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The calming, centering benefits of NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 27, 2022 12:30 PM
For centuries, people have used lavender and tea tree oil to promote feelings of calm and well-being. These two popular essential oils come together in NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil to create an aroma that's soothing, centering and uplifting. Lavender Oil Lavender has long been used for its calming, relaxing effects. The Lavandula officinalis spp. plant is native to the Mediterranean region and has a sweet, floral aroma. Research has shown that lavender can help reduce anxious feelings and promote restful sleep.* Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil comes from the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, which is native to Australia. Tea tree oil has a fresh, Minty scent and is known for its cleansing properties. In aromatherapy, tea tree oil is used to promote feelings of alertness and focus.* NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil Blend NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil pairs these two popular essential oils to create an aroma that's both soothing and uplifting. This blend can be diffused or applied topically to help you enjoy the calming benefits of lavender and the refreshing, cleansing properties of tea tree oil.* In Summary: NOW® Lavender - Tea Tree Oil is a unique blend of two popular essential oils that offers a variety of benefits. From its calming effects to its refreshing, cleansing properties, this oil can be diffused or applied topically to help you enjoy the benefits of both lavender and tea tree oil.*
( HempCeutix has come out with a few more great products. ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 10, 2020 03:08 PM
HempCeutix has come out with new strengths and flavors, a new Mint 1500mg cbd, 3000mg cbd, 6000mg cbd, and a 3000mg cbd cream. If you struggle with painful inflammation, HempCeutix can help.
You cant get a better quality CBD product then Natures Plus HempCeutix products!
( Kill bacteria, prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, and promote salication ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2019 03:08 PM
Destroys Bacterial Biofilm Xylitol is a Sugar alcohol with a unique 5-carbon structure. Clinical studies suggest xylitol breaks up biofilm bacteria found in the teeth. Bacteria found in the teeth try and consume this unique 5-carbon sugar molecule, but soon discover it can not break down the sugar for food, so it expends all its energy trying to expel the sugar effectively starving out the bacteria and killing it. Has anti-adherence Effect: Xylitol also has anti-adherence effects within the mouth. When you brush of floss with xylitol, the bacteria in the mouth can not stick to anything, because of this the bacteria can not colonize and reproduce. Can promote salivation: Xylitol promotes salivation which is a natural defense system in the mouth. By consuming Mints, gum, and other forms of foods that contain xyltiol, one can help prevent cavities and improve oral health. Have you had your xylitol today?
( Natural pain relief: Capsicum, lavender and peppermint essentialoils can help relieve fibromyalgia pain ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 15, 2019 02:04 PM
Because essential oils can relieve pain and increase cell energy production, researchers believe that these essential oils like lavender, capsicum, and peppermint, can be used to treat fibromyalgia. When one is afflicted with fibromyalgia, he will always have chronic pain, constant fatigue, and regular changes in mood. These symptoms have only few ways to treat them. It has been noted that some supplements, of which essential oils are among them, can be used to treat these symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is because they are already being used to relieve health problems that are similar to fibromyalgia. One example of these is lavender oil. This is used in aromatherapy as a relaxing compound. And it regulates mood responses and the central nervous systems, which symptoms are related to fibromyalgia. Another of these essential oils is peppermint oil. Because it alleviates the pain muscles face by chronic stress and increases stamina, it is a good remedy for fibromyalgia. Key Takeaways:
"Given these beneficial effects, researchers believe that the oils drawn from capsicum, lavender, and peppermint could be potential therapies for fibromyalgia." Read more:
( These natural fixes can prevent heartburn ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 08, 2019 08:23 AM
It’s estimated that 46% of people suffer regularly from heartburn. The good news is that heartburn can be treated through many natural remedies. One way to address heartburn is to improve digestion. The most basic way to do this is to chew your food properly. Quite simply, take smaller bites and chew for what seems like a long time. Also, avoid food triggers such as spicy foods, onions, mint, and carbonated drinks, all of which contribute to acid reflux. Finally, weight loss and decreasing your intake of alcohol and caffeine can also help to ease your heartburn woes. Key Takeaways:
"To reduce the need for over-the-counter medications, here are some tips on how to get rid of heartburn once and for all." Read more:
( The many uses of peppermint oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 17, 2019 08:07 AM
Common culture associates peppermint and thus peppermint oil with the holiday season. It is common to find it in holiday themed cookies, candies and candles. Ancient cultures, however, viewed peppermint as a substance with powerful medicinal properties. Studies have shown that peppermint can boost energy levels and kill microorganisms. Menthol, which is in peppermint, has been shown to reduce pain as an anti-inflammatory and prevent tumor growth. It also has positive effects for your skin. Key Takeaways:
"This is because of its menthol component, which has anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects. It also provides some additional help by increasing your pain tolerance." Read more:
( Peppermint essential oil exhibits powerful antifungal activity ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 10, 2019 08:47 AM
Researchers in India had a problem: fungi in grains that are stored in bulk where making people sick. grains once coated with industrial chemicals to prevent this dangerous fungi from forming prevented the food borne illness, but posed a separate threat to human and animal health in their own right. They decided to try peppermint oil, which possesses anti microbial, anti fungus, and anti oxidative properties to coat the grains for storage as a natural and healthy alternative and have had stellar results in not only repelling the fungi, but vermin as well. Key Takeaways:
"Indian researchers believe the essential oil of the plant can serve as a natural fungicide for Fusarium head blight." Read more:
( This is what happens with your lungs when you diffuse essentialoils ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 29, 2018 12:32 PM
Your lungs are the key to maintaining a positive breathing tunnel in your body. Making sure your body gets enough oxygen at every minute of the day is obviously very important. Some people abuse their lungs to a point where it is very hard for them to be healthy from that point on. As a result, there are a ton of people who suffer from asthma. It is a disease that there is no cure for but there are some oils that can help treat it. Key Takeaways:
"PepperMint essential oil has decongestant and antihistamine properties that relieve asthma attacks. Exposure to allergens such as dust mites and pollen trigger your body to release histamines, which in turn trigger asthma attacks." Read more:
( Studies show that peppermint can prevent sickness from coming on inthe first place ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 15, 2018 03:51 PM
Maybe there is more benefit to that peppermint candy that church ladies keep in their pockets and purses afterall. There are new studies that show that peppermint may prevent you from getting sick so there is nothing to treat later. How nice would it be to prevent sicknesses before they occur, especially if it is as easy as sucking on a nice hard peppermint candy? Take this information and put it to good use so you can stay healthy and illness-free. Key Takeaways:
"But aside from these, many people also utilize peppermint for its many health benefits." Read more:
( 8 Essential Oils for Burns and Cuts ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 19, 2018 10:52 AM
If you need help for minor cuts or burns, instead of reaching for the medicine cabinet, why not reach for your garden - or rather, essential oils from the garden. The oils of several garden plants(as well as others) can help ease pain, inflammation and promote healing. Some of the common garden plants include rosemary, lavender, oregano and peppermint. But these are not the only plants you have available: the oils of rose geranium, myrrh, eucalyptus and helichrysum are also helpful for cuts and burns. Key Takeaways:
"In this article, we will walk you over the best essential oils for burns and cuts, take note study shows that they really work." Read more:
( The Gut-Soothing, Brain-Boosting Power of Mint Leaves ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 10, 2018 02:52 PM
Did you know that mint leaves are a strong source of good nutrition? They contain minerals, vitamins, and numerous other health benefits.They also consistently rank high among the best healing spices and herbs.Additionally, mint leaves can increase your brain function, assist your body in its digestive system, and help your body maintain a healthy balance of hormone levels. Let us not forget that they are also well known for leaving your breath fresh and pleasant as well. Key Takeaways:
"In reality, though, the potent little mint herb offers an impressive array of important vitamins, minerals and health benefits that make it a true powerhouse of nutrition." Read more:
( The best essential oils for healthier hair ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 04, 2018 05:53 PM
Essential oils can be great for hair health. For example, bergamot oil’s antimicrobial and healing-promoting properties can do wonders for your scalp and even restore some lost hair. Jojoba and Peppermint oil can both promote faster, healthier, and more complete hair growth, making them both good holistic remedies for minor hair loss or a bad shave. Chamomile oil, Jamaican black sage oil and others can serve to keep hair healthy, while oil of argan or avocado can help protect your hair from damage or dryness. Key Takeaways:
"One of the many benefits of essential oils is the ability to enhance hair health." Read more:
( Scientific study reveals Mexican mint essential oil can treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 23, 2018 09:53 AM
In a study published in an alternative medicine journal, researchers says that an essential oil known as Plectranthus amboinicus, which is commonly referred to as Mexican mint, can be used to treat bacteria strains that are antibiotic-resistant. The team of scientists based their findings on results taken from oil that was taken from the plant's stems and leaves. In particular, PAEO and carvacrol, its active ingredient, can be possibly to treat staphylococcal biofilm and planktonic forms, Key Takeaways:
"Researchers found that S. aureus strains that were resistant to oxacillin and vancomycin (OVRSA) were sensitive to both PAEO and carvacrol. Results yielded an inhibition zone from 16–38 mm for PAEO and 23–48 mm for carvacrol." Read more:
( 5 Amazing Neem Face Packs For All Skin Types #ABC Beauty Tips ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 18, 2018 01:17 PM
Neem offers a plethora of benefits for the skin. It doesn't matter the skin type, neem can make a considerable difference. Mixing Neem with a few different ingredients, like basil leaves, Mint leaves, and honey, can alleviate many skin concerns that men and women experience, like acne, dry skin, and aging skin. Making a Neem face mask is a simple task that leads to great results and making your own is something that you should do right away.
( The miracles of lemon grass ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 12, 2018 07:59 AM
Lemon grass is used in many geographical areas of the world. It holds nutritional values of helping lower cholesterol, helping the body detoxify, treating insomnia, curing fever and helping with respiratory issues. Lemon grass is grown extensively in Fuji and the Fijians themselves use the plant for its flavoring qualities, particularly in tea. It has a very strong aromatic scent and it has the taste of citric and mint. The plant is the source of many essential vitamins and essential minerals. Key Takeaways:
"LEMON GRASS is a perennial plant that grows abundantly in Fiji and many Fijians plant this herbal lemon scented plant for its tea flavouring qualities." Read more:
( Eat These 3 Oils In The Morning To Drop Weight Fast ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 09, 2018 03:59 PM
Three oils in your daily routine can help you lose weight and vitalize your day. These three oils are essential to a healthy body. The first oil is peppermint oil. This oil will prevent muscle spasm during a workout. Adding this to your morning or afternoon tea helps with inflammation and oxygenates the blood. This helps clear brain fog. Lemon oil boots the immune system. Coconut oil is the most versatile. You can brush your teeth with it, cook with it, or use it as a hand lotion. The benefits are enormous for these three oils. Key Takeaways:
"Instead of reaching for something that could ruin your hard work and progress, consider using oils in your morning routine to help you drop weight fast." Read more:
( What are chia seeds and how do you eat them? ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 05, 2017 10:14 AM
Chia, a member of the mint family comes from South America and has been eaten since the time if the Aztecs. It's recently been recognized as a modern superfood, but many still don't know what it is or how to eat it. Read here about the health benefits of chia seeds, especially their protein and calcium content. Chia seeds are easy to incorporate into your diet, they can be eaten, mixed in smoothies or even ground into flour. Key Takeaways:
"Chia seeds are rich in fibre, which is important for a healthy digestive system; this, and their ability to hold onto water can add to a feeling of fullness when eating, which may help when dieting." Read more:
( Discover why Peppermint is the most powerful herb, ideal for cleansing the liver ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 20, 2017 12:14 PM
PepperMint is the most powerful herb, and it is ideal for cleansing the liver too. When we glance at it, pepperMint looks like a Mint plant, but this amazing plant with bright leaves is called pepperMint and it has many different health benefits. PepperMint is easily adaptable to the environment and can live pretty much anywhere. It can be fun to grow it on your own. One of the main things that pepperMint does is clean and purify your liver. Takeaways:
"One of the main functions of pepperMint is to clean and purify, and the first organ benefited is the liver."
