortunately, cortisol imbalance is becoming increasingly common in our fast-paced, high-stress world. If you are concerned that you may be suffering from this condition, a supplement formulated to combat stress and high cortisol levels my be what you need. With proper nutrients, it is possible to restore balance to your hormones and improve your overall health.

The importance of nutrients in maintaining a healthy balance of cortisol

A healthy diet is important for many reasons. It can provide the body with the nutrients it needs to function properly, help to regulate hormone levels, and promote a sense of well-being. Cortisol is a hormone that plays an important role in the body's stress response. When levels of cortisol are too high, it can lead to anxiety, irritability, and difficulty sleeping. Eating foods that are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin, pantothenic acid, and DHEA can help to maintain a healthy balance of cortisol in the body. In addition, avoiding processed foods and managing stress levels with exercise can also help to keep cortisol levels in check.

Adrenal fatigue

Stress is a natural physical and mental response to the demands of life. It is the body's way of preparing to meet a challenge. However, when a person experiences chronic or long-term stress, it can take a toll on their health. Long-term stress can lead to a condition known as adrenal fatigue. This occurs when the adrenal glands become unable to produce adequate amounts of the hormone adrenaline. Cortisol is essential for managing stress and maintaining proper metabolism. When levels are too low, it can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping. In severe cases, adrenal fatigue can also cause depression and anxiety.

Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenaplex

The adrenal glands are small, but they play a big role in our bodies. When the adrenal glands become fatigued, it can lead to a number of symptoms, including fatigue, trouble sleeping, mood swings, and low blood pressure. While adrenal fatigue is not a diagnosable condition, it is a real phenomenon that can be treated with lifestyle changes and natural supplements. Adrenaplex is one such supplement. This formula contains adaptogenic herbs that help to support the adrenal glands and improve their ability to respond to stress.

When Cortisol levels Are balanced You Will Experience:

  • Improved Energy & Stamina
  • Loose Weight
  • Improve Immune Function
  • Support hormone activity
  • Reduce Blood Sugar Levels
  • Manage Stress Better
  • Improve Mood

Though it is possible to treat adrenal fatigue with a cortisol balancing supplement, the best way to prevent it from happening in the first place is by managing stress levels and eating a healthy diet. If you are under a lot of stress, consider adding an adrenal support supplement to your routine. This can help to improve your body's response to stress and keep your hormones in balance.

If you are looking for a way to reduce cortisol and the effects of stress, try a cortisol balancing supplement. These supplements help the body reduce cortisol and fight the effects of stress. With proper nutrients, it is possible to restore balance to your hormones and improve your overall health. Try a cortisol balancing supplement today! You may be surprised at how much better you will sleep, wake in the morning, and feel overall!


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient Deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


Curcumin and Grapeseed

Date: September 01, 2020 11:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin and Grapeseed

Smoking, Chemical exposure, pesticides, nutrient Deficiencies, to much sun exposure, and over the counter drugs and prescriptions can cause cancer. In the news, there are forever chemical roundup found in our water supply, it is no wonder we are laden with cancer as a society.

Fortunately, a healthy cancer preventing diet along with natural plant compounds can be far more effective and cost a lot less than conventional care alone.

Two top suggested natural medicines available right now are curcumin and grape seed extract. These two herbs are an amazing pair, curcumin is a fat soluble herb to fight oxidation on the fatty oil side in the body and grape seed extract is water soluble, making it a great antioxidant to fight oxidative stress on the water side of a cell. Cells in the body are made up of oil(fats) and water. The impact of both together on your health is virtually miraculous.

Curcumin neutralizes unstable free radicals that take electrons from nearby molecules, and stop them from creating a cascade of damaged cells. It also reduces inflammation reduces inflammation markers in the body to prevent prevent tissue degradation.

Curcumin has been shown to stop the changes that happen from free radical damage causing normal cells to become cancerous, and tumorous formations, and can even stop cancer from metastasizing or migrating to other parts of the body. Published studies anticancer activity have found that it can suppress breast, prostate, liver, skin, colon and lung cancer cells.

Curcumin Must Be Absorbed To Be Useful

One of the challenges or using curcumin for cancer prevention and treatment is that not all curcumin extracts are easily absorbable into the body. Blending curcumin in Turmeric essential oil enhances absorption and provides the additional benefits of ar-turmerone, a compound in the oil.

Curcumin Makes Chemo More Effective

There is big potential for curcumin when used with conventional treatment. BCM-95 curcumin, through research, has shown to sensitize human colon cancer cells to chemotherapy treatment where it would otherwise be resistant to this form of treatment. In some cases tumor recurrence rates can be as high as 60% but when treated with curcumin while under conventional treatment, curcumin boosted the effectiveness of the chemo drug 5-fluorouracil against cancer stem cells.

Curcumin has great potential in conjunction with conventional cancer treatment and recovery. It has been found that as chemo treatment progresses, cancer cells become resistant to the chemo treatment and the dosage has to be increased as the treatment continues increasing the toxic side effects. Fortunately, curcumin taken in conjunction with conventional cancer treatment can improve the effectiveness of chemo and so the dosage can be lowered reducing the toxic side effects for individuals. This is good news!

Curcumin Protects The Body During Cancer Treatment

In a clinical study with curcumin, it showed to alleviate side effects of one of the most common treatments of prostate cancer known as external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) where the doctor uses radiation to destroy tumorous cancel cells. This sort of therapy has many side effects making it a difficult therapy for most men. I often causes sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, urinary tract pain and loss of control. The higher the radiation dosage the more effective the treatment is but this causes significant discomfort, that is why most doctors lean towards lower dosages which makes the treatment less effective.

The clinical study administered 3000mg of BCM-95 curcumin that is 1000mg x 3 per day or a placebo one week before therapy started and during the treatment length. Each capsule of curcumin contained curcuminoids, curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, bisdemethoxycurcumin, and essential oil of turmeric, this is a full spectrum curcumin supplement.

At the end of the treatment which lasted 20 weeks the most dramatic difference between the two groups in the study was urinary symptoms. The curcumin group said a 50% decrease in symptoms or side effects of the radiation. Also, researchers noted that the curcumin did not reduce the efficacy of the EBRT.


Common Causes of a Zinc Deficiency

Date: July 31, 2020 01:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Common Causes of a Zinc Deficiency

A decreased intake and absorption of zinc can happen when you have the following going on:

  • Inflammation or Acute Infections
  • Cirrhosis of the Liver,/li>
  • Alcoholism
  • Anorexia
  • Burns
  • Post Trauma from accidents or surgery
  • Protein Deficiencies
  • Vegetarian Diet
  • Starvation - long term no food

The following can cause decreased absorption:

  • Alcoholism - consumption of to much alcohol to often
  • Celiac Disease
  • Chronic blood loss
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • To high fiber diets
  • High Dietary Calcium to zinc ratio
  • High dietary Iron to zinc ratio
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Intestinal Resection
  • Liver diseases
  • Pancreatic insufficiency disease

Other causes of Deficiencies:

  • Old age - Elderly
  • pregnancy and or lactation
  • Oral Contraceptive use (birth control)
  • Growth spurts such as puberty
  • If you fall into any of these categories, consider taking a zinc supplement to help improve absorption of zinc and maintain good immunity.


    Vitamin E Alert: Researchers discover surprising reason why you maybe deficient in this critical antioxidant

    Date: May 07, 2019 04:29 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Vitamin E Alert: Researchers discover surprising reason why you maybe deficient in this critical antioxidant

    It turns out that a lack of vitamin C in your diet can severely inhibit your body’s ability to absorb and use vitamin E. Vitamin E is important to a variety of cellular functions, as well as preventing heart disease and preventing arteries from becoming stiff and hard. The vast majority of Americans don’t eat enough vitamin E, and the situation is made worse by inadequate vitamin C consumption, since vitamin C protects and complements vitamin E. Good sources of these vitamins include kale, apples, carrots and walnuts, as well as supplements.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vitamin E deficiency might be uncommon because it is estimated to affect only 0.1 percent of the population but that is still substantial when one does the maths.
    • There is another twist to the Vitamin E deficiency puzzle because it has been found that Vitamin C can affect the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin E.
    • Vitamin E boasts a lot of health benefits for people who take it in their diets including fighting off inflammation and reducing the risk of heart disease.

    "Plus, even if clinically-definable deficiencies are uncommon, too many people are still missing out on the key health benefits of vitamin E because they get insufficient amounts of it in their diet."

    Read more:


    Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving

    Date: May 02, 2019 01:57 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving

    There are nutrients which require fatty acids for absorption. It is possible that you are struggling with absorbing fat, which can be seen in problems including light colored and stinky stools, bloating, nausea, or fatigue. Liver congestion, poor quality bile, or lacking of pancreatic enzymes may be the problem. Beet greens, collard, and chicory are a few helpful bitter foods that may stimulate your enzymes to function more properly. Foods including lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, spinach, and celery may help your hydrochloric acid in breaking down foods. Add in honey, avocados, bananas, ginger, pineapples, or kiwi to boost digestive enzymes.You can also help your body with medium chain fatty acids like coconut oil for absorption of nutrients. Finally, consider a probiotic supplement or fermented foods to help with proper breakdown and digestion.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Some symptoms, such as fatigue, bloating, weight gain and nausea when encountering fatty foods, may have an inability to properly absorb fats as a root cause.
    • People with such an inability are also prone to excreting light-colored and particularly foul-smelling feces.
    • An inability to properly absorb fats can stem from liver congestion, poor quality bile, or from a lack of pancreatic enzymes.

    "These symptoms may also be an indication of other nutrient deficiencies as some nutrients need fatty acids to be absorbed."

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    Treat psoriasis naturally with vitamin D and zinc

    Date: March 28, 2019 05:13 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Treat psoriasis naturally with vitamin D and zinc

    Over 7.5 million Americans suffer from Psoriasis, and researchers in Iraq have taken it upon themselves to spot any potential nutrient deficiencies associated with the condition. Physicians took blood samples from Iranian participants, and they surprisingly found that those who had a psoriasis diagnosis were shown to have insufficient levels of vitamin D. These levels were so insufficient, that they were actually 60% less than that of an individual with healthy levels of vitamin B.

    Key Takeaways:

    • A chronic skin problem that affects over 7.5 million Americans is psoriasis and it can result in complications such as arthritis.
    • A team from a University in Iraq has found that the complications associated with psoriasis can result in a reduction in vitamin D and zinc in affected individuals.
    • To analyze their study, they collected blood samples from persons infected with psoriasis and then compared those blood samples with those of healthy individuals.

    "The team found that vitamin D levels in those with psoriasis were at least 60 percent lower than healthy individuals. Similarly, zinc levels of people with psoriasis were lower by a third, compared to those who do not have the condition."

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    Take this happy pill: Deficiency in vitamin D is linked todepression among urban Malaysian women

    Date: March 25, 2019 05:48 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Take this happy pill: Deficiency in vitamin D is linked todepression among urban Malaysian women

    Vitamin deficiencies are running rampant around the world, impacting a substantial amount of individuals. Over 70% of Malaysian women in urban areas tested positive for a vitamin D deficiency, specifically. The reason so many Malaysian women are prone to vitamin D deficiencies is because they have darker pigmentation, and they are heavily restricted in many forms of clothing. The lack of sunlight exposure due to these characteristics is what potentially contributes to an increase in levels of depression.

    Key Takeaways:

    • It is widely known that Vitamin D is linked to calcium and bone growth, but the deficiency has also been linked to depression among Malaysian women.
    • Vitamin D is gotten by the body through skin synthesis when exposed to the sun but these women are deficient through darker skin pigmentation and religious clothing styles.
    • Some of the signs one can perceive when a person is deficient in Vitamin D are back or bone pain, getting sick or infected oftener, and hair loss.

    "Based on the study findings, over 70 percent of the urban Malaysian women surveyed were vitamin D deficient."

    Read more:


    Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

    Date: February 28, 2019 08:47 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

    Omega-3s have a wide variety of benefits for your brain and cardiac health, as well as keeping inflammation in check and hormones in balance, so you definitely shouldn’t let yourself become deficient. Omega-3s are an essential fatty acid, meaning the body cannot produce them on its own. A deficiency can cause inflammation, digestive troubles, and pain in muscles and joints, as well as changes in the appearance of skin and hair. Deficiencies can also cause or worsen ADHD symptoms or depression. A lack of omega-3s can even result in poor brain development in children and neurodegenerative symptoms in adults.

    Key Takeaways:

    • It has been shown in numerous studies that omega-3 is very good for the health and some of the benefits include fighting inflammatory diseases.
    • One needs omega-3 for the following reasons: proper cardiovascular function, proper neurological function, cell membrane maintenance, and fetal development.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are known as good fats and there are three types in the world today.

    "“Omega-3s” is another name for omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are found in the human body, as well as in certain foods like oily fish. Essential fatty acids are “essential” because the body cannot synthesize them on its own, therefore humans must get these fats from the diet."

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    8 Health Hazards Caused by Lack of Vitamin D

    Date: February 27, 2019 09:57 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 8 Health Hazards Caused by Lack of Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is extremely important for your health. However, in the winter time it can be difficult to get enough Vitamin D because of the lack of sunlight. A 2010 study showed that over 40% of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency. Risks associated with Vitamin D deficiencies include fatigue and weakened immune system. Risks get more serious and also include cardiovascular disease, cancer Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. All of these diseases come at a higher rate in people who do not have sufficient Vitamin D.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Children lacking sufficient amounts of vitamin D are at a high risk of developing the disease called Rickets.
    • Children with Rickets have weakened skeletal systems and soft, easily damaged bones.
    • For optimal health, including the prevention of Rickets, the Mayo Clinic advises that children up to the age of 1 receive 400 International Units of vitamin D daily,

    "Our bodies need vitamin D for many health benefits but in the cold winter months it may be hard to get enough of this hormone that's created when your skin is exposed to sunlight."

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    There is a STRONG link between exposure to endocrine-disruptingchemicals and vitamin D deficiency

    Date: January 22, 2019 04:39 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: There is a STRONG link between exposure to endocrine-disruptingchemicals and vitamin D deficiency

    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as BPA are a group of over 80,000 manufactured chemicals that are present within the products that we use on a consistent basis. These chemicals can unfortunately lead to many health implications such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Studies have even shown that those who are exposed to higher levels of EDCs are more prone to developing Vitamin D deficiencies. All of these harmful health risks show just how dangerous these man-made chemicals can be to our bodies.

    Key Takeaways:

    • It has been revealed that countless times Big businesses can make the government to approve their toxic chemicals and their true sinister nature is known after a long time.
    • As a nutrient, Vitamin D has a lot of uses for the body. It promotes bone health, and benefits the brain and immune system.
    • After conducting 1300 studies on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC), the endocrine society has found that these EDCs can contribute to infertility, obesity, diabetes, and neurological problems.

    "But recent research has shown that the hazards of BPA and other endocrine disruptors can even cause vitamin D deficiency — which can cause a whole host of other health issues."

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    Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health

    Date: January 03, 2019 08:50 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health

    We are always told about how important probiotics are for our gastrointestinal health, but what about prebiotics? Prebiotics are shown to improve digestion because they can naturally restore the presence of probiotics that fight off any harmful bacteria. Harmful gut bacteria can lead to issues such as bloating, gas, and acid reflux. It can also lead to issues such as brain fog and having poor levels of vitamins in your system that lead to related deficiencies.

    Key Takeaways:

    • People often mistake probiotics and prebiotics to be the same thing, but even though they are closely related, they are also very different from each other.
    • By eating prebiotic foods, probiotic populations can be restored, and as a result, the different symptoms of these health problems like gas and bloating are alleviated.
    • Probiotics are crucial to maintaining overall health since nearly 70 percent of the immune system is found in the gut.

    "People also have to complement their diet with foods containing the lesser known prebiotics for probiotics to work their magic."

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    What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide

    Date: December 19, 2018 08:31 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What's The Difference Between Niacin And Niacinamide

    When it comes to Vitamin B3, not all forms of Niacin are created equally. Aside from the risk of allergens and impurities, there are also separate forms with critical distinctions. The pure form is made solely of nicotinic acid which causes the flushing effect when it is taken by humans. The flushing effect is a redness that starts in the face and expands outwards through the rest of the body. It can make the skin feel warm, dry, and itchy for half an hour. The flushing effect is associated with vascular dilation that helps open up the tiny capillaries and blood vessels to clean out all the toxic junk they may have accumulated.

