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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies Darrell Miller 5/28/24
The All-Natural Way To Boost Energy and Endurance Darrell Miller 11/10/22
Why You Need NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy Darrell Miller 10/26/22
The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate Darrell Miller 10/25/22
Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function Darrell Miller 10/24/22
Curcumin for Brain and Body Health Darrell Miller 10/6/22
The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know Darrell Miller 4/29/22
Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease Darrell Miller 4/26/22
CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa Darrell Miller 10/9/20
Hemp Darrell Miller 7/3/19
New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients Darrell Miller 5/17/19
Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications Darrell Miller 5/17/19
New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health Darrell Miller 5/13/19
Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate Darrell Miller 5/9/19
These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth Darrell Miller 5/3/19
Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving Darrell Miller 5/2/19
Here's how you can improve digestion naturally! Darrell Miller 4/25/19
Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs? Darrell Miller 4/24/19
How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin Darrell Miller 4/16/19
Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express Darrell Miller 4/11/19
Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health? Darrell Miller 4/2/19
Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them Darrell Miller 2/28/19
Noni is great for your colon Darrell Miller 2/8/19
New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation Darrell Miller 1/5/19
Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health Darrell Miller 1/3/19
New research validates using cat's claw to remedy breast cancer Darrell Miller 12/19/18
Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria Darrell Miller 12/14/18
Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant Darrell Miller 12/13/18
Prevent the number one cause of premature death by simply takingvitamin C Darrell Miller 11/16/18
Your depression may be caused by chronic brain inflammation Darrell Miller 11/15/18
Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/10/18
DHA supports liver health in people who eat a poor diet VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/29/18
The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/21/18
Is Your Body Too Alkaline Or Too Acidic? Here's How To Know Darrell Miller 8/8/18
This overlooked vitamin protects you against heart disease Darrell Miller 7/8/18
The bedtime mistakes that are making you gain weight Darrell Miller 7/7/18
Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion Darrell Miller 6/23/18
5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles Darrell Miller 3/13/18
Cannabinoid-Pharmaceutical Interactions: What You Need to Know Darrell Miller 2/17/18
6 Natural Remedies To Cleanse Your Congested Colon Darrell Miller 2/10/18
Say Goodbye To Gingivitis With These Home Remedies That Will Help You Eradicate It! Darrell Miller 1/22/18
If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These Darrell Miller 1/15/18
The benefits of a healthy gut Darrell Miller 1/4/18
The steep cost of sleep deprivation Darrell Miller 1/1/18
If Your Kid Is Depressed Or Anxious, This Could Be Why Darrell Miller 12/31/17
A Pediatrician Answers 5 Questions About Probiotics/Prebiotics Darrell Miller 11/5/17
Fiber will fight the White Walkers threatening your health Darrell Miller 10/7/17
Cleanse Your Liver and Burn Fat Overnight With This Amazing Detox Drink Darrell Miller 9/22/17
relationship-between-diabetes-and-thin-people Darrell Miller 8/26/17
Insulin and disease Darrell Miller 8/21/17
Does sugar cause many of our current diseases? Darrell Miller 8/11/17
Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux Darrell Miller 7/29/17
Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient Darrell Miller 7/27/17
How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally Darrell Miller 7/27/17
If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat Darrell Miller 7/21/17
CBD research is going to the dogs in quest to help pets Darrell Miller 7/21/17
Healthy Eating: Clearing up the cooking oil confusion Darrell Miller 7/18/17
What Is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease? + 17 Natural Treatments Darrell Miller 7/14/17
Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!! Darrell Miller 6/26/17
Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children Darrell Miller 6/21/17
How blood sugar levels affect your brain - and what to do about it Darrell Miller 6/17/17
The Toenail Fungus On My Feet Destroyed My Life Until I Found How To Destroy Them!! Darrell Miller 6/16/17
More fruits and vegetables can improve health Darrell Miller 6/15/17
ALL HEALING NUTRIENTS found in cannabis are made from carbon dioxide, the "miracle molecule" for plant life across our planet Darrell Miller 6/10/17
Why overall gut health is vital to wellbeing Darrell Miller 6/8/17
What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things Darrell Miller 6/5/17
50% of all colon cancer cases are preventable Darrell Miller 6/4/17
Follow Your Gut to Better Immune Health Darrell Miller 5/30/17
10 Symptoms You May Have Parasites in your Body (and how to remove them)! Darrell Miller 5/27/17
The color of your urine says a lot about your health, this is what your color means! Darrell Miller 5/25/17
Turmeric has amazing anti-bacterial Darrell Miller 5/11/17
5 Foods To Support Digestive Health Darrell Miller 5/5/17
The Sugar vs. Vitamin C War - City Watch Darrell Miller 5/4/17
Spring Allergies - Fight Spring Allergies Naturally with HERBAL REMEDIES! Darrell Miller 5/4/17
How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies Darrell Miller 5/3/17
6 Natural Ways To Make You Poop More And Ease Constipation Darrell Miller 4/30/17
Drink This TO CLEAN YOUR LIVER AND DETOX YOUR BODY IN 5 DAYS!! Darrell Miller 4/26/17
Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY! Darrell Miller 4/25/17
My Constipation Completely Disappeared When I Cleaned My Bowels With This Before Going To Bed!! Darrell Miller 4/24/17
Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods Darrell Miller 4/23/17

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Date: May 28, 2024 03:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies on the Rise: Addressing the Increasing Awareness of Micronutrient Deficiencies

In recent years, there's been a significant uptick in the awareness of vitamin and mineral deficiencies across global populations. Micronutrients, though required in minuscule amounts, play a critical role in bodily functions, from metabolism to immunity. Despite advancements in healthcare and education, many individuals are still unaware of their own nutritional gaps, with modern diets contributing significantly to these deficiencies.

Factors Contributing to Micronutrient Deficiencies

Modern Diet Trends

The rise in convenience foods, which are often calorie-dense but nutrient-poor, has significantly impacted nutritional intake. Fast foods, processed meals, and sugary snacks have become staples in many diets, particularly in urban settings. These foods are typically low in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and magnesium. As people increasingly rely on these quick, palatable options, it often comes at the expense of nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Lifestyle Changes

Another contributing factor to vitamin deficiencies is the shift in lifestyle patterns. Longer work hours, increased screen time, and reduced physical activity mean that individuals spend less time outdoors. This has a particularly detrimental effect on vitamin D levels, which are naturally synthesized when skin is exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, high-stress levels and poor sleep quality can deplete essential nutrients, exacerbating the issue.

Agricultural Practices

Changes in agricultural practices have also had an inadvertent impact on the micronutrient content of food. Soil depletion, the use of chemical fertilizers, and genetically modified crops can lead to lower levels of vitamins and minerals in produce. Consequently, even those who consume fruits and vegetables regularly might not be getting the expected nutrient benefits.

Fast Food and Nutrient Deficiencies

It is becoming increasingly clear that the widespread consumption of fast food plays a significant role in the rise of vitamin deficiencies. Fast food items are often designed to be highly palatable and energy-dense. However, they are typically laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium while lacking essential nutrients. Regularly consuming these foods can lead to an imbalance in diet, where the body might get ample calories but insufficient vitamins and minerals.

For instance, studies have shown that diets high in fast food are linked to lower intakes of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, calcium, and iron. These deficiencies can trigger a range of health issues, from diminished immune function and poor bone health to increased susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Addressing the Issue: Food-Based Multivitamins

To counteract these dietary deficiencies, many nutrition experts recommend incorporating a food-based multivitamin into daily routines. Unlike synthetic supplements, food-based multivitamins are derived from whole foods and contain a spectrum of vitamins and minerals in their natural forms, which can be more readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

Benefits of Food-Based Multivitamins

  1. Enhanced Absorption: Nutrients from whole foods are often better recognized and absorbed by the body.
  2. Balanced Nutrient Profile: These multivitamins often include a mix of micronutrients that work synergistically to support overall health.
  3. Digestive Support: Many food-based multivitamins contain digestive enzymes and probiotics to support gut health.
  4. Fewer Side Effects: Because they are closer to their natural state, food-based supplements typically cause fewer gastrointestinal issues compared to synthetic vitamins.

Selecting a High-Quality Multivitamin

When choosing a food-based multivitamin, look for products that:

  • Use organic, non-GMO ingredients.
  • Have minimal additives and fillers.
  • Are transparently sourced.
  • Include a diverse array of vitamins and minerals.
  • Kal Enhanced Energy Food based Multiple is Recommended.

In Summary:

The rise in micronutrient deficiencies is a concerning trend that underscores the importance of balanced nutrition. While modern lifestyles and dietary habits contribute significantly to this issue, there are effective ways to address it. Reducing the intake of nutrient-poor fast foods and incorporating food-based multivitamins can help bridge the gap and support overall nutritional needs. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can foster better health and mitigate the risks associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

Understanding the impact of micronutrient deficiencies on overall health is the first step towards making informed dietary choices. By addressing nutritional gaps and prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods, you can significantly improve your well-being. We invite you to explore our range of high-quality, food-based multivitamins designed to complement your daily diet and ensure you receive the essential nutrients your body needs.

Shop Now and Transform Your Health

Don't wait until deficiencies affect your vitality. Visit our online store to find the perfect multivitamin for your lifestyle. Our products are crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, and are free from unnecessary additives and fillers. Embrace a healthier you with the power of natural, food-based nutrients.


The All-Natural Way To Boost Energy and Endurance

Date: November 10, 2022 04:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The All-Natural Way To Boost Energy and Endurance

Tired of feeling exhausted all the time? Looking for a natural way to get a boost of energy? Rhodiola may be just what you need! An adaptogen, Rhodiola comes from Arctic regions and has been shown to increase energy, physical endurance and well-being. Here's everything you need to know about this amazing supplement.

Rhodiola rosea is a perennial flowering plant that grows in cold, mountainous regions like Scandinavia, Siberia, Iceland, Greece, and Alaska. For centuries, Rhodiola has been used as a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese and Russian medicine. Today, it's gaining popularity in the western world as more and more people are turning to natural remedies to improve their health.

How Does Rhodiola Work?

Rhodiola works by helping the body adapt to stress. It does this by increasing the production of certain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, which have mood-boosting effects. Rhodiola also helps to regulate cortisol levels. Cortisol is commonly known as the "stress hormone" because it's released when we're under pressure. Too much cortisol can lead to fatigue, anxiety, and poor sleep. By keeping cortisol levels in check, Rhodiola can help reduce stress and promote feelings of well-being.

In addition to its stress-busting properties, Rhodiola is also known for its ability to increase energy levels and physical endurance. Studies have shown that Rhodiola can improve exercise performance and reduce fatigue. For example, one study found that athletes who took Rhodiola had reduced recovery times after exercise and were able to exercise for longer before becoming fatigued.

Rhodiola is also being studied for its potential cognitive benefits. Some preliminary research suggests that Rhodiola may help improve memory and cognitive function in people with stress-related mental disorders like burnout or PTSD.

If you're looking for an all-natural way to boost energy levels, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive function, Rhodiola may be worth trying. This powerful adaptogen has centuries of traditional use behind it and is backed by science! Whether you're an athlete looking for an edge or someone who's just struggling to get through the day, Rhodiola could help you feel your best.