( 8 Herbs That Help You Lose Weight Naturally ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 24, 2017 12:14 PM
When paired with a health-minded diet and routine exercise, herbs can be used as a secret weapon in the battle to shed pounds and maintain physique. The herbs guggul, garlic, coriander, and ginseng all play various roles in increasing metabolism and burning off calories and fat. Peppermint and gurmar are both appetite suppressants and help to reduce cravings for sugary, processed foods. Oregano and dandelion both target bloating and water weight while flushing toxins out from the body. Key Takeaways:
"It goes without saying that you can't do without a good workout regime and a healthy and balanced diet but these herbs can give you an extra boost." Read more:
( The goodness of matcha tea ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 02, 2017 09:14 AM
Matcha tea is a precursor of sorts to green tea and is well known and loved in Asian cultures. It is a powder made of the stone ground leaves of green tea. Since you ingest the whole leaf this way, matcha is said to provide more benefits in the form of phytochemicals, antioxidants and other components known to provide health benefits. Normally available as a powder for making a beverage, it is also commonly used as an ingredient in cooking, especially baking or when creating sweet dishes. Key Takeaways:
"Matcha tea is considered better than green tea in all respects because of its higher antioxidant levels, chlorophyll and other amino acids, says Sunita Roy Chowdhary, chief dietitian, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi." Read more:
( Top 10 Natural Remedies for Sore Throats ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 23, 2017 12:14 PM
There are many natural things which can help a soar throat. Ten of them are given here. It's important to look at this because soar throats can make us miserable. It can be hard to even eat sometimes. Any of these remedies look like they'd be worth trying, and most of them would be very easy to get as well because of the common ingredients found in them. Many prefer natural remedies and this is great advice for them. Takeaways:
"The first line of defense is normally a prescription for antibiotics. But there are also a few home remedies that are beneficial in relieving symptoms and stabilizing your immune system."
( How To Heal Cold Sore Naturally!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 15, 2017 12:14 PM
A cold sore is a concern that most of us have dealt with at least one time in our life, and for some people, they are a recurring nightmare. No matter which category you fall into, natural healing of that cold sore is a realistic possibility. If you know how to naturally treat a cold sore you can get the fast and effective relief -efficiently delivered to your lips- no matter the time of the year. Takeaways:
"Oral herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, and it can be transmitted by kissing, hugs, and using same eating utensils."
( Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 26, 2017 12:14 PM
The liver is the organ that suffers most from a poor diet, which is the organ that does most of the work in cleaning the bodies blood. By boiling a handful of pepperMint in two liters of water, letting stand, and then straining, it can be combined with the juice from a lemon, orange, and a half tablespoon of lemon zest to create a drink that will cleanse the body and liver. If the taste is too acidic a teaspoon of honey can be added. This cleanse should be taken for a week at a cup per day. It is also recommended that the person taking this cleanse take care of their body by avoiding tobacco and alcohol while drinking two liters of water a day and eating carrots, nuts, and foods rich in fiber as well as whole grains. They should also get about eight hours of sleep to maintain a healthy system. Takeaways:
"While people are becoming more interested in feeling good, it is also true that we are still interested in seeing each other well."
( Cinnamon highly beneficial in managing metabolic syndrome says research ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 25, 2017 07:14 AM
Research has said that cinnamon is highly beneficial in managing metabolic syndrome. Cinnamon is an ingredient that is very common in Indian dishes. Metabolic syndrome is a group of medical conditions that include high blood pressure and excess body fat around the waist. This increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes in people. People were put on a cinnamon trial and they ended up losing weight and became healthier people. Spices and herbs can have a great impact on health. Read more: Cinnamon highly beneficial in managing metabolic syndrome says research
( Vaporizing Your Way to Health (With Herbs Other Than Cannabis) ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 23, 2017 04:14 PM
People can actually vaporize their way back to health with herbs other than cannabis. Many people probably are not aware of the variety of things they can vaporize. It can be a life changing moment when you learn what can be vaporized. People can get stuck with cannabis and think that is the only way to cure themselves of asthma, or something like that, but there are other things out there that can help just as good. Key Takeaways:
"As someone who uses cannabis to treat my asthma, I was astounded to learn there were so many other herbs I could vaporize to help treat the same issue." Read more:
( Turmeric (Curcumin),The Healing Root. ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 06, 2017 12:14 PM
A staple of Ayruvedic medicine, practiced in India, besides being a flavoring agent and useful for coloring fabrics, Turmeric is a highly nourishing herb, specifically a rhizome, with antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties, to name a few. Hormonal imbalance, obesity and hypertension are a few other areas that can benefit from Turmeric use. Easy to incorporate into the diet, even small amounts are beneficial. A traditional golden milk, make with coconut milk, is tasty and provides many nutrients. Turmeric is an inexpensive way to boost your health every day and even makes a beautiful addition to the garden, should you decide to grow it. Key Takeaways:
"it has only been recently that people throughout the rest of world have discovered the many uses turmeric has for health and well being and as a tasty addition to culinary delights. This little root can help our bodies in miraculous ways and also healing our pets." Read more:
( Magic Drink Against Stomach Cramps And Gases! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2017 05:14 AM
Stomach cramps are painful and unpleasant and gas can be embarrassing, especially if it happens while you're in public. This is a good home remedy or both issues. It's a drink you can make yourself out of things you probably already have in your home. This is better than medication because it's natural so you should try it first. It wouldn't hurt after all and it could help you a lot with two difficult stomach issues. Takeaways:
"They help in the creation of enzymes that help improve the digestion"
( 7 disease-fighting foods to incorporate into your eating habits ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 01, 2017 12:14 PM
Garlic and onions are one of the main vegetables that can fight diseases. Together they lower the risk of prostate cancer while beans offer the healthy benefit of vegetables while keeping the heart healthy. Ginger is a cheap and simple antidote that can cure diarrhea, the Chinese have been using Ginger to cure diarrhea for over 2000 years. Mint has many uses like it can be used to cure asthma anxiety and can make the face pimple free when used as a mask. Key Takeaways:
"Disease prevention can be as simple as being more mindful of the food you eat." Read more:
( 5 Essential Oils That Stop Allergies Forever! ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 22, 2017 11:44 AM
Allergies are always an annoying especially during the spring time because they don't seem to ever get better. People are always sneezing, coughing, get itchy eyes are terrible headaches. There are always over the counter pills to take but they don't seem to last long. They may help for only a few hours or so and they your symptoms come back. However, this video says essential oils can stop allergies forever. Essential oils are supposed to be purifying because they are natural oils, they help to purify the air. Certain oils like lavender, lemon, pepperMint, basil and tea tree oil are the five mentioned in the video that will help with allergies. Takeaways:
"Tee tree oil quickly kills pathogens in the air that lead to allergies, so you should diffuse it at home to get rid of mold, bacteria, and fungi in the air. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties also soothe irritated skin."
( 23 Medicinal plants you need to know about when SHTF ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 22, 2017 11:44 AM
Native Americans, for over 40,000 years, have used plants for medicinal purposes and for healing a variety of illnesses. Their belief is that man is part of nature, and health is about achieving balance. Several such plants they use include: Blackberries (presence of antioxidants), Mint, Yarrow, Rosemary, Sumac, Black Gum Bark, Cattail, Red Clovers, Wild Rose, Greenbriar, Buck Brush, Wild Ginger, Saw Palmetto, Sage, Prickly Pear Cactus, Slippery Elm, Lavender, Mullein, Honeysuckle, Uva Ursi, Licorice Root, Devil's Claw, and Ashwagandha. These natural remedies are used to treat anything ranging from inflammation, to chest pain, insomnia, tumors, and diabetes. Key Takeaways:
"Native American healers used red clover to treat inflammation and respiratory conditions." Read more:
( Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 20, 2017 06:44 AM
Preventing migraines through diet involves whole, fresh, organic and unprcessed foods. Instead of reaching for a pill the next time a migraine hits, try one of these natural drinks instead: Ginger (with lemon and raw honey), Caffeine (small amounts can reduce a migraine in early stages), Feverfew Tea (due to presence of parthelonide), Cayenne Pepper in warm water, a Water, Lemon and Himalayan Salt mix (salt to boost electrolytes and enzymes), Peppermint Tea (relaxing nerves and spasms), and pure, raw grape juice, but without added sugar! Read more: Drink This To Get Rid Of Your Migraine
( Spring Allergies - Fight Spring Allergies Naturally with HERBAL REMEDIES! ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 04, 2017 07:59 AM
Herbs can create a lot of benefits for our health. Allergies can plague you with runny eyes, stuffy noses and sore throats. There are some natural, herbal remedies you can use to fight spring allergies. You can use chamomile, nettle, Mint, thyme, honey, ginger and hot pepper. These create wide benefits, including the reduction of sneezing, itchy eyes, poor breathing, coughing, breathlessness, the inflammation of the throat and runny nose. This allows for a reduction in symptoms naturally. Takeaways:
"Spring means different and new things for everyone, but for many people it means watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat."
( 4 teas you can sip on to reduce acne ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 30, 2017 06:14 PM
Sometimes acne cant always be fought externally only so you should also fight acne internally through your diet. First you should determine what is the cause of your acne. After you determine the cause you can prepare a tea that can help you. For instance chamomile tea helps with stress break outs. Green tea helps cut production of pimple causing bacteria. Spearmint tea helps with hormonal breakouts. Sappan wood tea has powerful anti acne properties as well. Key Takeaways:
"Swap your sweet chai for some of these healthy teas that will do your skin a big favour!" Read more:
( How To Remove Pimples Overnight | ACNE TREATMENT! ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 09, 2017 04:44 AM
So many people suffer with acne. Not only does it cause issues with appearance and self-esteem, it can cause other problems for those suffering, even affecting them socially. Tons of products are sold to treat acne, but many are too expensive and the rest just do not work. Is there any hope, or is acne around to stay? Have no fear because there's a new pimple removal technique here, and using it gets rid of your acne overnight. Takeaways:
"The appearance of a new, hot, red, and prominent pimple on the face can always spoil our mood."
( 6 Things To Add To Your Water For Better Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 09:14 AM
there are several things that we could add to our water in order to make it a little healthier for us. Some of these foods are apples, blueberries, cucumbers, orange, Mint leaves, lemons and limes. These foods add some nutrients and vitamins to our daily intake of water such as Vitamin c, antioxidants, calcium, fiber, iron, b complex vitamins, potassium and much more. Key Takeaways:
"Apples are an excellent addition to water, as they are packed with iron and low in calories." Reference:
( 6 Things To Add To Your Water For Better Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 08:59 AM
there are several things that we could add to our water in order to make it a little healthier for us. Some of these foods are apples, blueberries, cucumbers, orange, Mint leaves, lemons and limes. These foods add some nutrients and vitamins to our daily intake of water such as Vitamin c, antioxidants, calcium, fiber, iron, b complex vitamins, potassium and much more. Key Takeaways:
"Apples are an excellent addition to water, as they are packed with iron and low in calories." Reference:
( This Is How You Should Eat Garlic, If You Want To Achieve Maximum Healing Effect! ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 05:14 AM
Garlic is not only used for restaurant use, but also for helping those who have sickly bodies or those who are sick. Garlic could help those who are sick with it's multitude of chemicals that are in the garlic. Now the way to eat the garlic is to mash up to 3 cloves of garlic a day, and eat them without any side preparations like grilling them to get the best effects out of eating garlic. Other's might think that garlic is too smelly or gives you bad breathe, but that is easily counteracted by eating certain Mints and leaves as well as drinking coffee. Takeaways:
"We all know it is very healthy to eat garlic and now we know how to consume it and to take from it it's maximum healing powers."