    Nicotinic Acid Lowers Cholesterol

    Nicotinic acid is also associated with increasing HDL levels in the body to prevent heart disease and plaques from accumulating on the interior walls of arteries. Nicotinic acid is also known to lower the LDL and VLDL bad cholesterols that clog up arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

    Other Benefits of Vitamin B3

    Vitamin B3 plays a critical role in building enzymes that help us carry out over 200 physical functions in the body. It is not produced naturally but is absorbed from foods such as yeast, green vegetables, milk, eggs, legumes, and fish. Aside from cardiovascular health, it plays a critical role in nervous health and sex hormone production.

    How Does Niacinamide Differ?

    Niacinamide is a water-soluble form of Niacin that is used to treat Deficiencies or for therapies when patients need to take higher doses regularly to treat pellegra and the Deficiencies that lead to it. When an excess of Niacin is built up in the body, your body may store it in this form. The chief distinction between this water-soluable hybrid and nicotinic acid is the effect on cholesterol and vascular dilation. Although flushing can be reduced by taking nicotinic acid daily and building up a tolerance to the effects, it is harder on the liver and more burdensome on the body to metabolize it in the high doses used for therapy of many illnesses: ADHD, Schizophrenia, nervous problems, migraines, and arthritis, among others. It is the preferred choice for maintaining a consistent and steady level of Vitamin B3 in the body and loaded into many beauty and skin products for women.

    What Other Forms Can I Take?

    You can take any form of the vitamin on a daily basis or supplement it with nicotinic acid when you need some additional flushing effect. You will notice that Niacinamide causes some symptoms of drying and itching that are similar to flushing when you take it in high doses. The no-flush formulation is called inositol hexanicotinate and made up from Vitamins B3 and Inositol Vitamin B8. The inositol acts as an additional buffer that makes inositol hexanicotinate easy to digest and take 1600 mg without side-effects: nausea, itching, flushing, dizziness, gout, liver damage, diabetes. Although multi-vitamin formulas and even fortified foods like breakfast shakes and cereals suggest that you are getting a full dose of B3 in each serving, this is very unlikely. The better choice is to take specifically formulated capsules rather than multivitamins if you are using it for therapeutic reasons.


    How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

    Date: September 11, 2018 05:52 PM
    Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
    Subject: How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

    How Nutrient Deficiencies Can Affect Your Mental Health

    We often separate who we are into two separate parts, specifically body and mind, acting a if we are some odd hybrid creature. But, the truth is that the brain is as much a part of the body as the fingers, muscles and hair are. We all expect our diet to affect our waistline, and strength, our energy and our hair's luster, or lack thereof. In reality, since our brains are as much affected by our diet as any other part, it stands to reason that our mind's ability to handle stress, emotions and mental load are very much affected too. All of which is born out by data which shows that diets that are imbalanced and overloaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and chemical additives are apt to contribute to disease symptoms, like ADHD, depression and anxiety.

    When the body lacks specific nutrients, like sufficient protein, it can hamper the body's ability to create needed brain chemicals that aid in our ability to handle emotions and stress. In fact, the brain is comprised of a great deal of fat. So, healthy a diet that has sufficient good quality fatty acids is important fro brain health. Brain health and stamina is affected by an array of nutrients that come from food, including magnesium, vitamin B12, zinc and vitamin D. Their lack can cause or hasten mood and behavior shifts that can become problems.

    Key Takeaways:

    • How levels of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to depression, anxiety, and attention difficulties.
    • If you are a vegetarian or a vegan and you are suffering from depression, you may want to make sure you are getting enough Vitamin B12.
    • Foods rich in protein, including nuts, meat, and eggs, contain amino acids which regulate your serotonin levels.

    "But the foods we eat also play a role in how we feel mentally as well, and an imbalanced diet can mess with our heads just as much as our stomachs."

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    Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

    Date: August 20, 2018 09:53 AM
    Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
    Subject: Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

    Hydrochloric Acid: The Stomach Acid that Defends Against GERD, Candida & Leaky Gut

    Hydrochloric Acid is a key digestive juice which tends to decrease within your body as you get older, causing a variety of digestive and non-digestive issues. Less hydrochloric acid means a less acidic gut, which can result in higher incidence of heartburn, gas, acid reflux, bacterial or yeast infections and other conditions. While some decrease in hydrochloric acid is a common part of aging, eating too much processed food, not exercising and other lifestyle issues can exacerbate it.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Hydrochloric Acid is a highly acidic enzyme produced in your stomach that plays a critical role in digesting food.
    • Production of hydrochloric acid tends to decrease somewhat with age, but this issue can be exacerbated by eating too much processed food, lack of exercise and other lifestyle issues.
    • Decreased production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can be associated with indigestion, acid reflux, gas, yeast infections and other digestive ailments.

    "Additionally, not producing enough HCL can lead to many other problems, such as skin problems, including acne or rosacea, mineral deficiencies and autoimmune reactions."

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    The Best Vitamins for Men

    Date: August 05, 2018 05:53 PM
    Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
    Subject: The Best Vitamins for Men

    The Best Vitamins for Men

    Many Western men suffer from at least one dietary deficiency, with significant consequences for their health. Vitamin deficiencies can negatively impact almost every system in your body, from your brain to your muscles to your sex drive. Vitamin D3 deficiency increases the risk of heart attack or stroke, and is especially common in indoorsy men or those from cold areas. Even though on paper most men get enough B12, several common medications can interfere its absorption and cause B12 deficiency symptoms like fatigue.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vitamin D3 deficiency is especially common in men who spend a lot of time indoors or live in Northern climes, and can cause a variety of symptoms, including raised risk of stroke and heart attacks.
    • While many men get enough B12 in their diet, a variety of medications, including common heartburn medications, can prevent it from being absorbed properly.
    • Vitamins A, C, and E are water-soluble, antioxidants vitamins that fulfill a variety of critical purposes in the body and are found in foods like spinach and kale.

    "Many people assume vitamin or mineral deficiencies are mostly a third-world problem in the 21st century, but in fact research tells us that even in developed nations, the best vitamins for men aren’t consumed enough."

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    The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

    Date: July 01, 2018 09:54 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

    The powerful neuroprotective properties of curcumin revealed in science study: Stunning 30 percent improvement in memory

    The component found in turmeric that gives the spice its brightly colored appearance is also directly responsible for helping enhance and preserve our neurological development. When given in doses of 90 mg each day, turmeric was shown to help improve memory in those who were suffering from some level of memory loss. The cognitive improvement is due to turmeric being high in curcumin, which makes it a natural aid in alleviating many cognitive deficiencies that happen due to age.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Often overshadowed by it's anti-inflammatory characteristics, Turmeric is also a potent neuroprotector.
    • Research has shown that the main ingredient, curcumin, can improve memory.
    • A recent study found that participants given curcumin daily had a 30% improvement in their memory tests and PET scans showed improved signaling in the brain.

    "The participants were randomly assigned to a placebo group or a control that took 90 milligrams a day of curcumin twice a day over the course of year and a half. Researchers measured everyone’s curcumin levels in their blood at the trial’s inception and conclusion."

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    Paleo Diet Plan, Best Paleo Foods + Paleo Diet Recipes

    Date: December 06, 2017 07:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Paleo Diet Plan, Best Paleo Foods + Paleo Diet Recipes

    Our diets have changed a lot over the past few decades. Foods have come and gone and overall, we have gotten worse at eating. Processed foods are a lot more common now. Fruits and veggies are actually less common than processed foods. It is also impossible to go down the road a few miles and not spot a fast food chain that has sprung up in the area. The Paleo diet is a rejection of this fast food lifestyle.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The Paleo diet- a diet of consuming only foods similar to the diets of our hunter-gatherer ancestors- has become popular for being associated with weight loss, reducing satiety, and other benefits.
    • However, the Paleo diet may also have downsides, as no definitive data has been found that it improves our health. Paleo diet also may restrict intake of healthy macronutrients.
    • Take care with starting a paleo plan. Not all paleo-friendly foods are healthy. Best advice is to talk to doctor if experiencing negative effects.

    "The Paleo diet has been associated with many health benefits from better blood sugar levels to reduced inflammation. Considered one of the best diet plans for weight loss because it’s high in protein and fat and emphasizes nutrient-rich foods, it may also increase satiety and help correct nutrient deficiencies. Still, the diet has remained the subject of much controversy in recent years."

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    Five natural remedies for strong and shiny nails

    Date: October 21, 2017 01:14 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Five natural remedies for strong and shiny nails

    There are 5 natural remedies for very strong and shiny nails. The condition of your nails can be a very good indicator of your overall health. If your nails are dry, or brittle, then it can look very bad. They can also be very good indicators of deficiencies in essential vitamins, or minerals. One thing you need to do to prevent unhealthy nails is to make sure you are getting enough essential vitamins. You should also drink plenty of water.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Other vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as iron, vitamin C, and zinc can cause issues such as nails splitting, so look at your diet, and get a good multivitamin.
    • At least in the beginning. It sounds counterintuitive, but in the same way your hair needs regular trims, so do your nails. Keep them short and filed while you get the other steps under control
    • A vitamin B group deficiency is not only more likely as you get older, but it can lead to dry and brittle nails, amongst other health issues. Increasing your intake of vitamin B

    "It’s one of the simplest things, but so many people in our busy society just aren’t drinking enough water, which can really wreak havoc on the condition of your skin, hair, and nails."

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    Is your Iron deficiency causing low energy?

    Date: September 01, 2017 04:14 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Is your Iron deficiency causing low energy?

    Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the US with children and adults both effected. Deficiencies can occur for many reasons. Low iron levels can cause weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath. Although deficiency is easy to treat, often it goes untreated because it's confused with other common illnesses that present similar symptoms. Everything you need to know about iron deficiency, if you have it and how to treat it can be found in this article.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Iron is one of the most vital nutrients needed by the body to provide various functions
    • Anemia is fairly easy to control and treat in most cases
    • It is a common misconception that the body's requirement for iron can be fulfilled by adding meat to the daily diet

    "It is a common misconception that a body's requirement of iron can be fulfilled by adding meat to the daily diet."

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    Date: August 24, 2017 04:14 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (

    Several different medicines may carry a negative impact according to this piece from India's Mumbai Mirror. These medicines are intended to help those with such ailments as diabetes, acidity problems and arthritis, among others. A series of relevant fixes are also offered for the problems that could potentially be caused by these medicines. These fixes mainly involve suggestions to eat particular kinds of healthy food alternatives, including dairy, leafy vegetables, fish, sweet potatoes, eggs and many more. A doctor is also quoted to ensure that not all readers should be concerned about potential problems with these medicines.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Many medications used to treat serious conditions can cause depletion of nutrients over time
    • Certain diabetic medications can cause Vitamin B12 deficiencies which can be remedied by consuming foods such as eggs, dairy, and poultry
    • It's important to talk to your doctor about a supplementation plan in order to get the right amount in your body over time

    "However, many of these drugs can interfere with the availability of nutrients in your body, warns Mahesh Jayaraman, medical researcher, therapist, health advisor and co-founder of health platform Sepalika, “either because they impair the body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from food, or cause it to unintentionally excrete certain nutrients.”"

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    9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them

    Date: August 08, 2017 04:14 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 9 Causes of Leg Cramps–and How To Stop Them

    There are 9 causes of leg cramps. There are also ways to stop them and prevent a lot of pain. If you have not already experienced leg cramps, there is a high possibility that you will get them some time in your life. They can hit you at the worst possible moments. It can happen when you are in bed at night, or in the treadmill. If these leg cramps continue, then they can prevent you from going to sleep.

    Key Takeaways:

    • An unusually serious underlying cause of this muscular issue would be peripheral artery disease.
    • One way to stop these from happening is simply to eat regular, nourishing meals and get sufficient sleep.
    • Dehydration, strain and mineral deficiencies can all be root causes of these types of spasms.

    "A leg cramp is a sharp, sudden contraction or tightening of the muscle in the calf, which usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes."

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    5 Reasons Why Your Eyebrows Are Thinning and How to Stop it

    Date: July 20, 2017 07:14 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 5 Reasons Why Your Eyebrows Are Thinning and How to Stop it

    Here's a topic that is near and dear to my heart, eyebrow thinning! In a time where full eyebrows are everything, no woman wants to endure the horror of her eyebrows thinning. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent and/or fix that. Overplucking can be one reason. I know so many of us want the shape of our eyebrows to remain intact, but sometimes we can pluck too much. Nutritional deficiencies, aging and Alopecia arata are also culprits.

    Read more: 5 Reasons Why Your Eyebrows Are Thinning and How to Stop it


    The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

    Date: April 21, 2017 08:44 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: The Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

    Your hair needs vitamins to grow and look healthy, vitamin deficiencies can be responsible for hair loss, these are several vitamins necessary for hair health. Vitamin A is the most essential for hair as well as overall health. Vitamin B is essential and if often found in hair loss treatments. Vitamin C protects hair from free radical damage. Though it's role is not understood, those low in vitamin D often suffer alopecia hair loss. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant and can promote hair growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Growing healthy full hair is possible through consumption of vitamin-rich foods.
    • Vitamins A and B are important to the body's mineral production and will keep your hair healthy and growing.
    • Vitamin D help build new hair follicles. Vitamin C and E act as antioxidents and prevent the radical damage that keeps your hair from growing.

    "The truth is, a lot of nutritional deficiencies are related to hair loss."

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    These 6 Things Could Mean You Are Vitamin D Deficient

    Date: April 07, 2017 03:44 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: These 6 Things Could Mean You Are Vitamin D Deficient

    There are many people who do not get enough Vitamin D all around the world. When you are looking to be extremely healthy, you should look out for six signs in regards to being deficient in your Vitamin D levels. There is debate that causes scientists to debate what is the ideal amount we amount a person may need to have provided in our bodies for the optimal health. Some reasons you may be deficient in vitamin D is weight, diet, exercise and sunlight.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vitamin D is important for your body and can be obtained through food and being out in the sunshine.
    • Vitamin D boosts your immune system, aids your digestive system, modifies cell growth and eases inflammation.
    • Instead of taking OTC pills to cover your Vitamin D intake try natural sources. Sun exposure makes Vitamin D last twice as long in your body.

    "While previously thought to only impact bone development, researchers have now linked vitamin D deficiencies to a range of dangerous diseases."

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    A Lack Of Vitamins And Minerals Could Be The Reason Many Are Counting Sheep At Night

    Date: February 26, 2017 02:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: A Lack Of Vitamins And Minerals Could Be The Reason Many Are Counting Sheep At Night

    There is an increasing number of people that have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep in the United States. Studies have shown that vitamin Deficiencies can cause insomnia, and due to the typical American diet, many are not getting the appropriate amount of various vitamins. Getting enough sleep is critical to a healthy lifestyle.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The mind, body, and spirit will respond favorably to natural healing
    • One of the symptoms people are experiencing at increasingly high rates today is insomnia and other sleep-related disorders.
    • One of the main components of health is diet,

    "One of the symptoms people are experiencing at increasingly high rates today is insomnia and other sleep-related disorders."



    Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips

    Date: January 28, 2017 11:16 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Top health benefits of broccoli - Best health and food tips

    Broccoli is a healthful food that may have a wide variety of beneficial effects on your health, due to its high levels of potassium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. These nutrients may help to regulate blood pressure, promote eye health, protect the bones, boost immunity, improve heart health, and avoid birth defects caused by certain maternal vitamin Deficiencies. It may even improve the health of your skin, and may protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation when applied to the skin as an extract.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable.
    • It is a cool season annual crop. Sprouting broccoli has a larger number of heads with many thin stalks. Purple cauliflower is a type of broccoli sold in southern Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
    • It has a head shaped like cauliflower, but consisting of tiny flower buds. It sometimes, but not always, has a purple cast to the tips of the flower buds.

    "Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head is eaten as a vegetable."


    Vitamin deficiencies are now commonplace across all ages, research finds

    Date: January 18, 2017 12:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies are now commonplace across all ages, research finds

    The modern diet does not give enough vitamins to anyone. New research shows that most people in almost every age group are deficient in some sort of vitamins. This can be bad as it can lead to sickness or some sort of health disorder. Supplementation will be needed to fix these problems.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Official advice on healthy eating could be making millions of people sick, new research claims.
    • The latest National Diet and Nutrition Survey — a government report which details the nutritional status of the nation — focused on 11 important vitamins and minerals and identified Deficiencies in each and every case.
    • 'Education is important, but it is clearly not enough. Everyone knows the five-a-day recommendation for fruit and vegetables, it’s the foundation of ‘healthy’ diet.