Why You Need NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy

Date: October 26, 2022 11:06 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why You Need NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy

If you're anything like me, you're always on the go and looking for ways to improve your energy and mood. I'm happy to say that I've found the perfect solution in NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy packets.* These convenient packets are perfect for when you need a little boost - whether you're at work, at the gym or out with friends.* With a blend of three forms of B-12 and additional nutrients such as chromium and creatine, NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy can give you the edge you need to power through your day.*

The Benefits of vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient that helps support cellular energy production.* It also plays a role in mood, memory and concentration.* Unfortunately, many people don't get enough vitamin B-12 in their diet due to poor absorption or dietary restrictions.* This is where NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy comes in - it's the perfect way to get the vitamin B-12 your body needs.*

NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy is easy to use and convenient

I love that NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy comes in packet form - it's so easy to grab and go when I'm on the go!* I also appreciate that it's free of artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives.* These packets are perfect for when I'm traveling or just running around town.*

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to improve your energy and mood, I highly recommend trying NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy packets.* With a blend of three forms of vitamin B-12, chromium and creatine, NOW® Vitamin B-12 Instant Energy can give you the edge you need to power through your day.* Give it a try today!*


The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

Date: October 25, 2022 04:49 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Many Health Benefits of Copper Glycinate

You may not realize it, but copper is essential for many different bodily functions. This trace mineral is involved in energy production, iron metabolism, connective tissue syntheses, and neurotransmitter production. Copper is also critical for bone health, cardiovascular health, lipid metabolism, neurological health, skin health, and free radical protection. Keep reading to learn more about the many health benefits of copper.

Copper and Energy Production

One of the most important roles that copper plays in the body is in energy production. Copper is a key component of mitochondria, which are known as the "powerhouses of the cell." The mitochondria produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of the cell. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your cells would not be able to produce enough ATP for optimal function.

Copper and Iron Metabolism

Another important role of copper is in iron metabolism. Copper is necessary for the absorption and utilization of iron in the body. Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen around in the blood. Therefore, without adequate copper levels, your body would not be able to properly utilize iron, leading to anemia or other problems.

Copper and Connective Tissue Synthesis

Copper is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two proteins that make up connective tissue. Connective tissue includes things like skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Therefore, copper is necessary for healthy skin as well as strong tendons and ligaments.

As you can see, copper plays many vital roles in the body. If you are deficient in copper, you may experience fatigue, anemia, weak bones or connective tissue, problems with lipid metabolism or neurological function, or poor skin health. To ensure that you are getting enough copper in your diet, eat foods like liver, oysters, lobster, dark chocolate, avocados, almonds, mushrooms ,or leafy green vegetables. You can also take a copper supplement if needed.


Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function

Date: October 24, 2022 03:53 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Gotu Kola: For Anxiety and Stress, Circulation, and Memory Function

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is a small, green plant that has been used by traditional herbalists since prehistoric times. Its wide range of applications has been well documented in Southeast Asia and India for centuries and continues to be used within the framework of modern herbalism. Gotu kola is not related to kola nuts and does not have any caffeine.

Some of the conditions that gotu kola has been traditionally used to treat include: anxiety, depression, fatigue, impaired memory and cognitive function, poor circulation, and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition to its use as an herbal remedy, gotu kola is also sometimes consumed as a vegetable or steeped to make a tea.

The Benefits of Gotu Kola

Gotu kola contains a number of compounds that are believed to contribute to its health benefits, including triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, and saponins. These compounds are thought to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties. Additionally, gotu kola is a significant source of Asiaticoside—a compound that has been shown to promote collagen synthesis and skin elasticity.

Some of the specific benefits that gotu kola may offer include:

Improved circulation: Compounds in gotu kola can help to improve blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels and promoting the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). This improved circulation can in turn help to speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation.

Reduced anxiety and stress: Animal studies have found that compounds in gotu kola can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels by modulating the activity of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. In one study on rats, it was found thatgotu kola was just as effective at reducing stress levels as diazepam (Valium), without any of the side effects typically associated with Valium use.

Improved cognitive function: Some research suggests that gotu kola may help to improve memory and cognitive function in healthy adults as well as those with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. One study found that gotu kola extract was able to significantly improve memory performance in adults with Alzheimer's disease after eight weeks of treatment.

In Summary: Gotu kola is a small green plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine. It is thought to offer a number of health benefits due to its content of compounds such as triterpenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, and Asiaticoside. Some potential benefits of gotu kola include improved circulation, reduced anxiety and stress levels, and improved cognitive function. More research is needed to confirm these potential health benefits.


Curcumin for Brain and Body Health

Date: October 06, 2022 02:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curcumin for Brain and Body Health

Curcumin is a free radical neutralizer that is known for supporting balanced immune function and brain health. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, which is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. Curcumin has poor bioavailability, which means that it is not easily absorbed by the body. However, new technology has led to the development of Longvida® Optimized Curcumin, which is up to 65 times more bioavailable than generic curcumin.* This means that Longvida® can be absorbed by the GI tract and delivered to the rest of the body as free curcumin, the active form in the body.* Longvida® is also shown to penetrate the blood-brain barrier for the support of healthy neuronal tissues.*

The Benefits of Curcumin

In addition to being a powerful free radical neutralizer, curcumin is also known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. Now, modern science is beginning to back up these traditional uses with new research.

For example, one study showed that curcumin was able to reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function in people with inflammation-related cognitive decline.* Another study found that curcumin supplementation was associated with improved memory and attention in healthy adults.* These studies suggest that curcumin may be beneficial for people suffering from inflammatory conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline.

Curcumin’s effects are not just limited to brain health. Curcumin is also known to support gut health, heart health, and joint health.* Because of its wide range of potential health benefits,curcuimin supplementation has become increasingly popular in recent years. If you are looking for a way to support your overall health and well-being,curcumin may be worth considering.

Curcumin is a powerful free radical neutralizer with a wide range of potential health benefits. New research suggests that curcumin may be beneficial for brain health, gut health, heart health, and joint health.* If you are looking for a way to support your Overall health and well-being,curcuimin supplementation may be worth considering.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

Date: April 29, 2022 03:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that sit in the lower back, on either side of the spine. They play a vital role in your health, filtering toxins from the blood and regulating fluid balance in the body. We will discuss everything you need to know about the kidneys, including common kidney problems and how to keep them healthy!

What are the common kidney problems

The kidneys are a pair of organs that filter waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. They are also responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Kidney problems can range from mild to severe, and can be acute or chronic. Common kidney problems include kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in the kidney when there is an imbalance of minerals in the urine. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary system and multiply. Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete large amounts of protein in the urine.Kidney problems can often be treated with medication, but in some cases, surgery may be necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent serious complications.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is a sudden onset of kidney failure that can be life-threatening. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste from the blood and balancing fluids in the body. When they are not working properly, waste can build up in the blood and cause serious health problems. Acute renal failure can be caused by a number of factors, including dehydration, infection, and certain medications. Symptoms include decreased urine output, swelling, fatigue, and confusion. If left untreated, acute renal failure can lead to coma and death. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for a successful outcome.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure, or CRF, is a serious medical condition that affects the kidneys. In this condition, the kidneys become damaged and unable to function properly. As a result, toxins can build up in the body, causing a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include fatigue, bloating and swelling, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite, changes in urination frequency or color, and anemia. Diagnosing CRF involves examining several factors like blood test results and overall medical history. Treatment for the condition typically involves managing any associated symptoms with medication or dietary changes. In some cases, dialysis may also be necessary to support patients with severe CRF. Overall, chronic renal failure is a serious but manageable condition that requires careful monitoring and management by patients and their healthcare providers.

Renal artery stenosis

Renal artery stenosis refers to a condition in which one or more of the arteries that deliver blood to the kidneys becomes narrowed or blocked. This can lead to a number of adverse health effects, including increased blood pressure, chronic kidney failure, and possibly even heart attack or stroke. While there are a number of possible causes for this condition, including genetic factors, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking can also increase the risk of developing renal artery stenosis. Fortunately, treatments are available for this condition, including medications and medical procedures like angioplasty. For those who are diagnosed with renal artery stenosis, early and effective treatment is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

Renal cancer

Renal cancer begins in the kidneys, which are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood and produce urine. The most common type of renal cancer is clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for about three-quarters of all cases. RCC typically affects middle-aged adults and is more common in men than women. Other types of renal cancer include papillary renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, and collecting duct carcinoma. Treatment for renal cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. The type of treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer and the patient's overall health. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for the best possible outcome.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease, or PKD, is a complex condition that affects the kidneys and other organs in the body. This disorder occurs when small cysts grow in the kidneys, gradually interfering with their ability to filter waste products from the blood. As these cysts start to expand, they can cause a number of severe symptoms such as high blood pressure, chronic pain, nausea and fatigue. In some cases, PKD also results in serious complications such as renal failure or a stroke. However, there are treatments available that can help people manage this disorder and slow its progression over time. By working closely with a medical team and making lifestyle changes to support kidney health, it is possible for people living with PKD to have long and healthy lives.

Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. UTIs are most commonly caused by bacteria, but they can also be caused by fungi or viruses. Symptoms of a UTI may include pain or burning during urination, increased frequency or urgency of urination, cloudy or blood-tinged urine, and pelvic pain. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to serious complications, such as kidney damage or sepsis. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for preventing serious health problems. UTIs are typically diagnosed through urinalysis, which can detect the presence of bacteria or other organisms in the urine. Treatment usually involves antibiotics to kill the infection-causing bacteria. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary to treat a severe UTI. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids and emptying the bladder frequently can help to flush out bacteria and prevent reinfection. Wiping from front to back after using the restroom can also help to reduce the risk of UTI development. Avoiding masturbation devices would good idea if you get frequent urinary tract infections because they can introduce new bacteria into the urethra.

UTI and D-Mannose

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a common medical condition that can cause symptoms such as painful urination, abdominal discomfort, and sometimes even fever. While conventional treatments typically involve antibiotics, these medications often come with unwanted side effects like nausea and diarrhea. Fortunately, there is another alternative in the form of D-Mannose, a naturally-occurring sugar that has been shown to help treat UTIs by eliminating bacterial biofilms and relieving symptoms. Unlike antibiotics, which can damage gut health by killing off beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones, D-Mannose does not disrupt this critical ecosystem. As a result, D-Mannose is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for UTIs, offering an effective and safe alternative to antibiotics.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the most painful medical conditions to experience. These small, hard deposits form when there is an imbalance in the levels of certain minerals in the body. As they grow larger, kidney stones can cause severe pain as they move through the urinary tract. Treatment typically involves drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain medication. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the kidney stone. Prevention is the best way to avoid kidney stones, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to do this. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, and eating a diet high in fiber can help to prevent kidney stones from forming.


Glomerulonephritis is a serious kidney condition that occurs when the tiny filtration units in the kidneys, known as glomeruli, become inflamed and damaged. This can disrupt normal kidney function, causing a buildup of waste products in the bloodstream, resulting in numerous symptoms such as swelling and joint pain. While there is no cure for glomerulonephritis, treatment options can help to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. These may include medications to control blood pressure or reduce harmful inflammatory chemicals, along with lifestyle changes to support overall kidney health. With proper medical care and close monitoring, many people with glomerulonephritis are able to live healthy lives despite this chronic condition.

Kidney disease is a serious condition that can lead to a variety of health problems. If you have kidney disease, it is important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing kidney disease, but by working with your healthcare team and following their recommendations, you can help improve your health and quality of life. Remember, knowledge is power, so be sure to educate yourself about kidney disease and its treatment options. With the right information and support, you can live a full and productive life despite this serious condition.


Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

Date: April 26, 2022 10:18 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin D Linked to Heart Health: Study Shows Promise in Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

A recent study has shown that Vitamin D may play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, looked at data from over 10,000 adults. They found that those who had the highest levels of Vitamin D were less likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. This is great news for those looking to improve their heart health!

What is Vitamin D and why is it important for heart health?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays various important roles in the body, including helping to maintain healthy bones and supporting immune function. In recent years, scientists have also begun to uncover the critical role that Vitamin D can play in promoting cardiovascular health. Vitamin D is involved in the regulation of several important cardiovascular processes, including blood pressure and lipid metabolism. Studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of Vitamin D are at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Therefore, ensuring adequate vitamin D levels through diet, sun exposure, or supplementation may help to protect against heart conditions and improve overall cardiovascular health.