( This Is How You Should Eat Garlic, If You Want To Achieve Maximum Healing Effect! ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 12, 2017 04:59 AM
Garlic is not only used for restaurant use, but also for helping those who have sickly bodies or those who are sick. Garlic could help those who are sick with it's multitude of chemicals that are in the garlic. Now the way to eat the garlic is to mash up to 3 cloves of garlic a day, and eat them without any side preparations like grilling them to get the best effects out of eating garlic. Other's might think that garlic is too smelly or gives you bad breathe, but that is easily counteracted by eating certain Mints and leaves as well as drinking coffee. Takeaways:
"We all know it is very healthy to eat garlic and now we know how to consume it and to take from it it's maximum healing powers."
( 6 Ways to Use Spring Herbs as Healthy Greens ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 11, 2017 06:14 AM
Greens are healthy but not everyone likes the traditional lettuce. Many find it too bland. This gives ideas for using spring herbs in its place. This will make your salads more flavorful so you'll actually want to eat greens. This also allows you to broaden your eating horizons in general. Take these ideas and expand on them to create even more. Key Takeaways:
"Using handfuls of herbs instead of pinches can pack more nutrition onto your plate." Reference:
( 6 Ways to Use Spring Herbs as Healthy Greens ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 11, 2017 05:59 AM
Greens are healthy but not everyone likes the traditional lettuce. Many find it too bland. This gives ideas for using spring herbs in its place. This will make your salads more flavorful so you'll actually want to eat greens. This also allows you to broaden your eating horizons in general. Take these ideas and expand on them to create even more. Key Takeaways:
"Using handfuls of herbs instead of pinches can pack more nutrition onto your plate." Reference:
( Natural homemade toothpaste heals cavities while whitening teeth ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 04, 2017 10:59 AM
There are over 500 different microorganisms in our mouths, says One of the most prolific, known as streptococcus mutans, is the one that causes all that sticky plaque. In the last 7000 years, a wide variety of substances have been utilized to get rid of it. The Eqyptians created a tooth cream by “mixing powdered ashes of oxen hooves with myrrh, burnt egg shells, pumice, and water.” Key Takeaways:
"Oral health is so important to your overall health and self esteem." Reference:
( Olive oil could slash your chance of bone fractures in half, study says ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 01, 2017 12:59 PM
Extra virgin olive oil could have better benefits besides making your meals taste better. A recent study found that people who regularly consume EVOO have a decreased risk of osteoporosis and bone fracture. When regular olive oil was analyzed, it was not found to have the same benefits. The reason behind this difference is believed to be due to the greater amount of processing. The olives that are pressed into EVOO contains the highest amounts of antioxidants and bio-active compounds. Key Takeaways:
"Eating more extra virgin olive oil could cut your risk of osteoporosis related fractures, says a new study." Reference:
( Health Benefits Of Peppermint | Best Health And Food Tips ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 31, 2017 06:13 PM
There are many health benefits to pepperMint. It helps people with their digestion. It can help relieve painful gas as well. It is also a great cold and flu remedy. It kills bacteria and viruses. It is also great for your skin and protects away from cancer. These are just some of the amazing benefits that pepperMint offers. Takeaways:
"PepperMint is a hybrid Mint, a cross between waterMint and spearMint."
( Use essential oils for bone aches and inflammation ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 29, 2017 02:59 PM
Many adults suffer from arthritis, and most of them do not know what to do to deal with it. There are many ways to limit the pain, but a natural cure may have been found. Essential oils and aromatherapy may be able to lessen the pain that is associated with arthritis. Key Takeaways:
"One of the best essential oil treatments for arthritis is a full-body bath soak." Reference: //
( Science-Backed Health Benefits of Cinnamon ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 12, 2017 10:59 AM
When it comes to cinnamon in general there are many different benefits that it has to offer overall. Some of the science backed health benefits of cinnamon include protecting against cancer, healing wounds, having an improved learning potential, helping against Alzheimer's disease, weight loss, reduction in diabetes, as well as a few other health benefits in general. Key Takeaways:
"Cinnamon is a spice that has been used to flavor foods for hundreds of years. The spice is used more in desserts or bakery, but it is also an ingredient in various main dish recipes." Reference:
( Catnip is for man and beast! ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 12, 2016 05:30 PM
You've probably heard of catnip leaves before and instantly think of cats. Well, it turns out this versatile herb has a few different uses and they're not just for cats! Catnip is actually a member of the Mint family which also includes basil, sage, and oregano. The part of the stem that causes cats to get "high" is called nepetalactone, and it is found in the leaves. It causes our furry little friends to get hyperactive by triggering their pheromones.
When it comes to children with a fever, catnip tea helps their body perspire more and get rid of the fever. The tea also aids in digestion as well as improve sleep, treat migraines, and reduce anxiety. So the next time you're at the pet store getting a treat for Fluffy, pick up some catnip leaves.
( Botanical benefits buchu leaves ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 07, 2016 05:52 PM
Giving off a sweet, pepperMint fragrance, buchu or Agothosma Betulina has been part of the indigenous culture and heritage of South Africa for more than three centuries. Its earliest documentation dates back to 1652 when the Khoisan bushmen first introduced this versatile plant to the Dutch colonists. Today, it is a well-recognised culinary leaf-spice commonly featured on the menus of top South African restaurants. But apart from its contemporary culinary uses, did you know that it is chock-full of health benefits too? This herb contains antibacterial, antifungal and antispasmodic properties, providing relief to pre-menstrual cramping and bloating. What’s more, these unassuming leaves have also been used in Western herbal medicine to relieve inflammation, treat kidney, urinary infections, used as a diuretic, as well as a stomach tonic. Like many natural diuretics, buchu doesn’t seem to lower potassium levels like some drugs do. It is no wonder the early Khoisans championed this healing herb as an elixir of youth!
( Can Peppermint Tea Sooth An Upset Stomach? ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 03, 2015 08:02 PM
Almost everyone has experienced upset stomach at some point in life. There are various possible causes of upset stomach including food and drink, lifestyle factors, and medical issues.
Food and Drink Upset stomach often results from the food or drinks that we take. According to C. Health (2015), upset stomach might result from food poisoning. For example, food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause upset stomach or vomiting. Overeating and drinking can also lead to upset stomach. C. Health (2015) warns that if an individual drinks or eats too much, he/she can get upset stomach or indigestion. Similarly, some types of foods such as fatty, greasy, or spicy food, can cause upset stomach. Lifestyle Upset stomach can also result from a number of lifestyles including emotional stress, eating too fast, or smoking (C. Health, 2015). The other possible lifestyle causes of upset stomach include too much alcohol or caffeine. Medical Reasons There are various medical problems associated with upset stomach. These include gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or intestinal infections (C. Health, 2015). The other possible medical causes of upset stomach include lactose intolerance or ulcers. There are various treatments for upset stomach. These include pepperMint tea. PepperMint Tea PepperMint is a common flavoring for tea and toothpaste (UMMC, 2015). PepperMint tea helps to soothe upset stomach in various ways. Indigestion PepperMint tea calms stomach muscles and improves the flow of bile that helps in digestion of fats (UMMC, 2015). As such, food passes through the stomach more quickly. However, it is not advisable to use pepperMint if the indigestion symptoms result from GERD. Bloating PepperMint tea relaxes stomach muscles thus allowing digestive gas to pass. Irritable Bowel Syndrome PepperMint tea treats irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) including, diarrhea, pain, bloating, and gas. UMMC (2015) found that patients who took pepperMint flavored tea 3 to 4 times daily for one month rarely experienced upset stomach. Overall, pepperMint kills some types of viruses, bacteria, and fungi implying that it has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. UMMC (2015) asserts that the main ingredients of pepperMint include menthol and methyl salicylate which have calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, pepperMint tea can soothe upset stomach. References C. Health. (2015). Digestive health. Retrieved from, // University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC). (2015). PepperMint. Retrieved from, //
( Dental Benefits of Xylitol; Protect your teeth against decay. ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 07, 2014 08:34 PM
( Wintergreen Oil- Used For Pain, Arthritis, Headaches and More ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 26, 2014 09:06 AM
What is wintergreen
Generally wintergreen has been utilized for respiratory conditions however the essential utilize as of late has been as a part of liniments and treatments for bulky issues, for example, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia, and so on it is known for its capability to diminish bone agony.
( Benefits Eucalyptus Oil-Discover Its Amazing Power In Healing Different Health Problems ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 17, 2014 06:32 AM
What is eucalptus
The Eucalyptus globulus -the most usually discovered key oil, has an empowering however extremely solid aroma. It is useful for respiratory issues, lessening bodily fluid film swelling and irritation, and for calming sore muscles, rheumatism, migraines and anxious depletion. It is broadly utilized as a part of business cool cures and arrangements for mitigating throbbing muscles.
( What is Xylitol? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 09, 2014 08:50 AM
What is Xylitol?
( The health benefits of Chia seeds. ![]() ![]() ![]()
January 26, 2014 10:08 AM
Chia Seed
The Chia seeds are one of the great sources of omega-3: the healthy body fats. These poly-unsaturated fats have a lot of health benefits to the body which includes enhancing cognitive performance, reducing inflammation and effectively cutting down the amount of cholesterol in the body. The fiber contained in it also helps in reducing blood pressure as well as reducing the amount of cholesterol even further. Do you want to lose weight? Chia seeds are the best food products that will easily and quickly help you lose as much weight as you desire. These seeds have an ability to reduce the arge food by preventing a good amount of food in your body from being absorbed into the systems. This seed also get absorbed in water forming a bulky gel that makes feel full for a long period of time. Benefits of Chia The users of these seeds are protected from contracting diseases such as diabetes through its effective blood sugar regulation ability. These seeds are able to slow down the rate at which carbohydrates in our bodies are converted into simple sugars. This, intern regulates the insulin level and therefore prevents an abnormal high level of insulin in the blood. The Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidant that protects the body from radicals, cancer and aging. The anti-aging effect is also boosted by the high amount of calcium in that helps in maintaining strong bones as well as preventing osteoporosis. Therefore it’s high time you add these seeds to your diet to start enjoying these and many more benefits.
( Sesame sticks - a choice full of health ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 18, 2013 04:03 AM
What is Sesame
Sesame seeds are number one when it comes to the richness and complexity of nutrients. Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc and these can be added in salads, sandwiches or over cereal in the morning.Another excellent choice are the sesame sticks. These are the real sources of health and in addition there are some excellent snacks. Sesame sticks consumption helps to detoxify the liver and kidneys, being highly recommended for cirrhotic patients. In addition, these snacks prevent arthritis and osteoporosis, asthma, migraines and headaches; have antirheumatic and anti-cancer effects; strengthen the immune system and decrease the level of cholesterol.All these properties put together, give your body energy and a great power to work. So, as you can see, the sesame seeds have many health benefits and additionally, these keep your silhouette. Therefore, when you sit and watch your favorite show on TV, you can choose a healthy snack consisting of sesame sticks, instead of chips that will fill you with cholesterol and that will add you a few extra pounds.You can also consume sesame sticks during breaks or when you feel the need for a snack.Vitamins and minerals contained by sesame seeds will provide you the necessary energy and will create you a feeling of satiety.
