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  Messages 1-80 from 80 matching the search criteria.
The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat Darrell Miller 6/7/24
Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues Darrell Miller 6/6/24
Ashwagandha: Your Natural Shield Against Stress Darrell Miller 11/17/23
Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine Darrell Miller 7/27/23
Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief Darrell Miller 11/23/22
Solaray Multidophilus 12 - A Twelve-Strain Probiotic Blend Darrell Miller 11/10/22
The Benefits of Dextrose Darrell Miller 10/10/22
The Importance of Vitamin D-3 Darrell Miller 9/28/22
CuraMed Acute Pain Relief: New Clinically Proven Technology to Ease Your Pain Darrell Miller 7/26/22
High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia Darrell Miller 4/29/22
The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know Darrell Miller 4/29/22
What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body Darrell Miller 4/28/22
4 reasons you should eat more mushrooms Darrell Miller 5/9/19
This Delicious Sweet Fruit Is Called The Fruit Of The Angels:Weight Loss And Other Benefits - Doctor NDTV Darrell Miller 5/7/19
Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention? VitaNet, LLC Staff 5/3/19
How Can Cannabis Help with Autoimmune Disorders? Darrell Miller 5/2/19
High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life? Darrell Miller 5/1/19
Why Should You Add Seaweed To Your Diet? Darrell Miller 4/27/19
A healthy gut is a more efficient gut: Prebiotic fiber found tobreak down a high-fat diet better, reducing accumulation and inflammation Darrell Miller 4/26/19
5 foods that arthritis patients must include in their daily diet Darrell Miller 4/26/19
Coconut oil studied for its potential to reverse Alzheimer's Darrell Miller 4/22/19
Chitosan: A more environmentally friendly food packaging materialthan plastic Darrell Miller 4/12/19
Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health? Darrell Miller 4/2/19
Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke VitaNet, LLC Staff 3/19/19
Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases Darrell Miller 3/7/19
What Is Vitamin A Good For? It Turns Out a Lot of Things Darrell Miller 2/21/19
Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection Darrell Miller 2/5/19
Another benefit of aloe vera: It reduces fasting blood glucose Darrell Miller 2/4/19
Boswellia extract exhibits profound healing and anti-inflammatory properties Darrell Miller 1/19/19
Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar (And Other Reasons to Add It toEverything) Darrell Miller 1/9/19
9 Health Benefits of Glutathione Darrell Miller 1/2/19
Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season Darrell Miller 12/13/18
Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA Darrell Miller 12/8/18
12 Essential Oils for Arthritis Pain Darrell Miller 11/22/18
Reduce your risk of developing an autoimmune disease withglutathione Darrell Miller 11/21/18
From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/13/18
Acidity : Ways to Minimize Acid Indigestion VitaNet, LLC Staff 11/5/18
Beet juice may reduce walking pain with leg artery disease VitaNet, LLC Staff 10/10/18
Common Herbs to Help Soothe Constipation VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/21/18
Is Cholesterol Bad for Your Brain? Science Says No VitaNet, LLC Staff 9/11/18
5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/29/18
Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth VitaNet, LLC Staff 8/26/18
Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best Darrell Miller 5/25/18
This Happens To Your Body If You Consume Bee Honey With Turmeric Daily!! Darrell Miller 3/21/18
6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function Darrell Miller 12/15/17
4 Groundbreaking Studies on Cannabis and Disease Darrell Miller 11/17/17
How can I protect my eyes from diabetes? Darrell Miller 11/16/17
Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living Darrell Miller 11/15/17
Acai may offer prebiotic benefits throughout the GI tract, researchers find Darrell Miller 10/31/17
Is Fluoride Bad for You? It’s Not Just in the Water Darrell Miller 10/19/17
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink? Darrell Miller 10/18/17
7 Huge Benefits of Prune Juice Darrell Miller 10/16/17
Pot for Pets? Darrell Miller 9/17/17
5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation Darrell Miller 9/17/17
Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil Darrell Miller 9/11/17
Now that's good bacteria Darrell Miller 9/7/17
5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older Darrell Miller 9/4/17
The new science on anxiety and gut health Darrell Miller 9/1/17
Probiotic supplementation may ease constipation among elderly, new study suggests Darrell Miller 8/27/17
Have You Heard of Humic Acid? Darrell Miller 8/18/17
5 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar Darrell Miller 7/29/17
Top 7 Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure Naturally Darrell Miller 7/23/17
7 Reasons Probiotics Should Be Part of Your Diet Darrell Miller 7/14/17
Healthy gut bacteria improve immunity Darrell Miller 7/7/17
6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey Darrell Miller 7/1/17
Broccoli sprouts discovered to be a "secret weapon" against diabetes Darrell Miller 7/1/17
Digestive Enzymes Are The New Probiotics. Here's What You Need To Know. Darrell Miller 6/16/17
Seven health benefits of strawberries Darrell Miller 6/14/17
With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia Darrell Miller 6/4/17
Vitamin K2 and why form matters! Darrell Miller 6/1/17
Scientists Say: Mitochondrion Darrell Miller 5/27/17
Increasing use by elders of CBD for anxiety Darrell Miller 5/23/17
SENNA: Natural Living Rooted in Tradition Darrell Miller 5/20/17
fight cancer with baking soda Darrell Miller 5/16/17
6 digestive problems that can affect your weight Darrell Miller 5/5/17
How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies Darrell Miller 5/3/17
Living near nature linked to longer lives, says study Darrell Miller 4/20/17
Compound in hot peppers found to halt growth of breast cancer cells Darrell Miller 4/16/17
Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden Darrell Miller 3/28/17
Yeast brew trouble for inflammatory bowel disorders Darrell Miller 3/19/17

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The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

Date: June 07, 2024 12:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

The Controversial Future of Lab-Grown Meat

Lab-grown meat, also called cultured or cell-based meat, is a new tech stirring hope and controversy in food. This method produces animal meat without slaughtering, offering an alternative to livestock farming. It could revolutionize protein thinking by reducing environmental impact and addressing ethical concerns. However, as with any new technology, there are significant debates surrounding its safety, health implications, and overall viability.

How Lab-Grown Meat is Produced

The process of producing lab-grown meat begins by taking a small sample of animal cells, often through a harmless biopsy. These cells, typically muscle cells, are then placed in a nutrient-rich culture medium that mimics the environment within an animal's body. The culture medium contains essential nutrients like amino acids, sugars, and growth factors that encourage the cells to divide and grow. Over time, these cells multiply, differentiating into muscle tissue, which can then be harvested, processed, and formed into meat products.

This process, often taking place in bioreactors, aims to replicate the natural muscle growth seen in animals. By controlling the environment meticulously, scientists can produce meat that is structurally and nutritionally similar to conventionally farmed meat. Despite the technological advancements and potential benefits, there is still a wave of skepticism and resistance against lab-grown meat, primarily centered on health risks and the idea of naturalness.

Health Risks: The Skeptics' Viewpoint

Critics of lab-grown meat often argue that these products are unnatural and potentially harmful. They highlight the use of a synthetic culture medium and artificial scaffolding materials to structure the tissue as primary concerns. One common criticism is that the long-term health effects of consuming lab-grown meat are unknown. Since this technology is still relatively new, there hasn't been enough time to study the impact it may have on human health comprehensively.

Another significant concern revolves around the additives and growth factors used in the culture medium. Skeptics claim that consuming these substances, some derived from non-food-grade sources, could lead to unintended side effects over time. Moreover, contaminants introduced during the production process may pose risks absent in naturally grown meat.

Some also point to the lack of regulatory standards and oversight for lab-grown meat as a potential risk. Since this is a new industry, the guidelines for safety, production, and labeling are still evolving. This uncertainty contributes to the fear and resistance among certain consumer groups and policymakers.

Regulatory Response: States Banning Lab-Grown Meat

In light of these concerns, some states have taken a firm stance against lab-grown meat. Florida and Arizona, for example, have enacted bans prohibiting the sale of cultured meat products. These states argue that there is insufficient evidence to guarantee the safety and health benefits of lab-grown meat. They also see these bans as a way to protect consumers and promote traditional agriculture practices.

Florida's legislative body expressed concerns about the potential economic impact on the state's agriculture sector, which relies heavily on cattle farming. By banning lab-grown meat, they aim to safeguard the livelihoods of local farmers and ensure the sustainability of rural communities. Similarly, in Arizona, legislators emphasized the naturalness and cultural significance of traditionally farmed meat, viewing lab-grown alternatives as a threat to their state's heritage.

These bans have sparked debates on innovation in our food system and if regulators overlook new technologies too hastily. Lab-grown meat supporters argue that these bans impede progress and limit consumer choice for ethical, eco-friendly products.

Why Naturally Grown Meat is Better and Healthier

Despite the potential benefits of lab-grown meat, many still advocate for naturally grown meat as the superior option. First and foremost, naturally grown meat has a long history of consumption, providing a well-documented track record of its health effects. Unlike lab-grown meat, which relies on new and untested methods, natural meat comes from animals that have been bred and raised for generations.

One of the key arguments in favor of naturally grown meat is the lack of artificial additives and synthetic processes. Animals on well-managed farms have open pastures, a varied diet, and humane Living conditions, resulting in meat free from artificial additives. Natural meat can be organic and free-range, meeting consumers' health and ethical standards.

Nutritionally, naturally grown meat offers high levels of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Grass-fed and pasture-raised animals, especially known for producing meat with higher omega-3 fatty acids and lower saturated fat content, have well-documented nutritional benefits supported by extensive research, giving health-conscious consumers peace of mind.

Another argument for naturally grown meat is its cultural and environmental significance. Traditional farming practices contribute to biodiversity, support local economies, and maintain rural landscapes. Lab-grown meat, on the other hand, often involves centralized production that may not offer the same level of environmental benefits.

In The Future

The future of lab-grown meat remains a contentious topic, with passionate arguments on both sides of the debate. This innovative technology shows promise for changing our food system, tackling ethical issues, and lessening environmental impact. However, it sparks questions about health risks, regulations, and long-term sustainability. With some states considering bans on cultured meat, the dialogue on food values evolves. Choosing between lab-grown and naturally raised meat will hinge on personal preferences, values, and emerging scientific evidence.


Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

Date: June 06, 2024 05:20 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

Allercetin: Your Natural Defense Against Allergies and Sinus Issues

Allergies and sinus issues can be a constant thorn in the side for many individuals. Everyday activities can feel like an uphill battle when you're plagued by congestion, sneezing, and itchy eyes. But what if there was a natural remedy that could provide relief across multiple body systems? Introducing Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus, a Bio-Aligned Formula designed to tackle the root causes of your allergy symptoms.

What Makes Allercetin™ Different?

Allercetin™ is not your average allergy treatment. This innovative product leverages natural homeopathic remedies to address the complex web of systems involved in allergic reactions. Unlike many over-the-counter medications that offer temporary relief, Allercetin™ provides a comprehensive approach, targeting the respiratory system, sinuses, mucous membranes, and more.

The Bio-Aligned Formula

The key to Allercetin™'s effectiveness lies in its Bio-Aligned Formula. This advanced blend of natural ingredients is designed to support multiple body systems that are often affected by hay fever and other allergic conditions.

Respiratory System

Breathing becomes a chore when your respiratory system is compromised by allergens. Allercetin™ contains ingredients that help to open up the airways, making it easier to breathe. This can be particularly beneficial during high pollen seasons when respiratory issues are at their peak.


Your sinuses play a crucial role in trapping allergens and preventing them from entering your respiratory system. However, when they become inflamed, they can cause severe discomfort. Allercetin™ supports the health of your sinuses, promoting natural drainage and reducing inflammation.

Mucous Membranes

Mucous membranes are the body's first line of defense against airborne irritants. Allercetin™ helps to maintain the integrity of these membranes, ensuring they function optimally. This reduces the likelihood of allergens causing significant irritation and discomfort.

Histamine Inhibition

Histamines are chemicals in the body that play a central role in allergic reactions. When released in large amounts, they can cause symptoms like itching, swelling, and redness. Allercetin™ works to inhibit the release of histamines, thus reducing the severity of allergic reactions.

Immune Desensitization

A hyperactive immune system can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Allercetin™ includes ingredients that help to desensitize the immune system, making it less reactive to allergens. This not only alleviates current symptoms but can also reduce the likelihood of future allergic reactions.

Cellular Energy

When your body is fighting allergies, it can drain your energy levels significantly. Allercetin™ supports cellular energy production, ensuring you have the stamina to go about your daily activities with ease.

How to Use Allercetin™

Using Allercetin™ is simple and convenient. Take the recommended dosage as indicated on the packaging, preferably at the onset of symptoms. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of this natural remedy.

Why Choose Allercetin™?

Multiple factors set Allercetin™ apart from other allergy treatments on the market. Here are some reasons why you should consider making it a staple in your wellness routine:

  • Natural Ingredients: Allercetin™ is made from homeopathic remedies. This means you can avoid the side effects commonly associated with synthetic drugs.
  • Comprehensive Support: While other treatments may target individual symptoms, Allercetin™ provides broad-spectrum support across multiple body systems.
  • Easy to Use: With straightforward instructions and a convenient dosage form, integrating Allercetin™ into your daily life is hassle-free.
  • Clinically-Backed: The ingredients in Allercetin™ have been selected based on their proven efficacy in managing allergy symptoms.

Customer Testimonials

Don't just take our word for it; listen to what our satisfied customers have to say:

  • Jane D. from Chicago shares, "Allercetin™ has been a game-changer for me. I used to dread springtime, but now I can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about my allergies acting up."
  • Tom P. from New York states, "I've tried numerous allergy medications over the years, but nothing compares to Allercetin™. It's truly the most effective solution I've found."