The study on Vitamin D and heart health

Researchers at the University of South Australia have recently conducted a study exploring the link between vitamin D and heart health. They found that individuals with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks, than those with lower levels. The results suggest that vitamin D plays an important role in protecting the heart and maintaining efficient cardiovascular function. This is important not only for preventing or mitigating the effects of heart disease, but also for overall health and well-being. Overall, the results of this study highlight the importance of ensuring adequate levels of vitamin D to safeguard our hearts and keep us healthy.

How to get more Vitamin D in your diet

While vitamin D-3 is essential for good health, many people struggle to get enough of this important nutrient through their diet alone. With so many factors affecting our ability to absorb nutrients from food, it can be difficult to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D through regular meals. However, research suggests that we may be able to get enough of this vital nutrient by taking supplements or getting outside on sunny days. For example, studies show that simply spending time in sunlight for a few minutes each day can go a long way toward maintaining adequate vitamin D levels in the body. Additionally, many foods are fortified with vitamin D-3, including dairy products and some types of bread and cereal. Ultimately, the best way to ensure adequate vitamin D-3 levels is through a combination of dietary sources and appropriate supplementation. So don't be afraid to take that extra step or buying a supplement – your health will thank you!

Bottom line: Vitamin D is a promising nutrient for heart health

Vitamin D-3 is a nutrient that is continually been getting attention for its potential benefits to heart health. This nutrient can be obtained through certain foods, such as oily fish and eggs, but many individuals also supplement with vitamin D-3 on a regular basis. Preliminary research suggests that this nutrient may help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation in the arteries, two important contributors to cardiovascular disease. Additionally, studies have shown that vitamin D-3 can help to strengthen the immune system, which further enhances overall heart health by keeping the body healthy and strong. Overall, when it comes to promoting heart health, vitamin D-3 seems like a promising nutrient that deserves further scientific study and exploration.

Assist Mineral absorption

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It also plays a role in maintaining strong bones and muscles. Unfortunately, foods are a relatively poor source of vitamin D. The best way to get this nutrient is through exposure to sunlight. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, so many people choose to take a supplement instead. Vitamin D supplements are available in both liquid and pill form. They are typically taken once a day, and they can help people maintain adequate levels of vitamin D without exposing themselves to the harmful effects of the sun.

Vitamin D-3 is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body

As we already know, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and calcium absorption. Vitamin D-3, the form of vitamin D found in supplements, is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes in the body. These processes include cell proliferation, immunomodulation, and regulation of gene expression. Vitamin D-3 has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 has been shown to improve bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, particularly in older adults. In addition, vitamin D-3 supplementation has been shown to improve muscular strength and reduce the risk of falls in older adults. While most people can get adequate amounts of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, those who don't get enough sun exposure or have dark skin are at risk for vitamin D deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D-3 is an effective way to ensure adequate intake of this important nutrient.


CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa

Date: October 09, 2020 10:17 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD comes from Cannabis Sativa

Cannabis Sativa is an herb that has been well documented (used) in history for thousands of years. it is extremely unique in the fact that it contains the perfect profile of phytocannabinoids. In order to get the full benefits of cannabinoids, a perfect plant is needed.

When looking for quality CBD, one must stick with known name brands like CV Science (PlusCBD), Hempceutix by Natures Plus, Leaf Therapeutics by Solaray, and Smart Organics.

Unfortunately, it can be confusing choosing a CBD product because at the moment there are more than 400 brands of CBD.

Inferior quality hemp products may:

  • Use poorly grown or inactive hemp, with little or no cannabinoids.
  • Use harmful solvents and other harmful extraction methods.
  • Use isolated, individual cannabinoid compounds.
  • Use synthetic cannabinoids, which are actually dangerous and can cause injury.
  • Be Difficult to absorb.
  • May not contain the potency they claim.

Sticking with name brands that are known to be effective and hold to supplement industry standards are important, the above mentioned brands use CO2 extraction to preserve all the active ingredients found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. Consuming a full spectrum CBD is important!

A Quality Hemp derived CBD can help improve ECS Function:

  • Improve the natural release of cannabinoids each cell makes in the body.
  • Can Directly adhere to the endocannabinoid receptors in our body's.
  • Increase the amount of available cannabinoids in the body.
  • Promote or increase endocannabinoid receptor sensitivity and function in the body.

Researchers have discovered 180 different cannabinoids found naturally in hemp, each are able to work in a different way in the body. Only a select few brands provide the full spectrum cannabinoids we need for better health.

If you are looking to ease pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and balance the body, consider using a full spectrum, Name Brand CBD product and feel the difference it can make in your life!



Date: July 03, 2019 02:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Hemp

Hemp phytocannabinoids interact with receptors and signaling compounds in the body known collectively as the endocannabinoid system, and by doing so, help relieve pain. Sometimes our own endocannabinoid levels are low. They can be consumed by enzymes, underfed by a poor diet, or simply depleted by stress and chronic pain. that's where hemp oil can help. I recommend a hemp that contains a full spectrum of beneficial phytocannabinoids.


New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients

Date: May 17, 2019 04:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New meta-analysis finds that proper vitamin D levels greatlyimprove the health of diabetics and heart patients

Up to a billion people worldwide may not be getting enough vitamin D, and this is a real problem because vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of cancer, obesity and other health problems. Meta-analysis published by Current Pharmaceutical Design suggests that getting enough vitamin D can decrease fasting glucose and reduce insulin resistance. Vitamin D can also help moderate your bad cholesterol, as well as reducing your levels of C-reactive protein, which is a sign of inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • One health problem around the world that is affecting a lot of people is the fact that Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency is becoming more pronounced.
  • When one is deficient in Vitamin D, some of the health problems that can be encountered are poor glycemic control, obesity, and hypertension.
  • A link has been found between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes and also another study found that the deficiency leads to high blood sugar levels.

"Three of the most significant risk factors for heart disease are high cholesterol, chronic inflammation, and insulin resistance. Researchers wanted to learn more about whether vitamin D supplementation is a way to lower the risk of heart disease or reduce complications in patients who already have it."

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Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications

Date: May 17, 2019 04:01 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3s are a potent way to treat depression without resorting todangerous prescription medications

One can treat poor mood and depression without using pharmaceutical drugs. One of these approaches involves using omega-3 fatty acid. Foods rich in this fatty acid can help. It has been shown by many scientific studies that the risk of having depression is reduced when one takes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Some of the means that have been identified as the pathways in which omega-3 fatty acids work is that they can make the CNS to release more serotonin, they can reduce the risk of an inflammation and also its severity, and they can stop phosphatidyl-inositol from releasing hormones that make a person to have depressive moods. The way omega-3 fatty acids do this has been found to be similar to the way anti-depressant drugs work. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to counter the release of serotonin in the brain that trigger depressive moods and they also have effect on the release of cytokines in the heart that relates to lowering the risk of one having coronary heart disease. And fortunately, heart disease is linked to major depressive moods. So, omega-3 fatty acid is a powerful compound that can be used to treat both problems. But what researchers have not agreed upon though is the required dosage of omega-3 fatty acid that a person should take each day to reap these benefits.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many ways in which one can remedy the occurrence of poor moods and depression without the use of pharmaceutical drugs have now been discovered.
  • The risk of having depression have been found to be influenced by eating omega-3 fatty acids and those who take it in large amounts have low risk of depression.
  • Similar to how pharmaceutical drugs help a person with depression, omega-3 fatty acids stop immune cells from releasing cytokines that are pro-inflammatory in the brain.

"The fatty acids achieve their natural antidepressant effects through several means. Omega-3s can raise the activity of CNS seratonin, reduce the risk and severity of inflammation, and stop phosphatidyl-inositol from sending signals that bring about depressive moods."

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New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health

Date: May 13, 2019 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New research on vitamin K suggests that it may promote eye health

According to a recent Belgian study, vitamin K protects the arteries that supply the ocular organs with blood and acts as a shield against damaging calcification. The researchers found that vitamin K is beneficial for eye health in that it protects the optic nerves from possible optic damage due to glaucoma. The researchers were trying to determine if there was a link to vitamin K deficiency and poor eye health. This study points to a need for more research into the molecular pathways affected by vitamin and the benefits of vitamin K supplementation.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new health benefit for Vitamin K has been observed by Belgian researchers and they report that the vitamin protects the eyes from human calcification.
  • The study spanned the course of 11 years and it involved the participation of 1,000 flemish adults who were randomly selected and were in their 40s.
  • Vitamin K levels and the levels of active Matrix Gla proteins (MGP) were evaluated. The MGP proteins were responsible for preventing calcification to take place in the arteries.

"Based on their findings, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) researchers observed that taking vitamin K supplements could help maintain the health of the eyes by protecting the optic nerves from injury caused by glaucoma."

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Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate

Date: May 09, 2019 05:03 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Go for the original: Cacao offers more health benefits than regularchocolate

Regular chocolate is a very tasty snack to many persons, but they fail to realize that it is made from raw cacao. Raw cacao has many health benefits that make it more beneficial than regular chocolate. Some of the health benefits that are outlined are: 1. It is full of important vitamins and minerals. It is estimated to have lots of magnesium which plays a role in regulating blood pressure, blood sugar, and the functioning of the nerves. 2. Raw cacao keeps the heart healthy. This is because it is rich in powerful antioxidants. Some antioxidants such as flavanols and procyanidins are in high amount in cacao and they are good for the heart. 3. It can fight inflammation in the body. Free radicals that are due to stress, environmental toxins, and poor lifestyle habits are easily fought off from causing damage in the body by the antioxidants that are in cacao. There are lots of other benefits that are outlined in the blog.

Key Takeaways:

  • Raw cacao is healthier than regular chocolate because it has not had the nutrients removed in processing.
  • Raw Cacao has been known to improve brain function and fight inflammation.
  • Raw cacao can boost energy, relieve stress, and fight aging due to its powerful antioxidants.

"Raw cacao is rich in magnesium, which is essential for at least 300 different bodily processes."

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These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Date: May 03, 2019 07:55 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: These 3 unexpected dangers of gum disease will make you want to gobrush your teeth

Gum disease and poor oral health are both associated with a number of serious health risks on top of its basic symptoms like red, swollen gums and sensitive teeth. Gum disease is correlated strongly with heart disease, although the exact causative agent isn’t well understood. Bad oral health is also strongly associated with higher cancer risk, possibly because of the associated inflammation, or perhaps due to compounds created by mouth bacteria. There may even be a link with Alzheimer’s, as bacteria found in the mouth are often also found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers believe that it is possible for oral bacteria to leech into the bloodstream, thereby causing cardiovascular infection.
  • Other adherents to the cardiovascular disease created by poor oral health bandwagon believe that gum inflammation can escalate to systemic body-wide inflammation.
  • Data also suggests that there is a strong correlation between poor oral health and the onset of cancer.

"Gum disease is a frustrating and painful enough condition on its own. Common signs and symptoms include bloody, red, painful, and swollen gums, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, and pain with chewing."

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Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving

Date: May 02, 2019 01:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Problems digesting fat? Here are 5 ways to get your gut moving

There are nutrients which require fatty acids for absorption. It is possible that you are struggling with absorbing fat, which can be seen in problems including light colored and stinky stools, bloating, nausea, or fatigue. Liver congestion, poor quality bile, or lacking of pancreatic enzymes may be the problem. Beet greens, collard, and chicory are a few helpful bitter foods that may stimulate your enzymes to function more properly. Foods including lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, spinach, and celery may help your hydrochloric acid in breaking down foods. Add in honey, avocados, bananas, ginger, pineapples, or kiwi to boost digestive enzymes.You can also help your body with medium chain fatty acids like coconut oil for absorption of nutrients. Finally, consider a probiotic supplement or fermented foods to help with proper breakdown and digestion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some symptoms, such as fatigue, bloating, weight gain and nausea when encountering fatty foods, may have an inability to properly absorb fats as a root cause.
  • People with such an inability are also prone to excreting light-colored and particularly foul-smelling feces.
  • An inability to properly absorb fats can stem from liver congestion, poor quality bile, or from a lack of pancreatic enzymes.