( Discover the Wonders of Essential Oils ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 15, 2013 11:38 PM
What are the Source of Essential Oil
What are the Benefits of Essential Oil Natural plants are the main source of these volatile essential oils. Hence, the extracts are safe to your health with high therapeutic effects for aromatherapy. For maximum benefits, they are combined with smooth carrier oils such as grape seed oil to provide physical, emotional and psychological therapy essential for the body. Their ability to purify the air makes them a favorite diffuse when vaporized and diffused in the air. Most of volatile oils have antiviral and antibacterial properties. As a result, they inhibit pathogens and microbes when they come into contact with them, completely neutralizing them leaving the air off disease causing microorganisms. What Essential Oil to use When Relaxing Essential oils set the mood and promote relaxation. We all respond emotionally to scents. Most of these aromatherapy oils tend to be stimulating or promote relaxation. For example, citrusy smell is likely to stimulate while lavender relaxes. We also commonly associate jasmine with romance and the fragrance of roses with love. Oils from chamomile, patchouli, lavender, and clary sage are essential aromatherapy oils best known for reducing depression and stress. When Having Nasal Problem Oils clear nasal passages and ease symptoms. Rosemary, pepperMint and eucalyptus are popular essential oils best for alleviating respiratory congestion. They also reduce inflammation in your nasal passage when inhaled therefore relieving symptoms. Although they may not completely resolve your health problem, they can be used as palliatives during spells of illness and disease. How to Improve Skin Health Essential oils improve your skin health. They are readily absorbed by the human skin making them ideal for body massage. Studies show that, after just 20 minutes of a full-body massage with 2 percent dilution of lavender oil, its relaxing chemical constituents can be detected in the blood thus providing instant relief. With just few drops of essential oils, you too will soon be knocking on heavens doors. Reference: //
( The Benefits of Forskolin ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 24, 2012 07:58 AM
Forskolin is the chemical substance extracted from the root of a plant called coleus forskolin also known as Indian coleus plant. This plant originated in India and its part of Mint family. This herb is used to treat various health conditions. One of the benefits of this herb is its great effectiveness in losing weight. For those people who love looking good, then this product can be of great help. This herb can greatly help wit the reduction of excess fat; this helps in speeding up the process of losing weight. Forskolin can work in two days. It works first through stimulating lipolysis and then breaking down the lipids containing fats. This is takes much less time compared to other traditional methods since it raises the cAMP production levels in patients. CAMP regulates glycogen, sugar and lipid. Scientists have proven that this herb can be very beneficial to obese patients. Stimulates Thyroid function Secondly, Forskolin helps in losing weight through is ability to increase the production of thyroid hormone levels. When thyroid production is increased, our metabolism rate increases which leads to weight loss. Typical dosage is 25 to 60mg of forskolin herb per day. This is divided into 2 or 3 doses. Weight loss can be experienced within a few weeks of regular use of this herb. This herb also helps in lowering blood pressure, therefore preventing blood clots. An improved blood flow helps maintain a healthy heart. This herb also helps in maintaining healthy lungs. Forskolin is also used in treatment of eczema and psoriasis. It's also beneficial to asthma patients by aiding in relaxing the airways, this helps in respiration process. This product has no known side effects, it can also be taken along with other caffeine's; this provides a boost in the stamina. However, make sure you see your doctor for proper guidance on how to use this product.
( Herbs that Support Healthy Vision ![]() ![]() ![]()
May 21, 2012 08:02 AM
The overall health of the eyes is essential to help retain a healthy vision and vision is considered to be one of the greatest assets of the total body health. Healthy vision is important to lead a good life. As the whole body needs exercise, eyes also need exercise regularly. To maintain optimum vision health it is necessary to provide proper nutrients to the eyes. Natural herbs help prevent vision loss and antioxidants are good for aging eyes. Here are a few herbs that support a healthy vision: Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis) Eyebright grows wild throughout Bulgaria, Hungary and the Balkans. This herb is grown in Europe for commercial purposes. Eyebright is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E, iridoid glycosides, flavonoids and tannins. This herb is used to fro relieving eye problems such as eye strain, pink eye and inflamed, sore and irritated eyes. The common name, "Eyebright," is derived from its use as a nutritional support to the eyes. Eyebright is used in making external poultices, teas, tinctures, fluid extracts and the whole herb is used for dietary use. Bilberry Bilberry is a close cousin to blueberry and has been widely used in Europe for eye health. Bilberry is the world's most famous herb that supports healthy vision. Bilberry helps blood to flow easily to the eye nerves. It has an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which protects the delicate eye tissues and protects the eye from the harmful UV rays from the sun. The other nutrients present in bilberry nourish the eye for a clear vision and light adjustment. Goji Berries Goji berries contain anthocyanins, the antioxidants which help prevent age related damage and improves blood flow in the eyes. Wolfberry Wolfberry is a Chinese herb with potent medicinal properties to strengthen the eyesight. Wolfberry has been in use in China, for centuries, to protect the eye and to promote good vision. Red Raspberry Red Raspberry is a native European herb that is used to treat sore eyes. Their leaves are rich in vitamin C and are high in tannin content. This herb is used as eyewash for discharge. Grape Seed Grape seed is an important source of nature's most potent antioxidants - proanthocyanidins that are anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antiallergenic, and they also act as free radical scavengers. Grape seeds helps vitamin C enter the body cells. Chrysanthemum Flowers Chrysanthemum flowers help reduce pressure build-up in the eye. Steep chrysanthemum flowers in hot water, drink the beverage or use it to wash eyes in eye-wash cups. PepperMint PepperMint is an antioxidant which can clear vision. Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow in the eyes. People with diabetes will have blood circulation problems and increased blood clotting tendencies. The small clots in the retinal area of the eye leads to poor vision. Ginkgo Biloba reduces the blood clots, increases blood flow and makes the red blood cells more flexible. The flexible red blood cells squeeze through the tiny blood vessels and help to carry more oxygen to tissues and cells. Herbal treatment for a healthy vision is the best natural way to improve eyesight.
( What is Forskoline and How Does It Help You Loose Weight? ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 09, 2012 05:46 PM
While the Ayurvedic Coleus forskohlii contains numerous ingredients, however, the most integral active ingredient in the herb is known as Forskoline. It is the Mint family that this herb belongs to, and Burma,India and Thailand, which are all subtropical areas, are some of the places where this herb grows. Over the years, a lot research has been done on the main ingredient in this herb. In the recent times, this ingredient has become particularly popular for the benefits that have been discovered it offers for weight loss. What Can Forskoline Be Used For? In the few clinical and scientific studies that were conducted on Forskoline, this natural component was discovered to be a lipolytic or a fat burning agent. The individuals who were subjected to testing lost quite a significant weight when they were give this ingredient to use as a weight loss aid. Ever since then, several weight loss products have been produced that contain this component as their main ingredient. What is the Function of Forskoline? The adenylate cyclase enzyme is activated by this component. Typically, adenylate cyclase are also activated by fat burning hormones, however, their have higher CNS effects. On the other hand, the CNS effects of Forskoline are different so no side effects are caused if it is used for losing weight. Thus, while functioning like most fat loss agents, the levels of the lipolytic hormone are not increased by it. Apart from acting as a safe weight loss agent, Forskoline also offers various other health benefits too. It, in fact, particular helps with cardiovascular health. As far as cardiovascular health is concerned, not only this but several others of the active ingredients that the Coleus forskohlii have been discovered to be beneficial for the cardiovascular system. What are the Side Effects of Forskoline? There are actually no known side effects associated with the use of this component, which has been proven by the several studies conducted on it and the herb it comes from. Nonetheless, if people decide to use Forskoline, they should consult a doctor first. There are chances that people might experience drowsiness if they consume in a really large dose, which is natural considering it is an antihistamine, however, this should be avoided. Taking it before going to bed or taking it along with stimulate is most appropriate. Today there are numerous Forskoline products available in the market and those who are looking for the best one should pay attention to the amount of this particular ingredient the product contains. Typically, a 2% extract in a 250 mg tablet is adequate enough. Products containing 10 to 20% of this extract can be considered the best. People should start using such a product with two to three doses of 25 to 60 mg in a day, divided accordingly. These days it is hard to find weight loss products with so many benefits and almost no side effects. The weight loss products containing Forskoline might certainly seem like a miracle for those who want to lose weight and those who decide to use will indeed be able to effectively shed the pounds.
( The Benefits of Stevia for Diabetics ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 05, 2012 08:38 PM
No herbal sweetener in the world packs the punch that stevia does. Derived from the plant Stevia rebaudiania, ground stevia leaves have ten to fifteen times the sweetness of sugar, and purified stevia extract has 200-300 times the sweetness of sugar. Stevia is very popular in many countries, especially among diabetics. Diabetics love stevia for a variety of reasons: its safety, its lack of any effect on blood sugar, the fact that stevia has almost zero calories, the wide variety of products it is included in, and its unique ability to enhance citrus flavors and ice cream. Unlike artificial sweeteners, stevia is perfectly safe. Stevia has been used in Japan for decades, and the Japanese have very strict standards governing the use of dietary supplements. They have conducted numerous studies on stevia, and no study to date has ever uncovered any harmful effects. Research conducted in the United States and other countries has also failed to find anything hazardous about stevia. In addition, stevia has been consumed for thousands of years in Brazil and Paraguay with no reported negative effects. Stevia has zero effect on blood sugar. It does not effect insulin secretion in any way, and no diabetic has ever experienced difficulties with stevia. Contrast this with the effects of table sugar and it is clear that stevia is a clear winner. Unlike table sugar--which is notorious for being calorie laden--stevia contains virtually no calories, which means that no one on a diet has to worry about consuming too much stevia. There are a wide variety of products available for dieters interested in consuming stevia. Liquid stevia extract is quite popular and can be found in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, pepperMint, and more. It is relatively inexpensive, because a little stevia goes a very, very long way. If you are a diabetic worried about artificial sweeteners but not yet willing to give up diet soda, stevia is the solution to your problem. While usually only available at health food stores and a few supermarket chains, stevia soft drinks exist. If you can find them, you should give them a try, and if you like them, then you can easily subsitute them for the less healthy aspartame diet drinks. For those interested in ice cream, stevia makes wonderful ice cream. Unlike granulated sugar, which adds a grainy texture to ice cream, stevia adds no irritating textures and leaves ice cream perfectly smooth. If you make your own stevia ice cream you are going to be in for quite a treat, and even more so if you decide to make citrus flavored stevia ice cream. No one yet understands why stevia enhances citrus flavors, but it undoubtedly does. It is difficult to describe, but stevia has a way of intensifying flavors like lime and lemon in a way that makes those flavors more delicious. Of course, individual tastes vary, but it is generally agreed that stevia lemon sorbet is a treat par excellence. Don't hesitate to give stevia a try. This ancient herb is the perfect modern solution for diabetics with a sweet tooth.
( Here are recommendations made by Dr. Oz. ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 22, 2011 12:47 PM
FYI - Here are recommendations made by Dr. Oz. See in blue the NOW Foods options.
1. Vitamin D:
- The only nutrient that's also a hormone
- 60% of Americans are deficient
- Helps immunity and cancers, especially colon cancer
2. Melatonin
- Take if not getting enough sleep
- 3 mg
- Take 2 hours before bedtime
- You should see a change in your sleep pattern within 1-2 weeks
3. Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Increases energy
- Slows the aging process
- Helps with diabetes that affects 80 million Americans
• 400 mg 3 times a day
• keeps immune system strong
• take as soon as symptoms develop
• fights respiratory infections
• NOW Foods Air Defense contains a patented form of Andrographis plus other lung supportive ingredients. a GREAT formula for seasonal health and the frequent traveler.