    "The Department of Health doesn’t want people to view vitamin and mineral supplements as a substitute for a healthy diet, and everyone would agree with that."



    Signs You Have a Vitamin Deficiency

    Date: January 13, 2017 07:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Signs You Have a Vitamin Deficiency

    When it comes to deficiency's there are many different signs that can tell you whether or not you have a vitamin deficiency in general. Some of these signs for knowing whether or not you have a vitamin deficiency include brittle hair, diarrhea, frequent bone fractures, and lastly having high blood pressure, as well as a deficiency in potassium.

    Key Takeaways:

    • According to the Center for Disease Control’s Second Nutrition Report, less than 10 percent of the U.S. population has Deficiencies of most major vitamins and minerals.
    • Hair health is a good indicator a nutrient deficiency.
    • Weak bones are a sign of inadequate calcium intake.

    "A rich or decadent meal can lead to a loose bowel movement, but persistent episodes of diarrhea may be evidence that the body is not retaining nutrients."



    don't overlook these 8 caution indications of vitamin b12 shortage

    Date: January 05, 2017 10:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: don't overlook these 8 caution indications of vitamin b12 shortage

    One in four people have a B12 deficiency, so it is important not to overlook the warning signs. These signs include having trouble keeping your eyes open, feeling numb or tingly, and memory loss. Other indications include feeling shaky, yellow skin, and smooth tongue. Vision problems and feeling anxious could also be another warning sign of a B12 deficiency.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Mineral Deficiencies are more typical than vitamin shortages, statistics shows that a person in four grownups handles lack of vitamin B12.
    • This vitamin is known as the “energy” vitamin. Something you have to provide you an energy increase late in the afternoon.
    • Some foods are packed with healthy portions of vitamin B12, but in some cases this can not preserve its optimum level in the body.

    "Mineral Deficiencies are more typical than vitamin shortages, statistics shows that a person in four grownups handles lack of vitamin B12."



    Most Americans Have Inadequate Intakes of Vitamins and Minerals: Can Supplements Help?

    Date: December 22, 2016 06:39 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Most Americans Have Inadequate Intakes of Vitamins and Minerals: Can Supplements Help?

    It is estimated that 90% of humans are deficient in one or more essential vitamins and minerals. While some may be due to inadequate absorption, most is believed to be due to poor nutrient intake. Vitamin B12 and vitamin D have been identified as two of the worst Deficiencies. Although nutrient needs should be met primarily by diet, there are supplements available if the diet doesn’t allow for a proper balance. A multivitamin may be recommended for most people who are at risk of a deficiency.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Evidence clearly shows that many Americans obtain less than the required amounts of a number of vitamins and minerals, and that dietary supplement use increases intakes and reduces rates of nutritional inadequacies.
    • When counseling patients, health professionals should emphasize the value of obtaining nutrients from a balanced diet.
    • They found that more frequent use of MVMS was associated with higher rates of nutrient adequacy than low frequency of use or no use (Figure).

    "Evidence clearly shows that many Americans obtain less than the required amounts of a number of vitamins and minerals, and that dietary supplement use increases intakes and reduces rates of nutritional inadequacies."



    Nine Reasons to Start Eating Pineapple

    Date: December 20, 2016 10:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Nine Reasons to Start Eating Pineapple

    Not only are pineapples filled with vitamins and minerals, but research has shown that they also have many other health benefits that you may not be aware of. Experts state that eating one cup of pineapple a day can increase testosterone in men, boost fertility, relieve constipation, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy bones and teeth.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Magnesium and Vitamin B are two nutrients that gradually decrease over the years, and eating some pineapple daily can help to counteract these Deficiencies.
    • A full daily dose of Vitamin C that supports a healthy immune system is found in one cup of pineapple.
    • High blood pressure is a common ailment that can be hereditary, age-related or caused by obesity.

    "Magnesium and Vitamin B are two nutrients that gradually decrease over the years, and eating some pineapple daily can help to counteract these Deficiencies."




    Five vitamins you need to support your liver - Jakarta Post

    Date: December 09, 2016 02:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Five vitamins you need to support your liver - Jakarta Post

    Your liver is one of your body's most metabolically active organs, meaning its energy demands are high. The liver, brain, kidneys and heart together account for about 5 percent of your body weight. Yet, these organs account for 60 percent of the energy your body consumes when you are at rest, according to the book "Principles of Clinical Gastroenterology." To keep you liver functioning efficiently, it needs a good supply of B-complex vitamins to assist it with the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Your liver is constantly working to filter hundreds of toxins found in your diet and environment. On top of that, your liver also helps to break down your food and provide energy to your other organs.
    • Although vitamin A has several benefits to offer someone with liver disease, it can be toxic to the liver in high dosages.
    • According to researchers from the University of Tennessee in Memphis, more than 90 percent of individuals with chronic liver diseases have some degree of vitamin D deficiency.

    "Vitamin A and iron Deficiencies are among the most common nutritional Deficiencies worldwide, according to a study published in the 2000 issue of Nutrition."




    These Are the 7 most Common Vitamin Deficiencies

    Date: December 07, 2016 12:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: These Are the 7 most Common Vitamin Deficiencies

    Most people haven’t even heard of vitamin K2. Is it any surprise that they might be a bit deficient, too? Vitamin B12 deficiency is quite common, even among those who eat plenty of the richest source of B12: animals. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in people of all ages, especially in those who choose to use topical sun screens (which blocks vitamin D production) or limit their outdoor activities.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The best way to ensure that you’re getting all the vitamins your body needs to function properly is to eat a healthy and balanced diet.
    • There are supplements you can take, but usually the best source is the all-natural way through food.
    • certain vitamins are essential to your health

    "Even if you eat a healthy and balanced diet, the way your food is stored, a lack of freshness, and processing can greatly affect the vitamins your body is able to absorb."



    A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

    Date: December 06, 2016 08:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: A number of skin problems can be improved with the right vitamins

    Skin problems are not only unsightly, they can really disturb your mental peace. Did you know that many a time just an improved nutrient intake will fix many skin problems? Make sure you are getting your daily requirement of vitamins A, B, C, E and K. No need to stockpile pills – natural vegetables and fruits are a great source for all these vitamins.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions.
    • Vitamin A deficiency can cause skin to appear dull and become flaky. It can even contribute to psoriasis and pimple-formation. Some good sources of vitamin A include carrots, sweet potatoes, raw milk and dark, leafy greens.
    • Vitamin C deficient skin is more susceptible to the effects of aging, such as wrinkling or the development of hyper-pigmented areas.

    "Vitamins are the key to having healthy skin, as they are for any other vital organ. Deficiencies in essential vitamins can, of course, lead to issues with the skin, including acne and other conditions. While all vitamins are important, some are more important to healthy skin."



    Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth

    Date: December 05, 2016 02:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth

    Our bodies are very complex and require a balance of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. The majority of supplement Deficiencies are in vitamin D, E, A, C, magnesium, and calcium. These can lead to some serious side effects. All of these can be consumed in regular meals, but sometimes supplementation is advisable as well. By the time symptoms are seen of deficiency, some of the damage may already be done.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Eating a balanced whole-food diet, such as described in my nutrition plan, is a foundational requirement for optimal nutrition.
    • It can be quite difficult to get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals from your diet if you do not eat real food.
    • Below, I will review some of the most common vitamin and mineral Deficiencies,1 and how to address them.

    "many of the most common nutrient Deficiencies can be traced back to a rather limited range of foods"




    Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth

    Date: December 05, 2016 10:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Top Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies — Are You at Risk? - ProHealth

    The rate of illness and disease in the United States is much too high. Many health problems can be traced back to a vitamin or mineral deficiency. While it is quite easy to get the supplements we need from our diets, many people will not change what they eat until they are already experiencing symptoms of the deficiency. By then, it could be too late. According to a study, the most common Deficiencies in the United States and UK are for vitamins D, E, A, C, magnesium, and calcium.

    Key Takeaways:

    • It can be quite difficult to get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals from your diet if you do not eat real food.
    • Your age and certain health conditions (digestive issues and others) can also impact your body's ability to absorb and metabolize nutrients, potentially raising your risk for Deficiencies.
    • Vitamin D was one of the nutrients most people failed to get sufficient amounts of, even when taking vitamin supplements.

    "When your diet is lacking in these anti-inflammatory omega-3s, you set the stage for health problems such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, Alzheimer's, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, just to name a few."




    5 Vitamins for Hair: How to Reduce Hair Fall - NDTV

    Date: November 29, 2016 12:59 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 5 Vitamins for Hair: How to Reduce Hair Fall - NDTV

    People are so busy these days that they are always looking for the “easy way out” when it comes to treating problems. Why alter your diet when you can just buy a specially formulated shampoo to treat your hair issues? Companies count on us needing something so badly that we will buy anything as long as it says the right thing on the bottle. In reality, a healthy diet is the best thing we can do for our hair. Fruits and vegetables are particularly useful due to their high amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Vitamins play an important role for our well-being. In today’s fast paced world, many people skip meals, eat on the run or choose poor quality foods.
    • Fruits and vegetables are rarely added to the daily diet, which leads to various ailments related to vitamin Deficiencies, including affecting your skin and hair, resulting in hair loss or baldness and patches on your nails.
    • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that repairs and builds tissue, and is essential for healthy hair growth.

    "Most of us are aware that vitamin C can help boost our immunity, protecting us against frequent colds and other infections."




    6 Vitamins And Minerals That Boost Brain Power - Medical Daily

    Date: November 28, 2016 06:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: 6 Vitamins And Minerals That Boost Brain Power - Medical Daily

    Every day, we understand more and more about how the human body works. No other organ has required more research than the brain. It is a highly complex organ that uses a balance of essential vitamins and minerals to function properly. If you want your body to perform at its best and help prevent neurological disorders, consuming the proper amount of vitamins such as thiamine, folic acid, and vitamin C is very important. Calcium, magnesium, and zinc are the main minerals that are very important for brain function.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Nutritional Deficiencies have been shown to contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders, age-related cognitive decline, and developmental disorders.
    • On the other hand, both human and animal studies show that increased intake of brain-supporting nutrients improve various aspects of cognitive functioning such as learning and memory.
    • Scientists don’t know what role zinc plays in the maintenance of brain health, but its deficiency is associated with different neurological and psychological impairments.

    "Nutritional Deficiencies have been shown to contribute to the development of psychiatric disorders, age-related cognitive decline, and developmental disorders."




    Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

    Date: November 21, 2016 10:50 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller
    Subject: Support Healthy Circulation and Arterial Function with Benfotiamine!

    Benfotiamine is a derivative nutrient of thiamine (vitamin B1). Usually, many people suffering from peripheral neuropathy lack this crucial nutrient. Thiamine, Vitamin B1, is highly required for the nervous system to keep functioning properly. Maintaining adequate levels of Thiamine through diet alone is hard. Benfotiamine works to nourish the nerves and reverse the effects of peripheral neuropathy. It helps to support blood circulation, enhance arterial function and healthy blood vessels.

    Increases blood circulation and vessel health

    Benfotiamine helps to increase the rate of blood flow, especially for those patients suffering from low blood circulation. It is also required for the health of the nervous system and is required for the biosynthesis of a number of cell constituents, including certain neurotransmitters. Just like Vitamin B1, Benfotiamine demonstrated itself as a miracle worker when somebody suffering severely from beriberi got on his feet within hours after being injected with the nutrient. Since then, it has been performing the same "miracle" without fail.

    Benfotiamine also assists mental health, particularly warding off depression while facilitating memory functions and learning. It's deficiency will no doubt bring back the dreaded beriberi, while minor Deficiencies will be manifested in the human body as extreme fatigue, irritability, constipation, edema and an enlarged liver. Forgetfulness, gastrointestinal disturbances, heart changes, irritability, and breathing difficulties are also common symptoms.

    Promotes arterial function

    Benfotiamine has been proven to improve the structural integrity of the veins and the entire circulatory system. Usually, people with varicose veins have an increased tendency to develop fibrin deposits in the tissue surrounding the affected veins. This causes the skin to become hard and lumpy. There is a decreased ability to break down fibrin, a compound involved in clot formation, thus an increased risk of the formation of a thrombus which may potentially cause life-threatening complications. Benfotiamine nutrient helps to promote fibrin breakdown hence promote the functioning of the arteries while enhancing the flood of blood.


    How to Build Strong Bones

    Date: November 07, 2016 02:31 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller
    Subject: How to Build Strong Bones

    You often heard your mother keep saying it when you were younger; also you hear your doctor say it even now "If you don't drink your milk, your bones will get weak."

    Weak bones, joint pains due to lack of calcium and other vitamin Deficiencies are fast becoming common. If you are amongst those who suffers from either, it is important that besides your weekly visit to your chiropractor, you also chalk out a healthy diet that is essentially good for your bones. There are plenty of bone-building foods that contribute to stronger bones, lesser joint pains and healthier bodies.

    Foods Essential for the Bones

    • Nuts- Most nuts, particularly walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that help in reducing bone breakdown. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of magnesium, much needed for bone formation and strengthening. Peanuts and almonds are packed with potassium and are an excellent source of protein which helps keep the bones strong.
    • Milk- Milk and most dairy products like cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium. Everybody knows the role calcium plays in building strong bones, teeth, and nails. Thus at least 2 cups of milk and milk products must be consumed daily to get the body's required calcium content.
    • Seeds- Almost all seeds like flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and even sesame seeds are extremely rich in nutrients and vitamins, specifically the bone-building mineral magnesium.
    • Leafy Vegetables- Vitamin K cuts calcium loss in urine, and its deficiency is known to increase the risk of hip fractures. Leafy green vegetables contain Vitamin K, Calcium, and Magnesium which are crucial to bone development.
    • Eggs- The yolk of an egg can give you about 6 % of the Vitamin D required by your body. Whole eggs are thus considered very good for bones. They are also high in protein.
    • Soy Milk- Lactose intolerance is common amongst Americans and soy milk is thus an excellent option for all those looking to get their dose of calcium but allergic to milk. Tofu is another food rich in calcium that can be consumed for better bone mass.
    • Fish- Salmon, Sardines, and Tuna are all excellent food to consume for bone building and strengthening. These fish contain extremely high levels of vitamin D and also omega 3 fatty acids essential for health and constant bone formation.

    Multivitamins and calcium supplements will provide only so much of the required vitamin content of your body; moreover, they are expensive and not always natural. Finally, they are medicines that should be avoided.

    Bones are made up of live cells that break down and build up every day and to assist and speed up this process, particularly of formation, ample amount of bone-building foods must be consumed. Most foods that contain Vitamin D and K or are rich in Calcium and Magnesium are perfect for strong, healthy bones and a painless lifestyle

    So now you understand the natural method to build strong bones by retaining your calcium through a diet high in vegetables content and vegetables and then some more vegetables!

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    Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    Date: November 06, 2016 06:49 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    Vitamin B12 is important to your good health and overall well-being. If you are deficient in this important vitamin, there are a number of different signs that will alert you to the fact. It is important that you are aware of those signs and what to do if you are B12 deficient.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Food products that come from animals are the only sources of the vitamin, so someone who follows a vegetarian or vegan diet would most likely need to supplement B12. It is also good to supplement if one has a diet that restricts the consumption of meat, dairy, eggs because of the relatively high levels of cholesterol and fat.
    • Some of these health issues are easily mistaken as symptoms of other diseases, such as diabetes. Others may be confused with common aging problems.
    • Many people are not very well educated about their nutritional needs and the problems they may experience from various Deficiencies.

    "Since the best source of B12 is found in foods, eating more meat, eggs, dairy and especially poultry is a good choice. Poultry is relatively low in fat and cholesterol, so it is safer for those who are at risk for heart disease."




    Suffering from anxiety? These foods can calm it

    Date: October 30, 2016 11:59 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Suffering from anxiety? These foods can calm it

    If you are one of the millions of people that suffer from anxiety, a start to the solution can be as simple as changing your diet. The best foods to eat for anxiety include those brimming with folate, protein, & magnesium. These help regulate blood pressure and cortisol levels, leaving you with an overall calm feeling. Tryptophan in turkey can also contribute to the calming effect. The worst foods you can eat if you suffer from anxiety are large doses of alcohol, caffeine, & sugar. By following this basic information, you can be on your way to a calmer you.