Scientific Backing

Rigorous scientific research guided the development of Allercetin™. We selected each ingredient based on its ability to alleviate symptoms and support overall well-being. This guarantees you receive a product supported by both traditional wisdom and modern science.

Final Thoughts

Living with allergies and sinus issues doesn't have to be an ordeal. With Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus, you can take a proactive approach to manage your symptoms naturally and effectively. Why settle for temporary relief when you can address the root causes of your discomfort?

Experience the transformative power of Allercetin™ for yourself. Don't let allergies hold you back any longer. Visit our website today to purchase Allercetin™ Allergy & Sinus and reclaim your life from the shackles of allergies. Take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable life—order now!


Ashwagandha: Your Natural Shield Against Stress

Date: November 17, 2023 12:27 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ashwagandha: Your Natural Shield Against Stress

Ashwagandha: Your Natural Shield Against Stress

Ashwagandha, a powerful adaptogenic herb, has been a pillar of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Revered for its restorative properties, it has a rich history in promoting well-being and vitality. Indigenous to India and North Africa, Ashwagandha has been used for over 3000 years, marking it as one of the oldest known medicinal herbs.

Derived from the roots of the Withania Somnifera plant, Ashwagandha functions by interacting with your body's endocrine and nervous systems. It aids in modulating stress responses, regulating hormone levels, and enhancing cognitive function. Moreover, it's proven to lower cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone, leading to better stress management.

Withanolides, the biologically active compounds in Ashwagandha, are primarily responsible for the herb's therapeutic effects. They belong to a group of naturally occurring steroids that possess a wide range of biological activities. Withanolides are beneficial in modulating the body's response to stress, enhancing memory, and improving overall mental well-being. Research suggests that they can also inhibit the growth of some forms of cancer, making them a subject of intense study in the field of oncology. The potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of withanolides contribute to Ashwagandha's reputation as a powerful adaptogen, helping to balance various systems within the body and promoting overall health and vitality.

To our valued customers seeking a natural solution to stressful Living, Ashwagandha offers a natural path to tranquility. It aids in reducing anxiety and depression, supports cognitive health, and promotes a balanced mood. Further, it enhances physical performance by boosting energy levels and improving sleep quality, making it a holistic solution for a healthier life.

Unique Selling Points:

  • Natural and Organic: Our Ashwagandha is sourced from organic farms, ensuring you receive a product free from pesticides and harmful chemicals.
  • High Potency: We offer high-strength Ashwagandha capsules, ensuring you receive maximum benefits from each dose.
  • Certified Quality: Our product undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure purity, potency, and safety.

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed is no way to live. With our Ashwagandha, you can harness the power of nature to regain control of your well-being.

Here are some additional benefits:

  • Boosts Immunity: Ashwagandha stimulates the immune system, aiding your body in fighting off illness and infection.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, beneficial for people suffering from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions.

Helpful Tips:

  • Consistent Use: For the best results, take Ashwagandha consistently over a period of time.
  • Pair with Healthy Lifestyle: Combine with a balanced diet and regular exercise for optimal results.

Embrace the power of Ashwagandha and reclaim a life of balance and vitality. This is more than just a supplement; it's a step towards a healthier, happier you. So why wait? Take the first step towards a stress-free life today. Order Now and start your journey towards wellness.

Europharma / Terry Naturally: Ashwagandha EP35 Extra Strength 60 Caps

The power of Ashwagandha is unarguably exceptional, and when it marries the innovation of Europharma / Terry Naturally, the result is nothing short of extraordinary. The Europharma / Terry Naturally: Ashwagandha EP35 Extra Strength 60 Caps stands out with its exceptional formulation that includes a whopping 35% withanolides. These active compounds are the driving force behind the extensive benefits of Ashwagandha.

With 60 high-potency capsules in each bottle, this product offers you a phenomenal dose of nature's stress shield. The heightened concentration of withanolides equates to more potent stress relief, optimized hormonal balance, enhanced cognitive function, and overall improved health and vitality.

This supplement is manufactured under the highest quality standards, ensuring product safety and efficacy. Its natural and organic sourcing further makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a clean and green route to wellness.

We highly recommend the Europharma / Terry Naturally: Ashwagandha EP35 Extra Strength 60 Caps for those seeking a powerful, high-quality Ashwagandha supplement. The high concentration of withanolides in this product offers a fast-acting and highly effective solution to stress management and overall health improvement.

Embrace the strength and potency of this exceptional Ashwagandha supplement. Order now and set your health and wellness on a new, improved path.


Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

Date: July 27, 2023 12:12 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Understanding Benfotiamine: The Fat-Soluble, Bioavailable and Physiologically Active Form of Thiamine

What if there existed a form of thiamine that was more bioavailable and physiologically active than the conventional form we all know about? Well, that form does exist, and it is called Benfotiamine. Benfotiamine has been gaining popularity lately, especially among people dealing with diabetes and other metabolic disorders. But what exactly is Benfotiamine, and what makes it different? Lets explore Benfotiamine, its bioavailability, and its physiological effects.

Thiamine, also known as Vitamin B1, is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in energy production, nerve function, and metabolism. It is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water and is not stored by the body. However, conventional forms of thiamine have a limited ability to cross cell membranes and are easily excreted out of the body, rendering it ineffective for some individuals. This is where Benfotiamine comes in; it is a modified form of Vitamin B1 that is fat-soluble, highly bioavailable, and because cells are wrapped in lipid fat this form of B1 is capable of crossing cell membranes with ease.

Since our cell membranes are composed of lipids, fat-soluble nutrients can easily penetrate the cell barrier and get into Living cells where the vitamin is needed. Upon entering the bloodstream, benfotiamine is converted to thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active co-enzyme of thiamin, which is responsible for energy metabolism. By raising the blood levels of TPP, benfotiamine has been shown to support glucose metabolism, reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and protect against the damage caused by high levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

In addition to its bioavailability, benfotiamine has been shown to have several physiological effect on the body. One of the key enzymes that benfotiamine influences is transketolase, which is involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, a metabolic pathway that generates NADPH, a vital molecule that protects cells against oxidative stress. By stimulating transketolase, benfotiamine supports the diversion of excess glucose to the pentose phosphate pathway, thereby reducing the production of reactive oxygen species and increasing the production of NADPH.

Another significant benefit of benfotiamine is that it helps protect the nervous system. Chronic high blood glucose levels are known to cause oxidative stress and to damage the peripheral and central nervous systems. However, benfotiamine has been shown to help lower oxidative stress markers and reduce the risk of nerve damage. This can in turn help reduce pain, numbness, and tingling sensations associated with nerve damage, making it a promising adjunct therapy for people with diabetic neuropathy.

In Summary: benfotiamine is a modified and bioavailable form of thiamine that offers unique benefits compared to conventional forms of Vitamin B1. Its fat-solubility enables it to cross cell membranes, raise levels of thiamin pyrophosphate, stimulate the transketolase enzyme, and support proper glucose metabolism. Its notable effects on the nervous system make it an attractive therapeutic agent for people with diabetic neuropathy. If you're seeking an alternative and highly effective form of thiamine, benfotiamine is definitely worth considering. Give it a try today!


Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

Date: November 23, 2022 04:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Curamin with VectOmega: The Ultimate Combination for Pain Relief

If you're Living with chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. It's hard to focus on anything else when your body is constantly in pain. Fortunately, there are ways to manage the pain and make it more bearable. One of the most effective methods is combining Curamin with Vectomega, a special fish oil that can help bring more pain relief than ever before. Let's take a look at why this combination works so well together.

Curamin is an all-natural supplement made from the root of turmeric, which has been used for centuries for its natural anti-inflammatory properties. When taken regularly, Curamin helps reduce inflammation and pain in your body. That means less stiffness and discomfort throughout the day—and improved mobility.

But while Curamin can help reduce inflammation, it doesn't work as quickly as some people need it to. That's where Vectomega comes in. This special fish oil is processed with an enzyme to extract the omega-3 from fish oil, leaving it in a peptide form that makes it more absorbable and more effective as a pain reliever than regular fish oil supplements. When combined with Curamin, Vectomega helps provide faster relief from inflammation and pain than either one alone would provide—so if you're looking for rapid relief from your chronic pain symptoms, this combination could be just what you need.

Vectomega also offers other benefits beyond pain relief; studies have shown that taking omega-3s can help boost your immune system, reduce cholesterol levels, improve mental clarity and concentration, and even improve skin health by providing essential vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay healthy and radiant.

By combining Curamin with Vectomega, you get the best of both worlds—rapid pain relief plus long-term health benefits like improved immunity and skin health. So if you're looking for an all-natural way to manage your chronic pain symptoms without relying on medication or surgery, this combination might be just what you need to get back on track.

Recommended dosages: 3 x Curamin daily, 3 x VectOmega daily. till pain is reduced then you can back down on the VectOmega.

Don't take our word for it, Give it a try today! If you don't feel it helped, We will Pay to Bring the Product back and Refund 100% of the purchase.


Solaray Multidophilus 12 - A Twelve-Strain Probiotic Blend

Date: November 10, 2022 11:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Solaray Multidophilus 12 - A Twelve-Strain Probiotic Blend

Probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your health, especially your digestive system. They can improve your gut health and even boost your immune system. But with so many different probiotics on the market, it can be hard to know which one to choose. That's where our new twelve-strain probiotic blend comes in. This blend contains over 20 billion Living organisms, including B. lactis, B. bifidum, B. infantis, B. longum, L. acidophilus, L. brevis, L. bulgaricus, L. paracasei, L. planatarum, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius and Streptococcus thermophilus—strains that have been shown to be particularly effective in supporting gut health.

But why take a probiotic? Probiotics can help to improve your gut health by restoring the balance of good bacteria in your gut microbiome. They can also help to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Plus, taking a probiotic regularly can help to boost your immune system. So if you're looking for a probiotic that will support your overall health, our twelve-strain probiotic blend is an excellent option.

How the Twelve-Strain Probiotic Blend Works

When you take the twelve-strain probiotic blend, the live bacteria begin to work immediately—restoring balance to your gut microbiome and improving your gut health. The strains in the blend work together synergistically to provide the most effective results possible; for example, Bifidobacterium longum has been shown to increase the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), while Streptococcus thermophilus has been shown to reduce intestinal permeability (a common cause of inflammation). Together, these strains provide comprehensive support for gut health and immunity.

The Benefits of Taking the Twelve-Strain Probiotic Blend

There are many benefits to taking the twelve-strain probiotic blend on a regular basis. In addition to restoring balance to your gut microbiome and improving your gut health, the blend can also help to:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Alleviate symptoms of IBS and IBD
  • Boost your immune system
  • Reduce the number of colds and other respiratory infections you get
  • Protect you from food poisoning
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Improve skin health
  • Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Increase weight loss
  • Improve cognitive function

If you're looking for a probiotic that will support your overall health, our new twelve-strain probiotic blend is an excellent option. This potent blend contains over 20 billion live organisms—including Bifidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, and other strains that have been shown to be particularly effective in supporting gut health—and it works immediately to restore balance to your gut microbiome and improve your gut health. Plus, the twelve-strain probiotic blend offers numerous other benefits, like reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, reducing anxiety and depression symptoms, and increasing weight loss. So if you're looking for a powerful probiotic that will support your overall health and well-being, our twelve-strain probiotic blend is an excellent option!


The Benefits of Dextrose

Date: October 10, 2022 02:16 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Benefits of Dextrose

You may not have heard of dextrose before, but it's actually a very important sugar. Also known as glucose, dextrose is a simple sugar that plays a big role in cellular energy production. In fact, dextrose is the primary source of energy for most Living organisms. That's why NOW Real Food® Dextrose is such a great sweetener; it's derived from non-GMO corn and is easily utilized by your body. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of dextrose.

The Role of Dextrose in Cellular Energy Production

Dextrose is essential for cellular energy production because it's able to cross the cell membrane and be quickly used by the cells for ATP synthesis. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the energy currency of the cells and is necessary for all cellular processes. Dextrose is also essential for brain function because the brain cannot store ATP. This means that the brain needs a continuous supply of dextrose in order to function properly.

The Benefits of NOW Real Food® Dextrose

NOW Real Food® Dextrose is a great choice for a sweetener because it's derived from non-GMO corn and is easily utilized by your body. It also has a number of other benefits, including:

  • - It's gluten-free
  • - It's kosher
  • - It has a fine texture and moderate sweetness
  • - It dissolves quickly and doesn't leave any aftertaste

In Summary:

Dextrose is an important sugar that plays a big role in cellular energy production. That's why NOW Real Food® Dextrose is such a great sweetener; it's derived from non-GMO corn and is easily utilized by your body. If you're looking for a gluten-free, kosher sweetener with a fine texture and moderate sweetness, NOW Real Food® Dextrose is the perfect choice for you.


The Importance of Vitamin D-3

Date: September 28, 2022 01:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Importance of Vitamin D-3

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, two minerals essential for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also supports the health of the immune system, heart, and lungs. Despite its many benefits, vitamin D is not found in many foods. As a result, many people rely on supplements to ensure they are getting enough vitamin D.