( How Do I Eliminate Parasites Naturally from the Colon? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 11, 2011 09:36 PM
Intestinal parasites infect over 3 billion people worldwide. These worm-like organisms populate the gastrointestinal tract and interfere with the absorption of foods. In children they may slow the normal progress of physical growth and intellectual development. In adults they cause muscle weakness, vitamin deficiencies, and susceptibility to fatigue. People from all over the world may acquire parasites from contaminated water and infected soil. Deworming is an effective way to get rid of these parasites. Fortunately, there are many herbs reputed for their anthelMintic benefits. Garlic Allium sativum, the popular spice known as garlic, is the best known anti-parasitic herb. Its wide distribution in every continent has enabled cultures from all over the world to take advantage of its medicinal uses. Garlic contains the organic compound allicin, which is the primary substance responsible for warding off worms and bugs that attack the plant. This is the same compound that destroys intestinal parasites, notably threadworms. Black Walnut Juglans nigra, or black walnut, is recommended specifically for the removal of pathogenic microorganisms, yeast infections, and intestinal worms. It is a flowering tree that belongs to the hickory family, and anthelMintic extracts are derived from the juice of unripe walnuts. Its antifungal effects are very visible after topically applied to fungal infections such as athlete’s foot. When taken orally, it has been noted to be particularly helpful against tapeworms. Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis, called orangeroot or goldenseal in the vernacular, is historically noted for its ability to ease anomalies of the alimentary canal. It is rich in the alkaloid berberine, which restores health to the damaged epithelial tissues of the intestinal walls and expels invasive microorganisms. In recent years it has been observed to act against the parasites E. histolytica, G. lamblia, and Plasmodium as well as the bacterium E. coli. Wormwood Artemisium absinthium, better known as wormwood, is an ingredient of traditional herbal preparation used for deworming in the Mediterranean region. The discovery of sesquiterpene lactones in the plant explained its bitter taste and supported its centuries-old use as a vermifuge. Recent studies point to its activities inside the human body that inhibit growth of the parasites Giardia, Plasmodium, A. lumbricoides, and S. mansoni and effectively expel them. Pumpkin Seeds Seeds of pumpkin cultivars that belong to the species Cucurbita pepo have a long-standing association with the natural expulsion of intestinal parasites. Pumpkin Seed oil has a milder effect than other herbs but guaranteed to be the safest of all anthelMintic herbal remedies. It is most effective against tapeworms and roundworms. For better results, it is consumed in large quantities with ample liquids, and often ground into a pulp beforehand. Clove Syzgium aromaticum, or Cloves, refers to the dried flowering buds of the plant commonly used as a spice. It is often linked to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine and known for the treatment of digestive ailments. Its oil has been proven effective against infections induced by certain strains of bacteria and fungi. It contains sesquiterpenes that are believed to kill intestinal worms. If you have worms, you can experience fatigue, malnutrition, and leaning development delays or mental foggyness. Taking an herbal remedy to help expel worms of any kind should be used with a yearly detox and cleans to maintain good health and wellness.
( Why Should I be Using a Natural Mouth Wash? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 18, 2011 04:51 PM
Natural Mouth Wash, Should you Switch?Natural mouth washes have been around since time immemorial. Earliest accounts point to their use in treatment of gingivitis, but only recently have they played an important role in oral hygiene. The discovery of antiseptic compounds, such as chlorhexidine, has brought mouth washes into mainstream popularity. Their commercial value remains strong although new studies seem to favor the use of natural mouth washes. Provides Excellent Antiseptic Properties Salt solution is among the earliest of all natural mouth washes. It is easy to prepare and proven to aid against mouth infections. In Greek and Roman antiquity, physicians recommended a mixture of salt and vinegar, which does kill certain microorganisms in the mouth cavity known to cause dental carries. This has also been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine in allaying mouth pains and promoting periodontal health. The ancient text of Jews, the Talmud, records the use of olive oil for gum problems. Today plant-based oils are widely accepted to display excellent antiseptic properties, and there is scientific consensus that most essential oils are potent enough to denature pathogenic microorganisms. Aloe vera, cinnamon, fennel, tea tree, myrrh, and pepperMint are becoming increasingly popular as ingredients for natural mouth washes largely owing to their desirable scents in addition to being potent bactericides. Avoids Bad Effects of Synthetic Compounds The appeal of natural mouth washes lies in the absence of chemical compounds suspected to be harmful to the oral mucosa and the entire mouth cavity. Parabens are a group of chemicals that are commonplace in the cosmetic industry. Among all chemicals present in mouth washes, they are the most controversial in that studies have associated them to carcinogenic effects and estrogenic properties. It is a well-established fact that sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, a chemical derived from lauryl alcohol and sulfate trioxide, is an irritant whether consumed or topically applied to body surfaces. Moreover, their presence in toothpastes and mouth washes has been linked to higher incidence of aphthous ulcers, or what we refer to as canker sores. Natural mouth washes do not contain SLS, but are known to mimic the antimicrobial properties of SLS to teeth and gums. Synthetic dyes have long been recognized as irritants to the endothelium that line the mouth, and a few are known carcinogens in animals. Triclosan, an antifungal and antimicrobial agent widely used in many types of disinfectants, is now tied to disturbances in the endocrine system. Natural mouth washes are products that can be replicated at home, with the use of ingredients that are all-natural and at the same time devoid of identified irritants. Relieves Inflammatory Oral Problems Natural mouth washes are just as effective as those that contain compounds derived from reactions of organic compounds. In the past few decades synthetic compounds have been commercially touted to be effective against inflammation, but there is also a resurgence of interest in naturally occurring compounds, which are equally helpful in inhibiting inflammatory mediators present in the mouth. If you are using a commercial mouth wash, changing to a natural mouth wash can free you from consuming chemicals that might cause cancer. Do the switch today!
( Anise Seed Is Anti-Fungal Herb And Much More! ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 23, 2011 01:44 PM
Anise Seed And Your HealthAnise seed, or simply aniseed, refers to the seed pods of the herbaceous plant native to the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is famed for its moderate flavor, which is similar to fennel, licorice, and tarragon. The plant species, Pimpinella anisum, has been part of many cuisines on both the West and the East, incorporated in aromatic, sweet-tasting dishes. There is a wide array of uses for anise in the food industry, especially in recent years because of its health benefits. For centuries, it has been utilized to treat digestive problems, and the recent discovery of its high phytochemical levels has been reported to show antibacterial and antifungal properties. Historical Use The first undisputed mention of anise seed was in Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder, which recorded its widespread use as a breath freshener, a therapeutic remedy for insomnia, and a cure for insomnia. Some translations of biblical accounts also recorded the use of the seeds in ancient Israel and surrounding areas. By the time of Roman antiquity, it had become a popular spice added to seafood dishes, valued for of its sweet fragrance. In the Indian subcontinent and nearby regions, anise has up to now been used as a digestive, taken after meals to avoid indigestion, especially after feasts. The English herbalist John Gerard noted in his encyclopedia Generall Historie of Plantes the carminative effects of anise seed, which means it decreases pressure in the lower esophagus, thereby removing related digestive ailments such as excessive flatulence. It has become quite commonplace in Europe, not only due to its presence in traditional medicine, but also its increasing visibility in the food and beverage industry. It is used in soups and stews, in confectionery, adding a very strong sweet flavor. Anethole, an organic compound extracted from aniseed is added to liquor to produce a cloudy appearance.
Phytochemical Content or Anise SeedAnise seed is known to contain many different phytochemicals that are polyphenolic and phytoestrogenic. It has high levels of phenylpropenes, a class of polyphenols that are present in essential oils, the reason why aniseed is one of the most common ingredients used in aromatherapy. These organic compounds have shown to lower the body temperature, act on the nervous system to relieve pain, and have a positive effect on epileptic seizures. In addition, it creates strong phytoestrogen-like activities in the human body, relieving cramps during menstrual period. Anethole is widely believed to be responsible for the antimicrobial activities of anise seed, acting against bacteria, yeast, and other types of fungi. It is a bacteriostatic antibiotic and a bactericide, which means it inhibits the growth of bacteria by interfering with bacterial cellular metabolism responsible for their replication and, at the same time, actively kill them. This explains why anise seed is effective as a breath freshener in the old days, and removes digestive ailments related to bacteria. Interestingly, aniseed is also anthelMintic; it expels parasitic worms from the body. That being said, keep in mind that the benefits of anise seed are largely therapeutic. Anise Seed is one of those herbs you want to keep in the medicine cabinet for quick use when needed.
( Spearmint Is a Powerful and Natural Remedy for all who use its leaves ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 09, 2010 12:59 PM
The spearMint plant is grown for its aromatic and carminative oil. This oil is referred to as oil of spearMint and grows well in nearly all temperate climates. The plant is often grown by gardeners in pots or planters because of its invasive spreading roots. The plant prefers partial shade. However, it is still able to flourish in full sun or even mostly shade. The plant is best suited for loamy soils that have plenty of organic material. The leaves of the plant can be used whole, chopped, dried and ground, frozen, preserved in salt, sugar, sugar syrup, alcohol, oil, or dried. After the plant flowers, the leaves lose their aromatic appeal.
SpearMint is very similar to pepperMint in the action that it provides. However, it is milder in its activity. SpearMint was the original Mint that was used for healing. It should be noted that pepperMint is actually a hybrid of spearMint. The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used the Mint anciently for its medicinal value. This herb is very valuable. Most individuals are able to tolerate spearMint well. It is excellent for the gastrointestinal tract. One of its best helps is in soothing an upset stomach by soothing the stomach and intestines. SpearMint increases circulation in the stomach. It also helps to control vomiting that is a result of morning sickness during pregnancy. The oil that is found in spearMint leaves is responsible for working on the salivary glands to aid digestion. It also stimulates gastric secretions. The herb is a gentle and effective remedy for babies with colic. The herb also helps to relieve smooth muscle spasms, increase blood circulation, promote sweating, and relieve pain.
In short, the leaves of the spearMint plant are used to provide alterative, antiemetic, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, nervine, stimulant, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, and vitamins A, B-complex, and C. Primarily, spearMint is extremely beneficial in treating colds, colic, flu, gas, nausea, and vomiting. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating bladder inflammation, chills, cramps, dizziness, edema, fever, indigestion, kidney inflammation, kidney stones, spasms, and inhibited urine. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by spearMint, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Gentain Herb Can Sooth The Digestive Tract ![]() ![]() ![]()
December 17, 2009 04:23 PM
Gentian was used as a stomach tonic and aid in digestion in Ancient Rome. This herb is native to Europe and western Asia. Generally, gentian was consumed as a tea or alcoholic beverage. Gentian was an official drug in the Untied States Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1955 and was used as a gastric stimulant. At one point in time, this herb was used and acclaimed by medical science as being very beneficial for mankind. Gentian was used to reduce fevers by cooling the system. It contains a bitter principle, which is known as amarogentin, which stimulates the glands, and includes the adrenals and thyroid. This herb helps in the production of bile, which can have a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder. Gentian is also used to clean the bowels, stimulate the pancreas, stimulate circulation, aid in the digestive process, and help with female problems. This herb has historically been used to treat wounds and been taken internally for inflammation from arthritis, jaundice, and a sore throat. Gentian is considered to be a great herb for strengthening the entire body and for use as tonic when it is combined with other herbs. German scientists have performed studies which confirm that this herb is useful as a digestive aid. Herbal bitters, including gentian, are recommended for the treatment of indigestion. The bitter taste receptors located in the tongue are known for their ability to stimulate the digestive processes by increasing the flow of gastric juices and bile. The alkaloid found in gentian, gentianine, has been shown to contain anti-inflammatory activity in animal studies.
Internally, gentian is used as a liver tonic, to treat loss of appetite, digestive problems, flatulence, and insufficient production of gastric juices and saliva. This herb is responsible for stimulating the taste buds and promoting the flow of saliva, gastric juices, and bile. Because of this, gentian can be used in cases of anorexia, and in homeopathic medicine as well. There are no external uses or aromatherapy and essential oil uses for gentian. It should be noted that gentian should not be used by those with gastric or duodenal ulcers. The root of the gentian plant is used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, blood purifier, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, sialagogue, stimulant, stomachic, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients provided by gentian include inositol, iron, manganese, niacin, silicon, sulfur, vitamins F and B-complex, and zinc. Primarily, gentian is extremely beneficial in treating loss of appetite, poor circulation, gastric disorders, indigestion, jaundice, and liver disorders. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with anemia, blood impurities, colds, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, fevers, gas, gout, heart burn, absence of menstruation, nausea, spleen ailments, urinary problems, worms, wounds, and yeast infections. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by gentian, please contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Fennel Seeds ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 12, 2009 04:47 PM
The fennel plant is native to the southern areas of Europe and Asia Minor. The herb is now cultivated in the United States and Great Britain. It was used anciently in many civilizations. Used in ancient Egypt, this herb aids in digestion and flatulence. In Italy, fennel was used to bring surgical patients out of anesthesia. Fennel was recommended by Hippocrates and Dioscorides to increase milk production in nursing mothers. The ancient Greeks used this herb for weight reduction, while the seventeenth-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper also recommended this herb for losing weight. Fennel is extremely helpful in weight reduction, as it suppresses the appetite. This herb aids in stabilizing the nervous system and can be used as a sedative for small children. Fennel can be used to expel phlegm from the throat, eliminate toxins from the body, and purify the blood. This herb is known for its ability to fortify the immune system and be good for the eyes. Additionally, fennel aids in digestion, improves night vision, relieves gas, expels worms, improves the quality of milk in nursing mothers, and cleans the bladder and liver. This herb has been used to stimulate menstruation and can help too soothe the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, as it aids in digestion and related problems.