    Key Takeaways:

    • According to beyondblue, around 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime
    • Depression and anxiety have been linked to Deficiencies in your folic acid levels
    • unsweetened Greek yoghurt is fat free and contains about 22g of protein per 170g serving

    "According to beyondblue, around 45 per cent of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime and more than 2 million Australian adults are grappling with anxiety"



    Date: July 09, 2014 02:46 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (

    Benefits of raspberry leaves to women

    Raspberry is a plant that produces a sweet red berry that is widely consumed for its rich taste and nutritional value in vitamins. The raspberry leaf has also been observed to have nutritional benefits to the body as it contains magnesium, iron, Vitamin B and potassium. The leaves have also have been used for centuries to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders; heart problems, diabetes, vitamin Deficiencies, promotion of toxin removal through sweating and urination and for bile production. Tannins in the leaves have been observed to have a soothing effect on the skin.

    This leaf has been observed to have multiple benefits to women’s health besides those mentioned above. Some of the benefits include;

    • Regulation of the flow of menstruation and reduction of cramps due to relaxation of the uterine muscles. It also helps in relieving post-menopausal and endometriosis symptoms by helping to clear excess hormones thus detoxifying the body.
    • Increasing fertility by strengthening of the uterine wall while relaxing the smooth muscles of the same and this increases the chances of the embryo to the wall while minimizing the chances of miscarriage. The minerals contained help detoxify extra hormones that may interfere with conception.
    • In pregnancy, the raspberry tea made from the leaves relieves morning sickness and leaves you nourished with more nutrients compared to water. Expectant women have also reported lesser cases of anemia, relieved leg cramps and swelling. The vitamins and minerals contained in the leaf are easily absorbed to help the baby grow while keeping the mother nourished.
    • In labor, the tea has been observed to concentrate the uterine contractions making the birth process as effective as it primarily affected by the contraction forces of the uterus thus shorter birth times. Other benefits include maintenance of the integrity membranes until birth and fewer cases of Caesarean, forceps or vacuum modes of delivery according to a research published in Australian College of Midwives Journal.
    • Mothers planning to have a vaginal birth after a Caesarean section (VBAC) have an advantage because the tea has products that help tone the uterine muscle after the procedure, since the abdomen and uterus are cut open thus somewhat weakening the muscles.
    • After birth, it brings in rich milk to the baby from its rich nutritional profile and helps control drastic change in hormones, a factor said to contribute to postpartum depression.


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    What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?

    Date: June 21, 2014 02:40 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What Is GMO and Why Should We Avoid It?

    Cause of GMO

    gmoGMO's have been classified by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine as unhealthy, they were able to prove that GMO when ingested can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal as well as immune system disorders. This is due to the fact that GMO contains materials that are left behind the body, it can cause long term problems like accelerated aging as well as infertility. The genes inserted into a genetically modified crop like corn, can get transferred into the DNA of bacteria that is living inside the human body, this interaction can lead to a number of long term health problems.

    Negative effects of genetically modified products have been observed in 1996, this was due to the number of Americans expressing a number of illnesses after consuming foods that have been engineered for 9 years.

    Allergies increased including digestive problems and autism, while other research has yet to support this claim, many non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace are already making campaigns against the production of GMO infused crops and meat.

    What are the other negative impacts of GMO?

    1. Cancer causing components - GMO according to the American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association, have stated that the growth hormone present from cow’s milk treated by hormone IGF-1 can lead to cancer.

    2. Long term negative effects on the body - GMO components can contaminate forever, it can cross pollinate, and the seeds can travel. Once it infects a certain area, it can contaminate the entire gene pool. This means, that the health of future generations is already compromised and for this reason, the production has to be stopped right away before it infects more population.

    3. Dangerous side effects - the mere process of creation of GMO's can produce toxins, carcinogens, allergens and nutritional Deficiencies.

    The direct production and consumption is already endangering a number of species including bees.

    Many governments continue to remain lax about the issue, GMOs are illegally being sold and created in many countries, and people need to learn as much as they can in order to learn how they can prevent GMO products from entering their market.




    Importance of Magnesium in the body.

    Date: May 08, 2014 08:48 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Importance of Magnesium in the body.

    magnesium foodsImportance of magnesium

    Magnesium is an important element that is essential for hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. Its functions is to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, regulates blood glucose levels and aids the production of energy and protein, helps bones remain strong, supports a healthy immune system and lastly, keeps the heart beat steady.

    Cause of lack in magnesium

    Lack of magnesium causes many diseases. Substantial magnesium Deficiencies have led to deaths caused by coronary diseases, diabetes, cancer and strokes. On the other hand mild magnesium deficiency causes nervousness, mental depression, increased sensitivity to noise, confusion, insomnia, twitching and trembling and apprehension.

    Sources of magnesium are from foods we eat

    • Dark green, leafy vegetables
    • Fruits or vegetables e.g. bananas, dried apricots avocados
    • Whole grains e.g. brown rice, millet
    • Nuts e.g. almonds and cashews
    • Peas and beans
    • Soy products e.g. soy flour

    Symptoms indicating lack of magnesium are: sleepiness, muscle weakness and hyperexcitablity.

    Magnesium works in the brain miraculously as remarked by many scientists through researches. Magnesium L-Threonate has the capability to cross into the brain and boost magnesium levels. Magnesium L-Threonate boosts magnesium levels in the brain in that, it maintains a state of healthy sustained action. Through maintaining this healthy homeostasis, mental demands in the brain can respond well and perform cognitive responsibilities with less stress and fatigue.

    The blood-brain barrier is a diffusion barrier, which impedes influx of most compounds from blood to brain. It is composed of high-density cells that prevent passage of substances from the blood stream, but in a more action than the endothelial cells in the capillaries do in other parts of the body. Due the reasons, why most magnesium supplements do not cross blood barrier magnesium Threonte was introduced. Threonate is a vitamin C metabolite that acts as a carrier to help magnesium to penetrate into the brain.


    2. //blog.lef.orh/2012/01/brain-helath-magnesium-theonate.html
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    Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood?

    Date: December 19, 2013 07:23 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Can DMAE Help Memory And Mood?


    Do you ever feel like you are experiencing lapses in memory or you have a low general mood? There is evidence that DMAE might be able to help with both memory and mood. DMAE occurs naturally in the human brain. When we take supplemental amounts of the compound, brain function effects can be seen.

    DMAE as a Supplement

    It is thought that the supplement works by increasing the speed of the brain's turnover and synthesis of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter plays a strong role in maintaining general mental ability. It also works at supporting a stable, healthy memory in older adults. It is also believed that DMAE might work by stopping choline metabolism. This allows the free choline to gather in the blood, go into the brain, and stimulate the cholinergic receptors.

    A French double-blind study was performed to measure how much of an impact the supplement DMAE has on both mood and vigilance. Four of the subjects were categorized as having anxiety, and four other subjects were the controls. They were each given 1200mg of DMAE over the course of 5 days. These subjects were measured daily for their EEG and convergence of the inter hemispheres of the brain. In the case of the four subjects that were given the supplement, progressive sync of the two brain hemispheres was found. This is correlated with increased neuromotor control, increased verbal memory, improvement in behavioral tasks, as well as better control of anxiety.

    Another use for DMAE worth mentioning is its affects on learning Deficiencies like ADD or hyperkinesia. Many doctors prescribe amphetamines for conditions like this, but DMAE has also proven useful. According to studies, hyperactivity and irritability decrease, and scholastic ability improves from supplementing with DMAE.

    In addition to improving these conditions there is evidence that DMAE can improve life span, IQ, and motor mechanisms. It is very important to take the correct dosage of DMAE. I would start with taking 200-400mg first, and work your way up from there.


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    Benefits of Calcium and Magnesium

    Date: December 27, 2012 01:51 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Benefits of Calcium and Magnesium

    Two important nutrients that are common Deficiencies in the diet are calcium and magnesium. Calcium is an important mineral for bone density, blood clotting, muscle contractions, and many other smaller mechanisms essential for human life. Magnesium has similar actions to calcium in the body. It is also found in the bones and is important also for protein synthesis and as a co-factor in the body's essential enzymatic reactions. These two nutrients work together and are commonly seen combined in multivitamins and other supplements.

    Calcium and magnesium are important nutrients for every person, but especially for women and children who are still growing. Maintaining an adequate intake of these two nutrients can be challenging, especially if a person is lactose intolerant. This is why many people turn to dietary supplements. It's fairly common to see calcium and magnesium in the same supplement and for anyone who is concerned about their dietary intake, supplements can be a good idea.

    While these two nutrients are essential for bone density and overall health, many people who take supplements may not be taking the right kind. Some types of magnesium and calcium supplements cannot be absorbed by the body and will instead pass through the digestive system without entering the bloodstream.

    Why Asporotates?

    Most health professionals recommend calcium and magnesium asporotates. This is a unique mixture of calcium and magnesium with aspartic and citric acid as well as a whey protein concentrate that contains orotic acid. The acids in the supplement work to break down the calcium and magnesium partially, contributing to a higher digestion and absorption rate in the body.

    These are some of the health benefits of these two nutrients and why it is so important to maintain adequate stores of them in the body. If taking a supplement, be sure to take calcium and magnesium asporotates in order to absorb these nutrients.


    Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline?

    Date: November 18, 2012 11:01 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Can our health benefit from supplmenting choline?


    Choline, discovered in 1864 by the German chemist, Adolph Strecker, is an essential nutrient, usually grouped under the vitamin B family. While the human body does synthesize small amounts of choline, dietary consumption is a must in order to maintain a healthy body. Deficiency of choline can lead to a number of serious health issues including neurological problems, insomnia, accumulation of fat in the liver, damage to the kidneys and also cardiovascular disease. There are a range of important functions that choline performs in the body.

    Some of the key health benefits of choline are:

    Maintenance of brain health: The neurotransmitter or the messenger molecule, acetylcholine, that transmits signals from the brain to the muscles and various organs in the body such as the liver, heart, lungs etc, is synthesized using choline. Thus, it plays a very important role in memory and muscle control. Research also suggests that choline has a calming effect on the brain and helps reduce panic and anxiety attacks.

    Maintenance of cell membranes: The integrity and flexibility of cell membranes depends on the presence of satisfactory amounts of choline thus making it a prerequisite for appropriate cell metabolism.

    Maintenance of Liver health: Choline is responsible for preventing the accumulation of cholesterol and fat deposits in the liver hence preventing hepatosteatosis, a condition more commonly known as fatty liver.

    Anti inflammatory benefits: Studies have revealed that inflammatory markers such as Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, Homocysteine, etc., which are associated with various illnesses such as Diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Cardiovascular disease, Osteoporosis and also various cancers, show reduced levels if adequate amounts of choline are consumed in the diet. 

    Food Sources

    Apart from those stated above there are many more health benefits of choline and hence it is very important to consume foods that are rich in this nutrient. In addition to seafood and meat, foods that have high choline content include, Dairy and poultry products like Skim milk and Egg yolk, peanut butter; Vegetables such as Cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, Asparagus, Green beans and Fruits like Bananas and Oranges. Soybeans, due to their high lecithin content, are also a fantastic source of choline. Seeds like flax seed, sesame seeds and grains like corn, barley and oats are also rich in choline content.

    Maintenance of adequate levels of choline is imperative in order to maintain optimal health. It is therefore very important to have periodic health checkups so that any Deficiencies are identified and addressed as soon as possible.


    How Chromium Picolinate lowers blood sugar

    Date: October 07, 2012 05:21 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: How Chromium Picolinate lowers blood sugar

    Chromium Picolinate

    Chromium Picolinate is an essential mineral/metal that is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the human body. It is often referred as a trace element since it is only required in small amounts in our bodies and is not produced by our bodies. However, pregnant or nursing women may require a slightly higher level of chromium Picolinate.

    Blood Sugar

    Chromium Picolinate has been used for some time to control and improve body sugar in patients suffering from diabetes type two and prediabetes type one. It achieves this by improving how our body handles insulin. Deficiencies of chromium Picolinate results in impaired insulin activity and thus more glucose remain in your body and this will lead to uncontrolled weight gain.


    Remember insulin binds to body cell to siphon sugar from our bloodstream. The sugar is then used to as a fuel by our body cells. We need to keep our blood sugar at manageable levels. If the blood sugar lever is high, we might suffer from laziness and fatigue among other dangerous effects to our health. Chromium Picolinate is one way of stabilizing our blood sugar levels.


    Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Date: July 02, 2012 07:53 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha Lipoic Acid, popularly abbreviated as ALA, can also be referred to as thioctic acid. It is an antioxidant as well as a fatty acid occurring naturally in the body. Every single cell in your body has this compound, which can also be sourced from food staff such as broccoli, spinach, organ meats, peas, brussel sprouts and rice bran. The following is a comprehensive list of the health benefits of ALA.

    Health benefits of ALA on the aging process

    ALA is known to delay the aging process. It does this through its antioxidant properties that help reduce cell damage, a condition that contributes to early aging of cells. This function also helps protect you from chronic illnesses that are attributed to old age.

    Health benefits of ALA on brain cells

    ALA also protects your brain from the damage caused by free radicals, thus protecting you from dementia and memory related problems. Studies conducted on animals have shown that this acid helps boost memory. Free radicals are also associated with brain cancer, and so this antioxidant helps protect you from developing malignant tumors in your brain. It also protects you from diseases such as Alzheimer.

    Health benefits of ALA on blood sugar

    Lipoic acid has been found to help regulate blood sugar thus helping relieve the symptoms of diabetes. It helps relieve the numbness, tingling, pain and itchiness experienced by diabetes patients. This function makes ALA an effective remedy for diabetes-related conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, cardiac autonomic neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy.

    Health benefits of ALA on the skin

    ALA has been used to manufacture a wide range of beauty creams because of its ability to improve the skin texture. This acid also protects the skin against sun damage, thus reducing chances of developing sunburns. It reduces the size of your skin pores thus helping correct specific types of acne. Finally, ALA helps improve the radiance of your skin thus giving you a beautiful and glowing skin.

    Other health benefits of ALA

    ALA plays almost all the roles of antioxidants, since it also helps boost your immunity. This function helps protect you from diseases such as:

    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Stroke
    • Burning mouth syndrome
    • Cataracts
    • Glaucoma
    • Sun damaged skin
    • Bone loss
    • Migraine
    • High blood pressure
    • Overweight and obesity
    • Retinal cell death

    One of the advantages that ALA has over other antioxidants is that it is both water soluble and fat soluble, unlike the other antioxidants that are soluble in either water or fat only. Therefore, its health benefits can be felt all over your body. In addition, ALA is found in all cells within your body and so Deficiencies are rare.

    Even though ALA is synthesized naturally within your body cells, their production goes down as you age. This is why alpha lipoic acid supplements are available. They are often presented in the form of capsules. There is no recommended daily dose of this supplement, but you need the guidance of a health physician in order to determine the right dosage for you. These supplements may cause serious reactions with specific drugs, and so your doctor will determine whether they are appropriate for you. Children are not allowed to take alpha llipoic acid supplements because their bodies are still in a position to release enough for their needs.


    What Vitamins And Minerals Are For Mental Alertness?

    Date: August 29, 2011 10:33 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What Vitamins And Minerals Are For Mental Alertness?

    There are many vitamins and minerals which can help improve the health and functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins and minerals are significantly involved in many biological processes of the body. It influences the activities of the organs of the body including the brain. In fact, Deficiencies on vitamins and minerals may result to psychological or even psychiatric symptoms in certain individuals. People with psychiatric problems are also prescribed with vitamin and mineral supplements which serve as one of its conventional treatment.

    The vitamins and minerals which are good for the improvement of brain function and improvement of mental alertness are the following:

    1. THIAMINE OR VITAMIN B1. Generally, insufficient amount of this enzyme may result to mild psychiatric symptoms. Studies revealed that people with inadequate amount of this vitamin has the symptoms of fearfulness, anxiety, depression, agitation and behavioral instability. This vitamin is necessary for the activity the body’s enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase. This enzyme is required for the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl – coenzyme A. If pyruvate is not catalyzed into acetyl – coenzyme A, the excess pyruvate in the body might be converted into lactate which can cause muscle pains and also psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety. Deficiency of this vitamin must be suspected when the person is alcoholic or malnourished.

    2. RIBOFLAVIN OR VITAMIN B2. This vitamin is closely associated with major depression in relation to oxidative stress. Riboflavin is required for the metabolism of protein, fats and carbohydrates. The building blocks of these macronutrients are important for the maintenance of brain health and proper functioning of the nervous system. It can improve the energy levels and functioning of the brain, thus improving an individual’s mental alertness.