"These symptoms may also be an indication of other nutrient deficiencies as some nutrients need fatty acids to be absorbed."

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Here's how you can improve digestion naturally!

Date: April 25, 2019 04:57 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Here's how you can improve digestion naturally!

Due to the stresses of everyday life and unhealthy eating, more people than ever are experiencing digestive issues. Fortunately, there are some relatively easy and natural ways to avoid antacids, antibiotics, and other medicines that come with negative side effects. Ginger is one substance that has been used for generations for a whole host of digestive problems, including bloating and general discomfort. It works best if it's ingested before a meal. Peppercorns are another spice that can help improve overall digestion and boost the metabolism. Carrom seeds are commonly used in Indian dishes and are known for alleviating constipation and activating digestive enzymes. Finally, clove is great for flatulence and indigestion.

Key Takeaways:

  • One facet of our modern life is that we tend to ignore minor digestion related issues until they become something serious.
  • Using antacids and antibiotics, people look for quick solutions to issues such as acidity, heartburn, constipation, and other related problems without understanding the cause of the problem.
  • This article includes natural herbs and spices that are a way to boost the body’s defenses and provide protection from digestion related issues.

"Modern lifestyle comes with its own set of sorrows and poor metabolism and digestion are one of the primary signs of deteriorating health conditions."

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Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs?

Date: April 24, 2019 01:46 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Did you know that turmeric is just as effective as 14pharmaceutical drugs?

Turmeric, a spice used in many Indian dishes, contains a high concentration of a substance called curcumin which possesses medical benefits rivaling many pharmaceuticals. Research suggests that turmeric has the potential to replace cholesterol and steroid medications, chemotherapy drugs, and antidepressants. There is even evidence it can be effective in reversing liver damage. Plant-based treatments are now in the process of revolutionizing modern medicine. In the near future, prescriptions for popular drugs such as Lipitor and Prozac could be replaced with prescriptions for Turmeric.

Key Takeaways:

  • Turmeric shows great health benefits that include fighting inflammation, diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.
  • One current problem is that many over-the-counter turmeric supplements come from poorly-vetted Chinese suppliers and are contaminated with lead and other metals.
  • Turmeric holds promise as a complement to or replacement for a variety of antidepressants, anti inflammatory drugs, and other pharmaceuticals.

"Without a healthy fat/oil, curcumin may pass right through the body and not be absorbed into the small intestine and into the bloodstream, where it is most effective. Coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado are great to consume along with turmeric. Curcumin absorption is also boosted by piperine, the principle component found in black pepper."

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How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin

Date: April 16, 2019 10:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How does poor gut health affect vitamin C and E in metabolicsyndrome? - Medical News Bulletin

Metabolic syndrome involves a combination of at least three out of five conditions — hypertension, abdominal obesity, low “good cholesterol,” and excessively high fasting blood glucose and serum triglyceride scores. Metabolic syndrome is a major public health concern, given that more than a third of American adults have it. Recent studies suggest that eating too much saturated fat can imbalance the bacteria in the gut. This results over time in oxidative stress and inflammation that can deplete the body’s stockpiles of vitamins C and E, and also make it harder to absorb more vitamin C from food to replace what has been used up. Vitamins C and E play an important role in protecting against oxidative stress.

Key Takeaways:

  • Metabolic syndrome can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and other serious conditions.
  • The American Heart association defines metabolic syndrome as abdominal obesity, raised serum triglycerides, low HDL, high blood pressure or raised fasting blood glucose.
  • Vitamin C and E are vital to the body's immune system and work to prevent metabolic syndrome through regular consumption of fruits and vegetables.

"Around 35% of the American adult population has metabolic syndrome, with a higher prevalence in older age groups."

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Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

Date: April 11, 2019 01:30 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin B12 deficiency: Seven foods to eat to help keep symptoms atbay - Express

A vitamin deficiency can truly make the difference between being healthy and feeling drained. In today’s article, the focus is centered on Vitamin B12. Bright pictures and videos fill the page alerting you to some of the signs and symptoms of being vitamin B12 deficient. This article also outlines seven healthy foods such as salmon, beef and eggs that can make the difference for your body’s overall levels. It also suggests possibly taking a supplement if you’re unable to eat the foods listed.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Vitamin B12 deificiency can cause symptoms ranging from headaches and poor appetite to serious fatigue.
  • Good dietary sources of B12 include salmon, liver, fortified cereals, eggs and beef.
  • Vegetarians and vegans sometimes have difficulty getting enough vitamin B12 because many of the best sources are animal products.

"VITAMIN B12 deficiency can develop if you’re not eating the right foods, and serious health problems can occur if the condition is left untreated."

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Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

Date: April 02, 2019 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

There are two different microbes called Coprococcus and Dialister that are now showing a correlation between depression and the absence of these two floras. A study was done in which 1,000 participants filled out assessments that analyzed their quality of life. Those who were shown to have significant signs of depression were more likely to have a deficiency in the two previously mentioned forms of gut flora. Since the microbes in our gut are responsible for other conditions such as childhood Leukemia and inflammatory diseases, their correlation to mental wellness is not a complete shock.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gut bacteria, or gut microbiome, are bacteria which can be found living in our digestive tracts and these bacteria have been the focus of many medical studies.
  • Gut microbiome significantly affects one’s physical health and it is known that each person has a different mix of this bacteria.
  • The work examining the relationship between gut bacteria and mental health is a large scale work that has never been undertaken in humans until now.

"Researchers from Belgium recruited more than 1,000 people in order to examine their gut microbiome. Of them, 173 participants were diagnosed with depression or fared poorly in a survey assessing their quality of life."

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Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

Date: February 28, 2019 08:47 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Omega-3 Deficiency Symptoms + 3 Steps to Overcome Them

Omega-3s have a wide variety of benefits for your brain and cardiac health, as well as keeping inflammation in check and hormones in balance, so you definitely shouldn’t let yourself become deficient. Omega-3s are an essential fatty acid, meaning the body cannot produce them on its own. A deficiency can cause inflammation, digestive troubles, and pain in muscles and joints, as well as changes in the appearance of skin and hair. Deficiencies can also cause or worsen ADHD symptoms or depression. A lack of omega-3s can even result in poor brain development in children and neurodegenerative symptoms in adults.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been shown in numerous studies that omega-3 is very good for the health and some of the benefits include fighting inflammatory diseases.
  • One needs omega-3 for the following reasons: proper cardiovascular function, proper neurological function, cell membrane maintenance, and fetal development.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are known as good fats and there are three types in the world today.

"“Omega-3s” is another name for omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are found in the human body, as well as in certain foods like oily fish. Essential fatty acids are “essential” because the body cannot synthesize them on its own, therefore humans must get these fats from the diet."

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Noni is great for your colon

Date: February 08, 2019 08:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Noni is great for your colon

Gut flora is vital to digestive health. An imbalance in this causes many ailments, such as irritable bowel syndrome, poor nutritional uptake, and bloating. Fermented Noni has been shown to promoted growth of several good bacteria in the gut that relieves inflammation of the digestive tract. Noni has also proven effective in helping to relieve inflammation and pain in other parts of the body. Traditionally it has been used to help treat infections and has a positive aspect in lowering cholesterol and may help to prevent damage from stroke events.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers from a university in Taiwan have found that fermented noni can help prevent diseases of the colon that is related to inflammation.
  • The researchers used ethanol and ethyl acetate extracts on the study and found that these extracts from noni fruit promoted the growth of good bacteria in the colon.
  • The noni fruit which is greenish white has long been used by Polynesian herbalists and folk medicine practitioners as a medicinal fruit.

"You can keep your digestive system healthy with the help of fermented noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)"

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New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation

Date: January 05, 2019 02:26 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New study links negative mood with higher levels of inflammation

New research from Penn State University has shown that being in a negative mood can be linked with higher levels of inflammation and may be a signal of poor health. Inflammation is a contributing factor to many diseases such as diabetes and cancer. These negative emotions include sadness, anger, and depression. 220 participants reported on their moods and blood samples were taken to measure the inflammation present in the body. This was the first study to research how the two are linked. The long-term goal of the researchers is that the information will eventually lead to insights into how interventions can improve mood and ability to cope with stress. That will in turn help break the cycle of disease associated with inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • This study involved 220 participants and was carried out by researchers from Penn State University. Participants were required to record their mood five times a day.
  • Apart from recording negative or positive moods, blood samples were also taken from the participants to measure the levels of C-reactive proteins and 7 inflammatory cytokines.
  • According to the study there was a relationship found between moods and levels of inflammatory biomarkers. The more negative the mood, the higher the levels of inflammatory biomarkers.

"New US research has found that a negative mood, such as feeling sad or angry, may be linked with higher levels of inflammation and may be a sign of poor health."

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Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health

Date: January 03, 2019 08:50 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why prebiotics are absolutely essential to gut health

We are always told about how important probiotics are for our gastrointestinal health, but what about prebiotics? Prebiotics are shown to improve digestion because they can naturally restore the presence of probiotics that fight off any harmful bacteria. Harmful gut bacteria can lead to issues such as bloating, gas, and acid reflux. It can also lead to issues such as brain fog and having poor levels of vitamins in your system that lead to related deficiencies.

Key Takeaways:

  • People often mistake probiotics and prebiotics to be the same thing, but even though they are closely related, they are also very different from each other.
  • By eating prebiotic foods, probiotic populations can be restored, and as a result, the different symptoms of these health problems like gas and bloating are alleviated.
  • Probiotics are crucial to maintaining overall health since nearly 70 percent of the immune system is found in the gut.

"People also have to complement their diet with foods containing the lesser known prebiotics for probiotics to work their magic."

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New research validates using cat's claw to remedy breast cancer

Date: December 19, 2018 08:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: New research validates using cat's claw to remedy breast cancer

Scientists and doctors are constantly looking at new ways in which they can combat cancer and all different types of diseases. With that being said, chemotherapy is the main form of treatment at the moment. However, the success rate of it is not the best considering that we are in 2018 and there have been so many technological advances. Now, there have been studies involving cat's claw and what that means moving forward for diseases is very intriguing.

Key Takeaways:

  • The root and inner bark of Cat’s claw, which got its name from its curling vines, can be used as medicine.
  • For a long time, cat’s claw has been touted as a treatment for cancer. In 1920, in Peru, a doctor proved this by giving the plant to a friend.
  • Cat claw’s efficacy in cancer treatment lies in its anti-inflammatory properties. It can turn off inflammation messengers in the body.

"It’s hard to believe that with all the scientific advancements that we have right now, chemotherapy – with its poor efficacy record and very dangerous side effects – is somehow the best treatment option for breast cancer."

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Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria

Date: December 14, 2018 09:05 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Garlic the master medicine: Scientists find a compound in the herbthat can destroy resistant bacteria

Garlic is something that is present in many different types of foods on a regular basis. It is very interesting to see how many people like garlic and use it for different things. However, now garlic is being used for something a little bit more new. Within the herb, scientists have found really promising compounds that could help ruin bacteria. This is revolutionary for people who suffer from a lot of bacteria and the results are continuing to come in.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a lot of doctors, and scientists, out there that are really starting to look more at natural substances for treatment.
  • Garlic is something that can be used for a lot of different reasons in the world today!
  • The more people who are tested with garlic being the medicine, the better the results can be when it comes to figuring out if it works or not.