Research on rats has found that the fennel seeds have estrogenic effects on the genital organs. The herb has been found to promote the production of milk in nursing mothers. Fennel is good for digestion, colic, and other stomach complaints. This herb contains essential oils that have a composition similar to catnip and pepperMint. Additionally, this herb can be very helpful in treating excessive appetite, asthma, constipation, convulsions, coughs, uterine cramps, gout, kidney ailments, absence of lactation, liver disorders, lung disorders, and nervous disorders. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by this herb, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Peppermint oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 30, 2009 12:45 PM
PepperMint leaf is believed to be one of the great herbal remedies and is very useful to have around the house. It is very easy to grow, either in the garden or the home. The herb contains warming oil that is effective as a nerve stimulant. The oil is helpful in increasing oxygen in the blood and working to clean and strengthen the entire body. PepperMint is a great sedative for the stomach. It has been found to contain properties that stimulate the flow of bile and help to settle the stomach after vomiting. The herb is beneficial in dealing with nausea, chills, colic, fevers, gas, and diarrhea. It is able to cleanse, soothe, and relax the body. PepperMint has long been recommended by herbalists for digestive problems. Additionally, it is used for convulsions in infants, to increase respiration, for colds, and to strengthen the entire body.
The menthol that is found in pepperMint is believed to be the major component responsible for the medicinal value that it provides. PepperMint plants contain somewhere between fifty and seventy-eight percent menthol. Studies have determined that there are numerous volatile oils in pepperMint, which possess antibacterial activity in vitro. It is yet to be determined just how effective pepperMint will be in clinical studies. It is also believed that the oil of pepperMint is able to sooth gastrointestinal contractions and help to relieve gas. PepperMint’s volatile oils produce relaxation on the smooth muscles. This may be beneficial in conditions such as irritable bowel, abdominal pain, and other gastrointestinal complaints. Research done in 1979 found that pepperMint oil capsules were very effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome. A study that was done using laboratory mice found that pepperMint leaf extract produces a mild sedative effect. The leaves and oil of the pepperMint plant are used to provide antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic, rubefacient, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are copper, iodine, inositol, iron, magnesium, niacin, potassium, silicon, sulfur, and vitamins A and C. Primarily, pepperMint is extremely beneficial in dealing with appetite loss, colds, colic, digestion, fever, gas, headaches, heartburn, nausea, nerves, shock, bowel spasms, and vomiting. Additionally, the herb is very helpful in treating chills, cholera, constipation, convulsions, stomach cramps, uterine cramps, depression, dizziness, flu, heart problems, insomnia, menstrual problems, morning sickness, motion sickness, neuralgia, shingles, mouth sores, stomach spasms, and sore throat. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this make sure the pepperMint supplement is enteric coated. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pennyroyal, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Pennyroyal Herb ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 29, 2009 12:56 PM
Pennyroyal was brought by European settlers to the New World. There, they found that Native Americans were using the American variety of pennyroyal for repelling insects, skin irritations, and many of the same illnesses that they were using their own variety for. Additionally, this herb was used to soothe the stomach and relieve cold symptoms. The pennyroyal that is found in America has similar properties to the herb that is found in Europe. However, the European variety is thought to be much more potent. This herb possesses a volatile oil that works to remove gas from the stomach. It can be consumed as a tea of used as a footbath. If it is taken a few days before menstruation is due, it can help increase a suppressed flow. The pennyroyal tea is beneficial in relieving cold symptoms and also promoting perspiration. This herb has a strong, Minty odor. It is used externally to repel insects like fleas, flies, and mosquitoes.
The oil of the pennyroyal plant is extremely concentrated and is often linked to toxic results. The oil is often associated with abortions and convulsions that result in death. It is believed that the oil irritates the uterus, which causes uterine contractions. The action is not predictable and is potentially dangerous. It is recommended that the oil be used only externally as a natural insect repellant. This herb is suggested for use as a decongestant for coughs and colds. Tea that is made from the pennyroyal herb is not associated with toxicity. In short, the entire pennyroyal plant is used to provide alterative, antispasmodic, antivenomous, aromatic, carminative, decongestant, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, oxytocic, parasiticide, sedative, stimulant, and stomachic properties. Primarily, pennyroyal is extremely beneficial in treating bronchitis, childbirth pain, colds, colic, uterine cramps, fevers, gas, lung infections, and absent menstruation. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with convulsions, coughs, abdominal cramps, delirium, earache, flu, gout, headaches, leprosy, measles, migraines, mucus, nausea, phlegm, pleurisy, pneumonia, smallpox, sunstroke, toothaches, tuberculosis, ulcers, uterine problems, and vertigo. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pennyroyal, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Goldenseal Root ![]() ![]() ![]()
October 06, 2009 01:22 PM
Traditionally, goldenseal has been used for many different conditions. Among these are boosting the glandular system, hormone imbalance, congestion, inflammation, female problems, infection, bronchitis, menstrual problems, catarrh of the bladder, gastritis, ulcers, bowel stimulation, antiseptic, and as an immune system builder. Those with low blood sugar or pregnant women should not use this herb.
Recent studies have determined that goldenseal is beneficial in fighting viruses and infections. This herb contains the alkaloids hyrastine and hyrastinine, which possess strong astringent and antiseptic benefits on the mucous membranes. The berberine that is found in goldenseal, and can also be found in barberry, Oregon grape, and goldthread, is effective in fighting infections of the mucous membranes, which includes the mouth, throat, and sinuses. It has also been found to kill toxic bacteria in the intestinal tract like giardiasis, which is found in streams of North America. Goldenseal can help to relieve diarrhea in cases of giardiasis, amoebiasis, or other gastrointestinal infections. The alkaloid content of goldenseal gives it its antibiotic properties. Goldenseal has a long history of use for fighting both colds and flu viruses. The berbine content is effective as a natural antibiotic and immune stimulant. The herb may also help to prevent candida infection which is the result of antibiotic use. Goldenseal is thought to help strengthen the immune system and may work by increasing the blood supply to the spleen. This enables the spleen to function and release compounds which are known to improve immune function. Some herbalists in England consider goldenseal to be the wonder remedy for digestive problems. This herb is recommended for use after the onset of a cold instead of as preventative action. For this reason, it is often found in cold remedy combinations.
The rhizome and root of the goldenseal plant are used to provide adaptogen, alterative, anthelMintic, antibiotic, antiperiodic, antiseptic, cholagogue, emmenagoggue, hepatic, nephritic, stomachic,, and mild purgative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium sodium, vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, and F, and zinc. Primarily, this herb is extremely helpful in treating bronchitis, poor circulation, colds, colitis, colon problems, coughs, diarrhea, eye infections, gonorrhea, gum disease, hemorrhages, hemorrhoids, infection, inflammation, intestinal problems, kidney problems, liver disorders, excessive menstruation, membrane infections, mouth sores, nosebleeds, and sore throat. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with allergies, hay fever, asthma, Bright’s disease, burns, chicken pox, constipation, earaches, eczema, fever, flu, gallbladder problems, gastric disorders, gastritis, glandular problems, heart conditions, herpes, membrane irritation, nausea, nervous disorders, ringworm, skin disorders, spleen ailments, tonsitilits, and urinary problems. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by goldenseal, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
( Prickly Ash ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 22, 2009 10:53 AM
The Native American tribes used prickly ash for toothaches and infection. Subsequently, it appeared in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1829 to 1926. It was also found in the National Formulary from 1916 to 1947 as a treatment for rheumatism. This herb was often used in the South during cholera and typhus epidemics. There, it was able to produce positive results. Prickly ash is often used in combination with a variety of other herbs. Samuel Thomson, a nineteenth-century herbalist, considered prickly ash to be a valuable natural stimulant. It helps with problems such as rheumatism, cold hands and feet, ague, and fever. This herb is responsible for stimulating circulation, which is essential for a healthy body. Prickly ash can also help circulation that is impaired. This is the case in cold extremities and joints. Additionally, this herb can help with arthritis and lethargy because of its stimulant action and because it shows promise as way to enhance the immune system and relieve exhaustion. Prickly ash can be used as a poultice to help speed up the healing of wounds and preventing infection. Also, it helps increase the production of saliva. This helps to eliminate mouth dryness. The bitter and sweet qualities of this herb are responsible for helping to heal deficiencies in the heart, lungs, spleen, and intestine. These qualities also help to strengthen them. As an example, prickly ash has been used to treat ulcers, asthma, and colic. Prickly ash is also used to aid digestion. Additionally, it helps in relieving feminine problems such as premenstrual cramps. This herb also is used to treat skin diseases. The bark and berries of the prickly ash plant are used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, astringent, blood purifier, sialagogue, and stimulant properties. Primarily, prickly ash is extremely beneficial in dealing with poor circulation, fevers, paralysis, mouth sores, ulcers, and wounds. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating ague, arthritis, asthma, blood impurities, cholera, colic, uterine cramps, diarrhea, edema, gas, gastric disorders, indigestion, lethargy, liver disorders, rheumatism, primary tuberculosis, skin diseases, syphilis, thyroid problems, and typhus. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on prescription medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by prickly ash, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Pumpkin Seed Oil ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 15, 2009 11:15 AM
The word pumpkin comes from the Greek word pepon, which means large melon. This word was adapted by the French to pompon. Then, the British changed to pumpion and the American colonists later changed that to the word that we use today. The origin of pumpkins is not definitely known. However, they are thought to have originated in North America. The oldest evidence of pumpkins dated back to between 7000 and 5500 B.C. in Mexico. The pumpkin is a squash-like fruit that ranges in sizes of less than one pound to over 1,000 pounds. Because some squash have the same botanical classifications as pumpkins the names are often used interchangeably. Pumpkins generally have stems that are more rigid, pricklier, and squarer than squash stems. Squash stems on the other hand are more often softer, more rounded, and more flared when joined to the fruit. Generally, pumpkins weigh somewhere between nine to eighteen pounds, although the largest species is capable of reaching a weight of over seventy-five pounds. The shape of the pumpkin varies greatly, ranging from oblate through oblong. Even though pumpkins are generally orange or yellow, some are dark green, pale green, orange-yellow, white, red, and gray. Pumpkins have bright and colorful flowers that have an extremely short life span. Some may only open for as short a time as one day. The color of pumpkins comes from the orange pigments that are abundant in them. The pumpkin is associated with autumn holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving in the United States. Generally, the seeds are thrown away as waste. However, pumpkin seeds and their oil possess great beneficial properties. There are especially for ridding the body of intestinal parasites. Research has determined that various squash, including pumpkin, have great parasite-fighting capabilities. Although scientists are not exactly sure which compound in pumpkin seeds is responsible for expelling the worms, the seeds are known for their ability to do so quickly and safely. They are even safe for children. Pumpkin seeds work best when a laxative is taken an hour after they are used. Pumpkin seeds are used to strengthen the prostate gland. They are also great for promoting male hormone function. They have long been used to treat an enlarged prostate. Myosin, which is found in pumpkin seeds, is known for its ability to be essential for muscular contractions. One can apply the oil of the pumpkin seed to wounds, burns, and chapped skin. This helps to soothe and help heal injured skin. The seeds and oil of the pumpkin plant are used to provide anthelMintic, demulcent, diuretic, nutritive, parasiticide, and mild purgative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are amino acids, beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and carotenoids. Primarily, pumpkin is extremely beneficial in treating intestinal problems, parasites, and tapeworm. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with burns, gastric disorders, nausea, prostate problems, roundworms, chapped skin, uterine problems, and wounds. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on prescription medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by pumpkin, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Quassia ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 14, 2009 12:44 PM