    3. PYRIDOXINE OR VITAMIN B6. Studies show that low level of vitamin B6 is directly related to depression. Inside the body, pyridoxine is converted into its biochemical active form called pyridoxal phosphate which is important for mental alertness and brain functioning. Pyridoxine acts as a coenzyme involved in the synthesis of brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). This vitamin is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids which are essential for boosting energy levels.

    4. COBALAMIN OR VITAMIN B12. Deficiency of this vitamin is closely related to decrease mental functioning. Vitamin B12 is a cofactor of the enzyme methionine synthase which is important in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine. This is required for the production of energy in fatty acids and proteins which is important for the methylation reactions of brain chemicals.

    5. VITAMIN C. This vitamin is considered to be a cofactor of the neurotransmitter dopamine and is involved in the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine. These brain chemicals are important for the maintenance of proper mental alertness.

    6. FOLATE. Decreased mental alertness and depression is a common symptom of low levels of folate in the body. This mineral is involved in the methylation and synthesis of DNA. It is important for the development of brain function and improvement of mental alertness.

    7. MAGNESIUM. This mineral is involved in many reactions of the body. Individuals with decreased mental alertness are found to have low levels of magnesium in their cerebrospinal fluids.

    8. ZINC. This is a mineral which is important in the catalyses of many enzyme sin the body. It is found in high amount in the brain which is important for nervous activities.


    How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

    Date: August 23, 2011 12:33 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: How Does Pancreatin Help With Digestion?

    Pancreas and Pancreatin

    The pancreas is an organ in the abdomen that lies just below the stomach and is a vital part of the endocrine system. Its main responsibility is to produce enzymes needed for the digestion and absorption of food. It is both an endocrine gland making several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland. Most relative to our topic though is the function of secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes. These enzymes aid to further break down carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Enzymes(Pancreatin) secreted include amylases which digest starch molecules, for fat its lipases, and proteases for digesting proteins.

    Digestion Tidbits

    Having a nice healthy digestive tract is more than just being free of discomforts, heartburn, gas, or constipation. We have to look at it at different perspective, like from “what happens to the food?” kind of perspective. When foods are not digested properly, its nutrients cannot and will not get to our body’s cells. Nutrients are captured within the food processing stages in our digestive system. The body requires a constant flow of nutrients to essentially for what it is suppose to do which is to grow, generate energy, and to repair tissue. A lack of digestive enzymes like pancreatin in the stomach and intestines may cause heartburn, bloating, indigestion and constipation. Sometimes without giving much thought to digestion, we think it’s as simple as food is placed in the mouth, chew, swallow, and digest. However nutrients are vital to every cell in the body, and even digestion requires the right balance of nutrients to signal the nerves to start gathering nutrients again.

    Pancreatic Enzymes

    Digestion processes all occurs in the gastrointestinal tracts. Whatever you eat flows through this system, but until absorption through the intestinal tract, the nutrients from your food are still physically outside of your body. Because the gastrointestinal tract functions like an internal skin and provides a barrier between whatever you ingest from the outside (external) and your internal bloodstream. Part of this process of digesting food is the selective transport of nutrients through the cell wall linings in your intestinal tract.

    Once transported across the intestinal barrier to the inside of your body, that’s when the nutrients becomes part of our bloodstream and is rationed to all of your tissues via blood circulation to maintain organ function, aid in the need for energy, and mobilize growth and repair of new cells and tissues. Now for any mobilization of the nutrients to take place, food must first be broken down and this is where Pancreatin comes in along with other enzymes. On the other hand if pancreatin is insufficient it can lead to symptoms of malabsorption(abnormality in absorption of food nutrients), malnutrition(a state of lack of nutrition, vitamin Deficiencies, and weight loss (or an inability to gain weight in children) and is often associated with steatorrhea (loose, fatty, foul-smelling stools), and is some select cases the lack of these enzymes can lead to type one diabetes.


    What are the Essential Amino Acids we must get from our Diet to Survive?

    Date: August 17, 2011 12:13 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What are the Essential Amino Acids we must get from our Diet to Survive?

    Amino acids or the building blocks of protein are very important in overall functioning of the body. Proteins, to mention, are responsible for the build up of most of our body parts specifically our muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, tissues, glands, nails and hair. Moreover, the repair and preservation of those parts still rely on proteins. Amino acids can be of two different forms which are the non-essential and essential. On this selection, we will be focusing more on the latter.

    Essential amino acids are those which cannot be produced by the body therefore it has to be supplied through our diet. This category of amino acids includes tryptophan, lysine, methionine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine and phenylalanine.

    Tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, can be acquired from peanuts, meat, turkey, fish, milk, dried dates, cottage cheese, banana, oats and chocolates. A deficiency of this can bring up serious neurological problems, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.

    Another essential amino acid is methionine. The production of sulfur and other compound needed for a healthy growth and metabolism depends on the presence of this amino acid. Fish, whole grains and dairy are its sources.

    Lysine, which is effective in the treatment and prevention of herpes, is present in soybeans, green beans, lentils, spinach and amaranth. Low levels of lysine can also compromise the levels of niacin and this leads to pellagra.

    Tissue healing, muscle metabolism and keeping the equilibrium of nitrogen levels in our body are the functions of valine. It has proven to be efficient in the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders. Deficiencies that results from drug addiction are can also be reversed by this amino acid. Its sources are peanuts, soy proteins, dietary products, grains, meat and mushrooms.

    Leucine can be obtained from chicken, fish, cottage cheese, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds. It functions in muscle protein build up and is the main medium in tissue building process. Inability to acquire such makes a person prone to protein wasting since leucine, together with valine and isoleucine, serves as energy and protein reservoirs.

    In boosting energy levels, blood sugar regulation, muscle build - up and repair as well as hemoglobin development, isoleucine has shown its relevance. Its dietary sources are fish, poultry, beef, dairy, eggs, lentils, seeds, soy, almonds and wheat. Isoleucine Deficiencies may result into neurological disturbances such as confusion, depression, irritability, fatigue, headache and dizziness.

    Threonine is significant in synthesis of antibodies. Beans, nuts, seeds, dairy, poultry, eggs and beef are rich in threonine. A low level of this amino acid causes disorders of the skin and weakness.

    Adrenaline and noradrenalin which are stimulates the central and peripheral nervous system requires phenylalanine to perform their function. Phenylalanine can be acquired from peanuts, seeds, almonds, lima beans and dairy. Liver damage, weakness, skin lesions, lethargy and slowed growth are results of its Deficiencies.

    In summary, our body needs networks of essential amino acids for its proper functioning. Eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle is the secret towards maintaining your optimum general health.


    What is Wild Yam Root And How Does It Help PMS And More?

    Date: July 25, 2011 02:44 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: What is Wild Yam Root And How Does It Help PMS And More?

    Wild Yam And Your Health

    Wild yam root refers to a group of tubers related to the common yam. While the common yam is consumed as a vegetable, wild yam root is known for its medicinal properties. It has been linked to many studies in the past few decades. It is a source of the plant steroid diosgenin, which is converted to progesterone in the laboratory. It has also shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    Dioscorea villosa is the plant species often referred to as wild yam root, inasmuch as most products and supplements that are marketed as wild yam obtain extracts from this plant. Its positive effects on health are attributed to steroid-like organic compounds called saponins. Nevertheless, these saponins and other active ingredients of the root can also be derived in other closely related wild yam species.

    Rebalances Female Hormones

    Wild yam root is one of the most recognized plant species in the nutraceutical industry, especially in niches concerning the alleviation of hot flashes, night sweats, and other vasomotor symptoms. It is rich in compounds that precursors to human sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.

    Whether modified or not, the compounds extracted from wild yam root display estrogenic activities inside the female body, and they can be administered through the mouth or skin. They work normalize fluctuating levels of hormones, as is the case during menopause.

    Counteracts Pain Chemicals

    The phytochemical content of wild yam room is anti-inflammatory in nature. Not surprisingly, it has been used in the treatment of inflammation-induced disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, renal colic, ulcerative colitis, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, and inflammatory bowel disease.

    Wild yam root suppresses the releases of endogenous compounds responsible for the perception of pain in certain body parts. In addition, it also inhibits the excessive productions of immune cells that trigger hypersensitivity and immune disorders, such as bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis.

    Boosts Bone Mineral Density

    Extracts of wild yam root are commercially touted to prevent bone loss characteristic of osteoporosis. Since the human bones are the primary reserves of calcium and other minerals, they undergo a continuous cycle of demineralization to meet the mineral demands of other parts of the body.

    The process of demineralization that alters bone density throughout life is called bone resorption. It is influenced by other factors, such as sedentary lifestyle and mineral Deficiencies. With a balanced diet, regular consumption of wild yam root has been reported to easily reverse bone loss.

    Reduces Overall Lipid Levels

    There is a growing body of literature devoted to the effects of wild yam root on overall lipid levels in the blood. Wild yam root supplements are believed to lower utilization of triglycerides in the liver, limiting the releases of cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, and free fatty acids into the bloodstream.

    In addition, regular intake of wild yam root extracts appears to interfere with the breakdown of fats into easily digestible fatty acids and their subsequent absorption in the small intestines. This results in lower fat intake and healthier levels of cholesterol.

    What is stopping you from trying it?


    Vitamin B2 Is Good for Nutrient Metabolism, Cellular Energy, And More

    Date: May 10, 2011 11:11 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Vitamin B2 Is Good for Nutrient Metabolism, Cellular Energy, And More

    Vitamin B2 is an essential nutrient. As its name suggests, it belongs to the B complex group of vitamins. The monosaccharide ribose is part of its chemical composition together with the ring moiety called flavin that gives its yellow coloration. Hence, it is also known by the name riboflavin. Inside the human body, it plays a central role in the synthesis of flavoproteins, which are involved in many chemical reactions, especially in the metabolism of other micronutrients and bioactive molecules.

    Deficiency in riboflavin is quite common as it is routinely excreted through the urine. Common symptoms include sore throat, seborrheic dermatitis, lower blood count, all of which have been tied to higher incidence of esophageal cancer. Chronic ariboflavinosis, the medical condition caused by vitamin B2 deficiency, has been reported to contribute to carcinogenesis. The good news is that it can be easily reversed with regular intake of foods rich in riboflavin or supplementation.

    Aids Nutrient Metabolism

    It is not a coincidence that vitamin B2 deficiency is often accompanied by Deficiencies in other vitamins and minerals. In some cases, Deficiencies may be attributed to impaired liver function or intestinal absorption. That being said, low levels of riboflavin do impact the metabolism of other vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B9, among other water-soluble micronutrients.

    Metabolites of riboflavin are required in the conversion of these vitamins to their active forms, for example, from vitamin A to retinoic acid, vitamin B6 to pyridoxic acid, vitamin B9 to folic acid. Furthermore, the metabolism of bioactive compounds, including fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, also necessitates the presence of this vitamin, the reason why it greatly impacts growth and development in children.

    Increases Cellular Energy

    In addition to its physiological potential in intermediary metabolism, vitamin B2 is also present in the generation of adenosine triphosphate, the primary transport of energy that powers intracellular activities. Adenosine triphosphate is synthesized in three different metabolic pathways, and one process called oxidative phosphorylation necessitates the involvement of flavin adenine dinucleotide, one of the active forms of riboflavin.

    Vitamin B2 is an important cofactor in all chemical reactions that result in an increase or decrease of oxidation state. These reactions are collectively called oxidation-reduction, or simply redox. Metabolites of riboflavin are reliable oxidizing agents capable of carrying high-energy electrons needed for oxidative phosphorylation. They also participate in beta oxidation, another metabolic pathway that yields cellular energy.

    Scavenges Free Radicals

    A nucleic acid derivative of riboflavin is an important constituent of a special class of organic compounds called flavoproteins. These proteins are found in almost all cells of the human body, and one of their functions is to protect the cells from oxidative stress brought on by free radicals. Vitamin B2 is present in the production of cellular energy and the removal of harmful by-products of energy metabolism.

    Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is deleterious to human health, inasmuch as its biological roles are quite pervasive at the molecular level. Do you get enough Vitamin B-2?


    How Do I Eliminate Parasites Naturally from the Colon?

    Date: April 11, 2011 09:36 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: How Do I Eliminate Parasites Naturally from the Colon?

    Intestinal parasites infect over 3 billion people worldwide. These worm-like organisms populate the gastrointestinal tract and interfere with the absorption of foods. In children they may slow the normal progress of physical growth and intellectual development. In adults they cause muscle weakness, vitamin Deficiencies, and susceptibility to fatigue. People from all over the world may acquire parasites from contaminated water and infected soil. Deworming is an effective way to get rid of these parasites. Fortunately, there are many herbs reputed for their anthelmintic benefits.


    Allium sativum, the popular spice known as garlic, is the best known anti-parasitic herb. Its wide distribution in every continent has enabled cultures from all over the world to take advantage of its medicinal uses. Garlic contains the organic compound allicin, which is the primary substance responsible for warding off worms and bugs that attack the plant. This is the same compound that destroys intestinal parasites, notably threadworms.

    Black Walnut

    Juglans nigra, or black walnut, is recommended specifically for the removal of pathogenic microorganisms, yeast infections, and intestinal worms. It is a flowering tree that belongs to the hickory family, and anthelmintic extracts are derived from the juice of unripe walnuts. Its antifungal effects are very visible after topically applied to fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. When taken orally, it has been noted to be particularly helpful against tapeworms.


    Hydrastis canadensis, called orangeroot or goldenseal in the vernacular, is historically noted for its ability to ease anomalies of the alimentary canal. It is rich in the alkaloid berberine, which restores health to the damaged epithelial tissues of the intestinal walls and expels invasive microorganisms. In recent years it has been observed to act against the parasites E. histolytica, G. lamblia, and Plasmodium as well as the bacterium E. coli.


    Artemisium absinthium, better known as wormwood, is an ingredient of traditional herbal preparation used for deworming in the Mediterranean region. The discovery of sesquiterpene lactones in the plant explained its bitter taste and supported its centuries-old use as a vermifuge. Recent studies point to its activities inside the human body that inhibit growth of the parasites Giardia, Plasmodium, A. lumbricoides, and S. mansoni and effectively expel them.

    Pumpkin Seeds

    Seeds of pumpkin cultivars that belong to the species Cucurbita pepo have a long-standing association with the natural expulsion of intestinal parasites. Pumpkin Seed oil has a milder effect than other herbs but guaranteed to be the safest of all anthelmintic herbal remedies. It is most effective against tapeworms and roundworms. For better results, it is consumed in large quantities with ample liquids, and often ground into a pulp beforehand.


    Syzgium aromaticum, or Cloves, refers to the dried flowering buds of the plant commonly used as a spice. It is often linked to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine and known for the treatment of digestive ailments. Its oil has been proven effective against infections induced by certain strains of bacteria and fungi. It contains sesquiterpenes that are believed to kill intestinal worms.

    If you have worms, you can experience fatigue, malnutrition, and leaning development delays or mental foggyness. Taking an herbal remedy to help expel worms of any kind should be used with a yearly detox and cleans to maintain good health and wellness.


    Why is It so Important to Give Your Child a Multiple Vitamin Mineral Supplement

    Date: March 11, 2011 11:42 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Why is It so Important to Give Your Child a Multiple Vitamin Mineral Supplement

    Giving a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement to your child is tantamount to protecting him or her from the unknown dangers of malnutrition. It is a fact that children are picky eaters. Besides, not all food that you put on the table provides all the nutrients that they need. Experts remain divided over the need to give children daily multivitamins, but it is a common belief that doing so is just the prudent choice to make as parents. Does it make any difference? Yes, it does. Research has pointed to the positive effects of vitamin supplementation, and it has been cited a lot of times that the bioavailability of these supplements is not bad at all. This means supplementation does contribute to the well-being of your child.

    Ensures to Meet Nutrient Needs

    It is not a myth that our diet does not contain all the nutrients that we need. More often than not we are not getting the daily value for all vitamins and minerals as most of us are not able to monitor our eating habits. Also, we don’t have control over how sources of these nutrients change as they undergo the process of heating foods and other cooking preparations. With children being so picky, it is not surprising that they are susceptible to malnutrition. On the other hand, supplementation has been supported by decades-old research to meet the nutrient needs of individuals, including children. If you decide on giving your child multiple vitamin and mineral supplement, do check the label to make sure it says it contains 100 per cent of the recommended dietary intake of all nutrients.