There are two ways to get vitamin D: through food and supplements, or through exposure to sunlight. Foods that contain vitamin D include fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel; beef liver; cheese; egg yolks; and fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and cereals. You can also get vitamin D through supplements. Supplements come in two forms: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

Vitamin D from Sunlight

The body can also produce vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from the sun trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin. However, exposure to UVB rays is limited by the use of sunscreen, clothing, glass windows, and time spent indoors. In addition, UVB rays do not penetrate clouds, so weather can also affect vitamin D production. The latitude of a location also affects the amount of UVB radiation that reaches the earth's surface—the closer a person lives to the equator, the more UVB radiation is available. For example, people Living in Boston (latitude 42°N) have access to about one-half the amount of UVB radiation that is available to people Living in Miami (latitude 25°N). As a result, people who live in northern locations are at greater risk for vitamin D deficiency because they have less access to UVB radiation year-round.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Although sunshine is the best source of vitamin D, many people do not get enough sunlight exposure to generate sufficient amounts of this important nutrient. In addition, older adults cannot convert as much 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3 as younger adults because their skin contains less 7-dehydrocholesterol and their kidneys are less efficient at converting 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D. As a result, older adults are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. African Americans are also at increased risk because melanin reduces skin penetration by UVB radiation. People with darkly pigmented skin may need up to 10 times more sun exposure than people with lightly pigmented skin to generate an equivalent amount of vitamin D3.

In Summary:

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that helps support bone health and immunity. While most people get some amount of vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, many do not get enough. This can put them at risk for deficiency, which can lead to health problems such as osteoporosis and Rickets. Luckily, there are many ways to increase your intake of vitamin D through diet and supplementation so you can experience all the benefits this nutrient has to offer!


CuraMed Acute Pain Relief: New Clinically Proven Technology to Ease Your Pain

Date: July 26, 2022 02:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: CuraMed Acute Pain Relief: New Clinically Proven Technology to Ease Your Pain

Do you sometimes experience sudden, unexpected pain? If so, you're not alone. Acute pain can be incredibly frustrating and debilitating. That's why new CuraMed Acute Pain Relief is here: it delivers the relief you're looking for from clinically studied botanical ingredients you can trust.*†

Containing a blend of BCM-95® Curcumin, BOS-10® Boswellia, Black Sesame Seed Oil, to ease pain and inflammation.

How can CuraMed Acute Pain Relief help ease the pain you're experiencing?

CuraMed Acute Pain Relief is a non-addictive, safe, and natural formula that can help ease the pain you're experiencing. The ingredients in CuraMed have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and pain. Curcumin, the active ingredient in CuraMed, has been shown to be as effective as ibuprofen in reducing inflammation. Boswellia and ginger are also included in the formula, and both of these ingredients have been shown to be effective in reducing pain. CuraMed is easy to take and can be taken up to four times daily. The recommended dosage is two Softgels per day.

What are the ingredients in this product, and how do they work together to provide relief from pain and inflammation?

BCM-95® Curcumin is a natural compound that has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and pain. Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis and joint pain. Black sesame seed oil is a triglyceride that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. These three ingredients work together to provide relief from pain and inflammation. Curcumin inhibits the production of cytokines, which are inflammatory compounds that can damage cells and tissues. Boswellia prevents the breakdown of cartilage, and black sesame seed oil inhibits the activity of the COX-2 enzyme that contribute to inflammation. Together, these ingredients provide natural relief from pain and inflammation.

How should you take CuraMed Acute Pain Relief for best results?

For best results, CuraMed Acute Pain Relief should be taken 2 softgels daily. In severe cases, the recommended dosage is 4 to 6 softgels throughout the day.

If you're looking for a safe, non-addictive way to ease your acute pain, CuraMed Acute Pain Relief may be the solution you're looking for. The product contains clinically studied ingredients that have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation and pain. Curcumin, boswellia, and black sesame seed oil are the key ingredients in this formula, and they work together to provide relief from pain and inflammation. CuraMed is easy to take and can be taken up to four times daily. The recommended dosage is two Softgels per day. What's stopping you from Living pain free?


High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

Date: April 29, 2022 03:54 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High Fiber Diet May Reduce Risk of Dementia

A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of developing dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. The study found that people who ate the most fiber were 30% less likely to develop dementia than those who ate the least fiber. This is an important discovery, as dementia is becoming increasingly common around the world. There are currently about 47 million people Living with dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 135 million by 2050.

What is dementia and what are the symptoms?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability due to disease or injury. symptoms can vary greatly from person to person, but may include problems with memory, mood, and thinking. People with dementia may have difficulty remembering recent events or familiar faces, and they may become confused about time and place. They may also have trouble completing familiar tasks, such as cooking a meal or getting dressed. As the disease progresses, people with dementia may lose the ability to communicate or take care of themselves. Dementia is not a normal part of aging, and it can affect people of all ages. There is no one test that can diagnose dementia, and doctors often use a combination of medical tests, brain scans, and neurological exams to make a diagnosis. There is no cure for dementia, but there are treatments that can help people manage the symptoms and improve their quality of life.

What causes dementia?

Dementia is a complex neurological disorder with no known underlying cause. While some theories suggest that environmental factors such as exposure to certain toxins or injuries may play a role, the exact mechanisms underlying dementia remain uncertain. Some researchers have proposed that dementia may be related to problems in the functioning of certain proteins in the brain, while others have suggested that chronic inflammation may also be involved. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of understanding the biological mechanisms underlying this debilitating and often devastating illness. Ultimately, identifying the precise causes of dementia will help inform more targeted and effective treatments for this disease, allowing those affected by it to live fuller and healthier lives.

How can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of developing dementia?

A diet rich in fiber has been linked with a reduced risk of developing dementia. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Foods high in fiber are known to promote gut health, and some studies have suggested that gut inflammation may play a role in the development of dementia. In addition, fiber-rich foods tend to be high in antioxidants and other nutrients that have been linked with brain health. For these reasons, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.

What are some good sources of fiber?

There are many good sources of fiber, including both plant-based and animal-based foods. Psyllium husk, which is made from the soluble fibers found in the seeds of a Mediterranean shrub called Plantago ovata, is a popular option due to its high concentration of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Inulin, meanwhile, is a type of carbohydrate that is naturally found in many fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Both psyllium husk and inulin are excellent sources of nutrition that can help promote good digestive health and overall well-being. Other common sources of dietary fiber include whole grains like oats and barley, as well as beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. Whether you are looking for plant-based or animal-based sources of fiber, there are plenty of options out there to suit your needs.

How much fiber should you eat each day?

There is no single answer to the question of how much fiber you should eat each day. The amount of fiber that your body needs will depend on a number of factors, including your age, sex, and overall health status. In general, most health experts recommend consuming between 25 and 35 grams of fiber per day. This can typically be achieved by eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Furthermore, it is important to remember that fiber needs can vary depending on your symptoms or underlying condition. So if you are experiencing any gastrointestinal issues or other health concerns, it is best to consult with your doctor to determine the right amount of dietary fiber for your body.

Are there any risks associated with eating a high fiber diet?

While fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with eating too much fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest, and it is typically found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. When fiber is not broken down by the body, it can bind to other nutrients and substances in the digestive tract and cause them to be eliminated from the body before they are absorbed. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems. In addition, consuming large amounts of fiber can also cause bloating and gas.

How can you prevent dementia from developing?

There is no one definitive cause of dementia, but there are a number of risk factors that have been identified as contributing to its development. These can include things like a genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like drinking and smoking, and certain health conditions. Because these risk factors can vary widely from person to person, there is no one strategy that will prevent dementia in everyone. However, there are some general measures that anyone can take to lower their risk of developing dementia. These might include maintaining healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and avoiding excessive exposure to environmental toxins. Additionally, early diagnosis and treatment for any existing health conditions can also play an important role in reducing the likelihood of dementia. By taking these proactive steps, it is possible to greatly reduce your risk of developing this debilitating condition.

Vitamins and Dementia

Some studies have suggested that certain vitamins may help to prevent dementia. Vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid are involved in the metabolism of homocysteine, a substance that has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and it has been suggested that this may help to slow the progression of dementia.

Fruits and vegetables can help the body combat dementia

Recent studies have suggested that diet may also play a role in the development of dementia. In particular, fruits and vegetables appear to offer some protection against the disease. The antioxidants found in these foods help to fight inflammation and damage to cells, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of dementia. In addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for brain health. Thus, incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet may help to reduce your risk of developing dementia.


The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

Date: April 29, 2022 03:10 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The Kidneys and Your Health: Everything You Need to Know

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that sit in the lower back, on either side of the spine. They play a vital role in your health, filtering toxins from the blood and regulating fluid balance in the body. We will discuss everything you need to know about the kidneys, including common kidney problems and how to keep them healthy!

What are the common kidney problems

The kidneys are a pair of organs that filter waste products from the blood and excrete them in urine. They are also responsible for regulating fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. Kidney problems can range from mild to severe, and can be acute or chronic. Common kidney problems include kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in the kidney when there is an imbalance of minerals in the urine. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary system and multiply. Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes the body to excrete large amounts of protein in the urine.Kidney problems can often be treated with medication, but in some cases, surgery may be necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent serious complications.

Acute renal failure

Acute renal failure is a sudden onset of kidney failure that can be life-threatening. The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste from the blood and balancing fluids in the body. When they are not working properly, waste can build up in the blood and cause serious health problems. Acute renal failure can be caused by a number of factors, including dehydration, infection, and certain medications. Symptoms include decreased urine output, swelling, fatigue, and confusion. If left untreated, acute renal failure can lead to coma and death. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for a successful outcome.

Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure, or CRF, is a serious medical condition that affects the kidneys. In this condition, the kidneys become damaged and unable to function properly. As a result, toxins can build up in the body, causing a variety of symptoms. Some of these symptoms may include fatigue, bloating and swelling, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, poor appetite, changes in urination frequency or color, and anemia. Diagnosing CRF involves examining several factors like blood test results and overall medical history. Treatment for the condition typically involves managing any associated symptoms with medication or dietary changes. In some cases, dialysis may also be necessary to support patients with severe CRF. Overall, chronic renal failure is a serious but manageable condition that requires careful monitoring and management by patients and their healthcare providers.

Renal artery stenosis

Renal artery stenosis refers to a condition in which one or more of the arteries that deliver blood to the kidneys becomes narrowed or blocked. This can lead to a number of adverse health effects, including increased blood pressure, chronic kidney failure, and possibly even heart attack or stroke. While there are a number of possible causes for this condition, including genetic factors, certain lifestyle choices such as smoking can also increase the risk of developing renal artery stenosis. Fortunately, treatments are available for this condition, including medications and medical procedures like angioplasty. For those who are diagnosed with renal artery stenosis, early and effective treatment is essential for maintaining overall health and wellbeing.

Renal cancer

Renal cancer begins in the kidneys, which are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter waste from the blood and produce urine. The most common type of renal cancer is clear cell renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which accounts for about three-quarters of all cases. RCC typically affects middle-aged adults and is more common in men than women. Other types of renal cancer include papillary renal cell carcinoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, and collecting duct carcinoma. Treatment for renal cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy. The type of treatment will depend on the stage of the cancer and the patient's overall health. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for the best possible outcome.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease, or PKD, is a complex condition that affects the kidneys and other organs in the body. This disorder occurs when small cysts grow in the kidneys, gradually interfering with their ability to filter waste products from the blood. As these cysts start to expand, they can cause a number of severe symptoms such as high blood pressure, chronic pain, nausea and fatigue. In some cases, PKD also results in serious complications such as renal failure or a stroke. However, there are treatments available that can help people manage this disorder and slow its progression over time. By working closely with a medical team and making lifestyle changes to support kidney health, it is possible for people Living with PKD to have long and healthy lives.

Urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. UTIs are most commonly caused by bacteria, but they can also be caused by fungi or viruses. Symptoms of a UTI may include pain or burning during urination, increased frequency or urgency of urination, cloudy or blood-tinged urine, and pelvic pain. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to serious complications, such as kidney damage or sepsis. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for preventing serious health problems. UTIs are typically diagnosed through urinalysis, which can detect the presence of bacteria or other organisms in the urine. Treatment usually involves antibiotics to kill the infection-causing bacteria. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary to treat a severe UTI. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids and emptying the bladder frequently can help to flush out bacteria and prevent reinfection. Wiping from front to back after using the restroom can also help to reduce the risk of UTI development. Avoiding masturbation devices would good idea if you get frequent urinary tract infections because they can introduce new bacteria into the urethra.

UTI and D-Mannose

A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a common medical condition that can cause symptoms such as painful urination, abdominal discomfort, and sometimes even fever. While conventional treatments typically involve antibiotics, these medications often come with unwanted side effects like nausea and diarrhea. Fortunately, there is another alternative in the form of D-Mannose, a naturally-occurring sugar that has been shown to help treat UTIs by eliminating bacterial biofilms and relieving symptoms. Unlike antibiotics, which can damage gut health by killing off beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones, D-Mannose does not disrupt this critical ecosystem. As a result, D-Mannose is becoming an increasingly popular treatment for UTIs, offering an effective and safe alternative to antibiotics.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the most painful medical conditions to experience. These small, hard deposits form when there is an imbalance in the levels of certain minerals in the body. As they grow larger, kidney stones can cause severe pain as they move through the urinary tract. Treatment typically involves drinking plenty of fluids and taking pain medication. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the kidney stone. Prevention is the best way to avoid kidney stones, and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is the best way to do this. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, and eating a diet high in fiber can help to prevent kidney stones from forming.


Glomerulonephritis is a serious kidney condition that occurs when the tiny filtration units in the kidneys, known as glomeruli, become inflamed and damaged. This can disrupt normal kidney function, causing a buildup of waste products in the bloodstream, resulting in numerous symptoms such as swelling and joint pain. While there is no cure for glomerulonephritis, treatment options can help to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. These may include medications to control blood pressure or reduce harmful inflammatory chemicals, along with lifestyle changes to support overall kidney health. With proper medical care and close monitoring, many people with glomerulonephritis are able to live healthy lives despite this chronic condition.