Quassia is a great herb for healing the sick. This herb is extremely powerful. If it is taken in excess, it can be an emetic, irritant, depressant, and produce nausea. However, if quassia is taken in small doses, it can actually speed up recovery in the body, The quassia plant is a deciduous, ash-like tree that can be found growing in Jamaica and many other islands of the West Indies. It grows up to 100 feet and has an even gray bark. The tree bears multiple leaves from the branches, while the flowers are yellow in color and the fruits are black and pea-shaped. No insect or pest ever bothers the quassia trees because the entire tree is infused with an astringent resin. The key chemical component of the resin is an amalgam that is known as quissin. This component is said to be an effectual insecticide. Along with this, quassin is valuable to the humans both medicinally and for other aspects. For ages, the West Indians used the timber of quassia to make quassia cups that were filled with water. Then, they were left to remain untouched for a prolonged period of time. These people then drank the resin colored water to treat ailments like stomach upset, loss of appetite, as well as fever. A potent mixture of finely chopped chips of the quassia wood and letting them to steep in water is also prepared by the West Indians. These potent mixtures were also normally used in enemas to eliminate parasitic threadworms. These strong mixtures were also used as vital ingredients of lotions to avoid lice on the body. This herb is best known for its attributes to the gastrointestinal system. Quassia is considered to be one of the best remedies for moving noxious substances out of the body. These substances can remain in the alimentary canal because of improper digestion. This herb is responsible for killing roundworms and pinworms. Also, it is a good tonic to help with stomach problems. Not only does this herb aid in digestion, it also helps with constipation. Additionally, the herb can stimulate appetite. Quassia is often recommended for anorexics, convalescents, and the elderly. In addition, many believe that this herb is a good remedy for alcoholics who need help losing the taste for alcohol. Because this herb promotes liver health, quassia is also beneficial to the eyes. This herb can also be used externally to treat dandruff. Internally, quassia can be used for fevers, constipation, dyspepsia, and rheumatism. In short, the bark of the quassia plant is used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, bitter, emetic, febrifuge, and stomachic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, potassium, and sodium. Primarily, quassia is extremely beneficial in treating a lack of appetite, fevers, gastric disorders, indigestion, and worms. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with alcoholism, constipation, dandruff, dyspepsia, and rheumatism. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by quassia, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Hyssop ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 03, 2009 12:33 PM
The hyssop plant is a genus of about ten to twelve species of herbaceous or semi-woody plants in the Lamiaceae family. These plants are native to the east Mediterranean and to central Asia. They are aromatic and have erect branched stems up to 60 centimeters in length and covered with fine hairs at the tips. The leaves are about two to five centimeters long. The plant possesses small blue flowers that grow on the upper part of the branches during the summer. Hyssop tea was used in ancient Babylon to reduce fever and for sore throats, colds, lung infections, and eye infections. Hyssop was recommended by Hippocrates for pleurisy. The word hyssop is of Greek origin, and means “holy herb.” The Bible even contains references to hyssop, but the actual identity of the plant is in question. More than two thousand years ago, Jewish priests used hyssop to cleanse the temple. Hyssop was also used to reduce perspiration and to treat dropsy and jaundice during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Colonists brought hyssop to the New World, using it to treat colds and chest congestion. This herb is most often used for lung ailments and fevers. Hyssop is extremely useful in lung disorders. Among these include bronchitis, chest congestion, hay fever, tuberculosis, and asthma. The herb also helps relax and expel phlegm from the lungs and relieve coughing. Hyssop helps promote sweating, which expels toxins through the skin. The leaves of the plant grow a mold which produces penicillin and may contribute to the herb’s healing abilities. Hyssop also contains essential oils that can help build resistance to infectious disease. The leaves of hyssop can be applied directly to a wound to stop infection and promote healing. Hyssop is generally found in a combination with other herbs. This herb is a member of the Mint family. It is believed to aid in digestion and also help relieve gas. History has a long history of use as a body purifier. The herb is able to strengthen the immune system. It also works as a blood pressure regulator. Some of the volatile oils that are found in hyssop may actually be responsible for its use in treating sore throats and also as an expectorant. Hyssop is thought to be effective for mild irritations. The herb has also been studied for the treatment of herpes simplex virus. It has been found to inhibit the growth of the virus. This can be attributed most likely to the tannin content. The entire hyssop herb is used to provide carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, pectoral, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are Diosmine, flavonoids, marrubin, and tannins. Primarily, hyssop is extremely beneficial in dealing with congestion, coughs, hay fever, absent lactation, lung ailments, excessive mucus, phlegm, wheezing, and worms. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating asthma, high blood pressure, bronchitis, bruises, intestinal catarrh, cuts, ear ailments, edema, epilepsy, fevers, hoarseness, jaundice, kidney problems, lice, sore throat, and spleen ailments. In order to obtain additional information on the many beneficial effects provided by hyssop, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Buckthorn Laxative ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 22, 2009 11:54 AM
Buckthorn is a bitter herb that is used for expelling impurities. It has been used in Europe for hundreds of years as a potent laxative for purging the body. The Cherokee Indians used this herb as a cathartic. It was also used for skin problems. Nicholas Culpeper, a seventeenth-century herbalist, recommended using bruised buckthorn leaves to stop bleeding when it was applied directly to the wound. The buckthorn plant is a genus of about one hundred species of shrubs or small trees that range from one to ten meters tall. These plants are native throughout the temperate and subtropical Northern Hemisphere. They are also found more locally in the subtropical Southern Hemisphere in parts of Africa and South America. Some species of this plant are invasive outside of their natural ranges. This species has both deciduous and evergreen plants with simple leaves that are three to fifteen centimeters long. The plant bears fruits which are dark blue berries. The name for this plant comes from the woody spine on the end of each twig in many of the species. The berries of the buckthorn plant are the part used medicinally. They are collected when ripe. From them, a nauseous, bitter juice is obtained. From this juice, with the addition of sugar and aromatics, buckthorn syrup is prepared. When they are freshly gathered in autumn, the berries are about one third of an inch in diameter. A series of rich but fugitive colors is obtained from the dried berries. The berries were originally sold under the name “French berries.” If they were gathered before they were ripe, the berries would create a yellow dye that was formerly used for staining maps or paper. This herb is a well-known and extremely powerful laxative. It is also helpful for cleansing the liver and gallbladder. Buckhorn works by stimulating the flow of bile from both the liver and gallbladder. If one takes buckthorn hot, it will produce perspiration and also lower a fever. When made into an ointment, this herb will help relieve itching. Some evidence of antitumor effects of buckthorn has been found. However, there is no recent research to prove the information. Many believe that future studies will prove that it is beneficial. This herb should not be abuse. Be sure to follow directions in order to avoid gastrointestinal cramping. It is important to consult a health care professional before taking this, or any herb, in order to obtain optimum effects. The bark, berries, and root of the buckthorn plant can be used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, antineoplastic, antirheumatic, bitter, blood purifier, diuretic, emetic, febrifuge, and mild purgative properties. The primary nutrient found in this herb is vitamin C. Primarily, buckthorn is extremely helpful in treating bleeding, chronic constipation, fevers, gallstone, gastric disorders, liver disorders, and lead poisoning. Additionally, this herb is very beneficial in dealing with appendicitis, edema, gout, hemorrhoids, itching, parasites, rheumatism, skin diseases, and external warts. In order to obtain additional information on the many beneficial effects provided by buckthorn, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store.
( Birch ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 21, 2009 12:08 PM
The birch species are generally small to medium-size trees or shrubs. They are mostly found in northern temperate climates. The leaves are simple and may be toothed or pointed. The fruit is a small samara, although the wings may be obscure in some species. The bark of all birches is characteristically marked with long historical lenticels and often separates into thin papery plates. The plant is practically imperishable because of the resinous oil that it contains. Its decided color gives the plant the common names Red, White, Black, Silver, and Yellow to different species. The buds of the tree form early and are full grown by midsummer. The branch is prolonged by the upper bud. The wood of all the species is close-grained and has a satiny texture that is capable of taking a fine polish. The leaves of the different species vary little. The flowers of the birch plant are monoecious, and open with or before the leaves. They are borne on three-flowered clusters. The staminate aments are pendulous, and clustered or solitary in the axils of the last leaves of the branch of the year. They form in early autumn and remain rigid during the winter. The scales of the staminate aments are broadly ovate, rounded, and yellow or orange in color when mature. Each scale has two bractlets and three sterile flowers. These scales bear two or three fertile flowers. Each flower consists of a bare ovary. The ovary is compresed, two-celled, and grouped with two slender styles. The ovule is solitary. The ripenened pistillate ament bears tiny winged nuts, packed in the protecting curve of each brown and woody scale. These nuts are pale chestnut brown and compressed. The seed fills the cavity of the nut. All of the birch species are easily grown from seed. Birch bark tea was used by Native Americans to relieve headaches. Some people also used this tea, which was made from the leaves and bark, for fevers and abdominal cramps. The properties that birch bark possesses allow it to help to heal burns and wound. It also is able to cleanse the blood. Birch bark also contains a glycoside that decomposes to methyl salicylate. This is a remedy for rheumatism that is used both in Canada and in the United States. A decoction of birch leaves is also recommended for baldness. Additionally, this herb works as a mild sedative for insomnia. The bark and leaves of the birch plant are used to provide anthelMintic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent, blood purifier, diaphoretic, diuretic, and stimulant properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, chlorine, copper, fluoride, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, and vitamins A, C, E, B1, and B2. Primarily, birch is extremely beneficial in dealing with blood impurities, eczema, pain, rheumatism, and urinary problems. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in treating canker sores, cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, fevers, gout, and bleeding gums. One should consult their health care provider before considering supplementing with any medications. This will insure that a person obtains the best results possible. For more information on the many benefits provided by birch, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with more questions.