    Affects Growth and Development

    A number of nutritional supplements available today have been proven to be of utmost help to the reversal of many medical signs and alleviation of diseases. Some of them have been associated with having a positive effect on the chemical reactions within the human body, and multiple vitamins and mineral supplements belong to this category. There is an ever-growing body of literature devoted to the interactions of exogenous compounds within the human body. Research on multivitamins in particular is among the most advanced in pharmacology, with emphasis on how the body effectively digests and absorbs them. Since the availability of vitamins and minerals is important to the physical and mental development of children, modern-day technology focuses on their absorption.

    Strengthens Immune Defenses

    There is scientific consensus that micronutrients, even trace minerals, boost our immune system. In fact, in individuals who have compromised immune responses, high quantities of vitamins and minerals slow down the progression of opportunistic diseases, as is the case with children with HIV. Children who have strong immune system are known to have levels of micronutrients adequate to ward off common illnesses. The opposite is also true. Multiple vitamin and mineral supplements have long been used to combat the dire effects of malnutrition as Deficiencies are almost always reversed with supplementation. That being said, prevention is always better than cure.

    Ensure you are getting the daily vitamins and minerals you need to maintain good health with a quality multiple vitamin and mineral.

    What is stopping you from taking a multiple today?


    I Am a Vegetarian, Should I be Taking a B-12 Vitamin Supplement?

    Date: February 28, 2011 12:52 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: I Am a Vegetarian, Should I be Taking a B-12 Vitamin Supplement?

    Vitamin B12 And Your Health

    Vegetarians are especially in risk of deficiency in vitamin B12 in that there are no plant sources known to contain significant levels of this essential nutrient. While the body is capable of storing this vitamin in the liver enough to meet the daily needs for several years, those who are following a strict vegan diet for long periods of time are in danger of developing many different medical conditions, including heart diseases, neural impairment, and anemia. Most vegetarians do not realize the seriousness of vitamin B12 deficiency as its symptoms often materialize in later life when the damage may no longer be reversible. Fortunately, total vegetarians do have options without renouncing their beliefs, inasmuch as Vitamin B12 supplements have shown to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

    Removes Neurological Problems

    One of the mishaps of long-term vegetarianism is the incidence of neural tube defects in babies, inasmuch as developments in the nervous system in the first periods of pregnancy is compromised in women who have very low levels of vitamin B12 does not have enough even with excessive quantities of folate. Nerve cells in particular are very sensitive to the absence of this vitamin. Many vegetarians are under the impression that plants contain every nutrient that the human body needs, which is completely misleading. Only bacteria have the enzymes required to manufacture vitamin B12, and these bacteria are present in the gut of animals. The good news is that vitamin B12 supplements that are available in the market today are good source of the active forms of this vitamin, and has stood the test of time in reversing the Deficiencies brought on by malnutrition.

    Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

    High levels of homocysteine are another consequence of low levels of vitamin B12 in the blood. A rise in homocysteine concentrations in the blood serum is a very important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and may come to an extent that is no longer reversible. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease are among the disorders tied to elevated homocysteine in the bloodstream, the reason why supplementation vitamin B12 has been used to treat certain medical conditions involving the heart and the blood vessels. The availability of vitamin B12 is in fact inversely proportional to the quantities of homocysteine produced by the body, and supplementation starting in the early years has shown to remove all the dangers related to homocysteine.

    Supplies the Body with Energy

    It is a known fact that vitamin B12 supplements affect chemical processes implicated in the production of energy. They are now widely accepted to be good for individuals involved in endurance sports and for the regular guy who usually relies on caffeine. Vitamin B12 stimulates the conversion of fatty acids into cellular energy, and influences the production of red blood cells, producing the vitality we need minus the jittery effects of coffee. For athletes, it does not only provide energy but also ensures cardiovascular health as homocysteine levels are directly proportional to exercise duration.

    If you do not eat much red meat and do not take a supplement, you might be deficient or boarder line at best in vitamin B12. Taking a supplement is the easy way to boost B12 and improve your health.


    Taurine - Essential or Non-Essential Amino Acid - You Decide?

    Date: February 17, 2011 10:56 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Taurine - Essential or Non-Essential Amino Acid - You Decide?

    Amino Acid Taurine Is Essential For More Than You Think

    Taurine is an organic compound with acidic properties, which is synthesized in the pancreas in adults, but an essential amino acid in infants. Many neutraceutical products for infants are fortified with taurine, inasmuch as some newborns do not have the enzymes required to synthesize taurine. Taurine deficiency in adults results from Deficiencies in other organic compounds, notably methionine and cysteine, which are its immediate precursors within the body.

    Helps in Brain Development

    It has long been postulated that taurine plays an important role in the human brain, especially in infants, protecting the nerve cells from possible neonatal damages. Taurine continues to affect the nervous system as we age, acting on gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, and consequently enhances inhibitory synaptic transmissions. In addition, taurine is alleged to stimulate continuous activation of synapses characteristic of long-term potentiation, which memory and learning ability stem from.

    Stabilizes Glucose Levels

    Taurine is a powerful inhibitor of glycation, a process by which sugar molecules attach themselves to other biomolecules without the aid of enzymes, and thus subsequently impair the functions of these biomolecules. This process may take place inside or outside the body, but the substances that result from this process, which are referred to as advanced glycation end-products or AGEs, contribute to the formation of a number of major disorders in later life such as cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, age-related deafness and blindness, and cancer. Taurine keeps the cells from taking up AGEs from the blood, which is slowly excreted in the urine.

    Regulates Adipose Tissues

    It has also been observed that dietary taurine influences the metabolic pathways that give rise to the formation of adipose tissues, the fat reserves of the human body. These fat depot appear anywhere in the body, but are commonly tied to the subcutaneous fats, those that we see on the belly, chest, arms, and thighs. Moreover, body fat percentage has been an indicator of obesity, which is central to the use of taurine in regulating adipose tissues.

    Influences Lipid Absorption

    Taurine is a major component of bile, the fluid produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and secreted in the small intestines to aid in the digestion of triglycerides, cholesterol, and other lipids. Also, several studies point to the effect of taurine on the binding of proteins to lipids to form lipoproteins, compounds that have been notoriously labeled as bad cholesterol. Not surprisingly, taurine has been suggested to maintain healthy levels of blood cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    Fights Oxidative Stress

    Sodas have become a part of our daily diet today, but little did we know that they are risk factors for oxidative stress, the continued peroxidation of cellular structures. Fructose in sodas and other sweetened beverages is the most dangerous of all sugars, inasmuch as it releases by-products called AGEs, which are highly reactive to oxidation. AGEs do not get excreted right away and are instead absorbed by cells, leading to irreversible damages to neuronal and vascular tissues in later life. Intake of taurine removes this problem.

    Have you had your Taurine Today?


    Why Should I Be Taking A Vitamin B-Complex?

    Date: February 03, 2011 12:18 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Why Should I Be Taking A Vitamin B-Complex?

    Vitamins are vital to life. They are essential organic nutrients that are required in very small amounts. Each vitamin is responsible for a certain metabolic function. Vitamins, except for Vitamin D, are not synthesized by the human body and thus are essential nutrients that must be provided through diet or supplements. Vitamins have two categories based on their solubility, the water – soluble and the fat – soluble. Water – soluble vitamins comprise of the B – complex vitamins, vitamin C and choline. On the other hand, the fat – soluble ones are vitamins A, D, E and K. In this article, we will focus on vitamin B – complex which are water soluble.

    Vitamin B – complex include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, cobalamin, biotin and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are crucial to many biologic processes:

    Vitamin B-1 or thiamine is plays a role in energy metabolism and nerve functioning that is associated with muscular movement.

    Vitamin B-2 or riboflavin also acts as a coenzyme in the release of energy from nutrients just like thiamine.

    Vitamin B 3 or niacin is also very important in energy metabolism, specifically in glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle.

    Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is involved in the normal growth and development of cells.

    Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine acts as a catalyst in protein metabolism. This is essential in the development of nerve cells and normal functioning of the nervous system.

    Vitamin B7 or biotin aids the transfer of carbon dioxide from one compound to another. It also assists the body to make hormones.

    Vitamin B9 or folic acid helps maintain a healthy DNA and is required in the production of red blood cells (RBC).

    Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is important in the growth and development of tissues and organs. It is also needed in the production of RBCs and nervous system functioning.

    These vitamins are found almost in all foods, yet no one food is a perfect source of all these essential vitamins. Fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat and dairy products are great sources. Experts suggest that it is always best to consume vitamins from food sources. However, Deficiencies may be rampant if you would just depend on dietary sources. These vitamins work hand in hand that an insufficiency in any B vitamin may result to poor functioning of any or all of the other B vitamins even if they are in good supply. Good thing, vitamin B – complex is made available to supplement the diet. These supplements come in capsule or tablet preparations. Inadequate levels of B vitamins may cause a feeling of weakness, tingling sensation and numbness in both upper and lower extremities, muscle cramps, hair loss, nail brittling, abdominal pain, depression, anemia, poor growth and development in children, and birth defects. As mentioned above, B vitamins are water – soluble. This means that the body cannot store this kind of vitamin except for vitamin B12 and any excess will be readily excreted in the urine. That’s why for those who are taking vitamin B – complex, it is safe and normal to have a bright to dark yellow – colored urine.


    Potassium: An Overview

    Date: January 14, 2011 03:49 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Potassium: An Overview

    Potassium is what is known as an electrolyte: it is a substance that can conduct electricity and is an essential substance in this respect with regard to almost all organs and structures within your body. Your heart function depends on specific electrical impulses that contract the muscles in a very specific fashion.

    Potassium and sodium together are largely responsible for these electrical impulses, and much the same holds true for all of the muscular contractions within your body that control skeletal movements, digestion and breathing. That is how important potassium is - without it there would be no mammalian life.

    You can get a good supply of potassium from bananas, fish and meat and also from dairy products. However, Deficiencies are possible such as in times of illness, particularly of diarrhea and vomiting, and there are also malabsorption conditions such as Crohn's disease, all of which demand a potassium supplement in order to maintain a proper balance between potassium and other electrolytes.


    Herbs For Depression

    Date: December 13, 2010 12:34 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Herbs For Depression

    Fight Depression with Natural Herbs

    depression getting you down

    Before discussing treating depression with natural herbs we should first consider depression itself: what is it and what causes people to become depressed? Psychiatrists and psychologists will suggest a number of definitions although most experts agree that there are two forms of depression.

    Causes of Depression

    Exogenous depression comes about as a result of external factors such as bereavement, heavy debt, job loss, etc, while endogenous depression comes from within and is believed to be due to biochemical problems, including food allergies, hormonal changes, thyroid problems, nutritional Deficiencies, particularly Vitamin B deficiency, and addictions. There are many other reasons for people becoming depressed, some of which can be established by the particular symptoms of the individual.

    In many cases of depression the external factors are often easier to treat than those due to internal factors. Many exogenous causes of depression such as bereavement are alleviated through time, while causes such as job loss and debt can be resolved once the cause has been rectified: thus, if the patient is no longer in debt or is re-employed, the depression tends to disappear with the cause.

    Symptoms of Depression

    Depression is not diagnosed from a single symptom, but from a number of symptoms that can point to a person being clinically depressed and requiring treatment. Among the symptoms of depression are:

    Prolonged periods of sadness or despair
    Feelings of pessimism for the future
    Feeling generally tired and lethargic
    Overeating with resultant weight gain or under-eating with resultant weight loss
    Either insomnia or hypersomnia
    Disinterest in family or work
    Feeling of guilt, worthlessness and low self-esteem
    Inability to concentrate
    Hyperactivity or general inactivity
    Suicidal thoughts

    Forms of Depression

    Many normal people can suffer one or two of the above systems, and would not be diagnosed as depressed because of it. We can all get mood swings, feel a bit worthless now and again or be unable to concentrate or focus at times, but that does not mean we are clinically depressed.

    Depression would not be diagnosed in a patient with just one of these symptoms but five or more likely would be. In fact, the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders deem the patient suffering clinical depression if displaying 5 or more of the bottom 8 symptoms above for a month or more. This is believed to be the case with around 17 million Americans so it is a significant problem.

    Manic depression is otherwise known as bipolar disorder, where patients have large mood swings from high and extreme hyperactivity and excitability to very low deeply depressive moods and is a clinical condition generally treated using drugs.

    Treatment of Depression With Natural Herbs

    The usual treatments are drugs that often have undesirable side effects; so many people are trying natural remedies instead. There are a number of herbs that can be used to treat depression, one of the most familiar being St. John's Wort. However, there are others, and here is a synopsis of each.

    St. John's Wort

    st johns wort picsSt. John's wort (hypericum perforatum) is likely the best known herbal treatment for depression. In fact, in Germany it is prescribed by doctors to children and adolescents for the treatment of mild depression and is available over the counter in many countries.

    However, it can also be used in cases of severe depression, and a report in the Cochrane Database Review[8(4)] by K. Linde, M.M. Berner and L. Kriston in 2008 stated that of 29 separate tests carried out on a total of over 5,000 patients, the conclusion was that St. John's wort extracts were at least as good in treating severe depression with 5 times lower side-effects as tricyclic antidepressants and twice lower than the new selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).

    It should be stated, however, that one trial on 340 subjects indicated no improvement over a placebo. However, the anti-depressive drug sertraline (Zoloft) was also shown to be no better than the placebo in this test, so some doubts must lie regarding its accuracy. Of all the herbal treatments, St. John's wort has had most testing carried out and it seems to be effective in treating mild to severe depression although not all experts are yet agreed.

    Kava Kava Root

    kava kava root picsKava kava can be used to treat depression and anxiety, largely due its content of kavalactones that are believed to increase the amount of a number of neurotransmitters in the blood, including the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin. Kava kava root is mildly intoxicating, having much the same effect as alcohol, and can also reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    However, it is doubtful if its effects are permanent and so it may be less of a depression cure as a short-medium term treatment. Its effects are also variable on different people, some describing it as making them feel relaxed and 'dreamy', while others find it therapeutic and making them feel better in themselves.

    Kava kava should not be taken without your doctor knowing about because there have been concerns about its effect on the liver if taken in excess. A European-wide ban was lifted about two years ago after testing found the risks of taking it to be very low. It has been used for centuries as an intoxicating drink on islands such as Fiji.

    Passion Flower

    passion flower picsPassion flower has been used for centuries to treat anxiety, stress and depression, its active ingredients believed to be maltol and ethylmaltol that help to increase the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA is one of the brain's key neurotransmitters and has been described by some as the brain's own 'Valium' supply.

    Through the intervention of GABA, passion flower extract helps in reducing anxiety levels and makes you feel a lot calmer. If you suffer forms of depression that make you hyper or excitable, passion flower will help to reduce this and also helps to cure insomnia. It is a component of many natural sleeping pills.

    These are just three natural substances that can be used to treat depression. However, you must inform your doctor or physician if you decide to take them since they may interfere with or change the effect of any antidepressant drug you are currently taking.

    Call today for natural remedies for depression


    Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles

    Date: September 01, 2010 07:55 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Chronic fatigue syndrom and your life styles

    Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrom

    Chronic fatigue syndrome strikes more than two million people in the United States, with eighty-five percent of these people being women between the ages of thirty and fifty. The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome often resemble many other viral infections, making it very hard to pinpoint the real problem. This condition is possibly caused by stress as well as by mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, food and chemical allergies, weak adrenal function, parasitic infections, amino acid Deficiencies, and Candida albicans infections. With all of this in mind, there are a couple of herbal combinations and healthful suggestions that can be followed to help prevent or deal with chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Cordyceps sinensis is a natural Chinese supplement that contains high amounts of L-tryptophan. It provides nutrients that are necessary for relieving fatigue and improving endurance. It also helps to increase blood supply to the heart and brain. This herb increases the production of superoxide dismutase in the body. In China, this herb has been traditionally used to treat the nervous system. Additionally, it is used to help strengthen the kidneys and liver.

    An herbal combination containing bee pollen, licorice, kelp, barley grass, schizandra, gotu kola, eleuthero, yellow dock, rose hips, and capsicum has been shown to help restore energy to the system. This combination is an excellent combination of herbs to feed and nourish the entire system. It provides nourishment for the adrenals, in the form of licorice, and also for the thyroid, in the form of kelp. The bee pollen in this combination helps to nourish and supply energy to the body. Barley grass nourishes and cleans the body, while schizandra, which is an adaptogen herb, increases the energy supply of cells in the brain, muscles, liver, kidneys, glands, nerves, and in the entire body. The combination of herbs will rebuild the blood, liver, and digestive system.