Kidney disease is a serious condition that can lead to a variety of health problems. If you have kidney disease, it is important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing kidney disease, but by working with your healthcare team and following their recommendations, you can help improve your health and quality of life. Remember, knowledge is power, so be sure to educate yourself about kidney disease and its treatment options. With the right information and support, you can live a full and productive life despite this serious condition.


What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

Date: April 28, 2022 04:19 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Cellular Mitochondria Does in the Body

If you want to stay healthy, it's important that you know what cellular mitochondria does in the body. Mitochondria are organelles found in the cytoplasm of cells. They are responsible for producing energy for the cell. Without them, the cell would not be able to function properly. We will discuss the role of mitochondria in the body, and how they impact our health.

What are mitochondria and what do they do in the body

Mitochondria are organelles that play an important role in the energy metabolism of cells. Most of the oxygen we breathe is used by mitochondria to convert glucose from the food we eat into ATP, the energy molecule used by our cells. Therefore, mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell. In addition to producing ATP, mitochondria also have other important functions, such as regulating cell growth and death, as well as calcium homeostasis. Mitochondria are unique in that they have their own DNA separate from the DNA in the cell nucleus. This mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother to child, which is why defects in mitochondrial function can lead to diseases that are inherited in a maternal lineage. Although most of our cells contain only a single nucleus, they may contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. This allows them to produce enough ATP to meet the energy needs of the cell.

How mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to health problems

Mitochondria are integral to many essential physiological processes in the body. Not only do they produce energy for cells, but they also play a key role in maintaining cellular structures and initiating cell division. Therefore, any disruption of normal mitochondrial function can have far-reaching consequences for overall health and well-being. Maladaptive responses to environmental stressors, such as chemical exposure or radiation, are among the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction. These stressors result in damage to mitochondrial DNA and can cause problems with cell division and abnormal growth patterns, which can lead to a range of disorders and chronic diseases. For example, mitochondrial dysfunction has been linked to conditions like Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Therefore, it is important to understand the role that mitochondria play in maintaining healthy functioning bodies and take proactive steps to prevent or reverse damage from maladaptive responses to environmental stressors.

Mitochondria and Longevity

Mitochondria are specialized organelles found within our cells that perform many critical functions, including generating energy to support cellular processes and maintaining healthy cell function. These organelles are the site of many important chemical reactions, often referred to as oxidative phosphorylation or metabolism. Studies have shown that Proper functioning of these organelles is essential for healthy aging, and may be a key factor in determining how long we live. By promoting mitochondria health and making lifestyle changes that help to promote healthy mitochondria, we can take an important step towards optimizing our longevity potential. This includes eating a nutrient-rich diet with a focus on foods high in antioxidants, managing stress levels through regular exercise and relaxation techniques, and avoiding environmental toxins that can damage mitochondria health. Through such strategies, we can give ourselves the best chance at Living a long, full life.

Ways to protect your mitochondria and keep them healthy with PQQ

PQQ, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, is an important molecule for the functioning of mitochondria in the human body. This compound plays a crucial role in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, the fundamental energy currency of biological systems. By driving cellular processes that release energy for metabolic use, PQQ plays a key role in maintaining mitochondrial health and efficiency. Additionally, PQQ has been shown to exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, which help to mitigate the effects of oxidative stress on mitochondria and other critical cells in the body. Overall, PQQ is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function and a crucial nutrient for energy production and overall metabolic health.

D-ribose, the Mitochondria, and Energy

D-ribose is a naturally occurring sugar that plays an important role in cellular metabolism and energy production. This nutrient is especially important for cells that rely on a lot of energy, such as those found in the heart and muscles. D-ribose helps these cells to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is the main energy currency used by cells to drive chemical reactions. Additionally, research has suggested that d-ribose can help to improve physical endurance and reduce the pain and stiffness associated with exercise, making it an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Also, D-ribose is a simple sugar that plays an important role in the structure and function of mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell. In addition to supplying energy to the cells, mitochondria also help to regulate cell growth and death. D-ribose is essential for the proper function of mitochondria, and it plays a key role in energy production. Studies have shown that D-ribose can help to improve mitochondrial function and reduce fatigue. In addition, D-ribose supplements have been shown to improve exercise performance and increase energy levels. These effects are likely due to the ability of D-ribose to help the body produce more ATP, the energy currency of the cell. For these reasons, D-ribose is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy mitochondria and supporting cellular energy production.

Another important nutrient for the mitochondria is CoQ10

The process of producing energy is called oxidative phosphorylation, and it involves the transfer of electrons from nutrients to oxygen. This reaction creates a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane, which is used to generate ATP, the energy currency of the cell. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an important component of this process. It acts as an electron carrier, shuttling electrons between enzymes in the respiratory chain. It also helps to maintain the proton gradient, allowing the mitochondria to continue generating ATP. Without CoQ10, oxidative phosphorylation would grind to a halt, and cells would quickly run out of energy. Consequently, CoQ10 plays a vital role in energy production and cellular metabolism.

The bottom line is that both D-ribose and CoQ10 are important nutrients the body needs to maintain optimal energy levels. If you’re feeling run down, low on energy, or just generally not your best, consider taking a supplement containing these two nutrients. You may be surprised at how much better you feel once you start including them in your diet. What’s stopping you from giving them a try?


4 reasons you should eat more mushrooms

Date: May 09, 2019 04:52 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 4 reasons you should eat more mushrooms

Mushrooms are a nutritious food with many health benefits. Mushrooms can provide one of the few completely vegan foods with lots of vitamin D, although that is only if they’re exposed to sunlight and not grown in the dark. They’ve got tons of fiber, and are also full of niacin, phosphorus and other minerals. Evidence to support claims that mushrooms help prevent specific diseases is weak, but what is definitely clear is that sautéed mushrooms are delicious, and there’s no reason not to eat them.

Key Takeaways:

  • People revere magical mushrooms, but all mushrooms have amazing abilities that helps the body when it comes to healthy living and healing abilities.
  • Vitamin D supplements apart from that from sunshine only come from animals such as fatty fishes and dairy products fortified with the vitamin.
  • It is known that the amazing mushroom produces vitamin D abundantly such that a 100-gram serving can give one about 50 to 100 percent of the daily dose.

"You only need 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine three times a week to get your necessary dose of vitamin D, but if you’re still running low you can supplement with food sources."

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This Delicious Sweet Fruit Is Called The Fruit Of The Angels:Weight Loss And Other Benefits - Doctor NDTV

Date: May 07, 2019 04:07 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Delicious Sweet Fruit Is Called The Fruit Of The Angels:Weight Loss And Other Benefits - Doctor NDTV

The papaya fruit has been called the "fruit of the angels" because of its nutrients which are needed for your body to function normally. Papaya has enzymes in them which are often included in dietary supplements and chewing gum. These enzymes can also help reduce inflammation. Papaya also has antioxidant nutrients such as carotene, flavonoids, and vitamins C and K. The fiber in papaya can aid you in weight loss and also can help control your appetite,

Key Takeaways:

  • Papaya has been called the “fruit of the angels,” because of the many nutritional and health benefits that it contains for the body.
  • The papaya fruit can be eaten in various forms. It can be taken as a smoothie, a milkshakes, in salads, or as a vegetable.
  • Some of the constituents of papaya which makes it ideal for making supplements is that it is rick in Vitamins C and K, and has antioxidants like carotene.

"Papaya is a natural source of essential vitamins and minerals which are required for the normal functioning of the body."

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Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention?

Date: May 03, 2019 04:11 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Is vitamin D a key factor in breast cancer prevention?

CDC data shows that nearly 41,000 American women died of breast cancer in 2013 alone, making it a leading causing of death among women from all racial groups. However, research indicates a strong association between living in a place with lots of sunshine and lower risk of breast cancer. This is almost certainly due to sunlight’s role in production of vitamin D. Only the type of vitamin D produced by the skin from sun exposure seems to have this kind of strong impact on breast cancer rates.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cancer is an ancient disease that dates back several years with the earliest known writing on it recorded about 1,600 years before Christ.
  • Among all the cancers, the most common and most feared of them all by many women is breast cancer and this is regardless of ethnicity.
  • While many scientists and institutions are battling hard to find a cure for cancer, there is a vitamin, Vitamin D, that can be used to solve the problem.

"In fact, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among Hispanic American women, and the second highest cause among white, black and Asian/Pacific women."

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How Can Cannabis Help with Autoimmune Disorders?

Date: May 02, 2019 01:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How Can Cannabis Help with Autoimmune Disorders?

Autoimmune diseases affect nearly 50 million people living in the United States. These diseases can lead to either over-activation, where antibodies may attack otherwise healthy organs, or under-activation, where not enough antibodies are produced to effectively fight off diseases. Using cannabis may be an alternative means of dealing with autoimmune disorders. Cannabinoids have been shown to be able to bind to receptors within the body which appears to be a possible therapeutic key. Studies with hepatitis, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis have shown cannabis to provide some relief. However, there are some risk of discomfort from side-effects that could occur with using cannabis to treat autoimmune diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Autoimmune disorders, which result from a hyper-reactive or under-reactive immune system, affect 50 million Americans.
  • Three well known autoimmune disorders are multiple sclerosis, Crohn's Disease and psoriasis.
  • Evidence suggests that the use of cannabis has given some sufferers of psoriasis relief from the inflammatory effects of the condition.

"In cases of over-activation, the immune system produces antibodies in response to an unknown trigger that attacks the body's own tissues and organs."

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High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Date: May 01, 2019 09:30 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: High-Fiber Diet: Can This Lengthen Your Life?

Fiber is very important to our heart and digestive health. Recent New Zealand research showed that people with low fiber diets had significantly higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer than people who get plenty of it from whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Separately, American research indicates that a high fiber diet may enhance the growth of beneficial strains of gut bacteria while helping to fight inflammation. This is important because chronic inflammation is a key component of most chronic health conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet was one of the first things kids were taught along with drinking a lot of water and taking lots of vegetables.
  • Having a lot of fiber in the diet is good for the body because it is vital for healthy digestion and colon health.
  • Our mothers were right. Recent research has shown that having a lot of fiber in the diet can be associated with longevity.

"A report shows that curcumin helps the body manage inflammation and anti-ageing (known as inflammaging) and Ascencao says the powerful turmeric extract, Bio-Curcumin, has shown to help deliver significant amounts of bio-active curcumin into the body, assisting this process."

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Why Should You Add Seaweed To Your Diet?

Date: April 27, 2019 10:03 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Why Should You Add Seaweed To Your Diet?

Adding seaweed to your diet can help protect your system from becoming vulnerable to several ailments, while also lessening the amount of symptoms from chronic conditions that you have already been diagnosed with. Seaweed is known to promote proper thyroid functioning, helping protect your body from being diagnosed with over or under-active thyroid disease. If you are living with diabetes, the consumption of seaweed can help reduce the effects of insulin resistance and inflammation that you may experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • In contrast with other generations about a decade ago, new technology gives the possibility for more information but that does not mean people are more aware of their surroundings.
  • Today, people have more knowledge about which food are healthy for the body or not. They can easily search for the information on the Internet.
  • Some foods have become very popular today because some food blogger or celebrity recommended it and people now add it to their daily diet.

"Research on seaweed shows its numerous benefits for the digestive system, thyroid glands, and the general health."

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A healthy gut is a more efficient gut: Prebiotic fiber found tobreak down a high-fat diet better, reducing accumulation and inflammation

Date: April 26, 2019 03:23 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: A healthy gut is a more efficient gut: Prebiotic fiber found tobreak down a high-fat diet better, reducing accumulation and inflammation

Many of us are aware of fiber being an important nutrient, but what about prebiotic fibers? These are essential when it comes to cleansing the colon and regulating the metabolism, as well as digestion. A study showed that mice who were living on a high-fat diet without the presence of prebiotics showed to have troublesome symptoms such as a slower metabolic rate and less weight loss. This is in comparison to the mice who were given the replica of a high fat diet with prebiotic fibers present.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Cell Host & Microbe Journal published a piece lauding the addition of prebiotic fiber to an otherwise high fat diet.
  • Researchers found that such an addition proved to be a way to potentially avoid or lessen the effects of metabolic syndrome.
  • Researchers gave rodents on an otherwise high fat diet, inulin, a fermentable fiber supplement, to monitor the effects.

"People consistently overlook the importance of eating healthy foods, especially fibers which are known to cleanse the colon."

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5 foods that arthritis patients must include in their daily diet

Date: April 26, 2019 03:21 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 foods that arthritis patients must include in their daily diet

Men and women who suffer from arthritis experience daily joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain, which negatively affects their daily routine. While medication is an important piece of treating arthritis, a balanced diet is also critical for optimal daily living. A healthy diet for someone with arthritis should include many foods with anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger is one food source known to reduce inflammation and have pain relieving effects. It can be consumed in tea or part of a syrup. Turmeric is another very powerful anti-inflammatory that also has tissue protection properties. For best absorption, take turmeric with black pepper. Also, berries, olive oil, and fatty fish are all great additions to a healthy and balanced diet of those with arthritis.

Key Takeaways:

  • As a disease that is common in men and women, arthritis affects the joints of the body and the joint inflammation can lead to constant pain.
  • The definite cause for the disease is not yet known, but the two types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, cause inflammation to the joints.
  • One treatment for arthritis which focuses on reducing inflammation is ginger. Ginger is considered very effective in reducing inflammation at the joints.

"Apart from medication and treatment people suffering from arthritis need to maintain a balanced diet and also incorporate some physical activities."