( Mugwort ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 13, 2009 12:09 PM
The mugwort plant is one of several species in the genus Artemisia. In Northern America, this plant is considered to be an invasive weed. The plant is very common and can be found growing on nitrogenous soils, like weedy uncultivated areas such as waste places and roadsides. The mugwort plant is a tall herbaceous perennial plant that grows from one to two meters tall and has a woody root. The leaves, which are between five to twenty centimeters in length, are dark green, pinnate, with dense hairs on the underside. The stem has a red-purplish tinge. The flowers are rather small with many yellow or dark red petals. This plant can be found flowering from July to September. The mugwort plant is native to Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Sometimes, it is referred to as the felon herb, St John’s plant, chrysanthemum weed, and wild wormwood. The plant’s root has a history of medicinal use. Mugwort was used in the ancient world as a treatment for fatigue and to guard travelers from evil sprits and wild animals. Roman soldiers are said to have placed mugwort in their sandals to keep their feet energized. One could curb fatigue by chewing mugwort leaves. Sometimes, mugwort is confused with wormwood. Mugwort is popular in witchcraft. It is said to promote lucid dreaming and astral travel. Smoking or eating mugwort before going to sleep is supposed to make dreams much more intense. It also helps the dreamer to remember them upon waking. This herb contains wormwood oil, thujone, flavonoids, triterpenes, and coumarin derivatives. Thujone is toxic. For this reasons, expectant mothers should avoid consuming large amounts of mugwort. Due to toxicity concerns, the plant is recommended less often now. In traditional Chinese medicine, mugwort still has a role in an aged, pulverized, and recompounded form. In this form, it is used to correct breech birth presentation. Additionally, mugwort can cause uterine contractions, so it has been used to induce abortion. The leaves of the mugwort plant have been recommended for colic, diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps, weak digestion, worm infestation, and persistent vomiting. This herb has also been used to stimulate the secretion of bile and gastric juices. It has also been used as a laxative, liver tonic, and sedative. Mugwort promotes circulation. Additionally, it helps with hysteria, epilepsy, convulsions in children, and menstrual problems. This herb has been used as a tonic to boost energy and strength. It has been used, combined with other ingredients, for neuroses, neurasthenia, depression, hypochondria, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, and anxiety. In summary, the root and leaves of the mugwort plant are used to provide abortifacient and anthelMinthic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are lipophilic flavonoids and sesquiterpene lactones. Primarily, mugwort is extremely beneficial in treating anxiety, colic, constipation, depression, diarrhea, digestion, epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia, menstrual problems, vomiting, and worms. In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by mugwort, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Senna Leaf ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 06, 2009 12:58 PM
The American senna has been used widely for its mild purgative abilities. Native Americans used this as a drink to reduce fevers, for sore throat, and as a laxative. The herb was official in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia from 1820 to 1882. Senna was used in Chinese medicine. This herb, along with other laxatives, has been used since prehistoric times in order to treat colonic and menstrual obstructions. Senna can be found along the Nile River. The herb was used in Arab medicine as an effective and safe laxative. Nicholas Culpeper, the seventeenth-century herbalist, claimed that senna was able to clean the stomach and purge melancholy and phlegm from the head, brain, lungs, heart, liver, and spleen. The senna plant held a major role in herbalism and folk medicine for millennia. The herb was and still is a significant item of trans-national trade by the Ababdeh people. It is grown both commercially and traditionally along the middle Nile. However, more generally, it is found in many regions around the northwestern Indian Ocean. Senna is similar to aloe and rhubarb, as it has similar active ingredients such as anthraquinone and their glucosides. This herb is considered to be a useful laxative. It is responsible for intestinal parasitic movements. The herb has a strong effect on the entire intestinal tract, especially the colon. A lot of people believe that a clean colon can prevent autointoxication and may be an underlying cause of many diseases. Usually, senna is combined with other herbs, such as ginger or fennel, in order to prevent intestinal cramping and get better results. The herb should not be used if there is inflammation of the stomach. This is because it may aggravate the problem. Senna helps to tone and restore the digestive system through cleansing. The herb has been used throughout history and today, it is still used throughout the world. Senna acts on the lower bowel. It increases the peristaltic movements of the colon. Most often, the plants are prepared as an infusion. The long-standing use of senna is reflected by its presence in many herbal remedies and tonics. Today, senna is still used as the primary ingredient in certain commercial stimulant laxatives. However, it is also the primary ingredient found in dieter’s teas. However, the combination of acting as a stimulant, which reduces a dieter’s appetite, and the laxative properties that cause food to move through the system before many calories can be absorbed is a combination that can lead to rapid and even dangerous weight loss. Senna is a powerful laxative. The anthroquinon glycosides that are found in senna are believed to be responsible for the stimulatory effect it provides on the colon. Laxative should not be used for extended periods of time or dependency may occur. The leaves and pods of the senna plant are responsible for providing anthelMintic and mild purgative properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, vitamins A, B-complex, and C, and zinc. Primarily, senna is extremely beneficial in treating constipation, jaundice, and worms. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with acne, excessive bile, breath odor, colic, gallstones, gout, menstrual symptoms, obesity, rheumatism, and skin disease.
In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen while on prescription medications. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by senna, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.
( Natural Vitamins ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 26, 2009 12:15 PM
Depression affects 22 percent of Americans between the ages of eighteen and older each year. It is one of the most common medical problems in the United States. Depression affects both young and old, and women twice as much as men. Depression is an illness of the whole body. It affects the nervous system, moods, thoughts, and behavior. It also affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you react to and think about the people and things around you. Symptoms of depression can last for weeks, months, or years. There are various types of depression, which vary in the number of symptoms, the severity, and persistence. People with depression generally withdraw and hide from society, losing interest in things around them and becoming incapable of experiencing pleasure. Symptoms of depression include chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, headaches, backaches, digestive disorders, restlessness, irritability, quickness to anger, loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies, and feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. Many people who are depressed think about death and consider suicide. Things appear bleak and time seems to pass slowly. Someone with depression can be chronically angry and irritable, sad and despairing, or display little or no emotion at all. Some people try to sleep off depression, while others do nothing but sit or lie around. There are three main types of clinical depression: major depressive disorder, dysthmyic disorder, and bipolar depression. There are variations in the number of associated mental symptoms, severity, and persistence within these types. Dysthmic disorder is a chronic, but less severe type of depresses ion. It is characterized by milder, persistent symptoms that may last for years. It usually doesn’t interfere with everyday tasks. Bipolar disorders usually begin as depression but progress into alternating episodes of depression and mania, characterized by abnormally and persistently elevated mood, energy, restlessness, or irritability. Bipolar depression is commonly known as manic depression. It has other symptoms including inflated self-esteem, a decreased need for sleep, and increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, distractibility, physical agitation, and excessive risk-taking. The causes of depression are not fully understood. However, it is assumed that there are most likely many and they are varied. Depression may be triggered by tension, stress, a traumatic life event, a hyper-stimulated immune system, chemical imbalances in the brain, thyroid disorders, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, the consumption of sugar, mononucleosis, lack of exercise, endometriosis, any serious physical disorder, or even allergies. Whatever the factors that trigger it, depression starts with a disturbance in the part of the brain that governs moods. Most people can handle everyday stresses, with their bodies simply readjusting to these pressures. When stress is too great for a person and his or her adjustment mechanism is unresponsive, depression may be triggered. The following vitamin nutrients are helpful for those who are suffering from depression: essential fatty acids, 5-HTP, L-tyrosine, SAMe, taurine, omega-3, vitamin B complex, zinc, choline, calcium, magnesium, chromium, GABA, lithium, NADH, and vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Additionally, the following herbs may be beneficial: lemon balm, ginger, ginkgo biloba, licorice root, oat straw, pepperMint, Siberian ginseng, kava kava, and St. John’s wort. Great vitamin supplements like the ones listed above are available at your local or internet health food store. When looking for natural vitamin supplements, always look for name brands to ensure that you receive a high quality and pure product. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Vitamins, minerals, and herbs are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
( Blue Cohosh ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 07, 2009 04:16 PM
Blue cohosh is one of the oldest indigenous plants that can be found in America. Blue cohosh is a woodland herb that is slowly becoming endangered because of over harvesting. A small plant that rarely grows more than two and a half feet in height, it can be found blooming in early April on wooded slopes. It was used by Native Americans to treat rheumatism, colic, cramps, epilepsy, and fevers. This herb also aided in childbirth and acted as a contraceptive. Blue cohosh was adopted by early settlers for both delivery and to help reduce fevers. The dried root was considered to be an official herb, found in the United States Pharmacopoeia from 1882 to 1905, where it was recognized for its abilities to induce labor and menstruation. Blue cohosh is also known as Caulophyllum thalictroides, blue ginseng, papoose root, yellow ginseng, blueberry root, and beech drops. This herb has been used to stimulate menstrual flow, induce labor, and for rheumatism, cramps, and epilepsy. The chemical caulosaponin is found in blue cohosh. It is this chemical that induces uterine contractions and should be used only under medical supervision. Additionally, a study that was published in the Journal of Reproduction and Fertility found that blue cohosh is responsible for inhibiting ovulation in animals. Blue cohosh is recommended by herbalists for irregular menstrual cycles, inflammation of the uterus, and to stop false labor pains. This herb has also been used as an antispasmodic and to relieve muscle cramps. Scientific studies have validated these uses, especially the herb’s estrogenic and antispasmodic properties. The hormone and menses-regulating powers have been shown to work best when the herb is combined with pennyroyal. Some studies have found that blue cohosh may also stimulate the immune system. This herb helps with cases of toxemia and has also been found useful in reducing emotional and nervous tension. In short, the rhizome of blue cohosh is used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, antispasmodid, diuretic, emmenagogue, estrogenic, expectorant, and oxytocic properties. The primary nutrients found in this herb are calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and E, and zinc. Primarily, blue cohosh is very beneficial in dealing with pain in childbirth, cramps, epilepsy, and estrogen deficiency, absence of menstruation, urinary problems, and uterine problems. Additionally, this herb has been shown to be extremely helpful in treating high blood pressure, bronchitis, colic, convulsions, cystitis, diabetes, edema, heart palpitations, excessive mucus, neuralgia, spasms, vaginitis, vaginal discharge, and whooping cough. For more information on the many beneficial effects of blue cohosh, please contact a representative from your local health food store. Blue cohosh’s use in cultural and traditional settings is somewhat different from the concepts that are accepted by current Western medicine. It is advisable to consult with a primary health care professional when considering the use of herbal supplements. It may also be advantageous to consult with a practitioner that is trained in the uses of herbal supplements. It is important to note that one should always purchase herbal supplements from a reliable source in order to guarantee safety and efficiency. Blue Cohosh is available in capsule or tablet forms at your local or internet health food store. Look for blue Cohosh in name brands like Natures Answer and Solaray to ensure that you receive a quality product that is pure. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Blue Cohosh is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
( Black Walnut ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 05, 2009 10:13 AM
Black walnut is a species of flowering tree in the hickory family. This plant grows mostly from southern Ontario, west to southeast South Dakota, south to Georgia, northern Florida, and southwest to central Texas. The black walnut is large tree that reaches heights of 30 to 40 feet. The bark is grey-black and deeply furrowed. The leaves are alternate are about 30-60 centimeters in length. The male flowers droop to about eight to ten centimeters long, while the female flowers are terminal and can be found in clusters of two to five. These flowers ripen during the autumn into a fruit that has a brownish-green, semi-fleshy hush, and brown nut. The whole fruit falls in October. Although native to the Midwest and east central United States, the black walnut tree was introduced into Europe in 1629. Black walnut is more resistant to frost than the English walnut, but it thrives best in the warmer regions of fertile, lowland soils with a high water table. The nuts are harvested by hand from wild trees, with about 65% of the annual wild harvest coming from the U.S. state of Missouri. For centuries, black walnut has been used in Europe to treat skin ailments and constipation. Recent research has led to findings that support its use for skin problems like boils, eczema, herpes, and ringworm. Additionally, it has many benefits for the stomach that are well represented. Black walnut was used by Native Americans as a laxative. Additionally, black walnut was used as a remedy for diarrhea and dysentery during the Civil War. Black walnut has also been used for syphilis, TB, varicose veins, chronic infections of the intestines, and urogenital problems. Black walnut is considered to be very useful for killing parasites, tapeworms, and ringworm by herbalists. This nutrient causes oxygenation of the blood, which kills parasites. This fact has been proven through recent research. The brown stain that is found in the green husk of the black walnut is known to contain organic iodine, which has both antiseptic and healing properties. It has been determined by scientific research that black walnut contains astringent properties that are healing to the skin and mucous membranes of the body. Black walnut can be gargled to clean stains on the teeth as well. The hulls and leaves of the black walnut plant are used to provide alterative, anthelMintic, antigalactagogue, antineoplastic, antiseptic, astringent, and vulnerary properties. The primary nutrients found in black walnut are calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, organic iodine, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, selenium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B15, C, P, and bioflavonoids. Primarily, black walnut is extremely beneficial in treating athlete’s foot, Candidiasis, canker sores, cold sores, dandruff, fungus, gum disease, herpes, infection, malaria, parasites, rashes, ringworm, and tapeworm. Additionally, this herb is also extremely helpful in dealing with abscesses, acne, asthma, body odor, boils, cancer, colitis, diarrhea, diphtheria, dysentery, eczema, eye diseases, fevers, hemorrhoids, liver disorders, lupus, poison ivy, skin diseases, tonsillitis, primary tuberculosis, tumors, ulcers, varicose veins, and wounds. For more information on the many beneficial effects of black walnut, please contact a representative from your local health food store with questions. Black walnut is available in capsule and tablet forms at your local or internet health food store. *Statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Black walnut is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease. Always consult with your professional health care provider before changing any medication or adding Vitamins to medications.
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