    The following are a few suggestions that can be followed to help deal with and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome. Exercise is very helpful, with even mild exercise helping to increase stamina and oxygenate cells. Exercise also helps to improve sleep. Allergies can be involved in chronic fatigue syndrome, so it is important to look into food allergies, chemicals, and heavy metals, and eliminate them. Anytime there is inflammation in the body that is accompanied by pain, swelling, heat, and redness, allergies are likely the culprits. When the immune system is weak, candida is usually involved.

    Candida and Chronic Fatigue Syndrom

    A candida diet would help to restore natural flora to the system. Candida can prevent the body from using sugars properly, which blocks the body’s energy production and causes extreme fatigue. To restore the friendly bacteria, use acidophilus on an empty stomach and eat unsweetened yogurt. If candida is involved, it is important to eliminate sugar, alcohol, mushrooms and all fungi, molds, and yeast in any form. It is also important to eliminate fermented foods. Look into leaky gut syndrome, which typically allows germs, viruses, bacteria, worms, and parasites to flourish. When they flourish, the immune and nervous system become weak, causing diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome to weaken the body.

    Trying natural remedies like Fatigue to fantastic herbal supplements may help ease chronic fatigue.


    Glutathion, Antioxidants, And The Body

    Date: July 14, 2010 02:41 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Glutathion, Antioxidants, And The Body

    Glutathione is a simple protein that consists of three amino acids. These amino acids include glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. Due to the chemical nature of sulphur-containing cysteine, glutathione is able to effortlessly donate electrons. This ability is the reason why it has powerful antioxidant properties. Intracellular glutathione status is a sensitive indicator of cellular health and of the cell’s ability to resist toxic challenges.

    Glutathione is an important water-phase antioxidant that is an essential component in the glutathione peroxidase system. Glutathione peroxidase enzymes are crucial for detoxifying peroxides including hydrogen peroxide, which is generated within cellular membranes and lipid-dense areas of the cell, especially the mitochondrial membrane. Severe glutathione depletion often leads to cell death, while experimental glutathione depletion has been found to induce cellular apoptosis.

    A cellular level of glutathione depletion seems to cause extensive damage to the mitochondria. Depletion of mitochondrial glutathione may, in fact, be the ultimate factor that determines a cell’s vulnerability to oxidative(free radical) attack. The mitochondria is the most crucial place for glutathione presence, as the cascade of oxidation-reduction reactions complete the final steps in respiration take place here. Throughout this process, which is called oxidative phophorylation, electrons invariably escape and react with the ambient oxygen in order to generate toxic free radicals. It has been estimated that 2% to 5% of the electrons that enter the mitochondria are converted into reactive oxygen species that generate considerable oxidative stress for the cell. These free radicals cause an immediate threat to other cellular components, such as the DNA, enzymes, structural proteins, and lipids.

    The cumulative damage that is caused by oxygen and other free radical species is now determined to be the principal contributor to the degenerative disease process and the progressive loss of organ function that is commonly recognized as aging. Because of this, the cell is constantly challenged to destroy these free radicals before they can inflict any lasting damage. Minimizing oxidative attacks may actually be the ultimate challenge of being alive. Because of this, the reducing power of glutathione is of huge important to the cell.

    Glutathione is important for helping to regenerate other antioxidants that are depleted from their constant work to fight off free radical challenges. Regeneration that is glutathione-induced may be the mechanism that is actually used by the cell in order to conserve lipid-phase antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin E, and the carotenoids. It has been confirmed by recent investigations that dietary vitamin C can actually protect us against tissue damage that results from glutathione depletion.

    Additionally, supplementation with glutathione or its precursors can also quickly replenish any vitamin C Deficiencies. Because of this, glutathione and ascorbic acid, both of which are pre-eminent cellular antioxidants, are tightly linked, as glutathione can conserve vitamin C and vitamin C can conserve glutathione. When they are both present, these two antioxidants protect the entire spectrum of biomolecules that are found within the cell, as well as facilitate the cell’s best performance. It has been said that the glutathione status of a cell may be the most accurate single indicator of the health of the cell. This means that as glutathione levels go, the health of the cell will go as well.

    Glutathione is available in capsule or tablet form at your local or internet health food store. Always choose name brands to ensure quality and purity of the glutathione supplement you choose to purchase for consumption.


    Essential Fatty Acids and our Health

    Date: March 26, 2010 05:18 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Essential Fatty Acids and our Health

    salmon omega-3Essential fatty acids are also known as vitamin F or polyunsaturates. They must be supplied through the diet because the body is unable to make them. For this reason, they are referred to as essential. There are three basic types of essential fatty acids: linoleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid. Linoleic acid is the most vital of these because it can be converted to linolenic and arachidonic acid. All of these are necessary for cell structure and all body functions. Essential fatty acids are required by every cell in the body. These substances are responsible for transporting fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, into the body.

    Essential fatty acids are extremely important for a healthy body, with linoleic acid being the most essential of the fatty acids. EPA and DHA are included in omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in marine lipids. Research has determined that these reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Omega-6 fatty acids, which include GLA, are usually found in plant sources.

    The most common forms of omega-3 fatty acids are EPA, DHA, and alpha-linolenic acid, which helps to create EPA and DHA. When animals eat plants that are rich in linolenic acid, they produce omega-3s. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in the oils of cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, bluefish, herring, tuna, and mackerel. EPA and DHA are liquids and remain so, which protects the fish by staying fluid even in cold essential fatty acidstemperatures.

    Omega-6 fatty acids can be found in fresh-pressed oils of many raw seeds and nuts. Gamma-linolenic acid also known as G L A is the most common form of omega-6 and has been found to have a variety of health benefits. It is responsible for helping to facilitate weight loss in overweight persons, but not those who do not need to lose weight. Additionally, GLA reduces platelet aggregation and helps to reduce symptoms depression. GLA may even help to alleviate PMS symptoms.

    Essential fatty acids are able to help with a variety of disorders in the body. To name a few, they help to reduce blood pressure, aid in arthritis, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce inflammation, improve skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema, and aid in nerve impulse transmissions. Additionally, essential fatty acids help with brain function, learning, and memory.

    Numerous symptoms can result from a lack of essential fatty acids in the diet. These include fatigue, lack of endurance, dry skin, allergies, high blood pressure, angina, aching, frequent colds, digestive problems, dry hair, immune weakness, forgetfulness, depression, and arthritis. The symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency can be extremely vague, often going unnoticed by health-care providers. boost the brain with omega-3

    Essential fatty acids are so important that Deficiencies can often be linked to a variety of symptoms. They contain superior nutritional support to encourage health and vitality in the body. Many individuals lack these essential nutrients, which are responsible for providing support for the immune system and health. The body needs these vital nutrients in order to function.

    For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by essential fatty acids, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store. Vita Net health food store carries a large selection of fatty acid supplements at discount prices. Stop in today and browse our large selection of name brand vitamins today.

    salmon omega-3



    Prickly Ash

    Date: September 22, 2009 10:53 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Prickly Ash

    The prickly ash plant is a tall shrub that is often described as a small tree. It can usually be found growing up to a height of twenty feet. The shrub can be distinguished by its barbed stalks and branches. The leaves of this plant are covered with fine hair-like material when they are young. As the leaves mature, they become smooth and develop spots of resins on the outer surface. When crushed, the leaves give out a fragrance that is similar to that of the lemon. The shrub is responsible for bearing green colored flowers. These appear in bunches on old wood before the leaves. Reddish-brown casings can be found on the wood, which house black seeds that are spicy to taste. The prickly ash shrub can be found in the region that ranges from Canada to Virginia and Nebraska.

    The Native American tribes used prickly ash for toothaches and infection. Subsequently, it appeared in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1829 to 1926. It was also found in the National Formulary from 1916 to 1947 as a treatment for rheumatism. This herb was often used in the South during cholera and typhus epidemics. There, it was able to produce positive results. Prickly ash is often used in combination with a variety of other herbs.

    Samuel Thomson, a nineteenth-century herbalist, considered prickly ash to be a valuable natural stimulant. It helps with problems such as rheumatism, cold hands and feet, ague, and fever. This herb is responsible for stimulating circulation, which is essential for a healthy body. Prickly ash can also help circulation that is impaired. This is the case in cold extremities and joints. Additionally, this herb can help with arthritis and lethargy because of its stimulant action and because it shows promise as way to enhance the immune system and relieve exhaustion.

    Prickly ash can be used as a poultice to help speed up the healing of wounds and preventing infection. Also, it helps increase the production of saliva. This helps to eliminate mouth dryness. The bitter and sweet qualities of this herb are responsible for helping to heal Deficiencies in the heart, lungs, spleen, and intestine. These qualities also help to strengthen them. As an example, prickly ash has been used to treat ulcers, asthma, and colic. Prickly ash is also used to aid digestion. Additionally, it helps in relieving feminine problems such as premenstrual cramps. This herb also is used to treat skin diseases.

    The bark and berries of the prickly ash plant are used to provide alterative, anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, astringent, blood purifier, sialagogue, and stimulant properties. Primarily, prickly ash is extremely beneficial in dealing with poor circulation, fevers, paralysis, mouth sores, ulcers, and wounds. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating ague, arthritis, asthma, blood impurities, cholera, colic, uterine cramps, diarrhea, edema, gas, gastric disorders, indigestion, lethargy, liver disorders, rheumatism, primary tuberculosis, skin diseases, syphilis, thyroid problems, and typhus.

    In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on prescription medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by prickly ash, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.



    Date: August 19, 2009 03:31 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Kombucha

    Kombucha is also known as Manchurain tea or mushroom. It is not an official member of the fungi family. Actually, it is a symbiotic culture of genus Saccharomyces yeast and xylinum bacteria. Kombucha dates back as far as two thousands years in East Asia. Originally, it was used for healing in Japan, China, and Korea. Kombucha use spread with the beginning of trade. Merchants took the kombucha plant to Russia and then to Eastern Europe. Although it is not technically a fungus, it contains many similar healing properties. Because of this, it is often recommended along with members of the mushroom family.

    This herb is usually placed in a nutrient solution of distilled water, black tea, and sugar. The process of brewing kombucha was introduced in Russia and Ukraine at the end of the 1800s. However, it did not become popular until the early 1900s. The kombucha culture is known locally as chayniy grib and the drink itself is referred to as grib, tea kvass, or simply kvass. Then, it undergoes chemical changes which make it beneficial for human consumption. The chemical reactions that occur in this process are very complex. The kombucha feeds on sugar, thus producing glucuronic acid, lactic acid, vitamins, amino acids, and some antibiotic solutions.

    The healing properties are thought to be due to the production of glucuronic acid, B-complex vitamins, C vitamins, and lactic acid. Like all foods, there must be some care taken when preparing and storing kombucha, or else contamination may result. Keeping this herb safe and contamination-free is a concern to many home brewers. Key components of food safety when brewing kombucha include a clean environment, proper temperature, and low pH.

    Russian studies have uncovered the presence of substances in the kombucha tea that contain antibiotic properties. The tea was found to prevent the growth and colonization of other yeasts and bacteria. The kombucha plant is also believed to help with a wide variety of conditions. It seems to have a detoxifying effect on the entire body, which makes it extremely beneficial for invigorating the whole body.

    Research done in Germany led by Dr. Valentin Koehler found that kombucha has the ability to increase the function of the immune system. It does this by boosting levels of interferon. Kombucha contains many different cultures along with several organic acids, active enzymes, amino acids, and polyphenols. Due to the acidic fermentation process used in it’s brewing. Kombucha contains ethyl alcohol in amounts that vary from 0.5% to 1.5%. The range depends on the anaerobic brewing time and proportions of microbe. Commercial preparations of this herb are typically 0.5% in order to comply with distribution and safety procedures.

    The entire kombucha plant is used to provide antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, and immuno-stimulant properties. Primarily, this herb is extremely beneficial in dealing with immune Deficiencies and effects of toxins. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by kombucha, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.



    Date: July 16, 2009 01:39 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Hypoglycemia

    It is critical for one to known that an excess amount of sugar can deplete our vitamin and mineral stores. To make things worse, vitamin and mineral Deficiencies can predispose us to both hypoglycemia and diabetes. Significant amounts of B vitamins are necessary in order to metabolize and detoxify sugar after it has entered our bodies. The assimilation of nutrients from other foods is inhibited when the body is overloaded with sugar. To state it simply, our bodies were not designed to cope with the amounts of sugar that we routinely consume.

    Vitamin A helps the body to maintain normal glandular function. Energy transfers in the body depend upon the presence of vitamin A, which helps to assimilate the mineral efficiently when it is used in conjunction with vitamins D and E.

    Vitamin B-complex is essential in order to help control the highs and lows associated with hypoglycemia. They boost the adrenal glands and work to calm the nerves and promote mental health. Vitamin B1 is necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates and also improves appetite, digestion, assimilation, and elimination. This vitamin works to protect the nervous system and improve nerve function. Vitamin B2 works in conjunction with niacin and thiamine to protect the nerves and boost the immune system. Additionally, this vitamin helps to facilitate proper digestion, which is essential to healthily metabolize carbohydrates. Vitamin B3 plays a vital role in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. Also, it is involved in the production of several biochemical’s, among them is adrenaline. Niacin boosts the body’s ability to take in sugar from the blood into the cells. Supplementing the diet of diabetics with niacin is also strongly recommended.

    A lack of vitamin B5 in the body can cause a drop in blood sugar. This B vitamin is involved in the production of natural cortisone from the adrenal glands and can help to protect the body against the averse affects of stress. It is crucial for the maintenance of a healthy endocrine system. Vitamin B6 is vital in helping to maintain hormonal functions and endocrine balance. Vitamin B6 strengthens the adrenal glands and helps to protect the pancreas. It is essential for the metabolism of proteins and for the production of hormones and antibodies. Additionally, vitamin B6 may also help to prevent complications that may occur from diabetes. Vitamin B9, B12, D, E, C, K, PABA, Biotin, Lecithin, Inositol, and Bioflavonoids are also essential for assisting the body against hypoglycemia.

    There are also minerals, amino acids, and herbs that helps the body fight against hypoglycemia. These minerals include calcium, chromium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Amino acids that assist in hypoglycemia are alanine, carnitine, glutamic acid, and phenylalanine and tyrosine. Herbs for hypoglycemia include alfalfa, bilberry, bitter melon, black cohosh, buchu, cedar berries, damiana, dandelion, dulse, fenugreek, garlic and onions, ginseng, gentian, golden seal, gymnema sylvestre, ho-sho-wu, kelp, licorice, mullein, parsley, pterocarpus, red raspberry, saffron, saltbush, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, suma, and uva ursi. Alfalfa nourishes all the glands, especially the pituitary, while bilberry is valuable for anyone who suffers from glucose impaired diseases. Suma is used by both men and women to restore body function and are also good for poor circulation, heart disease, and arthritis. Uva Ursi helps to regulate glucose transfer to the nerve fivers which feed the brain.

    Many of the above listed vitamins, minerals, and herbs are available in combinations directly formulated to help with high blood sugar. Look for these great vitamins and more at your local or internet health food store. Remember to always choose name brands to ensure you purchase a high quality and pure product.

    *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins, minerals and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.

    Buy Herbs at Vitanet ®, LLC


    Natural Vitamins

    Date: June 26, 2009 12:15 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Natural Vitamins

    Depression affects 22 percent of Americans between the ages of eighteen and older each year. It is one of the most common medical problems in the United States. Depression affects both young and old, and women twice as much as men. Depression is an illness of the whole body. It affects the nervous system, moods, thoughts, and behavior. It also affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you react to and think about the people and things around you. Symptoms of depression can last for weeks, months, or years. There are various types of depression, which vary in the number of symptoms, the severity, and persistence.

    People with depression generally withdraw and hide from society, losing interest in things around them and becoming incapable of experiencing pleasure. Symptoms of depression include chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, headaches, backaches, digestive disorders, restlessness, irritability, quickness to anger, loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies, and feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. Many people who are depressed think about death and consider suicide. Things appear bleak and time seems to pass slowly. Someone with depression can be chronically angry and irritable, sad and despairing, or display little or no emotion at all. Some people try to sleep off depression, while others do nothing but sit or lie around.