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Coconut oil studied for its potential to reverse Alzheimer's

Date: April 22, 2019 04:31 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Coconut oil studied for its potential to reverse Alzheimer's

A recent study that was conducted by scientists in Spain has shown that extra virgin coconut oil can actually result in the reversal of Alzheimer's symptoms. A controlled group was given 40 mL of olive oil each day while receiving cognitive evaluations by the researchers in order to determine how their cognitive functioning was coming along. The results showed an increase in this functioning when it came to those who were taking in the extra virgin coconut oil on a regular basis.

Key Takeaways:

  • Currently, Alzheimer’s disease is recognized as the most common form of dementia all over the world and it does not have any cure.
  • As people grow older, their likelihood of getting Alzheimer’s tends to increase so it is expected that this increase will increase the number of people having Alzheimer’s.
  • Estimates currently making the rounds is that about 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease and that one in three seniors will die from dementia.

"Some research has indicated that it very well could be a natural way to boost cognition, and possibly even reverse the effects of this dreaded disease."

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Chitosan: A more environmentally friendly food packaging materialthan plastic

Date: April 12, 2019 04:08 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Chitosan: A more environmentally friendly food packaging materialthan plastic

Itsaso Leceta, an academic researcher from the University of Basque Country has developed a biodegradable polymer, hoping to change packaging standards. Chitosan, made from crustacean chitins, prevents fungi and bacteria from infecting whole foods. It does not, however, block gas, water, or vapor. On the plus side, this new environmentally conscious food packaging is completely biodegradable, even edible. Everyone can make a difference, and consumers can start by choosing alternative means in their lives, like Chitosan.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although fruit is often coated in plastic films to protect it from contaminants, these plastics pollute the sea, and their productions involves the use of hazardous chemicals.
  • Chitosan is produced by processing the material that makes up crustaceans’ exoskeletons, and it has antimicrobial properties that make it a good potential coating for fruit and vegetables.
  • You can help reduce the impact of packaging materials on the environment by bringing your own bag when you buy produce, and by buying from local farmers.

"It is a biodegradable, biocompatible (not harmful to living tissue) polymer that can be used to wrap vegetables and fruits. Its purpose is to prevent bacteria and fungi from infecting whole foods, and prolonging their shelf life."

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Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

Date: April 02, 2019 02:06 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Can Gut Bacteria Affect Your Mental Health?

There are two different microbes called Coprococcus and Dialister that are now showing a correlation between depression and the absence of these two floras. A study was done in which 1,000 participants filled out assessments that analyzed their quality of life. Those who were shown to have significant signs of depression were more likely to have a deficiency in the two previously mentioned forms of gut flora. Since the microbes in our gut are responsible for other conditions such as childhood Leukemia and inflammatory diseases, their correlation to mental wellness is not a complete shock.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gut bacteria, or gut microbiome, are bacteria which can be found living in our digestive tracts and these bacteria have been the focus of many medical studies.
  • Gut microbiome significantly affects one’s physical health and it is known that each person has a different mix of this bacteria.
  • The work examining the relationship between gut bacteria and mental health is a large scale work that has never been undertaken in humans until now.

"Researchers from Belgium recruited more than 1,000 people in order to examine their gut microbiome. Of them, 173 participants were diagnosed with depression or fared poorly in a survey assessing their quality of life."

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Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke

Date: March 19, 2019 02:48 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Herbal supplement gingko biloba found to prevent cell death in thebrain, improve recovery from stroke

Dr. Yun Xu is the head of the neurological department at Nanjing University, and he has made a breakthrough in the data supporting the herb ginkgo biloba and its neurological advantages to those who have suffered from ischemic strokes. By pairing ginkgo biloba with regular doses of Aspirin, Dr. Xu was able to measure the levels of cognitive ability among a large group of patients dealing with post-stroke difficulties. The results showed that those who had ginkgo biloba administered with their dose had improved memory function, attention, language, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • It has been discovered that one of the world’s oldest trees, gingko biloba, may be used to assist in stroke recovery and prevention of death of the brain cell.
  • The study was conducted in China and 348 participants were involved who had suffered from stroke. Some of the participants were given the plant while others were not given.
  • It was discovered that the participants who took the gingko biloba extracts with aspirin were better in neurological functions than those who did not take the plant extract.

"Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living species of a tree native to China. It is known to have been used in traditional medicine and as a source of food. The leaves and the nuts of the tree have a high nutrient content, and is best known for its positive effects on the brain and nervous system."

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Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

Date: March 07, 2019 09:23 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Ginkgo biloba shows potential value in the treatment of over 100diseases

If you want to protect yourself against more than 100 different common diseases, there is one herb that should be a part of your daily life and that is Ginkgo Biloba. Studies have been conducted and the results prove that it is worth your time and effort in more ways than one because it has the ability to ward off migraines, ADD, and dozens upon dozens of other conditions that affect so many people today.

Key Takeaways:

  • The gingko biloba tree is called a “living fossil” due to the fact that it has no close living relatives and can be traced to the dinosaur age.
  • The gingko biloba tree can be used for longevity because the tree can live for up to 1,000 years and also, it can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
  • An analysis of the tree extract using 21 trials found that the tree can help those with mild cognitive impairment to improve their thinking.

"The ginkgo biloba tree might not give off the most pleasant smell, but hiding beneath its rancid odor is the power to heal more than 100 different diseases."

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What Is Vitamin A Good For? It Turns Out a Lot of Things

Date: February 21, 2019 07:57 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: What Is Vitamin A Good For? It Turns Out a Lot of Things

Vitamin A has numerous health benefits, and is a nutrient that most people already get a sufficient amount of. Vitamin A is found in meats, eggs, seafood, fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A helps your eyesight. However, too much Vitamin A can actually cause blurred vision. Vitamin A is also known for helping your skin via retinoids. It also helps your immune system. Some studies have linked Vitamin A with a lower risk of cancer, although the science is not conclusive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Many persons in the developed world need not worry about their intake of vitamin A because they already get enough from their diet.
  • The World Health Organization doesn’t recommend supplementation for anyone living in countries like America because people already eat the things that contain it like eggs and meat.
  • Vitamin A deficiency results in eyesight issues and this is very well demonstrated in developing countries where supplementation is being proposed.

"But even if you don't have to worry about getting enough vitamin A in your diet, it's still important to know what it does in the body — here's what we know about it."

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Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection

Date: February 05, 2019 04:38 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail thedeadly connection

Sugar as various effects on the body, and Western diets are full of it in many forms. American consume nearly an entire diet that contains processed food, most of which contains highly concentrated amounts of sugar and or corn syrup. Consumption of these foods is not easy to avoid, as corn syrup is in just about everything, however, studies show that a diet high in refined sugars can lead to brain malfunction. It is not clear yet whether it is the population that is living longer is developing brain disorders such as Alzheimer more, or if there is a correlation between other health related issues from high sugar intake and brain diseases.

Key Takeaways:

  • It should be noted that one should be conscious of his sugar intake because all food products have added sugar and Alzheimer’s rates are on the increase.
  • The belief that blood sugar consumption and Alzheimer’s have a link is still in speculation territory but because of the nature of Alzheimer’s, it should be well investigated.
  • Two doctors have published findings on the standard western diet. They conclude that these diets are linked to various neurological issues and induce smaller brain size.

"However, according to various studies, consuming too much sugar can increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

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Another benefit of aloe vera: It reduces fasting blood glucose

Date: February 04, 2019 09:52 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Another benefit of aloe vera: It reduces fasting blood glucose

Blood sugar regulation is imperative for all individuals, but especially those who are living with conditions such as diabetes. While many patients opt for pharmaceutical interventions to help maintain their glucose levels, natural alternatives such as aloe vera are showing to have a positive impact on sugar regulation. Aloe vera through oral consumption was able to reduce the glucose levels of diabetic patients by 46.6 milligrams while fasting. These results show that aloe vera could be exceptionally beneficial to those dealing with endocrine issues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers are always on the lookout for ways to treat diabetes because it continues to affect more and more people globally.
  • Scientists have discovered that aloe vera can be used as a natural medicine to treat diabetes when it is orally consumed.
  • The data collected from the study suggested that people with a fasting blood sugar level equal or above 200 mg/dL may experience more advantages from consuming aloe vera.

"Researchers at David Grant Medical Center at Travis Air Force Base in California aimed to verify the effectiveness of oral consumption of aloe vera on reducing fasting blood sugar and HbA1c."

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Boswellia extract exhibits profound healing and anti-inflammatory properties

Date: January 19, 2019 10:08 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boswellia extract exhibits profound healing and anti-inflammatory properties

Originating in the mountain ranges of India and Northern Africa, the boswellia tree produces a gum resin that has shown to be revolutionary for cancer patients, as well as those facing chronic inflammatory conditions. In 2003, a study was conducted that showed just how effective boswellia extract can be in treating osteoarthritis by significantly reducing levels of pain and swelling. It has also been shown to help treat conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and inflammatory conditions of the colon.

Key Takeaways:

  • Arthritis, which affects the musculoskeletal system, is characterized by intense stiffness, inflamed joints and painful knots.
  • Although not lethal, arthritis can be extremely debilitating, as it can interfere greatly with a sufferer's ability to perform normal tasks of daily living.
  • Besides alleviating the effects of arthritis, the herb, Boswellia, can aid in counteracting the effects of bursitis, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune conditions and headaches.

"Thankfully, several studies have determined that a powerful herb with anti-inflammatory effects can help relieve arthritis."

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Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar (And Other Reasons to Add It toEverything)

Date: January 09, 2019 04:05 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar (And Other Reasons to Add It toEverything)

Did you know that cinnamon lowers your blood sugar levels, helping fight against type 2 diabetes? That is only one of the many amazing, little known health benefits that cinnamon brings when it is consumed. It is easy to enjoy cinnamon on top of your coffee, a donut, and in many of the dishes that you enjoy now. And, when you add just a sprinkle, the improvements to your health that you enjoy are quiet nice!

Key Takeaways:

  • The sweet and flavorful cinnamon spice is especially good for adding to desserts like apple and pear crumble. But it also has health benefits.
  • Cinnamon which is made from the inner bark of trees has two types. The Ceylon cinnamon or real cinnamon, and the Cassia Chinese cinnamon that many are familiar with.
  • It has been discovered in a lot of studies that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels by about 10-29 percent.

"It is especially helpful for lowering blood sugar levels and increasing “good” HDL cholesterol levels."

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9 Health Benefits of Glutathione

Date: January 02, 2019 05:17 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 9 Health Benefits of Glutathione

Glutathione is made of 3 combined amino acids and is found in alol cells of the body. Its function as an antioxidant is to protect the body cells and tissues from harm posed by free radicals.But it also serves to function as a protective agent in critical body systems, such as the liver, protecting against fatty liver disease, colitis, the endocrine system as it relates to insulin function. One can uptake their intake of this critical protein through supplements or simply by eating foods rich in this complex: broccoli, spinach, garlic, onions, chicken, fish and brown rice to name a few.

Key Takeaways:

  • Glutathione is a nutrient that is present in every cell in the body. It acts by preventing free radicals from doing damage to the cells and tissues.
  • Glutathione is also found to act by protecting the liver from a disease known as fatty liver disease when it is not connected to alcohol.
  • The author found that the claims that glutathione can be used to treat autism spectrum disorders is true.

"The nutrient, glutathione, is touted by many people as one of the greatest nutritional supplements for preventing countless health conditions, from autism to weight loss and even cancer."

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Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season

Date: December 13, 2018 09:32 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season

As the holiday season comes around, people start to get excited to have the treats that generally come with it. Apple cider vinegar is one of those treats that is a household favorite and at least one person at the family Christmas party would love to have it. It is healthy and it tastes great. The ones that are warmed up are a treat to everyone, though some people might like it more than others. However, be creative in your preparation.

Key Takeaways:

  • As the holiday season comes around, people start to prepare their favorite holiday drinks.
  • Many people stray away from their dieting habits during the holiday because of the food they are around.
  • Apple cider vinegar is a drink that is a household favorite during the holidays and has some great health benefits.

"This living probiotic food causes new beneficial bacteria to take up residence in your gut. These bacteria protect you from illness and play an important role in extracting nutrition from what you eat. This means that you can get more nutrients from less food, and your body becomes satisfied more quickly."

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Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

Date: December 08, 2018 11:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vegans can improve their omega-3 levels by taking non-animal formsof DHA

People who identify as vegans obviously follow a much different diet than other individuals in the world. For some, there are massive benefits to undertaking a vegan diet because of what it means for the environment. However, there are some drawbacks. For example, for someone who is on a vegan diet to be able to improve their omega-3 levels, they must look for substances outside of food. Non-animal forms of DHA are proving to be very helpful.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some necessary fatty acids are hard to obtain when living on a vegan diet.
  • DHA is one polyunsaturated fatty acid, that belongs with the class of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • DHA levels in human beings are especially high in the retina, the brain and in sperm cells.

"In the review, author J.C. Craddock of the University of Wollongong in Australia said that supplementing with algae can raise DHA levels in vegetarians and vegans after combing through various studies that discussed the relationship between the two."

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12 Essential Oils for Arthritis Pain

Date: November 22, 2018 09:27 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 12 Essential Oils for Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a disease that affects the body's joints. It is common in older adults as well as people who play sports. There are dozens of types of arthritis, all of which can be debilitating. Patients can use essential oils to help minimize some of the arthritis pain they feel. But, don't reach for the first oil that you find when it is the 12 listed here that provide the most effective results for your condition.

Key Takeaways:

  • As you get older, your chances of suffering from arthritis go way up.
  • The earlier that you start to prepare for these types of things, the better off you will be.
  • Everyone deals with pain in a different manner but these oils are proven to help arthritis pain.

"Arthritis pain can have a profound effect on a person’s quality of life, affecting the ability to fall and stay asleep, having a slow start in the morning and the ability to complete everyday tasks."