"The researchers say that they believe their garlic drug could help treat patients whose outlook is otherwise poor. A biotech firm is developing the compound for use against bacterial infections, and human clinical trials are expected to be carried out soon."

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Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant

Date: December 13, 2018 04:35 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Glutathione is the body's most important antioxidant

Your body is something that you must do everything in your power to take care of. People should think that your body is like a car and in that car, you want to put the best gas in it so that it runs smoothly. A body is the same idea. Antioxidants are things that protect the body from disease. These things should be fostered and maintained to a high level. Glutathione could be the body's most important antioxidant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glutathione, which is a combination of three important amino acids, is a critical antioxidant which assists with DNA repair.
  • Glutathione has the ability to switch the metabolism of our bodies, so that they produce muscle instead of fat.
  • Poor diet, pollution, medication and aging can all contribute to a significant lowering of the body's levels of glutathione.

"Unfortunately, many of us have very low levels of glutathione – and our bodies are suffering as a result."

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Prevent the number one cause of premature death by simply takingvitamin C

Date: November 16, 2018 09:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Prevent the number one cause of premature death by simply takingvitamin C

According to the data, it's been estimated that as many as half of all premature deaths are preventable, moreover that poor nutritional intake is at the core of the problem. One such nutritional deficit that could lower the number of premature deaths is the deficit of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a well-known immune system booster. However, it also has an important role to fulfill when it comes to cardiovascular health. The journal of the American College of Nutrition recently attests to this fact. The journal reported findings that agreed that the use of vitamin C reduced the incidence of cardiac disease. The findings were based on a study of over 100 men, many of whom were smokers. Those given the highest dosage of vitamin C slashed their risk for cardiac complications by more than half. Danish research further augments this aspect of vitamin C. Data pools acquired from 100,000+ Danes showed high vitamin C concentrations among those who regularly consumed a large array of fruits and vegetables. This higher level was auspiciously linked with a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death.

Key Takeaways:

  • Long accumulated data strongly suggests that up to half of all early deaths are preventable.
  • Vitamin C has a profound effect on coronary heart disease, and it has protective ability even when the vitamin C user is a smoker.
  • One recent study which supports this contention used 108 different male subjects, many of whom smoked.

"The reality is that an inexpensive vitamin supplement could reduce the rate of coronary heart disease but mainstream medicine is so deeply entrenched in pharmaceutical dogma, the idea that nutrients can prevent disease is downright blasphemous."

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Your depression may be caused by chronic brain inflammation

Date: November 15, 2018 12:51 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Your depression may be caused by chronic brain inflammation

Depression is something that a ton of people in the world today suffer from. It is not an easy thing to deal with. However, if you are someone who has it, then you must find how you can cope with it. It may be hard but there is always something that you can do to help yourself. Understanding where depression comes from is difficult as well. However, some doctors say that it can be caused by some brain inflammation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some neurologists believe that depression is caused by brain inflammation and these inflammations are not readily noticed because the brain doesn’t have pain receptors.
  • People with chronic inflammation are at higher risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease because it causes inflammation of the brain, making the amygdala smaller.
  • The brain chemical deficiency model of depression is the model that scientists have been working on for very long time and it fuels Big Pharma producing harmful chemicals.

"Chronic inflammation is largely caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits such as poor diet, lack of physical exercise, and inadequate sleep, among others. These behaviors, while seemingly inconsequential initially, fuel the inflammation response long after it stops being helpful."

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Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation

Date: October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You LoseWeight & Fight Inflammation

Bifidobacterium Lactis: The Bacterium That Could Help You Lose Weight & Fight Inflammation

The probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis, or B. lactis, is a powerhouse for gut health. Why is this strain of bacteria so important? One study published in 2015 showed that B. lactis could improve unpleasant and painful symptoms associated with poor gut motility, dysbiosis, and GI hypersensitivity. B. lactis is definitely one of the “good guys” of the gut bacteria world because it contributes to a healthy and balanced microbiome, which positively affects balanced blood sugar and optimal weight maintenance.

Key Takeaways:

  • While probiotics are ingested live organisms that are good for gut health, a prebiotic is food that helps these organisms thrive.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis in fermented milk is good for gut health because it improves gastrointestinal symptoms and well-being.
  • Oral health is tied to gut health in intricate ways. Studies with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has shown this truth.

"A particular strain of B. lactis, known as HN019, has been shown to have a significant impact on those with metabolic syndrome. This probiotic had beneficial effects on inflammation, nitric oxide metabolites, and antioxidant measurements, and the authors of the study stated that if their results are confirmed, supplementation with this probiotic should be considered further."

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DHA supports liver health in people who eat a poor diet

Date: August 29, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: DHA supports liver health in people who eat a poor diet

DHA supports liver health in people who eat a poor diet

Recent research by Natural Health 365 indicates that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may help mitigate the impact of a bad diet or excessive weight on your liver. This omega-3 fatty acid appears to help combat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a condition in which fat builds up in the liver and damages it over time. Since nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a major precursor to cirrhosis and to the need for a transplant, this is a remarkably important benefit for the substantial population of obese adults and children.

Key Takeaways:

  • Omega-3 supplements with DHA can prevent NASH, a condition where fat builds up in the liver which in turn causes health problems.
  • NASH serves as a precursor to the most serious liver conditions, including cancer and cirrhosis.
  • The omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA can be found naturally in salmon, sardines, and other oil-rich fish.

"An article on Natural Health 365 states that the omega-3 fatty acid can help mitigate the worst effects of liver damage, up to and including full-fledged liver disease."

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The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

Date: August 21, 2018 05:53 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

The facts about candida overgrowth and how to overcome it

Candida is a type of yeast found in the human body that is usually dairy harmless but which can cause digestive problems and a range of other symptoms of it. Candida overgrowth can damage the intestinal walls and also cause an increase in allergy symptoms, fatigue, problems with other fungal diseases, headaches, respiratory problems and cold symptoms. Candidates overgrowth can also impede mental clarity and cognition. A combination of overuse of antibiotics, poor diet and the resulting poor immunity make people more vulnerable to candida overgrowth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Too much candida can break down the walls of the intestines, leading to digestive problems.
  • In many instances, candida overgrowth originates after the affected individual has taken antibiotics.
  • Candida feeds on sugary foods, so eliminating them from your diet can help stem candida overgrowth.

"Although it is normal to have some of this fungus in the body, candida can also invade the body beyond what is acceptable"

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Is Your Body Too Alkaline Or Too Acidic? Here's How To Know

Date: August 08, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Your Body Too Alkaline Or Too Acidic? Here's How To Know

Is Your Body Too Alkaline Or Too Acidic? Here’s How To Know

Your body needs to maintain a neutral pH of 7.365 to remain in peak health. If your body becomes too acidic, as through too much consumption of meat, dairy, grain or processed foods, it can leach nutrients out of your system and cause inflammation, poor immunity and other ailments. Becoming too alkaline can also cause problems, including cramping, irritability and cramping. Generally, your diet should contain about 80% alkaline (fresh fruits and vegetable) and 20% acidic (everything else) foods in order to preserve the. A rural balance inside your body.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is important to keep your body’s pH as close to neutral as possible, since being too acidic or alkaline can cause health problems.
  • Meat, milk, sugar and processed foods make your body too acidic, which can cause inflammation and make you less resistant to infection.
  • It is also possible for your body to become alkaline, which results in symptoms like craps, muscle spasms and irritability.

"It’s all about finding that optimal acid-base balance and more importantly, understanding when your body is imbalanced."

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This overlooked vitamin protects you against heart disease

Date: July 08, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This overlooked vitamin protects you against heart disease

This overlooked vitamin protects you against heart disease

There are two different types of vitamin K: vitamin K1, and vitamin K2. Both can have some great health benefits, but K1 is shown to be poorly absorbed through our body's system which makes it hard for us to benefit from the minerals that it contains. K2, however, is absorbed in a much more efficient manner which allows you to keep a lot of the benefits that it provides. One of these benefits is the fact that it will boost your calcium levels a great deal.

Key Takeaways:

  • K1 is great for the cardiovascular system, but it is hard to absorb through our bodies.
  • K2 has been shown to be much easier to absorb while giving us similar benefits to K1.
  • Since K2 helps with bone health, it naturally helps with dental health as well.

"K1 and K2, however, are absorbed and distributed throughout the body at different rates; thus, affecting their role in maintaining your health."

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The bedtime mistakes that are making you gain weight

Date: July 07, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The bedtime mistakes that are making you gain weight

The bedtime mistakes that are making you gain weight

Are you one of many people who are trying to lose weight. Here are several bad bedtime habits that might be standing in your way of reaching that goal. Ignore your craving for a late night snack. Some researchers believe that insufficient sleep can affect weight too. That includes staying off any devices, like your phone, laptop or tablet. Avoiding caffeine at night will help you sleep as well. Also, sleep with the light off and get regular exercise to regulate your body for sleep.

Key Takeaways:

  • Eating late at night has been shown to increase insulin levels and cholesterol levels, besides being implicated in weight gain.
  • Two significant hormones that help to regulate appetite are thrown off balance when you don't get sufficient sleep.
  • The blue light on our devices, which are good for increasing focus, are conversely poor for inducing sleep and should be avoided before slumber-time.

"Believe it or not, your bedtime routine may be a contributing factor to your weight gain, but the good news is that by adjusting your routine slightly you can get back on track to reach your desired goal weight."

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Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Date: June 23, 2018 05:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion

Eating wholesome, unprocessed, nutritious “superfoods” can help promote better health and compensate for some of the other obstacles we encounter in trying to improve our diets. Moringa, for example, provides dense leaves rich in 90 vitamins, 18 amino acids and a variety of antioxidants, and is usually prepared as a fine powder that can be added to beverages. Aloe Vera is also rich in a wide variety of nutrients, including some rare ones, and freeze dried extracts of Aloe Vera can provide an excellent source of this remarkable superfood. Perhaps most promising of all is chlorella, an algae and one of the most nutritious foods in the world. The cracked cell wall and fermented variants of this rich protein source are especially easy to digest.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moringa ,also given the moniker "the miracle tree," has leaves that are easily made into powder and consumed in a smoothie.
  • Moringa has more than ninety vitamins and minerals and approximately eighteen amino acids.
  • Although better-known as a topical application, aloe vera is densely nutritious and good for the digestion, when taken internally-it's only drawback being its bitterness.

"From toxic onslaughts to poor food choices, the amount of trip wires on the road to good health can be nauseating and can paralyze people into doing nothing at all."

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5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles

Date: March 13, 2018 01:51 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Naturally #Home Remedies for Remove Dark Circles

Dark circles around and under eyes are a common experience in both men and women. poor sleep, injury, hormones and stress all have a part in contributing to dark circles. Carrots contain high levels of vitamin A which is necessary in skin repair and for eye health. Carrot juice can be applied to the eye area. Potato is good for bleaching. Blend it and strain for the potato juice and apply it soaked onto a gauze pad. Both these remedies should be used regularly for results.


Cannabinoid-Pharmaceutical Interactions: What You Need to Know

Date: February 17, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cannabinoid-Pharmaceutical Interactions: What You Need to Know

With the regulatory environment shifting seemingly by the day across much of the U.S., many consumers are getting their first opportunities to consider the benefits of cannabinoids as a means of treating what ails them. However, like any medicines, there are interactions with other pharmaceuticals that need to be taken into consideration. Specifically, they can inhibit the reception and mechanisms of action of many common prescription drugs, including common opiate painkillers. In order to check side effects, it's best to keep a close eye on the literature and carefully research any possible interactions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cytochrome P450 is the key to metabolizing both these drugs and what interacts in our body with it.
  • Cannabinoids may be the key to opiod addiction due to their poor ability for long term dependence and physical addiction
  • You will need to monitor what you take since other drugs can interact poorly with cannabinoids.