    There are three main types of clinical depression: major depressive disorder, dysthmyic disorder, and bipolar depression. There are variations in the number of associated mental symptoms, severity, and persistence within these types. Dysthmic disorder is a chronic, but less severe type of depresses ion. It is characterized by milder, persistent symptoms that may last for years. It usually doesn’t interfere with everyday tasks. Bipolar disorders usually begin as depression but progress into alternating episodes of depression and mania, characterized by abnormally and persistently elevated mood, energy, restlessness, or irritability. Bipolar depression is commonly known as manic depression. It has other symptoms including inflated self-esteem, a decreased need for sleep, and increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, distractibility, physical agitation, and excessive risk-taking.

    The causes of depression are not fully understood. However, it is assumed that there are most likely many and they are varied. Depression may be triggered by tension, stress, a traumatic life event, a hyper-stimulated immune system, chemical imbalances in the brain, thyroid disorders, nutritional Deficiencies, poor diet, the consumption of sugar, mononucleosis, lack of exercise, endometriosis, any serious physical disorder, or even allergies. Whatever the factors that trigger it, depression starts with a disturbance in the part of the brain that governs moods. Most people can handle everyday stresses, with their bodies simply readjusting to these pressures. When stress is too great for a person and his or her adjustment mechanism is unresponsive, depression may be triggered.

    The following vitamin nutrients are helpful for those who are suffering from depression: essential fatty acids, 5-HTP, L-tyrosine, SAMe, taurine, omega-3, vitamin B complex, zinc, choline, calcium, magnesium, chromium, GABA, lithium, NADH, and vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Additionally, the following herbs may be beneficial: lemon balm, ginger, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, oat straw, peppermint, Siberian ginseng, kava kava, and St. John’s wort.

    Great vitamin supplements like the ones listed above are available at your local or internet health food store. When looking for natural vitamin supplements, always look for name brands to ensure that you receive a high quality and pure product.

    *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins, minerals, and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.


    Colostrum, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D'arco, Garlic, Astragalus

    Date: June 19, 2009 11:05 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: Colostrum, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Pau D'arco, Garlic, Astragalus

    There are many supplements and herbs that compliment the supplementation of colostrum. Among these are Echinacea, vitamin C, garlic, goldenseal, pau d’arco, astragalus, and beta carotene (vitamin A).

    Echinacea is one of the most well-known and respected herbal supplements when it comes to the maintenance and strengthening of the immune system. Various Echinacea species have yielded an impressive variety of chemical constituents which possess pharmacological properties. This suggests that there is some form of synergistic action that occurs between the compounds in order to achieve therapeutic benefits. The main therapeutic properties are found in polysaccharides, flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives, essential oils, polyacetylenes, and alkylamides. These constituents are responsible for a large number of immuno-stimulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer properties.

    Echinacea has several effects on the immune system, including the alternate complement pathway, which enhances the movement of white blood cells into the areas of infection. Echinacea also affects many of the immune system’s cells that are responsible for slowing viral and bacterial infection. The aerial portion of Echinacea is known to be effective in warding off viruses such as influenza, herpes, and vesicular stomatitis, by blocking virus receptors on the cell surface. Echinacea is also able to indirectly kill viruses by encouraging the production and release of interferon, which is a substance that is capable of blocking viral RNA.

    Vitamin C is one of the most well-known nutrients for promoting basic immune functions, with its benefits being known for many years. It is effective in reducing the severity and duration of colds and flu. Also, it has the ability to act as an immuno-stimulant by enhancing white blood cell production, increasing interferon levels and antibody responses, promoting the secretion of thymic hormones, and improving connective tissue. Vitamin C can be found abundantly in various fruits in vegetables, which means that it can often be consumed in acceptable amounts without supplementation through broccoli, sweet peppers, collards, cabbage, spinach, kale, parsley, melons, potatoes, tangerines, and Brussels sprouts, just to name a few.

    Garlic is one of the most commonly used medicinal herbs, as it is found throughout the world and has been employed for various therapeutic purposes for thousands of years. Commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine and ayurvedic medicine, it has recently received much attention in the US media as well as other Western countries. Recent research has found that garlic possesses some powerful capabilities when it comes to the immune system and the body’s ability to fight infection. Garlic produces antiviral and antibacterial capabilities that stimulate and improve performance by the body’s immune systems. Additionally, garlic kills viruses and protects the body from invading virus cells by enhancing the body’s immune functions.

    Goldenseal is native to North America, where it helps with a wider variety of ailments, including infection. Goldenseal is effective in combating invasion of colds and flu by stimulating the immune system and the activity of macrophages, which are one of the body’s defense mechanisms against viruses, bacteria, cancer cells, and other invaders.

    Pau d’arco is also known for its powerful antiviral, antibiotic, and immune system enhancing capabilities. It has been shown to actively inhibit the activity of several viruses such as: both herpes viruses, the influenza viruses, polioviruses, and vesicular stomatitis virus.

    Astragalus, which is extremely popular in Chinese herbal medicine, is an immune system enhancer. It has the ability to reduce the severity and length of the common cold through its application. Vitamin A, which has long been known to be effective in fighting infectious diseases, has antiviral and antibacterial capabilities. Vitamin A Deficiencies can manifest themselves through increased infection by cold and flu viruses.

    Along with the above, it is also important to eat healthful foods (fruits and vegetables), drink plenty of fluids, exercise, avoid smoking, avoid consuming alcohol, get plenty of rest, and reduce stress in order to increase the benefits that colostrum supplementation provides. Natural supplements can help boost the immune system and help one live a healthier longer life.

    Strengthen Your Immunity At Vitanet ®, LLC



    Date: May 08, 2009 10:00 AM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: L-Cysteine

    L-Cysteine is what is known as a non-essential amino acid, meaning that it can be biosynthesized by the body and hence not an essential part of your diet. Due to its possessing a thiol side chain, it is termed a hydrophilic amino acid with an affinity for aqueous systems. Because of this it is relatively highly reactive, and is therefore an important component of a large number of enzymes and proteins.

    Although, after all, it is not an essential amino acid, Deficiencies can occur in the young and in the old, and also in those suffering certain metabolic diseases. Dietary sources include high-protein foods such as chicken, turkey, pork, dairy products and vegetables such as cereals, broccoli, garlic and onions.

    The biochemistry of this amino acid begins with another amino acid known as serine, and also methionine. The latter is fist converted to homocysteine, which is then combined with serine to form cystathionine. This is then converted into cysteine and alpha- ketobutyrate. The thiol group is highly reactive and gives cysteine its biological properties.

    L-Cysteine possesses strong antioxidant properties due to the thiol group which easily undergoes redox reactions. However, it is for its detoxification effect on the body that the amino acid is mainly taken as a supplement. It is, therefore, these properties that we shall discuss first.

    Cysteine can reduce the toxic effects of alcohol, such as a hangover or the more serious liver damage. The by-product of alcohol metabolism that does most damage and is responsible for the majority of the negative after-effects of excessive alcohol consumption is acetaldehyde. L-Cysteine converts acetaldehyde into the more acceptable acetic acid, and so prevents the aldehyde from having too much of a negative effect on your health and well-being. However, the results obtained from such studies have been from animals only, and the therapeutic effects of cysteine have not yet been tested on humans.

    What has been tested and is known is that L-cysteine is effective in the detoxification of heavy metals in the body. A common source of heavy metal toxicity is mercury from amalgam fillings in the teeth. Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared in 1989 that dental amalgams are a hazardous substance under the Superfund law, many people still have them in their mouths.

    The thiol group and L-cysteine has a high affinity for mercury and other heavy metals, as previously stated, and a supplement can be used to remove from the body any mercury leached from mercury-based tooth fillings. It can also be used to bind to copper, lead and cadmium. Lead and cadmium are particularly toxic to the human body, and even though lead is no longer used in plumbing or paints, and cadmium in toys or paints, there are still many sources of these two heavy metals available that can lead to human toxification.

    An L-cysteine supplement can be used to remove these heavy metals from the body. Any proteins containing cysteine will tightly bind heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, molybdenum, cobalt and mercury, and allow them to be excreted by the body in the usual fashion. This direct involvement in heavy metal detoxification is a very useful property of this amino acid.

    Another detoxification application of L-cysteine is in direct involvement in protecting cellular glutathione levels, and also the prevention of the death of liver cells by acetaminophen poisoning. The latter is of particular interest to many people since acetaminophen is better known as paracetamol, and since this is a freely available over-the-counter drug, overdoses are not unknown. The result of an overdose is the necrosis of liver cells, with eventual liver failure and death.

    The treatment of choice is N-acetylcysteine. If used within 10 hours of the overdose it is extremely effective, and even from 16 to 24 hours it is better than other controls. It is believed that the acetylcysteine liberates cysteine which, when available to the liver, enables the biosynthesis of glutathione. Glutathione can then maintain the production of the fifth metabolite required for the specific detoxification of the paracetamol/acetaminophen.

    L-Cysteine is also an essential component in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A, an enzyme essential for the production of energy from fats and carbohydrates. It is also a very important component of hair, from which it is commercially produced. Without an adequate intake of L-cysteine the growth of healthy hair would not be possible.

    There are several supplemental uses of L-cysteine including the treatment of bronchial conditions for which the amino acid can help to liquefy and clear mucus from the airways and lungs. It is also used to protect against side effects of chemotherapy treatment of cancers and for medical treatments for excessive exposure to radiation.

    However, there are certain situations in which L-cysteine should be avoided when at all possible. Diabetics should not use it, and neither should those suffering from cystinuria, whereby large quantities of amino acids, including cystine, are excreted in their urine. L-cystine, incidentally, is formed by oxidation of L-cysteine.

    Paradoxically the amino acid is one of the several hundred additives made to tobacco by the cigarette companies. Although, as with the majority of tobacco additives, its purpose is unknown there are two possible reasons for its inclusion. L-Cysteine is a known expectorant, so it could be added to promote the expectoration of mucus in the lungs which is promoted by smoking, and it also increases the production off the antioxidant glutathione that is depleted in smokers.

    There are several other non-medical uses for the amino acid, but it is for is its detoxification properties that it is most used as a supplement. However, because it is largely derived from human hair or duck feathers, it may not be classed as kosher or halal in spite of many claims made to that effect, though the more expensive source of microbial fermentation from corn sugar can be.

    The substance is recognized as safe by the FDA, and must be labeled as L-cysteine when it is present in a preparation intended for its therapeutic effects. Keep in mind however, that it should be avoided by diabetics.



    Date: May 07, 2009 05:45 PM
    Author: Darrell Miller (
    Subject: L-Carnitine

    L-carnitine is amino acid essential for the metabolism of fats into a form of energy necessary for extended aerobic activity. Originally discovered in Russia, and Germany a year later, the structural formulation of carnitine, as it is correctly known, was determined in 1927, although it is physiological and biochemical activity was not understood until the 1960s.

    The amino acid is biosynthesized in the liver and kidneys from lysine and methionine. The vitamins niacin, B6, C and iron are essential for this reaction to take place. However, the supply of L-carnitine has to be supplemented by the diet, good sources being dairy products, red meat, nuts and seeds, pulses and fruits such as apricots, bananas and avocado. Most of the L-carnitine supply of the body is stored within the muscle tissue. However, it is not unusual for conditions to arise making it difficult for the body to obtain all the carnitine required.

    L-carnitine enables fatty acids to be transported into the mitochondria, where cell metabolism occurs. The biochemistry is discussed below, although in simple terms the amino acid allows body fats, in the form of triglycerides, to be made more readily available for the generation of energy required for extended exertion. In this way, body fats can be used for energy and the supplies of glycogen stored by the liver can be retained for emergency use.

    By providing the energy for endurance and stamina in this way, carnitine makes use of an otherwise unavailable energy source, and has the added benefit of reducing body fat stores and reducing strain on the heart.

    Although there is generally a plentiful supply of L-carnitine available in a healthy diet, supplementation can ensure that a deficiency does not occur. Supplements are available in the form of L-carnitine or its acetylated derivative, acetyl L-carnitine.

    In order for fatty acids to be used in the production of energy, their long-chain acetyl groups have to get inside the mitochondria where they are oxidized to the acetate to be used for the production of energy via the Citric Acid or Krebs cycle.

    In order for the biochemistry to take place, fatty acids must be rendered suitable for binding to the carnitine molecule. The chemical grouping with a good affinity for L-carnitine is the acetyl or acetyl group, available in the molecule acetyl coenzyme A (CoA). The free fatty acid, therefore, is attached to coenzyme-A by means of a thioester bond, catalyzed by means of the enzyme fatty acetyl-CoA synthetase. The reaction is then completed by means of in organic pyrophosphatase.

    In this way, the fatty acid in the form of an acetyL-carnitine derivative can be transported through the mitochondrial wall. This transportation takes place by means of several steps. These are:

    1. As explained, the acetyl-CoA is attached to L-carnitine by means of the enzyme carnitine acetyltransferase I. This enzyme is conveniently located on the outer mitochondrial membrane.

    2. The enzyme carnitine-acetylcarnitine translocase helps the acetyL-carnitine through the membrane.

    3. Another enzyme, carnitine acetyltransferase II, located on the inner mitochondrial membrane, converts the acetyL-carnitine to acetyl-CoA, liberating the carnitine which returns to the muscle mass.

    L-carnitine is the only known substance that allows fatty acids to cross the mitochondrial membrane, and therefore Deficiencies must be avoided.

    Another way in which carnitine is used in energy production is in the Krebs cycle itself. Part of this cycle involves the conversion of guanine diphosphate to the higher energy form guanine triphosphate. In this way energy can be stored in much the same way as it is in the conversion of ADP to ATP. Succinyl CoA is involved in this conversion, and one of the by-products of it is a corresponding succinate, that is then converted to a fumarate by the action of L-carnitine fumarate. Carnitine, therefore, has two parts to play in the production of long-term energy from the fatty acids contained in body fats.

    Since the fatty acid triglycerides contained in body fats are a major source of energy in the heart and skeletal muscles, it is easy to understand how L-carnitine is believed to lead to the increased energy levels required for stamina and staying power. A major reason for its effect on longer-term or extended energy requirements is that in enabling stored body fats to be used for immediate and longer-term energy requirements, L-carnitine allows emergency glycogen stores to be retained for use once immediate fatty acid supplies or those of carnitine have been depleted, and so allows the energy supply to be extended even farther. Research has also suggested that the amino acid can possibly be used to treat liver and kidney disease, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    As with many supplements, the question is often asked how does L-carnitine work in practice as opposed to the claims made for it by the supplement providers? Recent research indicates mixed results, but sufficient to justify its use. It is generally accepted that a supplement is necessary when there is a deficiency, but once that deficiency has been corrected further intake is unnecessary. However, it is also believed that during long and extended periods of exercise a carnitine deficiency does occur as L-carnitine is used up, and the supplement is necessary to ensure sufficient energy supply throughout the period of exercise.

    There has also been a case reported in the Journal of Clinical Neurology (Negoro, Tsuda, Kato & Morimatsu, 1995) where a deficiency, caused by anorexia nervosa damaging the liver to the extent that it was unable to synthesize L-carnitine, was remedied by means of an oral supplement. Studies on endurance athletes have been mixed, ranging from no effect to L-carnitine being found to promote weight loss.

    Carnitine has no unknown harmful side effects, and has been studied for medical applications other than as an energy supplement. For example it possesses extensive antioxidant properties, and can be used as a supplement against oxidative stress and the prevention of the lipid peroxidation that is a precursor to atherosclerosis.

    Its use in osteoporosis and reducing bone mass is also being studied. The concentration of L-carnitine diminishes with age, and affects fatty acid metabolism in a number of tissues. Bones are particularly affected since they require continuous reconstruction. Without detailing the biochemistry involved in this, administration of carnitine helps to reduce the speed by which this occurs. Trials are so far been carried out only on animals.

    In studies on both healthy volunteers and patients with type II diabetes, L-carnitine was found to improve storage of glucose in both groups, although its oxidation increased only in the group with diabetes. Other studies carried out include improving the function of neurotransmitters in the brains of elderly patients and in the treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and other neurological disorders.

    In conclusion then, although the jury is out on the use of L-carnitine is an energy-giving or weight-loss supplement, it appears to be effective where the body's stores of carnitine could be depleted such as with long-term exercise, natural Deficiencies or Deficiencies caused through age. It is also under study in the treatment of various medical conditions. On balance, it would appear that the prospective benefits of L-carnitine render it worthy of use.


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