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Reduce your risk of developing an autoimmune disease withglutathione

Date: November 21, 2018 12:15 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Reduce your risk of developing an autoimmune disease withglutathione

The 50 million Americans living with some kind of autoimmune disease share a deficiency of “master antioxidant” glutathione. Glutathione helps control and moderate the immune system, and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, but lifestyle issues like lack of sleep, dietary factors, obesity and inadequate exercise can cause you to developed a glutathione deficiency. Supplements like N-acetyl-cysteine can help increase the amount of glutathione in your cells, while alpha-lipoic acid promotes recycling of oxidized glutathione. You can also address glutathione deficiency by eating a better diet and moderating your blood sugar.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you think that you are in danger of suffering from suffering, change what you are doing.
  • Some people do not believe that something can happen to them until it does happen!
  • Understanding how to treat certain diseases is so key in your adult life.

"Research has shown that people with an autoimmune disease are always deficient in this antioxidant."

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From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Date: November 13, 2018 08:51 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: From OCD to depression to anxiety, learn how inositol can preventmany mental health disorders

Living at maximum wellness constitutes more than having a disease-free body, where all the parts are doing what they should. Mental health is also a key component to overall health. From PMS symptoms all the way to psychotic episodes, more than 40 million U.S. citizens suffer from a mental problem yearly. Although treating these potentially life-clouding conditions with pharmaceutical grade interventions is the norm, these interventions are not without the possibility of potentially hazardous side effects. A B vitamin, inositol is present in the human brain in large amounts. Scientists are considering whether significant supplementation of the vitamin might be a way to treat an array of mental conditions naturally and without side effects. The vitamin has already been shown to have positive effect in some mental conditions, which makes sense, as significant neural transmissions depend on the use of the vitamin. Moreover, it's also been shown that individuals with lesser amounts of the mood-regulating chemicals, serotonin and dopamine, have lower levels of inositol. Although more research needs to happen in some instances, there is promising research to suggest that elevating inositol levels could prove efficacious for an array of mental conditions, including panic attacks, bipolar mood disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and depression.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scientists have been using inositol to treat people who suffer from mental illnesses and shown to be effective.
  • Studies have shown that people with metal illnesses have less inositol in their brains.
  • If considering increasing inositol, certain foods like beans, whole grains, citrus fruits and nuts contain significant amounts of inositol.

"In fact, other major neurotransmitters depend on inositol to relay messages, making it a key component in a lot of chemical systems in a person’s brain, including the ability to handle stress, learning and cognition, mood, productivity, sleep, and addiction."

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Acidity : Ways to Minimize Acid Indigestion

Date: November 05, 2018 02:51 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Acidity : Ways to Minimize Acid Indigestion

Acid is one of those words that many people have a viceral reaction to. It is hard to explain to people why acid would actually be considered healthy for you. Some people simply think acid is bad and any of its uses are not going to be good for you. However, there are some individuals who struggle with acid indigestion. If you have had that, you know how uncomfortable it is. With that being said, there are ways to limit that.

Key Takeaways:

  • Digestive issues are not usually given much attention and importance in the scheme of things because they are often temporary.
  • Acidity is related to an unhealthy lifestyle or living an inactive lifestyle.
  • Some ways to prevent or deal with acidity are to consume food 2-3 hours before going to bed, taking adequate water and avoiding carbonated drinks.

"Acidity causes heartburn, a burning feeling in the chest, stomach, and throat."

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Beet juice may reduce walking pain with leg artery disease

Date: October 10, 2018 03:26 PM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Beet juice may reduce walking pain with leg artery disease

Beet juice may reduce walking pain with leg artery disease

It may be hard to believe but beet juice is being considered as a way to improve the living conditions of someone with leg artery disease. Some may wonder how this is even remotely possible. However, reports are saying that people who suffer from this disease feel as if beet juice reduces some of the pain when walking. This is a massive revelation because, if true, now doctors and scientists have a sort of remedy for something they did not have before.

Key Takeaways:

  • The people who suffer from leg artery disease do not have it easy compared to others.
  • Scientists are always looking for new ways to innovate and help people who are suffering.
  • Beet juice is something that is unusual but it has been reported to help ease people's pain.

"“This makes it an attractive potential therapeutic approach for individuals with PAD who have severely limited blood/oxygen supply to the lower limbs which severely reduces their function and makes everyday tasks require a vigorous effort,” said senior study author Jason David Allen of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville."

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Common Herbs to Help Soothe Constipation

Date: September 21, 2018 08:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Common Herbs to Help Soothe Constipation

Common Herbs to Help Soothe Constipation

About a fifth of Americans suffer from the discomfort of constipation, but luckily there are several natural remedies for this common nuisance. Constipation happens when either food moves too slowly through your system, or the colon sucks too much of the water content out of waste as it passes through. Slippery elm can both soothe and lubricate the digestive tract. Aloe can likewise both help constipation and help soothe other digestive problems. Fenugreek is both an effective constipation remedy and a tasty spice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Constipation can be caused by many factors, such as not getting enough fiber in your diet, stress, and not drinking enough fluids.
  • Slippery elm is a soothing elm that can help relieve stomach pain and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in addition to relieving constipation.
  • Aloe vera is best known as a plant that relieves sunburns, but it is also a natural laxative.

"If you have trouble going to the restroom regularly, don’t worry because this can be easily remedied by knowing what’s making you constipated and implementing a few herbs in your diet that are specifically used to help relieve constipation."

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Is Cholesterol Bad for Your Brain? Science Says No

Date: September 11, 2018 09:52 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Is Cholesterol Bad for Your Brain? Science Says No

Is Cholesterol Bad for Your Brain? Science Says No

Having too much cholesterol is bad for you. Most people know this fact as it is preached to us from a young age. Do not have too much cholesterol or you will end up having high blood pressure and problems as you get older. However, some people like foods such as eggs a bit too much and this forces them to consume far more cholesterol than they realize. It can be a dangerous match if not handled.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you eat way too many eggs, the chances are that you will have some cholesterol problems.
  • Be smart when you eat and remember that too much of any one thing is usually not good for you.
  • It is crazy to think about all of the bodily functions that go on within us on a daily basis.

"Cholesterol is extremely important for cognitive function. While your brain represents about 2-3 percent of your total body weight, 25 percent of that cholesterol in your body is found in your brain."

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5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

Date: August 29, 2018 10:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: 5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

5 Adaptogens That Will Improve Your Brain Function

Adaptogens help protect your brain from stress and keep it working at peak efficiency. Ashwagandha, for example, can bolster focus, memory and cognition, as well as promoting the growth of new dendrites. Rhodiola can make neurons more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin, which increases mental clarity and focus, and has great potential for fighting depression and inflammation. Turmeric is an even stronger anti-inflammatory, and may help depression as well. Siberian Ginseng can help speed up processes in the brain, and improve learning and retention of new information. Finally, maca root can stabilize moods, fight brain fog and help inhibit breakdown of neurotransmitters.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ashwagandha can help clear brain fog and promote the growth of dendrites, and may also help fight ADHD.
  • Rhodiola can cause neurons to be more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin, and also has antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Siberian ginseng can speed up mental processes and aid learning and retention of new information.

"Adaptogens are substances that promote balance and negate the ill effects of stress in the body."

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Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth

Date: August 26, 2018 09:53 AM
Author: VitaNet, LLC Staff (
Subject: Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For YourHealth

Here's Why Eating Oatmeal Every Morning Is Beneficial For Your Health

Oatmeal can be very beneficial to one's health, so including it in every day meals is ideal. Oats are very nutritious containing lots of carbs and fivers. Oats help to lower blood sugar levels and may help some to lose weight. Because of its high fiber, it helps with constipation as well. Oats are full of magnesium, which is important for enzymes and the production of energy. It also relaxes blood vessels which decrease the chance of stroke or heart attack.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oats have the ability to assist eaters in the areas of weight loss, maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and maintaining optimal cardiac health.
  • Oats are a versatile food, that can be consumed in a variety of ways, including as a breakfast cereal, as bars, muffins, cookies and other baked items.
  • Oats are a healthy source of magnesium, which relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and can also prevent heart attacks while elevating energy levels.

"We all know oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They are a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins."

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Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Date: May 25, 2018 09:16 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Fiber: Nature's Way of Making You Feel Your Best

Humans are supposed to consume at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day, but unfortunately, only five percent of us actually fall within the recommended ratio. It is irrational for us to think that we can acquire the appropriate amount of fiber in foods alone, due to most of our diets simply not containing high-fiber foods. You can follow steps such as only using whole grains, and making sure your veggies are green, but some people find the most success in adding a chewable fiber supplement to their diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • While fiber is beneficial because it supports a healthy digestive and immune system, only half of Americans get the daily fiber that they need.
  • Even if you eat healthy, it is still challenging to squeeze the recommended 25 to 30 grams of fiber into your diet every day.
  • Fiber Choice is a chewable supplement comprised of inulin, which is a natural form of fiber found in fruits and vegetables.

"The "fiber gap" exists for two reasons: people think fiber supplements are primarily for maintaining a regular digestive system, and traditional forms of fiber supplements on the market, such as powder or capsules, are inconvenient to take."

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This Happens To Your Body If You Consume Bee Honey With Turmeric Daily!!

Date: March 21, 2018 01:18 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: This Happens To Your Body If You Consume Bee Honey With Turmeric Daily!!

Ancient civilizations would use turmeric for healing purposes. Turmeric is a plant that can be used to fight off bacteria Living in a person's body. Mixing honey with turmeric will provide a substance that is tasty and healthy for your body. You also need defense mechanism to fight off nasty bacteria. Mixing turmeric with honey will ensure that you able to digest food and prolong your life. Take a mixture of honey and turmeric every day and you will notice changes to your body. These changes will prevent you from having colds and make your immune system stronger.


6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function

Date: December 15, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Vitamins and Minerals That Boost Brain Function

As our brain ages, it begins to decline in cognition and other functions. It is well known that people who eat primarily a vegan diet get the nutrients to help this brain aging, but that diet is not practical for many to follow. Here are six essential vitamins and minerals you can take in supplement form that will help you keep your brain young. Each nutrient is described by what it can do for both your brain and overall health.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) has been associated with memory and the intake has positive effects on Alazheimer's disease.
  • The proper intake of omega 3 and calcium are necessary to have healthy neurons and proper neural communication.
  • The intake of zinc and magnesium are necessary as it improves memory and the health of the brain.

"Not only does vitamin C strengthen your immune system, it can also help prevent cognitive decline."

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4 Groundbreaking Studies on Cannabis and Disease

Date: November 17, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 4 Groundbreaking Studies on Cannabis and Disease

Cannabis is becoming more popular for the treatment of many diseases and ailments. It is becoming legal in more places as well due to studies which show its effectiveness. This talks about four such studies. If you are leery of cannabis this might ease your mind. It is often helpful. Many people swear by it as a treatment. It also doesn't tend to have many negative side effects the way medications can. It is safer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Presently, 29 states and the District of Columbia have regulations in place that allow physicians to recommend medical cannabis to patients, however, dosage and treatment information is lacking.
  • There are currently four medical cannabis clinical trials happening in North America, which are assessing the benefits of medical cannabis on Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, PTSD, and brain tumors.
  • Hopefully, these new studies will help researchers and physicians determine exact doseages and treatment applications for specific ailments.

"This study will allow researchers to better understand the potential risks and benefits of cannabis use among veterans with PTSD and aid in cannabis-based decision making among patients and their physicians."

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How can I protect my eyes from diabetes?

Date: November 16, 2017 03:59 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How can I protect my eyes from diabetes?

With the rising in numbers of the disease diabetes, there are more people at risk for becoming blind. Diabetes causes a high risk for blindness, but there are preventative ways in which people can protect themselves from this risk. They need to maintain blood sugar levels, talk to their doctor about overall well-being such as diets, physical activity, and medications. They should not miss appointments with the doctor! A missed appointment could mean missed information. They should refrain from using any kinds of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, as the chemicals can increase risk for damage to the eye. As long as the diabetic person lives a healthy lifestyle and maintains it, they can help prevent or reduce the risk of becoming blind in the future.

Key Takeaways:

  • High blood-glucose levels are responsible for all forms of diabetic eye disease. See your doctor regularly for help with medications, proper eating habits, etc.
  • There are currently 51 million people living with diabetes. India leads the world in prevailance of diabetes, and is expected to worsen by 2030.
  • Astain from alcohol and stop smoking. The harmeful chemicals raise the risk of eye damage which leads to diabetic retinopathy.

"When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it becomes imperative that one has annual vision tests and eye fundus examination."

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Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Date: November 15, 2017 07:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K: Your New Superhero For a Healthy Living

Vitamin K is the latest of the vitamins being better understood in the body. The latest research indicates it's good for a variety of health concerns and even in age prevention. Vitamin K supports dental health, strong bones which are correlated with smooth skin, and even heart health. Although relatively new to mainstream media, vitamin K plays a vital role in the body. It is found in animal products, in high quantities in dairy and also in fermented and cultured food. Keep eating healthy to keep up your vitamin K.

Key Takeaways:

  • K2 is important for bone health, dental health, cardiovascular and brain health, as well as helping the immune system, and helping with growth and development.
  • K2 may help prevent prostate cancer and has also been found to alleviate menstrual cramps and help with proper calcium processing in women.
  • K2 deficiency in diets can be fought by eating fermented foods like sauerkraut and kambucha, and by consuming animal products like organic liver and chickens breast.

"K2 is vital for calcium regulation in the body, building strong bones and breaking down unwanted calcification."