"Cannabis has demonstrated efficacy in treating pain, and some phytocannabinoids have been suggested for various metabolic conditions."

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6 Natural Remedies To Cleanse Your Congested Colon

Date: February 10, 2018 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Natural Remedies To Cleanse Your Congested Colon

The colon is part of the digestive system whose function is to assimilate the nutrients of food, however, due to poor eating habits, this organ houses a large amount of toxic material that eventually wears it and generates health consequences; In this sense it is very important to consider healthy practices to improve the functioning and restore the health of this vital organ, such as drinking between 10 and 12 glasses of water and if it has a high level of alkalinity, excellent; the consumption of seeds of linanza provides a high content of fiber and omega3, the juice of lemon contributes with its detoxification and the consumption of plums helps its mobility. Finally these simple habits, can improve the health and life of your colon .

Key Takeaways:

  • The colon is one of the most important organs in the body, tasked with regulating digestion and absorbing nutrients.
  • However, many people do not take appropriate levels of take for their colon, allowing high level of toxins and waste to build up.
  • However, there are easy, natural steps that everyone can take to help improve colon health.

"It just so happens that one of the most effective ways to cleanse and detoxify your colon is also one of the easiest: drink more water!"

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Say Goodbye To Gingivitis With These Home Remedies That Will Help You Eradicate It!

Date: January 22, 2018 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Say Goodbye To Gingivitis With These Home Remedies That Will Help You Eradicate It!

Home remedies to treat gingivitis. Gingivitis a form of periodontal disease that causes inflammation and infection that destroys the gums which support the teeth. Gingivitis is caused by the long term plaque build up on teeth. Some other contributing factors that can cause gingivitis are other bodily infections, systemic, crooked teeth, poor dental hygiene, uncontrolled diabetes and other factors. Aside from what the dentist can do to handle gingivitis you can try these five home remedies. First you can rinse and soak your mouth with 120 ml of warm water mixed with salt to kill microorganisms. Second you can mix lemon with warm water and rinse and soak your mouth with it. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixed and then used to brush your teeth is another remedy that will help with odor and remove plaque. Be careful not to abuse this remedy because it will negatively effect your teeth. The fourth remedy is to eat an at least a quarter apple in the morning or after eating a meal. The fifth remedy is to rub aloe vera on your gums several times a day to sooth and refresh. You should also brush your teeth twice a day and frequently visit your dentist.


If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These

Date: January 15, 2018 10:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These

Natural cures such as magnesium and vitamin K can do wonders for your daily and long term overall health. Taking enough, but not too much of these vitamins are essential for your mental and physical well-being. Not getting enough of them from a balanced diet can cause a variety of health problems ranging from depression to weak bones and poor clotting of the blood. Magnesium and Vitamin K are excellent for reducing stress, giving your more energy, and even fighting migraine headaches!


The benefits of a healthy gut

Date: January 04, 2018 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The benefits of a healthy gut

This article is a very informative piece on the health of the gut. Talks about all the bacteria in the gut and the way it affects your body. The bacteria in the body that need to be regulated to be healthy and how to put the correct bacteria into your body. Also gives you some macrobiotics options that put the proper bacteria into your body and helps you maintain a healthy gut in the process.

Key Takeaways:

  • The gut is not the most exciting part of the body but it's generating a lot of interest at the moment.
  • The ability to lose weight can be directly linked to the health of your gut as it's responsible for controlling the amount of calories you absorb.
  • Specialist foods, such as the Super 8, can help keep your gut in tip top condition to maintain peak performance and keep you healthy.

"Your levels of ‘good’ bacteria can be altered by many things including poor diet, antibiotics, stressful situations, low quality food, travel tummy, and ageing."

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The steep cost of sleep deprivation

Date: January 01, 2018 08:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The steep cost of sleep deprivation

There is a steep cost to sleep deprivation. People need to get plenty of sleep at night, or they will suffer the consequences. Sleep deprivation does the same thing to your body as physical stress does and even illness. It is something to avoid. If you do not get enough sleep then you are putting yourself at risk of developing some bad diseases. Sleeping is also an important thing for our emotional balance. Fatigue hinders your ability to regulate emotions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Besides health issues, sleep is important to maintain a stable mental balance.
  • And taking sleeping bills is dangerous to your overall health as bill users have a 35% higher risk for certain cancers.
  • Poor or lack of sleep leads to increased risk of car accidents, reduced productivity and obesity.

"Cutting just one hour of sleep a night increases the expression of genes associated with inflammation, immune excitability, diabetes, cancer risk and stress."

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If Your Kid Is Depressed Or Anxious, This Could Be Why

Date: December 31, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: If Your Kid Is Depressed Or Anxious, This Could Be Why

A lot more children in this day and age are experiencing more mental disorders that were previously only diagnosed to adults, such as depression. Many factors can be causing this. Social media is much too image focused. Academic pressures are higher than ever before. Prepackaged junk foods and fast food are causing children to have poor diets. As adults we have to be aware of all these issues and bolster children's confidence while counterattacking negative influences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many children, ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers, are suffering from mental distress than ever before.
  • Many factors are driving these mental health issues, including social media, academic pressures and poor diet.
  • Several steps can help, including emphasizing effort rather than achievement, ensuring adequate rest and nutrition and bolstering the child's identity.

"Instagram and Snapchat can have a detrimental impact on the mental health of young people."

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A Pediatrician Answers 5 Questions About Probiotics/Prebiotics

Date: November 05, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A Pediatrician Answers 5 Questions About Probiotics/Prebiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics are both good bacteria your child's body may need more of. These do not make you sick the way some bacteria will. They occur naturally in your body already but this can be thrown off by many things such as a poor diet. This gives info straight from pediatricians so you'll know if you need to give more of these to your child in the form of supplements or in their food.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are two kinds of substances or supplements that will help the good bacteria in our intestines. Probiotics and then Prebiotics
  • They can be safe for children but kids with immune system issues should talk to their doctors.
  • They can help with stomach bugs, diarrhea and a number of other things. But there's lot to learn about these supplements. From a pediatrician's perspective.

"As we learn more about the normal bacteria that live in our intestines and how variation of the amount and type might contribute to disease, I’m hopeful that we’ll continue to see conditions for which probiotics are safe and effective."

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Fiber will fight the White Walkers threatening your health

Date: October 07, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber will fight the White Walkers threatening your health

Fizer is doing a lot to keep people healthy. A lot of time and money is spent on this. It is good to know a large company like that has your back because health, both mental and physical, is very important. Once it's gone you can't always get it back. Fizer understands this and they are making sure things go well for many people by creating different things they can use to combat their poor health.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you see foods promoting their fiber content like yogurt, snack bars, and ice cream that don’t normally contain fiber
  • you should steer clear. You’re much better off getting your fiber from real food, not man-manipulated food.
  • Blood pressure was slightly reduced by eating the recommended amount of fiber in those with hypertension.

"Your gastrointestinal tract is the most important organ of your immune system, but many people spend too much time feeding their mouth, not their gut."

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Cleanse Your Liver and Burn Fat Overnight With This Amazing Detox Drink

Date: September 22, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cleanse Your Liver and Burn Fat Overnight With This Amazing Detox Drink

You can cleanse your liver and burn fat overnight with one amazing detox drink. Our liver does so many things that are essential to our bodies like purifying your blood. But, our eating habits can cause the liver to perform at a lower capacity. Thankfully, there is one drink that will naturally detox your liver. There are many ingredients that go into the drink like two apples and ginger. You will need water as well and kale.

Key Takeaways:

  • poor eating habits and environmental toxins can inhibit the liver from performing correctly.
  • This natural detox drink can help you loose weight and cleanse your liver.
  • Drink this every morning for 30 days and avoid fatty foods and excess alcohol.

"Our liver performs several functions that are fundamental to our bodies... So it's increasingly important to adopt a detoxification plan that aids your body in eliminating all of the residue that alter its main functions."



Date: August 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: relationship-between-diabetes-and-thin-people

Diabetes is often associated with overweight people who develop it after poor eating and lifestyle habits. But there is also a non-obese driven diabetes sometimes referred to as Thin Diabetes. Stomach fat can be a factor but even those with what appears to be little stomach fat can develop diabetes. Overall body weight can be deceptive too since a person's weight might fall within guidelines but their pancreas is not providing enough insulin which helps sugar get into cells for energy. This type is known as Type 1 Diabetes.

Key Takeaways:

  • You can be thin and still be at risk for diabetes. It's a misconception that obese people are only at risk
  • Diabetes is becoming an epidemic. You are starting to see children with diabetes more now than ever.
  • Many people are diabetic and do not know it because they have no symptoms.

"Diabetes Type 2 is the most widely recognized type of Diabetes, which makes up around 90% of Diabetes cases globally."


Insulin and disease

Date: August 21, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Insulin and disease

Many health problems, and especially cancer and heart disease are caused by an imbalance of insulin, due to poor diet. We eat far too much sugar and too many carbohydrates. This leads to insulin resistance, which, in turn, leads to heart disease, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and diabetes. It also raises blood pressure because when we are insulin resistant our bodies cannot store magnesium, which is needed to relax the walls of the blood vessels. Dr. Michael Cutler has written a book, "The Insulin Factor" which explains how to get your insulin back in balance, through diet. This will help us to live longer, healthier lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • Excessive eating disrupts the body’s metabolic system and produces conditions which can lead to cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Insulin problems lay at the root of most serious health conditions, including cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and more.
  • Insulin problems are directly related to the problems associated with aging, and determine how our bodies age over time

"Centenarian studies show no health consistency at all except that all the centenarians have relatively low insulin (sugar) for their age and they all have low triglycerides for their age."

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Does sugar cause many of our current diseases?

Date: August 11, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Does sugar cause many of our current diseases?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is currently found in millions of people. This disease is caused by consuming sugar. Drug companies make billions of dollars selling us drugs to combat this illness. However, if you change the food that you consume, you can control this disease without drugs. Drugs should not be used to manage illnesses that reflect poor life style choices. Only a halthy liver can successfully carry out all of the metabolic functions it was designed to perform. Eat right and you won't need the drugs.

Read more: Does sugar cause many of our current diseases?


Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux

Date: July 29, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Baking Soda And 3 Other Remedies For Acid Reflux

Do you have acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn? Almost everyone does at some time or another. It's caused by the acid in your stomach traveling up your esophagus. The burning sensation you feel is from that stomach acid attacking the lining of your esophagus.

The most common causes of acid reflux are eating too fast or too much in one sitting, a poor diet and chronic stress. If you're a heartburn sufferer, it's a good idea to work on these problems to eliminate the reflux. But in the meantime, if you want to knock out hearburn stat, here are some ideas:

A teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of water, sipped until the reflux goes away is a sure-fire cure. Baking soda is alkaline so it offsets the acid in your esophagus. Other remedies include drinking ginger tea and apple cider vinegar.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acid reflux occurs when acid from your stomach move up your digestive tract, burning your espohagus
  • Acid reflux is likely caused by high stress levels and an unhealthy or limited diet
  • You can improve your diet and stress, but there are also some natural remedies you can ingest to treat reflux

"In this post, I’ll explore some of the most effective natural home remedies for acid reflux."

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Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient

Date: July 27, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Treat Stomach Ulcers, Acid Reflux and Gastritis with 1 Ingredient

What's the best natural ingredient to treat acid reflux, ulcers and stomach pain? The humble sweet potato. If you suffer stomach discomfort, you will want to treat the symptoms before you have permanent damage to your stomach lining. Following this simple recipe will keep your stomach healthy and reduce discomfort. The video will show you how to make a sweet potato concentrate that can be taken around mealtimes to get the results you are looking for.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sweet potatos are the key ingredient in this recipe for treating ulcers, gastritis and acid reflux.
  • blend a skinned and cut sweet potato with water and strain it.
  • poor out the liquid, dry the pulp and add water to the powder and drink it before each meal.