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Acai may offer prebiotic benefits throughout the GI tract, researchers find

Date: October 31, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Acai may offer prebiotic benefits throughout the GI tract, researchers find

According to UK researchers, beneficial polyphenols found in the acai fruit can pass through the digestive system intact. Therefore, they may provide a prebiotic effect to every part of the gastrointestinal tract, including the colon. A substance is considered prebiotic means that it helps the beneficial bacteria living in human organs. In turn, the bacteria cause fermentation, which provides health benefits to the person. Acai is a fruit found in the Amazon. Some people call it a superfruit.

Key Takeaways:

  • Acai, the superfruit, may reduce the risk of age related illness with it's anthocyanin content
  • The Acai acts as food for the good bacteria living in human organs
  • More studies will need to be conducted so the health benefits can be better pinpointed.

"The polyphenols found in acai can survive through the digestive system, potentially bringing prebiotic benefits throughout the gastrointestinal tract down to the colon, according to researchers in the UK."

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Is Fluoride Bad for You? It’s Not Just in the Water

Date: October 19, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Fluoride Bad for You? It’s Not Just in the Water

The benefits and risks of fluoride has been a subject of much contention since the 1960’s when it was added to the public water supply in the US and several other countries, though no studies have been shown to prove this fact. . According to the CDC, fluoride helps prevent cavities. Those against fluoride maintain that fluoride is dangerous, and can cause damaging effects to living organisms. This claim is supported by the fact that the type of fluoride in drinking water, sodium fluoride, was considered as industrial toxic waste.

Key Takeaways:

  • There has been a debate going on since the 1960s over whether or not fluoride is safe when added to public water supplies and/or as a dental product.
  • The Centers of Disease Control claim that fluoride added to community water supplies is largely responsible for a significant decrease in cavities in the U.S.
  • According to a study by the National Research Council, infants and young children may be receiving too much fluoridated water on a daily basis for their body weight.

"But when we look at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant."

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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Date: October 18, 2017 10:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe to Drink?

Apple Cider Vinegar a new health trend? The drinking of apple cider vinegar for dietary reasons has been a growing trend in the United States as of late. However, critics are beginning to question if the the health benefits out weigh the consequences. Individuals should consult a doctor if they have experienced stomach problems in the past before beginning this dietary trend. Further, moderation is key with this dietary supplement and it is highly recommend that the individual dilutes a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to achieve desired results.

Key Takeaways:

  • Drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss, digestive health, and other positive health effects is a growing trend.
  • Drinking apple cider vinegar without dilution is unsafe: the vinegar is too acidic for the inner lining of the gut.
  • Some people, including those with ulcers and other digestive conditions, should avoid drinking apple cider vinegar entirely, even when diluted.

"Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in an 8-ounce glass of water about 10 minutes before eating meals to help boost digestion and reap its health benefits. And, if you’re not sure if apple cider vinegar is safe for you based on any health conditions you may have, check with your doctor first."

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7 Huge Benefits of Prune Juice

Date: October 16, 2017 01:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Huge Benefits of Prune Juice

Prune juice can help you stay regular. It is good for digestion. Having regular bowel movements is important. There are other benefits, though, and they are discussed here. These seven things will make you want to add this healthy juice to your diet. Not everyone loves the taste, though. Mixing it with other juices could help by masking the taste. Many feel prune juice it too thick and bitter but if you can make it taste good it is definitely worth drinking.

Key Takeaways:

  • Prune juice may be sweet, but it is rich in nutrients that help to keep one healthy and well hydrated.
  • Prune juice's health benefits include preventing anemia, lowering cholesterol levels, and mitigating constipation.
  • It is easy to make prune juice by soaking dried plums in boiled water for up to a day and straining the mixture thereafter.

"According to this study, dried plums can prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women who have high risk of osteoporosis."

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Pot for Pets?

Date: September 17, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Pot for Pets?

If you’re contemplating weed to alleviate arthritis or anxiety in your pet, be sure you educate yourself on the different types. It isn’t uncommon for the family dog to get into a batch of pot brownies and become very ill. This is because cannabis for pets is made only from hemp and contains only CBD, not THC. THC can cause adverse symptoms including nausea, pain, and vomiting. Canna-Biscuit is a CBD treat made especially for pets and has been reported to help older animals with age-related issues such as anxiety due to hearing loss.

Key Takeaways:

  • Although there is not accurate research, experience from pet owners shows it has a positive effect on pets
  • In states such as Oregon pets are not allowed to be prescribed CBD
  • CBD is known by pet owners as being good for anxiety as well as living with cancer or bad limbs.

"There is talk that national legislation to remove hemp from the Controlled Substances Act will appear in this year’s Farm Bill."

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5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation

Date: September 17, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation

Knowledge about our body is crucial, in living a healthy and well balance lifestyle. Inflammation is an important term in which many people are not knowledgeable of. Inflammation acts as the body's first responder. It is the response of the immune system to stress. In this article the author mentions foods that can fight of anti-inflammation in the body so you don't experience stress. One of the foods that were mention was foods that are fermented and probiotic, as well as dark leafy greens to name a couple.

Read more: 5 tasty foods that help fight inflammation


Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil

Date: September 11, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Boy Who Suffered 100 Seizures A Day Has Zero in 300 Days After Being Prescribed Cannabis Oil

Billy, an 11 year old living in Northern Ireland, will be the first person to receive a medical marijuana prescription in the United Kingdom. Billy suffers from severe epilepsy, which prevented more traditional medical treatments. His doctor agreed to prescribe it in the wake of overwhelming evidence of the success of Cannabidiol in treating his condition. Where previously Billy would experience up to 100 seizures a days - Billy has not experienced a seizure since starting his treatment 300 days ago in the United States. His mother also notes that it has helped with Billy's Autism - making better eye contact when he plays and communicates. To celebrate this largely important decision, the family is hosting an event, that already has 600 RSVP's, in support of Billy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Medical marijuana is increasingly being seen as a potential natural remedy to help combat different types of seizures.
  • CBD oil is helpful in that it's not psychoactive, meaning that it's ideal for treating seizures (in contrast to THC).
  • Billy is the first patient to have received a medical marijuana prescription specifically for seizures, and his condition has improved dramatically as a result.

"Before taking the CBD oil, Billy suffered from up to 100 seizures a day, which was severely damaging to his health, because one seizure could kill him."

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Now that's good bacteria

Date: September 07, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Now that's good bacteria

All bacteria that reside in your body is not harmful. "Good" bacteria are found mostly in your gut. This good bacteria is called probiotics, and it helps keep your gut healthy. Besides keeping your gut healthy, probiotics have been found to help with allergies, oral health, and boost your overall immune system. A balance between good (probiotics) and bad bacteria in your gut must be maintained. In order to do this, one must consume prebiotics and probiotics every day. Foods that should be eaten daily are fermented foods and high-fibre foods. In addition to making sure there is good bacteria in your gut, one must get enough sleep and exercise daily. This will keep your gut microbiome on course.

Key Takeaways:

  • probiotics are living microorganisms of a beneficial nature, found within the human body, specifically in the stomach.
  • These microorganisms can boost the body's immunity, which makes them useful for cold's, urinary tract infections and influenza.
  • To boost levels of probiotics in the body, it's a good idea to consume fermented foods, like yoghurt, miso and tempeh.

"Keeping a proper balance between the good and bad bacteria of your gut microbiome is important, and the way to achieve it is by ensuring that your ratio of beneficial-to-bad bacteria in your gut is kept in equilibrium."

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5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older

Date: September 04, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older

"5 things you can do to slow down brain decline as you get older" gives ideas on how to slow down cognitive function with age. Each suggestion that is mentioned reports that studies have been done to back-up the statements given. The article suggests that sex can slow down brain decline either by social or biological impact or a combination of both. The amount of sleep a person gets can affect their brain health. Being a part of social, mental and physical activities can also help. Societies can affect brain decline because of stereotypes about activities done by men verses women. Stereotypical social activities done by women slow down brain decline. Lastly, the article suggests that being proactive early in life will have more benefits than waiting until brain decline has already begun.

Key Takeaways:

  • Our cognitive functions slow down as we age but there are activities than can be done to prevent dementia.
  • Sexual activity and living an active life are both things that will help slow down dementia.
  • Partaking in social activities that is another activity that will keep the brain from deteriorating.

"It's time for us to take a lifelong approach to keeping our brains healthy as we age."

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The new science on anxiety and gut health

Date: September 01, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: The new science on anxiety and gut health

Probiotics may be a new treatment for mental health disorders. A new study creates a connection between good digestive health and good mental health. Lab mice showed that a lack of probiotics increased anxiety, but that anxiety decreased as the bacteria was reintroduced. The study claims there is a link to the brain and the digestive tract that creates a link between the the two, leading one to compliment the other, benefitting health, and positive mental health.

Key Takeaways:

  • In the study, researchers discovered the mice living a germ-free life ended up having unusual amounts of anxiety.
  • While the microbiome-brain connection—AKA the link between digestive and mental health—has been established in other studies, this time they found a first-of-its-kind connection between gastrointestin
  • If your probiotics seem to help keep your anxiety at a healthy level, keep doing what you’re doing: The little guys in your stomach are on your side.

"Probiotics are arguably the new Prozac already — and now there’s a concrete case for combating anxiety with good bacteria, too."

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Probiotic supplementation may ease constipation among elderly, new study suggests

Date: August 27, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Probiotic supplementation may ease constipation among elderly, new study suggests

There is a new study that has suggested supplementation can ease constipation among elderly people. As a person gets older, constipation problems increase because microbiota and gut functioning changes a lot. This is a very important issue in the west because people are living a lot longer. Some researchers have looked at scientific evidence that took a look at the link between microorganisms that are beneficial for gut health. The research was done specifically with elder people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Data shows probiotics may be a game changer in helping those suffering with constipation
  • The studies were carried out on the elderly and it showed that the probiotics and a significant effect.
  • Scientists tested different strains of probiotic and some seemed to produce better results than others.

"Different strains of probiotics induced beneficial effects in chronic constipation among the elderly, researchers from the University of Valencia found."

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Have You Heard of Humic Acid?

Date: August 18, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Have You Heard of Humic Acid?

Have you ever heard of the 3rd natural element? Some considered humic Acid to be just that. Have you not heard of the term humic Acid? Prior to reading this blog, neither did I. If you interested in learning about humic acid I suggest reading this blog. The article discuss what humic acids are and how they may be beneficial to the human body. The article even discuss how humic acids may be disappearing and why that is. It is a good time to learn all about this acid.

Read more: Have You Heard of Humic Acid?


5 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Date: July 29, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 5 Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar has been used for centuries as a cleanser and a food additive. In the form of apple cider vinegar it has multiple health benefits as well. Since it's made from apples, there are vitamins and minerals to be found in quality apple cider vinegar. It has anecdotal benefits like curing hiccoughs and also scientific ones like reducing blood sugar. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a mouth wash and applied topically also to help dandruff or other skin issues. It's a valuable ingredient that should be on everyone's pantry shelf.

Key Takeaways:

  • Apple cider vinegar has lots of health benefits such as controlling blood sugar and helping with weight loss.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial as a disinfectant and can replace many household products.
  • Apple cider vinegar also helps with cramps and can whiten teeth and help treat acne.

"Apple cider vinegar has a lot of benefits like curing hiccups to alleviating cold symptoms, detoxification, helping the human body digest foods more easily etc. Read more about the health benefits here."

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Top 7 Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure Naturally

Date: July 23, 2017 05:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Top 7 Foods That Fight High Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure can be dangerous. Hypertension is when it gets really high and that's a real concern for many. This gives examples of foods which can help fight it, though, so there's hope. High blood pressure can be caused by stress. Many people have it for this reason. It would e easy enough to add these foods to your diet even if you can't do much about your stressers. All you have to do is find recipes you like which contain the ingredients, but watch your salt intake since that is counterproductive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some of the common risk factors for high blood pressure include excessive red meat intake, excessive alcohol use, smoking, sedentariness, and Living a high stress lifestyle.
  • Unfortunately, although hypertension is common and dangerous, it can be hard to detect, as its symptoms are not highly visible or recognizable
  • There are many foods we can eat to help keep our blood pressure under control, such as bananas, pumpkin and watermelon seeds, garlic, onions, yogurt, and potatoes

"For millions of people, blood pressure can reach dangerously high levels."


7 Reasons Probiotics Should Be Part of Your Diet

Date: July 14, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 7 Reasons Probiotics Should Be Part of Your Diet

There are seven reasons why probiotics should be a crucial part of your overall diet. Probiotics are especially beneficial to women. Probiotics are living microorganisms and they are similar to the living microorganisms found in the human gut. These are very useful bacteria in that they help us digest our food. They also help to digest food and destroy bad microorganisms that might cause disease in people. When the good and bad bacteria is balanced, then we are healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Taking probiotics on a regular basis has many health benefits that help fight disease.
  • Natural sources od probiotics include yogurt, sauerkraut, picles, keffir and kimchi.
  • Probiotics helps our health in many ways which includeincludeing good bacteria, hhels treat vaginal infections, improves furtility, helps clear up skin infections, just to name a few.

"Recent research shows that, whether applied topically or taken orally, probiotics might also help with with acne, rosacea, and eczema too."

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Healthy gut bacteria improve immunity

Date: July 07, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Healthy gut bacteria improve immunity

Having healthy gut bacteria improves your overall immunity. The human body has ten times the amount of bacteria than cells do. These bacteria live on the skin and in the mouth and in the intestines. Many people turn to hand sanitizing to solver their problems. But, that can actually do more harm than good if you use a lot of it. There are studies that show no matter how much hand sanitizing you do, you will still have tons of bacteria in you.