"The cure for gastritis and other stomach ailments can be found in nature."


How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally

Date: July 27, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Acne, Stains and Pimple Marks Naturally

Our appearance is crucial to making positive first impressions, so it makes sense to take care of our face. However, problems like acne, unhealthy environments, and even poor diets can leave unwanted marks on a person's face. Because of this, safe, natural, and cost effective remedies to this problem are treasured. There exists one recipe to alleviate this problem, involving common ingredients that could be found in most homes; water, apple cider, lemon, baking soda, and honey. Together, these ingredients can form a mixture that, when properly applied, can help restore appearance to one's face by removing blemishes and pimples. However, it is important to check for allergies before applying the mixture, and you must avoid sunbathing the next day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acne in teens reduces their self esteem because their appearance is an important thing in their life.
  • Home remedy can help with the acne and also the self esteem of a teen
  • Make sure you do an allergy test before using the home remedy

"Many young people suffer from low self-esteem due to blemishes and acne."


If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat

Date: July 21, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: If you get less than 7 hours of sleep, this is what can happen to your belly fat

When adult don’t get the recommended amount of sleep (7-8 hours), the body is out of balance, especially with a proper eating schedule. Sleep deprivation can lead to poor nutritional habits (i.e. eating convenience food at any hour of the day). This can lead to heart disease and diabetes. Getting enough sleep allows the body to reset and can help ward off many diseases. There are many techniques, such as hypnosis shown in the video, or limited screen time before bed, to relax and aide in the sleeping process.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Levels of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), a chemical that makes foods pleasurable, were elevated when the participants were sleep deprived.
  • Another revealing study showed that one night of sleep deprivation led to impairments in insulin sensitivity similar to those caused by six months of eating a poor diet.
  • Insufficient sleep may also be a contributing factor in the recurrence of breast cancer and more aggressive forms of breast cancer among post-menopausal women

"Even willpower may not be enough to overcome lack of sleep’s not-so-subtle influence on your appetite, as sleep restriction is associated with activation of your endocannabinoid system — the same one activated by marijuana."


CBD research is going to the dogs in quest to help pets

Date: July 21, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CBD research is going to the dogs in quest to help pets

CBD research is going to happen with dogs in a quest to help pets. This cannabis compound has been hailed for its potential medicinal benefits in people. Thanks to its properties, people wanted to know if it could help put their furry friends as well. But, the scientists and veterinarians in charge have cautioned that the clinical research is lacking because it has many complications. There are many questions that people have about this interesting compound.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cannabis could be life saying for animals and requires in depth research.
  • Side effects could include diarrhea and liver problems which is milder than most prescription medications.
  • It is highly expensive to research medical cannabis but is necessary in possibly saving animals.

"About 30 percent of dogs on conventional anti-convulsant therapies continue to have uncontrolled seizures or experience side effects that are so debilitating that their owners consider it a poor quality of life, she said."

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Take Leaf Therapeutics Solaray Brand CBD and Feel the Difference!


Healthy Eating: Clearing up the cooking oil confusion

Date: July 18, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Healthy Eating: Clearing up the cooking oil confusion

There are three classifications for cooking oil. They are the following: high heat, medium heat, and low to no heat. Depending on the temperature required for cooking, one must pick an oil that is best for the job. One such oil, coconut oil, has come into the spotlight as a miracle oil, which will increase the immune system and brain health, and as a poor oil, which has a special type of pure saturated fat that recently came under criticism. However, coconut oil has MCTs, which are a health benefit.

Read more: Healthy Eating: Clearing up the cooking oil confusion


What Is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease? + 17 Natural Treatments

Date: July 14, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease? + 17 Natural Treatments

Hand mouth and foot disease is a common disease among small children, although can be present in all ages. Its a disease spread by bodily fluids, like that from the mouth, nose, and even feces. The disease starts as showing no symptoms, but after 3-5 days, sores may begin to appear. As they burst, they scab over and vanish. There is no known treatment for this disease, although it isn't life threatening. Within 7-10 days, it is over. However, for up to 5 weeks after the infection, someone is still capable of spreading the disease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hand, foot, and mouth disease is typically seen in children who are 5 or younger.
  • The disease can be spread by poor hygiene habits such as not washing your hands.
  • Symptoms include sores in your mouth and sometimes on the buttocks.

"Hand, foot and mouth disease is frequently found in childcare settings where frequent diaper changes and potty training allows the virus to spread quickly from person to person."

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Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

Date: June 26, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Drink It With A Single Blow And Your Liver Will Look Like The One You Had At 20!!

The liver is the organ that suffers most from a poor diet, which is the organ that does most of the work in cleaning the bodies blood. By boiling a handful of peppermint in two liters of water, letting stand, and then straining, it can be combined with the juice from a lemon, orange, and a half tablespoon of lemon zest to create a drink that will cleanse the body and liver. If the taste is too acidic a teaspoon of honey can be added. This cleanse should be taken for a week at a cup per day. It is also recommended that the person taking this cleanse take care of their body by avoiding tobacco and alcohol while drinking two liters of water a day and eating carrots, nuts, and foods rich in fiber as well as whole grains. They should also get about eight hours of sleep to maintain a healthy system.

Key Takeaways:

  • This is a natural drink that will keep your liver clean, which improves the quality of one's blood and helps with the disposal of toxic waste.
  • This drink uses peppermint, lemon juice, orange juice, lemon zest, and water.
  • Taking care of your liver also calls for drinking at least two liters of water daily, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, eating fiber rich foods, and get a good 8 hours of sleep every night.

"While people are becoming more interested in feeling good, it is also true that we are still interested in seeing each other well."


Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children

Date: June 21, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children

Eggs have the potential to contribute to reduced growth stunting around the world.Poor nutrition is a major cause of stunting, along with childhood infections and illnesses.eggs were great food for young children with small stomachs.Eggs contain a combination of nutrients, which we think is important.Children in the treatment group had higher dietary intakes of eggs and reduced intake of sugar-sweetened foods compared to control.They theorized that getting very young children to eat eggs might have an impact.

Read more: Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children


How blood sugar levels affect your brain - and what to do about it

Date: June 17, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How blood sugar levels affect your brain - and what to do about it

Blood sugar levels affect your brain and there is something that you can do about it to help it calm down. It is no secret that the over consumption of sugar can have some very detrimental effects. Diane Abbot is one lady that has been impacted by diabetes and her family has just figured it out. She has had many poor performances because of it. Her blood sugar got out of control and things took a downward turn for her.

Read more: How blood sugar levels affect your brain - and what to do about it


The Toenail Fungus On My Feet Destroyed My Life Until I Found How To Destroy Them!!

Date: June 16, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Toenail Fungus On My Feet Destroyed My Life Until I Found How To Destroy Them!!

Toenail fungus can be a problematic issue, caused by poor hygiene, excessive moisture from sweating, and going bare footed in public baths and pools. It's important to keep your feet dry, but moisturized enough that cracks don't develop in the skin.This is especially important during the summer months. One remedy for those affected by foot fungus is to soak the feel in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. 1 cup of vinegar and two cups of water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Dry the feet thoroughly, and repeat, but add 5 table spoons of baking soda to the mix, soak the feet again for 15 to 20 minutes.Doing this regularly will help destroy the fungus and improve foot health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apple vinegar can be used to fight against foot fungus infection
  • it's even more efficient in killing foot fungus by combining apple vinegar with baking soda
  • this natural remedy is able to slowly, but permanently eliminate the fungus.

"Nail fungus is a recurring problem, when people do not have the necessary hygiene, or when they attend public baths, or swimming pools."


More fruits and vegetables can improve health

Date: June 15, 2017 07:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: More fruits and vegetables can improve health

Even though fruits and vegetables have been shown to improve health and ward off cardiovascular disease and stroke, 10% or less of American adults and children eat the daily recommended servings of 4.5 cups. During June, there is a campaign called Healthy for Good, and it is being offered to educate and encourage people to eat healthy. Poor diet was the leading factor in premature death in 2010. Healthy for Good hopes to spread the word about fruits and vegetables, sharing facts and recipes, so attitudes and eating habits will improve.

Read more: More fruits and vegetables can improve health


ALL HEALING NUTRIENTS found in cannabis are made from carbon dioxide, the "miracle molecule" for plant life across our planet

Date: June 10, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: ALL HEALING NUTRIENTS found in cannabis are made from carbon dioxide, the "miracle molecule" for plant life across our planet

Those who espouse anti-carbon dioxide sentiment, are really missing the main point, which is that it is absolutely essential to all plant life on earth. Because of this, they refer to it as the "miracle molecule". In terms of cannabis, it too would not exist with carbon dioxide. Without carbon dioxide, the world would be deprived of THC, which is the active ingredient in cannabis and is responsible for the medical applications we hear about.

Life on earth cannot exist without carbon dioxide, so demonizing it is not the right answer. The real answer to solving the air quality problem is minimizing particulate pollution emissions and determining the optimal balance of carbon dioxide to support a lush, life sustaining earth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life on earth would not be possible without carbon dioxide
  • Cannabis and its healing qualities are a result of carbon dioxide
  • A balance of carbon dioxide is what is needed for the optimum amount and quality of life on earth

"Poor air quality is absolutely killing people around the world, and particulate pollution emissions are a serious problem for many reasons."

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Why overall gut health is vital to wellbeing

Date: June 08, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why overall gut health is vital to wellbeing

Nobody likes bloating and cramping and other gut nuisances. Millions of bacteria, also called microflora, are in gastro-intestinal tract. The state of your digestive health can effect your immunity to illnesses. A healthy digestive tract is key to overall good health. Travel, stress, diet and antibiotics can all cause problems or imbalances in the flora in the digestive tract. Probiotics help to protect the gut, as well as overall health and well-being. It's important to assure you take a probiotic that is high quality.

Key Takeaways:

  • When gut flora becomes imbalanced, toxic products are released, which causes discomfort.
  • Many factors can cause an imbalance in gut flora, so most people need to take a daily probiotic.
  • Combining two strains of probiotics will protect the entire gut, preventing pathogens from binding.

"Various factors such as a poor diet, high stress, travel, gastroenteritis or taking antibiotics, can cause an imbalance in the gut flora, so it is necessary for most people to supplement their diet with a high quality daily probiotic, Dicks added"

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What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things

Date: June 05, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Causes Cancer? Here Are 11 Unexpected Things

Many things are supposed to cause cancer. Some of them are found in the home and elsewhere in our daily lives. It can be hard to know exactly what to worry about. People worry all the time but don't know all of the dangers. This talks about eleven things you might want to avoid. Cancer can hurt us a great deal. It can even be fatal. Yes, there are treatments but prevention is the most important. Knowing what to avoid can help us stay healthier.

Key Takeaways:

  • 39.6% of the population will eventually suffer from cancer. It's one of the main causes of death.
  • Genetics, obesity, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, and chronic inflammation, can all cause cancer.
  • There are some lesser known causes such as where you live, some viruses and bacteria, scented candles and air fresheners, sunscreen and other things.

"Previous research shows that genetics account for only about half of all cancers, suggesting environmental exposures and socioeconomic factors may also play a role."

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50% of all colon cancer cases are preventable

Date: June 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 50% of all colon cancer cases are preventable

Colorectal cancer is highly preventable, especially when you maintain beneficial levels of healthy bacteria in your intestines. Most colorectal cancer is due to poor diet, tobacco use or infections leading to formation of cancer cells. A diet high in fruits, vegetables and fiber while being low in processed or red meats can prevent cancer from forming. Exercising regularly and keeping your weight and belly fat accumulation low is also beneficial. Finally, limiting cancer causing alcohol and cutting out tobacco use will also keep your colon healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Including healthy things in a diet and maintaining an active lifestyle can help prevent colon cancer.
  • You should only get colonoscopies if you are over 50 and have an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • People who are overweight and eat out often have a higher chance of developing cancer.