Key Takeaways:

  • no matter how much hand sanitizer people use, their bodies are filled with good bacteria and other microbes.
  • Helpful bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi that live in the body make up the microbiome which helps us digest food, protect us against disease-causing bacteria and make vitamins.
  • eating fruits and vegetables, limiting processed food, and consuming at least 25 grams of fiber a day can help rebuild good bacteria in the body.

"Consider adding probiotics to the diet, preferably through natural foods rather than supplements."

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6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey

Date: July 01, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Honey

Honey has many amazing health benefits, including boosting immunity, improving sleep, aiding in weight loss, treating burns and injuries, preventing heart disease, and even making your hair silky. The reason honey is such a miracle food is its rich nutrients and antibiotic properties. In addition to the probiotic Lactobacillus Kunkeii, honey contains vitamins B6 and C, which help in lowering bad cholesterol, as well as anti-oxidants. The health benefits of honey should not be overlooked.

Key Takeaways:

  • Honey can help you lose weight because it's rich in vitamins and mobilizes your body's unused fat.
  • Honey contains antioxidants which can lower bad cholesterol and help prevent heart disease.
  • Honey can be used as a hair conditioner for shiny, silky hair.

"This easily available golden liquid treats you from both inside as well as outside because of its rich nutrient content and anti-biotic properties."

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Broccoli sprouts discovered to be a "secret weapon" against diabetes

Date: July 01, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Broccoli sprouts discovered to be a "secret weapon" against diabetes

A new study has shown that broccoli may be able to slow and even reverse type-2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 to 95 percent of those diagnosed with diabetes. The pharmaceutical approach, a drug called metformin cannot be used on some people because of the risks of kidney damage. The side effects of this drug are not pleasant, and include abdominal discomfort, muscle pain, and cramping. Researchers have determined that sulforaphane, which occurs naturally in broccoli is able to lower over-expressed high glucose genes that cause diabetes. With this discovery, researchers are hoping to stop the problem early and treat prediabetic patients using broccoli, thus avoiding type-2 diabetes altogether.

Key Takeaways:

  • specific vegetables such as broccoli helps patients with type-2 diabetes control their levels of sugar
  • type-2 diabetes is the most common form that people have been diagnosed with it and 90 percent of the people are living with type-2 diabetes
  • scientists discovered the fact that 1,720 genes are linked to hyperglycemia which causes extra glucose to linger in the blood

"It’s impressive how the cures for debilitating health problems — say, a vegetable inside your fridge — can be easy to find."

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Digestive Enzymes Are The New Probiotics. Here's What You Need To Know.

Date: June 16, 2017 04:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Digestive Enzymes Are The New Probiotics. Here's What You Need To Know.

Digestive enzymes are the brand new probiotics and there are some things you need to know about them. Probiotics will always be important to us. There is a new word that has taken the public by storm though and it is the word enzymes. That is actually for a good reason. People with chronic conditions can benefit greatly from their use. Digestive enzymes play a very important role for your body and it is well worth learning about.

Key Takeaways:

  • Body reliant on enzymes throughout entire digestive process (chewing to deriving nutrients)
  • Digestive issues (gut health to nutrient absorption) improved/cured by taking enzyme supplements
  • Reason to believe enzymes could help but limited data supporting claims to all benefits

"It’s now thought that nutrition can only cure so much — digestion and absorption are absolutely crucial."

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Seven health benefits of strawberries

Date: June 14, 2017 11:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Seven health benefits of strawberries

A lot of people want to live healthier lives and eating fruits and veggies are the best way of doing that. Strawberries are one of the most healthiest foods in the world and are packed with some major health benefits. There are seven very remarkable benefits that strawberries give to people. They help with weight loss and even help in fighting cancer. They also help to lower your bad cholesterol. They are very good for you.

Read more: Seven health benefits of strawberries


With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia

Date: June 04, 2017 12:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: With This Natural Syrup Look What Happen to your body - How to Treat Anemia

Anemia, a deficiency in your red blood cells, can help be combated just by making a simple syrup in your spare time. When combining various vegetables and apples such as carrots, apples and lemons, it can be filtered through gauze and ingested in a small and appropriate amount on a daily basis. In doing so, you can help detoxify your body through this natural syrup and see the benefits of clean Living without the use of medications that can have unintended side effects.

Key Takeaways:

  • People with anemia have a lowered amount of red blood cells, circulating in their system.
  • This can be the result of rapid growth in childhood, or heavy menstrual flow.
  • Use carrots, apples, lemons, beetroot and honey to create a natural curative solution to anemia.

"Prepare this healthy syrup to improve your blood. Do you feel tired and general weakness of your body?"


Vitamin K2 and why form matters!

Date: June 01, 2017 09:14 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Vitamin K2 and why form matters!

Many people are living to a much higher age than before. Because of this there is reason to take supplements and have a good balanced diet. This is great, but many are lacking in the vitamin K2. This vitamin is very important because it helps the circulatory system as well as aids bones. To work best it is advised that it should be taken with calcium and vitamin D because these work best together as a team.

Key Takeaways:

  • One important key is that K2 is beneficial to anyone looking take care of their bone and circulatory health.
  • Another huge takeaway is that this vitamin is increasing the longevity of the recipient's life.
  • How it works is a big takeaway. This drug works by ensuring that calcium is deposited specifically into the bones, rather than blood vessels.

"K2 is beneficial to anyone who wants to help take care of their bone and circulatory health and help protect these systems for future years."

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Scientists Say: Mitochondrion

Date: May 27, 2017 07:14 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Scientists Say: Mitochondrion

Mitochondria are crucial parts of cells, performing the integral function of glucose to ATP conversion, which provides energy for the function of the entire cell. They are found in the majority of cells, and they uniquely possess DNA, making them more complex than most other cellular structures. One theory behind mitochondrial DNA is that mitochondria originated from a living bacteria that lived with cells, and eventually joined together as a single unit. Mitochondria are an important identifying aspect of a cell, and are commonly regarded as a cell's most significant cellular structure.

Read more: Scientists Say: Mitochondrion


Increasing use by elders of CBD for anxiety

Date: May 23, 2017 11:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Increasing use by elders of CBD for anxiety

Medical marijuana has helped those with issues such as dementia cope with the pain but limiting the side effects of getting 'high'. As an example, a woman named Grace in Oregon began using a strain of this to help with her anxiety. In doing so, she was able to stay more calm vs. normal medication. Various facilities in the area help support this with recommendations and for a nominal fee for those interested in learning more.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is being discovered that medical marijuana can help elderly people with anxiety and sleeping issues. Different ways to administer the marijuana seems to be attracting to people
  • Seniors using marijuana are growing at a very fast rate. Up ten fold from 0.2 to 2.1 percent from 2002-2014
  • It isn't cheap, you will pay up to $400 to gain access to the drug in fees to facilities and the state plus the cost of the marijuana

"If you are living in a facility that accepts Medicare or Medicaid, you cannot use marijuana in any form, even though it’s legal in Oregon."

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SENNA: Natural Living Rooted in Tradition

Date: May 20, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: SENNA: Natural Living Rooted in Tradition

Having your grammar can help you get ahead in your work, esopecially if you feel you make many mistakes. If you write professionally and don't do it well you will be judged. It can cause you to lose opportunities since others might view you as uneducated and would then not want to hire you. Professional writings can include things on a job application, a resume, and more. These need to be polished. A reviewer can help with this.

Read more: SENNA: Natural Living Rooted in Tradition


fight cancer with baking soda

Date: May 16, 2017 04:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: fight cancer with baking soda

Baking soda can be used for cancer prevention. Baking soda has natural elements that allow the body to regulate pH levels. Regulating pH levels can help prevent the mutations that may cause cancer to form. Baking soda also has many other properties that can be relied on to detoxify the body. Detoxifying the body can also prevent a host of other ailments that are related to the occurrence of cancer. Few natural substances can be used to prevent cancer like baking soda.

Key Takeaways:

  • Baking soda helps reduce acid reflux in the body which in turn promotes overall health.
  • Cancer cells thrive in high acid. Baking soda reduces the acid level thus slowing the spread of cancer.
  • Healthy blood VB pH levels is key to over all healthy Living. Keeping pH right reduces the chances of getting cancer. Baking soda helps reduce acid restoring this balance.

"Many buffering systems equip the human body with the ability to optimize internal functions for as long a period as possible."


6 digestive problems that can affect your weight

Date: May 05, 2017 08:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: 6 digestive problems that can affect your weight

Although most digestive problems cause weight loss, there are some conditions that cause weight gain. The pain from acid reflux and ulcers are relieved by eating more, medication can help soothe the stomach, acid causing medicines should be reduced. Constipation can cause a temporary, not actual weight gain from not voiding, high fiber foods and water can alleviate thus. Bad bacterial overgrowth in the gut can be caused by medicines and diet, slows down intestinal function retaining weight, probiotics help. IBS and more seriously, Crohn's disease can cause bloat, constipation and medical treatments like steroids, cause weight gain. It's important to be carefully monitored and treated by your doctor if you have these conditions.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you aren't losing weight, sometimes it can be a sign of a bigger digestive problem instead of just diet issues.
  • Some issues like acid reflux, constipation, and IBS can be fixed at home with suppliments, vitamins, and a different diet.
  • Bigger problems like ulcers, bacteria overgrowth, and Crohns can be treated by doctors to solve the problem.

"Gastrointestinal and digestive issues can definitely have a large effect on the way we eat and how our bodies absorb and digest foods, causing us to gain or lose weight, says Dr Kenneth Brown, a gastroenterologist."

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How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

Date: May 03, 2017 04:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: How to Get Rid of Lice: 8 Natural Remedies

There are three types of lice, head lice that develops on the scalp portion and neck, then there is body lice that lives on bedding and clothing and will get on the persons body to feed, generally happens if the person has poor hygiene, the last type of lice is pubic lice, and this type of lice lives on the pubic area. When you find out that you have lice, you have to kill not only the living bugs, but the eggs as well. There are a few symptoms of lice, i.e. itching, red bumps, tickling when your hair moves, and finding eggs. There is an over the counter medicine that can be used to treat lice, and will typically need to be used twice because the first treatment will not kill off the most recent eggs. After treatment you should wash all materials that have come in contact with the lice, just to make sure they are not on those articles anymore like bedding, clothing, and even carpet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among young children.
  • Head lice don’t spread or carry disease, but they will have people scratching their heads a lot.
  • Lice feed on human blood, are very small and don't have wings.

"The CDC estimates that somewhere between six to 12 million head lice infestations happen every year among kids aged three to 11 years of age. In the United States, you’ll find the majority of head lice cases occurring in preschool and elementary school children and the people they live with."

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Living near nature linked to longer lives, says study

Date: April 20, 2017 10:44 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Living near nature linked to longer lives, says study

Researchers at Harvard along with Brigham and Women's Hospital have released a new study finding that women who live near green areas have better mental health and live longer. They propose that women in greener areas have less depression, socialize more , are more physically active and are exposed to less air pollution. The researchers state that several of women tested live in Urban areas and just having any increased vegetation around can be very beneficial.

Read more: Living near nature linked to longer lives, says study


Compound in hot peppers found to halt growth of breast cancer cells

Date: April 16, 2017 12:59 AM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Compound in hot peppers found to halt growth of breast cancer cells

Discovering breast cancer is pretty rare yet it seem to be common. There is no cure for breast cancer unfortunately but oncologist are still searching for one daily. However, even though there is no cure there are certain to prevent cancer. For starters, living a healthy life daily is really a great way to prevent cancer because it will keeping your body cleaning. There is one ingredient to help prevent cancer that no on would have thought about and that is hot peppers. According to the article they stunt the growth of breast cancer cells.

Key Takeaways:

  • -Data showed that the treatment caused cancer cells to divide at a slower pace
  • -This finding was in accordance with the results of other scientists, who demonstrated a significant decrease in the cell growth rate of MCF-7 breast cancer cells upon capsaicin stimulation,” said res
  • -According to the review, capsaicin showed strong anticancer properties by targeting multiple signaling pathways and disease-related genes in various stages of tumors such as initiation, promotion, pr

"Capsaicin, an active ingredient that gives chilies and peppers their pungent taste, was shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells, a study found."

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Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden

Date: March 28, 2017 03:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Prebiotics: Tending Our Inner Garden

Good and bad bacteria in our gut can make a big difference in our lives. The body uses fiber to help suppress our inflammatory response to bad bacteria. Our bodies have problems with discerning bad bacteria from low fiber. The body sees low fiber as bad bacteria and our natural inflammatory response is started. So,to stop our bodies from going into this type of response. We need to eat more fiber, and less processed foods in our diet.

Key Takeaways:

  • It's important to eat fiber to maintain the good bacteria in our intestines.
  • The good bacteria turn fiber into butyrate. Without butyrate our colon gets inflamed.
  • Similarly, our colon can get inflamed, if the immune system doesn't react to the bad bacteria in our colon.

"It makes sense that we have good bacteria in our gut that feed us and try to keep us healthy—they have a pretty good thing going."

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Yeast brew trouble for inflammatory bowel disorders

Date: March 19, 2017 06:44 PM
Author: Darrell Miller (
Subject: Yeast brew trouble for inflammatory bowel disorders

Yeast living in the intestines may worsen symptoms of Crohn's disease, reports a new study. If the fungus is stopped from causing problems in the intestines, patients could also feel relief from inflammatory bowel disorders. Anti-inflammatory medications are often used to treat IBDs, but it turns out that many patients with IBDs have an immune response to yeast. A study on mice found that high levels of yeast caused them to produce excess uric acid, and that their bowel disease could then be treated with medication to reduce the uric acid. The researchers are confident these results could be used on humans as well.

Read more: Yeast brew trouble for inflammatory bowel disorders


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