"Colorectal cancer, which includes both cancers of the colon and rectum, is the third most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S."

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Follow Your Gut to Better Immune Health

Date: May 30, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Follow Your Gut to Better Immune Health

The gut is a very complex part of our body. There are trillions of microbes which aids in digestion and metabolism. Most of our bacteria comes from food. It is also possible to supplement our body with probiotics. It is important to know the strains of bacteria we are taking. Mushrooms also aid in digestion. The bacteria in mushroom helps repopulate the bacteria in our gut. Proper supplementation is great to fight off digestion problems which hurt millions of people.

Key Takeaways:

  • probiotics are an important part of your diet if you wish to stay healthy
  • probiotics alone arent enough sometimes prebiotics will help you become healthy as well
  • Probiotics can be found naturally in certain types of foods

"Poor digestion leaves the body and the immune system with a lack of nutritional factors that support immune function and the function of the entire body."

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10 Symptoms You May Have Parasites in your Body (and how to remove them)!

Date: May 27, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 10 Symptoms You May Have Parasites in your Body (and how to remove them)!

You can get parasites from a few different sources. They come from poorly prepared food most of all but you can also get them from certain animals. This will help you diagnose them. You're given ten symptoms to look for. You're also given advice for ridding your body of them if they appear. Parasites can sap your strength and should definitely not be ignored. Some can even prove fatal if allowed to remain for too long.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parasites, which are organisms that feed off of other organisms, can cause serious damage to their host organism.
  • There are parasites that consume red blood cells, thereby causing anemia.
  • Parasites can affix themselves to a person's intestines, causing irritable bowel syndrome, or consume the host's food supply, so that the host is constantly hungry and underweight.

"parasites hate raw cabbage, coconut oil, pineapple,gentian root, ginger, aloe, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, blackberrys and papaya."


The color of your urine says a lot about your health, this is what your color means!

Date: May 25, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The color of your urine says a lot about your health, this is what your color means!

You may notice your urine looking darker or orangish. It is important to pay attention to this because it could reflect bigger health problems. You can't tell by color alone but it can be a sign. A doctor can test your urine if you think there is something wrong so you should communicate with yours whenever you worry. Just tell them what color it is and if you have any oter symptoms that could be signs of something.

Key Takeaways:

  • Human urine is comprised primarily of water and waste matter.
  • Urine results due to the efforts of the kidneys, which filter out toxins and unneeded water.
  • Lighter, clear urine generally indicates efficient kidney processes and good hydration, while darker urine often indicates the kidney's are working harder and hydration is suboptimal.

"Color can show you certain signs: poor diet, sickness, hydration, etc..."


Turmeric has amazing anti-bacterial

Date: May 11, 2017 06:45 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Turmeric has amazing anti-bacterial

Grammar is important because it shows a good command of our language. It is best to learn the rules and to employ them. Using poor grammar can make you seem uneducated and sloppy. If you want to work you might be judged if your application or any other professional writing has poor grammar in it. It is possible to avoid problems by having your grammar reviewed for mistakes so you can correct any that are discovered.

Read more: Turmeric has amazing anti-bacterial


5 Foods To Support Digestive Health

Date: May 05, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Foods To Support Digestive Health

It is extremely important to use good grammar when you speak and also when you write. If you don't others will write you off as under educated or unprofessional. If you write for any career you'll see grammar mistakes causing you problems if they're allowed to stand. Getting your grammar corrected can help avoid these problems. If a human corrects your grammar you can be sure they checked it and didn't see mistakes. Humans aren't perfect, though, so of course an error can be made.

Key Takeaways:

  • Bad gut health can lead to a large array of other health problems.
  • Typical symptoms of poor gut health include bloating, irritable bowel, and leaky gut.
  • Things like chia seeds, garlic, ginger, zucchini, and lacto-fermented vegetables can help improve gut health.

"For anyone who experiences poor digestive health, they understand that an unhappy gut can lead to a plethora of other issues, with discomfort and pain only a small part of the problems associated with digestive illness. Good gut health can address many symptoms, underlying causes and inflammatory processes of illness. Improving digestion also reduces reactivity to foods that can impact health and wellbeing."

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The Sugar vs. Vitamin C War - City Watch

Date: May 04, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Sugar vs. Vitamin C War - City Watch

The average American consumes about 150 pounds of sugar every year and it's effects can cancel the effects of vitamin C. Vitamin C can only be obtained by food or supplements. It's responsible for our skin structure and overall health. Glucose competes with vitamin C using the same cell receptors and doesn't allow vitamin C to do it's beneficial work. Sugar also decreases effects of B vitamins when eaten in high levels. The best diet is one that includes as little amount of any type of sugar as possible. The FDA will soon be required foods to be limited in sugar when sold commercially even natural foods.

Key Takeaways:

  • People consume a lot of sugar each year and that can have negative impacts on the heart, blood and brain.
  • Unlike animals, humans cannot produce their own vitamin c and we must take it in the forms of food and supplements.
  • Even brown sugar and sugar in the raw is bad for people, it is not healthier in any way.

"The specific receptor for vitamin C is the same receptor that allows glucose or sugar to enter. Because the cell has a greater affinity for glucose compared to vitamin C, if the sugar levels in the body are elevated due to poor diet, the cells will absorb the sugar disallowing room for the vitamin C to be taken up by our cells."

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Spring Allergies - Fight Spring Allergies Naturally with HERBAL REMEDIES!

Date: May 04, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Spring Allergies - Fight Spring Allergies Naturally with HERBAL REMEDIES!

Herbs can create a lot of benefits for our health. Allergies can plague you with runny eyes, stuffy noses and sore throats. There are some natural, herbal remedies you can use to fight spring allergies. You can use chamomile, nettle, mint, thyme, honey, ginger and hot pepper. These create wide benefits, including the reduction of sneezing, itchy eyes, poor breathing, coughing, breathlessness, the inflammation of the throat and runny nose. This allows for a reduction in symptoms naturally.

Key Takeaways:

  • Allergies can be fought naturally using products that are derived from nature
  • Seasonal allergies do not need to be suffered through with out help
  • Nature has remedies that preform different ways to help with different symptom.

"Spring means different and new things for everyone, but for many people it means watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat."


How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

Date: May 03, 2017 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

There are three types of lice, head lice that develops on the scalp portion and neck, then there is body lice that lives on bedding and clothing and will get on the persons body to feed, generally happens if the person has poor hygiene, the last type of lice is pubic lice, and this type of lice lives on the pubic area. When you find out that you have lice, you have to kill not only the living bugs, but the eggs as well. There are a few symptoms of lice, i.e. itching, red bumps, tickling when your hair moves, and finding eggs. There is an over the counter medicine that can be used to treat lice, and will typically need to be used twice because the first treatment will not kill off the most recent eggs. After treatment you should wash all materials that have come in contact with the lice, just to make sure they are not on those articles anymore like bedding, clothing, and even carpet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among young children.
  • Head lice don’t spread or carry disease, but they will have people scratching their heads a lot.
  • Lice feed on human blood, are very small and don't have wings.

"The CDC estimates that somewhere between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among kids aged three to 11 years of age. In the United States, you’ll find the majority of head lice cases occurring in preschool and elementary school children and the people they live with."

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6 Natural Ways To Make You Poop More And Ease Constipation

Date: April 30, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Natural Ways To Make You Poop More And Ease Constipation

Constipation is a very common problem with many causes. Some of these causes include poor diet, hormonal imbalance, not drinking enough fluids, and overuse of laxatives. People tend to use over-the-counter stool softeners and laxatives to avoid or cure constipation but these medications mask symptoms and may cause worse problems in the future. Adverse health effects of constipation include pain and discomfort, hemorrhoids, and anal fissures. Anal fissures are more severe than hemorrhoids and involve an actual tearing of tissue and can be very difficult to treat. Natural ways to ease constipation include adding more fiber, drinking plenty of water, more physical activity, coconut oil, and certain herbs and teas. Everyone is different, so if one method does not work incorporate more than one lifestyle or diet change and try to avoid use of laxatives.

Read more: 6 Natural Ways To Make You Poop More And Ease Constipation



Date: April 26, 2017 11:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (

Your liver detoxifies chemicals, makes proteins, cleans your system, and is important in weight loss. And after doing all of this, your liver needs to be detoxed also! A poorly functioning liver will prevent weight loss. Use this recipe to restore your liver:

1 cup parsley chopped 5 celery stalks 3 organic lemons (not peeled)

Clean the ingredients and blend. Add 6 cups water and blend again.

Drink before each meal for for three says. Break for seven days. Drink for three days again.

Continue to drink more water to promote weight loss.

That's it! Enjoy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our livers are a very important part of our bodies and toxins can cause unrecoverable damage.
  • Drink a detox drink containing parsley, celery, and lemons to restore your liver in five days.
  • Drink two cups before each meal for three days, then take a seven day brake and repeat.

"Your liver carries many vital functions in the body, and it's in the core of every metabolic process."


Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY!

Date: April 25, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Never Ignore These Warning SIGNS OF VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY!

Your body needs Vitamin B12, and you can believe that there will be many signs that tell you when there isn't enough of the substance in your body. You should be aware of the signs, and what to do if you experience them because Vitamin B12 deficiency can be very serious. You should pay special attention to these signs that are indicative of a very serious deficiency that requires help from a medical professional quickly.

Key Takeaways:

  • The B12 vitamin is found in meat, dairy, eggs, and shellfish.
  • Some symptoms of B12 deficiency are fatigue, dizziness, forgetfulness, pins and needles, and muscle weakness.
  • B12 affects the red blood cells and as a result oxygen is slow getting to the organs.

"The most common causes include reduced intake, the use of certain medications, genetics, malnutrition, poor absorption from the stomach or intestines, chronic inflation of the stomach, intestinal parasites, and more."


My Constipation Completely Disappeared When I Cleaned My Bowels With This Before Going To Bed!!

Date: April 24, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: My Constipation Completely Disappeared When I Cleaned My Bowels With This Before Going To Bed!!

Abdominal fat, the fat around your stomach that can make you look overweight or pregnant, might not be fat at all but waste built up in our bodies. Fast food is one of the biggest contributors to waste build up, it is not easily digestible and can contribute to cancer and poor health. A mixture of water, crystal of aloe, apple cider vinegar and bee honey can help eliminate this waste. Repeating this mixture nightly for 15 days will clear your bowels and make you feel better overall.

Read more: My Constipation Completely Disappeared When I Cleaned My Bowels With This Before Going To Bed!!


Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods

Date: April 23, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ease the load on your liver with these 7 foods

Fatty liver disease can be caused by too much alcohol intake or an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. There are some foods that can help heal a fatty liver. Allison, found in garlic can detox your liver. Turmeric can decrease inflammation and is detoxifying. Dark leafy greens contain sulfur which contributes to a healthy liver. Green tea can decrease fat accumulation in the body and liver. Broccoli neutralizes liver toxins. Pineapples can reduce inflammation and reduce digestive stress on the liver. Blueberries are full of protective antioxidants and can fight lover cancer cells. Nutrient supplements and water are also a must for liver health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having an unhealthy diet can be very damaging to a persons liver.
  • Garlic is known for its antioxidants and even anti-fungal properties.
  • Some foods to help with a persons liver include; blueberries, broccoli, pineapple, and even green tea.

"Liver problems like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), liver fibrosis, and alcoholic liver disease are often caused by poor lifestyle choices. That’s why making positive changes to your diet is a huge step towards improved liver health. According to, these are some of the best foods and herbs for maintaining a healthy and happy liver."

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